Results for 'Maurice Blondei'

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  1. The Phenomenology of Moral Experience.MAURICE MANDELBAUM - 1955 - Philosophy 32 (121):170-173.
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    Social Studies and Objectivity.Maurice Mandelbaum & George H. Sabine - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52 (1):81.
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  3. (2 other versions)La pensée religieuse de Friedrich von Hügel.Maurice Nédoncelle - 1936 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 121 (3):274-275.
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    La psyghologie collective d'aprés Charles Blondel.Maurice Halbwachs - 1929 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 107:444 - 456.
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    The Erotic Bird: Phenomenology in Literature.Maurice Natanson - 2021 - Princeton University Press.
    How does literature illuminate the way we live? Maurice Natanson, a prominent champion of phenomenology, draws upon this method's unique power to show how fiction can highlight aspects of experience that are normally left unexamined. By exploring the structure of the everyday world, Natanson reveals the "uncanny" that lies at the core of the ordinary. Phenomenology--which involves the questioning of that which we usually take for granted--is for Natanson the essence of philosophy. Drawing upon his philosophical predecessors Edmund Husserl, (...)
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  6. L'âme et la vie.Maurice Vernet - 1955 - Paris,: Flammarion.
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  7. Le Problème de la vie. Préface de Louis Lavelle,..Maurice Vernet - 1947 - Paris: Plon.
  8. La Vie dans l'énergie universelle.Maurice Vernet - 1966 - Paris,: les Productions de Paris.
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  9. Sartre.Maurice Cranston, Colette Audry, Philip Thody, Mary Warnock & Jean-Paul Sartre - 1968 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 24 (2):248-250.
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    Contributions to the Interpretation of the Veda: Second Series.Maurice Bloomfield - 1890 - American Journal of Philology 11 (3):319.
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    The 'Ablaut' of Greek Roots Which Show Variation between e and o.Maurice Bloomfield - 1880 - American Journal of Philology 1 (3):281.
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    Deep disagreements: A meta-argumentation approach.Maurice Finocchiaro & David M. Godden - unknown
    This paper examines the views of Fogelin, Woods, Johnstone, etc., concerning deep disa-greements, force-five standoffs, philosophical controversies, etc. My approach is to reconstruct their views and critiques of them as meta-arguments, and to elaborate the meta-argumentative aspects of radical disa-greements. It turns out that deep disagreements are resolvable to a greater degree than usually thought, but only by using special principles and practices, such as meta-argumentation, ad hominem argumentation, Ramsey’s principle, etc.
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  13. The History of Modern Culture.Maurice Parmelee - 1961 - Science and Society 25 (4):377-378.
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    A nonce–word in the Iliad.Maurice Pope - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (1):1-8.
    ‘My own father’, Achilles says to Priam in the last book of the Iliad, ‘was a rich man and a powerful one. He was king of the Myrmidons, and he had a divine wife. But even so the gods gave him evils too. He had no family, only one son, and that son a παναώριος one. I do not look after him in his old age, but am far away, sitting here in Troy, inflicting misery on you and your children.’The (...)
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  15. L'aventure de l'esprit dans les espèces, Bibliothèque de Philosophie scientifique.Maurice Pradines - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (3):527-528.
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    Chronique de carectérologie no 3.Maurice Gex - 1956 - Dialectica 10 (1):54-79.
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  17. Judging the constitution : the third way : some reflections on the introduction of constitutional review by judges in the Netherlands.Maurice Adams - 2007 - In José Rubio Carrecedo (ed.), Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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  18. The Cost of Sport, by M. Adams and J. Connell.Maurice Adams & James Connell - 1911
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  19. The real foundations of the alleged errors in Allais' Impossibility Theorem: Unceasingly repeated errors or contradictions of mark machina.Maurice Allais - 1995 - Theory and Decision 38 (3):251-299.
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    Hair and its heredity.Maurice H. Cane - 1912 - The Eugenics Review 4 (3):257.
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    Peut-on parler de connaissance philosophique?Maurice Lagueux - 1990 - Dialogue 29 (3):415-.
    C'est bien à la question de savoir s'il est légitime de parler d'une connaissance philosophique, que Gilles-Gaston Granger a voulu répondre, et répondre par l'affirmative, en publiant son dernier livre intitulé Pour la connaissance philosophique. À en juger pourtant par les réactions agaçées que provoque souvent cette enquête constamment réouverte sur la nature de la philosophie, il se pourrait bien que nombre de philosophes trouvent un peu excessif de consacrer encore un ouvrage de près de trois cents pages à justifier (...)
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    Les rapports du pouvoir spirituel et du pouvoir temporel chez Vitoria.Maurice Barbier - 2004 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 66 (2):297-310.
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    Phantom spiral aftereffect: Evidence for global mechanisms in perception.Maurice Hershenson - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (6):535-537.
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    This Great Argument.Maurice Kelley - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52 (2):206-208.
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  25. (1 other version)Text/Subtext in Everyone Says I Love You.Maurice Yacowar - 1996 - Film & Philosophy (Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts) 3:51.
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    A Configuration Approach to Mindset Agency Theory: A Formative Trait Psychology with Affect, Cognition and Behaviour.Maurice Yolles & Gerhard Fink - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Gerhard Fink.
    This book explains psychological, sociopolitical and organisational change in multidisciplinary settings. It shows how advanced techniques of contextual analysis can be applied to complex situations and offers a new cybernetic agency paradigm based on living systems theory. It models, diagnoses, and analyses complex, realworld situations to anticipate patterns of behaviour.
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    Socrates and Marx, or Socialism and Philosophy.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:109-114.
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    Flannery O'Connor's Way.Maurice Bassan - 1963 - Renascence 15 (4):195-199.
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    Notes on the DivyāvadānaNotes on the Divyavadana.Maurice Bloomfield - 1920 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 40:336.
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    Commentary on Johnson.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - unknown
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    Fostering the therapeutic alliance: Recognizing autonomy’s dialogical antecedents.Maurice Kinsella - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (3):332-356.
    This paper presents a reconceptualization of autonomy as the iterative realization of one’s capacity for “effective self-definition,” that is, possessing a sense of clarity and coherence in “who I am,” and exercising the decisional and volitional ownership over my life that this engenders. This process is “Relational,” wherein people’s interpersonal interactions have a deep and pervasive influence on their ability to recognize and exercise their autonomous capacities. This Relational understanding of autonomy is contextualized within the field of addiction rehabilitative practice. (...)
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    Reply to Creel's Clarification.Maurice T. Price - 1949 - Journal of the History of Ideas 10 (1/4):452.
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    (1 other version)John Stuart Mill.Maurice Cranston - 1958 - New York,: Published for the British Council by Longmans, Green.
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    The Coherence of Theism.Maurice Curtin - 1981 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 28:254-259.
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    I. The labyrinth of Gramscian studies and Femia's contribution∗.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1984 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 27 (1-4):291-310.
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    Unprofessional activities of teachers in appointments and in school board elections.Maurice Farris Seay - 1938 - Lexington, Ky.,: The University of Kentucky. Edited by Leonard Ephraim Meece.
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    Les jalons d'évaluation de l'hôpital Bellevue pour les situations de défaillance parentale (première version).Maurice Berger - 2001 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 152 (2):33-62.
    Ce travail a pour but de fournir des repères permettant d’évaluer dans quelles circonstances une séparation judiciaire parents-enfant doit être décidée. L’auteur, chef de service en psychiatrie de l’enfant au CHU de Saint-Étienne (hôpital Bellevue), décrit quatre profils à haut risque, qui montrent bien comment, quand une séparation est mise en place trop tardivement, ou alors quand elle est mal gérée, avec notamment des contacts parents-enfant insuffisamment protégés, on aboutit à des résultats dont le coût humain, financier, et social est (...)
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    Aspects actuels du problème de la transcendance.Maurice Blondel - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 8:10-17.
    Transcendance, ce concept évoque celui d’immanence. Malgré son étymologie, malgré cette relation avec son contraire, il prétend désigner non du relatif mais de l’absolu. Gomment est-il possible, sans rompre les attaches permettant à notre connaissance de concevoir le transcendant, d’affirmer légitimement la pureté de son essence et de son existence qui, par définition, sont incommensurables avec nous dans leur parfaite unité? Nous cherchons ici l’énoncé précis de la question et le mot de la réponse en indiquant aussi les répercussions vitales (...)
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  39. Briefwechsel.Maurice Blondel, Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, H. De Lubac & Robert Scherer - 1968 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 22 (4):614-616.
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    Blondel Et Teilhard de Chardin: Correspondance Commentee.Maurice Blondel, Auguste Valensin, Henri de Lubac & Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - 1964 - Beauchesne.
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    Correspondance philosophique.Maurice Blondel, Lucien Laberthonnière & Claude Tresmontant - 1961 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil. Edited by Lucien Laberthonnière & Claude Tresmontant.
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  42. Deux notes inédites sur la Trilogie et "l'Esprit chrétien".Maurice Blondel - 1961 - Archives de Philosophie 24 (1).
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  43. Plan de la pensée.Maurice Blondel - 1959 - Giornale di Metafisica 14 (3):399.
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    Y a-t-il une philosophie chrétienne ?Maurice Blondel - 1931 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 38 (4):599 - 606.
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    Safe by Design for Nanomaterials—Late Lessons from Early Warnings for Sustainable Innovation.Maurice Edward Brennan & Eugenia Valsami-Jones - 2021 - NanoEthics 15 (2):99-103.
    The Safe by Design conceptual initiative being developed for nanomaterials offers a template for a new sustainable innovation approach for advanced materials with four important sustainability characteristics. Firstly, it requires potential toxicity risks to be evaluated earlier in the innovation cycle simultaneously with its chemical functionality and possible commercial applications. Secondly, it offers future options for reducing animal laboratory testing by early assessment using in silico predictive toxicological approaches, minimizing the number that reaches in vitro and in vivo trials. Thirdly, (...)
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    Crossroads Revisited.Maurice Brown - 1999 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 33 (2):69.
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  47. Sens de l'histoire et religion: Auguste Comte, Northrop, Sorokin, Arnold Toynbee.Maurice Crubellier - 1957 - [Paris]: Desclée, De Brouwer.
  48. Uma Réplica.Maurice Dobb - forthcoming - Science and Society.
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    Bolletino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche. Enrico GiustiNuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza. Paolo GalluzziPhysis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza. Vincenzo Cappelletti, Guido CiminoRivista de Storia della Scienza. Giorgio Tecce.Maurice Finocchiaro - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):314-317.
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    Commentary on: John Fields’s “Objectivity, Autonomy, and the Use of Arguments from Authority”.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - unknown
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