Results for 'Max Preglau'

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  1. Cosmopolitanism and its enemies: the return of nationalism : the case of Austria.Max Preglau - 2015 - In Anastasia Marinopoulou (ed.), Cosmopolitan modernity. New York: Peter Lang.
  2. (1 other version)Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience.Max R. Bennett & P. M. S. Hacker - 2003 - Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by P. M. S. Hacker.
    Writing from a scientifically and philosophically informed perspective, the authors provide a critical overview of the conceptual difficulties encountered in many current neuroscientific and psychological theories.
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  3. Refugee Rights: Against Expanding the Definition of a “Refugee” and Unilateral Protection Elsewhere.Max Cherem - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (2):183-205.
  4. The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness.Max Velmans & Susan Schneider (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
    (From the book cover in 2007) The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness is the most thorough and comprehensive survey of contemporary scientific research and philosophical thought on consciousness currently available. Its 55 newly commissioned, peer-reviewed chapters combine state-of-the-art surveys with cutting edge research. Taken as a whole, these essays by leading lights in the philosophy and science of consciousness create an engaging dialog and unparalleled source of information regarding this most fascinating and mysterious subject.
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    Gesammelte Aufsätze Zur Wissenschaftslehre.Max Weber - 1988 - J.C.B. Mohr.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps, and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may (...)
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  6. On truth.Max Wertheimer - 1934 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 1 (2):135-146.
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    Number concepts for the concept empiricist.Max Jones - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (3):334-348.
    Dove and Machery both argue that recent findings about the nature of numerical representation present problems for Concept Empiricism. I shall argue that, whilst this evidence does challenge certain versions of CE, such as Prinz, it needn’t be seen as problematic to the general CE approach. Recent research can arguably be seen to support a CE account of number concepts. Neurological and behavioral evidence suggests that systems involved in the perception of numerical properties are also implicated in numerical cognition. Furthermore, (...)
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    The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: With Other Writings on the Rise of the West.Max Weber (ed.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press USA.
    For more than 100 years, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism has set the parameters for the debate over the origins of modern capitalism. Now more timely and thought-provoking than ever, this esteemed classic of twentieth-century social science examines the deep cultural "frame of mind" that influences work life to this day in northern America and Western Europe. Stephen Kalberg's internationally acclaimed translation captures the essence of Weber's style as well as the subtlety of his descriptions and causal (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Sinn und Grenzen der exakten Wissenschaft.Max Planck - 1965 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth.
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  10. Carnap's semantics.Max Black - 1949 - Philosophical Review 58 (3):257-264.
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    (1 other version)Axiomata (1944).Max Bense - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 11 (2020).
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    Eine Relektüre der Romantik Zwischen Ethik Und Didaktik: Postmoderne Relektüre Mit Didaktischem Bezug.Max Brinnich - 2021 - Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    An der Schnittstelle zwischen Philosophie, Literatur, Ethik und Ästhetik liegt in derphilosophischen Fach- und Literaturdidaktik ein nicht ausgeschöpftes Potential begraben –insbesondere im Umgang mit der literarischen Romantik. Diesem Potential spürt dievorliegende Arbeit nach, indem sie Schlegels „Lucinde“, Eichendorffs „Taugenichts“ undHoffmanns „Sandmann“ einer kritischen Relektüre unterzieht, um die in der philosophischenPostmoderne viel diskutierten Übergänge zwischen Ethik und Ästhetik sichtbar zu machenund ihre Bedeutung für die Fachdidaktik zu diskutieren.
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    Philosophisches Wörterbuch. 5. völlig neubearb.Max Apel & Peter Ludz - 1958 - W. De Gruyter.
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    Critical notices.Max Black - 1943 - Mind 52 (207):239-248.
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  15. Priority Monism Is Contingent.Max Siegel - 2016 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):23-32.
    This paper raises a challenge to Jonathan Schaffer's priority monism. I contend that monism may be true at the actual world but fail to hold as a matter of metaphysical necessity, contrary to Schaffer's view that monism, if true, is necessarily true. My argument challenges Schaffer for his reliance on contingent physical truths in an argument for a metaphysically necessary conclusion. A counterexample in which the actual laws of physics hold but the physical history of the universe is different shows (...)
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    Margins of precision.Max Black - 1970 - Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press.
  17. Postscript: Some Thoughts on Juliet Mitchell's Paper.Max Hernandez - forthcoming - Diacritics.
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    Der Einzige und sein Eigentum.Max Stirner - 1844 - Otto Wigand.
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  19. Die Lehre Vom Logos in der Griechischen Philosophie.Max Heinze & [Franz Friedrich Maximillian Heinze] - 1872 - F. Schmidt.
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  20. A Personal and Professional Tribute to George Graham.Max Hocutt - forthcoming - Behavior and Philosophy.
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    Werner Heisenberg (1901 – 1976).Max Jammer - 1976 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 7 (1):i-10.
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    A Definition Framework for the Terms Nanomaterial and Nanoparticle.Max Boholm & Rickard Arvidsson - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (1):25-40.
    Scientific writings and policy documents define the terms nanomaterial and nanoparticle in various ways. This variation is considered problematic because the absence of a shared definition is understood as potentially hindering nanomaterial knowledge production and regulation. Another view is that the existence of a shared definition may itself cause problems, as rigid definitions arguably exclude important aspects of the studied phenomena. The aim of this paper is to inform this state of disagreement by providing analytical concepts for a systematic understanding (...)
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  23. The overhuman in the transhuman.Max More - 2010 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 21 (1):1-4.
    Stefan Sorgner (2009) says that on becoming familiar with transhumanism, he “immediately thought that there were many fundamental similarities between transhumanism and Nietzsche’s philosophy, especially concerning the concept of the posthuman and that of Nietzsche’s overhuman.” In contrast to Bostrom (2005), Sorgner sees significant and fundamental similarities between the posthuman and the overhuman. (I will adopt his use of “overhuman” in place of “overman” or Übermensch.) This overall view seems to me highly plausible. I agree with most of Sorgner’s comments (...)
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    Explanations of Meaning.Max Black - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 4:29-35.
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  25. La Phénoménologie de Husserl.Max Dessoir - 1939 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 1 (2):271-276.
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    Le contrôle des recettes fiscales par la Cour des comptes.Max Frank - 1963 - Res Publica 5 (2):160-171.
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    Consideraciones lógico-epistémicas relativas a una forma de conceptualismo ramificado.Max A. Freund - 1991 - Critica 23 (69):3-25.
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    Toward a Sexual Difference Theory of Creolization.Max Hantel - 2014 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 22 (1):1-18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is the opening paragraph from the essay: Throughout his work, Édouard Glissant rigorously describes the process of creolization in the Caribbean and beyond. His later work in particular considers creolization through the planetary terms of Relation, “exploded like a network inscribed within the sufficient totality of the world.” As his philosophical importance rightfully grows, many note the dual risk of overgeneralization and abstraction haunting continued expansion of his geographical and theoretical domain. In light of (...)
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    L’actualité de Schopenhauer.Max Horkheimer & Marie-José Pernin - 2011 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 61 (1):44-57.
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  30. O pojęciu człowieka.Max Horkheimer - 2012 - Nowa Krytyka 28.
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    A Scrap of Paper: Breaking and Making International Law During the Great War. By Isabel V. Hull.Max Pensky - 2017 - Constellations 24 (1):135-137.
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  32. The Moon as Evidence.Max Radin - 1923 - Classical Weekly 17:79-80.
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  33. Man’s place in nature.Max Scheler, Hans Meyerhoff, Lewis Coser & William W. Holdheim - 1961 - Philosophy of Science 30 (3):292-293.
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  34. Skandal oder Existential? Zur Kritik der philosophischen Thanatologie.Max Beck - 2015 - In Max Beck & Nicholas Coomann (eds.), Sprachkritik als Ideologiekritik: Studien zu Adornos Jargon der Eigentlichkeit. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  35. Georg Simmel as Sociologist; Introduction by Donald N. Levine.Max Weber - 1972 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 39.
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    Delusions and misbeliefs.Max Coltheart - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (6):517-517.
    Beliefs may be true or false, and grounded or ungrounded. McKay & Dennett (M&D) treat these properties of belief as independent. What, then, do they mean by misbelief? They state that misbeliefs are So would they consider a very well-grounded belief that is false a misbelief? And why can't beliefs that are very poorly grounded be considered delusions, even when they are true?
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  37. Der kritische Rationalismus und die Verfassung der Wissenschaft.Max Albert - 2002 - In Jan M. Böhm, Heiko Holweg & Claudia Hoock (eds.), Karl Poppers kritischer Rationalismus heute. Mohr Siebeck. pp. 231--241.
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    Lezioni di filosofia.Max Rieser - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 27 (2):241-242.
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    Dank.Max Herzog - 1994 - In Weltentwürfe: Ludwig Binswangers Phänomenologische Psychologie. De Gruyter.
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  40. Zur theoretischen Auffassung der Person überhaupt Die Person in ethischen Zusammenhängen: Autonomie der Person.Max Scheler - 1916 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 2:372.
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  41. Versuche zu einer Soziologie des Wissens.Max Scheler - 1926 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (6):208-208.
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  42. Die philosophischen Grundlagen der Naturwissenschaften.Max Hartmann - 1948 - Jena,: G. Fischer.
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  43. Zum Begriff der Verantwortung.Max Horkheimer - 1954 - In Romano Guardini (ed.), Die Verantwortung der Universität: drei Vorträge. Würzburg: Werkbund-Verlag.
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  44. Thinking from underground.Max Deutscher - 2010 - In Danielle Celermajer Andrew Schaap (ed.), Power, Judgment and Political Evil. Ashgate. pp. 27-38.
    Arendt is a philosopher despite herself, and this paper uses the resources of her <<The Life of the Mind>> to develop her comparison of thinking as a 'departure' from the world with the fore-doomed attempt by Orpheus to bring from underground into the light of day. The paper investigates how thinking, though we 'lose' it in the speech and writing that makes it public, still can have the delicate power that Arendt attributes to it.
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  45. Physical, psychological and virtual realities.Max Velmans - 1998 - In Joanne A. Wood (ed.), [Book Chapter]. Routledge. pp. 45-60.
    This chapter examines the similarities and differences between physical, psychological and virtual realities, and challenges some conventional, implicitly dualist assumptions about how these relate to each other. Virtual realities are not easily understood in either dualist or materialist reductive terms, as they exemplify the reflexive nature of perception. The chapter summarises some of the evidence for this “reflexive model”—and examines some of its consequences for the “hard” problem of consciousness. The chapter then goes on to consider how these realities might (...)
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    Peirce and Leibniz.Max H. Fisch - 1972 - Journal of the History of Ideas 33 (3):485.
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    An Experimental Course in Esthetics.Max Meyer - 1907 - Psychological Review 14 (5):345-356.
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    Introduction to an Excerpt from Maurizio Lazzarato's The Revolutions of Capitalism.Max Henninger - 2007 - Substance 36 (1):98-98.
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    Self-control as habit.Max Hocutt - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):129-130.
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    Dialectic of enlightenment.Max Horkheimer - 1972 - [New York]: Herder & Herder. Edited by Theodor W. Adorno.
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