Results for 'Mechthild Habermann'

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  1. I. Theoretische Aspekte zur Interdependenz von Kontext - Text - Kontext. Nicht nur zur Begrifflichkeit : Kontexte, Kommunikation und Kompetenzen / Paul R. Portmann-Tselikas/Georg Weidacher. Welche Rolle spielt der Kontext beim Sprachverstehen? Zum Stand der psycholinguistischen und kognitionswissenschaftlichen Forschung / Alexander Ziem. Kontext korpuslinguistisch : die induktive Berechnung von Sprachgebrauchsmustern in grossen Textkorpora / Noah Bubenhofer/Joachim Scharloth. Historische Redeweisen über Texte : zur hermeneutischen Macht fester Kontexte. [REVIEW]Mechthild Habermann - 2009 - In Peter Klotz, Paul R. Portmann-Tselikas & Georg Ernst Weidacher, Kontexte und Texte: soziokulturelle Konstellationen literalen Handelns. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempo Verlag.
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    Ethics and nursing management: announcing the inauguration of a German workgroup consisting of lecturers and representatives of nursing institutions to discuss actual ethical problems and their consequences for curriculum development and necessary future research: research report.M. Habermann & O. Dibelius - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (3):269.
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    Corporate Social Performance and the Likelihood of Bankruptcy: Evidence from a Period of Economic Upswing.Florian Habermann & Felix Bernhard Fischer - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):243-259.
    The paper aims to investigate the effects of corporate social performance (CSP) on bankruptcy likelihood in times of economic upswing. This is important because prior related literature focused on data containing times of economic crises. We measure bankruptcy likelihood with the Altman Z score and CSP with Refinitiv ESG scores. By applying static panel data regressions and instrumental variable regressions on a sample of 6696 US-firm-year observations from 2010 to 2019 our main findings are: (i) In contrast to existing research, (...)
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  4. Erhard Weigel (1625-1699) und seine Schüler: Beiträge des 7. Erhard-Weigel-Kolloquiums 2014.Katharina Habermann & Klaus-Dieter Herbst (eds.) - 2016 - Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.
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    Gymnasien im ptolemäischen Ägypten - eine Skizze.Wolfgang Habermann - 2004 - In Peter Scholz & Daniel Kah, Das Hellenistische Gymnasion. De Gruyter. pp. 335-348.
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    Scientific misconduct from the perspective of research coordinators: a national survey.E. R. Pryor, B. Habermann & M. E. Broome - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (6):365-369.
    Objective: To report results from a national survey of coordinators and managers of clinical research studies in the US on their perceptions of and experiences with scientific misconduct.Methods: Data were collected using the Scientific Misconduct Questionnaire-Revised. Eligible responses were received from 1645 of 5302 surveys sent to members of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals and to subscribers of Research Practitioner, published by the Center for Clinical Research Practice, between February 2004 and January 2005.Findings: Overall, the perceived frequency of misconduct (...)
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    Images Made by Contagion: On Dermatological Wax Moulages.Mechthild Fend - 2022 - Body and Society 28 (1-2):24-59.
    Moulages are contact media – images made by contagion in the most literal sense: their production relies on a process in which the object to be reproduced is touched by the reproducing material. In the case of dermatological moulages, the plaster touches the infected skin of the sick and, once dried, serves as the negative form for the waxen image of a disease. Focussing on the collection of the Hôpital Saint-Louis in Paris, the article situates the production of dermatological moulages (...)
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    Masking the Abject: A Genealogy of Play.Mechthild Nagel - 2002 - Latham, MD, USA: Lexington Books.
    Masking the Abject traces the beginnings of the malediction of play in Western metaphysics to Aristotle. Mechthild Nagel's innovative study demonstrates how play has served as a 'castaway' in western philosophical thinking: It is considered to be repulsive and loathsome, yet also fascinating and desirable. The book illustrates how play 'succeeds' and proliferates after Hegel—despite its denunciation by classical philosophers—entering Marxist, phenomenological, postmodern, and feminist discourses. This work provides the reader with a superb analyisis of how the distinction between (...)
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    Working While Ill Is Not Always Bad—Positive Effects of Presenteeism.Daniela Lohaus, Wolfgang Habermann, Isam El Kertoubi & Florian Röser - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Presenteeism—going to work while ill—is a widespread phenomenon worldwide. Previous research has concentrated mainly on its negative effects. This study investigates the positive consequences of presenteeism derived from a comprehensive content model of presenteeism that was developed on the basis of negative effects. In a quantitative online-survey employees rated the degree of experienced or potential positive effects depending on whether they had worked while ill or not during the previous year. Results revealed that all postulated positive effects described in the (...)
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    C. Philipp E. Nothaft. Scandalous Error: Calendar Reform and Calendrical Astronomy in Medieval Europe. xvii + 357 pp., illus., tables, bibl., index. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. £75 . ISBN 9780198799559. [REVIEW]Katharina Habermann - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):590-592.
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    Ruth Schwerdt (2002, 2. korrigierte Auflage) Ethisch-moralische Kompetenzentwicklung als Indikator für Professionalisierung. [REVIEW]Prof Dr Monika Habermann - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (4):316-317.
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    Ruth Schwerdt (2002, 2. korrigierte Auflage) Ethisch-moralische Kompetenzentwicklung als Indikator für Professionalisierung: Das Modellprojekt “Implementierung ethischen Denkens in den beruflichen Alltag Pflegender”. [REVIEW]Monika Habermann - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (4):316-317.
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    Augmenting the cartesian medical discourse with an understanding of the person's lifeworld, lived body, life story and social identity.Helena Sunvisson, Barbara Habermann, Sara Weiss & Patricia Benner - 2009 - Nursing Philosophy 10 (4):241-252.
    Using three paradigm cases of persons living with Parkinson's Disease (PD) the authors make a case for augmenting and enriching a Cartesian medical account of the pathophysiology of PD with an enriched understanding of the lived body experience of PD, the lived implications of PD for a particular person's concerns and coping with the illness. Linking and adding a thick description of the lived experience of PD can enrich caregiving imagination and attunement to the patient's possibilities, concerns and constraints. The (...)
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  14.  25
    »Damit ein Anfang sei...« Hannah Arendt über Verzeihen und Versprechen.Mechthild Hetzel & Andreas Hetzel - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2010 (2):131-145.
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  15. Winchester vocabulary and standard Old English: the vernacular in late Anglo-Saxon England.Mechthild Gretsch - 2001 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 83 (1):41-87.
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    Comments on Margaret McLaren’s Women’s Activism, Feminism and Social Justice.Mechthild Nagel - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (1):103-113.
    Margaret McLaren’s ethnographic study that is ostensibly about Indian women’s activism also presents a nuanced critique of liberal human rights discourse and advances a relational cosmopoli­tanism. Her defense of Tagore’s decolonial worldview has much in common with an African Ubuntu ethics, which also eschews pos­sessive individualism in favor of a sociocentric social justice praxis philosophy. McLaren’s book provides an important contribution to questions of women’s empowerment, women’s rights, cultural rites, and situated knowledges.
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    Zum 125. Band der Rom Anischen Forschungen.Mechthild Albert - 2012 - Philosophia Naturalis 49 (2):3-13.
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    "Eine rein persönliche Angelegenheit". Antisemitismus und politische Öffentlichkeit als Konfliktfeld im "Bund Deutscher Frauenvereine".Mechthild Bereswill - 1997 - Die Philosophin 8 (15):9-23.
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    Albertus Magnus.Mechthild Dreyer - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 92–101.
    This chapter contains sections titled: I II III IV V VI VII VIII.
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  20. Die kritische Ausgabe der Werke Alberts des Grossen (Editio Coloniensis). Bericht ueber Geschichte, Stand und Plaene der Edition.Mechthild Dreyer - 1999 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 106:420-429.
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  21. Philosophische Methoden im lateinischen Mittelalter.Mechthild Dreyer - 2001 - Theologie Und Philosophie 76 (3):397-409.
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    Veritas-rectitudo-iustitia.Mechthild Dreyer - 1997 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 64 (1):67-85.
    ‘Was ist Wahrheit?’ — diese Frage des Pilatus bezeichnet eines der Grundprobleme menschlicher Existenz. Anders als das Tier ist der Mensch genötigt, sein Leben zu führen. Angesichts der Unwägbarkeiten, die seine Lebensführung bedrohen, hat er ein vitales Interesse daran, seinem Leben Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit zu geben, Gewissheiten zu finden, auf die er bauen kann. Das, was ihm bei seiner Suche nach Sicherheiten als fest und verbindlich aufscheint, das, was ihm Orientierung gibt, pflegt er mit dem Wort ‘wahr’ zu bezeichnen.
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  23. Was ist Philosophiegeschichte des Mittelalters.Mechthild Dreyer - 1991 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 98:354-364.
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    Laboring and Hanging Out in the Embodied In‐Between.Mechthild Hart - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (1):49-68.
    In this essay I describe how my involvement in the political struggles of an immigrant domestic workers' collective inspired me to hang out not only with the workers, but also with the writings of María Lugones and Hannah Arendt. The essay invites the reader to engage in a playful rereading of Arendt's notion of the worldlessness of laboring in the private realm by putting her into dialogue with Lugones's notion of the hangout that defies the public–private split Arendt adamantly insists (...)
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    Revision des politischen Vokabulars: Giorgio Agamben.Mechthild Hetzel - 2006 - In Andreas Hetzel & Reinhard Heil, Die Unendliche Aufgabe: Kritik Und Perspektiven der Demokratietheorie. Transcript Verlag. pp. 111-116.
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    »Wie ein Bogenstrich, der aus zwei Saiten eine Stimme zieht...«. Was im Tier blickt uns an?Mechthild Hetzel - 2009 - In Andreas Hetzel, Negativität Und Unbestimmtheit: Beiträge Zu Einer Philosophie des Nichtwissens. Festschrift Für Gerhard Gamm. Transcript Verlag. pp. 195-200.
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    Zur Einführung einer begrifflichen Perspektive in die Mathematik: Dedekind, Noether, van der Waerden.Mechthild Koreuber - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (3):243-258.
    For the Introduction of a Conceptual Perspective in Mathematics: Dedekind, Noether, van der Waerden. „She [Noether] then appeared as the creator of a new direction in algebra and became the leader, the most consistent and brilliant representative, of a particular mathematical doctrine – of all that is characterized by the term ‚Begriffliche Mathematik‘.“2 The aim of this paper is to illuminate this “new direction”, which can be characterized as a conceptual [begriffliche] perspective in mathematics, and to comprehend its roots and (...)
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    Richard Wilhelm's Chinese Networks.Mechthild Leutner - 2010 - Chinese Studies in History 43 (3):56-83.
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    Quod sint multo plures: Albertus Magnus über die Freundschaft.Mechthild Dreyer - 2004 - In Matthias Lutz-Bachmann & Jan Szaif, Was Ist Das Für den Menschen Gute? / What is Good for a Human Being?: Menschliche Natur Und Güterlehre / Human Nature and Values. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 151-165.
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    Das Thema Kleidung in den Etymologien Isidors von Sevilla und im Summarium Heinrici 1.Mechthild Müller, Malte-Ludolf Babin & Jörg Riecke (eds.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Isidor von Sevilla sammelte in seinen Etymologien um 600 vorhandenes Wissen aus historischen und zeitgenössischen Quellen. Rund 300 Wörter aus dem Arbeitsbereich Textil werden mit Kurzkommentaren erläutert. Ca. 1050 findet sich dieses Wissen überarbeitet im Summarium Heinrici 1. Am Beispiel des Komplexes "Kleidung" liefert der Band neben den Quellen und hervorragenden Übersetzungen zum ersten Mal auch ausführlicheKommentare und Überblicksdarstellungen, die eine Fülle von Informationen bringen. Dazu gehören u. a. neue Erkenntnisse über Herstellung der griechischen, bombycina genannten, Seide oder die Beschreibung (...)
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  31. Allison Weir, Sacrificial Logics: Feminist Theory and the Critique of Identity Reviewed by.Mechthild Nagel - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16 (4):305-307.
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    Cyborg-Mothers.Mechthild Nagel - 2001 - Radical Philosophy Today 2:203-215.
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    In Search of Abolition Democracy.Mechthild Nagel - 2007 - Radical Philosophy Today 2007:229-235.
    This paper focuses on the meaning of Du Bois’s concept of “abolition democracy” and on the ideology of the abstract rights-bearing subject. In Abolition Democracy, Angela Y. Davis calls for the abolition of oppressive institutions, such as U.S. prisons, in order to engender abolition democracy. She also questions how subjects appear before the law, which justifies and normalizes inhumane practices, such as the death penalty. In conclusion, the paper explores ideas on how to conceptualize thinking “beyond” the prison industrial complex (...)
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  34. Review: Nancy Fraser, Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the'PostSocialist' Condition.Mechthild Nagel - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (3):172-174.
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    Prisons and Punishment: Reconsidering Global Penality.Mechthild Nagel & Seth Nii Asumah (eds.) - 2007
    Prisons & Punishment focuses on cross-national perspectives about penal theories and empirical studies. It brings together African, European and North American social philosophers, sociologists, political scientists, legal practitioners, prisoners and abolitionist activists. The contributors reflect on carceral society, most notably in the United States, and on the re-conceptualisation of punishment.
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    Philosophy beyond the Carceral.Mechthild Nagel - 2016 - Radical Philosophy Review 19 (2):523-527.
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    P.j. Huntingdon, ecstatic subjects, utopia, and recognition: Kristeva, Heidegger, Irigaray.Mechthild Nagel - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (2):251-256.
  38. Refracting ubuntu philosophy through a constructivist lens.Mechthild Nagel - 2024 - In Joseph A. Agbakoba & Marita Rainsborough, Beyond decolonial African philosophy: Africanity, Afrotopia, and transcolonial perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  39. Seyla Benhabib, Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, and Nancy Fraser, with an introduction by Linda Nicholson, Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange Reviewed by.Mechthild Nagel - 1995 - Philosophy in Review 15 (3):158-160.
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    The End of Prisons: Reflections From the Decarceration Movement.Mechthild E. Nagel & Anthony J. Nocella Ii (eds.) - 2013 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This book brings together a collection of social justice scholars and activists who take Foucault’s concept of discipline and punishment to explain how prisons are constructed in society from nursing homes to zoos. This book expands the concept of prison to include any institution that dominates, oppresses, and controls. Criminologists and others, who have been concerned with reforming or dismantling the criminal justice system, have mostly avoided to look at larger carceral structures in society. In this book, for example, scholars (...)
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    What if Habermas went native?Mechthild Nagel - 2008 - peace studies journal 1:1-12.
    Using Habermas’s latest major work Between Facts and Norms (1996), this paper contrasts his explicit views on jurisprudence in the Occident with implied statements about the native Other. I wish to show that there’s an embedded agonistic (combative) — if not imperial — theme, not only in his theory of communicative competence, but also in his larger project of critical theory.
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  42. Die Kant-Rezeption bei Marechal und ihr Fortwirken in der katholischen Religionsphilosophie.Mechthild Pfaffelhuber - 1970
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  43. "Keine Emanzipation ohne die der Gesellschaft" : Adornos Blicke auf Verhältnisse und Verhängnisse zwischen den Geschlechtern.Mechthild Rumpf - 2006 - In Joachim Perels, Leiden beredt werden lassen: Beiträge über das Denken Theodor W. Adornos. Hannover: Offizin.
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    Die Äbte von Fulda im Gedenken ihrer Mönchsgemeinschaft.Mechthild Sandmann - 1983 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 17 (1):393-444.
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    Das Martyrolog der Domkirche von Verdun. (Verdun, Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 6).Mechthild Sandmann - 1993 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 27 (1):375-408.
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    Herrscherverzeichnis oder Weltchronik? Zur literarischen Einordnung des ‘Catalogus regum Tuscus’.Mechthild Sandmann - 1986 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 20 (1):299-389.
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    Diskussionsbeitrag zur Interpretation früh- und hochmittelalterlicher Flußfunde.Mechthild Schulze - 1984 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 18 (1):222-248.
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    Wem gehört die Stadt?Niklas Angebauer & Tobias Habermann - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (1).
    Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag systematisiert, kontextualisiert und evaluiert den eigentumstheoretischen Hintergrund der derzeit breit geführten Debatte um bezahlbaren Wohnraum in deutschen Großstädten. Ausgehend von der These, dass hinter der sogenannten ‚Wohnungskrise‘ eigentlich eine ‚Bodenkrise‘ steht, werden drei zentrale Konflikte um die politische Rahmung des Eigentums an Boden diskutiert: die Frage nach dem Gebrauch, der Verwertung und dem Eigentumsschutz. Dabei werden die normativen Potentiale eines immanenztheoretischen, apriorisch pflichtgebundenen Eigentumsverständnisses für eine zeitgemäße Wohnraum- und Bodenpolitik ausgelotet.
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    Sickness presenteeism explained by balancing perceived positive and negative effects.Daniela Lohaus, Wolfgang Habermann & Malte Nachreiner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:963560.
    Within the ever-growing body of research on sickness presenteeism, studies of perceived consequences are scarce and equally rare are joint considerations of beneficial and harmful effects. This study examined how experienced and expected consequences of the behavior are related to presenteeism. Positive and negative effects were considered simultaneously and comprehensively. This approach allowed us to capture the trade-off process of individuals in deciding to work or call in sick when ill. In a cross-sectional online survey, 591 working adults in Germany (...)
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    Die Idee der Freiheit: eine Bibliothek von 111 Werken der liberalen Geistesgeschichte.Gerhard Schwarz, Gerd Habermann & Claudia Aebersold Szalay (eds.) - 2007 - Zürich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
    Welche Bücher sollte man lesen, wenn man sich für die Idee der Freiheit interessiert? Welchen Beitrag haben etwa Aristoteles, Konfuzius, Mises, Ortega y Gasset, Röpke oder Schumpeter geleistet? 111 Beiträge sollen helfen, Antworten auf diese Fragen zu geben.
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