Results for 'Medical scientists Professional ethics'

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  1.  3
    Ethical reflection of Chinese scientists on the dual-use concerns of emerging medical biotechnology.Xiaonan Wang, Mingtao Huang, Hui Shao, Kun Li & Xiaomei Zhai - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Emerging medical biotechnology typically exhibits a ‘dual-use’ nature, which, while promoting human well-being, concurrently presents potential risks of misuse or abuse, thereby posing significant threats. Globally, including in China, emerging medical biotechnology is developing rapidly. To understand the views and perspectives of Chinese scientists on dual-use concerns, this empirical study conducted semistructured qualitative interviews with researchers (n=14) from various specialties within the Chinese medical field, analysing their perspectives and ethical considerations regarding dual-use concerns. The findings of (...)
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  2. Medical ethics in France: The latest great political debate.Anne Marie Moulin - 1988 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 9 (3).
    The American term Bioethics has been adopted over the last ten years and the development of Bioethics committees on the American model testifies this influence, even before the official appointment of a National Committee in 1983. This phenomenon acknowledged as the emergence of French bioethics is in fact the final outcome of a long-lasting crisis in the medical profession, in quest for a new style of ethics, breaking with the traditional professional ethics (French Déontologie, through the (...)
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  3. Ethical conflicts during the social study of clinical practice: the need to reassess the mutually challenging research ethics traditions of social scientists and medical researchers.Klaus Hoeyer, Lisa Dahlager & Niels Lynöe - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (1):41-45.
    When anthropologists and other social scientists study health services in medical institutions, tensions sometimes arise as a result of the social scientists and health care professionals having different ideas about the ethics of research. In order to resolve this type of conflict and to facilitate mutual learning, we describe two general categories of research ethics framing: those of anthropology and those of medicine. The latter focuses on protection of the individual through the preservation of autonomy (...)
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    Response to commentaries: ethical preparedness in genomic medicine—how NHS clinical scientists navigate ethical issues.Kate Sahan & Kate Lyle - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (8):532-533.
    We read with great interest the commentaries submitted in response to our paper about clinical scientists and the role of ethical preparedness1. The responses raised some important themes that intersect with those discussed in our paper, and we are grateful for the opportunity to expand on them. Pruski2 highlights the importance of ethics education for clinical scientists, noting insufficient provision of such teaching within the clinical science profession. This gap means that scientists completing higher specialist training, (...)
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  5. Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice.Jonathan E. Brockopp & Thomas Eich (eds.) - 2008 - University of South Carolina Press.
    Muslim Medical Ethics draws on the work of historians, health-care professionals, theologians, and social scientists to produce an interdisciplinary view of ...
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    Spheres of Morality: The Ethical Codes of the Medical Profession.Samuel Doernberg & Robert Truog - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (12):8-22.
    The medical profession contains five “spheres of morality”: clinical care, clinical research, scientific knowledge, population health, and the market. These distinct sets of normative commitments require physicians to act in different ways depending on the ends of the activity in question. For example, a physician-scientist emphasizes patients’ well-being in clinic, prioritizes the scientific method in lab, and seeks to maximize shareholder returns as a board member of a pharmaceutical firm. Physicians increasingly occupy multiple roles in healthcare and move between (...)
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    Medical ethics education as translational bioethics.Peter D. Young, Andrew N. Papanikitas & John Spicer - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (3):262-269.
    We suggest that in the particular context of medical education, ethics can be considered in a similar way to other kinds of knowledge that are categorised and shaped by academics in the context of wider society. Moreover, the study of medical ethics education is translational in a manner loosely analogous to the study of medical education as adjunct to translational medicine. Some have suggested there is merit in the idea that much as translational research attempts (...)
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    Medicine as Profession: An Overlooked Approach to Medical Ethics.Michael Davis - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (1):36-51.
    This article begins with three problems of “dual loyalties” in medicine, the supposed fact that military physicians are, as medical officers, sometimes required to do what violates ordinary medical ethics—for example, ignore medical need in order to treat their own wounded before civilians or wounded enemy, help make chemical or biological weapons more deadly, or assist at a rough interrogation. These problems are analyzed as special cases of a problem that could arise in any profession, a (...)
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  9. Global bioethics as modern medical ethics.Svitlana Pustovit & Liudmyla Paliei - 2012 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 2 (3-4):166-171.
    The paper argues in favor of bioethics as an alternative to traditional medical ethics. Relations between the patient and the doctor placed in the bioethical context are considered as a part of more general, global issues: relations between clients, customers, various (including non-medical) services and the professional medical community and society in general, world-renowned scientists and the international community. Medical ethics is seen in the wider expanse of diverse economic, political and cultural (...)
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    Gaps, conflicts, and consensus in the ethics statements of professional associations, medical groups, and health plans.N. D. Berkman - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):395-401.
    Background: Patients today interact with physicians, physician groups, and health plans, each of which may follow distinct ethical guidelines.Method: We systematically compared physician codes of ethics with ethics policies at physician group practices and health plans, using the 1998–99 policies of 38 organisations—18 medical associations , nine physician group practices , and 12 health plans —selected using random and stratified purposive sampling. A clinician and a social scientist independently abstracted each document, using a 397-item health care (...) taxonomy; a reconciled abstraction form was used for analysis. This study focuses on ethics policies regarding professional obligation towards patients, resource allocation, and care for the vulnerable in society.Results: A majority in all three groups mention “fiduciary obligations” of one sort or another, but associations generally address physician/patient relations but not health plan obligations, while plans rarely endorse physicians’ obligations of advocacy, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Except for occasional mentions of cost effectiveness or efficiency, ethical considerations in resource allocation rarely arise in the ethics policies of all three organisational types. Very few associations, groups, or plans specifically endorse obligations to vulnerable populations.Conclusions: With some important exceptions, we found that the ethics policies of associations, groups, and plans are narrowly focused and often ignore important ethical concerns for society, such as resource allocation and care for vulnerable populations. More collaborative work is needed to build integrated sets of ethical standards that address the aims and responsibilities of the major stakeholders in health care delivery. (shrink)
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    Professional responsibilities of biomedical scientists in public discourse.P. S. Copland - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):61-62.
    Minorities who disagree with the “scientific consensus” must be allowed to air their viewsI will begin by discussing the example used in Schüklenk’s paper1 of the self proclaimed “HIV dissidents” and then discuss whether the recommendations made are useful and could be applied to other examples in science.Schüklenk’s primary concern according to his title is with the professional responsibilities of biomedical scientists engaging in public discourse. The example given is of the effect that self proclaimed HIV dissidents have (...)
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  12.  46
    Professional responsibilities of biomedical scientists in public discourse.Udo Schuklenk - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):53-60.
    This article describes how a small but vocal group of biomedical scientists propagates the views that either HIV is not the cause of AIDS, or that it does not exist at all. When these views were rejected by mainstream science, this group took its views and arguments into the public domain, actively campaigning via newspapers, radio, and television to make its views known to the lay public. I describe some of the harmful consequences of the group's activities, and ask (...)
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  13.  32
    What ethical approaches are used by scientists when sharing health data? An interview study.Deborah Mascalzoni, Heidi Beate Bentzen & Jennifer Viberg Johansson - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundHealth data-driven activities have become central in diverse fields (research, AI development, wearables, etc.), and new ethical challenges have arisen with regards to privacy, integrity, and appropriateness of use. To ensure the protection of individuals’ fundamental rights and freedoms in a changing environment, including their right to the protection of personal data, we aim to identify the ethical approaches adopted by scientists during intensive data exploitation when collecting, using, or sharing peoples’ health data.MethodsTwelve scientists who were collecting, using, (...)
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    Ethical implications in the allocation of scarce medical resources in Poland.Tadeusz Tołłoczko - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (1):63-70.
    The health care system in Poland is undergoing major change and it is possible that these changes could affect clinical research. Therefore, the situation of funding of health care is important for the future of medical research in this country. Some questions relevant in this field will be addressed. Since funds for health care and scientific research remain inadequate, their allocation raises moral, economic, legal and organisational dilemmas. The clinical aspects of resource allocation also include physicians’ responsibilities towards their (...)
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    Matters of interest to medical professionals.Kenneth Boyd - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (2):75-76.
    What should readers expect of a journal, not primarily of ethics nor of bioethics, but of medical ethics? The ‘Disclaimer’ on this journal’s inside front cover states that it is ‘intended for medical professionals’. That perhaps narrows the field: but what interests ‘medical professionals’? Writing in 1796, the young Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet, polymath and professional patient, declared that ‘Physicians… are shallow animals: having always employed their minds about Body and Gut, they imagine that (...)
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    Conceptualizing Boundaries for the Professionalization of Healthcare Ethics Practice: A Call for Empirical Research.Nancy C. Brown & Summer Johnson McGee - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (4):325-341.
    One of the challenges of modern healthcare ethics practice is the navigation of boundaries. Practicing healthcare ethicists in the performance of their role must navigate meanings, choices, decisions and actions embedded in complex cultural and social relationships amongst diverse individuals. In light of the evolving state of modern healthcare ethics practice and the recent move toward professionalization via certification, understanding boundary navigation in healthcare ethics practice is critical. Because healthcare ethics is endowed with many boundaries which (...)
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    Ethical issues in disability and rehabil[i]tation: report of a 1989 international conference.Barbara Duncan & Diane E. Woods (eds.) - 1989 - New York, N.Y., USA: World Rehabilitation Fund.
    This monograph consists of five parts: (1) introductory material including a conference overview; (2) papers presented at an international symposium on the topic of ethical issues in disability and rehabilitation as a section of the Annual Conference of the Society for Disability Studies; (3) responses to the symposium, prepared by four of the participants; (4) selected additional papers which offer views from perspectives or cultures not represented at the Denver conference; and (5) an annotated international bibliography. Representatives from 10 countries (...)
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    Research misconduct policy in biomedicine: beyond the bad-apple approach.Barbara Klug Redman - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    An analysis of current biomedical research misconduct policy that proposes a new approach emphasizing the context of misconduct and improved oversight. Federal regulations that govern research misconduct in biomedicine have not been able to prevent an ongoing series of high-profile cases of fabricating, falsifying, or plagiarizing scientific research. In this book, Barbara Redman looks critically at current research misconduct policy and proposes a new approach that emphasizes institutional context and improved oversight. Current policy attempts to control risk at the individual (...)
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  19.  16
    The scientist and the advertisement: Reklamegutachten in imperial Germany.Joris Mercelis - 2020 - History of Science 58 (4):507-532.
    In late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany, the integration of product-evaluating certificates and reports ( Gutachten) into advertisements triggered repeated condemnations of “advertisement- Gutachten” ( Reklamegutachten), and scientists and science administrators introduced various restrictions to prevent the appearance of such documents. At the same time, the provision of Gutachten to private individuals and firms seemed crucial to the success of many private and public laboratories. Some chemical and other professionals, moreover, argued that the authoring and use of Reklamegutachten could (...)
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  20.  14
    “I think all of us should have […] much better training in ethics.” Ethical challenges in policy making during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from an interview study with Swiss policy makers and scientists.Caroline Brall, Felix Gille, Caroline Schlaufer, Rouven Porz & Ralf J. Jox - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background The COVID-19 pandemic posed many unprecedented challenges to health care systems and public health efforts worldwide. Policy making and science were deeply intertwined, in particular with regard to the justification of health policy measures. In this context, ethical considerations were often at the core of decision-making trade-offs. However, not much is known about the actual ethical challenges encountered by policy makers and scientists involved in policy advice. With this study, we therefore aim to explore the ethical challenges during (...)
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  21.  18
    "Big Science" und der Mythos von der Ehrlichkeit und Ehrenhaftigkeit der Wissenschaftler: das Beispiel Biomedizin.Heinz David - 2000 - Hamburg: Akademos.
  22.  42
    Medical ethics in times of war and insurrection: Rights and duties. [REVIEW]S. R. Benatar - 1993 - Journal of Medical Humanities 14 (3):137-147.
    The military might of the modern era poses devastating threats to humankind. Wars result from struggles for material or ideological power. In this context the probability of flouting agreements made during peaceful times is great. The rights of victims and the rights of medical personnel are vulnerable to State and military momentum in the quest for sovereignty. Scholars, scientists and physicians enjoy little enough influence during times of peace and we should be sanguine about their influence during war. (...)
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    Ethical challenges regarding the use of stem cells: interviews with researchers from Saudi Arabia.Ghiath Alahmad, Sarah Aljohani & Muath Fahmi Najjar - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-7.
    Background With the huge number of patients who suffer from chronic and incurable diseases, medical scientists continue to search for new curative methods for patients in dire need of treatment. Interest in stem cells is growing, generating high expectations in terms of the possible benefits that could be derived from stem cell research and therapy. However, regardless of the hope of stem cells changing and improving lives, there are many ethical, religious, and political challenges and controversies that affect (...)
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    Scientism as a Social Response to the Problem of Suicide.Scott J. Fitzpatrick - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (4):613-622.
    As one component of a broader social and normative response to the problem of suicide, scientism served to minimize sociopolitical and religious conflict around the issue. As such, it embodied, and continues to embody, a number of interests and values, as well as serving important social functions. It is thus comparable with other normative frameworks and can be appraised, from an ethical perspective, in light of these values, interests, and functions. This work examines the key values, interests, and functions of (...)
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  25.  30
    Responsible Conduct of Research.Adil E. Shamoo & David B. Resnik - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Ethics in scientific research has never been more important. Recent controversies over the integrity of data in federally funded science, the manipulation and distortion of privately sponsored research, cloning, stem cell research, and the patenting of DNA and cell lines, illustrate the need for a more thorough education in ethics for researchers at all levels. Now in its second edition, Responsible Conduct of Research provides an introduction to many of the social, ethical, and legal issues facing scientists (...)
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  26.  6
    Ethos, Bioethics, and Sexual Ethics in Work and Reception of the Anatomist Niels Stensen (1638-1686): Circulation of Love.Frank Sobiech - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book offers a unique and comprehensive outline of the ethos, the bioethics and the sexual ethics of the renowned anatomist and founder of modern geology, Niels Stensen (1638-1686). It tells the story of a student who is forced to defend himself against his professor who tries to plagiarize his first discovery, the "Ductus Stenonis": the first performance test for the young researcher. The focal points are questions of bioethics, especially with regard to human reproduction, sexual ethics, the (...)
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    A Good Death?: Law and Ethics in Practice.Simon Woods & Lynn Hagger (eds.) - 2013 - Burlington, VT: Routledge.
    This interdisciplinary collection presents valuable discourse and reflection on the nature of a good death. Bringing together a leading judge and other legal scholars, philosophers, social scientists, practitioners and parents who present varying accounts of a good death, the chapters draw from personal experience as well as policy, practice and academic analysis.Covering themes such as patients' rights to determine their own good death, considering their best interests when communication becomes difficult and the role and responsibilities of health professionals, the (...)
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  28. Entrustable professional ethical actions (EPEAs): pioneering a new paradigm for bioethics training & assessment in graduate medical education.Russell Franco D’Souza, Mary Mathew & Krishna Mohan Surapaneni - forthcoming - International Journal of Ethics Education:1-13.
    Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) are widely utilized in competency-based medical education (CBME) to assess clinical readiness, yet their application in bioethics remains less explored. This study introduces Entrustable Professional Ethical Actions (EPEAs) to address the ethical complexities faced by medical professionals transitioning to residency or postgraduate training. A structured framework for EPEAs was developed through a systematic review of bioethics literature and the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. Competencies were categorized under seven domains, (...)
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    The Ethics Laboratory: A Dialogical Practice for Interdisciplinary Moral Deliberation.Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (2):185-199.
    Recent advancements in therapeutic and diagnostic medicine, along with the creation of large biobanks and methods for monitoring health technologies, have improved the prospects for preventing, treating, and curing illness. These same advancements, however, give rise to a plethora of ethical questions concerning good decision-making and best action. These ethical questions engage policymakers, practitioners, scientists, and researchers from a variety of fields in different ways. Collaborations between professionals in the medical and health sciences and the social sciences and (...)
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  30. Coordinating the norms and values of medical research, medical practice and patient worlds—the ethics of evidence based medicine in orphaned fields of medicine.R. Vos - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (2):166-170.
    Next SectionEvidence based medicine is rightly at the core of current medicine. If patients and society put trust in medical professional competency, and on the basis of that competency delegate all kinds of responsibilities to the medical profession, medical professionals had better make sure their competency is state of the art medical science. What goes for the ethics of clinical trials goes for the ethics of medicine as a whole: anything that is scientifically (...)
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    Ethos, Bioethics, and Sexual Ethics in Work and Reception of the Anatomist Niels Stensen.Frank Sobiech - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a unique and comprehensive outline of the ethos, the bioethics and the sexual ethics of the renowned anatomist and founder of modern geology, Niels Stensen. It tells the story of a student who is forced to defend himself against his professor who tries to plagiarize his first discovery, the “Ductus Stenonis”: the first performance test for the young researcher. The focal points are questions of bioethics, especially with regard to human reproduction, sexual ethics, the beginning (...)
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  32. Professional ethics in Polish Medicine.Stefan Konstanczak & Bogna Choinska - 2011 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 1 (1-2):14-20.
    Justifying the existence of professional ethics in medicine is usually connected with the traditions of a profession and with a humanistic dimension of these ethics, pointing at the same time to their culture-forming character. With such an attitude, professional ethics is treated as a part of all mankind’s output, and its teaching turns out to be an important element of preparation for taking part in culture. Taking into account the cultural meaning of professional (...), one should notice that all discussions about the character of relations of medicine and ethics exceed the very health care system. The dilemma outlined in the article deals with the problem whether the existence of medical ethics requires external regulations or is this also a creation of the very representatives of medicine and only they can formulate it. If the latter is to be assumed, ethics in medicine would have to be independent of other detailed ethics and it would not need to be included in any other more general theory. In the first solution, medical ethics is becoming a part of general ethics and, therefore, it would be justified to include it in a more general theory – bioethics. The authors indicate that professional ethics does not limit freedom of the staff but gives a special opportunity to use it. Records constituting its contents are mostly standardized by a professional group which sets criteria of recruitment on its own and general duties resting on their members. (shrink)
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  33.  64
    Professional Ethics in a Virtual World: The Impact of the Internet on Traditional Notions of Professionalism.Ellen M. Harshman, James F. Gilsinan, James E. Fisher & Frederick C. Yeager - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):227-236.
    Numerous articles in the popular press together with an examination of websites associated with the medical, legal, engineering, financial, and other professions leave no doubt that the role of professions has been impacted by the Internet. While offering the promise of the democratization of expertise – expertise made available to the public at convenient times and locations and at an affordable cost – the Internet is also driving a reexamination of the concept of professional identity and related claims (...)
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  34. Some theoretical problems of professional ethics in medical and nursing care.M. Nemcekova - 1998 - Filozofia 53 (6):366-375.
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    Covert Medication: Legal, Professional, and Ethical Considerations.Rosalind Abdool - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):168-169.
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    Individual liberty and medical control.Heta Häyry - 1998 - Brookfield, VT: Ashgate.
    This book addresses the moral, social and political problems emerging from the practice of healing and caring, biomedical research and the provision of health care services. The primary aim of many professional bioethicists is, of late, to solve as efficiently as possible, the problems encountered by health care providers and scientists in clinical, laboratory and administrative settings. Seen from the viewpoint of applied philosophy, however, this is a dangerous tendency if the grounds for the suggested solutions are not (...)
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    Forschungsbetrug in der Medizin: Fakten, Analysen, Präventionsstrategien.Stella Elaine Urban - 2015 - Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
    Um das Ansehen von medizinischen Forschern ist es in der westlichen Welt nicht überall gut bestellt. In den 1990er-Jahren gelangte das Thema »Medizinischer Forschungsbetrug« erstmals in den USA in das öffentliche Bewusstsein. Eine Debatte um begünstigende Strukturen und denkbare Kontrollinstrumente zur Eindämmung von Missbrauch entbrannte – in Deutschland blieb ein solcher Diskurs bis zur Jahrhundertwende zunächst aus. Der Band nimmt wissenschaftlich arbeitende Ärzte, die ethischen Anforderungen, denen sie sich ausgesetzt sehen, und das System, in dem sie arbeiten, in den Fokus. (...)
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  38. Trust and professionalism in science: medical codes as a model for scientific negligence?Hugh Desmond & Kris Dierickx - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-11.
    Background Professional communities such as the medical community are acutely concerned with negligence: the category of misconduct where a professional does not live up to the standards expected of a professional of similar qualifications. Since science is currently strengthening its structures of self-regulation in parallel to the professions, this raises the question to what extent the scientific community is concerned with negligence, and if not, whether it should be. By means of comparative analysis of medical (...)
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    The icepick surgeon: murder, fraud, sabotage, piracy, and other dastardly deeds perpetrated in the name of science.Sam Kean - 2021 - New York: Little, Brown and Company, a division of Hachette Book Group.
    Science is a force for good in the world--at least usually. But sometimes, when obsession gets the better of scientists, they twist a noble pursuit into something sinister. Under this spell, knowledge isn't everything, it's the only thing--no matter the cost. Bestselling author Sam Kean tells the true story of what happens when unfettered ambition pushes otherwise rational men and women to cross the line in the name of science, trampling ethical boundaries and often committing crimes in the process. (...)
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    Clinical nurse adherence to professional ethics: A grounded theory.Qingqing Yang, Zhihui Zheng, Shuqin Pang, Yilong Wu, Jujuan Liu, Jiahui Zhang, Xiahua Qiu, Yufeng Huang, Jia Xu & Liyue Xie - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (2):197-209.
    Background Professional ethics is the regulation and discipline of nurses’ daily nursing work. Nurses often encounter various ethical challenges and problems in their clinical work, but there are few studies on nurses' adherence to professional ethics. Research Aim An analysis of nursing adherence to nursing ethics from the perspective of clinical nurses in the Chinese public health system. Research Design This study adopts the grounded theory approach proposed by Strauss and Corbin. Participants and research context (...)
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    Consulting scientist and engineer liability: A survey of relevant law.Margaret N. Strand - 1997 - Science and Engineering Ethics 3 (4):357-394.
    This paper is a survey of the law in the United States which is applicable to consulting scientists and engineers. Based on the body of law which has developed for the construction industry and professional “advice-givers” such as attorneys, medical doctors and accountants, the paper reviews professional responsibilities in the areas of Common Law Torts. Common Law Contracts, certain U.S. Federal and State Statutes and the protection of sensitive information.
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    Re-visiting professional ethics in psychotherapy: reflections on the use of talking therapies as a supportive adjunct for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and ‘medically unexplained symptoms’.Joanne Hunt & Charlotte Blease - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Following years of debate over the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), public health bodies in the UK and beyond have determined that no psychotherapy is clinically proven for this patient group. In the field of ME/CFS and the wider arena of ‘medically unexplained symptoms’ (MUS), patient survey data and qualitative research capturing patient experiences and psychotherapist attitudes suggest that therapeutic practice may sometimes fall short of required ethical standards. This raises questions about how psychotherapists (...)
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    The robustness of medical professional ethics when times are changing: a comparative study of general practitioner ethics and surgery ethics in The Netherlands.J. Dwarswaard, M. Hilhorst & M. Trappenburg - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (10):621-625.
    Society in the 21st century is in many ways different from society in the 1950s, the 1960s or the 1970s. Two of the most important changes relate to the level of education in the population and the balance between work and private life. These days a large percentage of people are highly educated. Partly as a result of economic progress in the 1950s and the 1960s and partly due to the fact that many women entered the labour force, people started (...)
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    Professional ethics and primary care medicine: beyond dilemmas and decorum.Harmon L. Smith - 1986 - Durham: Duke University Press. Edited by Larry R. Churchill.
    This volume moves beyond ethics as problem-solving or ethics as etiquette to offer a look at ethics in primary care—as opposed to life-or-death—medical care. Professional Ethics and Primary Care Medicine deals with the ethics of routine, day-to-day encounters between doctors and patients. It probes beneath the hard decisions to look at the moral frameworks, habits of thought, and customs of practice that underlie choices. Harmon Smith and Larry Churchill argue that primary care, far (...)
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    “Hooked up to that damn machine”: Working with metaphors in clinical ethics cases.Susanne Michl & Anita Wohlmann - 2019 - Clinical Ethics 14 (2):80-86.
    The frequent use of metaphors in health care communication in general and clinical ethics cases in particular calls for a more mindful and competent use of figurative speech. Metaphors are powerful tools that enable different ways of thinking about complex issues in health care. However, depending on how and in which context they are used, they can also be harmful and undermine medical decision-making. Given this contingent nature of metaphors, this article discusses two approaches that suggest how (...) health care professionals may systematically and imaginatively work with metaphors. The first approach is informed by a model developed by cognitive scientists George Lakoff and Mark Turner. The second approach is a close reading and thus a text-immanent, hermeneutical strategy. Using the double perspective of an ethics consultant and a researcher in literature studies, we take a case from Richard M Zaner in which a metaphor is central to the clinical-ethical problem. The article shows that the approaches, which focus on creativity and the intersections of form and content, may be helpful tools in clinical ethics, enabling a competent and mindful working with metaphors in complex cases as well as supporting the consultant’s thoughts processes. (shrink)
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    Stimulating professional collective responsibility from the outset in mainstreaming genomics.Maria Siermann, Amicia Phillips, Zoë Claesen-Bengtson & Eva Van Steijvoort - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (8):525-526.
    Owing to technological advances, genomic medicine is moving from specific to broader genetic analyses and from specialised to mainstream services. Sahan et al 1 point to complex ethical cases encountered by clinical laboratory scientists in the context of genomic medicine’s expansion. The authors discuss debates on interpreting and reporting genetic results, offering extended genetic testing and differences in the perceived responsibility of clinical laboratory scientists in different settings. As demonstrated by the case examples in the article, while genomic (...)
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    The professional ethic and the hospital service.Norah Mackenzie - 1971 - London,: English Universities Press.
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    Sharing decisions amid uncertainties: a qualitative interview study of healthcare professionals’ ethical challenges and norms regarding decision-making in gender-affirming medical care.Bert C. Molewijk, Fijgje de Boer, Baudewijntje P. C. Kreukels, Marijke A. Bremmer, Casper Martens & Karl Gerritse - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundIn gender-affirming medical care (GAMC), ethical challenges in decision-making are ubiquitous. These challenges are becoming more pressing due to exponentially increasing referrals, politico-legal contestation, and divergent normative views regarding decisional roles and models. Little is known, however, about what ethical challenges related to decision-making healthcare professionals (HCPs) themselves face in their daily work in GAMC and how these relate to, for example, the subjective nature of Gender Incongruence (GI), the multidisciplinary character of GAMC and the role HCPs play in (...)
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    Professional Ethics in Context: Practising Rural Canadian Psychologists.Judi L. Malone - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (4):463-477.
    The complexities of professional ethics are best understood and interpreted within their sociohistorical context. This paper focuses on the experience of 20 rural psychologists from across Canada, a context rife with demographic and practice characteristics that may instigate ethical issues. Employing hermeneutic phenomenology, these qualitative research results are indicative of professional struggles that impacted the participants’ experience of professional ethics and raised key questions about policy and practise. Concerns regarding competition highlight potential professional vulnerability, (...)
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    Professional Ethics.David Luban - 2003 - In R. G. Frey & Christopher Heath Wellman, A Companion to Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 583–596.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Three Faces of Professional Ethics Role Morality A First Try at a Solution: Two‐level Structures A Friendly Amendment: From Two Levels to Four Adversarial Professional Roles The Reciprocal Adjustment of Means and Ends Role Morality as Natural Law.
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