Results for 'Megumi Imada'

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  1. Amerika tetsugaku no genryū.Megumi Imada - 1951
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    Experimental evidence suggests intergroup relations are, by default, neutral rather than aggressive.Hirotaka Imada & Nobuhiro Mifune - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e13.
    The target article offers a game-theoretical analysis of primitive intergroup aggression (i.e., raiding) and discusses difficulties in achieving peace. We argue the analysis does not capture the actual strategy space, missing out “do-nothing.” Experimental evidence robustly shows people prefer doing nothing against out-group members over cooperating with/attacking them. Thus, the target article overestimates the likelihood of intergroup aggression.
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    Ein Versuch des Aufbaus der symbolischen Erkenntnistheorie als Formale Wissenschaft.Takechiyo Imada - 1969 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 2:63-76.
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  4. Jison no rinri.Takechiyo Imada - 1962 - Tōkyō: Risōsha.
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  5. Kagaku genri no tetsugaku.Takechiyo Imada - 1965
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  6. Ningen keisei no genri.Takechiyo Imada - 1968 - Edited by Koyanagi, Kazuyuki & [From Old Catalog].
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    On Fallacies.Takechiyo Imada - 1968 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 1:83-95.
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    Self-restraint: A type of self-control in an approach-avoidance situation.Sumio Imada & Hiroshi Imada - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):687-688.
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    Functional MRI neurofeedback training on connectivity between two regions induces long-lasting changes in intrinsic functional network.Fukuda Megumi, Ayumu Yamashita, Mitsuo Kawato & Hiroshi Imamizu - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  10.  15
    Focus on One or More? Cultural Similarities and Differences in How Parents Talk About Social Events to Preschool Children.Megumi Kuwabara & Linda B. Smith - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    How parents talk about social events shapes their children’s understanding of the social world and themselves. In this study, we show that parents in a society that more strongly values individualism and one that more strongly values collectivism differ in how they talk about negative social events, but not positive ones. An animal puppet show presented positive social events and negative social events. All shows contained two puppets, an actor and a recipient of the event. We asked parents to talk (...)
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    Visual long-term memory and change blindness: Different effects of pre- and post-change information on one-shot change detection using meaningless geometric objects.Megumi Nishiyama & Jun Kawaguchi - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:105-117.
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    Escritura, cuerpo y gestualidad en Cy Twombly.Megumi Andrade Kobayashi - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (1):40-60.
    Este ensayo está dedicado a la serie grey paintings del artista norteamericano Cy Twombly. A partir de un análisis de Panorama y Cold Stream, planteo que la serie se vincula a formas de inscripción asociadas, simultáneamente, a lo verbal y lo pictórico. Si bien no es posible identificar letras ni palabras, estas obras manifiestan un estrecho vínculo con una dimensión gestual y corporal de la escritura. En mi análisis establezco relaciones con inscripciones arcaicas, con la criptografía, y con procesos de (...)
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  13. Bakumatsu kokugaku no shosō: kosumorojī, seiji undō, ie ishiki.Megumi Kuwahara - 2004 - Suita-shi: Ōsaka Daigaku Shuppankai.
  14. "Fureru" koto no tetsugaku: ninshōteki sekai to sono kontei.Megumi Sakabe - 1983 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  15. Fuzai no uta: Kuki Shūzō no sekai.Megumi Sakabe - 1990 - Tōkyō: TBS Buritanika. Edited by Shūzō Kuki.
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  16. Kokoro no hirosa to iu koto.Megumi Sakabe - 1978
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    Kamen no kaishakugaku.Megumi Sakabe - 1976 - Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  18. Kuki Shūzō no sekai.Megumi Sakabe, Masakatsu Fujita & Kiyokazu Washida (eds.) - 2002 - Kyōto-dhi: Mineruva Shobō.
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  19. Perusonateki sekai.Megumi Sakabe (ed.) - 1978
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  20. Risei no fuan.Megumi Sakabe - 1976
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  21. Watsuji Tetsurō.Megumi Sakabe - 1986 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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    Jiko soshikika de umareru chitsujo: shiroari, ryōshi dotto, ningen shakai.Yasuhiko Arakawa, Takatoshi Imada, Tadao Matsumoto & Osamu Karatsu (eds.) - 2012 - Kyōto-shi: Kei Dī Neobukku.
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    Shakai riron no furontia.Yōsuke Kōtō, Takatoshi Imada, Toshio Tomoeda & Ken'ichi Tominaga (eds.) - 1993 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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    Perceived social image and life satisfaction across cultures.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera & Toshie Imada - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (6):1132-1141.
    We studied the relationship between perceived social image and life satisfaction in four different cultural groups. One-hundred nine Indian (63 females, 46 males), 67 Pakistani/Bangladeshi (36 females, 31 males), 76 White British (43 females, 33 males), and 94 European Americans (43 females, 48 males) completed measures on the cultural importance of social image, positive and negative emotions, academic achievement, and perceived social image. Indian and Pakistani/Bangladeshi participants valued social image more than White British and European-American participants. Consistent with this value (...)
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    Feature-Based Attention in Early Vision for the Modulation of Figure–Ground Segregation.Nobuhiko Wagatsuma, Megumi Oki & Ko Sakai - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Book Review: Laboring On: Birth in Transition in the United States. By Wendy Simonds, Barbara Katz Rothman, and Bari Meltzer Norman. New York: Routledge, 2006, 320 pp., $105.00 (cloth); $29.95. [REVIEW]Megumi Omori - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (4):529-531.
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    Immersive Virtual Reality Reminiscence Reduces Anxiety in the Oldest-Old Without Causing Serious Side Effects: A Single-Center, Pilot, and Randomized Crossover Study.Kazuyuki Niki, Megumi Yahara, Michiya Inagaki, Nana Takahashi, Akira Watanabe, Takeshi Okuda, Mikiko Ueda, Daisuke Iwai, Kosuke Sato & Toshinori Ito - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Background: Dementia is one the major problems of aging societies, and, novel and effective non-drug therapies are required as interventions in the oldest-old to prevent cognitive decline.Objective: This study aims to examine the efficacy and safety of reminiscence using immersive virtual reality focusing on anxiety that often appears with cognitive decline. The secondary objective is to reveal the preference for VR image types for reminiscence: live-action or computer graphics.Methods: This was a pilot, open-label, and randomized crossover study which was conducted (...)
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    Introduction: Toward a unified theory of context?Saša Buvač & Megumi Kameyama - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (1):1-1.
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    Challenges in studying genomic structural variant formation mechanisms: The short‐read dilemma and beyond.Megumi Onishi-Seebacher & Jan O. Korbel - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (11):840-850.
    Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have revolutionised the analysis of genomic structural variants (SVs), providing significant insights into SV de novo formation based on analyses of rearrangement breakpoint junctions. The short DNA reads generated by NGS, however, have also created novel obstacles by biasing the ascertainment of SVs, an aspect that we refer to as the ‘short‐read dilemma’. For example, recent studies have found that SVs are often complex, with SV formation generating large numbers of breakpoints in a single event (multi‐breakpoint (...)
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    Single stimulus color can modulate vection.Yasuhiro Seya, Megumi Yamaguchi & Hiroyuki Shinoda - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    When do Physicians and Nurses Start Communication about Advance Care Planning? A Qualitative Study at an Acute Care Hospital in Japan.Mari Tsuruwaka, Yoshiko Ikeguchi & Megumi Nakamura - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (3):289-305.
    Although advance care planning can lead to more patient-centered care, the communication around it can be challenging in acute care hospitals, where saving a life or shortening hospitalization is important priorities. Our qualitative study in an acute care hospital in Japan revealed when specifically physicians and nurses start communication to facilitate ACP. Seven physicians and 19 nurses responded to an interview request, explaining when ACP communication was initiated with 32 patients aged 65 or older. Our qualitative approach employed descriptive analysis (...)
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    Compliance checking on first-order knowledge with conflicting and compensatory norms: a comparison among currently available technologies.Livio Robaldo, Sotiris Batsakis, Roberta Calegari, Francesco Calimeri, Megumi Fujita, Guido Governatori, Maria Concetta Morelli, Francesco Pacenza, Giuseppe Pisano, Ken Satoh, Ilias Tachmazidis & Jessica Zangari - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (2):505-555.
    This paper analyses and compares some of the automated reasoners that have been used in recent research for compliance checking. Although the list of the considered reasoners is not exhaustive, we believe that our analysis is representative enough to take stock of the current state of the art in the topic. We are interested here in formalizations at the _first-order_ level. Past literature on normative reasoning mostly focuses on the _propositional_ level. However, the propositional level is of little usefulness for (...)
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    The pleiotropic functions of the Y‐box‐binding protein, YB‐1.Kimitoshi Kohno, Hiroto Izumi, Takeshi Uchiumi, Megumi Ashizuka & Michihiko Kuwano - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (7):691-698.
    The Y‐box‐binding protein (YB‐1) represents the most evolutionary conserved nucleic‐acid‐binding protein currently known. YB‐1 is a member of the cold‐shock domain (CSD) protein superfamily. It performs a wide variety of cellular functions, including transcriptional regulation, translational regulation, DNA repair, drug resistance and stress responses to extracellular signals. As a result, YB‐1 expression is closely associated with cell proliferation. In this review, we will begin by briefly describing the characteristics of YB‐1 and will then summarize the pleiotropic functions brought about via (...)
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    Sequent calculus for 3-valued paraconsistent logic QMPT0.Naoyuki Nide, Yuki Goto & Megumi Fujita - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (4):507-521.
    We present a sequent calculus of a paraconsistent logic QMPT0, which has the paraconsistent-type excluded middle law (PEML) as an initial sequent. Our system shows that the presence of PEML is essentially important for QMPT0. It also has special rules when the set of constant symbols is finite. We also discuss the cut-elimination property of our system.
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    Inappropriate Metacognitive Status Increases State Anxiety in Genetic Counseling Clients.Yuka Shibata, Masaaki Matsushima, Megumi Takeuchi, Momoko Kato & Ichiro Yabe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundMany genetic counseling studies have focused on anxiety status because clients of GC often feel anxious during their visits. Metacognition is known to be one of the causes of having an inappropriate thinking style. In this study, we examined the relationship between anxiety and the metacognitive status of GC clients according to their characteristics.MethodsThe participants were 106 clients who attended their first GC session in our hospital from November 2018 to March 2021. The survey items were the clients’ characteristics, anxiety (...)
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    Hayashi Razan: sho o yomite imada umazu.Ken'ichi Suzuki - 2012 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
  37. Part I Japanese Aesthetics. Introduction / Ken-ichi Sasaki ; Subject of the Absence and Absence of the Critique / Megumi Sakabe ; Japanese Philosophy in the Magnetic Field between Eastern and Western Languages / Ken-ichi Iwaki ; Art Outside Life and Art as Life / Akira Amagasaki ; The Aesthetics of Tradition: Making the Past Present / Michael F. Marra ; Another Aesthetics of the Image and/or the Utopia of Aesthetics.Keiji Asanuma - 2010 - In Ken'ichi Sasaki, Asian Aesthetics. Singapore: National Univeristy of Singapore Press.
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    Bericht über die japanische Edition von Kants Gesammelten Schriften: Immanuel Kant: Gesammelte Schriften. Herausgegeben von Megumi Sakabe , Kougaku Arifuku und Eiji Makino. Tokio/japan: Iwanami Shoten-Verlag, 1999–2006. [REVIEW]Kazuhiko Uzawa & Eiji Makino - 2013 - Kant Studien 104 (3):386-394.
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    Re-envisioning personhood from the perspective of Japanese philosophy: Watsuji Tetsuro's Aidagara-based ethics.Hirotaka Sugita - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (9):1367-1376.
    This paper re-envisions the personhood of severely disabled children, who are often excluded from the category of human beings in the academic literature due to their perceived lack of mental faculties, based on Japanese philosopher Watsuji Tetsuro’s concept of human beings. It begins with Carl Elliott’s claim that personhood should be used as a thick ethical concept. This concept has two features. First, it represents a fusion of fact and value. Second, it is embedded in our rich and culturally specific (...)
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    Contemporary Japanese Philosophy.Shigenori Nagatomo - 1991 - In Eliot Deutsch & Ronald Bontekoe, A Companion to World Philosophies. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 523–530.
    Although it seems natural to consider the last fifty years the contemporary period, because this year (1995) punctuates a historical period celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the Pacific War, this essay will limit the term “contemporary” roughly to the last twenty‐five years. The reason for this demarcation is that at the beginning of the 1970s, we witnessed a new philosophical mood emerging in Japan. Prior to that period, the Japanese philosophical scene was dominated by the study of (...)
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    How implicit image of woman changed in Japanese sixth-grade children after a gender equality education lesson.Shin Akita & Kazuo Mori - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (2):153-159.
    Ninety-two Japanese elementary school sixth-graders (46 boys and 46 girls; 11–12 years old) learned the quota system as part of gender equality education. We used a group performance implicit association test (Mori, Uchida, and Imada, 2008) to evaluate the lesson's effect by assessing the children's image of “woman” before and after the class. The results showed that the image of “woman” among boys improved significantly from neutral to positive through the lesson. We also found that girls’ implicit image of (...)
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    Culture and Modernity: East-West Philosophic Perspectives.Eliot Deutsch (ed.) - 1991 - University of Hawaii Press.
    Philosophers, novelists, and intercultural comparisons : Heidegger, Kundera, and Dickens /​ Richard Rorty Lifeworlds, modernity, and philosophical praxis : race, ethnicity, and critical social theory /​ Lucius Outlaw Modern China and the postmodern West /​ David L. Hall From Marxism to post-Marxism /​ Svetozar Stojanović Incommensurability and otherness revisited /​ Richard J. Bernstein Incommensurability, truth, and the conversation between Confucians and Aritotelians about the virtues /​ Alasdair MacIntyre The commensurability of Indian epistemological theories /​ Karl H. Potter Pluralism, relativism, and (...)
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    A History of Modern Japanese Aesthetics.Michael F. Marra - 2001 - University of Hawaii Press.
    This collection of essays constitutes the first history of modern Japanese aesthetics in any language. It introduces readers through lucid and readable translations to works on the philosophy of art written by major Japanese thinkers from the late nineteenth century to the present. Selected from a variety of sources (monographs, journals, catalogues), the essays cover topics related to the study of beauty in art and nature. The translations are organized into four parts. The first, "The Introduction of Aesthetics," traces the (...)
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    Imagination for Philosophical Exercise in Plato’s Republic: The Story of Gyges’ Ring and the Simile of the Sun.Noburu Notomi - 2019 - In Evan Keeling & Luca Pitteloud, Psychology and Ontology in Plato. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In order to re-examine what role Plato gives to images in the Republic, this chapter argues against modern commentators’ views and demonstrates that for Plato, images represent reality in special ways and that the simile is not simply a didactic method of explaining familiar objects, but is an effective method of inquiry to reveal a reality unknown to us. First it shows that Plato ascribes to images a special role of transforming our souls, by examining the famous story of Gyges’ (...)
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    Japanese Philosophers on Plato's Ideas.Noburu Notomi - 2023 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 93:55-68.
    Although Plato studies occupy an important place in academia, the empiricist stance in considering reality, the modern epistemology of the self-identical ego, the devaluation of the image and imagination, and the restrictions on philosophy within academic research sometimes cause us to lose sight of the essence of Plato's texts and thought when analysing them. Discussing Plato from a Japanese perspective, this paper will introduce three Japanese thinkers, Sakabe Megumi, Izutsu Toshihiko, and Ino-ue Tadashi, who have critically examined modern Western (...)
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    Ōmori Shōzō and Kotodama Theory: How Can We Overcome the Need for Bodily Encounters?Maki Sato - 2023 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 9 (1):101-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ōmori Shōzō and Kotodama Theory: How Can We Overcome the Need for Bodily Encounters?Maki SatoIntroductionŌmori Shōzō is known for his theory of tachi-araware monism. Tachiaraware monism is his attempted counter-argument to the Cartesian dualism of the object–subject divide, or in his words, a divide between physical (butsuri, mono, science, object) and non-physical consciousness (ishiki, koto, perception, incident), perception (chikaku, 知覚) and conception (shikō, 思考). His concept of Kasane-egaki is (...)
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    Guest Editor’s Introduction.Nakajima Takahiro - 2023 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 9 (1):2-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Guest Editor’s IntroductionNakajima Takahiro 「東京学派」とは聞きなれない名称であろう。日本研究において「京都学派」は大変よく知られている。たとえ「京都学派」が、「無の論理は論理ではない」と述べた上で、戸坂潤が発明した批判的な概念であったとしても 、現在ではそれは西田幾多郎や田辺元を中心とした一大哲学運動として世界的に認知されている。ところが、西田にしても田辺にしてももともとは東京帝国大学で学んだ学生であった。また、戦前においては、井上哲次郎か ら桑木厳翼へと続く東京帝国大学哲学科の流れは、当時の社会状況と相互に影響しあって、一定の意義を示していたのである。また、大森荘蔵、廣松渉、坂部恵といった戦後の東京大学の哲学者たちは、「京都学派」の問題 系を乗り越えることを重視していた。 この特別号では、発見的概念として「東京学派」を用いて、戦前・戦後におけるその意義と広がりを探究することにした。それは東京大学もしくは東京帝国大学に限定されたものではなく、それ以外の東京圏の大学との相互 交流も含まれるものである。「京都学派」に対しては、政治との距離をどう測るかがしばしば議論されてきたが、「東京学派」は政治により密着したものである。日本の近代の哲学の有している政治性そして倫理性を考える のであれば、やはり「東京学派」の議論は避けて通る ことのできないものである。 無論、「学派」というほどのまとまりを「東京学派」が有しているわけではないことも確かである。西田幾多郎が「京都学派」で果たした中心性は、「東京学派」にはない。そこで、トマス・カスリスが示唆するように、「 学派」の代わりに「サークル」や「スタイル」という言葉を使った方がより正確かもしれない。それでも、あえて「東京学派」と呼ぶのは、「京都学派」に比べて関心を持たれることの少ない、しかし当時は圧倒的な影響力 を有し、戦後決定的に忘却されていった東京の哲学者たちに光をあて、近代日本の哲学の総体を明らかにしたいからである。「東京学派」の研究は緒についたばかりである。今後、国際的な研究の高まりを期待しながら擱筆 する。The “Tokyo School” may be an unfamiliar term to readers. The Kyoto School is very well known in Japanese studies. Even if the Kyoto School is a critical concept invented by Tosaka Jun, who stated [End Page 2] that “the logic of nothingness is not logic,” it is now recognized worldwide as a major philosophical movement led by Nishida Kitarō and Tanabe (...)
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