Results for 'Melissa Hersh'

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  1. An Educational Imperative: The Role of Ethical Codes and Normative Prohibitions in CBW-applicable Research. [REVIEW]Jacqueline Simon & Melissa Hersh - 2002 - Minerva 40 (1):37-55.
    This paper examines the role of ethics in research with potentialapplicability to chemical and biological warfare. It focuses uponbiological warfare research, and examines the ethical dilemmas faced bythose working with dual-use potential technologies. It discusses thenormative, legal and ethical prohibitions against participation inchemical and biological warfare programmes from a Western perspective.It examines the motivations of individuals participating in CBW researchand concludes with recommendations for increasing awareness aboutethical and normative prohibitions. An appendix lists the results of asurvey of ethical codes in (...)
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  2. What is Mathematics, Really?Reuben Hersh - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Platonism is the most pervasive philosophy of mathematics. Indeed, it can be argued that an inarticulate, half-conscious Platonism is nearly universal among mathematicians. The basic idea is that mathematical entities exist outside space and time, outside thought and matter, in an abstract realm. In the more eloquent words of Edward Everett, a distinguished nineteenth-century American scholar, "in pure mathematics we contemplate absolute truths which existed in the divine mind before the morning stars sang together, and which will continue to exist (...)
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    18 Unconventional Essays on the Nature of Mathematics.Reuben Hersh (ed.) - 2006 - Springer.
    "This new collection of essays edited by Reuben Hersh contains frank facts and opinions from leading mathematicians, philosophers, sociologists, cognitive ...
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    Some Proposals for Reviving the Philosophy of Mathematics.Reuben Hersh - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):871-872.
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    Mathematics has a front and a back.Reuben Hersh - 1991 - Synthese 88 (2):127 - 133.
    It is explained that, in the sense of the sociologist Erving Goffman, mathematics has a front and a back. Four pervasive myths about mathematics are stated. Acceptance of these myths is related to whether one is located in the front or the back.
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    Prove—once more and again.Reuben Hersh - 1997 - Philosophia Mathematica 5 (2):153-165.
    There are two distinct meanings to ‘mathematical proof’. The connection between them is an unsolved problem. The first step in attacking it is noticing that it is an unsolved problem.
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    Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) from the patient's perspective.Julie K. Hersh - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (3):171-172.
    This is a response to Dr Charlotte Rosalind Blease's paper ‘Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), the Placebo Effect and Informed Consent’, written by Julie K. Hersh who has had ECT. Hersh argues that placebo effect is impossible to prove without endangering the lives of participants in the study. In addition, informing potential ECT patients of unproven placebo effect could discourage patients from using a procedure that from experience has proven highly effective.
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    Professional ethics and social responsibility: military work and peacebuilding.M. A. Hersh - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1545-1561.
    This paper investigates four questions related to ethical issues associated with the involvement of engineers and scientists in 'military work', including the influence of ethical values and beliefs, the role of gendered perspectives and moves beyond the purely technical. It fits strongly into a human (and planet)-centred systems perspective and extends my previous AI and Society papers on othering and narrative ethics, and ethics and social responsibility. It has two main contributions. The first involves an analysis of the literature through (...)
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    Science, technology and values: promoting ethics and social responsibility.Marion Hersh - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):167-183.
    The paper discusses the limitations of engineering ethics as implemented in practice, with a focus on the fact that engineering and other activities are carried out without any consideration of whether the activities are themselves ethical, and on the gap between legality and ethics. This leads to the following three central ideas of the paper. The first is the need for engineers to both be aware of and critique their own values and be able to widen their perspective to that (...)
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    Engineers and the other: the role of narrative ethics.M. A. Hersh - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (3):327-345.
    The paper presents a new seven-step methodology for using narrative ethics and two case studies illustrating its application. A brief discussion of the importance of ethics to engineers and the need to consider outcomes and macroethics introduce the paper. This is followed by overviews of the literature on narrative ethics, the ethics of care, and virtue ethics and moral exemplars. The ethics of care and virtue ethics are included due to their relationship to narrative and the fact they are probably (...)
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    Models of Moral Education: An Appraisal.R. H. Hersh, J. P. Miller & G. D. Fielding - 1981 - British Journal of Educational Studies 29 (2):186-187.
  12. (1 other version)Mathematics as an Empirical Phenomenon, Subject to Modeling.Reuben Hersh - 1st ed. 2016 - In Emiliano Ippoliti, Fabio Sterpetti & Thomas Nickles, Models and Inferences in Science. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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  13. Problems and mysteries of the many languages of thought.Eric Mandelbaum, Yarrow Dunham, Roman Feiman, Chaz Firestone, E. J. Green, Daniel Harris, Melissa M. Kibbe, Benedek Kurdi, Myrto Mylopoulos, Joshua Shepherd, Alexis Wellwood, Nicolas Porot & Jake Quilty-Dunn - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (12): e13225.
    “What is the structure of thought?” is as central a question as any in cognitive science. A classic answer to this question has appealed to a Language of Thought (LoT). We point to emerging research from disparate branches of the field that supports the LoT hypothesis, but also uncovers diversity in LoTs across cognitive systems, stages of development, and species. Our letter formulates open research questions for cognitive science concerning the varieties of rules and representations that underwrite various LoT-based systems (...)
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    نظرات اقتصادية في حماية الإسلام للبيئة.Ahmad Hersh - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (1):13-47.
    Çalışma İslam hukukunun çevre ve toplumların sahip olduğu tabi kay-nakları koruma konusunda öngördüğü düzenlemelerin fıkhi ve iktisadi boyutunu açıklamayı hedef almaktadır. Araştırmamız esnasında inceledeğimiz temel dini metinler ve bunlar arasında yaptığımız karşılaştırmalar bize İslam hukukunun çevreyi ve tabi kaynakları koruma ve geliştirmeye yönelik düzenlemelere sahip olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışma gösteriyor ki İslam'ın ilkeleri ve şeriat çevreye önem vermeye, özen göstermeye, tüketimde orta yolu gözetmeye ve israf yapmamaya davet etmektedir. Aynı şekilde kalkınmaya ve yeryüzünü imar etmeye ve ekonomik yararlarını gerçekleştirecek (...)
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    (1 other version)Erratum.Reuben Hersh - 1998 - Philosophia Mathematica 6 (1):85-85.
    In my article on proof [Philosophia Mathematica (3) 5 (1997), 153—165], I suggested or intimated that computer proofs of mathematical theorems had been found only for relatively simple or trivial theorems. I am obligated to Martin Davis and R. S. Boyer for the information that this suggestion or intimation is incorrect. For instance, a machine proof of quadratic reciprocity was published by D. M. Russinoff in J. Automated Reasoning 8 (1992), 3–21. A machine proof of the unsolvability of the halting (...)
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    Ethical Engineering for International Development and Environmental Sustainability.Marion Hersh (ed.) - 2015 - London: Imprint: Springer.
    Ensuring that their work has a positive influence on society is a responsibility and a privilege for engineers, but also a considerable challenge. This book addresses the ways in which engineers meet this challenge, working from the assumption that for a project to be truly ethical both the undertaking itself and its implementation must be ethically sound. The contributors discuss varied topics from an international and interdisciplinary perspective, including: · robot ethics; · outer space; · international development; · internet privacy (...)
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  17. Ethics for Mathematicians.Reuben Hersh - 2007 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 22.
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    Experiencing mathematics: what do we do, when we do mathematics?Reuben Hersh - 2013 - Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.
    Part IV. About the author -- An amusing elementary example -- Annotated research bibliography -- Curriculum vitae -- List of articles -- Index -- Back Cover.
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    Integrating verbal quantitative information.Harry M. Hersh & Alfonso Caramazza - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):589-591.
  20. Mathematical discourse: the link from pre-mathematical to fully mathematical thinking.Reuben Hersh & Kristin Umland - 2006 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 19.
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    Mathematical practice as a scientific problem.Reuben Hersh - 2008 - In Bonnie Gold & Roger A. Simons, Proof and Other Dilemmas: Mathematics and Philosophy. Mathematical Association of America. pp. 95--108.
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  22. Skeptical Mathematics?R. Hersh - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (2):72-72.
    Open peer commentary on the target article “Who Conceives of Society?” by Ernst von Glasersfeld. First paragraph: Ernst von Glasersfeld seems to say to social constructivists, “You attribute reality to society, but your society is just another construct, all you know is just the bits of light and shadow and color that your visual system provides to you.” Now, “society” is just a big word for “other people.” I can give to this text of von Glasersfeld’s either a short answer (...)
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    The Impossibility of Democracy.James Hersh - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:243-249.
    John Rawls, in his Political Liberalism (1993), claims that his justice-as-fairness prescription for liberal democracy does not require its citizens to harbor doubts regarding the truth claims of their religious, philosophical, or moral comprehensive doctrines. Citizens, he says, need not be “hesitant or uncertain, much less skeptical, about [their] own beliefs.” This claim is necessary for the protection of liberty of conscience, a “primary goods”, but it is also necessary to his description of his scheme as a “reasonable utopia” since (...)
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  24. What I would like my students to already know about proof.Reuben Hersh - 2009 - In Despina A. Stylianou, Maria L. Blanton & Eric J. Knuth, Teaching and learning proof across the grades: a K-16 perspective. New York: Routledge. pp. 17--20.
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  25. Why we wrote ‘Loving and Hating Mathematics’.Reuben Hersh - 2011 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 26.
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  26. Rules and discretion in a two-self model of intertemporal choice.Hersh Shefrin & Richard Thaler - 1980 - Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University.
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    Some reflections about diverse responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.Hersh Shefrin - 2020 - Mind and Society 20 (2):175-179.
    This paper discusses the wide diversity of responses by different countries to COVID-19.
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    The Psychology Underlying Biased Forecasts of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in the United States.Hersh Shefrin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Beyond the scientific method: Model‐based inquiry as a new paradigm of preference for school science investigations.Mark Windschitl, Jessica Thompson & Melissa Braaten - 2008 - Science Education 92 (5):941-967.
  30.  21
    Food insecurity as a driver of obesity in humans: The insurance hypothesis.Daniel Nettle, Clare Andrews & Melissa Bateson - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    Integrative explanations of why obesity is more prevalent in some sectors of the human population than others are lacking. Here, we outline and evaluate one candidate explanation, the insurance hypothesis. The IH is rooted in adaptive evolutionary thinking: The function of storing fat is to provide a buffer against shortfall in the food supply. Thus, individuals should store more fat when they receive cues that access to food is uncertain. Applied to humans, this implies that an important proximate driver of (...)
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    Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research: Stakeholder Perspectives and Ethical and Regulatory Oversight Issues.Emily A. Largent, Joel S. Weissman, Avni Gupta, Melissa Abraham, Ronen Rozenblum, Holly Fernandez Lynch & I. Glenn Cohen - 2018 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 40 (1):7-17.
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    Feeling the future of eyewitness research.Brent M. Wilson, Travis M. Seale-Carlisle & Melissa F. Colloff - 2024 - Cognition 251 (C):105879.
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    Investigating the Extent to which Distributional Semantic Models Capture a Broad Range of Semantic Relations.Kevin S. Brown, Eiling Yee, Gitte Joergensen, Melissa Troyer, Elliot Saltzman, Jay Rueckl, James S. Magnuson & Ken McRae - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (5):e13291.
    Distributional semantic models (DSMs) are a primary method for distilling semantic information from corpora. However, a key question remains: What types of semantic relations among words do DSMs detect? Prior work typically has addressed this question using limited human data that are restricted to semantic similarity and/or general semantic relatedness. We tested eight DSMs that are popular in current cognitive and psycholinguistic research (positive pointwise mutual information; global vectors; and three variations each of Skip-gram and continuous bag of words (CBOW) (...)
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    Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: A review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb.Amy M. Boddy, Angelo Fortunato, Melissa Wilson Sayres & Athena Aktipis - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1106-1118.
    The presence of fetal cells has been associated with both positive and negative effects on maternal health. These paradoxical effects may be due to the fact that maternal and offspring fitness interests are aligned in certain domains and conflicting in others, which may have led to the evolution of fetal microchimeric phenotypes that can manipulate maternal tissues. We use cooperation and conflict theory to generate testable predictions about domains in which fetal microchimerism may enhance maternal health and those in which (...)
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    Conceptual Integration of Arithmetic Operations With Real‐World Knowledge: Evidence From Event‐Related Potentials.Amy M. Guthormsen, Kristie J. Fisher, Miriam Bassok, Lee Osterhout, Melissa DeWolf & Keith J. Holyoak - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (3):723-757.
    Research on language processing has shown that the disruption of conceptual integration gives rise to specific patterns of event-related brain potentials —N400 and P600 effects. Here, we report similar ERP effects when adults performed cross-domain conceptual integration of analogous semantic and mathematical relations. In a problem-solving task, when participants generated labeled answers to semantically aligned and misaligned arithmetic problems, the second object label in misaligned problems yielded an N400 effect for addition problems. In a verification task, when participants judged arithmetically (...)
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  36. Steroid Hormone Reactivity in Fathers Watching Their Children Compete.Louis Calistro Alvarado, Martin N. Muller, Melissa A. Eaton & Melissa Emery Thompson - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (3):268-282.
    This study examines steroid production in fathers watching their children compete, extending previous research of vicarious success or failure on men’s hormone levels. Salivary testosterone and cortisol levels were measured in 18 fathers watching their children play in a soccer tournament. Participants completed a survey about the game and provided demographic information. Fathers with higher pregame testosterone levels were more likely to report that referees were biased against their children’s teams, and pre- to postgame testosterone elevation was predicted by watching (...)
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  37. Procrastination and Its Relationship to the Academic Burnout of First-Year College Students in a State University.Ezekiel Maloloy-on, Ava Shyr Aquino, Mary Margaux Marcelino, Melissa Mateo, Christine Ann Plaza, Shiryl Endrina & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 11 (2):249-254.
    The abrupt shift in learning mode demands students to adjust from the comfort of their homes, as well as the challenges of face-to-face learning. As a result, as the pandemic fades, institutions in the Philippines have begun to reopen their doors to students. Hence, this study employed a correlational design to investigate the relationship between procrastination and academic burnout among 150 first-year college students in a state university. Based on the statistical analysis, the r coefficient of 0.67 indicates a moderate (...)
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    Concern noted: a descriptive study of editorial expressions of concern in PubMed and PubMed Central.Hilda Bastian, Diana C. Jordan & Melissa Vaught - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (1).
    BackgroundAn editorial expression of concern (EEoC) is issued by editors or publishers to draw attention to potential problems in a publication, without itself constituting a retraction or correction.MethodsWe searched PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), and Google Scholar to identify EEoCs issued for publications in PubMed and PMC up to 22 August 2016. We also searched the archives of the Retraction Watch blog, some journal and publisher websites, and studies of EEoCs. In addition, we searched for retractions of EEoCs and affected articles (...)
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    Hippocampal contributions to language: Evidence of referential processing deficits in amnesia.Jake Kurczek, Sarah Brown-Schmidt & Melissa Duff - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (4):1346.
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    How patients experience respect in healthcare: findings from a qualitative study among multicultural women living with HIV.Sofia B. Fernandez, Alya Ahmad, Mary Catherine Beach, Melissa K. Ward, Michele Jean-Gilles, Gladys Ibañez, Robert Ladner & Mary Jo Trepka - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Background Respect is essential to providing high quality healthcare, particularly for groups that are historically marginalized and stigmatized. While ethical principles taught to health professionals focus on patient autonomy as the object of respect for persons, limited studies explore patients’ views of respect. The purpose of this study was to explore the perspectives of a multiculturally diverse group of low-income women living with HIV (WLH) regarding their experience of respect from their medical physicians. Methods We analyzed 57 semi-structured interviews conducted (...)
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    A Bibliography of Historical Economics to 1980.Deirdre N. McCloskey & George K. Hersh (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    Historians and economists will find here what their fields have in common - the movement since the 1950s known variously as 'cliometrics', 'economic history', or 'historical economics'. A leading figure in the movement, Donald McCloskey, has compiled, with the help of George Hersh and a panel of distinguished advisors, a highly comprehensive bibliography of historical economics covering the period up until 1980. The book will be useful to all economic historians, as well as quantitative historians, applied economists, historical demographers, (...)
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    Relational Memory at Short and Long Delays in Individuals With Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.Emily L. Morrow, Michael R. Dulas, Neal J. Cohen & Melissa C. Duff - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  43. Gender differences in students' experiences, interests, and attitudes toward science and scientists.M. Gail Jones, Ann Howe & Melissa J. Rua - 2000 - Science Education 84 (2):180-192.
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    Everyday Clinical Ethics: Essential Skills and Educational Case Scenarios.Elaine C. Meyer, Giulia Lamiani, Melissa Uveges, Renee McLeod-Sordjan, Christine Mitchell, Robert D. Truog, Jonathan M. Marron, Kerri O. Kennedy, Marilyn Ritholz, Stowe Locke Teti & Aimee B. Milliken - forthcoming - HEC Forum:1-23.
    Bioethics conjures images of dramatic healthcare challenges, yet everyday clinical ethics issues unfold regularly. Without sufficient ethical awareness and a relevant working skillset, clinicians can feel ill-equipped to respond to the ethical dimensions of everyday care. Bioethicists were interviewed to identify the essential skills associated with everyday clinical ethics and to identify educational case scenarios to illustrate everyday clinical ethics. Individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a convenience sample of bioethicists. Bioethicists were asked: (1) What are the essential skills required (...)
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    (1 other version)Speed, Accuracy, and Serial Order in Sequence Production.Peter Q. Pfordresher, Caroline Palmer & Melissa K. Jungers - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):63-98.
    The production of complex sequences like music or speech requires the rapid and temporally precise production of events (e.g., notes and chords), often at fast rates. Memory retrieval in these circumstances may rely on the simultaneous activation of both the current event and the surrounding context (Lashley, 1951). We describe an extension to a model of incremental retrieval in sequence production (Palmer & Pfordresher, 2003) that incorporates this logic to predict overall error rates and speed—accuracy trade-offs, as well as types (...)
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    Analysis of Critical and Positivist Accounting Theory in Latin America.Oscar Lenin Chicaiza Sanchez, Galo Hernán García Tamayo, Rolando Patricio Molina Diaz, Sylvia Elizabeth Zarate Fonseca, Maria Fernanda Larco Pachacama, Daniela Lizbeth Palacios Barahona & Gorozabel Basantes Evelin Melissa - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:440-452.
    This article establishes an analysis of the first contributions and the importance of the Critical and Positivist theories of accounting in Latin America over the years, through the study of scientific articles by recognized accounting experts from different countries on the theories.. Also, carry out a bibliographic examination of criticism and positivism applied to accounting, resulting in the correlation of concepts focused on accounting in Latin America. The type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach with the purpose of (...)
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    Three-year-olds' ability to plan for mutually exclusive future possibilities is limited primarily by their representations of possible plans, not possible events.Esra Nur Turan-Küçük & Melissa M. Kibbe - 2024 - Cognition 244 (C):105712.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Reuben Hersh - 1994 - Philosophia Mathematica 2 (2):172-176.
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    Perspectives on the ethical concerns and justifications of the 2006 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HIV testing recommendations.Michael J. Waxman, Roland C. Merchant, M. Teresa Celada & Melissa A. Clark - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):24.
    Background: In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended three changes to HIV testing methods in US healthcare settings: (1) an opt-out approach, (2) removal of separate signed consent, and (3) optional HIV prevention counseling. These recommendations led to a public debate about their moral acceptability. Methods: We interviewed 25 members from the fields of US HIV advocacy, care, policy, and research about the ethical merits and demerits of the three changes to HIV testing methods. We performed (...)
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    Perceptual Learning of Intonation Contour Categories in Adults and 9‐ to 11‐Year‐Old Children: Adults Are More Narrow‐Minded.Vsevolod Kapatsinski, Paul Olejarczuk & Melissa A. Redford - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (2):383-415.
    We report on rapid perceptual learning of intonation contour categories in adults and 9- to 11-year-old children. Intonation contours are temporally extended patterns, whose perception requires temporal integration and therefore poses significant working memory challenges. Both children and adults form relatively abstract representations of intonation contours: Previously encountered and novel exemplars are categorized together equally often, as long as distance from the prototype is controlled. However, age-related differences in categorization performance also exist. Given the same experience, adults form narrower categories (...)
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