Results for 'Melvin Horwitz'

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  1.  21
    Should Psychiatrists Practice on Death Row?Ralph Slovenko, Melvin Horwitz & Roger Peele - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (4):44-45.
  2. Creating mental illness.Allan V. Horwitz - 2002 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this surprising book, Allan V. Horwitz argues that our current conceptions of mental illness as a disease fit only a small number of serious psychological conditions and that most conditions currently regarded as mental illness are cultural constructions, normal reactions to stressful social circumstances, or simply forms of deviant behavior.
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    Neural modeling, functional brain imaging, and cognition.Barry Horwitz, M.-A. Tagamets & Anthony Randal McIntosh - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (3):91-98.
  4.  52
    On the definition and evolution of states in relativistic classical and quantum mechanics.L. P. Horwitz - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (3):421-450.
    Some of the problems associated with the construction of a manifestly covariant relativistic quantum theory are discussed. A resolution of this problem is given in terms of the off mass shell classical and quantum mechanics of Stueckelberg, Horwitz and Piron. This theory contains many questions of interpretation, reaching deeply into the notions of time, localizability and causality. A proper generalization of the Maxwell theory of electromagnetic interaction, required for the well-posed formulation of dynamical problems of systems with electromagnetic interaction (...)
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    Melvin Fitting, Types Tableaus and Gödel's God. [REVIEW]Melvin Fitting - 2005 - Studia Logica 81 (3):425-427.
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    The justice motive in everyday life: essays in honor of Melvin J. Lerner.Melvin J. Lerner, Michael Ross & Dale T. Miller (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book contains new essays in honor of Melvin J. Lerner, a pioneer in the psychological study of justice. The contributors to this volume are internationally renowned scholars from psychology, business, and law. They examine the role of justice motivation in a wide variety of contexts, including workplace violence, affirmative action programs, helping or harming innocent victims and how people react to their own fate. Contributors explore fundamental issues such as whether people's interest in justice is motivated by self-interest (...)
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    Characteristics of environmental ethics: Environmental activits' accounts.Wendy A. Horwitz - 1994 - Ethics and Behavior 4 (4):345 – 367.
    This article describes a qualitative investigation of environmental ethics as construed by environmental activists. Twenty-nine participants responded in writing to open-ended questions on their definitions of an environmental ethic, how they expressed and experienced this moral orientation in their lives, and what sustained it. Four major themes emerged. First, ethical consideration of the natural environment pervaded morality, values, and private and public life. Second, emotional or spiritual experiences, or personal fulfillment, were important for many. Third, there was disagreement on the (...)
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  8.  57
    Developmental origins of environmental ethics: The life experiences of activists.Wendy A. Horwitz - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (1):29 – 53.
    Twenty-nine environmental activists (mean age, 49.8) responded in writing to questions on influences that gave rise to environmental ethics in their own lives. Answers represented all phases of the lifespan. Through a qualitative analysis, six principle themes emerged: (a) deep environmental concern and an affiliation with nature often began in early childhood; (b) a combination of intellectual or academic and direct experiences with nature contributed to the development of environmental ethics; (c) familial and extra familial models were influential; (d) for (...)
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  9.  39
    Inequality, mobility, and being poor in America.Steven Horwitz - 2015 - Social Philosophy and Policy 31 (2):70-91.
  10.  58
    The DSM-5 and the Continuing Transformation of Normal Sadness Into Depressive Disorder.Allan V. Horwitz - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (3):209-215.
    For millennia, diagnosticians distinguished natural sadness that arose from social circumstances from depressive disorders that were disproportionate to their contexts. In 1980, the DSM-III transformed this tradition through equating depressive disorders with symptoms without regard to context. Nevertheless, it excluded grieving people without especially severe or enduring symptoms from diagnosis. Subsequently, considerable empirical research indicated that bereavement was not unique but a model for all stressor-maintained conditions. Yet, despite the evidence showing that the causes, prognoses, and optimal treatments for context-specific (...)
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  11. Schwinger algebra for quaternionic quantum mechanics.L. P. Horwitz - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (7):1011-1034.
    It is shown that the measurement algebra of Schwinger, a characterization of the properties of Pauli measurements of the first and second kinds, forming the foundation of his formulation of quantum mechanics over the complex field, has a quaternionic generalization. In this quaternionic measurement algebra some of the notions of quaternionic quantum mechanics are clarified. The conditions imposed on the form of the corresponding quantum field theory are studied, and the quantum fields are constructed. It is shown that the resulting (...)
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  12. Second Quantization of the Stueckelberg Relativistic Quantum Theory and Associated Gauge Fields.L. P. Horwitz & N. Shnerb - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (10):1509-1519.
    The gauge compensation fields induced by the differential operators of the Stueckelberg-Schrödinger equation are discussed, as well as the relation between these fields and the standard Maxwell fields; An action is constructed and the second quantization of the fields carried out using a constraint procedure. The properties of the second quantized matter fields are discussed.
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  13.  8
    The Interplay Between Chamber Musicians During Two Public Performances of the Same Piece: A Novel Methodology Using the Concept of “Flow”.Eva Bojner Horwitz, László Harmat, Walter Osika & Töres Theorell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The purpose of the study is to explore a new research methodology that will improve our understanding of “flow” through indicators of physiological and qualitative state. We examine indicators of “flow” experienced by musicians of a youth string quartet, two women (25, 29) and two men (23, 24). Electrocardiogram (ECG) equipment was used to record heart rate variability (HRV) data throughout the four movements in one and the same quartet performed during two concerts. Individual physiological indicators of flow were supplemented (...)
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  14.  29
    What's Normal?: Reconciling Biology and Culture.Allan V. Horwitz - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Since the emergence of Western philosophy and science among the classical Greeks, debates have raged over the relative significance of biology and culture on an individual's behavior. Today, recent advances in genetics and biological science have pushed most scholars past the tired nature vs. nurture debate to examine the ways in which the natural and the social interact to influence human behavior. In What's Normal?, Allan Horwitz brings a fresh approach to this emerging perspective. Rather than try to solve (...)
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  15.  32
    Engagement in dance is associated with emotional competence in interplay with others.Eva Bojner Horwitz, Anna-Karin Lennartsson, Töres P. G. Theorell & Fredrik Ullén - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148233.
    This study has explored the relation between dance achievement and alexithymia in a larger Swedish population sample (Swedish Twin Registry) with a study sample of 5431 individuals. Dance achievement (CAQ) was assessed in relation to Alexithymia (Toronto Alexithymia Scale, TAS-20) including the three subscales: Difficulty Identifying Feelings (DIF), Difficulty Describing Feelings (DDF), and Externally Oriented Thinking (EOT). The results show a significant negative association between the TAS subscale (EOT) and creative achievement in dance. A high EOT score corresponds to poor (...)
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  16.  93
    Derrida and the aporia of the political, or the theologico-political dimension of deconstruction.Noah Horwitz - 2002 - Research in Phenomenology 32 (1):156-176.
    Jacques Derrida's insistence on submitting politics to the test of undecidability elicits the common accusation that an aporetic form of thought can only end in dubious conclusions concerning the pressing matter of politics and that no normative claims can emerge from a thought of radical undecidability. In this paper, I articulate the structural undecidability (aporia) that constitutes politics according to Derrida, the manner in which this structural undecidability elicits judgments, and the importance for critique of not ignoring it. In particular, (...)
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  17.  64
    Quantum Interference in Time.Lawrence P. Horwitz - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):734-746.
    I discuss the interpretation of a recent experiment showing quantum interference in time. It is pointed out that the standard nonrelativistic quantum theory does not have the property of coherence in time, and hence cannot account for the results found. Therefore, this experiment has fundamental importance beyond the technical advances it represents. Some theoretical structures which consider the time as an observable, and thus could, in principle, have the required coherence in time, are discussed briefly, and the application of Floquet (...)
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  18.  56
    On the electromagnetic interaction in relativistic quantum mechanics.L. P. Horwitz - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (10):1027-1046.
    A fundamental problem in the construction of local electromagnetic interactions in the framework of relativistic wave equations of Klein-Gordon or Dirac type is discussed, and shown to be resolved in a relativistic quantum theory of events described by functions in a Hilbert space on the manifold of space-time. The relation, abstracted from the structure of the electromagnetic current, between sequences of events, parametrized by an evolution parameter τ (“historical time”), and the commonly accepted notion of particles is reviewed. As an (...)
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  19.  35
    Why is Anglo-American jurisprudence unhistorical?M. Horwitz - 1997 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 17 (4):551-586.
  20.  84
    First-Order Modal Logic.Melvin Fitting & Richard L. Mendelsohn - 1998 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This is a thorough treatment of first-order modal logic. The book covers such issues as quantification, equality (including a treatment of Frege's morning star/evening star puzzle), the notion of existence, non-rigid constants and function symbols, predicate abstraction, the distinction between nonexistence and nondesignation, and definite descriptions, borrowing from both Fregean and Russellian paradigms.
  21.  22
    Buber's way to I and thou: an historical analysis and the first publication of Martin Buber's lectures Religion als Gegenwart.Rivka Horwitz - 1978 - Heidelberg: Schneider. Edited by Martin Buber.
  22.  13
    Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.Lawrence P. Horwitz - 2015 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book describes a relativistic quantum theory developed by the author starting from the E.C.G. Stueckelberg approach proposed in the early 40s. In this framework a universal invariant evolution parameter (corresponding to the time originally postulated by Newton) is introduced to describe dynamical evolution. This theory is able to provide solutions for some of the fundamental problems encountered in early attempts to construct a relativistic quantum theory. A relativistically covariant construction is given for which particle spins and angular momenta can (...)
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  23.  53
    Understanding deregulation.Robert B. Horwitz - 1986 - Theory and Society 15 (1):139-174.
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  24.  16
    Using functional brain imaging to understand human cognition.Barry Horwitz - 1998 - Complexity 3 (6):39-52.
  25. Social constructions of mental illness.Allan Horwitz - 2012 - In Harold Kincaid (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science. Oxford University Press.
  26.  52
    Auditory object processing and primate biological evolution.Barry Horwitz, Fatima T. Husain & Frank H. Guenther - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):134-134.
    This commentary focuses on the importance of auditory object processing for producing and comprehending human language, the relative lack of development of this capability in nonhuman primates, and the consequent need for hominid neurobiological evolution to enhance this capability in making the transition from protosign to protospeech to language.
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  27.  8
    A Subjectivist Approach to the Demand for Money.Steven Horwitz - 1990 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 1 (4):459-472.
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  28.  14
    Constitutional Transplants.Morton J. Horwitz - 2009 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10 (2):535-560.
    How does one explain the dramatic spread of judicial review after World War II, which culminated in a world-wide constitutional revolution during the 1990s? In order to explore this question, this Article first attempts to examine some methodological difficulties that regularly impede the study of constitutional transplants. It concludes with speculation about the relationship between the rise of judicial authority and the decline in the legitimacy of democratic institutions.
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  29.  45
    Contra the Slovenians.Noah Horwitz - 2005 - Philosophy Today 49 (1):24-32.
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  30.  9
    Dateline Cape Town.Eve Horwitz-Gray - 1999 - Logos 10 (2):106-110.
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  31.  55
    Description of Unstable Systems in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics in the Lax-Phillips Theory.L. P. Horwitz & Y. Strauss - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (10):1607-1616.
    We discuss some of the experimental motivation for the need for semigroup decay laws and the quantum Lax-Phillips theory of scattering and unstable systems. In this framework, the decay of an unstable system is described by a semigroup. The spectrum of the generator of the semigroup corresponds to the singularities of the Lax-Phillips S-matrix. In the case of discrete (complex) spectrum of the generator of the semigroup, associated with resonances, the decay law is exactly exponential. The states corresponding to these (...)
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  32.  36
    Environmental Dilemmas: The Resolutions of Student Activists.Wendy Horwitz - 2000 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (3):281-308.
    This article describes a qualitative investigation of 20 student activists' resolutions to environmental dilemmas. Participants responded to an oral interview asking them to resolve 6 dilemmas involving the natural environment and to give justifications for their resolutions. Several major themes emerged. First, participants tended to be concerned with maintaining human self-determination and tolerating human diversity. They also resolved dilemmas by reference to 3rd parties, and attributions of responsibility and sacrifice were made according to several patterns. Both humans and nonhumans were (...)
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  33.  20
    Entrepreneurship, Exogenous Change and the Flexibility of Capital.Steven Horwitz - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (1).
    This paper applies Israel Kirzner’s theory of entrepreneurship and the Austrian theory of capital to the theory of the firm. In particular, it explores why some firms are better able to react to exogenous change than others, especially when that change is negative. The argument is that firms that have structures of physical and human capital that are more “flexible” are better able to adapt to exogenous change. In this context, flexibility is understood in terms of Lachmann’s notions of the (...)
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  34.  37
    Franz Rosenzweig — On Jewish Education.Rivka Horwitz - 1993 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 2 (2):201-218.
  35. From revival to flourishing: Thirty years of the Austrian School A review of Sandye Gloria-Palermo's Modern Austrian Economics: Archaeology of a Revival.Steven Horwitz - 2004 - Journal of Economic Methodology 11:249-256.
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  36.  92
    Hypercomplex quantum mechanics.L. P. Horwitz - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (6):851-862.
    The fundamental axioms of the quantum theory do not explicitly identify the algebraic structure of the linear space for which orthogonal subspaces correspond to the propositions (equivalence classes of physical questions). The projective geometry of the weakly modular orthocomplemented lattice of propositions may be imbedded in a complex Hilbert space; this is the structure which has traditionally been used. This paper reviews some work which has been devoted to generalizing the target space of this imbedding to Hilbert modules of a (...)
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  37. John Locke's Questions Concerning the Law of Nature: A Commentary.Robert Horwitz & Michael Zuckert - 1992 - Interpretation 19 (3):251-306.
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  38.  26
    Ludwig Lachmann as a Theorist of Entrepreneurship.Steven Horwitz - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 57 (1):19-40.
    One of the distinctive features of the Austrian School of Economics has been its emphasis on the entrepreneur as central to the market process. One 20th century Austrian whose work is normally not thought of as making a major contribution to the Austrian theory of entrepreneurship is Ludwig Lachmann. However, a careful reading of his 1956 book Capital and its Structure can tease out a theory of the function of the entrepreneur that is distinctly different from that of Israel Kirzner, (...)
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  39. Language, monetary exchange, and the structure of the economic universe: an Austrian-Searlean synthesis.Steven Horwitz - 2007 - In Barbara Montero & Mark D. White (eds.), Economics and the mind. New York: Routledge.
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  40.  68
    (1 other version)Money and the Interpretive Turn.Steven Horwitz - 2004 - Symposium 8 (2):249-266.
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  41. My death.Tern Horwitz - 1998 - In Jeff Malpas & Robert C. Solomon (eds.), Death and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 5--15.
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  42.  32
    Neuron doctrine: Trivial versus radical versus do not dichotomize.Barry Horwitz - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):839-840.
    Gold & Stoljar argue that there are two (often confused) neuron doctrines, one trivial and the other radical, with only the latter having the consequence that non-neuroscientific sciences of the mind will be discarded. They also attempt to show that there is no evidence supporting the radical doctrine. It is argued here that their dichotomy is artificial and misrepresents modern approaches to understanding the neuroscientific correlates of cognition and behavior.
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  43. Or of the [Blog].Paul Horwitz - 2006 - Nexus 11:45.
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    Preface.L. P. Horwitz, J. R. Fanchi & M. Land - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (7):1113-1115.
  45.  33
    Preface.L. P. Horwitz - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (12):1807-1808.
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    Preface.L. P. Horwitz - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (8):1153-1156.
  47.  25
    Preface.L. P. Horwitz - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):456-459.
  48.  20
    Passive Double-Sensory Evoked Coherence Correlates with Long-Term Memory Capacity.Anna Horwitz, Erik L. Mortensen, Merete Osler, Birgitte Fagerlund, Martin Lauritzen & Krisztina Benedek - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  49.  40
    Preface IARD 2008 Proceedings.L. P. Horwitz - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (1):1-3.
  50.  12
    Reality in the Name of God, or, divine insistence: an essay on creation, infinity, and the ontological implications of Kabbalah.Noah Horwitz - 2012 - Brooklyn, NY: Punctum books.
    What should philosophical theology look like after the critique of Onto-theology, after Phenomenology, and in the age of Speculative Realism? What does Kabbalah have to say to Philosophy? Since Kant and especially since Husserl, philosophy has only permitted itself to speak about how one relates to God in terms of the intentionality of consciousness and not of how God is in himself. This meant that one could only ever speak to God as an addressed and yearned-for holy Thou, but not (...)
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