Results for 'Meredith Church'

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  1.  23
    Educating for Empathy and Action.Meredith Church & Martin Meznar - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:298-308.
    Global citizenship is a positive outcome often associated with participation in study abroad. One essential building block of global citizenship is a sense of empathy toward those of other cultures. This paper proposes a study of variables that may increase intercultural empathy and global citizenship due to a study abroad experience. Proposed variables contributing to intercultural empathy include integration with the host culture, program duration, the economic and cultural distance of the host country, and the incorporation of guided reflection and (...)
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    Evagrius ponticus (the early church fathers). By A. M. casiday.Anthony Meredith - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (2):327–328.
  3.  20
    Origen, Plotinus and the Gnostics.A. Meredith - 1985 - Heythrop Journal 26 (4):383-398.
    Book review in this Article The Ethos of the Bible. By Birger Gerhardsson. The Prophets, Vol. 1: The Assyrian Period. By Klaus Koch. The Gospel according to Saint John, Vol. 3. By Rudolf Schnackenburg. The Social Setting of Pauline Christianity. By Gerd Theissen. Jewish and Christian Self‐Definition, Vol. 3: Self‐Definition in the Craeco‐Roman World. Edited by Ben F. Meyer and E.P. Sanders. The Church and Healing. Edited by W.J. Sheils. Miracles and the Medieval Mind: Theory, Record and Event, 1000 (...)
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    Hilary Wayment, The Stained Glass of the Church of St. Mary, Fairford, Gloucestershire. (Occasional Paper, n.s. 5.) London: Society of Antiquaries, 1984. Paper. Pp. xii, 115; 5 figures, 8 color plates, 74 black-and-white plates. £18. [REVIEW]Meredith Parsons Lillich - 1987 - Speculum 62 (2):520-521.
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    Terryl N. Kinder, ed., Perspectives for an Architecture of Solitude: Essays on Cistercians, Art and Architecture in Honour of Peter Fergusson. (Medieval Church Studies, 11; Studia et Documenta, 13.) Turnhout: Brepols; n.p.: Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses, 2004. Paper. Pp. xi, 409 plus color plates; many black-and-white figures and 1 table. €150. [REVIEW]Meredith Parsons Lillich - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):214-216.
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  6. Meredith Carew A.. Single axioms for the systems , and of the two-valued propositional calculus. The journal of computing systems, vol. 1 no. 3 , pp. 155–164. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):143-144.
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    Review: Carew A. Meredith, A Single Axiom of Positive Logic. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):144-144.
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    Studies in Nietzsche and the Classical Tradition.James C. O'Flaherty, Timothy F. Sellner & Robert Meredith Helm (eds.) - 1976 - Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.
    These fifteen essays on Nietzsche's indebtedness to the Classical Tradition were composed by scholars in the fields of philosophy, theology, German and Classics. The essays roughly cover the following epochs: the age of the Fathers of the Western Church, medieval scholasticism, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Weimar Classicism, Romanticism and the several other intellectual trends and movements in the nineteenth century. Collection includes three essays comparing Nietzsche's perceptions of Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates with those (respectively) of Augustine, Aquinas, and Hamann. (...)
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    Jan Łukasiewicz. On variable functors of propositional arguments. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 64 section A no. 2 , pp. 25–35. - C. A. Meredith. On an extended system of the propositional calculus. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 64 section A no. 3 , pp. 37–47. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):229-230.
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    Christian Philosophy in the Early Church. By Anthony Meredith S.J. Pp. 173, T&T Clark, London/NY, 2012, $25.95. [REVIEW]James Orr - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (1):236-237.
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    BCI-algebras from the point of view of logic.Jacek K. Kabzinski - 1983 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 12 (3):126-128.
    The following logics are the most noteworthy from the perspective of the calculus of combinators: the Hilbert’s positive implicational logic , the Church’s weak theory of implication , the BCK-logic, and the BCI-logic. Their significance is due to a certain correspondence between combinators and implicational formulas . The first three logics mentioned have been immensely investigated but it was not so in case of the remaining one. The BCI-logics was mentioned by A. N. Prior in the second edition of (...)
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  12.  66
    In memoriam: Carew Arthur Meredith (1904--1976).David Meredith - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (4):513-516.
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  13. Comedy: An Essay on Comedy [Meredith]; Laughter [Bergson].GEORGE MEREDITH - 1956
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    Wittgenstein, Mind and Meaning: Towards a Social Conception of Mind.Meredith Williams - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _Wittgenstein, Mind and Meaning_ offers a provocative re-reading of Wittgenstein's later writings on language and mind, and explores the tensions between Wittgenstein's ideas and contemporary cognitivist conceptions of the mental. This book addresses both Wittgenstein's later works as well as contemporary issues in philosophy of mind. It provides fresh insight into the later Wittgenstein and raises vital questions about the foundations of cognitivism and its wider implications for psychology and cognitive science.
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  15. On Carnap's Analysis of Statements of Assertion and Belief.A. Church - 1949 - Analysis 10 (5):97-99.
    The intent of the article is to point out an objection against analyses that attempt to eliminate propositions and replace them with sentences.
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  16. (1 other version)Intensional isomorphism and identity of belief.Alonzo Church - 1954 - Philosophical Studies 5 (5):65 - 73.
  17.  41
    The mismatch between gesture and speech as an index of transitional knowledge.R. Breckinridge Church & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 1986 - Cognition 23 (1):43-71.
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  18.  49
    Women are underrepresented in fields where success is believed to require brilliance.Meredith Meyer, Andrei Cimpian & Sarah-Jane Leslie - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  19.  6
    Stef M. Shuster and Meredithe McNamara reply.Stef M. Shuster & Meredithe McNamara - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (5):35-35.
    This letter responds to a letter by Moti Gorin in the same issue, September‐October 2024, of the Hastings Center Report.
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  20. Outline of a revised formulation of the logic of sense and denotation (part II).Alonzo Church - 1974 - Noûs 8 (2):135-156.
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  21.  37
    Studying dialects in songbirds: Finding the common ground.Meredith J. West & Andrew P. King - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):117-118.
  22.  24
    Blind Obedience: The Structure and Content of Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy.Meredith Williams - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    There is considerable debate amongst philosophers as to the basic philosophical problem Wittgenstein is attempting to solve in _Philosophical Investigations_. In this bold and original work, Meredith Williams argues that it is the problem of "normative similarity". In _Blind Obedience_ Williams demonstrates how Wittgenstein criticizes traditional, representationalist theories of language by employing the ‘master/novice’ distinction of the learner, arguing that this distinction is often overlooked but fundamental to understanding philosophical problems about mind and language. The book not only provides (...)
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  23. Getting 'Lucky' with Gettier.Ian M. Church - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):37-49.
    In this paper I add credence to Linda Zagzebski's (1994) diagnosis of Gettier problems (and the current trend to abandon the standard analysis) by analyzing the nature of luck. It is widely accepted that the lesson to be learned from Gettier problems is that knowledge is incompatible with luck or at least a certain species thereof. As such, understanding the nature of luck is central to understanding the Gettier problem. Thanks by and large to Duncan Pritchard's seminal work, Epistemic Luck, (...)
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  24. Intellectual Humility.Ian M. Church & Justin Barrett - 2016 - In Everett L. Worthington Jr, Don E. Davis & Joshua N. Hook, Routledge Handbook of Humility. Springer.
    We critique two popular philosophical definitions of intellectual humility: the “low concern for status” and the “limitations-owning.” accounts. Based upon our analysis, we offer an alternative working definition of intellectual humility: the virtue of accurately tracking what one could non-culpably take to be the positive epistemic status of one’s own beliefs. We regard this view of intellectual humility both as a virtuous mean between intellectual arrogance and diffidence and as having advantages over other recent conceptions of intellectual humility. After defending (...)
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  25. Outline of a revised formulation of the logic of sense and denotation (part I).Alonzo Church - 1973 - Noûs 7 (1):24-33.
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  26. Ontological commitment.Alonzo Church - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (23):1008-1014.
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  27. Essentialist Beliefs About Bodily Transplants in the United States and India.Meredith Meyer, Sarah-Jane Leslie, Susan A. Gelman & Sarah M. Stilwell - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (1):668-710.
    Psychological essentialism is the belief that some internal, unseen essence or force determines the common outward appearances and behaviors of category members. We investigated whether reasoning about transplants of bodily elements showed evidence of essentialist thinking. Both Americans and Indians endorsed the possibility of transplants conferring donors' personality, behavior, and luck on recipients, consistent with essentialism. Respondents also endorsed essentialist effects even when denying that transplants would change a recipient's category membership (e.g., predicting that a recipient of a pig's heart (...)
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  28.  63
    Women’s perspectives on the ethical implications of non-invasive prenatal testing: a qualitative analysis to inform health policy decisions.Meredith Vanstone, Alexandra Cernat, Jeff Nisker & Lisa Schwartz - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):27.
    Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing is a technology which provides information about fetal genetic characteristics very early in pregnancy by examining fetal DNA obtained from a sample of maternal blood. NIPT is a morally complex technology that has advanced quickly to market with a strong push from industry developers, leaving many areas of uncertainty still to be resolved, and creating a strong need for health policy that reflects women’s social and ethical values. We approach the need for ethical policy-making by studying the (...)
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  29.  61
    Notes on the axiomatics of the propositional calculus.C. A. Meredith & A. N. Prior - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (3):171-187.
  30. Wittgenstein, Mind and Meaning.Meredith Williams - 2000 - Mind 109 (435):665-668.
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  31.  74
    Modal logic with functorial variables and a contingent constant.C. A. Meredith & A. N. Prior - 1965 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 6 (2):99-109.
  32. Experimental Philosophy and the Problem of Evil.Ian M. Church, Blake McAllister & James Spiegel - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    The problem of evil is an ideal topic for experimental philosophy. Suffering--which is at the heart of most prominent formulations of the problem of evil--is a universal human experience and has been the topic of careful reflection for millennia. However, interpretations of suffering and how it bears on the existence of God are tremendously diverse and nuanced. We might immediately find ourselves wondering why (and how!) something so universal might be understood in so many different ways. Why does suffering push (...)
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  33.  81
    Deconstructing innate illusions: Reflections on nature-nurture-niche from an unlikely source.Meredith J. West & Andrew P. King - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (3):383 – 395.
    Despite great advances in understanding genetic mechanisms, there still exists a bias toward equating genes with innate modules that determine important developmental events. But genes are equally relevant to understanding developmental plasticity shaped by ecological events. In other words, the term 'genetic inheritance' does not specify ontogenetic mechanisms. Here we present a case history of a species assumed to be under the control of prespecified genetic wiring to direct critical behavioral events such as communication and mating. We show, however, that (...)
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  34. Wittgenstein and Davidson on the sociality of language.Meredith Williams - 2000 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 30 (3):299–318.
  35. Nonsense and cosmic exile: The austere reading of the tractatus.Meredith Williams - 2004 - In Max Kölbel & Bernhard Weiss, Wittgenstein's Lasting Significance. New York: Routledge.
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  36.  55
    Going Beyond Input Quantity: Wh‐Questions Matter for Toddlers' Language and Cognitive Development.Meredith L. Rowe, Kathryn A. Leech & Natasha Cabrera - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S1):162-179.
    There are clear associations between the overall quantity of input children are exposed to and their vocabulary acquisition. However, by uncovering specific features of the input that matter, we can better understand the mechanisms involved in vocabulary learning. We examine whether exposure to wh-questions, a challenging quality of the communicative input, is associated with toddlers' vocabulary and later verbal reasoning skills in a sample of low-income, African-American fathers and their 24-month-old children. Dyads were videotaped in free play sessions at home. (...)
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  37.  98
    The Significance of Learning in Wittgenstein’s Later Philosophy.Meredith Williams - 1994 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):173-203.
  38.  43
    Hume's Theory of the External World.Ralph W. Church - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52 (3):317.
  39. Blind obedience: Rules, community and the individual.Meredith Williams - 1991 - In Klaus Puhl, Meaning Scepticism. New York: De Gruyter.
  40. Normative Naturalism.Meredith Williams - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (3):355-375.
    The problem of how we can be both animals living in a causal world and agents acting through norms, principles, and rules in that same world persists. Many have understood this as a clash between science and our ordinary ways of talking. For many, this clash has been resolved in favour of the scientific image, either by reducing the intentional and normative to the causal laws of behaviourism or by eliminating our 'folk psychology' altogether in favour of a syntactic or (...)
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  41.  56
    My Heart Made Me Do It: Children's Essentialist Beliefs About Heart Transplants.Meredith Meyer, Susan A. Gelman, Steven O. Roberts & Sarah-Jane Leslie - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (6):1694-1712.
    Psychological essentialism is a folk theory characterized by the belief that a causal internal essence or force gives rise to the common outward behaviors or attributes of a category's members. In two studies, we investigated whether 4- to 7-year-old children evidenced essentialist reasoning about heart transplants by asking them to predict whether trading hearts with an individual would cause them to take on the donor's attributes. Control conditions asked children to consider the effects of trading money with an individual. Results (...)
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  42. (1 other version)The Critique of Judgement.James Creed Meredith (ed.) - 1978 - Oxford University Press.
    This edition contains the Critique of Aesthetic Judgement and Critique of Teleological Judgement. The introductions and notes that accompanied the translations in the original two volumes have now been dropped in order to make the translations available in a single volume.
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  43. Religious education, not instruction, has its place.Meredith Doig - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 117:18.
    Doig, Meredith The promise from new Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, to make Victoria the 'education state' is welcome and timely.
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    Investigations Into Implicational S5.C. A. Meredith & A. N. Prior - 1964 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 10 (13-17):203-220.
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    Equational logic.C. A. Meredith & A. N. Prior - 1968 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 9 (3):212-226.
  46.  57
    Language and Organisation of Filipino Emotion Concepts: Comparing Emotion Concepts and Dimensions across Cultures.Timothy Church, Marcia S. Katigbak, Jose Alberto S. Reyes & Stacia M. Jensen - 1998 - Cognition and Emotion 12 (1):63-92.
  47.  21
    University scandal, reputation and governance.Meredith Downes - 2017 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 13 (1).
    A review of the literature on corporate governance serves to demonstrate the applicability of many governance solutions to the university setting. Based on a review of university scandals, most of which are recent but some of which took place decades ago, it is possible to categorize them as follows: sex scandals, drugs, cheating, hazing, admissions and diplomas, on-the-job consumption, athletics, and murder. Several examples are provided in the paper, along with their impact on various stakeholders. The paper then discusses a (...)
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  48. Manifest Failure Failure: The Gettier Problem Revived.Ian M. Church - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (1):171-177.
    If the history of the Gettier Problem has taught us anything, it is to be skeptical regarding purported solutions. Nevertheless, in “Manifest Failure: The Gettier Problem Solved” (2011), that is precisely what John Turri offers us. For nearly fifty years, epistemologists have been chasing a solution for the Gettier Problem but with little to no success. If Turri is right, if he has actually solved the Gettier Problem, then he has done something that is absolutely groundbreaking and really quite remarkable. (...)
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    Engineering Medical Decisions.Meredith Stark & Joseph J. Fins - 2013 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 22 (4):373-381.
  50. Historical Materialism and the Economics of Karl Marx, Tr. By C.M. Meredith.Benedetto Croce & Olive Christabel M. Meredith - 1915
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