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Michael McCarthy [27]Michael H. McCarthy [9]Michael A. Mccarthy [4]Michael C. McCarthy [2]
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  1.  33
    There’s No Harm in Talking: Re-Establishing the Relationship Between Theological and Secular Bioethics.Michael McCarthy, Mary Homan & Michael Rozier - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (12):5-13.
    Theological and secular voices in bioethics have drifted into separate silos. Such a separation results in part from (1) theologians focusing less on conveying ideas in ways that contribute to a pluralistic and public bioethical discourse and (2) the dwindling receptivity of religious arguments within secular bioethics. This essay works against these drifts by putting forward an argument that does not bounce around a religious echo-chamber, but instead demonstrates how insights of Christian anthropology can be meaningfully responsive to secular bioethics’ (...)
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  2.  51
    Developing an Evaluation Tool for Assessing Clinical Ethics Consultation Skills in Simulation Based Education: The ACES Project.Katherine Wasson, Kayhan Parsi, Michael McCarthy, Viva Jo Siddall & Mark Kuczewski - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (2):103-113.
    The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities has created a quality attestation process for clinical ethics consultants; the pilot phase of reviewing portfolios has begun. One aspect of the QA process which is particularly challenging is assessing the interpersonal skills of individual clinical ethics consultants. We propose that using case simulation to evaluate clinical ethics consultants is an approach that can meet this need provided clear standards for assessment are identified. To this end, we developed the Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (...)
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  3.  56
    What Ethical Issues Really Arise in Practice at an Academic Medical Center? A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Clinical Ethics Consultations from 2008 to 2013.Katherine Wasson, Emily Anderson, Erika Hagstrom, Michael McCarthy, Kayhan Parsi & Mark Kuczewski - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (3):217-228.
    As the field of clinical ethics consultation sets standards and moves forward with the Quality Attestation process, questions should be raised about what ethical issues really do arise in practice. There is limited data on the type and number of ethics consultations conducted across different settings. At Loyola University Medical Center, we conducted a retrospective review of our ethics consultations from 2008 through 2013. One hundred fifty-six cases met the eligibility criteria. We analyzed demographic data on these patients and conducted (...)
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  4.  36
    What Is the Minimal Competency for a Clinical Ethics Consult Simulation? Setting a Standard for Use of the Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) Tool.Katherine Wasson, William H. Adams, Kenneth Berkowitz, Marion Danis, Arthur R. Derse, Mark G. Kuczewski, Michael McCarthy, Kayhan Parsi & Anita J. Tarzian - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (3):164-172.
    Background: The field of clinical ethics is examining ways of determining competency. The Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) tool offers a new approach that identifies a range of skills necessary in the conduct of clinical ethics consultation and provides a consistent framework for evaluating these skills. Through a training website, users learn to apply the ACES tool to clinical ethics consultants (CECs) in simulated ethics consultation videos. The aim is to recognize competent and incompetent clinical ethics consultation skills by watching (...)
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  5.  15
    The Crisis of Philosophy: Emerson in the Twenty-First Century.Michael H. McCarthy - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    This book presents a sympathetic yet critical treatment of the major philosophical attempts to define a viable project for philosophy in the face of historical changes. McCarthy, then, proposes a comprehensive, critical, and methodological strategy of epistemic integration that fully respects the progressive and pluralistic character of contemporary science and common sense. The programs of Frege, Husserl, Wittgenstein, Carnap, Sellers, Dewey, Quine, and Rorty are carefully presented and an assessment is made of their merits and limitations. This assessment results in (...)
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  6.  14
    An Anatheistic Wager for Bioethics.Michael McCarthy - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (6):26-28.
    Brummett argues that P2+ is necessary because it acknowledges the metaphysical claims ignored in P2’s approach in addressing parental refusal for treatment in certain pediatric cases that cl...
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  7.  36
    Physician, Know Thyself: The Role of Reflection in Bioethics and Professionalism Education.Katherine Wasson, Eva Bading, John Hardt, Lena Hatchett, Mark G. Kuczewski, Michael McCarthy, Aaron Michelfelder & Kayhan Parsi - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):77-86.
    Reflection in medical education is becoming more widespread. Drawing on our Jesuit Catholic heritage, the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine incorporates reflection in its formal curriculum and co–curricular programs. The aim of this type of reflection is to help students in their formation as they learn to step back and analyze their experiences in medical education and their impact on the student. Although reflection is incorporated through all four years of our undergraduate medical curriculum, this essay will focus (...)
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  8.  26
    The Political Humanism of Hannah Arendt.Michael H. McCarthy - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    This critical study of Arendt explores the sources and dangers of political alienation in the West from the citizen republics of classical antiquity to the consumer societies of modern liberal democracies. It is a sympathetic appraisal of the high promise and great perils of the political life.
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  9.  14
    A survey of genomic studies supports association of circadian clock genes with bipolar disorder spectrum illnesses and lithium response.Michael J. McCarthy, Caroline M. Nievergelt, John R. Kelsoe & David K. Welsh - unknown
    Circadian rhythm abnormalities in bipolar disorder have led to a search for genetic abnormalities in circadian "clock genes" associated with BD. However, no significant clock gene findings have emerged from genome-wide association studies. At least three factors could account for this discrepancy: complex traits are polygenic, the organization of the clock is more complex than previously recognized, and/or genetic risk for BD may be shared across multiple illnesses. To investigate these issues, we considered the clock gene network at three levels: (...)
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  10.  61
    (1 other version)Kant's Rejection of the Argument of Groundwork III.Michael H. McCarthy - 1982 - Kant Studien 73 (1-4):169-190.
  11.  43
    Pluralism, Invariance, and Conflict.Michael Mccarthy - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (1):3 - 23.
    DURING THE PAST TWO HUNDRED YEARS, uncertainty and suspicion about the philosophical enterprise have become acute. The educated public is confused about the intellectual and cultural importance of philosophy, and philosophers themselves are divided on its theoretical purpose and meaning. There are, to be sure, specifically philosophical sources of this condition. They include Kant’s critique of traditional metaphysics, the logical positivists’ debunking of ethics and theology, Wittgenstein’s restrictions on the scope of meaningful discourse, Richard Rorty’s call for an end to (...)
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  12.  44
    The Objection of Circularity in Groundwork III.Michael H. McCarthy - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (1-4):28-42.
  13.  20
    A Social Praxis for US Health Care: Revisioning Catholic Bioethics via Catholic Social Thought.M. Therese Lysaught & Michael McCarthy - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):111-130.
    Catholic health care has long been a key place where the Church embodies its social doctrine. However, the moral methodology that shapes Catholic bioethics relies on an act-based approach to decision making, which is rooted in the pre–Vatican II manualist tradition, focusing primarily on clinical issues related to the beginning and end of life. This essay argues that given the doctrinal status of Catholic social thought, Catholic bioethics must revisit its scope and methodology. It proceeds in three steps: a meta-analysis (...)
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  14.  33
    Shouldn't Chaplains Be Handling Cases With Miracle Language?Michael McCarthy & Katherine Wasson - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (5):58-60.
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  15. The biodiversity bank cannot be a lending bank.Michael A. Mccarthy, Mark Colyvan & Brendan A. Wintle - unknown
    “Offsetting” habitat destruction has widespread appeal as an instrument for balancing economic growth with biodiversity conservation. Requiring proponents to pay the nontrivial costs of habitat loss encourages sensitive planning approaches. Offsetting, biobanking, and biodiverse carbon sequestration schemes will play an important role in conserving biodiversity under increasing human pressures. However, untenable assumptions in existing schemes are undermining their benefits. Policies that allow habitat destruction to be offset by the protection of existing habitat are guaranteed to result in further loss of (...)
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  16.  38
    To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate, That Is But One of the Questions.Michael McCarthy - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (4):44-45.
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  17. Vernon Venable 1906-1996.Jesse Kalin, Michael McCarthy, Mitchell Miller & Michael Murray - 1997 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 70 (5):164 - 166.
    In memoriam of Vernon Venable, American philosopher who for four decades was a master teacher in the history of Western philosophy, author of an important study of Marx, and the seminal spirit in the development and flourishing of the program in philosophy at Vassar College.
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  18.  13
    Catholic bioethics and social justice: the praxis of US health care in a globalized world.M. Therese Lysaught, Michael P. McCarthy & Lisa Sowle Cahill (eds.) - 2018 - Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press Academic.
    Catholic health care is one of the key places where the church lives Catholic social teaching (CST). Yet the individualistic methodology of Catholic bioethics inherited from the manualist tradition has yet to incorporate this critical component of the Catholic moral tradition. Informed by the places where Catholic health care intersects with the diverse societal injustices embodied in the patients it encounters, this book brings the lens of CST to bear on Catholic health care, illuminating a new spectrum of ethical issues (...)
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  19.  9
    Authority, Autonomy, and Authenticity.Michael McCarthy - 2002 - Lonergan Workshop 17:143-162.
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  20.  12
    Authenticity as self-transcendence: the enduring insights of Bernard Lonergan.Michael H. McCarthy - 2015 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Michael H. McCarthy has carefully studied the writings of Bernard Lonergan (Canadian philosopher-theologian, 1904-1984) for over fifty years. In his 1989 book, The Crisis of Philosophy, McCarthy argued for the superiority of Lonergan's distinctive philosophical project to those of his analytic and phenomenological rivals. Now in Authenticity as Self-Transcendence: The Enduring Insights of Bernard Lonergan, he develops and expands his earlier argument with four new essays, designed to show Lonergan's exceptional relevance to the cultural situation of late modernity. The essays (...)
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  21.  6
    An Ethics of Authenticity: Personal and Communal.Michael McCarthy - 2010 - Lonergan Workshop 24:227-266.
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  22.  67
    Analytic method and Analytic Propositions in Kant's Groundwork.Michael H. McCarthy - 1976 - Dialogue 15 (4):565-582.
    At the beginning of the third Section of the Groundwork, Kant appears to state the synthetic a priori proposition which it is the business of that Section to justify. It is: “An absolutely good will is one whose maxim can always have as its content itself considered as a universal law.” I shall contend that a consideration of Kant's use of analytic method shows that he is committed to regard this proposition not as synthetic, but rather as analytic. Hence, I (...)
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  23.  15
    Comment.Michael D. McCarthy - 1993 - Social Epistemology 7 (3):274 – 277.
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  24.  12
    Conversion.Michael McCarthy - 2008 - Lonergan Workshop 21:263-275.
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  25.  6
    Critical Christian Renewal.Michael McCarthy - 1999 - Lonergan Workshop 15:77-97.
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  26.  34
    Creation through the Psalms in Augustine’s Enarrationes in Psalmos.Michael C. McCarthy - 2006 - Augustinian Studies 37 (2):191-218.
  27.  8
    Early Christianity and the Public Realm.Michael H. McCarthy - 1997 - Lonergan Workshop 13:115-125.
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  28.  59
    Kant's Groundwork Justification of Freedom.Michael H. McCarthy - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (3):457-473.
    Kant's aim in Section III of the Groundwork is to establish the supreme principle of morality. To accomplish his aim he finds it necessary to present a justification of freedom. Commentators generally regard Kant's overall argument as a failure, because they regard his justification of freedom as a failure. In this paper I shall present three arguments. First, I shall argue that commentators, for the most part, look to the wrong text for Kant's Groundwork justification of freedom. They look to (...)
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  29.  18
    Living Beyond Our Means.Michael McCarthy - 2014 - Method 28 (1):75-96.
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  30.  10
    Liberty, History, and the Common Good.Michael McCarthy - 1996 - Lonergan Workshop 12:111-145.
  31.  10
    Lonergan, Liberty, and the Liberal Arts.Michael McCarthy - 2020 - Method 34 (1):21-35.
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  32.  10
    Practical Wisdom, Social Justice, and the Global Society.Michael McCarthy - 2011 - Lonergan Workshop 22:171-192.
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  33.  29
    Religious Disillusionment and the Cross: An Augustinian Reflection.Michael C. Mccarthy - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (4):577-592.
    This essay applies recent scholarly insights on disillusionment as a cultural and psychological phenomenon to the problem of religious disillusionment as experienced by US Catholics in the wake of scandals of clergy sexual abuse. First, it sets forth disillusionment as a category for exploring the theological issue of sinfulness in the church. Second, it considers examples of how Vatican documents and acts of reconciliation in the last decade have been careful to draw distinctions between the faults of individual Christians and (...)
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  34.  9
    Reforming the Church, Redeeming the World.Michael McCarthy - 2012 - Lonergan Workshop 26:265-294.
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  35.  15
    Response to Open Peer Commentaries for “There’s No Harm in Talking: Reestablishing the Relationship Between Theological and Secular Bioethics”.Michael McCarthy, Mary Homan & Michael Rozier - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (1):W1-W3.
    The global landscape in which we wrote this essay has fundamentally changed. Given how these changes have altered the rhythm of life, particularly the added responsibilities that many of you have a...
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  36.  16
    Supporting persons with developmental disability--a new model.Michael McCarthy, Michelle Reynolds & L. Walker - 2002 - Bioethics Forum 19 (1-2):24-30.
  37.  8
    Toward a Catholic Christianity.Michael McCarthy - 2008 - Lonergan Workshop 20:253-270.
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  38.  16
    Towards A New Critical Center.Michael McCarthy - 1997 - Method 15 (2):111-134.
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  39.  13
    Theology and Technology Volume I: Essays in Christian Analysis, and Theology and Technology Volume II: Essays in Christian Exegesis and Historical Theology, edited by Carl Mitchum, Jim Grote, and Levi Checketts.Michael McCarthy - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 43 (1):237-239.
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  40.  23
    The Critique of Reason.Michael H. McCarthy - 1992 - Method 10 (2):89-125.
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  41.  16
    Turning Labor into Capital: Pension Funds and the Corporate Control of Finance.Michael A. McCarthy - 2014 - Politics and Society 42 (4):455-487.
    This article explores union attempts to control pension fund investment for the debate on financial restructuring in the United States. It puts popular control of finance into comparative and historical perspective and argues that laws and politics help explain why the flow of finance is corporate controlled. First, changes in the legal regime—the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974—put constraints on labor’s ability to influence investment decisions. This is evident when comparing single- and (...)
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  42.  10
    The moth snowstorm: nature and joy.Michael McCarthy - 2016 - New York: New York Review Books.
    The moth snowstorm, a phenomenon Michael McCarthy remembers from his boyhood when moths 'would pack a car's headlight beams like snowflakes in a blizzard,' is a distant memory. Wildlife is being lost, not only in the wholesale extinctions of species but also in the dwindling of those species that still exist. The Moth Snowstorm records in painful detail this rapid dissolution of nature's abundance and proposes a radical solution: that we recognize our capacity to love the natural world. Arguing that (...)
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  43.  14
    The Politics of Democratizing Finance: A Radical View.Michael A. McCarthy - 2019 - Politics and Society 47 (4):611-633.
    How can finance be durably democratized? In the centers of financial power in both the United States and the United Kingdom, proposals now circulate to give workers and the public more say over how flows of credit are allocated. This article examines five democratization proposals: credit union franchises, public investment banks, sovereign wealth funds, inclusive ownership funds, and bank nationalization. It considers how these plans might activate worker and public engagement in decision making about finance by focusing on three modes (...)
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  44. Assessing ethical trade-offs in ecological field studies.Kirsten M. Parris, Sarah C. McCall, Michael A. McCarthy, Ben A. Minteer, Katie Steele, Sarah Bekessy & Fabien Medvecky - 2010 - Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (1):227-234.
    Summary 1. Ecologists and conservation biologists consider many issues when designing a field study, such as the expected value of the data, the interests of the study species, the welfare of individual organisms and the cost of the project. These different issues or values often conflict; however, neither animal ethics nor environmental ethics provides practical guidance on how to assess trade-offs between them. -/- 2. We developed a decision framework for considering trade-offs between values in ecological research, drawing on the (...)
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  45.  23
    Introducing Art History: A Guide for Teachers.Jerry G. Smoke & Michael J. McCarthy - 1980 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 14 (4):111.
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  46.  20
    Book Review: Human Technological Enhancement and Theological Anthropology by Victoria Lorrimar. [REVIEW]Michael McCarthy - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (1):158-161.
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