Results for 'Michel Jouve'

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    Nation et nations dans la caricature politique anglaise du XVIIIe siecle.Michel Jouve - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (4-6):423-429.
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    The Semi-transparent Envelope: Women Writing--feminism and Fiction.Sue Roe, Susan Sellers, Nicole Ward Jouve & Michèle Roberts - 1994 - Marion Boyars Publishers.
    Three acclaimed literary critics ask: Do women construct and write fiction differently from men? They explore theoretical aspects of the feminist agenda as well as analyze their own creative procedures. Sue Roe, Susan Sellers, Nicole Ward Jouve.
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    Entretien avec Bernard Jouve.Bernard Jouve - 2009 - Rue Descartes 63 (1):74.
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    The first works of D'Alembert and Euler about the problem of vibrating strings from the perspective of their correspondence.Guillame Jouve - 2017 - Centaurus 59 (4):300-307.
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    Les enfants qui jouent le rôle d’interprète pour leurs parents : de la parentification à la parentalisation.Muriel Bossuroy & Perrine Jouve - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 233 (3):175-193.
    Les enfants de migrants sont souvent plus à l’aise que leurs parents dans la langue du pays d’accueil et peuvent jouer de ce fait un rôle d’interprète au sein de la famille. Cela peut-il entraîner une inversion des rôles parents/enfants et avec quelles conséquences? L’analyse de treize protocoles d’enfants de 8 à 14 ans (un dessin de famille et un entretien semi-directif accompagné de supports visuels et de figurines, pour aider les enfants à exprimer leurs ressentis et leur perception de (...)
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  6. The Order of Things.Michel Foucault - 1970 - Tavistock.
    Like the latter, it unites into one and the same function the possibility of giving things a sign, of representing one thing by another, and the possibility of causing a sign to shift in relation to what it designates. The four functions that define the ...
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  7. Moral exemplars in education: a liberal account.Michel Croce - 2020 - Ethics and Education (x):186-199.
    This paper takes issue with the exemplarist strategy of fostering virtue development with the specific goal of improving its applicability in the context of education. I argue that, for what matters educationally, we have good reasons to endorse a liberal account of moral exemplarity. Specifically, I challenge two key assumptions of Linda Zagzebski’s Exemplarist Moral Theory (2017), namely that moral exemplars are exceptionally virtuous agents and that imitating their behavior is the main strategy for acquiring the virtues. I will introduce (...)
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  8. A History of Molecular Biology.Michel Morange & Matthew Cobb - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (3):568-570.
  9. Consciousness Science Underdetermined: A short history of endless debates.Matthias Michel - 2019 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 6.
    Consciousness scientists have not reached consensus on two of the most central questions in their field: first, on whether consciousness overflows reportability; second, on the physical basis of consciousness. I review the scientific literature of the 19th century to provide evidence that disagreement on these questions has been a feature of the scientific study of consciousness for a long time. Based on this historical review, I hypothesize that a unifying explanation of disagreement on these questions, up to this day, is (...)
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  10. Failures of Intention and Failed-Art.Michel-Antoine Xhignesse - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (7):905-917.
    This paper explores what happens when artists fail to execute their goals. I argue that taxonomies of failure in general, and of failed-art in particular, should focus on the attempts which generate the failed-entity, and that to do this they must be sensitive to an attempt’s orientation. This account of failed-attempts delivers three important new insights into artistic practice: there can be no accidental art, only deliberate and incidental art; art’s intention-dependence entails the possibility of performative failure, but not of (...)
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  11. Psychological explanation: The 'private data' hypothesis.Michel Treisman - 1962 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 13 (August):130-143.
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    Sensory scaling: Unanswered questions.Michel Treisman - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):293-294.
  13. Qu'est-ce qu'un auteur?Michel Foucault - 1969 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 63 (3):73.
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  14. Folie et Déraison: Histoire de la Folie à l''ge classique.Michel Foucault - 1961 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 16 (4):451-451.
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    C'est moi la vérité: pour une philosophie du christianisme.Michel Henry - 1996 - Seuil.
    Le christianisme bouleverse notre conception de l'homme parce qu'il refuse la manière dont celui-ci se comprend depuis toujours à partir du monde, de sa vérité et de ses lois. Selon le christianisme, l'homme ne procède pas du monde mais de Dieu: il est son " Fils ". Or Dieu est Vie, Vie qui ne se montre en aucun monde, qui s'éprouve elle-même dans son intériorité invisible. L'autorévélation de la Vie est l'essence de Dieu. Cette épreuve de soi de la Vie (...)
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    Mécanique quantique: une introduction philosophique.Michel Bitbol - 1996 - Flammarion-Pere Castor.
    Le présent tome traite de la mécanique quantique non relativiste. Il comprend, outre ses fondements, de multiples applications de la mécanique quantique dans une plus large mesure que dans les cours généraux. Dans leur exposé des questions générales, les auteurs dégagent au maximum l'essence physique de la théorie, à partir de laquelle ils développent l'appareil mathématique. Contrairement au schéma habituel allant des théorèmes mathématiques relatifs aux opérateurs linéaires, les auteurs déduisent les exigences mathématiques auxquelles doivent répondre les opérateurs et les (...)
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  17. The Will to Knowledge: The History of Sexuality Vol. I.Michel Foucault - 1998 - Penguin Books.
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  18. Dialectic, the Dictum de Omni and Ecthesis.Michel Crubellier, Mathieu Marion, Zoe Mcconaughey & Shahid Rahman - 2019 - History and Philosophy of Logic 40 (3):207-233.
    In this paper, we provide a detailed critical review of current approaches to ecthesis in Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, with a view to motivate a new approach, which builds upon previous work by Marion & Rückert (2016) on the dictum de omni. This approach sets Aristotle’s work within the context of dialectic and uses Lorenzen’s dialogical logic, hereby reframed with use of Martin-Löf's constructive type theory as ‘immanent reasoning’. We then provide rules of syllogistic for the latter, and provide proofs of (...)
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    Science et métaphysique dans Descartes et Leibniz.Michel Fichant - 1998 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. Douze études portant sur divers points cruciaux d'interprétation de la science et de la métaphysique cartésiennes et leibniziennes. « Copyright Electre » Pages de début Préface Sigles utilisés pour les références aux sources principales I - L'ingenium (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Einstein.Michel Janssen & Christoph Lehner (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume is the first systematic presentation of the work of Albert Einstein, comprising fourteen essays by leading historians and philosophers of science that introduce readers to his work. Following an introduction that places Einstein's work in the context of his life and times, the book opens with essays on the papers of Einstein's 'miracle year', 1905, covering Brownian motion, light quanta, and special relativity, as well as his contributions to early quantum theory and the opposition to his light quantum (...)
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  21. La barbarie.Michel Henry - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (3):327-329.
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  22. Schrödinger's Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics.Michel Bitbol - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (2):329-331.
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  23. Naissance de la Biopolitique Cours au Colláege de France, 1978-1979.Michel Foucault - 2004
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  24. Epistemic Rights, Moral Rights, and The Abuse of Perceived Epistemic Authority.Michel Croce - 2023 - Notizie di Politeia 149:122-126.
    This contribution discusses two aspects of Watson’s account of epistemic rights: namely, the nature of epistemic rights, and a particular form of epistemic rights violation that Watson calls the abuse of perceived epistemic authority. It is argued that Watson’s take on both aspects is unsatisfactory, and some suggestions for an alternative view are offered.
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  25. Self-deception as pseudo-rational regulation of belief.Christoph Michel & Albert Newen - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (3):731-744.
    Self-deception is a special kind of motivational dominance in belief-formation. We develop criteria which set paradigmatic self-deception apart from related phenomena of automanipulation such as pretense and motivational bias. In self-deception rational subjects defend or develop beliefs of high subjective importance in response to strong counterevidence. Self-deceivers make or keep these beliefs tenable by putting prima-facie rational defense-strategies to work against their established standards of rational evaluation. In paradigmatic self-deception, target-beliefs are made tenable via reorganizations of those belief-sets that relate (...)
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    Is Science a Public Good? Fifth Mullins Lecture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 23 March 1993.Michel Callon - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (4):395-424.
    Should governments accept the principle of devoting a proportion of their resources to funding basic research? From the standpoint of economics, science should be considered as a public good and for that reason it should be protected from market forces. This article tries to show that this result can only be maintained at the price of abandoning arguments traditionally deployed by economists themselves. It entails a complete reversal of our habitual ways of thinking about public goods. In order to bring (...)
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  27. L'herméneutique du Sujet Cours au Collège de France, 1981-1982.Michel Foucault, François Ewald, Alessandro Fontana & Frédéric Gros - 2001
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  28. Naissance de la clinique. Une archéologie du regard médical.Michel Foucault - 1981 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 37 (1):224-224.
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    Scaling up Predictive Processing to language with Construction Grammar.Christian Michel - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (3):553-579.
    Predictive Processing (PP) is an increasingly influential neurocognitive-computational framework. PP research has so far focused predominantly on lower level perceptual, motor, and various psychological phenomena. But PP seems to face a “scale-up challenge”: How can it be extended to conceptual thought, language, and other higher cognitive competencies? Compositionality, arguably a central feature of conceptual thought, cannot easily be accounted for in PP because it is not couched in terms of classical symbol processing. I argue, using the example of language, that (...)
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  30. Epistemic Tit for Tat.Michel J. Blais - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy 84 (7):363.
  31. On Pure Reflection A Reply to Dan Zahavi.Michel Bitbol & C. Petitmengin - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (2):24-37.
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    A multisensory perspective of working memory.Michel Quak, Raquel Elea London & Durk Talsma - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    A Critical Perspective on Synthetic Biology.Michel Morange - 2009 - Hyle 15 (1):21 - 30.
    Synthetic biology emerged around 2000 as a new biological discipline. It shares with systems biology the same modular vision of organisms, but is more concerned with applications than with a better understanding of the functioning of organisms. A herald of this new discipline is Craig Venter who aims to create an artificial microorganism with the minimal genome compatible with life and to implement into it different 'functional modules' to generate new micro-organisms adapted to specific tasks. Synthetic biology is based on (...)
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    Predictive embodied concepts: an exploration of higher cognition within the predictive processing paradigm.Christian Michel - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    Predictive processing, an increasingly popular paradigm in cognitive sciences, has focused primarily on giving accounts of perception, motor control and a host of psychological phenomena, including consciousness. But higher cognitive processes, like conceptual thought, language, and logic, have received only limited attention to date and PP still stands disconnected from a huge body of research in those areas. In this thesis, I aim to address this gap and I attempt to go some way towards developing and defending a cognitive-computational approach (...)
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  35. The Heaviest Metal.Michel-Antoine Xhignesse - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (3):681-697.
    It has recently been argued that metal’s ‘heaviness’ is conceptually inarticulable. I argue, on the contrary, that ‘heaviness’ is a matter of inaccessibility—the ‘something more’ that makes metal ‘heavy’ is actually something less: less auditory processing fluency. Like profound literature, metal resists, but also invites and rewards, interpretation. I argue that understanding ‘heaviness’ in terms of auditory processing fluency allows us to make sense of a number of otherwise puzzling features of the music, and to articulate a unifying gestalt for (...)
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    Strong Sustainability Ethics in advance.Michel Bourban - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
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  37. L'imprévisibilité dans les parcours sociaux.Michel Grossetti - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 1 (1):5-28.
    Cet article propose les éléments d’un cadre théorique permettant d’analyser des situations sociales comportant une part d’imprévisibilité. S’intéresser à des ruptures, des changements soudains, c’est en partie revenir sur de vieux tabous de la sociologie et plus généralement des sciences sociales : la contingence, l’événement, l’imprévisible. Une solution possible réside dans la définition précise de ce qui est considéré comme imprévisible et dans la prise en compte de différents niveaux de temporalité, à condition d’accepter l’idée que les temps « courts (...)
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  38. Psychiatric Power.Michel Foucault - 2007 - Foucault Studies:3-6.
    Lectures at the Collège de France, 1973-1974. Ed. Jacques Lagrange, trans. Graham Burchell, intro. Arnold I. Davidson,. Extract from Chapter One, 7 November 1973.
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    Homo sapiens technologicus: Philosophie de la technologie contemporaine, philosophie de la sagesse contemporaine.Michel Puech - 2008 - Paris: Pommier.
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    After Whitehead: Rescher on process metaphysics.Michel Weber (ed.) - 2004 - Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
    ... PREFACE Paul Gochet (Liege) "[...] une entite physique ne peut etre envisagee que comme une sorte de concretisation, de consolidation locale dans un ...
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    Une démocratie libérale peut-elle faire face au changement climatique? Penser la question écologique dans un cadre rawlsien.Michel Bourban & Ophélie Desmons - forthcoming - Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Philosophie.
  42. Post-genomics, between reduction and emergence.Michel Morange - 2006 - Synthese 151 (3):355 - 360.
    It is frequently said that biology is emerging from a long phase of reductionism. It would be certainly more correct to say that biologists are abandoning a certain form of reductionism. We describe this past form, and the experiments which challenged the previous vision. To face the difficulties which were met, biologists use a series of concepts and metaphors - pleiotropy, tinkering, epigenetics - the ambiguity of which masks the difficulties, instead of solving them. In a similar way, the word (...)
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    Hume's Natural History of Religion.Michel Malherbe - 1995 - Hume Studies 21 (2):255-274.
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    The Ethic of Aesthetics.Michel Maffesoli - 1991 - Theory, Culture and Society 8 (1):7-20.
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    Einstein and Spinoza.Michel Paty - 1986 - In Marjorie Grene & Debra Nails, Spinoza And The Sciences. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 267--302.
  46. Le pouvoir psychiatrique. Cours au Collège de France.Michel Foucault, François Ewald, Alessandro Fontana & Jacques Lagrange - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (2):392-392.
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    A Stakeholder’s Perspective on Human Resource Management.Michel Ferrary - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):31-43.
    In order to understand the system wherein human resource management practices are determined by the interactions of a complex system of actors, it is necessary to have a conceptual framework of analysis. In this respect, the works of scholars concerning stakeholder theory opened new perspectives in management theory. An organisation is understood as being part of a politico-economic system of stakeholders who interact and influence management practices. Each stakeholder tries to optimise and protect his interests, 61-75). The framework of stakeholder (...)
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  48. Interprétations et significations en physique quantique.Michel Paty - 2000 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie:199-242.
    Le débat sur l'interprétation de la mécanique quantique est, aujourd'hui, sensiblement différent de ce qu'il était dans la période de «fondation» de cette théorie. Cette modification tient à deux causes : l'ancrage des conceptions quantiques dans la pensée des physiciens, favorisé par l'utilisation systématique et fructueuse de la théorie quantique en physique atomique et subatomique, d'une part et, d'autre part, les développements théoriques et expérimentaux survenus au cours des vingt dernières années, qui ont amené à considérer comme des faits physiques (...)
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  49. Teorie dei vizi. Un'analisi critica.Michel Croce - 2020 - Ethics and Politics 22 (1):577-598.
    This paper offers a critical analysis of the current debate in vice theory. Its main aim is to provide the reader with the conceptual and methodological tools to navigate the discussion among reliabilist, responsibilist, and obstructivist approaches to moral and epistemic vices. After a brief exploration of the reasons underlying the recent flourishing of vice theories (§2), the responsibilist account is introduced (§3) and several critical remarks are offered to ensure that this view can accommodate the cases of malevolent and (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant on history and religion.Michel Despland - 1973 - Montreal,: McGill-Queen's University Press. Edited by Immanuel Kant.
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