Results for 'Michelis Michelis'

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  1.  67
    Responsibility's Double Binds: The Reactive Attitudes in Conditions of Oppression.Mich Ciurria - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (1):35-48.
    Historically, philosophers have tended to see moral responsibility as a matter of having a certain metaphysical status. Strawson shifted the debate by defining responsibility as part of an interpersonal practice, but he did not discuss the relationship between interpersonal relationships and the politics of oppression. His view, in other words, was an example of ideal theory. This article adopts a non‐ideal theoretic framework to explore how ordinary responsibility practices uphold intersecting logics of oppression. It argues that the reactive attitudes function (...)
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    Pensiero e formazione: studi in onore di Giuseppe Micheli.Gregorio Piaia, Giuseppe Zago & Giuseppe Micheli (eds.) - 2016 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    A history of modern yoga: Patañjali and Western esotericism.Elizabeth De Michelis - 2004 - New York: Continuum.
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  4. The Origin of species as a book.Michèle Kohler & Chris Kohler - 2009 - In Michael Ruse & Robert J. Richards (eds.), The Cambridge companion to the "Origin of species". New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Psychanalyse et sciences sociales: pratiques, théories, institutions.Michèle Bertrand - 1989 - Paris: La Découverte. Edited by Bernard Doray.
  6. Comments on Gervase Mathew's ‘byzantine aesthetics’.P. A. Michelis - 1964 - British Journal of Aesthetics 4 (3):253-262.
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    Filosofia-scienza e religione, i nuovi percorsi tracciati da Hans Jonas.Angela Michelis - 2015 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 6 (11):274.
    Il pensiero di Jonas, in particolare quello della sua seconda fase, dedicato alla filosofia della biologia, apre nel confronto filosofico con la scienza nuovi spazi di riflessione critica per la filosofia e per le scienze stesse. In tale incontro entrambe si arricchiscono, acquisendo maggior coscienza metodologica e ampliando le prospettive di osservazione dei fenomeni. Sorge, così, in modo rinnovato, la possibilità di nuove soluzioni interpretative, che, ponendosi al di là di desueti schieramenti ideologici, riescano a comprendere più in profondità la (...)
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  8. Zeitschrift Der philosophische Unterricht.Konrad Michelis - 1933 - Kant Studien 38:495.
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    Aesthetic distance and the charm of contemporary art.P. A. Michelis - 1959 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18 (1):1-45.
  10.  10
    In dialogue with Michéle Le Dœuff: philosophies, encounters and friendship.Pamela Sue Anderson & Michèle Le Dœuff (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The work of Michèle Le Dœuff creatively disrupts established notions of what philosophy might be. Far from being a discipline about the leader and the disciple, a hierarchy of knowledge and paternalism, Le Dœuff proposes a philosophy of dialogue and friendship. The conversations in this book explore how this philosophy can be enacted and explored, and show how openness and generosity can be the starting point of truly rigorous thinking. Introduced and curated by the late philosopher, Pamela Sue Anderson, In (...)
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    Sull'insegnamento della filosofia.Fiorella De Michelis Pintacuda - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (1):79-82.
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    An analysis of some evidential structures in essays written by students of French as a foreign language.Elisabeth Miche - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (2):226-240.
    In this article, we perform an evidential analysis of three types of construction taken from essays written by students of French as a foreign language: the shown source, the quoted source and borrowed knowledge. The issue with these constructions, which refer to passages from a book, is knowing the extent to which they have an evidential value because, within the context of our analysis, the source and the knowledge reference overlap. We defend an evidential reading of these segments given their (...)
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    Vico e Venezia.Cesare De Michelis & Gilberto Pizzamiglio (eds.) - 1982 - Firenze: Olschki.
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    Le cynisme à la Renaissance d'Erasme à Montaigne.Michèle Clement - 2005 - Genève: Droz. Edited by Loys Du Puys & Diogenes.
    Quiconque considère la résurgence du cynisme à la Renaissance pénètre un domaine vaste, mais laissé en friche par les philosophes et délaissé des littéraires. Quelques exemples suffisent à en évaluer l'étendue : reconnaître Diogène dans le Christ et faire - subrepticement - du premier des Adages un adage diogénique ; s'assimiler à Diogène roulant son tonneau pour illustrer la fabrique du Tiers Livre ; attaquer saint Augustin pour son incapacité à comprendre l'impudeur des cyniques ; souhaiter comme idéal pour l'homme (...)
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    Le christianisme: une pensée puissante d'après Claude Tresmontant: catéchèse en vue de la nouvelle évangélisation.Michèle Juin - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'oeuvre de Claude Tresmontant est un formidable appel à un développement théologique digne des défis actuels du XXIe siècle, fondé sur les bases solides théologiques reconnues par l'Eglise, en particulier les conciles. Tresmontant qui connaît parfaitement l'hébreu s'est livré à une recherche approfondie sur le véritable contenu du christianisme. Sa pensée est celle d'une métaphysique qui nous réconcilie avec le réel : il donne toute sa place dans la réflexion à ce que les sciences de la nature nous enseignent.
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    Sir Herbert read.P. A. Michelis - 1969 - British Journal of Aesthetics 9 (1):3-3.
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    AI ethics and data governance in the geospatial domain of Digital Earth.Marina Micheli, Caroline M. Gevaert, Mary Carman, Max Craglia, Emily Daemen, Rania E. Ibrahim, Alexander Kotsev, Zaffar Mohamed-Ghouse, Sven Schade, Ingrid Schneider, Lea A. Shanley, Alessio Tartaro & Michele Vespe - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Digital Earth applications provide a common ground for visualizing, simulating, and modeling real-world situations. The potential of Digital Earth applications has increased significantly with the evolution of artificial intelligence systems and the capacity to collect and process complex amounts of geospatial data. Yet, the widespread techno-optimism at the root of Digital Earth must now confront concerns over high-risk artificial intelligence systems and power asymmetries of a datafied society. In this commentary, we claim that not only can current debates about data (...)
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    Kant and Zeno of Elea: historical precedents of the "sceptical method".Giuseppe Micheli - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (3):57-64.
    For Kant's interpretation of Zeno in KrV A502-507/B530-535, scholars have usually referred to Plato's Phaedrus ; in reality the sources Kant uses are, on one hand, Brucker , and, on the other, Plato's Parmenides and Proclus' commentary on it, as quoted by Gassendi in a popular textbook he wrote on the history of logic. Per l'interpretazione kantiana di Zenone in KrV A502-507/B530-535 gli studiosi rinviano solitamente al Fedro platonico ; in realtà, le fonti cui Kant attinse sono, da un lato (...)
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  19. Emotions as Objects of Argumentative Constructions.Raphaël Micheli - 2010 - Argumentation 24 (1):1-17.
    This paper takes part in the ongoing debate on how emotions can be dealt with by argumentation theory. Its main goal is to formulate a relationship between emotion and argumentation which differs from that usually found in most of the literature on the subject. In the “standard” conception, emotions are seen as the objects of appeals which function as adjuvants to argumentation: speakers appeal to pity, fear, shame and the like in order to enhance the cogency of an argument which (...)
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  20. L'Inscription du Sujet Dans le Social.Michèle Bertrand - 1987 - In Mireille Delbraccio & Georges Labica (eds.), Idéologie, symbolique, ontologie. Paris: Presses du CNRS, diffusion.
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    Tra Erasmo e Lutero.Fiorella De Michelis Pintacuda - 2001 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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    Byzantine art as a religious and didactic art.P. A. Michelis - 1967 - British Journal of Aesthetics 7 (2):150-157.
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  23. Il tragico in Gorgia da Leontini.Angela Michelis - 2001 - Filosofia 52 (2):171-181.
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  24.  38
    Some reflections on architecture.P. A. Michelis - 1964 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 23 (1):139-144.
  25.  66
    Pluralism in Mathematics: A New Position in Philosophy of Mathematics.Michèle Friend - 2013 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The pluralist sheds the more traditional ideas of truth and ontology. This is dangerous, because it threatens instability of the theory. To lend stability to his philosophy, the pluralist trades truth and ontology for rigour and other ‘fixtures’. Fixtures are the steady goal posts. They are the parts of a theory that stay fixed across a pair of theories, and allow us to make translations and comparisons. They can ultimately be moved, but we tend to keep them fixed temporarily. Apart (...)
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    Arguing Without Trying to Persuade? Elements for a Non-Persuasive Definition of Argumentation.Raphaël Micheli - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (1):115-126.
    If we consider the field of argumentation studies, we notice that many approaches consider argumentation in a pragmatic manner and define it as a verbal activity oriented towards the realization of a goal . The idea that subtends—in an explicit or implicit way—most of these approaches is that argumentation fundamentally aims to produce an effect upon an addressee, and that this effect consists in a change of attitude with respect to a viewpoint : argumentation theories inevitably confront the issue of (...)
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    Decidability and complexity of action-based temporal planning over dense time.Nicola Gigante, Andrea Micheli, Angelo Montanari & Enrico Scala - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 307 (C):103686.
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    Digital footprints: an emerging dimension of digital inequality.Marina Micheli, Christoph Lutz & Moritz Büchi - 2018 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (3):242-251.
    This conceptual contribution is based on the observation that digital inequalities literature has not sufficiently considered digital footprints as an important social differentiator. The purpose of the paper is to inspire current digital inequality frameworks to include this new dimension.,Literature on digital inequalities is combined with research on privacy, big data and algorithms. The focus on current findings from an interdisciplinary point of view allows for a synthesis of different perspectives and conceptual development of digital footprints as a new dimension (...)
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    The early reception of Kant's thought in England: 1785-1805.Giuseppe Micheli - 1931 - London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press. Edited by René Wellek.
    Comprising some of the key texts, this collection illustrates not only Kant's influence on British thought in the 19th century, but also gives a greater insight into British intellectual attitudes of that time.
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  30. Refinements in architecture.P. A. Michelis - 1955 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (1):19-43.
  31. Pour une histoire critique de la philosophie marxiste.Michèle Mestre - 1968 - Paris,: "le Communiste,".
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  32. Report on the conference on Kantian anthropology held in Padua, March 23-24, 1998.G. Micheli - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 54 (2):349-354.
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    The teaching of aesthetics and artistic experience.P. A. Michelis - 1972 - British Journal of Aesthetics 12 (1):60-63.
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    The Intellectual Legacy of Joseph Ratzinger: Benedict XVI (1927-2022).Miche Fédou & Ricardo Barroso Batista - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):45-60.
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  35. 1 Modern Yoga.Elizabeth De Michelis - 2008 - In Mark Singleton & Jean Byrne (eds.), Yoga in the modern world: contemporary perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 17.
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    Esthetique de l'architecture du beton arme.P. A. Michelis - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (4):539-539.
  37.  27
    Il concetto di automa nella cultura greca dalle origini al sec. IV a.C.Gianni Micheli - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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  38. La Pizia, l'oracolo e la divinazione nell'arte contemporanea.P. A. Michelis - 1961 - Filosofia 12 (3):335.
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  39. Problems of the finished and the unfinished in art.P. A. Michelis - 1961 - Filosofia 12 (4 Supplemento):641.
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  40. Religion & science.Of Mich - forthcoming - Zygon.
  41.  37
    Space-time and contemporary architecture.P. A. Michelis - 1949 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (2):71-86.
  42.  16
    The roots of human responsibility.Angela Michelis - 2017 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 29 (46):307.
    Starting from Hans Jonas’ works, this essay researches the bases of human responsibility and its reasoning is made up of four points. 1. He was aware of how his experience had influenced his thought and he questioned what means reflecting starting from extreme situations: «The apocalyptic state of things, the threatening collapse of a world, the climatic crisis of civilization, the proximity of death, the stark nakedness to which all the issues of life were stripped, all these were ground enough (...)
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  43. McPherson: Where safety nets are in financial distress, are the reasons within or outside their control? What is your sense of what is really going on here?Mich Bruce McPherson - 2009 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 46.
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  44. BLACKWELL; uRRENT $ ERIALS Pubtishers.Jniv Of Mich - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 29:155.
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  45. De l'Imagination abstractive.P. A. Michelis - 1964 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 18 (68/69):229.
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    L'Esthetique d'Haghia-Sophia.P. A. Michelis - 1964 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 22 (4):484-485.
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  47. Ludovico Geymonat and the philosophy of mathematics.Gianni Micheli - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 62 (1):63-68.
  48. Storia della scienza e storia della filosofia: problemi di metodo.G. Micheli - 1967 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 22 (3):303.
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    Schopenhauers stellung zum psychophysischen paralelismus..Heinrich Michelis - 1903 - Königsberg i. Pr.,: Hartungsche buchdr..
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    Kant storico della filosofia.Giuseppe Micheli - 1980 - Padova: Editrice Antenore.
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