Results for 'Mid-Hudson Valley'

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  1.  30
    Announcing the joint 2004 annual meetings of the association for the study of food and society (asfs) and the agriculture, food, and human values society (afhvs) theme: Agriculture to culture.Mid-Hudson Valley, Krishnendu Ray Cia & Jennifer Berg Nyu - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (3):97-102.
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  2. Migration and mediation of music. People's music in the people's republic of china : A semiotic reading of socialist musical culture from the mid to late 1950s / Hon-Lun Yang ; the song that doesn't want to die : The nomadic tango / heloísa de araújo Duarte Valente ; globalizing Bach : The promotion of classical music between idealism and commerce / Cornelia Szabó-knotik ; tell mussorgsky the news : Emerson, lake and Palmer's pictures at an exhibition as open work.Kevin Holm-Hudson - 2006 - In Erkki Pekkilä, David Neumeyer & Richard Littlefield (eds.), Music, meaning and media. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
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    Carnap's Empiricism, Lost and Found.Robert G. Hudson - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 43:81-88.
    Recent scholarship (by mainly Michael Friedman, but also by Thomas Uebel) on the philosophy of Rudolf Carnap covering the period from the publication of Carnap’s’ 1928 book Der Logische Aufbau der Welt through to the mid to late 1930’s has tended to view Carnap as espousing a form of conventionalism (epitomized by his adoption of the principle of tolerance) and not a form of empirical foundationalism. On this view, it follows that Carnap’s 1934 The Logical Syntax of Language is the (...)
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    From the United Provinces to Hudson Valley: reordering of gender relations in New Netherland (1624-1664). [REVIEW]Virginie Adane - 2020 - Clio 51:75-96.
    L’étude de la Nouvelle-Néerlande permet de voir le rôle » joué par le genre dans la construction d’une société nouvelle. Les dynamiques migratoires mixtes qui caractérisent cette colonie donnent naissance à une société coloniale où la surreprésentation masculine est associée à un peuplement familial. Il en résulte une vulnérabilité exacerbée des femmes seules. Néanmoins, les transgressions sexuelles peuvent être lues comme autant de tentatives de se conformer à un ordre matrimonial. Le mariage apparaît non seulement comme une sécurité pour les (...)
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    Simulating Agricultural Conversion to Residential use in the Hudson River Valley: Scenario Analyses and Case Studies. [REVIEW]John M. Polimeni - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (4):377-393.
    Land use changes threaten agricultural land. If agricultural land is going to be preserved, the social and economic causes of conversion must be understood. However, analyzing the causes of agricultural conversion is complex because trends need to be documented before analyzing the causes. One of the leading uses of agricultural land is for residential purposes. This paper projects residential development in a Hudson River Valley watershed within Dutchess County in New York State using an integrated modeling framework consisting (...)
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    A Report of the Mohawk-Hudson Area Survey: A Selective Recording Survey of the Industrial Archeology of the Mohawk and Hudson River Valleys in the Vicinity of Troy, New York, June-September 1969. Robert M. Vogel.Carl Condit - 1975 - Isis 66 (1):125-126.
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    From Lineage to State: Social Formations in the Mid-First Mellennium B. C. in the Ganga Valley.Richard W. Lariviere & Romila Thapar - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):517.
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    Emergence of large housepits| Climatological factors contributing to changes in diameter and size variability of housepits in the mid-Fraser and south Thompson River valleys.Jesse W. Adams - 2004 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 1:1-2004.
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    Confused Planning: The Clash Between Freeways, Parkland Preservation And LRT In Mid-20th Century Edmonton.Cole Kruper - 2019 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 10 (2).
    Much of Edmonton’s municipal past lacked any overarching development plan. Once such absentee municipal planning gave way to more concrete forms of municipal planning in terms of shaping the urban environment, conflicting goals soon emerged. Between 1949 and the early 1980s a conflict in planning goals within both the Edmonton District Planning Commission and the City of Edmonton, at this time governed with a commission board became apparent. Often this conflict played out in Edmonton’s river valley with competing visions (...)
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    Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees: Expanded Edition.Lawrence Weschler - 2008 - University of California Press.
    When this book first appeared in 1982, it introduced readers to Robert Irwin, the Los Angeles artist "who one day got hooked on his own curiosity and decided to live it." Now expanded to include six additional chapters and twenty-four pages of color plates, _Seeing Is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees _chronicles three decades of conversation between Lawrence Weschler and light and space master Irwin. It surveys many of Irwin's site-conditioned projects—in particular the Central Gardens at the (...)
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    Civic agriculture and community engagement.Brian K. Obach & Kathleen Tobin - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (2):307-322.
    Several scholars have claimed that small-scale agriculture in which farmers sell goods to the local market has the potential to strengthen social ties and a sense of community, a phenomenon referred to as “civic agriculture.” Proponents see promise in the increase in the number of community supported agriculture programs, farmers markets, and other locally orientated distribution systems as well as the growing interest among consumers for buying locally produced goods. Yet others have suggested that these novel or reborn distribution mechanisms (...)
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    Indian Frontier in the Samanid Period Based on a New Source.Ofir Haim - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (4):765-787.
    The article introduces a previously unknown Arabic source detailing the preparations for a battle between local Muslim rulers, likely vassals of the Samanids (204–395/819–1005), against the ruler of Ghaznī and his allies, the Hindushahs, near Ghaznī in the mid-fourth/tenth century. By closely reading, translating, and analyzing this manuscript fragment, I aim to shed light on the political realities of the Indian frontier of the Islamic world before the establishment of the Ghaznavid state (366–583/977–1186). The fragment provides evidence of the clashes (...)
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  13.  29
    Early Ideas About Glaciation in the English Lake District: The Problem of Making Sense of Glaciation in a Glaciated Region.David Oldroyd - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (2):175-203.
    An account is given of the work on glacial phenomena in the English Lake District from the time of Adam Sedgwick until the mid-twentieth century, with emphasis on the nineteenth century. In the early years, the following theories were envisaged: 'diluvialism'; the theory of 'waves of translation'; the theory of 'ice rafting'; the 'glacial-submergence' hypothesis ; and the 'land-ice' theory. While it was quite easy to recognize ice action and the former existence of glaciers, it was difficult to work out (...)
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  14. Essays in Honour of Ernie Lepore.Robert J. Stainton & Christopher Viger - unknown
    I met Ernie in 1965 on the wrestling mats of our high school in North Bergen, New Jersey, a township on top of the plateau overlooking Hoboken and across the Hudson River from Manhattan. Hoboken then was still the Hoboken of Elia Kazan’s “On the Waterfront” (1954).1 Even though the Hudson was less than a mile across at that point, it was a wide spiritual divide. We were Jersey boys, not New Yorkers. Ernie was as ambitious as I (...)
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  15.  15
    ‘A new and hopeful type of social organism’: Julian Huxley, J.G. Crowther and Lancelot Hogben on Roosevelt's New Deal.Oliver Hill-Andrews - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (4):645-671.
    The admiration of the Soviet Union amongst Britain's interwar scientific left is well known. This article reveals a parallel story. Focusing on the biologists Julian Huxley and Lancelot Hogben and the scientific journalist J.G. Crowther, I show that a number of scientific thinkers began to look west, to the US. In the mid- to late 1930s and into the 1940s, Huxley, Crowther and Hogben all visited the US and commented favourably on Roosevelt's New Deal, in particular its experimental approach to (...)
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  16.  37
    Dialogue, responsibility, and oil and gas leasing on montana's rocky mountain front.Scott Friskics - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (2):8-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.2 (2003) 8-30 [Access article in PDF] Dialogue, Responsibility, and Oil and Gas Leasing on Montana's Rocky Mountain Front Scott Friskics "How does nature speak to our concern? That is the question" (Bugbee 1978, 11). It's a late afternoon in mid-March and I'm standing outside my friends' house on the southwest edge of Augusta, Montana, a small town of about 500 residents. I'm here to (...)
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  17. 'Is' and 'Ought' in Context: MacIntyre's Mistake.Murray MacBeth - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (1):41-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:'Is* and Ought' in Context: Maclntyre's Mistake1 Murray MacBeth (1)What drives Hume to the conclusion that morality must be understood in terms of, explained and justified by reference to, the place of the passions and desires in human life is his initial assumption that either morality is the work of reason or it is the work of the passions and his own apparently conclusive arguments that it cannot be (...)
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  18.  8
    Jackrabbit Homestead: Tracing the Small Tract Act in the Southern California Landscape.Kim Stringfellow - 2009 - Center for American Places.
    "The desert opens up beyond the proliferation of big box chains, car dealerships, fast food joints, and the bland sprawl along California State Highway 62. Out there, where signs of familiar habitation seem to fade from view, a change occurs in the landscape: small, dusty, mostly abandoned cabins dot the arid flatland. The majority of the existing cabins, historically found throughout the larger region known as the Morongo Basin, lie east of Twentynine Palms in outlying Wonder Valley. The curious (...)
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  19.  10
    Procurator di[oecesis]? Reinterpretation of cil VIII 14727 = ilpbardo 229 and the beginnings of the administration of imperial domains of Africa proconsularis. [REVIEW]Karol Kłodziński - 2022 - Klio 104 (1):277-292.
    Summary Descriptions of the administration of imperial domains in Africa Proconsularis share much common ground in their interpretations. The literature features a widespread emphasis on the special role of the governments of Trajan and Hadrian in reorganising the imperial domains in this province – and especially in the Bagradas Valley, which has furnished us with exceptional epigraphic material in the form of agrarian inscriptions. While the 2nd-century administrative operations of imperial domains are fairly well understood – mainly due to (...)
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  20.  85
    The metaphysics of hyperspace.Hud Hudson - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hud Hudson offers a fascinating examination of philosophical reasons to believe in hyperspace. He explores non-theistic reasons in the first chapter and theistic ones towards the end; in the intervening sections he inquires into a variety of puzzles in the metaphysics of material objects that are either generated by the hypothesis of hyperspace or else informed by it, with discussions of receptacles, boundaries, contact, occupation, and superluminal motion. Anyone engaged with contemporary metaphysics, and many philosophers of religion, will find (...)
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  21. A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person.Hud Hudson - 2001 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Hud Hudson presents an innovative view of the metaphysics of human persons according to which human persons are material objects but not human organisms. In developing his account, he formulates and defends a unique collection of positions on parthood, persistence, vagueness, composition, identity, and various puzzles of material constitution. The author also applies his materialist metaphysics to issues in ethics and in the philosophy of religion. He examines the implications for ethics of his metaphysical views for standard arguments addressing (...)
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  22.  22
    Hudson on “Too Much” Evil.Yeager Hudson - 1987 - International Philosophical Quarterly 27 (2):203-206.
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  23. Managing underdetermination issues in science.Robert Hudson - 2005 - Facta Philosophica 7 (1):99-117.
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    VIIth International Conference of Social Philosophy.Prof Yeager Hudson - 1987 - Journal of Social Philosophy 18 (3):70-73.
  25. A century of moral philosophy.W. D. Hudson - 1980 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
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    Questions from Methow Valley Elementary.Methow Valley Elementary - 2010 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 10:1-1.
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  27. Brute facts.Hud Hudson - 1997 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 75 (1):77 – 82.
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  28.  72
    The Fall and Hypertime.Hud Hudson - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Hud Hudson shows that apparently irreconcilable conflicts between science and religion often turn out to be misdescribed battles about negotiable philosophical assumptions. He defends an original Hypertime Hypothesis which reconciles the Christian doctrines of The Fall and Original Sin with reigning scientific orthodoxy.
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  29.  47
    Sequence and strategy in the secession of the American South.Hudson Meadwell & Lawrence M. Anderson - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (3):199-227.
    Secession and the civil war that followed are often regarded as having exclusively structural determinants, expressed in political cleavages. From this point of view, these events are explained, variously, by the rise of abolitionism in the North or sectionalism in the Union or some cultural attribute of the South. This focus gets us part of the way in understanding the events that led to secession, the creation of a Southern Confederacy, and civil war, but this interpretation says too little about (...)
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  30. On a new argument from actualism to serious actualism.Hud Hudson - 1997 - Noûs 31 (4):520-524.
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    Response to Chrzan’s “Hudson on ‘Too Much’ Evil”.Yeager Hudson - 1987 - International Philosophical Quarterly 27 (2):207-210.
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    Questions from Methow Valley Elementary.Methow Valley Elementary - 2010 - Questions 10:1-1.
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  33.  20
    Language Networks: The New Word Grammar.Richard A. Hudson - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book argues that language is a network of concepts which in turn is part of the general cognitive network of the mind. It challenges the widely-held view that language is an innate mental module with its own special internal organization. It shows that language has the same internal organization as other areas of knowledge such as social relations and action schemas, and reveals the rich links between linguistic elements and contextual categories. Professor Hudson presents a new theory of (...)
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  34.  59
    Defending Shah’s Evidentialism from his Pragmatist Critics: the Carnapian Link.Robert Hudson - 2016 - Contemporary Pragmatism 13 (2):143-168.
    In an important 2006 paper, Nishi Shah defends ‘evidentialism’, the position that only evidence for a proposition’s truth constitutes a reason to believe this proposition. In opposition to Shah, Anthony Robert Booth, Andrew Reisner and Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen argue that things other than evidence of truth, so-called non-evidential or ‘pragmatic’ reasons, constitute reasons to believe a proposition. I argue that we can effectively respond to Shah’s pragmatist critics if, following Shah, we are careful to distinguish the evaluation of the reasons for (...)
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  35. Narratives of neoliberalism : the role of everyday media practices and the reproduction of dominant ideas.David Hudson & Mary Martin - 2010 - In Andreas Gofas & Colin Hay (eds.), The role of ideas in political analysis: a portrait of contemporary debates. New York: Routledge.
  36. People and part-whole talk.H. Hudson - 1954 - Analysis 15 (March):90-93.
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    Reason and right: a critical examination of Richard Price's moral philosophy.William Donald Hudson - 1970 - London,: Macmillan.
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    The One Human Family.Rose Hudson-Wilkin - 2002 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 19 (1):52-54.
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  39. The Treatment of Personality by Locke, Berkeley, and Hume.W. Hudson - 1911 - Columbia.
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  40. Wittgenstein and Religious Belief. New Studies in the Philosophy of Religion.W. Donald Hudson - 1981 - Critica 13 (38):113-119.
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  41. The Metaphysics of Hyperspace.Hud Hudson - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (3):672-673.
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  42.  62
    Seeing Things: The Philosophy of Reliable Observation.Robert Hudson - 2013 - Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Seeing Things, Robert Hudson assesses a common way of arguing about observation reports called "robustness reasoning." Robustness reasoning claims that an observation report is more likely to be true if the report is produced by multiple, independent sources. Seeing Things argues that robustness reasoning lacks the special value it is often claimed to have. Hudson exposes key flaws in various popular philosophical defenses of robustness reasoning. This philosophical critique of robustness is extended by recounting five episodes in (...)
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  43.  25
    A logic of universal causation.Hudson Turner - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 113 (1-2):87-123.
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    The foundations of Habermas's universal pragmatics.Hudson Meadwell - 1994 - Theory and Society 23 (5):711-727.
  45. A Materialist Metaphysic of the Human Person.Hud Hudson - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 68 (3):713-723.
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  46.  29
    Intellectuals for our times.Alan Hudson - 2003 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 6 (4):33-50.
    (2003). Intellectuals for our times. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy: Vol. 6, The Public Role of Intellectuals, pp. 33-50. doi: 10.1080/1369823042000241258.
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  47.  48
    Response: No need to match: a comment on Bach, Nicholson, and Hudson's “Affordance-Matching Hypothesis”.Patric Bach, Toby Nicholson & Matthew Hudson - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    A philosophical approach to religion.William Donald Hudson - 1974 - [London]: Macmillan.
  49.  27
    Coercion in psychiatry: is it right to involuntarily treat inpatients with capacity?Harry Hudson - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (11):742-745.
    Psychiatric inpatients with capacity may be treated paternalistically under the Mental Health Act 1983. This violates bodily autonomy and causes potentially significant harm to health and moral status, both of which may be long-lasting. I suggest that such harms may extend to killing moral persons through the impact of psychotropic drugs on psychological connectedness. Unsurprisingly, existing legislation is overwhelmingly disliked by psychiatric inpatients, the majority of whom have capacity. I present four arguments for involuntary treatment: individual safety, public safety, authentic (...)
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  50. ed. Kant: Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone.Hoyt H. Hudson - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:448.
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