Results for 'Mihaela-Gențiana Stănișor'

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  1.  45
    Mihaela Miroiu, The road towards autonomy. Feminist Political Theories.Mihaela Frunza - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (8):120-121.
    Mihaela Miroiu, The road towards autonomy. Feminist Political Theories Polirom, Iasi, 2004.
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    Political Memory and the Aesthetics of Care: The Art of Complicity and Resistance.Mihaela Mihai - 2022 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    With this nuanced and interdisciplinary work, political theorist Mihaela Mihai tackles several interrelated questions: How do societies remember histories of systemic violence? Who is excluded from such histories' cast of characters? And what are the political costs of selective remembering in the present? Building on insights from political theory, social epistemology, and feminist and critical race theory, Mihai argues that a double erasure often structures hegemonic narratives of complex violence: of widespread, heterogeneous complicity and of "impure" resistances, not easily (...)
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    Negative Emotions and Transitional Justice.Mihaela Mihai - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Vehement resentment and indignation are rife in societies emerging from dictatorship or civil conflict. How should institutions deal with these emotions? Arguing for the need to recognize and constructively engage negative public emotions, Mihaela Mihai contributes theoretically to the growing field of transitional justice. Drawing on an extensive philosophical literature and case studies of democratic transitions in South Africa, South America, and Eastern Europe, her book rescues negative emotions from their bad reputation and highlights the obstacles and the opportunities (...)
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  4. Understanding responsibility in Responsible AI. Dianoetic virtues and the hard problem of context.Mihaela Constantinescu, Cristina Voinea, Radu Uszkai & Constantin Vică - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (4):803-814.
    During the last decade there has been burgeoning research concerning the ways in which we should think of and apply the concept of responsibility for Artificial Intelligence. Despite this conceptual richness, there is still a lack of consensus regarding what Responsible AI entails on both conceptual and practical levels. The aim of this paper is to connect the ethical dimension of responsibility in Responsible AI with Aristotelian virtue ethics, where notions of context and dianoetic virtues play a grounding role for (...)
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  5. Blame It on the AI? On the Moral Responsibility of Artificial Moral Advisors.Mihaela Constantinescu, Constantin Vică, Radu Uszkai & Cristina Voinea - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-26.
    Deep learning AI systems have proven a wide capacity to take over human-related activities such as car driving, medical diagnosing, or elderly care, often displaying behaviour with unpredictable consequences, including negative ones. This has raised the question whether highly autonomous AI may qualify as morally responsible agents. In this article, we develop a set of four conditions that an entity needs to meet in order to be ascribed moral responsibility, by drawing on Aristotelian ethics and contemporary philosophical research. We encode (...)
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  6.  52
    Can Robotic AI Systems Be Virtuous and Why Does This Matter?Mihaela Constantinescu & Roger Crisp - 2022 - International Journal of Social Robotics 14 (6):1547–1557.
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  7. Cristina gavriluţă Mihaela frunză.Cristina Gavriluţă & Mihaela Frunză - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):49-71.
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  8. Democracy, critique and the ontological turn.Mihaela Mihai, Lois McNay, Oliver Marchart, Aletta Norval, Vassilios Paipais, Sergei Prozorov & Mathias Thaler - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (4):501-531.
  9.  59
    Engaging Vulnerabilities: An Outline for a Responsive and Responsible Theory.Mihaela Mihai - 2020 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (4):583-607.
  10.  69
    Understanding complicity: memory, hope and the imagination.Mihaela Mihai - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (5):504-522.
  11.  21
    Ageism and moral distress in nurses caring for older patients.Mihaela Alexandra Gherman, Laura Arhiri & Andrei Corneliu Holman - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (4):322-338.
    This study explored the influence of healthcare ageism on nurses’ moral distress. Episodic interviews were conducted on 25 Romanian nurses in 2020. Thematic analysis revealed that all moral distress sources reported reflected macro-, meso- and micro-level ageism, benevolent and hostile, self- or other-directed, including stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination of older patients. The COVID-19 pandemic-related ageist measures increased healthcare ageism and transformed nurses’ representations of older patients accordingly. Nurses felt moral conflict both when passively witnessing ageist acts and when perpetrating them (...)
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  12.  79
    Epistemic marginalisation and the seductive power of art.Mihaela Mihai - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):395-416.
    Many voices and stories have been systematically silenced in interpersonal conversations, political deliberations and historical narratives. Recalcitrant and interrelated patterns of epistemic, political, cultural and economic marginalisation exclude individuals as knowers, citizens, agents. Two questions lie at the centre of this article, which focuses on the epistemically – but also politically, culturally and economically – dominant: How can we sabotage the dominant’s investment in their own ignorance of unjust silencing? How can they be seduced to become acute perceivers of others’ (...)
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  13.  64
    Theorizing change: Between reflective judgment and the inertia of political Habitus.Mihaela Mihai - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 15 (1):22-42.
    In an effort to delineate a more plausible account of political change, this paper reads Pierre Bourdieu’s social theory as a corrective to exaggerated enthusiasm about the emancipatory force of reflection. This revised account valorizes both Bourdieu’s insights into the acquired, embodied, durable nature of the political habitus and judgment theorists’ trust in individuals’ reflection as a perpetual force of novelty and spontaneity in the public sphere of democratic societies. The main purpose of this exercise is to reveal the mix (...)
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  14.  39
    Virtue and virtuousness in organizations: Guidelines for ascribing individual and organizational moral responsibility.Mihaela Constantinescu & Muel Kaptein - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):801-817.
    This article advances research on moral responsibility in organizations by drawing on both philosophical virtue ethics grounded in the Aristotelian tradition and Positive Organizational Scholarship research concerned with virtuousness. The article discusses the very conditions that make possible the realization of virtues and virtuousness, respectively. These conditions ground notions of moral responsibility and the resulting praise or blame on organizational contexts. Thus, we analyze the way individuals and organizations may be ascribed interconnected degrees of retrospective moral responsibility and blame as (...)
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  15.  52
    The Hero’s Silences: Vulnerability, Complicity, Ambivalence.Mihaela Mihai - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (3):346-367.
    Silence features prominently in both political and academic debates about resistance and complicity with repressive orders. On the one hand, the dictum ‘silence is complicity’ is frequently taken for granted. On the other hand, heroes are thought to be those who ‘speak up’ or ‘break the silence’, contest the regime and its henchmen, agitate and take up arms. This paper troubles these assumptions about silence as complicity and speech as resistance. It argues that silence provides an interesting and productive angle (...)
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  16. Ironic Metaphor Interpretation.Mihaela Popa - 2010 - Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 33:1-17.
    This paper examines the mechanisms involved in the interpretation of utterances that are both metaphorical and ironical. For example, when uttering 'He's a real number-cruncher' about a total illiterate in maths, the speaker uses a metaphor with an ironic intent. I argue that in such cases both logically and psychologically, the metaphor is prior to irony. I hold that the phenomenon is then one of ironic metaphor, which puts a metaphorical meaning to ironic use, rather than an irony used metaphorically (...)
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  17.  34
    The “Affairs” of Political Memory.Mihaela Mihai - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (4):52-69.
    Self-serving hegemonic visions of history are institutionalized by dominant memory entrepreneurs, simultaneously imposing an authoritative version of “what happened” and their right to articulate it. These visions and the hierarchies of honour they consecrate are cultivated trans-generationally, aiming to ensure the community’s political cohesion, as well as the emotional attachments that can ensure its reproduction over time. This paper has three objectives. First, it brings insights from social epistemology to bear on a conceptualization of political memory-making and proposes the concepts (...)
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  18.  66
    An Ethical Herstory of Giving Birth.Mihaela Frunza - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (25):206-209.
    Mihaela Miroiu, Otilia Dragomir (eds.), Naşterea. Istorii trăite (Giving Birth. Life-stories), Iaşi: Polirom, 2010.
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    Monumental legacies and symbolic humiliation.Mihaela Mihai - 2016 - Forum for European Philosophy Blog.
    Mihaela Mihai on the tension between some public art and the commitments of a liberal democracy.
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  20. Entropy of Polysemantic Words for the Same Part of Speech.Mihaela Colhon, Florentin Smarandache & Dan Valeriu Voinea - unknown
    In this paper, a special type of polysemantic words, that is, words with multiple meanings for the same part of speech, are analyzed under the name of neutrosophic words. These words represent the most dif cult cases for the disambiguation algorithms as they represent the most ambiguous natural language utterances. For approximate their meanings, we developed a semantic representation framework made by means of concepts from neutrosophic theory and entropy measure in which we incorporate sense related data. We show the (...)
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  21.  51
    Fetzele patriarhatului/ Faces of Patriarchy.Mihaela Miroiu - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):208-227.
  22.  45
    Denouncing Historical “Misfortunes”.Mihaela Mihai - 2014 - Political Theory 42 (4):443-467.
    This essay’s starting point is Judith Shklar’ diagnosis of a pathology marring democratic societies: complex injustices passing as “misfortunes” that nobody feels responsible for. I propose that denunciations can reveal the political nature of the suffering that everyone conveniently ignores, thus advancing democratic accountability. While denunciations can target various invisible injustices and take many forms, this essay deals with the case of societies with an unmastered past of violence. In order to avoid taking responsibility for the plight of victims, the (...)
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  23.  41
    The caring refusenik: A portrait.Mihaela Mihai - 2019 - Constellations 26 (1):148-162.
  24.  99
    When the State Says “Sorry”: State Apologies as Exemplary Political Judgments.Mihaela Mihai - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (2):200-220.
    This paper aims to offer an account of state apologies that discloses their potential function as catalysing political acts within broader processes of democratic change. While lots of ink has been spilled on analysing the relationship between apologies and processes of recognising the victims and their descendants, more needs to be said about how apologies can challenge the presence of self-congratulatory, distorted visions of history within the public sphere of liberal democracies. My account will be delineated through a critical engagement (...)
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  25.  29
    Taboo and Euphemism in the Religious Language.Mihaela Mocanu - 2017 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 75:1-9.
    Publication date: 26 January 2017 Source: Author: Mihaela Mocanu The instrument of knowledge and communication of religious essence, the religious language is based upon the recognition of a world of sacredness, which is defined by reference to the religious dimension of the human being. From the semantic perspective, the religious language is rooted in a preexisting extra-linguistic referent, which eludes historic space-time categories, in an attempt to build a world of transcendental essence and establish a relationship between man and (...)
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    “When You Thought That There Is No One and Nothing”: The Value of Psychodrama in Working With Abused Women.Mihaela D. Bucuţă, Gabriela Dima & Ines Testoni - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Transitional justice and the Quest for democracy: A contribution to a political theory of democratic transformations.Mihaela Mihai - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (2):183-204.
    The paper seeks to contribute to the transitional justice literature by overcoming the Democracy v. Justice debate. This debate is normatively implausible and prudentially self-defeating. Normatively, transitional justice will be conceptualised as an imperative of democratic equal concern. Prudentially, it can prevent further violence and provide an opportunity for initiating processes of democratic emotional socialisation. The resentment and indignation animating transitions should be acknowledged as markers of a sense of justice. As such, they can help the reproduction of democracy. However, (...)
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  28.  97
    The Beautiful Shape of the Good: Platonic and Pythagorean Themes in Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment.Mihaela C. Fistioc - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
  29.  47
    Advertising, Gender Stereotypes and Religion. A Perspective from the Philosophy of Communication.Mihaela Frunza - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (40):72-91.
    Feminist authors claim that many of the advertising messages are promoting stereotypical images of the genders. However, if in social sciences, gender stereotypes have been facilitated and enforced by religious ideologies, the connections between gender stereotypes in advertising and religious ideologies remain to be investigated. The purpose of this paper is to analyze these connections. Using the tools and methods of philosophy of communication, the paper attempts to emphasize a double discourse of advertising: an external one that derives from existing (...)
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  30.  22
    Some Research Ethics Questions during the COVID-19 Pandemics. What Prospects for the Future?Mihaela Frunză - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup2):20-28.
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    Mircea Eliade and the Quest for Religious Meaning.Mihaela Paraschivescu - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (25):59-68.
    As Mircea Eliade’s translator and biographer Mac Linscott Rickett states, Eliade involved the whole discipline of the history of religions in the quest for meaning. The paper examines Eliade’s approach of religious documents, with benefits and shortcomings as appraised by some of his American critics, and looks closely at the Eliadean creative hermeneutics and the ambitious mission he envisaged for the discipline he has founded in the United States.
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  32. Ironic metaphor: a case for metaphor’s contribution to truth-conditions.Popa-Wyatt Mihaela - 2010 - In E. Walaszewska M. Kisielewska-Krysiuk & A. Piskorska, In the Mind and Across Minds: A Relevance-theoretic Perspective on Communication and Translation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 224-245.
  33.  62
    Kant’s innovative theory of judgment and cognition in the False Subtlety of Syllogistic Figures.Mihaela Vatavu - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (4):527-553.
    Kant’s early work The False Subtlety of the Four Syllogistic Figures is typically considered a narrow, technical work still embedded in the tradition of Wolffian logic. I argue instead that it needs to be considered in light of Kant’s developing theory of cognition and his corresponding criticism of the Wolffian single faculty theory. Whereas the mature Kant criticizes the rationalists for misrepresenting the nature of sensibility, the urgent task facing him at this stage seems to have been a proper determination (...)
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  34.  74
    Institutional Aspects of the Ethical Debate on Euthanasia. A Communicational Perspective.Mihaela Frunza & Sandu Frunza - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):19-36.
    Although euthanasia is seen as the problem of the individual will and as one’s right to privacy, to a better quality of life or to a dignified death, it has major institutional implications. They are closely related to the juridical system, to the way of understanding state involvement in protecting the individuals and respecting their freedoms, to the institutional system of health care, to the government rules that establish social, political or professional practices. The public debate around the topics related (...)
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  35.  16
    Croatian scientists’ awareness of predatory journals.Mihaela Guskić & Ivana Hebrang Grgić - 2019 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 15 (1).
    So-called predatory journals threaten to diminish the quality of papers and of scientific research. This paper defines what constitutes a predatory journal, and provides a short literature overview. The aim of the research is to explore researchers’ and librarians’ awareness of predatory journals, using the example of Croatia, an EU country. Several institutions control the quality of Croatian scientific journals, so there are no predatory journals in Croatia. However, Croatian scientists publish their papers in foreign journals and thus have to (...)
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  36. Apology.Mihaela Mihai - 2013 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Apology An apology is the act of declaring one’s regret, remorse, or sorrow for having insulted, failed, injured, harmed or wronged another. Some apologies are interpersonal (between individuals, that is, between friends, family members, colleagues, lovers, neighbours, or strangers). Other apologies are collective (by one group to another group or by a group to an […].
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  37.  49
    'We the People' and God. Religion and the Political Discourse in the United States of America.Mihaela Paraschivescu - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (33):21-38.
    The religiosity of the first settlers shaped the American spirit, the essence of national traits, shared values and ideals that define the American nation. Influential in public discourse in the colonial times and beyond, religious expression has its place in contemporary American political discourse. This article is concerned not so much with the intermingling of religion and politics in theUnited States of Americaas with the religiousness that has permeated political speech. For illustration, we look for religiousness inU. S.presidential inaugural addresses (...)
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  38. De unde începe filosofia pentru copii? Repere ale operei lui Matthew Lipman.Mihaela Frunza - 2019 - Revista de Filosofie Aplicata 2 (2):39-59.
    The present text attempts to introduce readers to the fundamental philosophical and pedagogical values promoted by Matthew Lipman, the author who laid the basis for the philosophy for children movement. It analyzes several theoretical and applied texts written by Lipman, in an attempt to explain Lipman’s goals, his views on education, and the way in which his „community of inquiry” manages to transform the classroom into a space of freedom, creativity and thinking.
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    Children-Robot Friendship, Moral Agency, and Aristotelian Virtue Development.Mihaela Constantinescu, Radu Uszkai, Constantin Vica & Cristina Voinea - 2022 - Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9.
    Social robots are increasingly developed for the companionship of children. In this article we explore the moral implications of children-robot friendships using the Aristotelian framework of virtue ethics. We adopt a moderate position and argue that, although robots cannot be virtue friends, they can nonetheless enable children to exercise ethical and intellectual virtues. The Aristotelian requirements for true friendship apply only partly to children: unlike adults, children relate to friendship as an educational play of exploration, which is constitutive of the (...)
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    ‟Jules Et Jim”, de François Truffaut Ou L’Insoutenable Légèreté du Féminin.Mihaela Țurcanu Lazarov - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:75-84.
    Jules et Jim by François Truffaut or the Unbearable Lightness of the Feminine. Truffaut’s movie Jules et Jim (« Jules and Jim ») is an intimist movie but also a fresco of Europe throughout the first half of the 20th century, as it was torn apart by the two world wars and Nazism. At the same time, the film tells the story of the friendship that began during the Belle Epoque between two intellectuals, a French (Jim) and a German (Jules), (...)
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  41.  35
    Ethical Aspects of Spiritual Medicine. The Case of Intercessory Prayer Therapy.Mihaela Frunza - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (17):101-115.
    The main purpose of this article is to explore, from an ethical perspective, one particular branch of what is today called “spiritual medicine”: namely, prayer therapy. Several landmark studies in the literature will be thoroughly examined, respectively the classical study of Byrd (1988), the replica of Harris et al. (1999), and the controversial study of Leibovici (2001). Beginning with these studies and the related controversies surrounding them, the religious features and ethical consequences of prayer therapy are investigated. The ethical aspects (...)
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  42.  27
    Robo-Education and the Pedagogical Divide.Mihaela Constantinescu, Radu Uszkai & Constantin Vica - 2022 - In Raul Hakli, Pekka Mäkelä & Johanna Seibt, Social Robots in Social Institutions. IOS Press. pp. 174-183.
    On the background of recent concerns regarding online education in times of pandemic and a growing pedagogical divide in terms of unequal access to skilled teachers, we consider it timely to open a debate surrounding the use of social robots in education fulfilling a role that is anchored in the institution of pedagogs in Antiquity and which was somewhat left aside from contemporary inquiries: the pedagogical role of supporting and complementing the teaching activity. We develop our conceptual philosophical contribution to (...)
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  43. Socialising Negative Emotions: Transitional Criminal Trials in the Service of Democracy".Mihaela Mihai - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (1):111–131.
    This paper seeks to contribute to the field of transitional justice by adding new insights about the role that trials of victimizers can play within democratization processes. The main argument is that criminal proceedings affirming the value of equal respect and concern for both victims and abusers can contribute to the socialization of citizens’ politically relevant emotions. More precisely, using law constructively to engage public resentment and indignation can be successful to the extent that legality is not sacrificed. In order (...)
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  44. Slurs, roles and power.Mihaela Popa-Wyatt & Jeremy L. Wyatt - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 175 (11):2879-2906.
    Slurring is a kind of hate speech that has various effects. Notable among these is variable offence. Slurs vary in offence across words, uses, and the reactions of audience members. Patterns of offence aren’t adequately explained by current theories. We propose an explanation based on the unjust power imbalance that a slur seeks to achieve. Our starting observation is that in discourse participants take on discourse roles. These are typically inherited from social roles, but only exist during a discourse. A (...)
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    “Philosophy in Action” in the Texts and Practices of Peter Worley.Mihaela Frunză - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:25-40.
    “Philosophy in Action” in the Texts and Practices of Peter Worley. If philosophy for children (P4C) aims to become a “reconstruction of philosophy” itself (Lipman, 1997:13), the PhiE (Philosophical Enquiry), an approach proposed by Peter Worley, represents a thorough reconstruction of the classical P4C. In my article, I intend to emphasize the differences between Peter Worley’s approach and the classical version offered by Matthew Lipman and his followers. My thesis is that Worley’s approach manages both to stimulate to a greater (...)
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  46. Public Negative Emotions and the Judicial Review of Transitional Justice Bills: Lessons from Three Contexts.Mihaela Mihai - 2010 - Papeles Del Centro de Estudios Sobre la Identidad Colectiva 60:1-29.
    This article seeks to examine the ways in which courts of constitutional review have tried to deal with public sentiments within societies emerging from large-scale oppression and conflict. A comparative analysis of judicial review decisions from post-communist Hungary, post-apartheid South Africa and post-dictatorial Argentina is meant to show-case how judges have, more or less successfully, recognised and pedagogically engaged social negative feelings of resentment and indignation towards former victimisers and beneficiaries of violence. Thus, the article hopes to pave the way (...)
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  47. A Romanian Myth – Life as a Permanent Miracle.Mihaela Albu - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (2-3):157-164.
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    Modern early childhood teacher education: theories and practice.Mihaela Badea & Mihaela Suditu (eds.) - 2024 - Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
    The book aims to provide both theoretical perspectives and practical approaches for teachers interested in transforming the future. Through the approaches of theoretical background but also through the studies of practical application nature, the book can serve as bibliographic support for early education programs.
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  49. Religious Tolerance in Bulgaria Today.Mihaela Bozadzhiyna - 2023 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 4 (4):41-46.
    Religious tolerance continues to grow today, but at a moderate pace. Even afterthe International Conference of Religious Tolerance in the Light of Human Rights in 1995in the capital of Bulgaria – Sofia the question of studying religious tolerance between differentreligious communities arose. New times open a wider horizon of worldview andnew generations become more responsive and tolerant of new personalities and religionmovements. In the increasingly global world in which we live, we are confronted every daywith different attitudes in the relations (...)
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  50. Chomsky's biolinguistic approach to mind and language.Mihaela Călinescu - 2012 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 11:91-96.
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