Results for 'Mihály Kránitz'

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  1. La teologia cattolica ungherese dopo il Concilio Vaticano II.Mihály Kránitz - 2010 - Gregorianum 91 (3):510-525.
    After World War II, Hungary along with other Central-European countries drifted away from theological development of Western-Europe. Both the message and the innovations of the Second Vatican Council arrived with some delay in this country governed by the communist ideology. In spite of this, the agreement concluded between the Holy See and the Hungarian state in 1964, enabled a number of well-prepared priests to study theology at Church universities outside of Hungary. From the 1970s onwards, theological books were more easily (...)
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  2. Optimal experience: psychological studies of flow in consciousness.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Isabella Selega Csikszentmihalyi (eds.) - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    What constitutes enjoyment of life? Optimal Experience: Psychological Studies of Flow in Consciousness offers a comprehensive survey of theoretical and empirical investigations of the "flow" experience, a desirable or optimal state of consciousness that enhances a person's psychic state. "Flow" can be said to occur when people are able to meet the challenges of their environment with appropriate skills, and accordingly feel a sense of well-being, a sense of mastery, and a heightened sense of self-esteem. The authors show the diverse (...)
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    The Warfare Ideology of Ordeal: Another Form of Just War Thinking? Theory and Practice from the Early Middle Ages.Mihaly Boda - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (1):53-66.
    Studying the military thinking and military history of the Middle Ages, one can observe several forms of warfare ideologies. Three of these ideologies are the holy war ideology, the ideology of ordeal (or iudicium Dei), and the traditional just war theory. Every such ideology has the common characteristic of a stronger or weaker link to concepts of a Christian God, religion, or church. Beyond this common characteristic, the ideologies differ from each other in some key respects. The holy war ideology (...)
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  4. Peace, Legality, Democracy.Mihalis Mentinis - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 154:67.
  5. Korrelation von Macht und Recht.Mihäly Samu - forthcoming - Rechtstheorie.
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  6. Volto e volti: Aspetti psico-spirituali dell'identità personale.Mihaly Szentmartoni - 2001 - Gregorianum 82 (3):457-475.
    L'identité est l'ensemble des représentations qu'une personne a d'elle-même. L'A. définit les différentes facettes de l'identité psycho-spirituelle. •L'identité religieuse s'appuie sur l'expérience de conversion, qui est la perception intuitive de la vérité théologique que Dieu existe et qu'il a créé l'homme pour lui-même. L'expression psychologique d'une telle expérience est la prise de conscience que la direction fondamentale de l'existence humaine est l'orientation vers Dieu. •L'identité spirituelle s'appuie sur l'expérience de sa propre valeur. C'est une perception intuitive de la vérité théologique (...)
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  7. The Meaning of Things: Domestic Symbols and the Self.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Eugene Halton - 1981 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    The Meaning of Things explores the meanings of household possessions for three generation families in the Chicago area, and the place of materialism in American culture. Now regarded as a keystone in material culture studies, Halton's first book is based on his dissertation and coauthored with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. First published by Cambridge University Press in 1981, it has been translated into German, Italian, Japanese, and Hungarian. The Meaning of Things is a study of the significance of material possessions in contemporary (...)
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    The epistemic opacity of autonomous systems and the ethical consequences.Mihály Héder - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (5):1819-1827.
    This paper takes stock of all the various factors that cause the design-time opacity of autonomous systems behaviour. The factors include embodiment effects, design-time knowledge gap, human factors, emergent behaviour and tacit knowledge. This situation is contrasted with the usual representation of moral dilemmas that assume perfect information. Since perfect information is not achievable, the traditional moral dilemma representations are not valid and the whole problem of ethical autonomous systems design proves to be way more empirical than previously understood.
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    İletişim Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Radyoda Yayınlanan Haber İçeriğine ve Haber Radyolarına Bakışı Üze.Mihalis Kuyucu - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 6):669-669.
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    Effortless attention in everyday life: A systematic phenomenology.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Jeanne Nakamura - 2010 - In Brian Bruya (ed.), Effortless Attention: A New Perspective in the Cognitive Science of Attention and Action. MIT Press. pp. 179--189.
    This chapter focuses on the use of effortless attention in performing daily activities and tasks. It details a study developed by The University of Chicago and Claremont Graduate University, and named the Experience Sampling Method to collect data from subjects of the study investigating the use of effortless attention in daily life. The findings are based on an ESM study of subjects consisting of middle and high school students from around the United States and the Sloan Study of Youth and (...)
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  11. Noa Naaman-Zauderer , Descartes' Deontological Turn: Reason, Will and Virtue in the Later Writings . Reviewed by.Andreea Mihali - 2011 - Philosophy in Review 31 (5):375-378.
    Noa Naaman-Zauderer’s book aims to bring to light the ethical underpinnings of Descartes’ system: on her view, in both the practical and the theoretical spheres Descartes takes our foremost duty to lie in the good use of the will.The marked ethical import of Cartesian epistemology takes the form of a deontological, non-consequentialist view of error: epistemic agents are praised/blamed when they fulfill/flout the duty to not assent to ideas that are less than clear and distinct.Extra-theoretical realms admitting of no clear (...)
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    De L’Intermédiaire Dans la Philosophie de L’Espace : Précarité, Création, Liberté.Ciprian Mihali - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 67 (3):149-159.
    The Intermediary in the Philosophy of Space: Precariousness, Creation, Freedom. The reflection proposed by this text is the result of a dialogue spread over several years between philosophers and geographers. The best common ground between each other – in the right middle of the road – is undoubtedly the concept of the intermediary, which describes, negatively or affirmatively, the future of our physical, social, conceptual spaces and which speaks to us about discontinuity, hybridization, flow, contiguity, but also vulnerability, counterpowers and (...)
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  13. Governing gene editing in the European Union : legal and ethical considerations.Mihalis Kritikos - 2019 - In Zvonimir Koporc (ed.), Ethics and integrity in health and life sciences research. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing.
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    Introduction: The concept of emergence in philosophical and semiotic context.Mihály Szívós - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (170):3-24.
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    On Fascism.Mihály Vajda - 1971 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1971 (8):43-63.
  16. Introduction to part IV.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Isabella Csikszentmihalyi - 1988 - In Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Isabella Selega Csikszentmihalyi (eds.), Optimal experience: psychological studies of flow in consciousness. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 251--265.
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    Traduire L'Image-mouvement et L'Image-temps en grec.Mihalis Matsas & Jehanne Dautrey - 2007 - Multitudes 2 (2):173-178.
    Mihalis Matsas situates the specific questions raised by the translation of Deleuze in Greece within the more general context of philosophical translation and the difficulties raised by the translation of Deleuze’s two books on the cinema.
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    Reflections on Enjoyment.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 1985 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 28 (4):489-497.
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    Der abschnitt »die freiheit Des selbstbewusstseins«: Der »phänomenologie Des geistes« in philosophiegeschichtlicher und geschichtlicher perspektive.Mihály Szívós - 2001 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 3 (1):152-156.
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    Változó evidenciák: útban a posztmodern felé.Mihály Vajda - 1992 - Budapest: Cserépfalvi-Századvég.
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  21. People and Things: Reflections on Materialism.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Eugene Halton - 1978 - University of Chicago Magazine 70 (3):6-15.
    This early article in The University of Chicago Magazine, coauthored with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, was one of the first publications deriving from Eugene Halton’s dissertation research on the meanings of household possessions for a sample of over 300 three-generation Chicago area families. In addition to empirical findings reported in Halton’s dissertation and later in the book coauthored with Csikszentmihalyi, The Meaning of Things, the article introduces Halton’s distinction of two kinds of materialism: instrumental materialism and terminal materialism.
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    Consciousness for the twenty-first century.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 1991 - Zygon 26 (1):7-25.
    Human action and experience are the outcome of genes and memes. Not only are both of these represented in consciousness, but consciousness mediates their claims and thus governs our choices. Hence it is important how consciousness is ordered and where it is directed. Sorokin's typology of the sensate and the ideational (“spiritual”), and the dialectic between them, is relevant to this issue. In our period of history, the sensate factors of materialism and secularism need to be dialectically counterbalanced by the (...)
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  23. Husain Sarkar, Descartes' Cogito: Saved from the Great Shipwreck Reviewed by.Andreea Mihali - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24 (3):220-222.
    In Descartes' Cogito, Saved from the Great Shipwreck, Husain Sarkar convincingly argues that the Cartesian cogito as it appears in Meditation Two cannot be an argument but must be understood as an intuition emerging from the process of ('extraordinary') doubt. Sarkar mentions in the Preface that only the negative part of his thesis in intended to be decisive (X). However, as the book unfolds it becomes evident that his "positive" effort, his interpretation of the cogito as an intuition although not (...)
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    Stefano Di Bella and Tad M. Schmaltz , The Problem of Universals in Early Modern Philosophy. Reviewed by.Andreea Mihali - 2019 - Philosophy in Review 39 (1):14-16.
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    Die Rolle Des Ästhetischen Im Aufbau Des Hegelschen Systems.Mihály Szívós - 2000 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2 (1):54-57.
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    Die Spuren der Idee des wissenschaftlichen Lebens im Geistbegriff. Zur Rekonstruktion eines politisch-philosophischen Gedankengangs.Mihály Szívós - 2007 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2007 (1).
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  27. The Art of Seeing: An Interpretation of the Aesthetic Experience.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Rick Emery Robinson - 1990 - Los Angeles, Calif.: J. Paul Getty Museum. Edited by Rick Emery Robinson.
    Suggests ways to raise levels of visual literacy and enhance artistic enjoyment.
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  28. What is "Real Socialims" a reaction to?Mihaly Vajda - 1985 - Thesis Eleven 12 (1):156-165.
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  29. Soldiers' autonomy and military authority.Mihaly Boda - 2017 - In Peter Olsthoorn (ed.), Military Ethics and Leadership. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
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    The Hungarian Theory of Just War Based on the Idea of the Holy Crown: A Historical Case of Just Mission.Mihaly Boda - 2022 - Journal of Military Ethics 20 (3-4):269-280.
    Warfare ideologies are as old as human civilization. By now, they have grown into an important and extended research field, including works analyzing the justification of war in ancient Indian epic...
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    Proxemic patterns, social structures, and world view.Mihály Hoppál - 1987 - Semiotica 65 (3-4):225-248.
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    Lukacs' and Husserl's Critique of Science.Mihaly Vajda - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1978 (38):104-118.
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    My emergence from the immaturity of marxism in virtue of phenomenology.Mihály Vajda - 2016 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 5 (1):54-69.
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  34. What we must Accomplish in the coming Decades.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 2004 - Zygon 39 (2):359-366.
    . In order to survive as a species and grow in complexity, humanity must adopt a new image of what it means to be human, rediscover a reward system beyond the merely material, and see that young people find joy in challenges and in cooperating with others.
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    Sum Res Volans: The Centrality of Willing for Descartes.Andreea Mihali - 2011 - International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (2):149-179.
    This paper challenges the standard interpretation of Descartes’s view that the essence of the mind is thinking. Most commentators take the essence of the mind to be constituted by thoughts as objects of awareness. By contrast, the position defended here is that willing is as much part of the essence of the Cartesian meditating mind as awareness. Willing is not just a type of thought, but whenever thinking occurs it invariably involves both awareness and willing. To substantiate the claim that (...)
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    Some cognitive tools for word learning: The role of working memory and goal preference.Mihály Racsmány, Ágnes Lukács, Csaba Pléh & Ildikó Király - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1115-1117.
    We propose that Bloom's focus on cognitive factors involved in word learning still lacks a broader perspective. We emphasize the crucial relevance of working memory in learning elements of language. Specifically, we demonstrate through our data that in impaired populations knowledge of some linguistic elements can be dissociated according to the subcomponent of working memory (visual or verbal) involved in a task. Further, although Bloom's concentration on theory of mind as a precondition for word learning is certainly correct, theory of (...)
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    World economic problems in the 1980s in a global perspective.Mihaly Simai - 1985 - World Futures 20 (3):207-229.
  38. Vlad Alexandrescu, ed. , Branching Off: The Early Moderns in Quest for the Unity of Knowledge . Reviewed by.Andreea Mihali - 2011 - Philosophy in Review 31 (3):164-167.
    This collection of essays addresses the topic of the unity of knowledge by analyzing early modern ways of organizing and systematizing knowledge and by bringing to light the complex interactions between the different traditions which contributed to the making of modernity.
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    Fruitless polarities.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):411-411.
    Clear evidence of large individual differences in children's performance in talent areas can be explained either in terms of innate gifts (the “talent account”) or in terms of early exposure (the “no talent account” proposed by Howe et al.). At this point, there is no conclusive support for either account, and it is doubtful that talent could be explained exclusively by only one of them.
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    Autonomous robots and tacit knowledge.Mihály Héder & Daniel Paksi - 2012 - Appraisal 9 (2).
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    Emergent Knowledge and Its Challenge to Reductionist Thought.Mihály Héder - 2012 - Tradition and Discovery 39 (2):29-34.
    The title of Tihamér Margitay’s recent article “From Epistemology to Ontology” refers to a strong interpretation of Polanyi’s correspondence between knowing and being that enables ontological claims on purely epistemic grounds. I accept Margitay’s final conclusion which rejects strong correspondence, although on entirely different grounds. In addition, I point out that his treatment of Polanyi’s ontological claims about machines is based on yet unfounded assumptions about the nature of physics and technical design.
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    The machine’s role in human’s service automation and knowledge sharing.Mihály Héder - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):185-192.
    The possibility of interacting with remote services in natural language opens up new opportunities for sharing knowledge and for automating services. Easy-to-use, text-based interfaces might provide more democratic access to legal information, government services, and everyday knowledge as well. However, the methodology of engineering robust natural language interfaces is very diverse, and widely deployed solutions are still yet to come. The main contribution is a detailed problem analysis on the theoretical level, which reveals that a text-based interface is best understood (...)
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  43. Die Geschichte eines Abenteuers.Mihály Vajda - 2005 - Studia Phaenomenologica 5:129-135.
    The author, as the leader of the team that translated Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit into Hungarian, tells the story of the translation. The members of this team were anything else but experts in Heidegger. Belonging to the so-called “democratic opposition” at the beginning of the ‘80s, they asked the author, a dissent himself, to hold for them a private seminar on modern phenomenology. It is here where they read Husserl, Scheler, and wanted to read Heidegger as well. Their German, however, (...)
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    Sociological implications in the thought of teilhard de chardin.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 1970 - Zygon 5 (2):130-146.
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    Michael Blömer – Engelbert Winter , Iuppiter Dolichenus.Mihály Loránd Dészpa - 2014 - Klio 96 (2):749-756.
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    Cultural tradition as sign process.Mihaly Hoppal - 1992 - World Futures 34 (3):201-208.
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    On tradition: Introduction.Mihaly Hoppal - 1992 - World Futures 34 (3):1-1.
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    Efficient Causation: A History. Edited by Tad M. Schmaltz.Andreea Mihali - 2016 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (1):163-167.
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  49. Kurt Smith, The Descartes Dictionary. Reviewed by.Andreea Mihali - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (4):225-227.
    Smith’s Descartes Dictionary is geared specifically for undergraduate students and contains an Introduction, a Terms and Names section and a Bibliography. It is a good resource for students coming to Descartes’ writings for the first time and has the potential of being an even better pedagogical and study aid once its wrinkles are smoothened out, maybe in a second edition.
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  50. Desmond M. Clarke and Catherine Wilson, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Early Modern Europe. Reviewed by.Andreea Mihali - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (5):365-369.
    This Oxford Handbook examines the radical transformation of worldview taking place in the period from the middle of the 16th century to the early 18th century. The intention of the volume is to cover both well-known and undeservedly less well-known philosophical texts by placing these works in their historical context which includes tight interconnections with other disciplines as well as historical and political events. By proceeding in this manner the editors hope to recover a meaning of “philosophy” that comes closer (...)
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