Results for 'Mike Berry'

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  1.  8
    The Affluent Society Revisited.Mike Berry - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book revisits John Kenneth Galbraith's classic text The Affluent Society in the context of the background to, and causes of, the global economic crisis that erupted in 2008. Written in non-technical language, this book is accessible to students of economics and the social sciences as well as to those who would have read The Affluent Society and the general reader interested in contemporary affairs and public policy.
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    Bayesian Rationality: The Probabilistic Approach to Human Reasoning.Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    Are people rational? This question was central to Greek thought and has been at the heart of psychology and philosophy for millennia. This book provides a radical and controversial reappraisal of conventional wisdom in the psychology of reasoning, proposing that the Western conception of the mind as a logical system is flawed at the very outset. It argues that cognition should be understood in terms of probability theory, the calculus of uncertain reasoning, rather than in terms of logic, the calculus (...)
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  3.  75
    A rational analysis of the selection task as optimal data selection.Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater - 1994 - Psychological Review 101 (4):608-631.
  4. Sports, Virtues and Vices: Morality Plays.Mike J. McNamee - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Sports have long played an important role in society. By exploring the evolving link between sporting behaviour and the prevailing ethics of the time this comprehensive and wide-ranging study illuminates our understanding of the wider social significance of sport. The primary aim of _Sports, Virtues and Vices_ is to situate ethics at the heart of sports via ‘virtue ethical’ considerations that can be traced back to the gymnasia of ancient Greece. The central theme running through the book is that sports (...)
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    The Orator in Action and Theory in Greece and Rome. Essays in Honor of GA Kennedy.D. H. Berry - 2003 - Classical Review 1:40-41.
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    Cognition and Conditionals: Probability and Logic in Human Thought.Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater (eds.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    This book shows how these developments have led researchers to view people's conditional reasoning behaviour more as succesful probabilistic reasoning rather ...
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  7. The probabilistic approach to human reasoning.Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater - 2001 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5 (8):349-357.
    A recent development in the cognitive science of reasoning has been the emergence of a probabilistic approach to the behaviour observed on ostensibly logical tasks. According to this approach the errors and biases documented on these tasks occur because people import their everyday uncertain reasoning strategies into the laboratory. Consequently participants' apparently irrational behaviour is the result of comparing it with an inappropriate logical standard. In this article, we contrast the probabilistic approach with other approaches to explaining rationality, and then (...)
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    Thomas Berry and the new cosmology.Thomas Berry, Anne Lonergan, Caroline Richards & Gregory Baum (eds.) - 1987 - Mystic, Conn.: Twenty-Third Publications.
    Thomas Berry presents his vision of cosmology and the relationships in creation. Responses from Donald Senior, Gregory Baum, Margaret Brennan, Stephen Dunn, James Farris, and Brian Swimme round out the insights and create magnetic reading.
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    Sport-related concussion research agenda beyond medical science: culture, ethics, science, policy.Mike McNamee, Lynley C. Anderson, Pascal Borry, Silvia Camporesi, Wayne Derman, Soren Holm, Taryn Rebecca Knox, Bert Leuridan, Sigmund Loland, Francisco Javier Lopez Frias, Ludovica Lorusso, Dominic Malcolm, David McArdle, Brad Partridge, Thomas Schramme & Mike Weed - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):68-76.
    The Concussion in Sport Group guidelines have successfully brought the attention of brain injuries to the global medical and sport research communities, and has significantly impacted brain injury-related practices and rules of international sport. Despite being the global repository of state-of-the-art science, diagnostic tools and guides to clinical practice, the ensuing consensus statements remain the object of ethical and sociocultural criticism. The purpose of this paper is to bring to bear a broad range of multidisciplinary challenges to the processes and (...)
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  10.  14
    Nietzsche and the Ancient Skeptical Tradition.Jessica N. Berry - 2010 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    The impact of Nietzsche's engagement with the Greek skeptics has never before been systematically explored in a book-length work - an inattention that belies the interpretive weight scholars otherwise attribute to his early career as a professor of classical philology and to the fascination with Greek literature and culture that persisted throughout his productive academic life. Jessica N. Berry fills this gap in the literature on Nietzsche by demonstrating how an understanding of the Pyrrhonian skeptical tradition illuminates Nietzsche's own (...)
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  11. Detection of GPT-4 Generated Text in Higher Education: Combining Academic Judgement and Software to Identify Generative AI Tool Misuse.Mike Perkins, Jasper Roe, Darius Postma, James McGaughran & Don Hickerson - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (1):89-113.
    This study explores the capability of academic staff assisted by the Turnitin Artificial Intelligence (AI) detection tool to identify the use of AI-generated content in university assessments. 22 different experimental submissions were produced using Open AI’s ChatGPT tool, with prompting techniques used to reduce the likelihood of AI detectors identifying AI-generated content. These submissions were marked by 15 academic staff members alongside genuine student submissions. Although the AI detection tool identified 91% of the experimental submissions as containing AI-generated content, only (...)
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  12.  33
    Rational explanation of the selection task.Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (2):381-391.
  13. The Man and the Peg Words; Manual: The Man and the Peg Words.Berrie Heesen & Bert Beesten - 1991 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 12 (2).
    The room was a shables. Toys and clothes were everywhere and an open book was lying abandoned on the ground. On the table there was something to drink. It seemed as if no one cared, at least not about the mess.
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  14. Tipper’s Two Drawers.Berrie Heesen - 2002 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 22 (1):58-61.
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    Derrida, Girard, and the Involvement of Personal Life in Theory.Berry Vorstenbosch - 2016 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 23:99-116.
    There are many touch points between the work of Jacques Derrida and René Girard. To me, as a student of literature, these two writers particularly stand out as great readers or great exegetes.1 The way they handle and combine texts, the way they dare to break with reading conventions, has proved to be really fruitful.Some time ago I watched a documentary about Derrida, made by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering Kofman, published in 2002, carrying the simple title Derrida.2 I found (...)
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    Poor mankind!—’: reexamining Nietzsche’s critique of compassion.Jessica N. Berry - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (5):1220-1248.
    Between his calling into question, on the one hand, the apparently unquestionable value of compassion itself, and his refusal, on the other hand, to concede that suffering is unconditionally bad, Nietzsche has been understood by many as expressing a callous indifference, or worse, to most human suffering. This article aims to show that this interpretation relies on an oversimplified characterization of the relevant moral emotions. Compassion (or pity, either of which word can be used to translate the German das Mitleid) (...)
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  17.  44
    Towards an Appreciation of Ethics in Social Enterprise Business Models.Mike Bull & Rory Ridley-Duff - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):619-634.
    How can a critical analysis of entrepreneurial intention inform an appreciation of ethics in social enterprise business models? In answering this question, we consider the ethical commitments that inform entrepreneurial action and the hybrid organisations that emerge out of these commitments and actions. Ethical theory can be a useful way to reorient the field of social enterprise so that it is more critical of bureaucratic and market-driven enterprises connected to neoliberal doctrine. Social enterprise hybrid business models are therefore reframed as (...)
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    Consumer Culture: an Introduction.Mike Featherstone - 1983 - Theory, Culture and Society 1 (3):4-9.
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    Sporting Practices, Institutions, and Virtues: A Critique and a Restatement.Mike McNamee - 1995 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 22 (1):61-82.
  20.  45
    Probability logic and the Modus Ponens-Modus Tollens asymmetry in conditional inference.Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater - 2008 - In Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford (eds.), The Probabilistic Mind: Prospects for Bayesian Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press. pp. 97--120.
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    The Virtues of Acknowledged Ecological Dependence: Sustainability, Autonomy and Human Flourishing.Mike Hannis - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (2):145-164.
    An extension of Alasdair MacIntyre's concept of ‘virtues of acknowledged dependence', to include relationships with the non-human world, offers an organising principle for environmental virtue ethics. It situates ecological virtue among more traditional virtues of inter-human relationships, and may thereby contribute to an ethical reconciliation of policies aimed at encouraging ecological virtue with those aimed at protecting the freedoms required for personal autonomy. Within this eudaimonist framework, ecological virtue may be understood and promoted as directly contributing to a good life.
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  22. Conditional probability and the cognitive science of conditional reasoning.Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (4):359–379.
    This paper addresses the apparent mismatch between the normative and descriptive literatures in the cognitive science of conditional reasoning. Descriptive psychological theories still regard material implication as the normative theory of the conditional. However, over the last 20 years in the philosophy of language and logic the idea that material implication can account for everyday indicative conditionals has been subject to severe criticism. The majority view is now apparently in favour of a subjective conditional probability interpretation. A comparative model fitting (...)
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    Genetical changes in mice and men.R. J. Berry - 1967 - The Eugenics Review 59 (2):78.
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  24. Individualism and holism in Chinese tradition: The religious cultural context.Thomas Berry - 2003 - In Weiming Tu & Mary Evelyn Tucker (eds.), Confucian spirituality. New York: Crossroad Pub. Company. pp. 1--39.
  25. El ser como problema.Fernando Gallo Berríos - 1971 - Guatemala,: M. Salazar.
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  26. Philosophy for Children Under Postmodern Conditions: Four Remarks in Response to Lardner.Berrie Heesen - 1991 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 12 (2):23-28.
    In the first issue of the renewed Analyic Teaching, A. T. Lardner opens a debate on how to react to postmodern and multi-culturalist positions and their critique on Philosophy for Children. Lardner concludes: This paper has not been set out to disagree with either the postmodern or multi-culturalist positions. Indeed, it accepts most of the claims made. It has attempted to show that the critique from these quarters of the work of Philosophy for Children in settings outside the USA is (...)
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  27. The Collected Thoughts of Thomas Berry.Thomas Mary Berry - 1998 - Center for the Story of the Universe. Edited by Brian Swimme.
    Where are we? -- How did we get here? -- The millennial vision -- Where do we go? -- Psychic energy -- The North American continent -- Governance -- The university -- The corporation -- Religion -- The historical mission of our time.
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    Dual processes, probabilities, and cognitive architecture.Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater - 2012 - Mind and Society 11 (1):15-26.
    It has been argued that dual process theories are not consistent with Oaksford and Chater’s probabilistic approach to human reasoning (Oaksford and Chater in Psychol Rev 101:608–631, 1994 , 2007 ; Oaksford et al. 2000 ), which has been characterised as a “single-level probabilistic treatment[s]” (Evans 2007 ). In this paper, it is argued that this characterisation conflates levels of computational explanation. The probabilistic approach is a computational level theory which is consistent with theories of general cognitive architecture that invoke (...)
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  29. The measure of existence of a quantum world and the Sleeping Beauty Problem.Berry Groisman, Na'ama Hallakoun & Lev Vaidman - 2013 - Analysis 73 (4):695-706.
    Next SectionAn attempt to resolve the controversy regarding the solution of the Sleeping Beauty Problem in the framework of the Many-Worlds Interpretation led to a new controversy regarding the Quantum Sleeping Beauty Problem. We apply the concept of a measure of existence of a world and reach the solution known as ‘thirder’ solution which differs from Peter Lewis’s ‘halfer’ assertion. We argue that this method provides a simple and powerful tool for analysing rational decision theory problems.
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    The establishment and enforcement of codes.Mike Healy & Jennifer Iles - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1-2):117 - 124.
    Information and communications technology (ICT) is now used more by non-IT professional end-users than by IT professionals. A survey of 125 London-based organisations found that the majority had instituted codes of conduct designed to govern the use of ICT by their employees. However, the primary purpose of adopting such codes was to ensure the security and efficient operation of the organisation's information systems rather than for wider ethical considerations. Hence, few of the codes of conduct addressed issues relating to the (...)
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  31. Migration and the Point of Self-Determination.Mike Gadomski - forthcoming - Social Theory and Practice.
    Many philosophers argue that the right of self-determination confers to states a right to exclude would-be migrants. Drawing on the case of anti-colonial struggles of the 20th century, I argue that self-determination should be thought of as fundamentally a claim against intergroup hierarchy. This means that self-determination only grants a right to exclude in cases where immigration poses a genuine oppressive threat. Cases involving immigration into wealthy and powerful states rarely meet this criterion, and so talk of self-determination as grounding (...)
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    The ethics of sports: a reader.Mike J. McNamee (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    There are few, if any, aspects of contemporary sport that do not raise ethical questions. From on-field relationships between athletes, coaches and officials, to the corporate responsibility of international sports organizations and businesses, ethical considerations permeate sport at every level. This important new collection of articles showcases the very best international scholarship in the field of sports ethics, and offers a comprehensive, one-stop resource for any student, scholar or sportsperson with an interest in this important area. It addresses cutting-edge contemporary (...)
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  33.  28
    Current Status of Research in Teaching and Learning Evolution: I. Philosophical/Epistemological Issues.Mike U. Smith - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (6-8):523-538.
  34. To Enjoy God.Ruth Muirhead Berry - 1956
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  35. Tipper Discovers Statistics.Berrie Heesen - 2003 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 23 (1):69-71.
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  36.  19
    Informing evidence-based policy for sport-related concussion: are the consensus statements of the concussion in sport group fit for this purpose?Mike Weed - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):433-448.
    This essay explores how evidence-based policy can be developed for sport-related concussion (SRC), focusing particularly on the role and influence of the Consensus Statements of the Concussion in Sport Group (CiSG). Three credible policy purposes are suggested: (i) to mitigate acute health impacts of concussion events in sport; (ii) to reduce or eliminate the identified causes of SRC (direct blows to the head, neck, or body); and (iii) to improve long-term brain health outcomes for athletes. Eight of ten systematic reviews (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Moral assertion for expressivists.Mike Ridge - 2009 - Philosophical Issues 19 (1):182-204.
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  38. Five problems for the moral consensus about sins.Mike Ashfield - 2021 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 90 (3):157-189.
    A number of Christian theologians and philosophers have been critical of overly moralizing approaches to the doctrine of sin, but nearly all Christian thinkers maintain that moral fault is necessary or sufficient for sin to obtain. Call this the “Moral Consensus.” I begin by clarifying the relevance of impurities to the biblical cataloguing of sins. I then present four extensional problems for the Moral Consensus on sin, based on the biblical catalogue of sins: (1) moral over-demandingness, (2) agential unfairness, (3) (...)
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  39.  51
    On the Relationship Between Belief and Acceptance of Evolution as Goals of Evolution Education.Mike U. Smith & Harvey Siegel - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (5-6):473-496.
    The issue of the proper goals of science education and science teacher education have been a focus of the science education and philosophy of science communities in recent years. More particularly, the issue of whether belief/acceptance of evolution and/or understanding are the appropriate goals for evolution educators and the issue of the precise nature of the distinctions among the terms knowledge, understanding, belief, and acceptance have received increasing attention in the 12 years since we first published our views on these (...)
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    Sports Rules, Their Spirit and the Oldest Knockout Competition of Them All.Mike McNamee - 2009 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 3 (1):1-2.
    (2009). Sports Rules, Their Spirit and the Oldest Knockout Competition of Them All. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-2. doi: 10.1080/17511320902752300.
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  41.  80
    Imaging deductive reasoning and the new paradigm.Mike Oaksford - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  42.  16
    Character in the Criminal Trial.Mike Redmayne - 2015 - Oxford University Press.
    The use of character in the criminal trial raises a number of controversial issues such as the nature of criminal responsibility, the link between past and future behaviour, and the way juries and judges reason about evidence of prior wrongdoing. This book reassesses and reflects on the significance of the law's increasing emphasis on character.
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    Understanding the Relationship between Language Ability and Plagiarism in Non-native English Speaking Business Students.Mike Perkins, Ulas Basar Gezgin & Jasper Roe - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (4):317-328.
    Despite a continued focus exploring the factors related to plagiarism, the relationship between English language ability and plagiarism occurrences is not fully understood. Multiple studies involving student or faculty self-reporting of plagiarism have shown that students often claim English language ability is one of the main reasons why they commit plagiarism offences; however, little research has tested these claims in a rigorous, quantitative manner. This paper presents the findings of an analysis of data collected in a private, international university located (...)
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  44.  34
    Creativity: Ethics and Excellence in Science.Mike W. Martin - 2007 - Lexington Books.
    Creativity explores the moral dimensions of creativity in science in a systematic and comprehensive way. A work of applied philosophy, professional ethics, and philosophy of science, the book argues that scientific creativity often constitutes moral creativity—the production of new and morally variable outcomes. At the same time, creative ambitions have a dark side that can lead to professional misconduct and harmful effects on society and the environment.
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    Contrast classes and matching bias as explanations of the effects of negation on conditional reasoning.Mike Oaksford - 2002 - Thinking and Reasoning 8 (2):135 – 151.
    In this paper the arguments for optimal data selection and the contrast class account of negations in the selection task and the conditional inference task are summarised, and contrasted with the matching bias approach. It is argued that the probabilistic contrast class account provides a unified, rational explanation for effects across these tasks. Moreover, there are results that are only explained by the contrast class account that are also discussed. The only major anomaly is the explicit negations effect in the (...)
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  46. Lifestyle and Consumer Culture.Mike Featherstone - 1987 - Theory, Culture and Society 4 (1):55-70.
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    Intellectual property, plant breeding and the making of Mendelian genetics.Berris Charnley & Gregory Radick - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (2):222-233.
    Advocates of “Mendelism” early on stressed the usefulness of Mendelian principles for breeders. Ever since, that usefulness—and the favourable opinion of Mendelism it supposedly engendered among breeders—has featured in explanations of the rapid rise of Mendelian genetics. An important counter-tradition of commentary, however, has emphasized the ways in which early Mendelian theory in fact fell short of breeders’ needs. Attention to intellectual property, narrowly and broadly construed, makes possible an approach that takes both the tradition and the counter-tradition seriously, by (...)
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  48.  25
    Updating the Model Definition of the Gene in the Modern Genomic Era with Implications for Instruction.Mike U. Smith & Linda R. Adkison - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (1):1-20.
  49. The Pyrrhonian Revival in Montaigne and Nietzsche.Jessica N. Berry - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):497-514.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Pyrrhonian Revival in Montaigne and NietzscheJessica N. BerryMichel de Montaigne occupies a unique place in Nietzsche's history of ideas. He is one of a very few figures for whom Nietzsche expresses deep admiration and about whom he has virtually nothing critical to say. This is a rare enough mark of distinction; but contrary to what it might lead us to expect, the relationship between Montaigne and Nietzsche has (...)
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    Mediated characters: Multimodal viewpoint construction in comics.Borkent Mike - 2017 - Cognitive Linguistics 28 (3):539-563.
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