Results for 'Mirko Skarica Z.'

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  1.  12
    La Teoría de la Oración Predicativa Simple Según Aristóteles a la Luz de Algunos Autores Contemporáneos.Z. Mirko Skarica - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 5 (1):29-42.
    En el trabajo se expondrá la teoría de la oración predicativa simple en Aristóteles conforme a su tratado De Interpretatione. Se prestará especial atención a las tesis planteadas por el autor en dicha obra y que presentan algún conflicto con tesis planteadas por autores contemporáneos tales como Frege, Husserl, Heidegger, Tugendhat, Austin y Searle.
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    Filosofar Pragmático: ¿Filosofar para la Praxis o desde la Praxis?: Pragmatic Philosophizing: Philosophizing for Praxis or Based on Praxis?Mirko Skarica - 2004 - Cognitio 5 (1):100-110.
    Resumen: Es frecuente calificar de pragmatistas a filósofos contemporáneos como Wittgenstein o Heidegger, pero también se puede leer el rechazo de tal calificación de parte de alguno de ellos, como en el caso del mismo Wittgenstein, por ejemplo. Para muchos el pragmatismo consiste en identificar lo verdadero con lo útil, y en tal sentido se suele aceptarlo o rechazarlo. ¿Qué se ha de entender por filosofar pragmático? El presente artículo propone una distinción que puede delimitar las diferencias y problemas que (...)
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    Determinismo o libertad: la idea de libertad en Schelling.Mirko Skarica - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (2):719-732.
    Millán-Puelles' theory of freedom is radically separated from all other views that attribute an absolute character to human freedon. One of these theses is precisely that of Schelling, according to whom "the essence of the self is freedom".
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  4. Enunciación aprehensiva y enunciación judicativa.Mirko Skarica - 2003 - Philosophica 26:277-294.
    El presente trabajo sigue la pista a la posible distinción entre una composición aprehensiva y una composición judicativa, que plantea el problema del lugar propio de la verdad y de la falsedad. A este respecto, luego de establecer la opinión de Aristóteles y algunos de sus comentaristas, se sigue con la Tomás de Aquino y los comentarios escolásticos, para, finalmente mostrar cómo el problema sigue presente al interior de la lógica contemporánea.
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  5. El conocimiento divino de los actos futuros en Báñez, Molina, Suárez y Briceño.Mirko Skarica - 2006 - Philosophica 29:287-303.
    El presente trabajo aborda el tema acerca del conocimiento divino de los actos libres del hombre. El problema se relaciona con el tratamiento de Aristóteles acerca de los enunciados sobre futuros contingentes. Si Dios conoce los actos futuros libres, etos es, antes de su realización, y los conoce con verdad determinada, deberían estar predeterminados, y en tal caso no podrían ser libres. Se da cuenta en especial el tratamiento del tema por parte de los autores ibéricos de los siglos inmediatamente (...)
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  6. El juicio predicativo simple en Frege y Husserl: una confrontación.Mirko Skarica - 2004 - Anuario Filosófico 37 (78):129-156.
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    El juicio predicativo simple en Frege y Husserl: una confrontación.Mirko Skarica Zúñiga - 2004 - Anuario Filosófico 37 (1):129-155.
    The doctrine on predicative judgment sustained by Frege and Husserl reopens a discussion already present in the philosophical tradition: Does predicative judgment consist in a “composition” of concepts made by the understanding, or in an “assent” to a propositional content? For Frege, the “thought”, i. e., the sense of the proposition, as expresion of the judgment, presents such unity that it cannot be explained by a “composition” of previous elements; Husserl on the contrary, sustains that, although the propositional content of (...)
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  8. El pragmatismo consecuente en K. Popper.Mirko Skarica - 2004 - Philosophica 27:289-299.
    A partir del problema básico de la inducción, esto es, cómo a partir de observaciones particulares es posible obtener enunciados universales, se analiza la solución de Popper, la que es caracterizada, en un sentido amplio, de pragmática. En el presente trabajo, por tanto, se comenzará por exponer la propuesta pragmática de Popper, tratando de establecer, posteriormente, si su propuesta puede enmarcarse y bajo qué condiciones en lo que se entenderá por pargamatismo crítico, en la línea de Wittgenstein y otros autores (...)
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  9. La consolación de la filosofía en Boecio.Mirko Skarica - 2009 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 36:87-102.
    La Consolación de la Filosofía es una obra maestra de la literatura filosófica, concebida por su autor estando encarcelado y exiliado a la espera del dictamen definitivo del juicio político en su contra, que lo condena a ser ejecutado. Consta de cinco libros. Está escrito alternadamente en verso y prosa. Se trata de un diálogo sostenido por Boecio con la dama Filosofía. En el verso de inicio, Boecio deprimido anímicamente narra su desgraciada suerte, que en otro tiempo fuera próspera y (...)
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  10. La doctrina del juicio predicativo en Husserl: su oposición a Frege y su aproximación a Aristóteles.Mirko Skarica - 2007 - Philosophica 31:79-88.
    En este trabajo se expone la doctrina acerca del juicio predicativo en Husserl con especial referencia a las doctrinas de Frege y Aristóteles. Se pone de manifiesto la discrepancia entre Husserl y Frege en torno a la concepción del juicio como acto de 'síntesis' y 'separación'. Bajo este respecto, Husserl se aproxima expresamente a la concepción de Aristóteles. Aparte de lo anterior, se plantea el problema acerca de la supuesta prioridad del juicio sobre los actos no judicativos, como deseo, orden, (...)
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    La verdad práctica en Santo Tomás de Aquino.Mirko Skarica - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (63):291-314.
    This paper analyses two texts of Aquinas (Summa theologiae, I-II, q. 57, a. 5, ad 3, and Expositio libri peryermeneias I, 3, 107 ss.) where the truth of practical intellect is defined in accordance with Aristotle's account in Nicomachean Ethics, 1139a27-31. The proposed interpretation tries to show that both texts are arguably not incompatible. A last important claim is that according to the definition of practical truth practical intellect is supposed to work as a mesure for reality.
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    Beiträge zum Satz vom Widerspruch und zur aristotelischen Prädikationstheorie.Niels Öffenberger & Mirko Skarica (eds.) - 2000 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Comentario al libro de Aristóteles sobre La Interpretación.Saint Thomas, Tomás de Aquino, Mirko Skarica & Juan Cruz Cruz - 1999 - Pamplona: EUNSA. Edited by Mirko Skarica & Juan Cruz Cruz.
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    Otázky estetiky v přítomnosti i minulosti.Mirko Novák - 1963 - Praha,: Státní pedagogické nakl..
    Práce, která uvádí do živé problematiky vědecké estetiky, řeší v první části problémy a úkoly estetiky, obrací se k jejímu předmětu, ke krásnu a umění, obírá se významem signální teorie pro estetiku, poměrem člověka k obrazu astavbě i pokrokem v hudbě a umění vůbec. Do druhé části jsou zařazeny vybrané kapitoly jednak z dějin řecké, jednak z české estetiky.
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  15. Skarica, Mirko. El juicio en De interpretatione de Aristóteles. Sus comentaristas y su recepción contemporánea. EUNSA, Pamplona, 2023, 411 pp. [REVIEW]Jan Podhorski - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:229-232.
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    Hispanic Philosophy in the Age of Discovery (review).Iván Jaksic - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (3):463-465.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hispanic Philosophy in the Age of Discovery ed. by Kevin WhiteIván JaksicKevin White, editor. Hispanic Philosophy in the Age of Discovery. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1997. Pp. xv + 326. Cloth, $59.95.The quincentennial of what has been termed the “encounter” between Europeans and Indians in the New World in the late fifteenth century furnished the occasion for much denunciation of the evils inflicted by greedy (...)
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    Logik, Naturphilosophie, Dialektik: neue internationale Beiträge zur modernen Deutung der Aristotelischen Logik.Niels Öffenberger & Alejandro G. Vigo (eds.) - 2014 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    In diesem Band werden Beiträge gesammelt, die sich nicht nur auf rein formal logische Aspekte, sondern auch auf Probleme beziehen, die mit der Erkenntnistheorie, der Naturphilosophie und der Dialektik in Verbindung stehen. Iván de los Ríos Gutiérrez stellt die Aristotelische Kontingenzlehre dar. Miguel García-Valdecasas erörtert die wissenschaftstheoretischen Fundamente der Aristotelischen Nous-Lehre. Joseph Li Vecchi entwickelt ein formales Modell für Inferenzen, die auf der Grundlage von analogischen Verhältnissen basieren. Niels Öffenberger charakterisiert die abgeleiteten Wahrheitswerte, die sich durch die Dichotomie der schlichten (...)
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  18. A Permissivist Alternative to Encroachment.Z. Quanbeck & Alex Worsnip - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    As a slew of recent work in epistemology has brought out, there is a range of cases where there's a strong temptation to say that prudential and (especially) moral considerations affect what we ought to believe. There are two distinct models of how this can happen. On the first, “reasons pragmatist” model, the relevant prudential and moral considerations constitute distinctively practical reasons for (or against) belief. On the second, “pragmatic encroachment” model, the relevant prudential and moral considerations affect what one (...)
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  19. Kierkegaard on belief and credence.Z. Quanbeck - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):394-412.
    Kierkegaard's pseudonym Johannes Climacus famously defines faith as a risky “venture” that requires “holding fast” to “objective uncertainty.” Yet puzzlingly, he emphasizes that faith requires resolute conviction and certainty. Moreover, Climacus claims that all beliefs about contingent propositions about the external world “exclude doubt” and “nullify uncertainty,” but also that uncertainty is “continually present” in these very same beliefs. This paper argues that these apparent contradictions can be resolved by interpreting Climacus as a belief‐credence dualist. That is, Climacus holds that (...)
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    Are errors in final position destined before the movement begins?Z. Hasan - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):341-342.
  21. Belief, blame, and inquiry: a defense of doxastic wronging.Z. Quanbeck - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (10-11):2955-2975.
    According to the thesis of doxastic wronging, our beliefs can non-derivatively wrong others. A recent criticism of this view claims that proponents of the doxastic wronging thesis have no principled grounds for denying that credences can likewise non-derivatively wrong, so they must countenance pervasive conflicts between morality and epistemic rationality. This paper defends the thesis of doxastic wronging from this objection by arguing that belief bears distinctive relationships to inquiry and blame that can explain why beliefs, but not credences, can (...)
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    (1 other version)Interrogating the real: [selected writings].Slavoj Žižek - 2006 - New York: Continuum. Edited by Rex Butler & Scott Stephens.
    Presents collected writings of Slavoj Zizek - one of the world's leading contemporary cultural commentators. Drawing upon a range of his prolific output, the articles here cover psychoanalysis, philosophy and popular culture.
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    Dislocation distributions in deformed copper single crystals.Z. S. Basinski & S. J. Basinski - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 9 (97):51-80.
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    Incontinence of the void: economico-philosophical spandrels.Slavoj Žižek - 2017 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    The “formidably brilliant” Žižek considers sexuality, ontology, subjectivity, and Marxian critiques of political economy by way of Lacanian psychoanalysis. If the most interesting theoretical interventions emerge today from the interspaces between fields, then the foremost interspaceman is Slavoj Žižek. In Incontinence of the Void (the title is inspired by a sentence in Samuel Beckett's late masterpiece Ill Seen Ill Said), Žižek explores the empty spaces between philosophy, psychoanalysis, and the critique of political economy. He proceeds from the universal dimension of (...)
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    Vice and the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Disorders: A Philosophical Case Conference.John Z. - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (1):1-17.
    This main article for a Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology philosophical case conference is intended to raise philosophical, psychiatric, and public policy issues concerning the relationship between concepts of criminality, mental disorder, and the classification of mental disorders. After introducing the basic problem of the confounding of “vice” and mental disorder concepts in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition—Text Revision, the author summarizes three different cases from the literature that illustrate the problem of the vice–mental disorder relationship. (...)
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    The Maximality of Cartesian Categories.Z. Petric & K. Dosen - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (1):137-144.
    It is proved that equations between arrows assumed for cartesian categories are maximal in the sense that extending them with any new equation in the language of free cartesian categories collapses a cartesian category into a preorder. An analogous result holds for categories with binary products, which may lack a terminal object. The proof is based on a coherence result for cartesian categories, which is related to model-theoretic methods of normalization. This maximality of cartesian categories, which is analogous to Post (...)
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    Conjectures on the exact solution of three-dimensional simple orthorhombic Ising lattices.Z.-D. Zhang - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (34):5309-5419.
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  28. » Bošković on Knowledge.«.Dario Škarica - 1993 - Synthesis Philosophica 8:255-267.
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    Životopis Stjepana Segedinca prema Matiji Škarici.Matej Škarica - 2012 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 6 (1):127-161.
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  30. Observaciones para Una logica de las normas. De Kelsen a Tomas de aquino.M. Skarica - 1998 - Sapientia 53 (203):155-162.
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    (1 other version)Exit Visas and Entry Tickets: Paradoxes of Jewish Assimilation.Z. Bauman - 1988 - Télos 1988 (77):45-77.
  32.  25
    "it's what midwifery is all about": Western Australian midwives' experiences of being 'with woman' during labour and birth in the known midwife model.Z. Bradfield, Y. Hauck, M. Kelly & R. Duggan - 2019 - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 19 (1).
    © 2019 The Author. Background: The phenomenon of being 'with woman' is fundamental to midwifery as it underpins its philosophy, relationships and practices. There is an identified gap in knowledge around the 'with woman' phenomenon from the perspective of midwives providing care in a variety of contexts. As such, the aim of this study was to explore the experiences of being 'with woman' during labour and birth from the perspective of midwives' working in a model where care is provided by (...)
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    Newton's law of forces which are inversely as the mass: a suggested interpretation of his later efforts to normalise a mechanistic model of optical dispersion.Z. Bechler - 1974 - Centaurus 18 (3):184-222.
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  34. AI and society: a virtue ethics approach.Mirko Farina, Petr Zhdanov, Artur Karimov & Andrea Lavazza - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (3):1127-1140.
    Advances in artificial intelligence and robotics stand to change many aspects of our lives, including our values. If trends continue as expected, many industries will undergo automation in the near future, calling into question whether we can still value the sense of identity and security our occupations once provided us with. Likewise, the advent of social robots driven by AI, appears to be shifting the meaning of numerous, long-standing values associated with interpersonal relationships, like friendship. Furthermore, powerful actors’ and institutions’ (...)
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    Incorporation, Transparency and Cognitive Extension: Why the Distinction Between Embedded and Extended Might Be More Important to Ethics Than to Metaphysics.Mirko Farina & Andrea Lavazza - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (1):1-21.
    We begin by introducing our readers to the Extended Mind Thesis and briefly discuss a series of arguments in its favour. We continue by showing of such a theory can be resisted and go on to demonstrate that a more conservative account of cognition can be developed. We acknowledge a stalemate between these two different accounts of cognition and notice a couple of issues that we argue have prevented further progress in the field. To overcome the stalemate, we propose to (...)
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    Response to ‘Comment on a recent conjectured solution of the three-dimensional Ising model’.Z. D. Zhang - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (26):3097-3101.
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    Estimation of residual stresses from elastic recovery of nanoindentation.Z. -H. Xu & X. Li - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (19):2835-2846.
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  38. Papers on Syntax.Z. Harris & Henry Hiz - 1984 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 46 (2):378-378.
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    Eppur si muove.Slavoj Žižek - 2013 - Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo. Edited by Lidija Šumah.
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    Din-ahlak dengesi: (24 saat - 365 gün).Hüseyin Akyüz & Kemal Göz (eds.) - 2020 - Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
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    On a problem of C. H. dowker.Z. Balogh & G. Gruenhage - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1284-1289.
    It is shown that $\operatorname{Con}(ZF)$ implies $\operatorname{Con}(ZFC$ + there exists a Dowker filter on ω2). The problem is also considered on higher cardinals.
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    Quantitative determination of secondary slip in copper single crystals deformed in tension.Z. S. Basinski † & S. J. Basinski ‡ - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (3-5):213-251.
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    (1 other version)On the Maturation of Socialism.Z. Bauman - 1981 - Télos 1981 (47):48-54.
  44.  12
    Ethics support in clinical practice in Europe: Macedonia.Z. Biiljali - 2005 - Medicínska Etika a Bioetika: Časopis Ústavu Medicínskej Etiky a Bioetiky= Medical Ethics and Bioethics 11 (Suppl.).
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  45. Finding finity and motion for Zeno.Z. Borejszo - 1994 - South African Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):199-203.
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    Searching in Dual Worlds.Z. Chen - 1999 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 9 (1):55-74.
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  47. Sur les énoncés limitatifs.Z. Chylinski - 1987 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 23 (91-92):401-410.
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    Micromechanical model for fracture toughness prediction in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy forgings.Z. Cvijović, M. Vratnica, M. Rakin & I. Cvijović-Alagić - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (27):3153-3179.
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    Öğretmen Adaylarının Bireysel Yenilikçilik Özellikleri.Sabahattin Deni̇z - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 9):267-267.
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  50. O postaciach racjonalizmu poznawczego.Z. Drozdowicz - 1982 - In Stefan Kaczmarek (ed.), Z dziejów refleksji nad historią filozofii. Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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