Results for 'Miroslav Radman'

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  1.  15
    Peut-on raisonnablement espérer l’immortalité?Miroslav Radman - 2017 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 59 (1):263-271.
    Partant du constat que l’évolution biologique, qui privilégie les naissances et les disparitions rapides, et l’évolution culturelle, qui exige un temps de vie adulte long, sont en conflit d’intérêts, l’auteur montre les moyens de lutter contre le vieillissement. Toutefois en rappelant que la survie, même prolongée, n’implique pas la valeur de la vie, il pose la question de la finalité et des risques du processus.
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  2. Patriarchy in Disguise: Burke on Pike and World Rugby.Miroslav Imbrišević - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (1):1-31.
    World Rugby (WR) announced in 2020 that transwomen should not be competing at the elite level because of safety and fairness concerns. WR and Jon Pike, a philosopher of sport advising them, adopted a lexical approach to get a grip on the three values in play: safety, fairness, and inclusion. Previously, governing bodies tried to balance these competing values. Michael Burke recently published a paper taking aim at Pike’s lexical approach. This is a reply to Burke.
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    The Hand, an Organ of the Mind: What the Manual Tells the Mental.Zdravko Radman (ed.) - 2013 - MIT Press.
    Explores the intriguing prospect that, in some situations, a person's hand has a mind of its own.
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  4. The Consent Solution to Punishment and the Explicit Denial Objection.Miroslav Imbrisevic - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 25 (2):211-224.
    Recently, David Boonin has put forward several objections to Carlos S. Nino's 'Consensual Theory of Punishment'. In this paper I will defend Nino against the 'explicit denial objection'. I will discuss whether Boonin's interpretation of Nino as a tacit consent theorist is right. I will argue that the offender's consent is neither tacit nor express, but a special category of implicit consent. Further, for Nino the legal-normative consequences of an act (of crime) are 'irrevocable', i.e. one cannot (expressly and successfully) (...)
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    Consciousness: Modeling the Mystery.Zdravko Radman - 2007 - Synthesis Philosophica 22 (2):267-271.
  6.  54
    Knowing without thinking: mind, action, cognition and the phenomenon of the background.Zdravko Radman (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    A volume devoted explicitly to the subtle and multidimensional phenomenon of background knowing that has to be recognized as an important element of the triad mind-body-world. The essays are inspired by seminal works on the topic by Searle and Dreyfus, but also make significant contribution in bringing the discussion beyond the classical confines.
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    From a Metaphorical Point of View: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Cognitive Content of Metaphor.Zdravko Radman (ed.) - 1995 - De Gruyter.
    Collection with articles of different disciplines on Metaphor as a "Figure of Thought". Summary of contents: 1. A HIstory of Philosophy Perspective 2. A SEmantic Perspective 3. A COgnitive Science Perspective 4. A PHilosphy of Science Perspective 5. A THeological, Sociological and Political Perspective.
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    Minds in the world.Zdravko Radman - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica 20 (2):231-236.
  9.  91
    Metaphoric Measure of Meaning - the Problem of Non–Literal Use of Language in Science Reconsidered.Zdravko Radman - 1991 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 33:153-170.
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    Corps, cerveau et beauté la place de l'esthétique dans le domaine de l'esprit.Zdravko Radman & Jeanne Delbaere-Garant - 2012 - Diogène n° 233-234 (1):58-73.
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    Opusculum insolubilium v kontextu scholastické logiky Analýza traktátu a pracovní edice.Miroslav Hanke - 2012 - Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (3):63-92.
    Opusculum insolubilium is an anonymous sixteenth-century British logical treatise dealing with the so-called “insolubles”, i.e. self-reflexive paradoxical propositions. It summarises the fundamental principles of the approach proposed by Roger Swyneshed in the fourteenth century, which became popular in the British academic circles during the fifteenth century. The present paper has two basic aims: to contrive a modern edition of this treatise which could be used fora further research in post-mediaeval scholastic logic, and to provide elementary information about its content and (...)
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  12.  13
    Pythagoras as Cock.Miroslav Marcovich - 1976 - American Journal of Philology 97 (4):331.
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    (1 other version)Über Isotone Funktionale Geordneter Mengen.Miroslav Novotný - 1959 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 5 (1‐2):9-28.
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    Über Kardinalprodukte.Miroslav Novotný - 1963 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 9 (1-4):13-20.
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    Hryhoriĭ Skorovoda: filosofii︠a︡ svobody.Miroslav Vladimirovich Popovich - 2007 - Kyïv: Maĭsterni︠a︡ Bilet︠s︡ʹkykh.
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    Justice, Social Choice and Relativity.Miroslav Prokopijević - 1992 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 43 (1):177-200.
    The notion of justice is not some inwardly homogeneous, simple and objective one. Assumed the gains and losses on the one side and the relative levels of welfare on tiie other side play the cmcial role as criteria for being just, there are at least the four different, mutually exhaustive and irreducible conceptions of justice - cardinal and ordinal utilitarianism and moderate and radical egalitarianism. The first and fourth theories rely on just one criterion, whereas theories two and three rely (...)
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  17.  37
    Consciousness: Problems with Perspectives.Zdravko Radman - 2007 - Synthesis Philosophica 22 (2):495-508.
    The paper deals with some misconceptions concerning ‘privileged’ access to our own experiences from the first-person perspective, points to the limitations of this immediacy, and questions the solipsist privacy of subjectivity. Based on the conviction that the identification of ‘point of view’ with ‘perspective’ proves to be problematic, the author argues that we may take different perspectives from the same point of view. As embodied and embedded cognitive persons we practice the interchange of perspectival attitudes towards our own subjectivity in (...)
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  18.  13
    K estetiko znanosti.Zdravko Radman - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (1):219-234.
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    Simbol, stvarnost i stvaralaštvo: ogled o percepciji.Zdravko Radman - 1988 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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  20.  24
    The Background: An Embodied Reason of Coping in the World.Zdravko Radman - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:281.
    This paper is motivated by the general idea that philosophical ambition to understand and define the human mind exclusively in terms of conscious, propositional, and deliberative behaviour cannot be adequate, for it leaves out great part of our mentality, which resides in the background. On a more specific plane it focuses on the background as a means of providing the cognitive organism with most plausible scenarios of reality, and prepares it for what appears most likely to be the case in (...)
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  21.  57
    The Ethical Mind: An Outline.Zdravko Radman - 2006 - Synthesis Philosophica 21 (2):385-394.
    The paper is an attempt of outlining the mind responsible for moral judgments in a general manner, and according to the investigations done by the neuroscientists, and which challenge some standard philosophical notions. The “measuring” of morality on the part of neuroscience reveals that moral decisions are basically made on an intuitive level that can be emotionally motivated to a greater or lesser extent, what in turn depends on whether the attitude is “personal” or “impersonal”, and not so much on (...)
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  22.  20
    Varieties of Capitalism, Power Resources, and Historical Legacies: Explaining the Slovenian Exception.Miroslav Stanojević & Stephen Crowley - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (2):268-295.
    Although Slovenia is a small, relatively new nation-state, it has been justifiably called “neocorporatist” and a “coordinated market economy,” making it unique among postcommunist societies, including ten new EU member states. The authors explore how it became so, and in the process shed light on the debate between varieties of capitalism and power resources theories about how coordinated or neocorporatist economies emerge. Although several of the elements predicted by the varieties of capitalism perspective were present in Slovenia, others were not. (...)
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  23.  94
    Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of the Social Composition of Patriotic Groups Among the Smaller European Nations.Miroslav Hroch - 1985 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a revised translation of two works by Miroslav Hroch, which together form a pioneering comparative analysis of the various struggles for national identity in nineteenth-century Europe. It is concerned with the decisive phase of 'national renaissance', when small groups of committed patriots successfully generated mass support. When and why was their propaganda effective? The author attempts to answer this fundamental question by locating the patriots within the contemporary social structure, and uses data derived from many different (...)
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  24. After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity.Miroslav Volf - 1998
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  25.  32
    The Strategic Foul and Contract Law: Efficient Breach in Sports?Miroslav Imbrisevic - 2018 - Fair Play 12:69-99.
    The debate about the Strategic Foul has been rumbling on for several decades and it has predominantly been fought on moral grounds. The defenders claim that the rules of a game must be supplemented by the ‘ethos’ of the game, by its conventions or informal rules. Critics of the Strategic Foul argue that to break the rules deliberately, in order to gain an advantage, is morally wrong, spoils the game, or is a form of cheating. Rather than entering the moral (...)
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  26.  50
    Suits on Strategic Fouling.Miroslav Imbrišević - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (3-4):307-317.
    Given Bernard Suits’ stature in the philosophy of sport, his take on strategic fouling, surprisingly, hasn’t been given much attention in the literature. Rather than relying on a purely empirical or ‘ethos’ approach to justify the Strategic Foul he provides a mixed justification. Suits’ account combines a priori and a posteriori elements. He introduces a third kind of rule, which appears to be unlike rules of skill or constitutive rules, into his conceptual scheme. Suits claims that it is sometimes tactically (...)
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  27.  18
    Being Mindful at University: A Pilot Evaluation of the Feasibility of an Online Mindfulness-Based Mental Health Support Program for Students.Miroslav Světlák, Pavla Linhartová, Terezia Knejzlíková, Jakub Knejzlík, Barbora Kóša, Veronika Horníčková, Kristýna Jarolínová, Klaudia Lučanská, Alena Slezáčková & Rastislav Šumec - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    University study can be a life period of heightened psychological distress for many students. The development of new preventive and intervention programs to support well-being in university students is a fundamental challenge for mental health professionals. We designed an 8-week online mindfulness-based program combining a face-to-face approach, text, audio, video components, and support psychotherapy principles with a unique intensive reminder system using the Facebook Messenger and Slack applications in two separate runs. We assessed the program’s effect on mindful experiencing, perceived (...)
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    Idea strukturální demokracie: politická filosofie na principu respektu k Řádu skutečnosti.Miroslav Pauza - 2019 - Praha: Filosofia.
  29. Transwomen in Sport.Miroslav Imbrisevic (ed.) - forthcoming
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    Subverting the Rules in Sport.Miroslav Imbrisevic - 2024 - Movimento 30 (Jan-Dec):1-11.
    What does it mean to subvert the rules? One way of doing so is to interfere with or curb the display of skill of your opponent by a) breaking the rules deliberately and openly or b) by acting contrary to the idea of sportspersonship. In both instances you violate the norm that displaying/exercising your game-related skills is central for a good contest. In the former you incorporate the penalty rules into the playing rules, i.e. you act as if breaking the (...)
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  31.  16
    Does Spinoza Have “too much Godˮ – Touches on Hegel's Interpretation?Miroslav Bachev - 2022 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 31 (3):249-259.
    One of the important topics in the field of philosophy of religion is the relationship between the various forms of the Divine, in particular the wellknown distinction between "philosophical God" and personalist understandings of God (Blaise Pascal). Spinoza's ethics is oriented mainly to the argumentation of the first understanding and is its consistent implementation. Hegel's interpretation of Spinoza is reconstructed here in view of the question of pantheism and atheism in Spinoza's system and whether and to what extent Hegel rehabilitated (...)
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    Marxism and the determinants of critical judgment.Miroslav Beker - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (1):33-41.
  33.  24
    Construction of models from groups of permutations.Miroslav Benda - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (3):383-388.
  34.  8
    Soukromý zájem ve veřejném prostoru.Miroslav Kalný - 2017 - Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni.
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    Kategorie subjektu a objektu v novodobé filozofii.Miroslav Maršík - 1975 - Praha: Universita Karlova.
    Die Subject- und Objektkategorie in der neuzeitlichen Philosophie.
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    Nochmals zu herodas III 50–52.Miroslav Marcovich - 1966 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 110 (1-2):137-138.
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  37. Text, Network and Other Impurities.Miroslav Marcelli - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (7):623-633.
    The paper deals with the concept of text, showing its transformations in semiotic studies. First the text is excluded from semiotics in favor of the system and its paradigmatic perspective, as shown in the works of L. Hjemslev. Then the meaning of the text is reconsidered as in later works of Barthes and mainly in the text theory of J. Kristeva. Both of them mark the transition to the further, poststructuralist stage of semiotics. This transformation made the text close to (...)
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    (1 other version)Isotone Funktionale Geordneter Mengen.Miroslav Novotný - 1960 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 6 (7‐14):109-133.
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    Niektoré evolučné pohl'ady na sociálne a morálne normy.Miroslav Popper - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (7).
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  40. O filosofskom analize i︠a︡zyka nauki: (Romanized form).Miroslav Vladimirovich Popovich - 1966 - Kiev,: Naukova dumka.
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  41. Some Evolutionary Views on Social and Moral Norms.Miroslav Popper - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (7):634-645.
    The paper sheds light on different approaches to normativity and on current tendencies to consider social and moral norms from the perspective of evolutionary psychology. The main objective of the paper is to show the similarities as well as differences between social and moral norms. Further, the author argues, that the differentiating characteristics, such as the influence of an external authority, the role of emotions and the role of conscious and subconscious judgments are not qualitative, but rather quantitative. Although the (...)
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  42.  12
    Architectures of Life and Death: The Eco-Aesthetics of the Built Environment.Andrej Radman & Stavros Kousoulas (eds.) - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Interdisciplinary in approach, this book combines philosophy, hybrid theory, and architectural theory with case studies, explicitly linking the traditions together to investigate the eco-aesthetics of the urban environment.
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    Horizons of Humanity: Essays in Honour of Ivan Supek.Zdravko Radman & Ivan Supek - 1997 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    This collection of essays represents an interdisciplinary approach to some contemporary issues in the philosophy of science and the theory of knowledge. It is also an attempt to place art in the context of human cognition in general and also to relate it to science and philosophy. Its conception is such that it accords with the view that our creativity is not separable from a humanistic orientation. Within such a humanistic framework, aiming at a stable form of peace becomes the (...)
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  44.  16
    9. How to Make Our Ideas Clear with Metaphors.Zdravko Radman - 1995 - In From a Metaphorical Point of View: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Cognitive Content of Metaphor. De Gruyter. pp. 225-256.
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    Um i svijet.Zdravko Radman - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (2):251-256.
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  46. When intuitive Bayesians need to be good readers: The problem-wording effect on Bayesian reasoning.Miroslav Sirota, Gorka Navarrete & Marie Juanchich - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105722.
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    Disfluent fonts do not help people to solve math and non-math problems regardless of their numeracy.Miroslav Sirota, Andriana Theodoropoulou & Marie Juanchich - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (1):142-159.
    Prior research has suggested that perceptual disfluency activates analytical processing and increases the solution rate of mathematical problems with appealing but incorrect answers (i.e., the Cogn...
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  48.  29
    Why Break the Rules – in Life and in Sport?Miroslav Imbrisevic - 2020 - Idrottsforum.
    In life there can be good reasons to break the rules. Some sports philosophers have suggested that this also holds for games. In this essay I will compare and contrast reasons for rule-breaking in life and in sports. Some of my focus will be on recent attempts to defend strategic fouling (by Eylon & Horowitz, Russell, and Flynn). Supporters of strategic fouling try to provide a philosophical underpinning for the practice, but they ignore the genealogy of such rule-violations. I will (...)
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  49.  25
    Initiation Plants in Drug Addiction Treatment: The Purgahuasca Therapy.Miroslav Horák, Nahanga Verter & Kristina Somerlíková - 2021 - Anthropology of Consciousness 32 (1):33-54.
    Anthropology of Consciousness, Volume 32, Issue 1, Page 33-54, Spring 2021.
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  50.  28
    Richard Lavenham’s Tractatus terminorum naturalium.Miroslav Hanke - 2023 - Vivarium 61 (2):167-243.
    The late fourteenth-century English Carmelite Richard Lavenham was a prolific author of Latin and vernacular treatises on logic, physics, philosophy, and theology. Among other works pertaining to natural philosophy, he authored the short Tractatus terminorum naturalium, preserved in three complete or almost complete late fourteenth- or early fifteenth-century copies, with the opening passage preserved in three other manuscripts. The text is fundamentally a redaction of the Heytesburian Termini naturales, a brief glossary of technical vocabulary of the natural philosophy and physics (...)
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