Results for 'Monique Saigal'

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  1.  8
    Le Bouche à Bouche dans Une Mort très douce de Simone de Beauvoir.Monique Saigal - 1993 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 10 (1):115-120.
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    Introduction: symposium on Monique Deveaux’s Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements.Monique Deveaux - 2023 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (3):221-224.
    This symposium on Monique Deveaux’s Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements includes commentaries by Sally Matthews, Renante D. Pilapil, Violetta Igneski, and Wouter Peeters, with a reply from Deveaux. The book makes the case that normative thinking about poverty should engage closely with the aims, insights, and actions of poor-led organizations and social movements. Challenging conventional framings of poverty by moral philosophers, Deveaux argues that chronic poverty is centrally about the subordination and dispossession of the poor – not mere (...)
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  3. Sollicitude, dépendance et lien social.Monique Lanoix - 2008 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 3 (2):56-67.
    La croissance de la population vieillissante en Amérique du Nord a un impact significatif sur nos politiques sociales. Ainsi, l’État québécois met à la disposition des personnes âgées une aide afin de faciliter le maintien à domicile. Qui a maintenant la responsabilité de répondre aux besoins des personnes âgées; est-ce la famille ou l’État? Si la réponse peut nous aider à formuler des politiques sociales équitables, elle nous pousse aussi à repenser le lien social à la lumière de la dépendance. (...)
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    The ordeal of practicing care.Monique Lanoix - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (4):4.
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    Privacy and Health Practices in the Digital Age.Monique Pyrrho, Leonardo Cambraia & Viviane Ferreira de Vasconcelos - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):50-59.
    Increasing privacy concerns are arising from expanding use of aggregated personal information in health practices. Conversely, in light of the promising benefits of data driven healthcare, privacy...
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  6. On being attached.Monique Wonderly - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):223-242.
    We often use the term “attachment” to describe our emotional connectedness to objects in the world. We become attached to our careers, to our homes, to certain ideas, and perhaps most importantly, to other people. Interestingly, despite its import and ubiquity in our everyday lives, the topic of attachment per se has been largely ignored in the philosophy literature. I address this lacuna by identifying attachment as a rich “mode of mattering” that can help to inform certain aspects of agency (...)
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  7. Are emotions a kind of practice (and is that what makes them have a history)? A Bourdieuian approach to understanding emotion.Monique Scheer - 2012 - History and Theory 51 (2):193-220.
    The term “emotional practices” is gaining currency in the historical study of emotions. This essay discusses the theoretical and methodological implications of this concept. A definition of emotion informed by practice theory promises to bridge persistent dichotomies with which historians of emotion grapple, such as body and mind, structure and agency, as well as expression and experience. Practice theory emphasizes the importance of habituation and social context and is thus consistent with, and could enrich, psychological models of situated, distributed, and (...)
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    Entretien avec Annie Leclerc.Monique Durand - 1995 - Horizons Philosophiques 6 (1):1.
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  9. Love and Attachment.Monique Wonderly - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (3):232-250.
    It is not uncommon for philosophers to name disinterestedness, or some like feature, as an essential characteristic of love. Such theorists claim that in genuine love, one’s concern for her beloved must be non-instrumental, non-egocentric, or even selfless. These views prompt the question, “What, if any, positive role might self-interestedness play in genuine love?” In this paper, I argue that attachment, an attitude marked primarily by self-focused emotions and emotional predispositions, helps constitute the meaning and import of at least some (...)
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    Poor-Led Social Movements and Global Justice.Monique Deveaux - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (5):698-725.
    Political philosophers’ prescriptions for poverty alleviation have overlooked the importance of social movements led by, and for, the poor in the global South. I argue that these movements are normatively and politically significant for poverty reduction strategies and global justice generally. While often excluded from formal political processes, organized poor communities nonetheless lay the groundwork for more radical, pro-poor forms of change through their grassroots resistance and organizing. Poor-led social movements politicize poverty by insisting that, fundamentally, it is caused by (...)
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    Animal Business: an Ethical Exploration of Corporate Responsibility Towards Animals.Monique Janssens - 2021 - Food Ethics 7 (1):1-21.
    The aim of this paper is to take normative aspects of animal welfare in corporate practice from a blind spot into the spotlight, and thus connect the fields of business ethics and animal ethics. Using insights from business ethics and animal ethics, it argues that companies have a strong responsibility towards animals. Its rationale is that animals have a moral status, that moral actors have the moral obligation to take the interests of animals into account and thus, that as moral (...)
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    Deuxième Table Ronde. Réflexion et philosophie pratique.Monique Castillo, Claude Piché & Jérôme Porée - 2006 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1:79-86.
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    La Judiciarisation, Une Solution Et Un Problème.Monique Castillo - 2017 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:9-21.
    Judicialisation, a Solution and a Problem. One of the significant disputes regarding the phenomenon of judiciarisation is to know if it is an irreversible one, i.e. if it is a structural trait of postmodern democracies, or only a sign of a crisis of the European society. In the latter case, it would be the product of a society that is not able to counter its atomization due to individualism and ends in devouring the collective institutions.
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  14. L'intelligibilité normative du droit chez Kant.Monique Castillo - 2011 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 143 (4):305-316.
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    Midden- en Oosteuropese migranten in de Lage Landen.Monique Kremer, Jeroen Doomernik, François Levrau & Christiane Timmerman - 2015 - Res Publica 57 (4):503-521.
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    Brothers and sisters.Monique Borgerhoff Mulder - 1998 - Human Nature 9 (2):119-161.
    Data from the Kipsigis of Kenya are used to test two models for how parents invest in offspring, the Trivers-Willard and local resource competition/enhancement hypotheses. Investment is measured as age-specific survival, educational success, marital arrangements, and some components of property inheritance, permitting an evaluation of how biases persist or alter over the period of dependence. Changes through time in such biases are also examined. Despite stronger effects of wealth on the reproductive success of men than women, the survival of sons (...)
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  17. Will Kymlicka, Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Citizenship Reviewed by.Monique Deveaux - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (5):349-351.
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  18. Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Volume Xiii.Monique Dixsaut, Klaus Brinkmann, Christopher R. Matthews, Martin Andic, John Cooper, Phillip Mitsis, Robert Bolton, William Wians, Dana Miller, Nicholas Smith, David Roochnik, Malcolm Schofield, Rachana Kamteker, Julius Moravcsik, Luc Brisson & David Konstan - 1999 - Brill.
    This latest volume of BACAP Proceedings contains some innovative research by international scholars on Plato, Aristotle, and Sophocles. It covers such themes as Plato on the philosopher ruler, and Aristotle on essence and necessity in science. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
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  19. Chère Claire.Monique Dorsel - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 119:37-39.
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    Conservation: Linking Ecology, Economics, and Culture.Monique Borgerhoff Mulder & Peter Coppolillo - 2005 - Princeton University Press.
    Tracing the historical roots of modern conservation thought & practice, this book explores current perspectives from evolutionary & community ecology, conservation biology, anthropology, political ecology, economics, and policy.
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  21. Evolution of Social Behaviour Patterns in Primates and Man.Mulder Monique Borgerhoff - 1996
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    Arts of address: being alive to language and the world.Monique Roelofs - 2020 - New York City: Columbia University Press.
    Monique Roelofs offers a pathbreaking systematic model of the field of address and puts it to work in the arts, critical theory, and social life. She shows how address props up finely hewn modalities of relationality, agency, and normativity. Address exceeds a one-on-one pairing of cultural productions with their audiences. As ardently energizing tiny slippages and snippets as fueling larger impulses in the society, it activates and reaestheticizes registers of race, gender, class, coloniality, and cosmopolitanism. In readings of writers (...)
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    A Woman in Full.Monique A. Spillman & Robert M. Sade - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):32-34.
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  24. Temporalite, inconscient et répétition.Monique Schneider - 1985 - In Dorian Tiffeneau (ed.), Mythes et représentations du temps. Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
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    Guy Hartcup, TE Allibone, Cockroft and the Atom.Monique Sené - 1987 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 40 (1):135-136.
  26. Actualité de la doctrine de saint Agustin sur la prière.Monique Vicent - 1988 - Revista Agustiniana 29 (90):593-609.
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    Le naturel philosophe: essai sur les Dialogues de Platon.Monique Dixsaut - 1985 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Il s'agit, dans cet ouvrage, de faire deux choses en meme temps. D'un cote, determiner les differents sens donnes par Platon au terme philosophia : denommant, dans les premiers dialogues, l'activite propre et la force qui anime un personnage, Socrate, la philosophia recoit du Phedon jusqu'au Phedre ses dimensions interieures et est pensee comme nature; ensuite, sa modalite dialectique se precise tandis que s'opere sa deduction politique et cosmologique. De l'autre, lire chaque dialogue comme l'exercice d'une philosophia, ce qui signifie (...)
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    Labor as Embodied Practice: The Lessons of Care Work.Monique Lanoix - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (1):85-100.
    In post-Fordist economies, the nature of laboring activities can no longer be subsumed under a Taylorized model of labor, and the service sector now constitutes a larger share of the market. For Maurizio Lazzarato, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, and other theorists in the post-Marxist tradition, labor has changed from a commodity-producing activity to one that does not produce a material object. For these authors, this new type of labor is immaterial labor and entails communicative acts as well as added worker (...)
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  29. A Humean approach to assessing the moral significance of ultra-violent video games.Monique Wonderly - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (1):1-10.
    Although the word empathy only recently came into existence, eighteenth century philosopher, David Hume, significantly contributed to our current understanding of the term. Hume was among the first to suggest that an empathic mechanism is the central means by which we make ethical judgments and glean moral knowledge. In this paper, I explore Hume's moral sentimentalism, and I argue that his conception of empathy provides a surprisingly apposite framework for interpreting and addressing a current issue in practical ethics: the moral (...)
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    Ability versus vulnerability: Beliefs about men's and women's emotional behaviour.Monique Timmers, Agneta Fischer & Antony Manstead - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (1):41-63.
    In the present research we investigated gender-specific beliefs about emotional behaviour. In Study 1, 180 respondents rated the extent to which they agreed with different types of beliefs (prescriptive, descriptive, stereotypical, and contra-stereotypical) regarding the emotional behaviour of men and women. As anticipated, respondents agreed more with descriptive than with prescriptive beliefs, and more with stereotypical than with contra-stereotypical beliefs. However, respondents agreed more with stereotypical beliefs about the emotional behaviour of women than with those about men. These results were (...)
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  31. Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-led Social Movements.Monique Deveaux - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book, now open-access from OUP, develops a normative theory of political responsibility for solidarity with poor populations by engaging closely with empirical studies of poor-led social movements in the Global South. Monique Deveaux rejects familiar ethical framings of problems of poverty and inequality by arguing that normative thinking about antipoverty remedies needs to engage closely with the aims, insights, and actions of “pro-poor,” poor-led social movements. Defending the idea of a political responsibility for solidarity, nonpoor outsiders—individuals, institutions, and (...)
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  32. Forgiving, Committing, and Un‐forgiving.Monique Wonderly - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (2):474-488.
    Theorists often conceive of forgiveness as “wiping the slate clean” or something of the sort with respect to the offender’s moral infraction. This raises a puzzle concerning how (or whether) the relevant wrongdoing can continue to play a role in the forgiver’s deliberations, attitudes, and practical orientation toward the offender once forgiveness has taken place. For example, consider an agent who forgives her offender for an act of wrongdoing only to later blame her again for that very same act. Is (...)
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    Famille et psychose.Monique Dejardin - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):67-78.
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    Proêmio à Filosofia prática universal, de Immanuel Kant.Monique Hulshof - 2014 - Discurso 44:285-294.
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    Capabilities for epistemic liberation: the case of hermeneutical insurrection of the Network of Community Researchers in Medellin, Colombia.Monique Leivas Vargas, Alejandra Boni Aristizábal & Lina María Zuluaga García - 2022 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (1):43-62.
    Community leaders in Colombia have historically suffered processes of microaggressions and intimidation that threaten the free exercise of their voice in the processes of production of knowledge and in the participation of the planning of their territories. In this article, we explore the case study of the Network of Community Researchers (NCR), also known in Spanish as Red de Investigadores Comunitarios, promoted by the University of Antioquia, Colombia. The NCR is a commitment to the co-production of knowledge about human security (...)
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  36. Agency and Varieties of Felt Necessity.Monique Wonderly - 2021 - Ethics 132 (1):155-179.
    Felt necessity, or the phenomenon of experiencing some person or object as a felt need, plays important roles in structuring human agency. Philosophical treatments of the relationship between agency and felt necessity have tended to focus on appetitive needs and necessities arising from a particular type of care. I argue that we have much to gain by considering a third underexplored variety of felt necessity that I call “attachment necessity.” Attachment necessity has its own distinct parts to play in structuring (...)
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  37. Can We Un-forgive?Monique Wonderly - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (6).
    Despite the recent explosion of philosophical literature on forgiveness, relatively few theorists have addressed the possibility of un-forgiving someone for a moral violation. And among those who have addressed the question, “Can we un-forgive?” we find little consensus. In this paper, I consider whether and in what sense forgiveness is rescindable, retractable, or otherwise reversible. In other words, I consider what it might mean to say that a victim who forgave her offender for a particular act of wrongdoing later un-forgave (...)
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  38. Agonism and pluralism.Monique Deveaux - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (4):1-22.
    This paper assesses the claim that an agonistic model of democracy could foster greater accommodation of citizens' social, cultural and ethical differences than mainstream liberal theories. I address arguments in favor of agonistic conceptions of politics by a diverse group of democratic theorists, ranging from republican theorists - Hannah Arendt and Benjamin Barber - to postmodern democrats concerned with questions of identity and difference, such as William Connolly and Bonnie Honig. Neither Arendt's democratic agonism nor Barber's republican-inflected account of strong (...)
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    Introduction.Monique Deveaux & Kathryn Walker - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (2):111 - 114.
    (2013). Introduction. Journal of Global Ethics: Vol. 9, Critical Approaches to Global Justice: At the Frontier, pp. 111-114. doi: 10.1080/17449626.2013.818467.
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    The Gucci “Wool Balaclava Jumper” Case is a Listening Failure; It Will Happen Again.Monique Luisi - 2023 - Journal of Media Ethics 38 (2):126-128.
    Gucci’s $890 USD “wool balaclava jumper” (Gucci, 2019) was discontinued due to criticism of its offensive design, and executives apologized. That this design, a knit-top sweater with a pullup neck,...
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    Who Cares? Care and the Ethical Self.Monique Lanoix - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (3):49-65.
    Monique Lanoix | : Over three decades ago, Carol Gilligan’s seminal book In a Different Voice provided feminist theorists with a powerful new approach to address the shortcomings of traditional moral theories. With a focus on concrete situations, an ethics of care can attend to the specifics of moral dilemmas that might otherwise be glossed over. As feminist reflection on moral and political philosophizing has progressed, another challenge has emerged. Recent feminist scholarship proposes non-ideal theories as preferable action-guiding theories. (...)
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  42. A Deliberative Approach to Conflicts of Culture.Monique Deveaux - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (6):780-807.
    How should liberal democratic states respond to cultural practices and arrangements that run afoul of liberal norms and laws? This article argues for a reframing of the challenges posed by traditional or nonliberal cultural minorities. The author suggests that viewed from up close, such dilemmas are revealed to be primarily intracultural rather than intercultural conflicts, and reflect the political and practical interests of factions of communities much more than deep moral differences. Using the example of the reform of customary marriage (...)
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    Coeur à coeur de jumeau--: correspondance avec Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin: 1901-1913. Alain & Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin - 2009 - Le Vésinet: Institut Alain. Edited by Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin.
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    The cultural promise of the aesthetic.Monique Roelofs - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Aesthetic desire and distaste prime everyday life in surprising ways. The Cultural Promise of the Aesthetic casts much-needed light on the complex mix of meanings our aesthetic activities weave into cultural existence. Anchoring aesthetic experience in our relationships with persons, places, and things, Monique Roelofs explores aesthetic life as a multimodal, socially embedded, corporeal endeavor. Highlighting notions of relationality, address, and promising, this compelling study shows these concepts at work in visions of beauty, ugliness, detail, nation, ignorance, and cultural (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Global Poor as Agents of Justice.Monique Deveaux - 2013 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (4):125-150.
    “Agent-centered” approaches to global poverty insist that effective arguments for poverty reduction must specify the concrete duties of particular duty-bearers. This article takes up a recent, influential, version of this view, Thomas Pogge’s human rights-based argument for global economic reforms to reduce chronic deprivation. While signaling a welcome shift from the diffuse allocation of responsibilities common to much philosophical writing on poverty, I argue that Pogge’s approach too readily assigns to powerful institutions in the global North the role of devising (...)
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    Empathic forecasting: How do we predict other people's feelings?Monique Mh Pollmann & Catrin Finkenauer - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (5):978-1001.
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    No Longer Home Alone? Home Care and the Canada Health Act.Monique Lanoix - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (2):168-189.
    In this paper, I argue that addressing the medical needs of older persons warrants expanding the array of insured services as described by the Canada Health Act to include home care. The growing importance of chronic care supports my call for federally regulated home care services as the nature of disease management has changed significantly in the last decades. In addition, if the values of equity, fairness and solidarity, which are the keystone values of the CHA, are to be upheld (...)
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  48. Video Games and Ethics.Monique Wonderly - 2017 - In Joseph C. Pitt & Ashley Shew (eds.), Spaces for the Future: A Companion to Philosophy of Technology. New York: Routledge. pp. 29-41.
    Historically, video games featuring content perceived as excessively violent have drawn moral criticism from an indignant (and sometimes, morally outraged) public. Defenders of violent video games have insisted that such criticisms are unwarranted, as committing acts of virtual violence against computer-controlled characters – no matter how heinous or cruel those actions would be if performed in real life – harm no actual people. In this paper, I present and critically analyze key aspects of this debate. I argue that while many (...)
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  49. Astral Plantations.Monique Allewaert - 2021 - In Branka Arsic? & Vesna Kuiken (eds.), Dispersion: Thoreau and vegetal thought. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Surrealism in North Africa and Western Asia: crossings and encounters.Monique Bellan & Julia Drost (eds.) - 2021 - Beirut: Ergon Verlag, In Kommission.
    Surrealism in North Africa and Western Asia : crossings and encounters -- Multiple surrealisms -- Surrealist encounters.
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