Results for 'N. A. Aizenshtein'

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  1. Atvaita ñān̲amirtam.Irāmmacāmi N̄ānatēcikar - 1966
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  2. Ñān̲ak kaḷañciyam.Karuṇaiyān̲anta Ñān̲apūpati - 1999 - Cen̲n̲ai: Vir̲pan̲ai urimal maṭṭum, Pāri Nilaiyam.
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    How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics.N. Katherine Hayles - 1999 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this age of DNA computers and artificial intelligence, information is becoming disembodied even as the "bodies" that once carried it vanish into virtuality. While some marvel at these changes, envisioning consciousness downloaded into a computer or humans "beamed" _Star Trek_-style, others view them with horror, seeing monsters brooding in the machines. In _How We Became Posthuman,_ N. Katherine Hayles separates hype from fact, investigating the fate of embodiment in an information age. Hayles relates three interwoven stories: how information lost (...)
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  4. Psychedelic Experience and the Narrative Self: An Exploratory Qualitative Study.N. Amada, T. Lea, C. Letheby & J. Shane - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (9-10):6-33.
    It has been hypothesized that psychedelic experiences elicit lasting psychological benefits by altering narrative selfhood, which has yet to be explicitly studied. The present study investigates retrospective reports (n = 418) of changes to narrative self that participants believe resulted from, or were catalysed by, their psychedelic experience(s). Responses to open-ended questions were analysed using inductive and deductive thematic coding and interpreted within agent-centred approaches to development and well-being. Themes include decentred introspection, greater access to self-knowledge, positive shifts in self-evaluation (...)
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    Rebelión en la granja: biopolítica, zootecnia y domesticación.Ávila Gaitán & Iván Darío - 2017 - Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Ediciones Desde Abajo.
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    Insānʹshināsī, maʻrifatʹshināsī.Ārvīn Mihrigān - 2006 - Iṣfahān: Nashr-i Fardā.
  7.  7
    Barʹrasī-i imkān-i tafsīr-i dīnī az falsafah-i Aflāṭūn.Jaʻfarī Amānʹābādī & Sayyid Hādī - 2018 - [Tihrān]: Naqd-i Farhang.
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    Tinh thần khoa học đạo học: khái niệm con đường văn hóa Việt Nam.Đăng Thục Nguyễn - 1967 - Saigon: Khai-Trí.
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    Việt Nam văn hóa và con người.Đá̆c Hưng Nguyẽ̂n - 2009 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia.
    History of civilization and human nature of Vietnam.
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    Những khía cạnh triết học trong tín ngưỡng thờ cúng tổ tiên của người Việt ở Đồng bằng Bắc bộ hiện nay.Đăng Sinh Trần - 2002 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia.
    Philosophical aspects of belief and ancestor worship in Southern Vietnam.
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  11. Hume's skepticism about inductive inference.N. Scott Arnold - 1983 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (1):31-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Hume's Skepticism about Inductive Inference N. SCOTT ARNOLD IT HAS BEEN A COMMONPLACE among commentators on Hume's philosophy that he was a radical skeptic about inductive inference. In addition, he is alleged to have been the first philosopher to pose the so-called problem of induction. Until recently, however, Hume's argument in this connection has not been subject to very close scrutiny. As attention has become focused on this (...)
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    Why We Doubt: A Cognitive Account of Our Skeptical Inclinations.N. Ángel Pinillos - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book, the first of its kind, puts forward a novel, unified cognitive account of skeptical doubt. Historically, most philosophers have tried to tackle this difficult topic by directly arguing that skeptical doubt is false. But N. Ángel Pinillos does something different. He begins by trying to uncover the hidden mental rule which, for better or worse, motivates our skeptical inclinations. He then gives an account of the broader cognitive purpose of having and applying this rule. Based on these ideas, (...)
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  13. Wịrạtị thilạ wịnishsạyạ kyān. Ñāṇa - 1934 - Yan kon,: Kạwị Myet hman.
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  14. Tư tưởng Việt-Nam: tư tưởng bình-dân Việt-Nam.Đăng Thục Nguyễn - 1964 - Saigon: Khai-Trí.
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    Nietzsche and the Ancient Skeptical Tradition.Jessica N. Berry - 2010 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    The impact of Nietzsche's engagement with the Greek skeptics has never before been systematically explored in a book-length work - an inattention that belies the interpretive weight scholars otherwise attribute to his early career as a professor of classical philology and to the fascination with Greek literature and culture that persisted throughout his productive academic life. Jessica N. Berry fills this gap in the literature on Nietzsche by demonstrating how an understanding of the Pyrrhonian skeptical tradition illuminates Nietzsche's own reflections (...)
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  16. Kr̥ṣṇājī jīvitaṃ.Cikkāla Kr̥ṣṇārāvu - 1992 - Bhīmunipaṭnaṃ, Viśākhajillā: Pratulaku, Cikkāla Kr̥ṣṇārāvu.
    Biography of Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1895-1986, Indian philosopher.
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    Śrīkr̥ṣṇāvadhūtaracitāni Madhvatatvasūtrāṇi svopajñavyākhyāsahitāni. Kr̥ṣṇāvadhūta - 2023 - Beṅgalūru: Śrīviśveśatīrthasaṃśodhanakendram, Karnatakasamskrtavisvavidyalayena "Samsodhanakendram" iti manitam. Edited by Ānandatīrthācārya Vi Nāgasampagi.
    Treatise with auto-commentary on Dvaita philosophy.
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  18. Kyeʺ jūʺ toʻ rhaṅʻ Layʻ tī Cha rā toʻ bhu rāʺ krīʺZ ZʼAṅgalanʻ, Praṅʻ sacʻ, Sīrilaṅkā nuiṅʻ ṅaṃ myāʺ mha ʼa meʺ myāʺ kui rhaṅʻʺ laṅʻʺ phre chui toʻ mū khaiʹ so nuiṅʻ ṅaṃ khrāʺ pucchā ʼa phre poṅʻʺ khyupʻ. Ñāṇa - 2002 - Da guṃ (Toṅʻ), [Rangoon]: Cacʻ saññʻ toʻ Cā pe.
    Author's answers to questions on Buddhist philosophy, posed to him by some foreign scholars.
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    Our Environmental Value Orientations Influence How We Respond to Climate Change.N. A. Marshall, L. Thiault, A. Beeden, R. Beeden, C. Benham, M. I. Curnock, A. Diedrich, G. G. Gurney, L. Jones, P. A. Marshall, N. Nakamura & P. Pert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  20. Constraints in cognitive architectures.N. A. Taatgen & J. R. Anderson - 2008 - In Ron Sun (ed.), The Cambridge handbook of computational psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 170--185.
  21. De jure coreference and transitivity.N. A. Pinillos - unknown
    Following Kit Fine (2007), we can say that the de jure pair represent the referent as the same while the second one does not do so. There are roughly three ways of capturing this difference. One could say that de jure coreference between two expression occurrences happen because (a) the occurrences have identical meanings, (b) they have identical syntactic properties, or (c) they enter into a semantic relation not grounded in identity of meaning or syntax. In what follows, I give (...)
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    Ali Kuşçu’nun Eserlerinde Optik Problemler ve Işık Terminolojisi.Sena Aydın - 2024 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 10 (2):155-190.
    Bu çalışma Ali Kuşçu’nun Şerhu’t-Tecrîd başlıklı eseri ve Ta‘lîkât alâ mebâhisi’l-egâlîti’l-hissiyye min Şerhi’lMevâkıf adlı eserinde ele almış olduğu optiğe dair konuları problem odaklı bir listeleme faaliyetine tabi kılıp, optik problemleri tarihsel açıdan yorumlamayı, bunu yaparken de dav’ (ءوضلا), nûr (رونلا), şuâ (عاعشلا) gibi farklı ışık terimlerinin kullanımını incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Ali Kuşçu Şerhu’t-Tecrîd adlı eserinde; görme kuvvetini açıklar, görsel algıya dair matematikçilerin ve tabiatçıların görüşlerini sundukları deliller bağlamında tartışır, aynada görüntünün resmedilmesi, tek bir adet nesnenin iki adet görülmesi gibi konuları irdeler, (...)
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  23. Bāṃlāẏa binirmāṇa, abinirmāṇa.Anirbāṇa Dāśa (ed.) - 2007 - Kalakātā: Ababhāsa.
    Contributed articles on Jacques Derrida, French philosopher, and his theories of deconstruction and postmoderinsm; includes articles on his perpectives on literature and philosophy.
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    The Edicts of Asoka.N. A. Nigam & Richard Mckeon - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (20):602-603.
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    De la culpabilité ivoirienne : condition d’une paix durable.N'Dré Sam Beugré & Konin Alla Marcellin - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 3 (1):69-94.
    Le concept de conflit revêt divers aspects. Entre les litiges, les violences, les différends, les désaccords, les guerres, il importe de définir les éléments de la conflictualité et le caractère institutionnel des recherches en matière de gestion et de résolution des conflits de nos jours. Néanmoins, nous sommes parvenus à percevoir que la clé du succès des résolutions des conflits pour une paix durable réside dans l’expérience humaine de la culpabilité et du pardon. Ce n’est certes pas des éléments nouveaux (...)
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    Reproductive Health Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Adolescent Girls in Urban and Rural Areas of Bangladesh.N. M. Sajjadul Hoque, Muhammad Zakaria & Farzana Karim - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):55-66.
    This study aims at assessing the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) concerning reproductive health (RH) among adolescent college-going girls in the urban and rural areas of Chittagong District, Bangladesh. A college-based cross-sectional study was conducted among college-going girls (N = 792) of four colleges attending Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) classes (eleven/twelve classes) in Chittagong District. Data were collected using a structured and self-administered questionnaire. Chi-square (χ2) and independent-samples t-test were conducted to make the comparison between urban and rural (...)
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    A Multilevel Trust-based Model of Ethical Public Leadership.N. A. Mozumder - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):167-184.
    I develop and test a multilevel trust-based model of ethical public leadership, which links ethical leadership, trust and leadership outcomes both within and across organizational levels. I examine how both ethical leadership and trust relate to employee well-being and satisfaction, group organizational citizenship behaviour and perceived organizational performance. The findings, based on data collected from an online quantitative survey conducted in three local councils of the north east of England, provide evidence in support of positive relationships between ethical leadership and (...)
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    Lacan and capitalist discourse: neoliberalism and ideology.Jorge Alemán - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Daniel Runnels.
    Lacan and Capitalist Discourse explores the political and theoretical connections between the Covid-19 Pandemic and Capitalism, unravelling the direct consequences of Lacan's thesis of so-called "Capitalist Discourse". Jorge Alemán provides an account of neoliberalism, its mechanisms to produce subjectivities and the new modes of the political far Right. The book begins with the problem of a possible exit from capitalism, continuing to consider the possibilities of mourning and the active production of a new Left. Alemán engages deeply with a range (...)
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  29. Tres estudios sobre pensamiento y mística hispanomusulmanes.Miguel Asín Palacios - 1914 - Madrid: Hiperión. Edited by Miguel Asín Palacios.
    Ibn Masarra y su escuela -- El místico Abū-l-ʻAbbās ibn al-ʻArīf de Almería y su "Mahāsin al-Maŷālis" -- Un precursor hispanomusulmán de San Juan de la Cruz.
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    Spinoza: l'évangile pour l'homme.N'Dré Sam Beugré - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Spinoza propose un nouvel évangile pour l'homme : la liberté et le salut. Ils conduisent l'homme dans la joie de la bonne nouvelle. C'est pourquoi, l'évangile de l'homme est un objectif prioritaire, mais ce n'est pas une fin directement poursuivie proportionnellement aux ressources utilisées. Pour le promouvoir, il faut mettre en place des conditions sociales, puis sa mise en oeuvre effective relève en partie de la sphère individuelle et se réalise dans une dynamique sociale où elle devient instrument et fin (...)
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    Sylvia Plath and the language of affective states: written discourse and the experience of depression.Zsófia Demjén - 2015 - London : New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Focusing on the first journal in 'The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath', this book writes a convincing case for the value of corpus-based stylistics and narrative psychology in the analysis of representations of the experience of affective states.Situated at the intersection between language study, psychology and healthcare, this study of the personal writing of a poet and novelist showcases a cutting-edge combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, including metaphor analysis, corpus methods, and second person narration. Techniques that systematically account for (...)
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    Nitrogen turnover on organic and conventional mixed farms.N. Halberg, E. Steen Kristensen & I. Sillebak Kristensen - 1995 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 8 (1):30-51.
    Separate focus on crop fertilization or feeding practices inadequately describes nitrogen (N) loss from mixed dairy farms because of (1) interaction between animal and crop production and between the production system and the manager, and (2) uncertainties of herd N production and crop N utilization. Therefore a systems approach was used to study N turnover and N efficiency on 16 conventional and 14 organic private Danish farms with mixed animal (dairy) and crop production. There were significant differences in N surplus (...)
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    (Re-)reading Bede: the Ecclesiastical history in context.N. J. Higham - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    Bede's Ecclesiastical History is the most important single source for early medieval English history. Without it, we would be able to say very little about the conversion of the English to Christianity, or the nature of England before the Viking Age. Bede wrote for his contemporaries, not for a later audience, and it is only by an examination of the work itself that we can assess how best to approach it as a historical source. N.J. Higham shows, through a close (...)
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    Sih nigarah-yi Ṣadrāyī.Javād Khurramiyān - 2006 - Tihrān: Daftar-i Pizhūhish va Nashr-i Suhravardī.
    Savīyahʹhā-yi maʻrifatʹāfarīn-i nafs -- Falsafah-yi Ṣadrā -- Falsafahʹī barā-yi zīstan-i safar-i ʻishq.
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    Obras completas.Antonio Millán-Puelles - 2012 - Madrid: Asociación de Filosofía y Ciencia Contemporánea. Edited by Antonio Millán-Puelles.
    v. 1. El problema del ente ideal ; Ontología de la existencia histórica ; La claridad en filosofía y otros estudios -- v. 2. Fundamentos de filosofía -- v. 3. La función social de los saberes liberales ; Persona humana y justicia social ; La formació de la personalidad humana -- 4. La estructura de la subjetividad -- v. 5. Economía y libertad -- v. 6. Sobre el hombre y la sociedad ; Universidad y sociedad -- v. 8. Teoría del (...)
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    ‘Fanm Se Poto Mitan: Haitian Woman, the Pillar of Society.Marie-José N'Zengou-Tayo - 1998 - Feminist Review 59 (1):118-142.
    In this paper Marie-Jose N'zengou-Tayo draws on a variety of sources, both historical and contemporary, to describe the journey of Haitian women from nineteenth-century post-War of Independence, to present-day Haitian society. The paper is divided in two sections. In the first, the author traces a brief social history of women, quoting anthropological and sociological studies from the 1930s to the 1970s. She begins with rural peasant women noting their significant involvement in farming, marketing and in the internal food trade sector. (...)
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  37. Tāriīkh al-fikr al-falsafī.Abū Rayyān & Muḥammad ʻAlī - 1965 - [al-Qāhirah]: al-Dār al-Qawmīyah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
    Juzʼ 1. al-Falsafah al-Yūnānīyah minṬālīs ilá Aflāṭūn al-Ṭabʻah 2. 1965 -- juzʼ 2. Arisṭū. 1966 -- juzʼ 6. al-Falsafah al-ḥadīthah. al-Ṭabʻah 1. 1969 --.
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  38. Lịch sử triết học phương Đông.Đăng Thục Nguyễn - 1991 - [TP. Hồ Chí Minh]: Nhà xuất bản Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
    tập 1. Trung Hoa, thời kỳ khởi điểm của triết học (thời đại Tây Chu và Đông Chu) --tạp 2. Trung Hoa, thời kỳ hoàn thành của triết học (từ Chiến Quốc đến tiền Hán) -- tập 3. Ấn Độ, Từ Phật Đà tới Phật nguyên thủy -- tập 4. Từ năm 241 trước công nguyên đến năm 907 sau công nguyên -- tập 5. Triết học Trung Hoa cận đại.
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    Nigeria’s Response to the Impacts of Climate Change: Developing Resilient and Ethical Adaptation Options.N. A. Onyekuru & Rob Marchant - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):585-595.
    Abstract Global climate change will have a strong impact on Nigeria, particularly on agricultural production and associated livelihoods. Although there is a growing scientific consensus about the impact of climate change, efforts so far in Nigeria to deal with these impacts are still rudimentary and not properly coordinated. There is little evidence of any pragmatic approach towards tracking climate change in order to develop an evidence base on which to formulate national adaptation strategies. Although Nigeria is not alone in this (...)
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  40. Bhuvanakōśa. Huccaṇṇa - 2011 - Maisūru: Kuveṃpu Kannaḍa Adhyayana Saṃsthe, Maisūru Viśvavidyānilaya. Edited by Nārāyaṇa Prasād & Ke Ji.
    Classical work on Hindu cosmology by Huccaṇṇa, 16th century Kannada author.
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  41. Detachment.N. A. Nikam - 1953 - Philosophy East and West 3 (2):167-175.
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    Against the Current The Life and Work of L.M. Lopatin.N. A. Mishin - 1993 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 32 (2):33-47.
    It is always interesting to describe the life of people whose paths diverged substantially from the path of the majority. Such people attract the attention of historians in every age, for a path "against the current" always has something tragic about it. The Russian philosopher and Moscow University professor Lev Mikhailovich Lopatin can fully be ranked in the pleiad of such people. This is borne out by the assessments of not only his supporters but also his opponents. "You were pervaded (...)
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  43. Kr̥ṣṇamādhavacintāmaṇiḥ: janmaśatavārṣikīsmr̥tigranthaḥ.Kr̥ṣṇa Mādho Jhā, Govinda Jhā & Śaśinātha Jhā (eds.) - 1999 - Madhubanī, Bihāra: Paṇḍita Kr̥ṣṇamādhavajhā Janmaśatavārṣikī Samārohasamiti.
    Contributed articles on Indic philosophy, Vedic grammer, and classical Sanskrit literature; includes some on the life of Kr̥ṣṇa Mādho Jha, Sanskrit scholar.
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  44. Increases in post-emergence damping-ofe of agrostis castellana and po a pratensis following treatment with benomyl.N. A. Baldwin - 1988 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 1988 (1988).
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    Observations on extensive air showers IV. The lateral distribution of penetrating particles.N. A. Porter, T. E. Cranshaw & W. Galbraith - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (19):900-909.
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    From Visibility to Belonging. Review: Emil Edenborg (2017) Politics of Visibility and Belonging. From Russia’s “Homosexual Propaganda” Laws to the Ukraine War, Routledge.N. A. Sleptcov - 2018 - Sociology of Power 30 (1):237-244.
  47. (1 other version)Book-reviews.N. A. Mcadoo - 1968 - British Journal of Aesthetics 8 (2):83-84.
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    A metalinguistic interpretation of counterfactual conditionals.N. A. Blue - 1981 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 10 (2):179 - 200.
  49. An Integrative Ideology for Russia.N. A. Kosolapov - 1995 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 33 (4):6-40.
    In a first and most general approach to our topic, three questions are of especial importance: Does a country that has not yet really bid farewell to the style of life and thought under conditions of a fundamentalist, essentially clerical regime and state really need an ideology? What is ideology as a phenomenon, what functions does it fulfill objectively, and are these functions fading in modern society and in the foreseeable future? Finally, if after answering the first two questions we (...)
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  50. Sāṅkhyakārikā. Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa - 1977
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