Results for 'N. Zahid'

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  1.  15
    Devlete İtaatin Sınırlarını Dine Göre Belirleyen Farklı Kültürlerden İki Eserin Karşılaştırması.Osman Zahid ÇİFÇİ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):591-591.
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    Paul Bloom ve Dini İnançların Ortaya Çıkmasında Evrimsel Rastlantı Tezi.Osman Zahid ÇİFÇİ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):193-193.
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    About the methods of creating questionnaires and conducting surveys in sociology.Zahid Əliyev - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (4):139-149.
    When there is a demand among the population, the methods of conducting social surveys, such as drawing up questionnaires and conducting surveys, have been used for many decades. At the same time, there are certain limitations in the application of these methods in sociological science. In recent decades, the emergence of social networks, activities of young people and middle-aged people in society, mainly from these platforms, have not been completely destroyed by questionnaires and surveys. On the contrary, the same format (...)
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    Nahivde Sah'bî ve T'biî Kavlinin Hüccet Değeri.Mehmet Zahid Çokyürür - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):160-179.
    Arap dili gramerinde istişhâd ameliyesinde diğer naklî deliller kadar olmasa da hadise de yer verilmiştir. Nahivde hadisle istişhâd denilince kimi çevrelerce sadece Hz. Peygamber’in sözleri anlaşılır olmuştur. Oysaki hadis kavramı bundan daha geniş bir içeriğe sahip olup sahâbî ve tâbiî sözlerini de kapsamaktadır. Yine nahiv literatüründe istişhâda dair ortaya konmuş görüşler gözden geçirildiğinde sadece Hz. Peygamber’in sözleri değil az da olsa sahâbenin hatta tâbiînden bazılarının kavillerinin dahi referans alındığı görülmektedir. Bu olgudan hareketle sahâbe ve tâbiîn kavillerinin hadisler içindeki yeri, kavliyle (...)
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  5. Master index of Volumes 16±20.J. Abela, L. Goldfarb, O. Abouelala, N. Zahid, A. J. Abrantes, J. S. Marques, R. Acharya, C. Y. Wen, M. Aladjem & B. Lerner - 1998 - Cognition 19:1183.
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    Imagınary Descrıptıon Style In Arabıc Lıterature And Its Projectıon In The Quran Stories.Mehmet Zahid Çokyürür - 2022 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (46):527-552.
    Klasik Arap edebiyatı eleştirmenleri tasviri kategorize ederken; betimlenen unsurun olduğu gibi nakli ve kendisine sanatsal yorum katılmak suretiyle nakli şeklinde ikiye ayırmışlardır. Modern dönemde Arap edebiyatı bilginleri ise, bu tasvir çeşitlerini kavramsal olarak karşılayacak bir takım ıstılâhî açılımlar getirmişlerdir. Modern dönem Arap edebiyatında edebî tasvir üslubu hissî ve hayâlî tasvir diye ikiye ayrılmıştır. Temel duyu organlarıyla hissedilen dış dünyanın betimlenen unsurlarının herhangi bir ekleme ve yorum katmaksızın olduğu gibi aktarılmasına hissî, teşbih ve istiare gibi söz sanatlarıyla süslenerek aktarılmasına ise hayali (...)
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    Civic Mandates for the ‘Majority’: The Perception of Whiteness and Open Classroom Climate in Predicting Youth Civic Engagement.Jenni Conrad, Jane C. Lo & Zahid Kisa - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (1):7-17.
    Informed by Critical Race Theory, this quantitative study supports civic educators in understanding the role of classroom climate and racial identity in students’ civic engagement during a statewide middle school civics mandate (n = 4707). Findings reveal that students of color experience higher civic engagement and lower civic attitude scores than white-identifying peers, after controlling for school, classroom, and affluence indicators. Students’ perception of whiteness (or perhaps majority status) appeared to correlate with positive civic knowledge and civic attitude, but relative (...)
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  8.  23
    On the First Three Extremum Values of Variable Sum Exdeg Index of Trees.Shu-Bo Chen, Syed Sheraz Asghar, Muhammad Ahsan Binyamin, Zahid Iqbal, Tayyeb Mahmood & Adnan Aslam - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-5.
    For a graph G, its variable sum exdeg index is defined as SEI a G = ∑ x y ∈ E G a d x + a d y, where a is a real number other than 1 and d x is the degree of a vertex x. In this paper, we characterize all trees on n vertices with first three maximum and first three minimum values of the SEI a index. Also, we determine all the trees of order n (...)
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    en-Nedîm’in [İbnü’n-Nedîm] el-Fihrist Adlı Eserinde Sûfîlere ve Tasavvufa Yaklaşımı.Betül İZMİRLİ - 2019 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 5 (2):1183-1216.
    En-Nedîm IV./X. asırda yaşamış Bağdatlı bir varrâk ve müelliftir. Onun el-Fihrist adlı kitabı ilk bilimler tarihi eseri olarak düşünülmektedir. Eser İslâm İlimleri yanında Felsefe, Kadim İlimler, Şiir, Edebiyat, Kimya gibi birçok farklı disiplinlerde de önemli veriler ihtiva etmektedir. El-Fihrist, ilahiyat alanı için temel kaynak niteliğinde bir bibliyografik eserdir. Müellifler ve telifleri hakkında bilgiler veren kitap, bu mânada tabakāt türü eserlerin metoduyla yazılmıştır. Hadîs, Kelâm, Fıkıh gibi İslâmî ilimlere, âlimlerine ve tasniflerine has kıymetli ve ayrıntılı bilgiler içeren bu kitapta Tasavvuf ilmine (...)
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  10.  21
    Cyber Security: Effects of Penalizing Defenders in Cyber-Security Games via Experimentation and Computational Modeling.Zahid Maqbool, Palvi Aggarwal, V. S. Chandrasekhar Pammi & Varun Dutt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The role of women on board in combatting greenwashing: A new perspective on environmental performance.R. M. Ammar Zahid, Umer Sahil Maqsood, Shoaib Irshad & Muhammad Kaleem Khan - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (1):121-136.
    This article aims to improve the understanding of corporate governance and environmental reporting literature by analyzing the impact of board gender diversity (BGD) on environmental performance, environmental disclosure, and greenwashing behavior. The panel regression estimation technique with fixed effects was applied to Chinese firm data. As a result, it was found that more women who served on corporate boards enhanced the company's environmental performance and disclosures while limiting greenwashing behavior. The result indicated that women in top management play a constructive (...)
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    Reexamining the Methodology of Da'wah Utilised by Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Within the Context of Social Media: A Contemporary Perspective.Hafsa Zahid & Dr Sayyid Buhar Musal Kassim - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (2):347-373.
    The objective of this study is to examine the contemporary approaches to Da'wah methodology in Malaysia. This study undertook an examination of the impact of social media platforms on conversion rates within the context of the Da'wah methodology. The use of a quantitative approach is implemented through the application of a cross-sectional research design. A questionnaire survey was devised to gather data from Islamic scholars residing in Malaysia. Questionnaires were disseminated to Islamic scholars using social media platforms. A total of (...)
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  13.  80
    Religious tolerance in Iqbal's philosophy.Zāhid Munīr ʻĀmir - 2016 - Lahore: Jumhoori Publications.
  14.  13
    Afterimage of Empire: Photography in Nineteenth-Century India.Zahid R. Chaudhary - 2012 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    How the colonial photograph revolutionized the very nature of perception.
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    Building Individual in Erbakans Educational Philosophy: Human and State Design.Ekrem Zahid Boyraz - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:3):1157-1182.
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    Ethical Perception Of Tissue Banking In Bangladesh.Hasan M. Zahid, Kanchan Chakma, Mamun Miah & Azizun Ness - 2012 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 1 (2):11-19.
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    Geçmişten Günümüze Panteizm, Toplumsal Yansımaları ve Eleştirisi.Osman Zahid Çifçi - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:4):1819-1844.
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    Lack of business responsibility: An islamic perspective.Zahid Parvez - 2007 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 3 (1):42-55.
    This paper applies an Islamic perspective to understand the lack of business responsibility witnessed in recent times. A link is developed between the dominant materialistic-secular worldview and lack of business responsibility. The paper argues that a materialistic-secular worldview tends to disconnect economics from ethics, gives privilege to economic values over spiritual values, and confers primacy to legal/bureaucratic mechanisms over ethical and spiritual mechanisms for ensuring compliance to business responsibilities. It suggests that these orientations could account for the weak sense of (...)
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  19.  14
    What Is Religion to A State? An Interpretive Essay from the Perspective of Ahl as-Sunnah.Osman Zahid Çifçi - forthcoming - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy.
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    Religious Belief as an Evolutionary Accident.Paul Bloom & Osman Zahid Çifçi - 2015 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):163.
  21.  51
    Explaining Helping Behavior in the Workplace: The Interactive Effect of Family-to-Work Conflict and Islamic Work Ethic.Inam Ul Haq, Zahid Rahman & Dirk De Clercq - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):1167-1177.
    Drawing from conservation of resources theory, this study investigates the interactive effect of employees’ family-to-work conflict and Islamic work ethic on their helping behavior, theorizing that the negative relationship between family-to-work conflict and helping behavior is buffered by Islamic ethical values. Data from Pakistan reveal empirical support for this effect. Organizations whose employees suffer resource depletion at work because of family obligations can still enjoy productive helping behaviors within their ranks, to the extent that they support relevant work ethics.
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    How Do Internal and External CSR Affect Employees' Organizational Identification? A Perspective from the Group Engagement Model.Imran Hameed, Zahid Riaz, Ghulam A. Arain & Omer Farooq - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  23.  38
    Fuzzy Entropy for Pythagorean Fuzzy Sets with Application to Multicriterion Decision Making.Miin-Shen Yang & Zahid Hussain - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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    Angels and devils?: How do benevolent and authoritarian leaders differ in shaping ethical climate via justice perceptions across cultures?Lale Gumusluoglu, Zahide Karakitapoğlu-Aygün & Changya Hu - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (2):388-402.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  25.  56
    Work Values of Turkish and American University Students.Zahide Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Mahmut Arslan & Salih Güney - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):205-223.
    The first aim of this paper was to investigate how the traditional Protestant work ethic and more contemporary work values were related to one another, and differed across genders and two cultural contexts, namely Turkey and the U.S. The second aim was to elucidate the role of religiosity in PWE among the two cultural groups. Two hundred and sixty six American and 211 Turkish university students participated in this questionnaire study. The analyses examining cross-cultural differences revealed that Turkish university students (...)
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  26.  21
    Women's Fasting During Menstruation: A Review on the Narration ‘Are You Ḥarūrī?’.Rabia Zahide Temi̇z - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1253-1275.
    Fasting of women on the days of her menstruation period is an issue that takes place in current fiqh discussions. Some contemporary researchers say that there is no religious obstacle for women to fast during these times. Moreover, they state that there is no reason to interrupt fasting, on the contrary, claim obliged to fasting. Meanwhile in traditional fiqh, it is stated that is religiously forbidden for women to fast during this period, rather it is claimed that fasting in this (...)
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  27.  23
    Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion. By Gareth Stedman Jones. London: Penguin Books, 2017, pp. 768. Paper Back. ISBN 978-0- 141-02480-6. [REVIEW]Zahid Zamri - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):959-965.
    As early as page 2 in Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion, Stedman Jones boldly highlights that “he invention of what came to be called as ‘Marxism’ was initially in large part the creation of Engels in his books and pamphlets, beginning with Anti-Dühring in 1878”. He further adds, as keepers of Marx’s works, the leaders of the German Social Democratic Party, including August Bebel, Karl Kautsky, Eduard Bernstein, and Franz Mehring, were also responsible for further mystifications of Marx by hiding (...)
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  28. Effect of Dominance on Atherosclerosis.Shamima Lasker, Zahid Hossain, M. R. Sarker, Labud Sultana & Lutfun Nessa - 2002 - Bangladesh Hear Journal 17 (2):57-61.
    Coronary arteries were studied on 110 postmortem human hearts during January 2000 to December 2001 in the department of Anatomy and Microbiology, Bangladesh Medical College to observed. The pattern of coronary dominance and its relation with atherosclerosis was observed. Atherosclerosis was found in 49(44.5%) samples, among which 37(56.%) were from male and 12(26.7%) from female hearts. This difference was significant (P<0.01). Right dominance was observed in 72 (65.5%) cases while 17 (15.5%) had left dominance and 21 (19.1%) had balanced type (...)
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  29.  6
    The Two Faces of Faith: A Study on Spandrel and Fitrah.Osman Zahid Çifçi - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:3):705-734.
    A study on the two concepts of spandrel and fitrah, which appear to have the same meaning but are interpreted differently due to differences in perspective. Both concepts recognise the existence of certain innate faculties in humans and posit that these faculties predispose humans to belief. Spandrel posits that these innate faculties are a by-product of adaptations that enable us to survive in the evolutionary process, whereas fitrah asserts that these faculties are bestowed by God. The impetus for this study (...)
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    Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Post Pandemic World: A Study of Saudi Auto Care Industry.Sotirios Zygiaris, Zahid Hameed, Mubarak Ayidh Alsubaie & Shafiq Ur Rehman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of this research is to examine the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in the post pandemic world in auto care industry. The car care vendor in the study made effective use of social media to provide responsive updates to the customers in the post pandemic world; such use of social media provides bases for service quality and customer satisfaction. The study examined the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction using the SERVQUAL framework. According to the (...)
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  31.  14
    Sufi Education and Mektûb't Tradition as a Different Approach to Distance Education.Edibe Boyraz & Ekrem Zahid Boyraz - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):167-181.
    Although education means evolving or transforming, every individual is the subject of education between the first breath and the last. The individual's relationship with the objects of existence, combined with his uniqueness, constitutes the subject of education on the time-space plane. The individual's relationship with himself and his environment can be associated with education. Since Sufi education adopts a disciplinary structure that aims to enable the individual to know himself first, the individual acquires knowledge from his Lord in his essence (...)
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  32.  22
    Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner: Examining the Role of Religiosity on Generation M’s Attitude Toward Purchasing Luxury Counterfeiting Products in Social Commerce.Saqib Ali, Hasan Zahid, Nadeem Khalid, Petra Poulova & Minhas Akbar - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Counterfeiting has become a prevalent business worldwide, resulting in high losses for many businesses. Considerable attention has been paid to research an individual attitude toward purchasing luxury counterfeit products in the offline context. However, there is currently lesser-known literature on the given phenomenon in the context of social commerce. Moreover, researchers observed that counterfeiting consumption is associated with consumer ethical values or beliefs. Practitioners and researchers are keen to find those factors that affect consumers’ ethical consumption behavior to reduce pirated (...)
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    Is COVID-19 Immune to Misinformation? A Brief Overview.Sana Ali, Atiqa Khalid & Erum Zahid - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (2):255-277.
    During the current COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation is a major challenge, raising several social and psychological concerns. This article highlights the prevailing misinformation as an outbreak containing hoaxes, myths, and rumours. In comparison to traditional media, online media platforms facilitate misinformation even more widely. To further affirm this ethical concern, the researchers cite relevant studies demonstrating the role of new media in misinformation and its potential consequences. Besides other significant psychosocial impacts, such as xenophobia, psychological distress, LGBT rights violation, gender-based violence, (...)
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    Teachers’ Adoption of Emotions-Based Learning Outcomes: Significance of Teachers’ Competence, Creative Performance, and University Performance.Binbin Cai, Zahid Shafait & Lifeng Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Studies have revealed that emotion-based learning outcomes are scarce when teachers’ competence and creative performance are neglected, further university performance in relation to teachers’ emotion-based learning outcomes is disregarded in literature so far. Based on the Attributional theory of achievement motivation and emotion, the purpose of this empirical study is to investigate the effects of Emotional Intelligence on learning outcomes of academicians in Pakistan’s higher education institutions. This study also examines the mediating role of teacher competence and creative performance in (...)
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    The Aesthetic Feeling in Javanese Islam.Sulaiman Dufford & Zahid Emby - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (1):P132.
    Our examination of Javanese Islam has attempted 1) to assess aesthetics as a major component of religious revelation, 2) to establish aesthetic elements as major factors in motivating religious conversion into Islam for the Javanese (or others), and 3) to delineate aesthetic elements as stimulants to subsequent spiritual growth for the born-Muslims. We attempt to describe a highly sophisticated sensitivity to aesthetic elements within their religious rites and rituals among the village Javanese, along with sometimes eloquent expressions of these understandings. (...)
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    Abu al-Jahm al-Bāhilī’s Work ‘al-Juz’ and His Narration From Al-Layth Ibn Sa‘d.Rabia Zahide Temi̇z - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):415-435.
    The type of ‘Al-isnād al-āli’ (higher chain of authority) which has great importance for the science of ḥadīths that constitutes the second best source of the Islam, expresses the value in terms of its proximity to the period of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). If ḥadīth has ‘al-isnād al-āli’ in the works of the scholars provides us with assurance on the intend of the ḥadīth. For this reason, the values of the works of those authors who have constructed (...)
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    Contrast Affects fMRI Activity in Middle Temporal Cortex Related to Center–Surround Interaction in Motion Perception.Halide B. Turkozer, Zahide Pamir & Huseyin Boyaci - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Does Whipping Tournament Incentives Spur CSR Performance? An Empirical Evidence From Chinese Sub-national Institutional Contingencies.Muhammad Kaleem Khan, Shahid Ali, R. M. Ammar Zahid, Chunhui Huo & Mian Sajid Nazir - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The current study investigates whether tournament incentives motivate chief executive officer to be socially responsible. Furthermore, it explores the role of sub-national institutional contingencies [i.e., state-owned enterprises vs. non-SOEs, foreign-owned entities vs. non-FOEs, cross-listed vs. non-cross-listed, developed region] in CEO tournament incentives and the corporate social responsibility performance relationship. Data were collected from all A-shared companies listed in the stock exchanges of China from 2014 to 2019. The study uses the baseline methodology of ordinary least squares and cluster OLS regression. (...)
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    Impact of Destination Image Formation on Tourist Trust: Mediating Role of Tourist Satisfaction.Abdelhamid Jebbouri, Heqing Zhang, Zahid Imran, Javed Iqbal & Nasser Bouchiba - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:845538.
    Tourist destinations with cultural heritage have arisen as a prominent issue in tourism literature. Creating a positive image of the destination can influence tourists’ satisfaction and willingness to return. The goal of this research is to investigate the relationship between destination image formation (DIF), tourist satisfaction (TS), and tourist trust (TT). As a result, the structural relationships between local community participation (LCP), authenticity (A), access to local products (ALP), TS, and TT were investigated in this study. This study used a (...)
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    Indonesia's Vaccine Diplomacy to the Indo-Pacific: Opportunities & Challenges.Deasy Silvya Sari, Akim, Mas Halimah & Ali Zahid - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:336-348.
    The COVID-19 vaccine is one way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Indonesia has produced Indovac, a COVID-19 vaccine made by Biofarma which has the opportunity to be distributed to countries in the Indo-Pacific Region. This article aims to explain the opportunities and challenges of Indonesia's vaccine diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic to the Indo-Pacific region through Biofarma. By using a vaccine diplomacy approach and qualitative methods with System Dynamic analysis, this article concludes that (i) The opportunity for Indonesia's vaccine (...)
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    Ethical leadership and work engagement: A moderated mediation model.Rana Muhammad Naeem, Qingxiong Weng, Zahid Hameed & Muhammad Imran Rasheed - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (1):63-82.
    Drawing on social cognitive theory, this study extends our understanding of the relationship between ethical leadership and employee work engagement, by exploring self-efficacy as an important mediating variable. In addition, we propose that the quality of LMX moderates the relationships such that the direct and indirect relationships between ethical leadership, self-efficacy, and work engagement are stronger when the quality of LMX is high. Data collected in two-waves from 373 respondents working in different manufacturing organizations of Pakistan supported our hypothesized theoretical (...)
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    Civil unrest and the current profile of consanguineous marriage in khyber pakhtunkhwa province, pakistan.Aftab Alam Sthanadar, Alan H. Bittles & Muhammad Zahid - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (5):698-701.
    Information on the current prevalence and types of consanguineous marriages in Malakand District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KPK), Pakistan, was collected from 1192 rural couples. Some 66.4% of marriages were between couples related as second cousins or closer (F≥0.0156), equivalent to a mean coefficient of inbreeding (α) of 0.0338. The data suggest that the prevalence of consanguineous unions in Malakand has been increasing during the last decade, in response to the high levels of violence across KPK.
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    The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Employee Creativity: The Mediating Role of Negative Affect and Moderating Role of Interpersonal Harmony.Lili Chen, Zhixiao Ye, Zahid Shafait & Hongying Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates the relationship between abusive supervision and employee creativity by shedding light on the mediating role of negative affect and the moderating role of interpersonal harmony. Based on affective events theory, it was hypothesized that abusive supervision impacts employees’ negative affect and their creativity. Data from a questionnaire survey of 398 Chinese employee–supervisor dyads were collected and analyzed. The results support our hypotheses, address unexplored theoretical predictions, and suggest that organizations should deal with the factors undermining employees’ emotions (...)
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    Burnout, Job Dissatisfaction, and Mental Health Outcomes Among Medical Students and Health Care Professionals at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Pakistan: Protocol for a Multi-Center Cross-Sectional Study.Syed Hamza Mufarrih, Aeman Naseer, Nada Qaisar Qureshi, Zohaib Anwar, Nida Zahid, Riaz Hussain Lakdawala & Shahryar Noordin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  45. Role of Extrinsic Cues in the Formation of Quality Perceptions.Anam Javeed, Mohammed Aljuaid, Zoya Khan, Zahid Mahmood & Duaa Shahid - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Examining the quality perceptions of consumers has often been recommended as an international research paradigm. This study is grounded in the Pakistani consumer market to evaluate the impact of food packaging cues on perceived product quality. The moderating effect of consumer knowledge was also taken into consideration in the study. A signaling theory was used in the study for its established predictive power in consumer behavior, marketing, and various fields of research. Based on the essence of the signaling theory, this (...)
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    How does environmental corporate social responsibility contribute to the development of a green corporate image? The sequential mediating roles of employees' environmental passion and pro‐environmental behavior.Muhammad Asghar Ali, Abdul Zahid Khan, Muhammad Umer Azeem & ul Haq Inam - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):896-909.
    Drawing on social cognitive theory and social information processing theory, this study investigated how organizations' efforts to embody environmental corporate social responsibility (ECSR) shape consumer perception of a green corporate image through employees' environmental passion and pro-environmental behavior (PEB). To test our hypotheses, we collected multisource time-lagged data from 214 employee–customer dyads from hotel and banking sector organizations in Pakistan. The findings show that organizations' green corporate image is a function of their efforts to engage in ECSR activities as demonstrated (...)
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    (1 other version)Moving towards sustainable waste management: a critical analysis of corporate governance.Ammar Ali Gull, Asif Saeed, Noor Zahid & Rizwan Mushtaq - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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  48.  29
    Nexus between government surveillance on executive compensation and green innovation: Evidence from the type of state‐owned enterprises.Qian Li, Umer Sahil Maqsood & R. M. Ammar Zahid - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (1):94-112.
    The Chinese government capped executive compensation in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to address income inequality and promote a more equitable distribution of wealth. This study investigates whether regulating top executives' pay alters their motivation for corporate green innovation (GI) initiatives. Using data from 2006 to 2018 for Chinese-listed SOEs, the regression analysis and difference-in-difference methods revealed that government restrictions on executive compensation negatively affect GI. Furthermore, the types of SOE results show that the negative effect of pay restrictions on GI exists (...)
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    The Effects of Internet Use on University Students' Perceptions of Loneliness.Yusuf Genç, Arif Durğun, Hüseyin Zahid Kara & Rahman Çakir - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (2):301-336.
    In this article, the effects of Internet use on the perception of loneliness of university students are investigated. The research sample consists of 202 university students studying medicine at Abant Izzet Baysal University. Demographic questions, “UCLA loneliness scale” and “ Internet Cognitive Status Scale (IBSQ)” were used in the study. The results of the questionnaires were transferred to SPSS and Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H and Spearman correlation analysis were performed. As a result of the analysis, it was observed (...)
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    DWT-SVD Based Watermarking for High-Resolution Medical Holographic Images.Fahrettin Horasan, Muhammed Ali Pala, Ali Durdu, Akif Akgül, Ömer Faruk Akmeşe & Mustafa Zahid Yıldız - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-21.
    Watermarking is one of the most common techniques used to protect data’s authenticity, integrity, and security. The obfuscation in the frequency domain used in the watermarking method makes the watermarking stronger than the obfuscation in the spatial domain. It occupies an important place in watermarking works in imperceptibility, capacity, and robustness. Finding the optimal location to hide the watermarking is one of the most challenging tasks in these methods and affects the method’s performance. In this article, sample identification information is (...)
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