Results for 'Nathalie Kouamé'

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    Shikoku’s local authorities and henro during the golden age of the pilgrimage.Nathalie Kouamé - 1997 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 24 (3-4):413-425.
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    Loi non-écrite et poétique de la dignité dans Antigone de Sophocle.Kouamé Gérard Yao - 2017 - Diogène 253 (1):62-73.
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    Towards a theory of synagonism.Nathalie Karagiannis & Peter Wagner - 2005 - Journal of Political Philosophy 13 (3):235–262.
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    Levinas. Filosofîa e trascendenza. Con due saggi di Emmanuel Levinas. A cura di Alberto Moscato.Nathalie Frogneux - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (3):462-464.
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  5. Éléments de méthodologie philosophique: dissertation, commentaire, contraction-résumé, rédaction d'un travail de recherche, soutenance d'un mémoire, exploitation d'un livre.Michel Kouam - 2002 - Yaoundé, Cameroun: Presses de l'Université catholique d'Afrique centrale. Edited by Ernest-Marie Mbonda.
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    Varieties of agonism: Conflict, the common good, and the need for synagonism.Nathalie Karagiannis & Peter Wagner - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (3):323-339.
  7. La conservation des pots à pharmacie: étude préliminaire des matériaux et des altérations.Nathalie Huet & Armand Vinçotte - 1997 - Techne 6:79-84.
  8. Peut-on aimer la peur?Nathalie Prince - 2018 - In Jean Birnbaum, De quoi avons-nous peur? [Paris]: Gallimard.
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    tDCS for Memory Enhancement: Analysis of the Speculative Aspects of Ethical Issues.Nathalie Voarino, Veljko Dubljević & Eric Racine - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  10. On How Epistemology and Ontology Converge Through Evolution: The Applied Evolutionary Epistemological Approach.Nathalie Gontier - 2018 - In Wuppuluri Shyam & Francisco Antonio Dorio, The Map and the Territory: Exploring the Foundations of Science, Thought and Reality. Springer. pp. 533-569.
    We examine how insights made in socio-anthropological and evolutionary schools of thought necessitate us to reevaluate the classic philosophical distinction between epistemology and ontology. We adopt an applied evolutionary epistemological stance and demonstrate that both epistemology and ontology evolve. Epistemology is broadened to include all knowledge and information that all life forms evolve, and ontology encompasses all biologically informed realities that life builds. Through processes such as symbiosis and niche construction, organisms acquire and extend information and knowledge into their offspring, (...)
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  11. Do we know other minds mediately or immediately?Nathalie A. Duddington - 1921 - Mind 30 (118):195-197.
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    Les nouvelles esthétiques urbaines.Nathalie Blanc - 2012 - [Paris]: Armand Colin.
    Sous l'impulsion d'associations militantes ou de politiques publiques, la ville se modifie. Le vert gagne du terrain. Plus profondément, plus durablement peut-ètre, l'environnement ordinaire des citadins contemporains est reconfiguré. Il se pare désormais d'une nouvelle esthétique urbaine, associée aux politiques de ville durable, d'urbanisme écologique... Cette esthétique transforme l'espace public. Son aspect ornemental réduit la ville et ses espaces à un décor vert, fabriqué par le capitalisme contemporain et la multiplication des innovations technologiques vertes. L'investissement des citoyens, sur un mode (...)
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    Une aventure cosmothéandrique: Hans Jonas et Luigi Pareyson.Nathalie Frogneux - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (3):500-526.
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    The stranger in synagonistic politics.Nathalie Karagiannis & Peter Wagner - 2008 - In Andrew Schaap, Law and Agonistic Politics. Ashgate Pub. Company. pp. 147--62.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau et la Révolution française: une esthétique de la politique 1792-1799.Nathalie-Barbara Robisco - 1998 - Genève: Slatkine.
  16. Hierarchies, Networks, and Causality: The Applied Evolutionary Epistemological Approach.Nathalie Gontier - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (2):313-334.
    Applied Evolutionary Epistemology is a scientific-philosophical theory that defines evolution as the set of phenomena whereby units evolve at levels of ontological hierarchies by mechanisms and processes. This theory also provides a methodology to study evolution, namely, studying evolution involves identifying the units that evolve, the levels at which they evolve, and the mechanisms and processes whereby they evolve. Identifying units and levels of evolution in turn requires the development of ontological hierarchy theories, and examining mechanisms and processes necessitates theorizing (...)
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  17. What are the Units of Language Evolution?Nathalie Gontier - 2018 - Topoi 37 (2):235-253.
    Universal Darwinism provides a methodology to study the evolution of anatomical form and sociocultural behavior that centers on defining the units and levels of selection, and it identifies the conditions whereby natural selection operates. In previous work, I have examined how this selection-focused evolutionary epistemology may be universalized to include theories that associate with an extended synthesis. Applied evolutionary epistemology is a metatheoretical framework that understands any and all kinds of evolution as phenomena where units evolve by mechanisms at levels (...)
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    Methodological Individualism and Critical Realism: Questions for Margaret Archer.Nathalie Bulle & Francesco Di Iorio - 2023 - In Nathalie Bulle & Francesco Di Iorio, The Palgrave Handbook of Methodological Individualism: Volume II. Springer Verlag. pp. 659-668.
    In this chapter Nathalie Bulle and Francesco Di Iorio present critical realism’s take on methodological individualism, their affinities and differences relating to notions of structure and agency in interpreting social reality, and challenge Margaret Archer’s criticisms of MI, which seem to combat a “straw man.”.
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    Reticulate Evolution: Symbiogenesis, Lateral Gene Transfer, Hybridization and Infectious heredity.Nathalie Gontier (ed.) - 2015 - Springer.
    Written for non-experts, this volume introduces the mechanisms that underlie reticulate evolution. Chapters are either accompanied with glossaries that explain new terminology or timelines that position pioneering scholars and their major discoveries in their historical contexts. The contributing authors outline the history and original context of discovery of symbiosis, symbiogenesis, lateral gene transfer, hybridization or divergence with gene flow, and infectious heredity. By applying key insights from the areas of molecular (phylo)genetics, microbiology, virology, ecology, systematics, immunology, epidemiology and computational science, (...)
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  20. Reticulate evolution underlies synergistic trait formation in human communities.Nathalie Gontier & Anton Sukhoverkhov - forthcoming - Evolutionary Anthropology.
    This paper investigates how reticulate evolution contributes to a better understanding of human sociocultural evolution in general, and community formation in particular. Reticulate evolution is evolution as it occurs by means of symbiosis, symbiogenesis, lateral gene transfer, infective heredity, and hybridization. From these mechanisms and processes, we mainly zoom in on symbiosis and we investigate how it underlies the rise of (1) human, plant, animal, and machine interactions typical of agriculture, animal husbandry, farming, and industrialization; (2) diet-microbiome relationships; and (3) (...)
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    Beyond a Human Rights-Based Approach to AI Governance: Promise, Pitfalls, Plea.Nathalie A. Smuha - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (S1):91-104.
    This paper discusses the establishment of a governance framework to secure the development and deployment of “good AI”, and describes the quest for a morally objective compass to steer it. Asserting that human rights can provide such compass, this paper first examines what a human rights-based approach to AI governance entails, and sets out the promise it propagates. Subsequently, it examines the pitfalls associated with human rights, particularly focusing on the criticism that these rights may be too Western, too individualistic, (...)
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  22. VI.—Our Knowledge of Other Minds.Nathalie A. Duddington - 1919 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 19 (1):147-178.
  23.  13
    Juan Santos Yanguas – Gonzalo Cruz Andreotti , Romanización, Fronteras y Etnias en la Roma Antigua. El Caso Hispano.Nathalie Barrandon - 2016 - Klio 98 (1):351-354.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 1 Seiten: 351-354.
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    La fécondité de la phénoménologie de la vie de Michel Henry pour les approches en deuxième personne.Nathalie Depraz & Frédéric Mauriac - 2011 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 2:180-196.
    Les recherches de Natalie Depraz sur l’intersubjectivité rejoignent ici celles de Frédéric Mauriac, particulièrement dans les cas dits « d’urgence psychiatrique ». La question est ainsi de savoir comment poser et penser le rapport fulgurant de la force vitale à ce désir tout humain de vouloir en finir. En ces cas, quelles paroles faut-il oser et quel mode de relation convient-il d’instaurer? La contribution entend offrir des perspectives théoriques et pratiques, essentiellement thérapeutiques, en mettant d’abord en évidence, d’une part, la (...)
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    Une utopie platonicienne : la communauté des femmes et des enfants.Nathalie Ernoult - 2005 - Clio 22:211-217.
    Au IVe siècle avant J.-C. le philosophe Platon propose la création d'une cité idéale, fondée, pour l'élite dirigeante, sur un mode de vie communautaire qui ne laisse que très peu de liberté aux relations entre les hommes et les femmes. Une politique eugéniste rigoureuse est mise en œuvre et chaque union sexuelle doit être impérativement approuvée par les instances dirigeantes. Cependant, en dehors des périodes dédiées à la procréation, les hommes et les femmes bénéficient d'une liberté sexuelle sans restriction.
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  26. Het laatste woord is niet gezegd: de moderne synthese voorbij.Nathalie Gontier - 2006 - In I. Tallon, Evolutie vandaag: hoe de dingen ontstaan en waarom ze veranderen. pp. 57-84.
  27. In Cuskley, C., Flaherty, M., Little, H., McCrohon, L., Ravignani, A. & Verhoef, T. (Eds.): The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference (EVOLANGXII).Nathalie Gontier (ed.) - 2018
  28. "outsider Art" E "insider Artists": Come giudicare le reazioni del pubblico nei confronti dell'arte pubblica.Nathalie Heinich - 2007 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 14.
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  29. Le perfectionnisme de J. S Mill: en discussion avec "L'éthique aujourd'hui" de Ruwen Ogien.Nathalie Maillard Romagnoli - 2008 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 140 (2):171-184.
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    A Reply to Manzo: The Role of Methodological Individualism for Analytical Sociology.Nathalie Bulle - 2023 - In Nathalie Bulle & Francesco Di Iorio, The Palgrave Handbook of Methodological Individualism: Volume I. Springer Verlag. pp. 711-715.
    Manzo (2023/2020, this volume) objects to Nathalie Bulle's article with Denis Phan “Can Analytical Sociology Do Without Methodological Individualism?” (Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 2018) that the rationality associated with the understanding interpretation of MI cannot be taken to be trans-situational. This reply argues that either (1) this is a misunderstanding resulting from a confusion between the general rational capacity of human beings, to which Bulle and Phan refer, and the specific behavioral patterns associated with given situations and models (...)
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    Green is the New White: How Virtue Motivates Green Product Purchase.Nathalie Spielmann - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (4):759-776.
    It is important to understand the drivers of green consumption, because of growing concern for the health of the planet. In this paper, the assumption that a virtue-green product relationship exists is tested. The objective is to understand how product morality can influence the valuation of green products. Relying on virtue theory and positive spillover as conceptual bases, the research implicitly and explicitly tests and confirms green product virtue. The results demonstrate that perceived green product virtue leads to positive emotions, (...)
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    La vie m'est-Elle donnée? Réflexions sur le statut de la vie dans la phénoménologie.Nathalie Depraz & Natalie Depraz - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
  33. Anne-Euphémianos, l'épouse devenue eunuque: Continuité et évolution d'un modèle hagiographique.Nathalie Delierneux - 2002 - Byzantion 72 (1):105-140.
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    The Oocyte Economy: The Changing Meaning of Human Eggs by Catherine Waldby.Nathalie Egalite - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (2):195-199.
    This book examines the contemporary biopolitical significance of an emerging global market for oocytes. Reproductive cells specific to biological females, oocytes are increasingly circulated far and wide between social locations. Given the new possibilities for their use, management, and exchange, Waldby employs a feminist perspective to examine the gendered experiences that yield a highly personal valuation of oocytes. Drawing on Raymond Williams's "structures of feeling", she aims to give qualitative texture to the affective dimensions of human eggs and the complex (...)
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  35. Hans Jonas ou la vie dans le monde.NATHALIE FROGNEUX - 2001
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    Evaluating Abstract Art: Relation between Term Usage, Subjective Ratings, Image Properties and Personality Traits.Nathalie Lyssenko, Christoph Redies & Gregor U. Hayn-Leichsenring - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  37. Empathy moments.Nathalie Cadena - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (2):1-18.
    In this paper, I analyse the act of consciousness called empathy, as proposed by Husserl in Ideas II. By applying Husserl’s phenomenological reduction, I evidence three moments that constitute empathy: first, to recognize the other Ego; second, to open myself up to the other Ego; and third, to feel with the other Ego. I investigate these eidetic universalities [Wesenallgemeinheiten] within the limits of pure intuition (HUA III, 146). To recognize the other Ego is an involuntary act that happens in consciousness (...)
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  38. Evolutionary epistemology.Nathalie Gontier - 1995 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  39. Selectionist Approaches in Evolutionary Linguistics: An Epistemological Analysis.Nathalie Gontier - 2012 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26 (1):67 - 95.
    Evolutionary linguistics is methodologically inspired by evolutionary psychology and the neo-Darwinian, selectionist approach. Language is claimed to have evolved by means of natural selection. The focus therefore lies not on how language evolved, but on finding out why language evolved. This latter question is answered by identifying the functional benefits and adaptive status that language provides, from which in turn selective pressures are deduced. This article analyses five of the most commonly given pressures or reasons why presumably language evolved. I (...)
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    Bibliographie des œuvres de Léon Chestov.Nathalie Baranoff - 1975 - Paris: Institut d'études slaves.
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    Introduction.Nathalie Blanc & David Christoffel - 2017 - Multitudes 69 (4):43.
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    Politisations du temps à l’ère de l’instabilité.Nathalie Blanc - 2017 - Multitudes 69 (4):72.
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  43. Pour une création androgyne.Nathalie Gassel - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:261-266.
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    (1 other version)Présentation.Nathalie Heinich - 2020 - Cités 82 (2):125-130.
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    Quand y a-t-il désartification?Nathalie Heinich - 2018 - Cités 75 (3):25-32.
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    Les lignes brisées de l’art. Diderot et Baudelaire devant la peinture.Nathalie Kremer - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 25 (1):145-153.
    Dans leurs écrits sur l’art, Diderot et Baudelaire montrent comment les lignes des tableaux dirigent l’œil pour générer un intérêt, voire un choc déclencheur d’une expérience esthétique lorsqu’elles sont brisées. Les rides, fissures, plis qui rompent l’harmonie des figures sont pour Diderot une source profonde d’émotion, tandis que la ligne serpentine est de préférence infléchie en arabesque par Baudelaire. À leur façon, le philosophe et le poète montrent ainsi comment la pensée esthétique moderne se nourrit de ces désordres et irrégularités (...)
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    La philosophie arabe : une philosophie du commentaire?Nathalie Raybaud - 2003 - Philosophie 77 (2):85-110.
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    Enquêtes sur les Sciences.Nathalie Richard, Sabine Reungoat, Caroline Ehrhardt, Baptiste Mélès, Frédéric Pascal & Vincent Bontems - 2013 - Revue de Synthèse 134 (3):399-414.
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  49. Defining Communication and Language from Within a Pluralistic Evolutionary Worldview.Nathalie Gontier - 2022 - Topoi 41 (3):609-622.
    New definitions are proposed for communication and language. Communication is defined as the evolution of physical, biochemical, cellular, community, and technological information exchange. Language is defined as community communication whereby the information exchanged comprises evolving individual and group-constructed knowledge and beliefs, that are enacted, narrated, or otherwise conveyed by evolving rule-governed and meaningful symbol systems, that are grounded, interpreted, and used from within evolving embodied, cognitive, ecological, sociocultural, and technological niches. These definitions place emphasis on the evolutionary aspects of communication (...)
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    Study of laboratory staff’ knowledge of biobanking in Côte d’Ivoire.Ambroise Kouamé Kintossou, Mathias Kouamé N’dri, Marcelle Money, Souleymane Cissé, Simini Doumbia, Man-Koumba Soumahoro, Amadou Founzégué Coulibaly, Joseph Allico Djaman & Mireille Dosso - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-6.
    Background A biobank is a structure which collects and manages biological samples and their associated data. The collected samples will then be made available for various uses. The sharing of those samples raised ethical questions which have been answered through specific rules. Thus, a Biobank functioning under tight ethical rules would be immensely valuable from a scientific and an economic view point. In 2009, Côte d’Ivoire established a biobank, which has been chosen to house the regional biobank of Economic Community (...)
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