Results for 'Natural disasters Psychological aspects.'

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  1.  9
    Katasutorofu to jikan: kioku, katari to rekishi no enerugeia = Catastrophe and time: memory, narrative, and the energeia of history.Masahiro Terada - 2018 - Kyōto-shi: Kyōto Daigaku Gakujutsu Shuppankai.
    語ることによって出来事は過去になり、また現在になる。大災害に直面した人は、その極限状態をどのように記憶し、記録してゆくのか。震災や戦争、原発事故などを例に、博物館や語り、モニュメントや場といった形を介 してカタストロフが時間を渡っていくさまを描き出す。.
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    Moral Psychological Aspects in William of Ockham’s Theory of Natural Rights.Virpi Mäkinen - 2012 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 86 (3):507-525.
    Ockham’s theory of natural rights was based on a careful definition of the basic juridical terms dominium and ius utendi, as well as on the idea of human agency and morality. By defining a right as a licit power of action in accordance with right reason (recta ratio), Ockham placed rights firmly in the agent. A right was a subjective power of action. Ockham’s theory of natural rights was influential for later natural rights theories. Its advocates included (...)
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    Desire and Monstrosity in the Disaster Film: Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.David Humbert - 2010 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 17:87-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Desire and Monstrosity in the Disaster Film:Alfred Hitchcock's The BirdsDavid Humbert (bio)The theme of the relationship between desire and violence appears regularly in modern film criticism, and studies of this issue range in theoretical orientation from the Lacanian to the feminist.1 Though René Girard's view of this relationship is also regularly mentioned in studies of film violence, it is often with less than full appreciation of the way in (...)
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    The Effect Of Natural Disasters On Idj'ra (Rental) Contract In Islamıc Law.Mustafa Harun Kiylik - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 11 (19):74-85.
    In society, people need some properties themselves (the same) or for their own benefits. According to Islamic law, while people acquire the same properties they need through a bay' (sale) contract, they gain access to the benefits of the properties as a means of contracts such as idjâra (rent) or âriyya (lending). Muslims must conclude all kinds of contracts in accordance with the principles and conditions determined within the framework of the Quran and Sunnah. Otherwise, the contracts will be invalid (...)
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  5. Cognition and natural disasters: Stimulating an environmental historical debate.Niki Pfeifer - forthcoming - In E. Vaz, A. Melo & C. J. de Melo, Proceedings of the Second World Congress of Environmental History. Environmental History in the making. Springer.
    Modern cognitive and clinical psychology offer insight into how people deal with natural disasters. In my methodological paper, I make a strong case for incorporating experimental findings and theoretical concepts of modern psychology into environmental historical disaster research. I show how psychological factors may influence the production and interpretation of historical sources with respect to perceptions of and responses to disasters. While previous psychological approaches to history mostly involve psychoanalysis, I focus on empirical psychology. Specifically, (...)
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    Ecology of Freedom: Competitive Tests of the Role of Pathogens, Climate, and Natural Disasters in the Development of Socio-Political Freedom.Kodai Kusano & Markus Kemmelmeier - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:343080.
    Many countries around the world embrace freedom and democracy as part of their political culture. However, culture is at least in part a human response to the ecological challenges that a society faces; hence, it should not be surprising that the degree to which societies regulate the level of individual freedom is related to environmental circumstances. Previous research suggests that levels of societal freedom across countries are systematically related to three types of ecological threats: prevalence of pathogens, climate challenges, and (...)
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    Law in crisis: the ecstatic subject of natural disaster.Ruth Austin Miller - 2009 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Law in Crisis is an unsettling history of natural disaster and political subject formation in the modern world.
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    The psychological aspects of paraconsistency.Konrad Rudnicki - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1):4393-4414.
    The creation of paraconsistent logics have expanded the boundaries of formal logic by introducing coherent systems that tolerate contradictions without triviality. Thanks to their novel approach and rigorous formalization they have already found many applications in computer science, linguistics and mathematics. As a natural next step, some philosophers have also tried to answer the question if human everyday reasoning could be accurately modelled with paraconsistent logics. The purpose of this article is to argue against the notion that human reasoning (...)
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    Psychological aspects of the functioning of religious values.Ganna V. Pyrog - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:93-102.
    The relevance of the study of the problem of Christian axiology is due to the growing interest in religion and the associated change in world outlook and values ​​in contemporary Ukrainian society. The study of religious values ​​is caused by the urgent problem of finding universal moral values ​​of social development and clarifying the content, structure and nature of their functioning. However, all the basic principles of Christian doctrine acquire character of value only in the presence of subjective attitude, their (...)
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  10.  22
    A Systematic Review of Arts-Based Interventions Delivered to Children and Young People in Nature or Outdoor Spaces: Impact on Nature Connectedness, Health and Wellbeing.Zoe Moula, Karen Palmer & Nicola Walshe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe time that children and young people spend in nature and outdoor spaces has decreased significantly over the past 30 years. This was exacerbated with a further 60% decline post-COVID-19. Research demonstrating that natural environments have a positive impact on health and wellbeing has led to prescription of nature-based health interventions and green prescribing, although evidence for its use is predominantly limited to adults. Growing evidence also shows the impact of arts on all aspects of health and wellbeing. However, (...)
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  11.  29
    Exploring the links between various traumatic experiences and ICD-11 PTSD and Complex PTSD: A cross-sectional study.Agniete Kairyte, Monika Kvedaraite, Evaldas Kazlauskas & Odeta Gelezelyte - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases included two distinct trauma-related diagnoses—Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. The initial diagnostic factor for both disorders is exposure to a traumatic event. This study aimed to explore whether exposure to different traumatic experiences distinguish risk for PTSD and CPTSD.MethodsThe study sample comprised 158 trauma-exposed participants, Mage = 33.61. The Life Events Checklist-Revised was used to evaluate trauma exposure, and the International Trauma Questionnaire was used to assess risk for (...)
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  12.  17
    The epistemology of disasters and social change: pandemics, protests, and possibilities.Jordan Pascoe - 2024 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Edited by Mitch Stripling.
    Disasters change how we understand the world, and in doing so they can accelerate social movements that drive long-term change. This book uses social epistemology to chart how disaster experiences change us, how current systems harm us by shutting down that change, and how we can reform disaster practices to better adjust to our future crises.
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  13.  30
    Loss of Trust May Never Heal. Institutional Trust in Disaster Victims in a Long-Term Perspective: Associations With Social Support and Mental Health.Siri Thoresen, Marianne S. Birkeland, Tore Wentzel-Larsen & Ines Blix - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:372586.
    Natural disasters, technological disasters, and terrorist attacks have an extensive aftermath, often involving society’s institutions such as the legal system and the police. Victims’ perceptions of institutional trustworthiness may impact their potential for healing. This cross-sectional study investigates institutional trust, health, and social support in victims of a disaster that occurred in 1990. We conducted face-to-face interviews with 184 survivors and bereaved, with a 60% response rate 26 years after the disaster. Levels of trust in the police (...)
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  14. Natural and Artificial Intelligence: A Comparative Analysis of Cognitive Aspects.Francesco Abbate - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (4):791-815.
    Moving from a behavioral definition of intelligence, which describes it as the ability to adapt to the surrounding environment and deal effectively with new situations (Anastasi, 1986), this paper explains to what extent the performance obtained by ChatGPT in the linguistic domain can be considered as intelligent behavior and to what extent they cannot. It also explains in what sense the hypothesis of decoupling between cognitive and problem-solving abilities, proposed by Floridi (2017) and Floridi and Chiriatti (2020) should be interpreted. (...)
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  15.  74
    The Logos between psychology, ontology, and Divinity: Fundamental aspects of the concept of Logos in the early thought of Slavoj Žižek.Corneliu C. Simut - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1):01-12.
    Slavoj Žižek's philosophy spans over more than three decades, which is confirmed by the numerous books he published since the late 1980s. Since his thinking about the idea of logos is no exception, this article focuses on what can be termed Žižek's early philosophy, and especially that depicted in his The sublime object of ideology (1989) and The metastases of enjoyment (1994). Whilst the former underlines the psychological aspects of the logos, the latter focuses more on theories about being, (...)
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  16.  31
    Some Aspects of Epicurean Psychology. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (4):799-800.
    This small book presents a unified, sequential examination of a central theme in Epicurean philosophy: the nature of "irrational fears and desires." Their place in a distinctly practical philosophy, whose avowed intentions were the removal of fear and the cultivation of a securely arranged, pleasant, undisturbed life, must be examined. If security and static pleasures are the standards which the Epicurean sage recognizes as attainable in principle, what accounts for their absence from the lives of the masses? The first chapter, (...)
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  17.  35
    Ethics for Disaster.Naomi Zack - 2009 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Ethics for Disaster addresses the moral aspects of the aftermath of natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes. The book explores how these catastrophes illuminate the existing inequalities in society, combining a unique philosophical approach with new moral thinking. Zack stresses the obligation of both individuals and government in preparing for and responding to dangerous times, forcefully arguing for the preservation of normal moral principles even in times of crisis and national emergency.
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  18.  7
    The psychology of modern conflict: evolutionary theory, human nature and a liberal approach to war.Kenneth Payne - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What does modern warfare, as fought by liberal societies, have in common with our human evolution? This study posits an important relationship between the two we have evolved to fight, and traditional hunter-gatherer societies were often violent places. But we also evolved to cooperate, to feel empathy and to behave altruistically towards others.
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  19. Wittgenstein on Aspect-Perception and the Philosophy of Psychology.Stephen Mulhall - 1987 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;A detailed exegetical account of Wittgenstein's remarks on aspect-perception with respect to pictures and language shows that their key conclusions can be applied to the field of psychological concepts as well. Comparison with Davidson's philosophy of language and action reveals that the confusions against which Wittgenstein is fighting are central to contemporary analytic philosophy; comparison with Heidegger's system of thought reveals striking structural analogies with Wittgenstein's positive conclusions. (...)
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  20.  16
    Surviving the 2015 Mount Everest disaster: A phenomenological exploration into lived experience and the role of mental toughness.Christian Swann, Lee Crust & Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson - 2016 - Psychology of Sport and Exercise 27:157-167.
    The 2015 Nepal earthquake and subsequent avalanche at Mount Everest Base Camp is the deadliest mountaineering disaster to date. This study is novel in exploring the lived experiences of survivors and the role of mental toughness in their psychological responses to the disaster. Design: Phenomenological study. Method: Ten mountaineers, who were on expeditions during the earthquake, participated in phenomenological interviews. Data were analysed inductively and thematically, while strategies to enhance trustworthiness were also employed. Results: Seven dimensions emerged from the (...)
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  21.  30
    What's His Story?Gwen Adshead - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (2):157-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What’s His Story?Gwen Adshead (bio)Keywordsnarrative, violence, identityIn this commentary, I discuss three issues raised by Cartwright: whether and to what extent explanations from the past can adequately explain or excuse present actions, the nature of moral identity, and the notion of the moral community.I have often thought that psychiatrists and psychotherapists working with offenders have to be like writers of detective fiction. To make the story convincing, the writer (...)
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  22.  25
    Mythic and theoretic aspects of the concept of 'the unconscious' in popular and psychological discourse.David Edwards - 2003 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 3 (1):1-14.
    It could be argued that mythology dramatizes aspects of our relationship with potent forces of which we have little understanding and over which we have little control. Moreover, many of these forces are less concrete than the forces of nature and arise from an apprehension of our existential predicaments, our interpersonal vulnerability and the intensity of our own psychological pain. This paper argues that in many contemporary discourses this territory is referred to more neutrally as ‘the unconscious'. Within this (...)
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  23.  10
    Nature is a battlefield: towards a political ecology.Razmig Keucheyan - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In the midst of the current ecological crisis, there is often lofty talk of the need for humanity to ‘overcome its divisions’ and work together to tackle the big challenges of our time. But as this new book by Razmig Keucheyan shows, the real picture is very different. Just take the case of the siting of toxic waste landfills in the United States: if you want to know where waste is most likely to be dumped, ask yourself where Blacks, Hispanics, (...)
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  24.  14
    The psychology of mathematics: a journey of personal mathematical empowerment for educators and curious minds.Anderson Norton - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers an innovative introduction to the psychological basis of mathematics and the nature of mathematical thinking and learning, using an approach that empowers students by fostering their own construction of mathematical structures. Through accessible and engaging writing, award-winning mathematician and educator Anderson Norton reframes mathematics as something that exists first in the minds of students, rather than something that exists first in a textbook. By exploring the psychological basis for mathematics at every level - including geometry, (...)
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  25.  59
    Psychological Construction in the OCC Model of Emotion.Gerald L. Clore & Andrew Ortony - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (4):335-343.
    This article presents six ideas about the construction of emotion: (a) Emotions are more readily distinguished by the situations they signify than by patterns of bodily responses; (b) emotions emerge from, rather than cause, emotional thoughts, feelings, and expressions; (c) the impact of emotions is constrained by the nature of the situations they represent; (d) in the OCC account (the model proposed by Ortony, Clore, and Collins in 1988), appraisals are psychological aspects of situations that distinguish one emotion from (...)
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  26.  9
    Context and commitment: a psychology of science.Alexander D. Lovie - 1992 - New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
    Contends that psychologists can contribute to the debate on the nature of science. The author suggests that the work of individual scientists can best be understood as a joint product of intellectual background and willingness to adopt a position with respect to important elements of that context.
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  27.  18
    Ethical considerations at the intersection of psychiatry and religion.John R. Peteet, Mary Lynn Dell & Wai Lun Alan Fung (eds.) - 2018 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Ethical Considerations at the Intersection of Psychiatry and Religion aims to give mental health professionals a conceptual framework for understanding the role of R/S in ethical decision-making and serve as practical guidance for approaching challenging cases. Part I addresses general considerations, including the basis of therapeutic values in a pluralistic context, the nature of theological and psychiatric ethics, spiritual issues arising in diagnosis and treatment, unhealthy and harmful uses of religion, and practical implications of personal spirituality. Part II examines how (...)
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  28. When Human Rights and Psychology Meet.Deepa Kansra - 2021 - The Human Rights Blog.
    A psychology-informed view of human rights has been taken into account by many scholars while examining the short-term and long-term effects of human rights violations on individuals and communities. In Trauma and Human Rights: Integrating Approaches to Address Human Suffering, for instance, the authors discuss the trauma-informed approach in the context of human rights violations, namely domestic violence, racial and other forms of discrimination, etc. In the paper on Trauma among children and legal implications, the authors advance a trauma-informed approach (...)
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    (1 other version)A history of psychology.George Sidney Brett - 1912 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press.
    'the whole work is remarkably fresh, vivid and attractively written psychologists will be grateful that a work of this kind has been done ... by one who has the scholarship, science, and philosophical training that are requisite for the task' - Mind This renowned three-volume collection records chronologically the steps by which psychology developed from the time of the early Greek thinkers and the first writings on the nature of the mind, through to the 1920s and such modern preoccupations as (...)
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  30.  20
    Understanding the Relationship between Science and Religion Using Bayes’ Theorem.Joseph A. Bulbulia - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (4):866-878.
    This article examines the benefits of incorporating religious reflection into the psychology of religion and vice versa. By applying Bayes’ theorem, we discover that scientists and theologians can collaborate without sharing prior beliefs. Instead, rationality requires updating our beliefs before data collection in response to the degree of surprise generated by the data. Moreover, although people who start with different beliefs may become more aligned after data collection, rationality does not entail a convergence to identical beliefs. To illustrate the potential (...)
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    All creatures safe and sound: the social landscape of pets in disasters.Sarah E. DeYoung - 2021 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Edited by Ashley K. Farmer & Leslie Irvine.
    This book uses interview data from public officials tasked with planning and executing preparation and response to natural disasters to analyze how pets, livestock, and other companion animals complicate disaster preparedness. Because many families view animal welfare as a priority, evacuation and sheltering preparations and responses must account for animals.
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    On Natural Geometry and Seeing Distance Directly in Descartes.Gary Hatfield - 2015 - In Vincenzo De Risi, Mathematizing Space: The Objects of Geometry from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age. Birkhäuser. pp. 157-91.
    As the word “optics” was understood from antiquity into and beyond the early modern period, it did not mean simply the physics and geometry of light, but meant the “theory of vision” and included what we should now call physiological and psychological aspects. From antiquity, these aspects were subject to geometrical analysis. Accordingly, the geometry of visual experience has long been an object of investigation. This chapter examines accounts of size and distance perception in antiquity (Euclid and Ptolemy) and (...)
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  33.  20
    Foundations of Yoga Psychology.K. Ramakrishna Rao - 2017 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    This book discusses the profound philosophy and practical psychology behind yoga, beyond its popular body-culture aspect. It pays particular attention to the psychological principles involved and their implications for the consummate understanding of human nature. It explores the psychological aspects of yoga theory and practice and discusses the aphorisms in Patanjali's treatise on Yoga with necessary commentary in current psychological terminology to make them intelligible to students of psychology and other interested readers. Importantly, the author draws out (...)
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    Psychology of science: contributions to metascience.Barry Gholson (ed.) - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first comprehensive view of the work of scholars in several different disciplines contributing to the development of the psychology of science. This new field of inquiry is a systematic elaboration and application of psychological concepts and methods to clarify the nature of the scientific enterprise. While the psychology of science overlaps the philosophy, history, and sociology of science in important ways, its predominant focus is on individuals and small groups, rather than broad social institutions and concepts. (...)
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  35.  10
    Tracing the emergence of psychology, 1520-1750: a sophisticated intruder to philosophy.Sven Hroar Klempe - 2020 - Cham: Springer.
    This book pursues the very first use of the term “psychology”, which is traced back to 1520. The appearance of the term was not as a part of philosophy. Thus, the main hypothesis of this book is that psychology from the very beginning was a stranger to philosophy. It demonstrates that even Aristotle used his thesis on the soul to delineate philosophy from psychological aspects. It is therefore suggested that psychological wisdom and knowledge has been retained and in (...)
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    The evolutionary role of affordances: ecological psychology, niche construction, and natural selection.Manuel Heras-Escribano - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (2):1-27.
    This paper aims to examine the evolutionary role of affordances, that is, the possibilities for action available in our environments. There are two allegedly competing views for explaining the evolutionary role of affordances: the first is based on natural selection; the second is based on niche construction. According to the first, affordances are resources that exert selection pressure. The second view claims that affordances are ecological inheritances in the organism’s niche that are the product of a previous alteration of (...)
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  37.  53
    Essentialism, Externalism, and Human Nature.M. J. Cain - 2012 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 70:29-51.
    Psychological essentialism is a prominent view within contemporary developmental psychology and cognitive science according to which children have an innate commitment to essentialism. If this view is correct then a commitment to essentialism is an important aspect of human nature rather than a culturally specific commitment peculiar to those who have received a specific philosophical or scientific education. In this article my concern is to explore the philosophical significance of psychological essentialism with respect to the relationship between the (...)
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    Cross-Cultural and Site-Based Influences on Demographic, Well-being, and Social Network Predictors of Risk Perception in Hazard and Disaster Settings in Ecuador and Mexico.Eric C. Jones, Albert J. Faas, Arthur D. Murphy, Graham A. Tobin, Linda M. Whiteford & Christopher McCarty - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (1):5-32.
    Although virtually all comparative research about risk perception focuses on which hazards are of concern to people in different culture groups, much can be gained by focusing on predictors of levels of risk perception in various countries and places. In this case, we examine standard and novel predictors of risk perception in seven sites among communities affected by a flood in Mexico (one site) and volcanic eruptions in Mexico (one site) and Ecuador (five sites). We conducted more than 450 interviews (...)
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  39.  23
    Nature-Based Relaxation Videos and Their Effect on Heart Rate Variability.Annika B. E. Benz, Raphaela J. Gaertner, Maria Meier, Eva Unternaehrer, Simona Scharndke, Clara Jupe, Maya Wenzel, Ulrike U. Bentele, Stephanie J. Dimitroff, Bernadette F. Denk & Jens C. Pruessner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Growing evidence suggests that natural environments – whether in outdoor or indoor settings – foster psychological health and physiological relaxation, indicated by increased wellbeing, reduced stress levels, and increased parasympathetic activity. Greater insight into differential psychological aspects modulating psychophysiological responses to nature-based relaxation videos could help understand modes of action and develop personalized relaxation interventions. We investigated heart rate variability as an indicator of autonomic regulation, specifically parasympathetic activity, in response to a 10-min video intervention in two (...)
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    Introduction to the topical Collection: Concept formation in the natural and social sciences: empirical and normative aspects.Kevin Reuter, Catherine Herfeld & Georg Brun - 2023 - Synthese 201 (3):1-10.
    Concept formation has recently become a widely discussed topic in philosophy under the headings of “conceptual engineering”, “conceptual ethics”, and “ameliorative analysis”. Much of this work has been inspired either by the method of explication or by ameliorative projects. In the former case, concept formation is usually seen as a tool of the sciences, of formal disciplines, and of philosophy. In the latter case, concept formation is seen as a tool in the service of social progress. While recent philosophical discussions (...)
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    Cultural-Existential Psychology: The Role of Culture in Suffering and Threat.Daniel Sullivan - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Cultural psychology and experimental existential psychology are two of the fastest-growing movements in social psychology. In this book, Daniel Sullivan combines both perspectives to present a groundbreaking analysis of culture's role in shaping the psychology of threat experience. The first part of the book presents a new theoretical framework guided by three central principles: that humans are in a unique existential situation because we possess symbolic consciousness and culture; that culture provides psychological protection against threatening experiences, but also helps (...)
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    Beyond the ‘two cultures’ in the teaching of disaster: or how disaster education and science education could benefit each other.Wonyong Park - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (13):1434-1448.
    Looking at the current discourse on how to teach disaster, one apparent gap is that the scientific aspect of disaster is discussed and taught mostly in isolation from its human aspect. Disaster educators seem to be primarily interested in addressing issues such as social vulnerability, community resilience, personal action-related knowledge and emotion rather than the scientific basis of disasters, whereas science educators often fail to make connections between the scientific accounts of disasters and the social and political contexts (...)
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    Psychology in Philosophy: Historical Perspectives.Gary Hatfield - 2009 - In Sara Heinämaa & Martina Reuter, Psychology and philosophy : inquiries into the soul from late scholasticism to contemporary thought. Springer. pp. 1-25.
    The chapter examines some common assumptions regarding the shape of the history of theories of mind. It questions the conception that the Scientific Revolution resulted in placing the mind “outside of nature.” During the seventeenth century, the followers of Descartes routinely placed study of the mind, or, at least, mind–body interaction, within “physics” considered as a science of nature in general (and so including physics in the narrow sense, biology, and psychology). By the end of the eighteenth century, many authors (...)
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  44.  20
    Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-Being.Asma A. Basurrah, Mohammed Al-Haj Baddar & Zelda Di Blasi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:793608.
    Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-being AbstractIn this perspective paper, we emphasize the importance of further research on culturally-sensitive positive psychology interventions in the Arab region. We argue that these interventions are needed in the region because they not only reduce mental health problems but also promote well-being and flourishing. To achieve this, we shed light on the cultural elements of the Arab region and how the concept of well-being differs from that of Western (...)
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    Network nature: the place of nature in the digital age.Richard Coyne - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Tuning in to nature -- The book of nature -- Reproducing nature -- Digital autochthony -- Contested places -- Zoo-space -- Refuge -- Numinous places -- The machine stops.
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    How schools can aid children’s resilience in disaster settings: The contribution of place attachment, sense of place and social representations theories.Emily-Marie Pacheco, Elinor Parrott, Rina Suryani Oktari & Helene Joffe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:1004022.
    Disasters incurred by natural hazards affect young people most. Schools play a vital role in safeguarding the wellbeing of their pupils. Consideration of schools’ psychosocial influence on children may be vital to resilience-building efforts in disaster-vulnerable settings. This paper presents an evidence-based conceptualization of how schools are psychosocially meaningful for children and youth in disaster settings. Drawing on Social Representations and Place Attachment Theories, we explore the nature of group-based meaning-making practices and the meanings that emerge concerning school (...)
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    The nature of good and evil: understanding the many acts of moral and immoral behavior.Samuel P. Oliner - 2011 - St. Paul, MN: Paragon House.
    Follow the leader: why people go against their better judgment? -- How could they do that?: understanding the many sources and faces of evil -- Silently standing by: why we do or don't come to the aid of those who need us -- Paving the way to resistance: the gift of good during the Nazi occupation 1939-1945 -- Preconditions of resistance during the Armenian and Rwandan genocides -- Nature of goodness -- The world of heroes: why we need heroes -- (...)
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    Evolutionary psychology -- towards a more integrative model.Frederick Toates - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (2-3):305-328.
    Aspects of the history of behavioural science are reviewed, pointing to its fragmented and faction-ridden nature. The emergence of evolutionary psychology (EP) is viewed in this context. With the help of a dual-layered model of behavioural control, the case is made for a more integrative perspective towards EP. The model's application to both behaviour and complex human information processing is described. Similarities in their control are noted. It is suggested that one layer of control (‘on-line’) corresponds to the encapsulated modules (...)
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  49. The Nazi doctors: medical killing and the psychology of genocide.Robert Jay Lifton - 2017 - New York: Basic Books.
    Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize With a new preface by the author In his most powerful and important book, renowned psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton presents a brilliant analysis of the crucial role that German doctors played in the Nazi genocide. Now updated with a new preface, The Nazi Doctors remains the definitive work on the Nazi medical atrocities, a chilling exposé of the banality of evil at its epitome, and a sobering reminder of the darkest side of (...)
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    Everyday Creativity and New Views of Human Nature: Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Perspectives.Ruth Richards (ed.) - 2007 - American Psychological Association.
    Though active in the arts herself, Dr. Richards (psychology, Saybrook Graduate School, San Francisco; psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts) views creativity more broadly and as essential to survival. As someone who helped break new ground in the assessment of creativity in the general population, she introduces 13 chapters in which interdisciplinary thinkers probe the "originality of everyday life" in individual and societal contexts. Perspectives range from Piaget's developmental stages and the more positive aspects of television viewing to (...)
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