Results for 'Nenad Tomašev'

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  1.  34
    Hubness-aware shared neighbor distances for high-dimensional k-nearest neighbor classification.Nenad Tomašev & Dunja Mladenić - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho (eds.), Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 116--127.
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    Manifestations of xenophobia in AI systems.Nenad Tomasev, Jonathan Leader Maynard & Iason Gabriel - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-23.
    Xenophobia is one of the key drivers of marginalisation, discrimination, and conflict, yet many prominent machine learning fairness frameworks fail to comprehensively measure or mitigate the resulting xenophobic harms. Here we aim to bridge this conceptual gap and help facilitate safe and ethical design of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. We ground our analysis of the impact of xenophobia by first identifying distinct types of xenophobic harms, and then applying this framework across a number of prominent AI application domains, reviewing the (...)
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    Precis of Nenad Miscevic, Thought Experiments (Springer, 2022).Nenad Miscevic - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (3):587-593.
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  4. Why Truth is Not a Necessary Condition for Knowledge.Nenad Popovic - 2015 - Philosophical Forum 46 (4):397-401.
  5.  37
    Constitutional theory in times of crisis.Nenad Dimitrijevic - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (3):227-245.
    The contemporary global crisis can be explored in different perspectives. This text focuses on constitutionalism. It asks whether constitutionalism still matters. Responding to this question requires revisiting the basic analytical and normative concepts that shape individual autonomy, polity, law and democracy in the context of globalization. Part I of the article introduces the question of the crisis of constitutionalism. It briefly explores the dispute between proponents of state and post-state constitutionalism, and proceeds with an analysis of societal constitutionalism. The critical (...)
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    Thought Experiments.Nenad Miscevic - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a readable introduction to the main aspects of thought experimenting in philosophy and science. It presents the main options in understanding thought experiments, from empiricism to Platonism, and discusses their strengths and weaknesses. However, it also provides some original perspectives on the topic. Firstly, it provides a new definition and analysis of thought experimenting that brings it closer to laboratory experimenting. Secondly, it develops the author’s earlier theory of “mental modelling”, proposed some decades ago by him, and (...)
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  7. Sexual Abuse, Modern Freedom, and Heidegger’s Philosophy.Natalie Nenadic - 2011 - Social Philosophy Today 27:111-126.
    The sexual abuse of women and girls, such as sexual harassment, battery, varieties of rape, prostitution, and pornography, is statistically pervasive in late modern society. Yet this fact does not register adequate ethical concern. I explore this gap in moral perception. I argue that sexual abuse is conceptually supported by an ontology of women that considers a lack of bodily integrity as natural and by a sex-specific idea of freedom that considers sexual violations as liberating. This conceptual framework is pernicious (...)
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    Bird cage.Nenad Daković - 1997 - Theoria 40 (4):127-131.
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    Benjaminov grbavac.Nenad Daković - 1995 - Theoria 38 (4):145-150.
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    Hands, screws, triangles and absolute space.Nenad Filipovic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):279-302.
    Sake i ostali inkongruentni protivdelovi su dovoljni da odbacimo relacionizam, ili je bar tako mislio Kant, jos od nekih svojih prekritickih spisa. Argumenti sa inkongruentnim protivdelovima su elegantni i efektni, i privukli su prilicno veliku paznju kod odredjenog broja autora, koji su argumente kritikovali na razne nacine, ili ih branili. Rasprave su se pritom odaljile od originalnog Kantovog argumenta, i od duha tog vremena, i primila obelezja moderne filozofije i geometrije. U ovom tekstu bi trebalo da pokazem da Kant, kao (...)
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  11.  23
    RSY Chi and the Formalization of Buddhist Logic (in Yugoslavian).Nenad Fiser - 1985 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 15:841-851.
  12.  11
    „Kritisches“ Denken und das Andere der Vernunft.Nenad Malović - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (2):279-295.
    Das Ziel dieses Textes ist, die Aufmerksamkeit auf einige Voraussetzungen, die als wichtig für besseres Verständnis des Denkens scheinen, das zusätzlich als „kritisches“ bezeichnet wird, zu richten. Zuerst wird einleitend konstatiert, dass die Rede vom „kritischen“ Denken im Kontext der Ausbildung aufgetreten ist, und es wird daran erinnert, dass „Kritisches“ ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Denkens überhaupt ist. Deshalb werden verschiedene Vernunfttypen vorgestellt, aus denen sich verschiedene Rationalitäts- und Denktypen entwickeln. Dabei wird an zeitgenössische Kritik an der Absolutierung der westlichen dihairetischen (...)
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    Some Aspects of Theology of Creation Concerning Results of Natural Sciences according to A. Ganoczy.Nenad Malović - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (2):347-361.
    Autor kritički propituje uvjete i mogućnosti dijaloga između prirodnih znanosti i teologije stvaranja na primjeru dogmatičara Alexandrea Ganoczya. Ganoczy se služi responzorijskom metodom: razvija teologiju stvaranja »od dolje«, konstituirajući zajedničke »platforme« dijaloga gradeći na principu komplementarnosti uz pomoć analogije, te otkrivajući sličnost u načinu izražavanja prirodnih znanosti i teologije . Kao posebna tematska područja teološke refleksije rezultata prirodnih znanosti obrađuju se: samoorganizacija materije i creatio continua; prostorno vremenski kontinuum i vječnost; mozak, duh i Duh Božji; kreativnost i stvaranje te pitanje (...)
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  14.  60
    Devitt’s Shocking Idea and Analyticity Without Apriority.Nenad Miščević - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):69-95.
    Natural kind terms don’t have descriptive meanings, Devitt claims. The paper argues that this claim is tantamount to denying the existence of natural kind concepts, in the usual sense of “concept”, since concepts are predicate meanings. The denial is counterintuitive, and has bad epistemological consequences, since natural kind concepts are among the building blocks of our understanding of the world. The paper ends with a positive proposal, featuring a bold claim: if the standard Kripke-Putnam, line on semantics of natural kind (...)
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  15.  53
    Conceptualism and realism.Nenad Miscevic - manuscript
    Wiggins’ third book on substance Sameness and Substance Renewed is renewing his second one, Samenes and Substance, from 1980. The renewal is substantial, and is summarized by author himself in the Preface: completely new chapters are added, like the one on vagueness and identity; some important ones are completely rewritten, and fertile ideas from Putnam and Kripke are incorporated into the argument, bringing it in line with mainstream views on meaning and reference. The book deserves to be reviewed as a (...)
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    Fizično in psihično: uvod v filozofijo psihologije.Nenad Miéséceviâc & Olga Markiéc - 1998 - Šentilj: Aristej. Edited by Olga Markič.
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    Response-intentionalism about color: A sketch.Nenad Miščević - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (11):179-191.
    Building on Crane’s intentionalism, the paper proposes a variant of response-dependentist view of colors. To be of a color C is to have a disposition to cause in normal observers a response, namely, intentional phenomenal C-experience. The view is dubbed “response-intentionalism”. It follows from the following considerations, with the red of a tomato surface taken as an example of color C. Full phenomenal red is being visaged as being on the surface of the tomato. Science tells us that full phenomenal (...)
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  18.  65
    Normative political theory, democratic politics and minority rights.Nenad Stojanović - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (1):101-113.
    In Equal Recognition, Alan Patten argues that in a proper relationship between normative political theory and democratic politics, we must make a clear distinction between two questions related to cultural rights: (a) authority (who should decide?) and (b) the substance of deliberation. The question he wants to explore, however, is not the authority question but the substantive question. The aim of this article is to show that an account of equal recognition cannot bracket out the democratic element. It argues, first, (...)
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    Etika znanstvenog istraživanja i načelo opreznosti.Luka Tomašević & Ana Jeličić - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (2):243-260.
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  20.  52
    Uvod u filozofiju psihologije.Nenad Miščević - 1990 - Zagreb: Grafički zavod Hrvatske.
  21.  59
    Empirical Concepts and A Priori Truth.Nenad Miščević - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):289-315.
    Merely conceptual knowledge, not based on specific sensitivity to the referential domain, is not seriously a priori. It is argued here that it is either weakly and superficially a priori, or downright a posteriori. This is done starting from the fact that many of our definitions (or concepts) are recognizably empirically established, and pointing out that recognizably empirical grounding yields superficial apriority. Further, some (first-order) concept analyzing propositions are empirically false about their referents and thus empirically refutable. Therefore, our empirical (...)
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  22. Nationalism.Nenad Miscevic - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  23.  23
    Historical Background and Evolution of Belt Conveyors.Nenad Zrnić, Miloš Đorđević & Vlada Gašić - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):225-255.
    The evolution of belt conveyors, as an important type of continuous conveying machinery, is examined here in a historical perspective. For this purpose, the selected period is from the ancient time, i.e. occurrence of conveying equipment, and up to the end of the nineteenth century. The basic postulation of a modern machine, including conveyors, is often interlinked to that of its ancestor, which may be simple and primitive. Ancient machines and principles of their work were the basis for later improvements (...)
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  24.  42
    Popper's criticism of methodology of social sciences.Nenad Cekić - 1993 - Theoria 36 (2):21-48.
  25.  28
    Utilitarianism and the idea of university: A short ethical analysis.Nenad Cekic - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (1):73-87.
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    Varalice: ogledi iz postfilozofije.Nenad Daković - 2005 - Beograd: Plato.
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  27.  35
    Democracy disembedded.Nenad Dimitrijevic - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (10):1049-1070.
    Democracy is in serious difficulties. Three features of the crisis stand out. First is the dominant culture of disillusionment in democracy, which transpires as the mistrust in constitutionalist institutions and values. Second, political authority, both at domestic and international levels, is largely substituted by the rule of non-transparent and unpredictable social powers. Third, democratic states are deprived of much of their capacity to govern, but they retain a non-negligible capacity to coerce.The article is structured as follows. Section I introduces Karl (...)
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  28. Moral knowledge and mass crime: A critical reading of moral relativism.Nenad Dimitrijevic - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (2):131-156.
    In this article I ask how moral relativism applies to the analysis of responsibility for mass crime. The focus is on the critical reading of two influential relativist attempts to offer a theoretically consistent response to the challenges imposed by extreme criminal practices. First, I explore Gilbert Harman’s analytical effort to conceptualize the reach of moral discourse. According to Harman, mass crime creates a contextually specific relationship to which moral judgments do not apply any more. Second, I analyze the inability (...)
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  29. David Papineau: The Roots of Reason: Philosophical Essays on Rationality, Evolution, and Probability.Nenad Miščević - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 10:163-166.
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    Introduction.Nenad Miščević - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):1-1.
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    Is apriority context-sensitive?Nenad Miščević - 2005 - Acta Analytica 20 (1):55-80.
    The paper argues that the use of epistemic terms, prominently “… knows” and even “… knows a priori/a posteriori” is context-sensitive along several dimensions. Besides the best known dimension of quality of evidence (lower quality for less demanding context, and higher one for more demanding), there is a dimension of depth (shallow justification for superficial evaluation, and deeper justification for deeper probing evaluation contexts). This claim is illustrated by context-dependent ascription of apriority and aposteriority. The argument proposed here focuses upon (...)
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    30 years of the Philosophy of Science Course in Dubrovnik.Nenad Miščević - 2003 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):215-215.
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    Conclusion.Nenad Miscevic - 2000 - In Rationality and Cognition: Against Relativism-Pragmatism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 227-232.
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    Contents.Nenad Miscevic - 2000 - In Rationality and Cognition: Against Relativism-Pragmatism. University of Toronto Press.
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    Frontmatter.Nenad Miscevic - 2000 - In Rationality and Cognition: Against Relativism-Pragmatism. University of Toronto Press.
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    Notes.Nenad Miscevic - 2000 - In Rationality and Cognition: Against Relativism-Pragmatism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 277-306.
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    Part One: The Cognitivist Challenge.Nenad Miscevic - 2000 - In Rationality and Cognition: Against Relativism-Pragmatism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 1-60.
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  38. Should reason be fragmented?Nenad Miščević - 1996 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 10 (1):23-36.
    Cognitive relativists‐pragmatists (Stich, Churchland) claim that human cognitive strategies, lacking a common goal, are in addition divergent to the point of incommensurability. They appeal to the study of reasoning heuristics for evidence on cognitive diversity and incorrigibility. It is here argued that no such evidence is offered by the research, which, on the contrary (1) presents heuristics as uniform across great variations; (2) offers advice for correcting and improving human reasoning; and (3) very often postulates a uniformity of core logical (...)
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    Knjiga o ničemu.Nenad Raos - 1997 - Zagreb: Konzor.
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  40.  50
    Računala, mozak i ljudski um.Nenad Miščević & Nenad Smokrović (eds.) - 2001 - Rijeka: Izdavački centar Rijeka.
  41. Virtue -based epistemology and the centrality of truth (towards a strong virtue-epistemology).Nenad Miscevic - 2007 - Acta Analytica 22 (3):239--266.
    A strong, strictly virtue- based , and at the same time truth-centered framework for virtue epistemology (VE) is proposed that bases VE upon a clearly motivating epistemic virtue, inquisitiveness or curiosity in a very wide sense, characterizes the purely executive capacities-virtues as a means for the truth-goal set by the former, and, finally, situates the remaining, partly motivating and partly executive virtues in relation to this central stock of virtues. Character-trait epistemic virtues are presented as hybrids, partly moral, partly purely (...)
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  42.  30
    Predicates of Personal Taste.Nenad Miščević - 2018 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):385-401.
    The paper addresses issues of predicates of taste, both gustatory and aesthetic in dialogue with Michael Glanzberg. The first part briefly discusses his view of anaphora in the determination of the semantics of such predicates, and attempts a friendly generalization of his strategy. The second part discusses his contextualism about statements of taste, of the form A is Φ, and then proposes a pluralist alternative. The literature normally confronts contextualism and relativism here, but the pluralist proposal introduces further options. First, (...)
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  43.  18
    Can We Save A Priori Knowledge?Nenad Mišcevic - 2009 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):103-116.
    The paper joins Horwich’s criticism of stipulationist accounts of a priori knowledge, and raises some problems for his own account of the a priori. It first questions the assumed separability of scientific investigation and non-scieentific assertoric practices in regard to norms of adequacy. It also questioned Horwich’s Restriction Assumption according to which only the former are answerable to the standards of empirical adequacy and overall simplicity (which threaten apriority in the case of science). Finally, it criticises his argument that inability (...)
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  44.  81
    Modelling Intuitions and Thought Experiments.Nenad Miščević - 2007 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):181-214.
    The first, critical part of the paper summarizes J. R. Brown’s Platonic view of thought experiments (TEs) and raises several questions. One of them concerns the initial, particular judgments in a TE. Since they seem to precede the general insight, Brown’s Platonic intuition, and not to derive from it, the question arises as to the nature of the initial particular judgment. The other question concerns the explanatory status of Brown’s epistemic Platonism. The second, constructive descriptive-explanatory part argues for an alternative, (...)
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  45.  54
    Epistemic Value. Curiosity, Knowledge and Response-Dependence.Nenad Miščević - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):393-417.
    The paper addresses two fundamental issues in epistemic axiology. It argues primarily that curiosity, in particular its intrinsic variety, is the foundational epistemic virtue since it is the value-bestowing epistemic virtue. A response-dependentist framework is proposed, according to which a cognitive state is epistemically valuable if a normally or ideally curious or inquisitive cognizer would be motivated to reach it. Curiosity is the foundational epistemic virtue, since it bestows epistemic value. It also motivates and organizes other epistemic virtues, so it (...)
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  46.  29
    The Problem of Reindividuation and Money-Pump Arguments: Analysis of Mamou’s Solution.Nenad Filipović - forthcoming - Topoi:1-10.
    In this article, I examine the consequences of Mamou’s recent solution to the so-called problem of reindividuation. The problem is first proposed by John Broome as an argument against the Humean view of rationality and subjective decision theory. Essentially, Broome argues that the reindividuation of outcomes must be constrained in some way if the axioms of rationality are not to be vacuous, but the constraints on individuation cannot be consistent with the Humean view of rationality. Mamou offers an elegant Humean (...)
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  47. The Tesseract, the Cube and Truthless Knowledge.Nenad Popovic - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1569-1573.
    Virtually all epistemologists agree that truth is a necessary condition for knowledge. Assuming that our three-dimensional world is nested within a higher-dimensional space, I use multidimensional geometry to present a type of case which undermines this fundamental principle of epistemology. I further argue that we would be unlikely to revise our epistemic practices in light of new discoveries even if our world turned out to be substantially different and many of our beliefs turned out to be false.
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    Thought Experiments between Nature and Society: A Festschrift for Nenad Miščević. [REVIEW]Nenad Miščević - 2018 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):241-244.
    The paper investigates some mechanisms of thought-experimenting, and explores the role of perspective taking, in particular of mental simulation, in political thought-experiments, focusing for the most part on contractualist ones. It thus brings together two blossoming traditions: the study of perspective taking and methodology of thought-experiments. How do contractualist thought-experiments work? Our moderately inflationist mental modelling proposal is that they mobilize our imaginative capacity for perspective taking, most probably perspective taking through simulation. The framework suggests the answers to questions that (...)
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  49.  89
    Deep and superficial apriori.Nenad Miscevic - manuscript
    The paper challenges the entrenched equation of conceptual with apriori. It develops the idea of at least dual justification of a single piece of belief, at a deep, ultimate level and at the surface, immediately accessible to the thinker. Apriori justification then also admits of different degrees of depth. A proposition is deeply apriori for a cognizer if its ultimate ground is apriori, otherwise it is only superficially apriori . In the case of empirically applicable concepts, some of their concept-analyzing (...)
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  50. Explaining modal intuition.Nenad Miščević - 2003 - Acta Analytica 18 (1-2):5-41.
    The paper defends causal explanationism concerning our modal intuitions and judgments, and, in particular, the following claims. If a causally explainable mirroring or “pre-established harmony” between our mind and modal reality obtains, we are justified in believing it does. We do not hold our modal beliefs compulsively and blindly but with full subjective and objective justification. Therefore, causal explanation of our modal beliefs does not undermine rational trust in them. Explanation and trust support each other. In contrast, anti-explanationists, claim that (...)
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