Results for 'Nicole Everaert-Desmedt'

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  1.  27
    El guión de Bin Laden. Análisis semiótico de un dibujo en la prensa.Nicole Everaert-Desmedt - 2003 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 8 (21):87-100.
    Within the framework of the Parisian school of semiotics, a humoristic caricature by Plantu, published in the French Newspaper Le Monde in reference to the September 11th attack in New York, is analyzed. It is observed that by means of rhetorical procedures and the construction of the caricatu..
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    ¿Qué hace una obra de arte? Un modelo peirceano de la creatividad artística.Nicole Everaert-Desmedt - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (40):83-97.
    The purpose of this article is to present a model of creativity in the light of the thought of C. S. Peirce. Artistic communication is an event (as such, of the order of Secondness) by which the possible (Firstness) in filtrates itself into symbolism (Thirdness). Moreover, we des cri be more e..
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    Quelques parcours artistiques contemporains comme illustration du mouvement de la semiosis: Compte rendu d'Interpréter l'art contemporain de Nicole Everaert-Desmedt.Jean Fisette - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (171):413-432.
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    Reseña de" Interpréter l´ art contemporain. La sémiotique peircienne appliquée auxoeuvres de Magritte, K, Duras, Wenders, Chávez, Parant et Corillon" de Nicole Everaert-Desmedt.Álvaro B. Márquez-Fernández - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (35):128-129.
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    On the role of Susanna in Susanna: A Greimassian contribution.Dichk M. Kanonge & Pierre J. Jordaan - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-07.
    This article addresses the highly disputed distribution of roles in the story of Susanna. Susanna consists of a number of actors of whom only a few such as Susanna, the two elders, the Jewish people and Daniel are directly related to the central action of the story. With regard to the roles of these actors in the story however, a question arises: Who is the subject of the story of Susanna? Most scholars question the attribution of the role of subject (...)
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    Maximum capacity for sequential one-bit auditory decisions.J. Debecker & John E. Desmedt - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (3p1):366.
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    Extinction of likes and dislikes: effects of feature-specific attention allocation.Jolien Vanaelst, Adriaan Spruyt, Tom Everaert & Jan De Houwer - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1595-1609.
    The evaluative conditioning effect refers to the change in the liking of a neutral stimulus due to its pairing with another stimulus. We examined whether the extinction rate of the EC effect is moderated by feature-specific attention allocation. In two experiments, CSs were abstract Gabor patches varying along two orthogonal, perceptual dimensions. During the acquisition phase, one of these dimensions was predictive of the valence of the USs. During the extinction phase, CSs were presented alone and participants were asked to (...)
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    Modeling Effects of Rumination on Free Recall Using ACT‐R.Anmol Gupta, Clemens Kaiser, Jonas Everaert, Marieke van Vugt & Partha P. Roy - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Ruminative thinking, characterized by a recurrent focus on negative and self-related thought, is a key cognitive vulnerability marker of depression and, therefore, a key individual difference variable. This study aimed to develop a computational cognitive model of rumination focusing on the organization and retrieval of information in memory, and how these mechanisms differ in individuals prone to rumination and individuals less prone to rumination. Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational (ACT-R) was used to develop a rumination model by adding memory chunks with (...)
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  9. Deconstructing binding.Eric Reuland & Martin Everaert - 2001 - In Mark Baltin & Chris Collins, The Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory. Blackwell.
  10.  38
    Unconscious semantic activation depends on feature-specific attention allocation.Adriaan Spruyt, Jan De Houwer, Tom Everaert & Dirk Hermans - 2012 - Cognition 122 (1):91-95.
  11.  47
    Open economics. Economics in relation to other disciplines. Richard Arena; Sheila Dow & Matthias Klaes (eds).Richard Arena, Sheila Dow, Matthias Klaes, Brian J. Loasby, Bruna Ingrao, Pier Luigi Porta, Sergio Volodia Cremaschi, Mark Harrison, Alain Clément, Ludovic Desmedt, Nicola Giocoli, Giovanna Garrone, Roberto Marchionatti, Maurice Lagueux, Michele Alacevich, Andrea Costa, Giovanna Vertova, Hugh Goodacre, Joachim Zweynert & Isabelle This Saint-Jean - 2009 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    Economics has developed into one of the most specialised social sciences. Yet at the same time, it shares its subject matter with other social sciences and humanities and its method of analysis has developed in close correspondence with the natural and life sciences. This book offers an up to date assessment of economics in relation to other disciplines. -/- This edited collection explores fields as diverse as mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, sociology, architecture, and literature, drawing from selected contributions to the (...)
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    Cognitive Advantages of Bilingual Children in Different Sociolinguistic Contexts.Elma Blom, Tessel Boerma, Evelyn Bosma, Leonie Cornips & Emma Everaert - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A Qualitative Study on Emotions Experienced at the Coast and Their Influence on Well-Being.Marine I. Severin, Filip Raes, Evie Notebaert, Luka Lambrecht, Gert Everaert & Ann Buysse - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Coastal environments are increasingly shown to have a positive effect on our health and well-being. Various mechanisms have been suggested to explain this effect. However, so far little focus has been devoted to emotions that might be relevant in this context, especially for people who are directly or indirectly exposed to the coast on a daily basis. Our preregistered qualitative study explored how coastal residents experience the emotions they feel at the coast and how they interpret the effect these emotions (...)
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    (1 other version)Nicole Zaaroura interviewed by Pat Naldi.Nicole Zaaroura - 2015 - Philosophy of Photography 6 (1):115-130.
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    CSR in Belgium: the institutional context and practices.Luc Van Liedekerke, Céline Louche, Patricia Everaert, Dirk Leroy, Ans Rossy & Marie D'Huart - unknown
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    Simone de Beauvoir et les féminismes contemporains: essais, témoignages, inédits [recueillis par] Nicole Trèves et Michael Bishop.Nicole Trèves & Michael Bishop - 1987 - Halifax [N.-É.] : Department of French, Dalhousie University.
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  17. Free Trade, Poverty, and the Environment.Nicole Hassoun - 2008 - Public Affairs Quarterly 22 (4):353-380.
  18.  41
    Animal Capital: Rendering Life in Biopolitical Times.Nicole Shukin - 2009 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Nicole Shukin pursues a resolutely materialist engagement with the "question of the animal," challenging the philosophical idealism that has dogged the question by tracing how the politics of capital and of animal life impinge on one ...
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  19. On the Relevance of Neuroscience to Criminal Responsibility.Nicole A. Vincent - 2010 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 4 (1):77-98.
    Various authors debate the question of whether neuroscience is relevant to criminal responsibility. However, a plethora of different techniques and technologies, each with their own abilities and drawbacks, lurks beneath the label “neuroscience”; and in criminal law responsibility is not a single, unitary and generic concept, but it is rather a syndrome of at least six different concepts. Consequently, there are at least six different responsibility questions that the criminal law asks—at least one for each responsibility concept—and, I will suggest, (...)
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    A view of nursing epistemology through reciprocal interdependence: towards a reflexive way of knowing.Nicole Y. Pitre & Florence Myrick - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 8 (2):73-84.
    The discipline of nursing has experienced the movement from modernism to postmodernism through expressions ranging from dualistic and polarized discourse to contradicting pluralistic positions. For the purpose of this paper, these responses are described as ways of knowing and are examined for their impact on the evolution of the nursing discipline. Reciprocal interdependence is offered as an alternate way of knowing capable of incorporating differing world views into a coherent and comprehensive systemic whole. The reflexive and potentially transformational impact of (...)
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    The Self as Inseparable Separation: Deepening the Starting Position for Our Relation with the Environment.Nicole Note - 2014 - Levinas Studies 9:203-225.
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  22. Impure inheritances: spectral materiality in Derrida and Marx.Nicole Pepperell - 2014 - In Anna Glazova & Paul North, Messianic thought outside theology. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Un homme de Dieu au coeur de la matière.Nicole Timbal - 2015 - Namur: Editions Fidélité.
    A travers l'ensemble des écrits de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Nicole Timbal dresse le portrait-souvenir de celui qui a été pour elle un initiateur, un guide, un compagnon spirituel. Une valse à quatre temps qui nous fait découvrir successivement un Teilhard "baptisé dans le réel " au contact de la Grande Guerre, un jésuite qui manifeste son désir de faire passer "son évangile " dans le monde en dénonçant les frilosités de l'Eglise d'alors, un visionnaire affirmant sa fidélité rénovatrice (...)
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    Power in Deliberative Democracy: Norms, Forums, and Systems.Nicole Curato, Marit Hammond & John B. Min - 2018 - Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Edited by Marit Hammond & John B. Min.
    Deliberative democracy is an embattled political project. It is accused of political naiveté for it only talks about power without taking power. Others, meanwhile, take issue with deliberative democracy’s dominance in the field of democratic theory and practice. An industry of consultants, facilitators, and experts of deliberative forums has grown over the past decades, suggesting that the field has benefited from a broken political system. This book is inspired by these accusations. It argues that deliberative democracy’s tense relationship with power (...)
  25.  5
    Rethinking Order: Idioms of Stability and de-Stabilization.Nicole Falkenhayner (ed.) - 2014 - Bielefeld: Cambridge University Press.
    Stability is at the core of every discussion of order, organization or institutionalization. From an »inside« perspective, the stability of each order-constituting element is assumed. In contrast, in critical discourses instability is located at the outside of the social order as its negative. By treating this argumentative symmetrical structure as »idioms of stability and de-stabilization«, the articles try to rethink order: How can we describe structures from a perspective in which instability, non-control and irrationality are not contrary to ordering systems, (...)
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  26. Meeting Need.Nicole Hassoun - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (3):250-275.
    This paper considers the question ‘How should institutions enable people to meet their needs in situations where there is no guarantee that all needs can be met?’ After considering and rejecting several simple principles for meeting needs, it suggests a new effectiveness principle that 1) gives greater weight to the needs of the less well off and 2) gives weight to enabling a greater number of people to meet their needs. The effectiveness principle has some advantage over the main competitors (...)
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  27.  8
    Un athéisme philosophique à l'âge classique: le Théophrastus redivivus, 1659.Nicole Gengoux - 2014 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    "Le Theophrastus redivivus, volumineux traité clandestin et anonyme rédigé en 1659, témoigne non seulement que l'athéisme existe au XVIIe siècle, mais qu'il peut être une position philosophique à part entière. Sans citer ses contemporains, en se fondant essentiellement sur Aristote - le plus souvent à travers Pomponazzi - Épicure et les cyniques, il nie explicitement l'existence des dieux (traité I), la création du monde (traité II), l'immortalité de l'âme et l'existence des Enfers, du Paradis, des anges et des démons (traité (...)
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  28. El materialismo filosófico y El mito de la cultura de Gustavo Bueno.Nicole Holzenthal - 2002 - El Catoblepas: Revista Crítica Del Presente.
    Se ofrece la versión en español de la «Einführung» –Introducción– que el lector alemán, suizo, austriaco, o lichtensteiniano encuentra antepuesta a la traducción del ensayo de filosofía de la cultura de Gustavo Bueno. Der Mythos der Kultur, Essay einer materialistischen Kulturphilosophie ha sido publicado por la editorial Peter Lang en febrero de 2002.
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    Perspective.Nicole K. Zagelbaum - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (4):503-504.
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    Over de balans tussen feiten en idealen in de politiek.Nicolle Zeegers - 2013 - Res Publica 55 (2):235-247.
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  31. What do you mean I should take responsibility for my own ill health.Nicole A. Vincent - 2009 - Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy 1 (1):39-51.
    Luck egalitarians think that considerations of responsibility can excuse departures from strict equality. However critics argue that allowing responsibility to play this role has objectionably harsh consequences. Luck egalitarians usually respond either by explaining why that harshness is not excessive, or by identifying allegedly legitimate exclusions from the default responsibility-tracking rule to tone down that harshness. And in response, critics respectively deny that this harshness is not excessive, or they argue that those exclusions would be ineffective or lacking in justification. (...)
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    Abel Ferrara.Nicole Brenez - 2006 - University of Illinois Press.
    Understanding Abel Ferrara as one of the most important and overlooked filmmakers of our time.
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    Gilgamesh Among Us: Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic by Theodore Ziolkowski.Nicole Brisch - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 107 (2):274-275.
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    The Priestess and the King: The Divine Kingship of Šū-Sîn of Ur.Nicole Brisch - 2006 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 126 (2):161-176.
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    The Iran Nuclear Deal: The Influence of Congressional Speeches on Public Opinion.Nicole Mirkazemi - 2018 - Alétheia: Revista Académica de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón-Unifé 3 (1).
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    Écrits métaphysiques et théologiques: la résompte de 1632.Nicole Oresme - 2021 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Edited by Alain Boureau & Nicole Oresme.
    Vers 1360, la carrière de Nicole Oresme connut un tournant capital, largement ignoré jusqu'à présent : après plus de vingt-cinq ans en Faculté des arts, il se fit théologien. Se munissant d'un doctorat de théologie, il accomplit les étapes successives du cursus. Il faut s'en surprendre : la cohérence de son parcours de philosophe de la nature aurait pu le conduire aux mêmes choix que Jean Buridan qui s'était lui-même refusé l'accès aux Facultés supérieures et était demeuré à la (...)
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    Tsachi Keren-Paz's book "Torts, Egalitarianism and Distributive Justice".Nicole Vincent - unknown
  38. Repurposing my status as an outsider within : a Black feminist scholar pracademic's journey to becoming an invested indifferent.Nicole M. West - 2023 - In Christa J. Porter, V. Thandi Sulé & Natasha N. Croom, Black feminist epistemology, research, and praxis: narratives in and through the academy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  39. Transparency and Assurance Minding the Credibility Gap.Nicole Dando & Tracey Swift - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (2/3):195 - 200.
    There is a growing realisation that the current upward trend in levels of disclosure of social, ethical and environmental performance by corporations and other organisations is not being accompanied by simultaneous greater levels of public trust. Low levels of confidence in the information communicated in public reporting is probably undermining the impetus for this disclosure. This article suggests that this credibility gap can be narrowed through the use of third party independent assurance. However, this is not an unqualified panacea. Much (...)
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  40. Pluralist authority and the relation between plurality and pluralism.Nicole Roughan - 2020 - In Paul Schiff Berman, The Oxford handbook of global legal pluralism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  41. Legal Responsibility and Neuroscience.Nicole A. Vincent (ed.) - 2013 - Oxford University Press.
  42. Failing to do things with words.Nicole Wyatt - 2009 - Southwest Philosophy Review 25 (1):135-142.
    It has become standard for feminist philosophers of language to analyze Catherine MacKinnon's claim in terms of speech act theory. Backed by the Austinian observation that speech can do things and the legal claim that pornography is speech, the claim is that the speech acts performed by means of pornography silence women. This turns upon the notion of illocutionary silencing, or disablement. In this paper I observe that the focus by feminist philosophers of language on the failure to achieve uptake (...)
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  43. Neuroimaging and Responsibility Assessments.Nicole A. Vincent - 2011 - Neuroethics 4 (1):35-49.
    Could neuroimaging evidence help us to assess the degree of a person’s responsibility for a crime which we know that they committed? This essay defends an affirmative answer to this question. A range of standard objections to this high-tech approach to assessing people’s responsibility is considered and then set aside, but I also bring to light and then reject a novel objection—an objection which is only encountered when functional (rather than structural) neuroimaging is used to assess people’s responsibility.
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  44. The “sense of agency” and its underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms.Nicole David, Albert Newen & Kai Vogeley - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (2):523-534.
    The sense of agency is a central aspect of human self-consciousness and refers to the experience of oneself as the agent of one’s own actions. Several different cognitive theories on the sense of agency have been proposed implying divergent empirical approaches and results, especially with respect to neural correlates. A multifactorial and multilevel model of the sense of agency may provide the most constructive framework for integrating divergent theories and findings, meeting the complex nature of this intriguing phenomenon.
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  45. What are Beall and Restall pluralists about?Nicole Wyatt - 2004 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82 (3):409 – 420.
    In this paper I argue that Beall and Restall's claim that there is one true logic of metaphysical modality is incompatible with the formulation of logical pluralism that they give. I investigate various ways of reconciling their pluralism with this claim, but conclude that none of the options can be made to work.
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  46. Free Trade and the Environment.Nicole Hassoun - 2009 - Environmental Ethics 31 (1):51-66.
    What should environmentalists say about free trade? Many environmentalists object to free trade by appealing the “Race to the Bottom Argument.” This argument is inconclusive, but there are reasons to worry about unrestricted free trade’s environmental effects nonetheless; the rules of trade embodied in institutions such as the World Trade Organization may be unjustifiable. Programs to compensate for trade-related environmental damage, appropriate trade barriers, and consumer movements may be necessary and desirable. At least environmentalists should consider these alternatives to unrestricted (...)
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    General Editor's Note.Nicole Anderson - 2021 - Derrida Today 14 (2):vi.
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    Introduction: From the Editors.Nicole I. Torres & Gary Moore - 2017 - Anthropology of Consciousness 28 (1):5-6.
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    Common Rule Revisions to Govern Machine Learning on Indigenous Data: Implementing the Expectations.Nicole B. Halmai, Stephanie Russo Carroll, Ibrahim Garba, Joseph Manuel Yracheta & Nanibaa’ A. Garrison - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):73-76.
    We agree with Chapman et al. (2025) that the Common Rule needs revision, particularly regarding the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) in health research with Indig...
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  50. Jointly structuring triadic spaces of meaning and action: book sharing from 3 months on.Nicole Rossmanith, Alan Costall, Andreas F. Reichelt, Beatriz López & Vasudevi Reddy - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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