Results for 'Nigel Phillips'

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  1. Promoting coherent minimum reporting guidelines for biological and biomedical investigations: the MIBBI project.Chris F. Taylor, Dawn Field, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Jan Aerts, Rolf Apweiler, Michael Ashburner, Catherine A. Ball, Pierre-Alain Binz, Molly Bogue, Tim Booth, Alvis Brazma, Ryan R. Brinkman, Adam Michael Clark, Eric W. Deutsch, Oliver Fiehn, Jennifer Fostel, Peter Ghazal, Frank Gibson, Tanya Gray, Graeme Grimes, John M. Hancock, Nigel W. Hardy, Henning Hermjakob, Randall K. Julian, Matthew Kane, Carsten Kettner, Christopher Kinsinger, Eugene Kolker, Martin Kuiper, Nicolas Le Novere, Jim Leebens-Mack, Suzanna E. Lewis, Phillip Lord, Ann-Marie Mallon, Nishanth Marthandan, Hiroshi Masuya, Ruth McNally, Alexander Mehrle, Norman Morrison, Sandra Orchard, John Quackenbush, James M. Reecy, Donald G. Robertson, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Henry Rodriguez, Heiko Rosenfelder, Javier Santoyo-Lopez, Richard H. Scheuermann, Daniel Schober, Barry Smith & Jason Snape - 2008 - Nature Biotechnology 26 (8):889-896.
    Throughout the biological and biomedical sciences there is a growing need for, prescriptive ‘minimum information’ (MI) checklists specifying the key information to include when reporting experimental results are beginning to find favor with experimentalists, analysts, publishers and funders alike. Such checklists aim to ensure that methods, data, analyses and results are described to a level sufficient to support the unambiguous interpretation, sophisticated search, reanalysis and experimental corroboration and reuse of data sets, facilitating the extraction of maximum value from data sets (...)
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    The Kingdom of Johor 1641-1728The Voyages of Mohamed Ibrahim Munshi.Paul Wheatley, Leonard Y. Andaya, Amin Sweeney & Nigel Phillips - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (2):339.
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    The state of the art.Josh Corngold, Rebecca M. Katz, Anne Newman & D. C. Phillips - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 39 (1):123–139.
    The Blackwell Companion and Blackwell Guide to the philosophy of education, edited respectively by Randall Curren and by Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith and Paul Standish, are potentially field-defining volumes. The present essay moves back and forth between the two books to assess the overall impression they provide of the ‘state of the art’. Whilst both texts can be criticised for failing to engage sufficiently with non-philosophical work on education, these are otherwise estimable volumes, containing many fine essays (...)
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    Reason and Conduct: New Bearings in Moral Philosophy.D. Z. Phillips - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (59):189-190.
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  5. Experience of and in Time.Ian Phillips - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (2):131-144.
    How must experience of time be structured in time? In particular, does the following principle, which I will call inheritance, hold: for any temporal property apparently presented in perceptual experience, experience itself has that same temporal property. For instance, if I hear Paul McCartney singing ‘Hey Jude’, must my auditory experience of the ‘Hey’ itself precede my auditory experience of the ‘Jude’, or can the temporal order of these experiences come apart from the order the words are experienced as having? (...)
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  6. Engendering Democracy.Anne Phillips - 1991 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Democracy is the central political issue of our age, yet debates over its nature and goals rarely engage with feminist concerns. Now that women have the right to vote, they are thought to present no special problems of their own. But despite the seemingly gender-neutral categories of individual or citizen, democratic theory and practice continues to privilege the male. This book reconsiders dominant strands in democratic thinking - focusing on liberal democracy, participatory democracy, and twentieth century versions of civic republicanism (...)
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    (Ant) psychiatry.Iames Phillips - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 176.
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    Critical Theory and Critical Pedagogy.Nigel Blake & Jan Masschelein - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 38–56.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Characteristics and Development of Critical Theory The Educational Relevance of Critical Theory Distinctive Insights and Contributions Differing Receptions of Critical Theory Critical Theory and the Student Movement An “Other” Critical Pedagogy?
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    What Is the State of the American Regime: A Response.Robert J. Phillips - 2000 - Catholic Social Science Review 5:111-120.
    The three papers interpret the American regime in different ways. Stack thinks that the American regime is the best of available alternatives, and may evenbe fundamentally healthy. Shankman finds the regime presently in ill health, but suggests how a neglected thread of American political thought could help to restore its health. Holloway, while silent on the direct issue of the American regime, argues that modernity is deeply flawed and thus suggests that the American regime is systemically unhealthy. Phillips addresses (...)
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    The Past, History, and Corporate Social Responsibility.Robert Phillips, Judith Schrempf-Stirling & Christian Stutz - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):203-213.
    An emerging body of research recognizes the importance of the past and history for corporate social responsibility scholarship and practice. However, the meanings that scholars and practitioners can ascribe to the past and history differ fundamentally, posing challenges to the integration of history and CSR thinking. This essay reviews diverse approaches and proposes a broad conceptualization of the relationship between the past, history, and CSR. We suggest historical CSR as an umbrella term that comprises three distinct theoretical perspectives. The “past-of-CSR” (...)
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    Distinct neural correlates for attention lapses in patients with schizophrenia and healthy participants.Ryan C. Phillips, Taylor Salo & Cameron S. Carter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Religion in Wittgenstein's Mirror.D. Z. Phillips - 1990 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 28:135-150.
    There is a well-known remark in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations which even some philosophers sympathetic to his work have found very hard to accept. It reads:Philosophy may in no way interfere with the actual use of language;it can in the end only describe it.For it cannot give it any foundation either.It leaves everything as it is. Surely, it is said, that is carrying matters too far. Wittgenstein's hyperbole should be excused as a harmless stylistic flourish.
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    The Principle of Self-Determination.Robert Phillips - 1989 - Social Philosophy Today 2:60-67.
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  14. The Social Life of Bitcoin.Nigel Dodd - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (3):35-56.
    This paper challenges the notion that Bitcoin is ‘trust-free’ money by highlighting the social practices, organizational structures and utopian ambitions that sustain it. At the paper's heart is the paradox that if Bitcoin succeeds in its own terms as an ideology, it will fail in practical terms as a form of money. The main reason for this is that the new currency is premised on the idea of money as a ‘thing’ that must be abstracted from social life in order (...)
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    Embedding CSR Values: The Global Footwear Industry’s Evolving Governance Structure.Suk-Jun Lim & Joe Phillips - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):143-156.
    Many transnational corporations and international organizations have embraced corporate social responsibility to address criticisms of working and environmental conditions at subcontractors' factories. While CSR 'codes of conduct' are easy to draft, supplier compliance has been elusive. Even third-party monitoring has proven an incomplete solution. This article proposes that an alteration in the supply chain's governance, from an arms-length market model to a collaborative partnership, often will be necessary to effectuate CSR. The market model forces contractors to focus on price and (...)
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    The Sensory Deprivation Tank – A Time Machine.Matthew T. Phillips - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (1):63-78.
    Anthropology of Consciousness, Volume 33, Issue 1, Page 63-78, Spring 2022.
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    Public and Private Morality.D. Z. Phillips - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (119):185-186.
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    Aurobindo's Philosophy of Brahman.Stephen H. Phillips - 1988 - Philosophy East and West 38 (4):455-457.
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    Award 2019: Against Stupidity in the Media.Angela Phillips - 2019 - Philosophy Now 131:30-32.
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    Cicero, ad atticum I 2.E. J. Phillips - 1970 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 114 (1-2):291-294.
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    Fine-scale structure of dislocations and debris in deformed Ni-based superalloy R104.P. J. Phillips & M. J. Mills - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (1-3):82-95.
  22. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 101: 1998 Lectures and Memoirs.C. B. Phillips - 1999
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    The Greek Endeavour in Biological Science: An Inaugural Lecture Delivered Before The Queen's University of Belfast on 20 November, 1974.E. D. Phillips & Eustace Dockray Phillips - 1975
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    The Temper of "Homo Natura". The Effect of Emersonian "Nature" in the Determination of Nietzsche's "Will to Power".Clarence Mark Phillips - 1997 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 14 (4):403 - 423.
  25. (1 other version)Your God is too small.J. B. Phillips - 1953 - New York,: Macmillan.
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    Inequality and Markets.Anne Phillips - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (1):151-155.
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    Mysticism and Epistemology.D. Z. Phillips - 1995 - Faith and Philosophy 12 (2):167-188.
    St. Teresa worried over the genuineness of her mystical experience. Her worries have sense within a form of life. Pike argues that her claims must be downgraded if no justification of the form of life can be given. The Devil could deceive us about any justification, Mavrodes argues, but certain experiences can be self-authenticating. Treating forms of life as though they were interpretations, Katz concludes that we must be agnostic about their truth. The paper argues that confusions between forms of (...)
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    Hildegard and Holism.Suzanne M. Phillips & Monique D. Boivin - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (4):377-379.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hildegard and HolismSuzanne M. Phillips (bio) and Monique D. Boivin (bio)Keywordsbiopsychosocial, integration, medieval, mental illnessWe appreciate the careful and enriching commentary offered by Kroll and by Radden on our paper about holistic views of mental illness in the writings of the twelfth-century abbess and healer Hildegard of Bingen. Both reviewers are well-established figures in the study of historical perspectives on mental illness, an area that we have just (...)
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  29. Photography and causation: Responding to Scruton's scepticism.Dawn M. Phillips - 2009 - British Journal of Aesthetics 49 (4):327-340.
    According to Roger Scruton, it is not possible for photographs to be representational art. Most responses to Scruton’s scepticism are versions of the claim that Scruton disregards the extent to which intentionality features in photography; but these cannot force him to give up his notion of the ideal photograph. My approach is to argue that Scruton has misconstrued the role of causation in his discussion of photography. I claim that although Scruton insists that the ideal photograph is defined by its (...)
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    Emergence and Communication in Computational Sociology.Mauricio Salgado & Nigel Gilbert - 2013 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 43 (1):87-110.
    Computational sociology models social phenomena using the concepts of emergence and downward causation. However, the theoretical status of these concepts is ambiguous; they suppose too much ontology and are invoked by two opposed sociological interpretations of social reality: the individualistic and the holistic. This paper aims to clarify those concepts and argue in favour of their heuristic value for social simulation. It does so by proposing a link between the concept of emergence and Luhmann's theory of communication. For Luhmann, society (...)
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    Adorno: A Critical Reader.Nigel C. Gibson & Andrew Rubin (eds.) - 2002 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Adorno: A Critical Reader presents a collection of new essays by many of the world's top critics that examine Adorno's lasting impact on the arts, politics, history, philosophy, psychoanalysis, and sociology.
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    Aurobindo’s Concept of Supermind.Stephen H. Phillips - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (4):403-418.
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  33. Alan D. Schrift, Nietzsche's French Legacy: A Genealogy of Poststructuralism Reviewed by.Lisa Phillips - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16 (6):435-437.
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  34. Books etcetera-the brain and emotion.Anthony G. Phillips - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (7):281.
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    Epistemic practices — a reply to William Wainwright.D. Z. Phillips - 1995 - Topoi 14 (2):95-105.
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    Fundamental rights and the supportive state.Derek L. Phillips - 1988 - Theory and Society 17 (4):571-588.
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    Index.Derek L. Phillips - 1993 - In Looking Backward: A Critical Appraisal of Communitarian Thought. Princeton University Press. pp. 243-248.
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    Knowing the living God.Harold L. Phillips - 1968 - Anderson, Ind.,: Warner Press.
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    Narrating Catastrophe, Cultivating Hope: Apocalyptic Practices and Theological Virtue.Elizabeth Phillips - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (1):17-33.
    Apocalypticism has been widely denounced as a framework that devalues the world and its history, funding moral dualism. While this is certainly true of many forms of apocalypticism, it is not an accurate understanding of ancient apocalyptic texts. This article establishes a framework of theological virtue ethics drawn particularly from Herbert McCabe, in which human rationality and Christian morality are understood as political, linguistic, narrative, bodily and sacramental. From within this framework, Anathea Portier-Young’s work is considered, relating early Jewish apocalyptic (...)
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    Some examples of nonconsequentialist decisions.Gerald M. Phillips - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):25-26.
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    The concept of God.D. Z. Phillips - 1975 - Philosophical Books 16 (3):34-35.
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    Which Alternatives Should Investigators Disclose to Research Subjects?John Phillips & David Wendler - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (4):54-55.
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    What God Himself Cannot Tell Us.D. Z. Phillips - 2001 - Faith and Philosophy 18 (4):483-500.
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    Convergence of biological and psychological perspectives on cognitive coordination in schizophrenia.William A. Phillips & Steven M. Silverstein - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):65-82.
    The concept of locally specialized functions dominates research on higher brain function and its disorders. Locally specialized functions must be complemented by processes that coordinate those functions, however, and impairment of coordinating processes may be central to some psychotic conditions. Evidence for processes that coordinate activity is provided by neurobiological and psychological studies of contextual disambiguation and dynamic grouping. Mechanisms by which this important class of cognitive functions could be achieved include those long-range connections within and between cortical regions that (...)
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    Negative polarity illusions and the format of hierarchical encodings in memory.Dan Parker & Colin Phillips - 2016 - Cognition 157:321-339.
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    Yoga, Karma, and Rebirth: A Brief History and Philosophy.Stephen Phillips - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    For serious yoga practitioners curious to know the ancient origins of the art, Stephen Phillips, a professional philosopher and sanskritist with a long-standing personal practice, lays out the philosophies of action, knowledge, and devotion as well as the processes of meditation, reasoning, and self-analysis that formed the basis of yoga in ancient and classical India and continue to shape it today. In discussing yoga's fundamental commitments, Phillips explores traditional teachings of hatha yoga, karma yoga, _bhakti_ yoga, and tantra, (...)
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    Commitment and communication: Are we committed to what we mean, or what we say?Francesca Bonalumi, Thom Scott-Phillips, Julius Tacha & Christophe Heintz - 2020 - Language and Cognition 12 (2):360-384.
    Are communicators perceived as committed to what they actually say (what is explicit), or to what they mean (including what is implicit)? Some research claims that explicit communication leads to a higher attribution of commitment and more accountability than implicit communication. Here we present theoretical arguments and experimental data to the contrary. We present three studies exploring whether the saying–meaning distinction affects commitment attribution in promises, and, crucially, whether commitment attribution is further modulated by the degree to which the hearer (...)
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    Global ethics: dimensions and prospects.Nigel Dower - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (1):8-15.
    Global ethics is an emerging discipline which has not yet reached maturity. The main tasks before it to gain maturity are: first, to achieve a greater integration of various domains of enquiry all of which are concerned with global normative issues. At a general level this includes integrating global ethics with cosmopolitanism, global justice and human right discourse. At the level of areas of concern, there needs to be greater integration of various areas such as development, trade, environment and climate (...)
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  49. Thomas Stuart Willan 1910-1994.C. B. Phillips - 1999 - In Phillips C. B. (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 101: 1998 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 563.
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    Authorship and Authenticity: Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein.D. Z. Phillips - 1992 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 17 (1):177-192.
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