Results for 'O. Skljarov'

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  1. Workshop on the Auditory Basis of Speech Perception.O. Skljarov - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co.
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    Конституювання православної церкви україни як чинник зміни культурно-цивілізаційної парадигми незалежної україни.Oлександр Назарович Саган - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 88:23-39.
    Анотація. У статті розглянуто тісний зв´язок між зменшенням впливу Московського патріархату на суспільно-політичні процеси в Україні та відновленням українського культурно-цивілізаційного простору. А саме – поступове позбавлення православних віруючих проявів постімперського синдрому, зокрема установок, уявлень, поведінкових моделей тощо, пов´язаних із перебуванням українців у складі іншомовної та чужої за ментальністю й культурою імперії. Зазначено, що отримання православними віруючими України Томосу про визнання автокефалії і конституювання Православної Церкви України позитивно впливає не лише на розвиток самої ПЦУ, але й рівня патріотизму, відновлення і розвою (...)
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    Cosmology and Politics in Plato's Later Works.Dominic J. O'Meara - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Knowledge of the structure of the cosmos, Plato suggests, is important in organizing a human community which aims at happiness. This book investigates this theme in Plato's later works, the Timaeus, Statesman, and Laws. Dominic J. O'Meara proposes fresh readings of these texts, starting from the religious festivals and technical and artistic skills in the context of which Plato elaborates his cosmological and political theories, for example the Greek architect's use of models as applied by Plato in describing the making (...)
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  4. Connectionism, analogicity and mental content.Gerard O'Brien - 1998 - Acta Analytica 13:111-31.
    In Connectionism and the Philosophy of Psychology, Horgan and Tienson (1996) argue that cognitive processes, pace classicism, are not governed by exceptionless, “representation-level” rules; they are instead the work of defeasible cognitive tendencies subserved by the non-linear dynamics of the brain’s neural networks. Many theorists are sympathetic with the dynamical characterisation of connectionism and the general (re)conception of cognition that it affords. But in all the excitement surrounding the connectionist revolution in cognitive science, it has largely gone unnoticed that connectionism (...)
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    A study of Tattvārthasūtra with bhāṣya: with special reference to authorship and date.Suzuko Ōhira - 1982 - Ahmedabad: L.D. Institute of Indology.
    Study of Umāsvātī's Tattvārthādhigamasūtra, 2nd century aphoristic work, with autocommentary, on the basic tenets of Jaina philosophy.
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    Concepts are Containers.Robert O’Shaughnessy & Mark Sprevak - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (72):333-350.
    In this paper, we propose and defend a theory of concepts. According to Machery (2009), psychologists and philosophers mean different things by ‘concept’. Psychologists mean bodies of knowledge used to categorise and infer; philosophers mean constituent of propositional thought. Machery’s conclusion would drive a wedge between contributions by psychologists and philosophers on concepts. Theories about the former would have no clear role to play in, and cast no light on, the latter, and vice versa. We argue that, on the contrary, (...)
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    Genetic information, social justice, and risk-sharing institutions.Martin O'Neill - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):482-483.
    Under conditions with a low level of available genetic information, mutualistic private insurance markets will often create broadly just outcomes, even if by accident rather than by design. Normatively acceptable outcomes of this kind would come under threat if insurers were to have increased access to genetic information with substantial predictive content.1 As the availability of relevant individual genetic information grows, mutualistic forms of market-based insurance face a dilemma between either sacrificing individuals’ interests in genetic privacy, or creating conditions for (...)
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    Wolff, Rawls, and the principles of justice.John O'Connor - 1968 - Philosophical Studies 19 (6):93 - 95.
  9. Philosophical Essays.O. K. Bouwsma - 1965 - Philosophy 41 (156):186-188.
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    Mythological worldview of fear and horror in ancient period.O. S. Turenko - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 34:30-39.
    The problem of the place and significance of the phenomena of fear and horror in the world-view of man has a long but unexplored history in science. Since ancient philosophy, these phenomena have been regarded as feelings that depend on the object-subjective perception of the phenomena of the socio-cultural life of society. However, none of the ancient authors put forward the original scientific hypothesis of the phenomenon and its justification. In modern times, fear in scientific circulation and everyday outlook has (...)
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  11. Polis' and 'politeia' in Aristotle.O. Murray - 1993 - In Mogens Herman Hansen (ed.), The Ancient Greek city-state: symposium on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, July, 1-4 1992. Copenhagen: Commissioner, Munksgaard.
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    Mandatory hiv antibody testing policies:An ethical analysis.Maura O'brien - 1989 - Bioethics 3 (4):274–300.
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  13. (1 other version)The multiplicity of consciousness and the emergence of the self.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 2003 - In A.S. David & T. T. J. Kircher (eds.), The Self and Schizophrenia: A Neuropsychological Perspective. Cambridge University Press. pp. 107-120.
    One of the most striking manifestations of schizophrenia is thought insertion. People suffering from this delusion believe they are not the author of thoughts which they nevertheless own as experiences. It seems that a person’s sense of agency and their sense of the boundary between mind and world can come apart. Schizophrenia thus vividly demonstrates that self awareness is a complex construction of the brain. This point is widely appreciated. What is not so widely appreciated is how radically schizophrenia challenges (...)
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    Identification and description in Ayer's sense-datum theory.David O'Connor - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 57 (3):213-242.
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    The meaning of life: Levine on Hare on Camus' assumption.David O'Connor - 1989 - Sophia 28 (3):31-39.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Timothy O'Hagan - 2007 - Routledge.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau was hailed by Claude Lévi-Strauss as the founder of the sciences of man. This collection of fourteen classic papers devoted to his work addresses the points of intersection between the moral and the political, the personal and the social. The volume is divided into five parts: The Critique of Progress and the Speculative Anthropology, The Naturalizing of Natural Law, The General Will and Totalitarianism, Anticipations of Game Theory and Strategies of Redemption. The articles are accompanied by an extensive, (...)
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    Stylistics, synonymity, and E. D. Hirsch.Michael J. O'Neal - 1977 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 36 (1):91-94.
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    The Problem of Political Obligation.Noel O'Sullivan - 1987 - Routledge.
    First published in 1987. This study is an attempt to distinguish the problem of political obligation as it was formulated in the ancient world from the problem as it has presented itself in the modern world, and assesses the idealist achievement in the philosophical treatment of the problem of political obligation. This title will be of interest to students of philosophy and politics.
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  19. Matter and the present Outlook of Science.O. L. Reiser - 1928 - Scientia 22 (44):1.
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  20. Mitteilung der Kant-Gesellschaft. Mitgliederversammlung 1976.O. F. Bollnow - 1976 - Kant Studien 67 (3):492.
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  21. Zu Mechanik evolutiver Prozesse.O. Breidbach - 1987 - Philosophia Naturalis 24 (1):101-113.
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    Logical truth and second-order logic: response to Guillermo Rosado-Haddock.O. Chateaubriand - 2008 - Manuscrito 31 (1):179-184.
    In my response to Guillermo Rosado-Haddock I discuss the two main issues raised in his paper. The first is that by allowing Henkin’s general models as a legitimate model-theoretic interpretation of second-order logic, I undermine my defense of second-order logic against Quine’s views concerning the primacy of first-order logic. The second is that my treatment of logical truth and logical properties does not take into account various systems of logic and properties of systems of logic such as the Löwenheim-Skolem property.Em (...)
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    Γερρα ναξια.O. Crusius - 1906 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 65 (1-4):160-160.
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    Nicolai Hartman's theory of virtue.O. C. Jensen - 1941 - Ethics 52 (4):463-479.
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    Self, time and separability.J. O'Neill - unknown
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    Ignatius of loyola and the counter-reformation: The hagiographic tradition.Terence O'reilly - 1990 - Heythrop Journal 31 (4):439–470.
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    Overcoming christological differences.Gerald O'collins & Daniel Kendall - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (3):382–390.
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    Risk-based approach to provide internal quality control and safety medical management programs in dental care practices.O. Yu Afanasyeva, S. V. Dronov & A. S. Serbin - 2020 - Bioethics 25 (1):48-53.
    The effectiveness of a quality management program of medical care has to meet not just the quality management standards, but also has to be flexible, taking into account the features of a medical organization and the existing problems in the medical care support. The effectiveness of a quality management program is based on feedback, so the quality control of medical care is so important. The study of problems in medical care gives us the ability to improve both, the quality management (...)
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    2. Zu Aristophanes.O. Bachmann - 1889 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 48 (1-4):180-183.
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    On Time, Information and Life.O. Costa Beauregard - 1968 - Dialectica 22 (3-4):187-205.
  31. Responsibility and guilt as concerns for pastoral care.O. Brandon - 1973 - Humanitas 9 (2):187-194.
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    The Logic of God Incarnate by Thomas V. Morris.O. F. M. Thomas Weinandy - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):367-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Logic of God Incarnate. By THOMAS V. MORRIS. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986. Pp. 220. $19.95. Thomas V. Morris, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, has written a technical yet provocative study on the Incarnation. As a faithful Christian he believes in and desires to defend the traditional Christian doctrine of the Incarnation proclaimed in the New Testament and defined by the (...)
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  33. History of Protestant Theology.O. W. Herick - 1946
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    Medical media discourse as an object of linguistic study.O. I. Tayupova - 2019 - Liberal Arts in Russia 8 (5):352.
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  35. Les Antésocratiques.O. Hamelin, F. Turlot & Cl Ramnoux - 1981 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 171 (2):252-255.
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    Climates of Tragedy.William van O'Connor - 1943 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (8):103.
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  37. Inevitable deadlocks of the brain-mind discussion.O. D. Creutzfeld - 1987 - In B. Gulyas (ed.), The Brain-Mind Problem: Philosophical and Neurophyiological Approaches. Leuven University Press.
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    The philosophy of progress: higher thinking for developing infinite prosperity.Ryūhō Ōkawa - 2005 - New York: Lantern Books.
    What is wealth? -- Looking at the world from God's perspective -- Changing your attitude to bring success -- Suffering caused by desire -- Accumulating beneficial wealth -- Making progress with love and ideals -- Creating "utopian economics" -- The path to progress -- The definition of progress -- The joy of progress -- The driving force of progress -- Realizing hope -- A life filled with light -- Living with optimism -- Living lightheartedly -- Believing tomorrow will be better (...)
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  39. What's really doing the work here? Knowledge representation or the higher-order thought theory of consciousness?Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):778-779.
    Dienes & Perner offer us a theory of explicit and implicit knowledge that promises to systematise a large and diverse body of research in cognitive psychology. Their advertised strategy is to unpack this distinction in terms of explicit and implicit representation. But when one digs deeper one finds the “Higher-Order Thought” theory of consciousness doing much of the work. This reduces both the plausibility and usefulness of their account. We think their strategy is broadly correct, but that consensus on the (...)
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    Jesus and the eyewitnesses: The gospels as eyewitness testimony. By Richard Bauckham.Gerald O'Collins - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (2):309–310.
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    Personal reflections on navigating plural values in the implementation of voluntary assisted dying in Victoria, Australia.Margaret O’Connor - forthcoming - Monash Bioethics Review:1-9.
    This paper is a personal reflection on involvement in the development of the first voluntary assisted dying legislation in Australia. Points of contention are discussed, where plural values were evident, as the legislation progressed towards implementation. Finally, ongoing areas of difficulty with the legislation are listed, where further thought is required to ensure ease of access for those in need.
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    Arabic thought and its place in history.Lacy O'Leardey - 1939 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
    Fascinating and well-documented in its details of cultural migration and evolution, this book offers a well-balanced perspective on the mutual influence of Arabic and Western worlds during the Middle Ages. It traces the transmission of Greek philosophy and science to the Islamic world, forming a portrait of medieval Muslim thought that illustrates its commonalities with Judaic and Christian teachings as well as its points of divergence. He shows how a particular type of Hellenistic culture made its way through the Syrian (...)
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    “Did Descartes Read Sextus’s Outlines of Pyrrhonism?” A “Sceptical” Response.Paul O’Mahoney - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (6):614-622.
    Volume 29, Issue 6, September 2024, Page 614-622.
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  44. Veroi︠a︡tnoe znanie: monografii︠a︡.O. L. Sytykh - 2000 - Barnaul: Altaĭskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    “The Revolution of Relativity” and Self-Consciousness in the History of Philosophy of the 20th Century.O. A. Vlasova - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 11:114-125.
    This paper discusses the development of self-consciousness in the history of philosophy of the 20th century compared with the same development in the natural sciences. The author characterizes this stage of philosophical historiography as the “revolution of relativity.” This movement of self-consciousness was apparent in not only the humanities but also the natural sciences at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Awareness of probability is a fundamental achievement of non-classic physics, which has since reversed its paradigm. In contrast (...)
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    Pope Francis and the second Vatican council.Gerald O'Collins - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (2):209.
    O'Collins, Gerald Different templates are available for assessing where Pope Francis has been leading the church since his election on 13 March 2013. The fiftieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council on 8 December 1965 suggests one broad template for interpreting and evaluating the Pope's continuing contribution. It is not that Francis has been beating the drum about the teaching of Vatican II and how he wants to put it into practice. Yet much of what he has (...)
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    On the history of the statistical method in biology.O. B. Sheynin - 1980 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 22 (4):323-371.
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    The views of philosophers and Christian authors about the Church as a factor in shaping the sense of responsibility for the fate of society.O. Saboduha - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 67:33-39.
    The Church at all times of human existence occupied an important place in the life of society. Under modern conditions, people often feel unprotected, uncertain, and therefore forced to seek support and faith in their happy future. One way of creating a sense of inner peace for a believer is to communicate with God, and the Church acts as an intermediary in this process. Therefore, in our opinion, the Church, as a social institution, is to a large extent responsible for (...)
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    IV. M. Tullii Ciceronis epistularum ad M. Brutum liber I.O. E. Schmidt - 1890 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 49 (1):38-48.
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  50. Das System der Kunste.O. Kleinenberg - 1895 - Philosophical Review 4:331.
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