Results for 'O. Brandon'

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  1. Responsibility and guilt as concerns for pastoral care.O. Brandon - 1973 - Humanitas 9 (2):187-194.
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    Post-Approval Monitoring and Oversight of U.S.-Initiated Human Subjects Research in Resource-Constrained Countries.Brandon Brown, Janni Kinsler, Morenike O. Folayan, Karen Allen & Carlos F. Cáceres - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (2):119-123.
    The history of human subjects research and controversial procedures in relation to it has helped form the field of bioethics. Ethically questionable elements may be identified during research design, research implementation, management at the study site, or actions by a study’s investigator or other staff. Post-approval monitoring (PAM) may prevent violations from occurring or enable their identification at an early stage. In U.S.-initiated human subjects research taking place in resource-constrained countries with limited development of research regulatory structures, arranging a site (...)
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    Things That Go Bump in the Literature: An Environmental Appraisal of “Haunted Houses”.Neil Dagnall, Kenneth G. Drinkwater, Ciarán O’Keeffe, Annalisa Ventola, Brian Laythe, Michael A. Jawer, Brandon Massullo, Giovanni B. Caputo & James Houran - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Short-Term Immobilization Promotes a Rapid Loss of Motor Evoked Potentials and Strength That Is Not Rescued by rTMS Treatment.Christopher J. Gaffney, Amber Drinkwater, Shalmali D. Joshi, Brandon O'Hanlon, Abbie Robinson, Kayle-Anne Sands, Kate Slade, Jason J. Braithwaite & Helen E. Nuttall - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Short-term limb immobilization results in skeletal muscle decline, but the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. This study aimed to determine the neurophysiologic basis of immobilization-induced skeletal muscle decline, and whether repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation could prevent any decline. Twenty-four healthy young males underwent unilateral limb immobilization for 72 h. Subjects were randomized between daily rTMS using six 20 Hz pulse trains of 1.5 s duration with a 60 s inter-train-interval delivered at 90% resting Motor Threshold, or Sham rTMS throughout immobilization. (...)
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    Politics and tacitus - (e.) O'Gorman tacitus’ history of politically effective speech. Truth to power. Pp. X + 219. London and new York: Bloomsbury academic, 2020. Cased, £85, us$115. Isbn: 978-1-350-09549-6. [REVIEW]Brandon Jones - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):112-114.
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    The substance of consciousness: a comprehensive defense of contemporary substance dualism.Brandon Rickabaugh - 2024 - Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by James Porter Moreland.
    At the end of the 19th Century, substance dualism-roughly, the thesis that the human person is comprised of a substantial immaterial soul and a physical body-was widespread. Materialism was not a live option. As U.T. Place observed, [Ever] since the debate between Hobbes and Descartes ended in apparent victory for the latter, it was taken more or less for granted that whatever answer to the mind-body problem is true, materialism must be false. This sociological fact changed quickly bringing about what (...)
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    Ethics of HIV cure research: an unfinished agenda. [REVIEW]Jeremy Sugarman, John A. Sauceda, Brandon Brown, Parya Saberi, Mallory O. Johnson, Laney Henley, Samuel Ndukwe, Hursch Patel, Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, Danielle M. Campbell, David Palm, Orbit Clanton, David Kelly, Jan Kosmyna, Michael Louella, Laurie Sylla, Christopher Roebuck, Nora Jones, Lynda Dee, Jeff Taylor, John Kanazawa & Karine Dubé - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundThe pursuit of a cure for HIV is a high priority for researchers, funding agencies, governments and people living with HIV (PLWH). To date, over 250 biomedical studies worldwide are or have been related to discovering a safe, effective, and scalable HIV cure, most of which are early translational research and experimental medicine. As HIV cure research increases, it is critical to identify and address the ethical challenges posed by this research.MethodsWe conducted a scoping review of the growing HIV cure (...)
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    “Fact” and “Value” in the Thought of Peter Winch.William P. Brandon - 1982 - Political Theory 10 (2):215-244.
    Collingwood's... descendants... will be engaged in conceptual analysis not unlike other modern forms of conceptual analysis but not so isolated, in principle and in practice, from the panorama of the human past, from the rich diversity of contemporary cultures, and from the perplexities of individual experience in art, religion, the privacies of thought, and the publicity of action. They will search out the a priori elements in experience and the empirical genesis of thought. They may try, although they will surely (...)
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  9. Substance and Individuation in Leibniz. [REVIEW]Brandon Look - 2002 - Review of Metaphysics 55 (4):849-849.
    This is an excellent book and an important contribution to the field. Cover and O’Leary-Hawthorne show themselves to be not only at home in the philosophical tradition and hence able to situate Leibniz’s metaphysics within a context of scholastic and modern thought, but also adept at doing metaphysics with a historical figure serving as the springboard for further reflection. By arguing with and sometimes for Leibniz, they explicate his philosophy.
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  10. The conscious mind unified.Brandon Rickabaugh - 2020 - Dissertation, Baylor University
    Co-Directors: Alexander Pruss & Tim O’Connor Committee: C. Stephen Evan’s, Todd Buras, -/- The current state of consciousness research is at an impasse. Neuroscience faces a variety of recalcitrant problems regarding the neurobiological binding together of states of consciousness. Philosophy faces the combination problem, that of holistically unifying phenomenal consciousness. In response, I argue that these problems all result from a naturalistic assumption that subjects of consciousness are built up out of distinct physical parts. I begin by developing a Husserlian (...)
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  11. Emotional consciousness: A neural model of how cognitive appraisal and somatic perception interact to produce qualitative experience.Paul Thagard & Brandon Aubie - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):811-834.
    This paper proposes a theory of how conscious emotional experience is produced by the brain as the result of many interacting brain areas coordinated in working memory. These brain areas integrate perceptions of bodily states of an organism with cognitive appraisals of its current situation. Emotions are neural processes that represent the overall cognitive and somatic state of the organism. Conscious experience arises when neural representations achieve high activation as part of working memory. This theory explains numerous phenomena concerning emotional (...)
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  12. BRANDON, "Man and his Destiny in the Great Religions".E. O. James - 1962 - Hibbert Journal 60 (39):355.
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    “Uma Grande e Honesta Colmeia”: a Subversão do Apiário Clássico em Mandeville.Daniel J. Kapust & Brandon P. Turner - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (3):113-136.
    Bernard Mandeville construiu sua obra-prima de dois volumes, A fábula das abelhas, em torno de um poema largamente ignorado originalmente publicado em 1705, sua "A colmeia resmungona". Esse poema tenta proporcionar o contexto literário para a escolha feita por Mandeville da metáfora apiana. Examinamos exemplos antigos e modernos de teoria social e política informados e articulados por referência à organização e estrutura dos apiários e seus habitantes. A consideração desse contexto, conforme argumentamos, demonstra de uma nova maneira o caráter subversivo (...)
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  14. Book Review: The Revolutionary Gospel: Paul Lehmann and the Direction of Theology Today by Nancy J. Duff, Ry O. Siggelkow and Brandon K. Watson (eds.). [REVIEW]Kevin Hargaden - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (3):729-731.
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  15. (1 other version)Reseña de McShea, Daniel W. y Robert N. Brandon, Biology’s First Law: The Tendency for Diversity and Complexity to Increase in Evolutionary Systems, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010, 184 pp. [REVIEW]Ariel Jonathan Roffé - 2013 - Metatheoria 4:113-119.
    En este ambicioso libro, el biólogo Daniel W. McShea y el filósofo de la biología Robert N. Brandon desafían las explicaciones explícitas encontradas en la litera-tura acerca del origen de la diversidad y la complejidad en los seres vivos. Estas explicaciones recurren en su mayoría a la acción de la selección natural, como ser, a la selección diversificadora/disruptiva, a la selección de niveles superiores favoreciendo a especies/clados con mayor propensión a la especiación, o a las ventajas de una mayor (...)
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    Конституювання православної церкви україни як чинник зміни культурно-цивілізаційної парадигми незалежної україни.Oлександр Назарович Саган - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 88:23-39.
    Анотація. У статті розглянуто тісний зв´язок між зменшенням впливу Московського патріархату на суспільно-політичні процеси в Україні та відновленням українського культурно-цивілізаційного простору. А саме – поступове позбавлення православних віруючих проявів постімперського синдрому, зокрема установок, уявлень, поведінкових моделей тощо, пов´язаних із перебуванням українців у складі іншомовної та чужої за ментальністю й культурою імперії. Зазначено, що отримання православними віруючими України Томосу про визнання автокефалії і конституювання Православної Церкви України позитивно впливає не лише на розвиток самої ПЦУ, але й рівня патріотизму, відновлення і розвою (...)
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    desafio cético moderno refletido no Argumento da linguagem Privada: uma interpretação da leitura de Saul Kripke das Investigações Filosóficas de Wittgenstein.Lucas Ribeiro Vollet - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12 (2):e01.
    No artigo a seguir, exploramos a leitura de Kripke do argumento da linguagem privada. Nossa leitura afirma a seguinte linha de pensamento: o paradoxo cético sobre as regras que Kripke acreditava ter rastreado neste argumento se conecta com a velha questão cética da modernidade, e dá à obra de Wittgenstein um distanciamento reflexivo para pensar sobre as condições em que um quebra-cabeça semântico pode ser resolvido. Argumentaremos que a resposta envolve uma mudança pragmática que termina definitivamente as ligações de Wittgenstein (...)
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    Hyŏndae sahoe chʻŏrhak kwa Hanʼguk sasang.Il-chʻŏl Sin - 1997 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Munye Chʻulpʻansa.
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  19. Connectionism, analogicity and mental content.Gerard O'Brien - 1998 - Acta Analytica 13:111-31.
    In Connectionism and the Philosophy of Psychology, Horgan and Tienson (1996) argue that cognitive processes, pace classicism, are not governed by exceptionless, “representation-level” rules; they are instead the work of defeasible cognitive tendencies subserved by the non-linear dynamics of the brain’s neural networks. Many theorists are sympathetic with the dynamical characterisation of connectionism and the general (re)conception of cognition that it affords. But in all the excitement surrounding the connectionist revolution in cognitive science, it has largely gone unnoticed that connectionism (...)
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  20.  26
    Plotting the Anatomical WatershedAndreas Vesalius of Brussels, 1514-1564. C. D. O'Malley.Joshua O. Leibowitz - 1965 - Isis 56 (3):362-365.
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    A study of Tattvārthasūtra with bhāṣya: with special reference to authorship and date.Suzuko Ōhira - 1982 - Ahmedabad: L.D. Institute of Indology.
    Study of Umāsvātī's Tattvārthādhigamasūtra, 2nd century aphoristic work, with autocommentary, on the basic tenets of Jaina philosophy.
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    A Response to my Critics: O'Neill and Mays.Calvin O. Schrag - 1983 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 14 (1):40-49.
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    Propositional logic: response to Ken López-Escobar.O. Chateaubriand - 2008 - Manuscrito 31 (1):115-120.
    Ken López-Escobar questions the timeless status of various entities—propositions, numbers, etc.—as well as my characterization of pure propositional logic as an ontological theory. In my response I argue that my characterization of propositional logic does not depend on timeless propositions, or on other abstract truth bearers, but is a characterization in terms of truth relations between any truth bearers. I also discuss his views on numbers as cultural constructs, as well as his use of quantification in propositional logic.Ken López-Escobar questiona (...)
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    Concepts are Containers.Robert O’Shaughnessy & Mark Sprevak - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (72):333-350.
    In this paper, we propose and defend a theory of concepts. According to Machery (2009), psychologists and philosophers mean different things by ‘concept’. Psychologists mean bodies of knowledge used to categorise and infer; philosophers mean constituent of propositional thought. Machery’s conclusion would drive a wedge between contributions by psychologists and philosophers on concepts. Theories about the former would have no clear role to play in, and cast no light on, the latter, and vice versa. We argue that, on the contrary, (...)
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  25. El estatus metateórico de ZFEL.Ariel Jonathan Roffé & Santiago Ginnobili - 2019 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 14:57-73.
    En un libro reciente McShea y Brandon defienden que la diversidad y la complejidad de la vida se explican, principalmente, por la acción de un principio que llaman “la ley evolutiva de fuerzas cero” o “ZFEL”. Tal principio actuaría de un modo implícito por detrás de muchas explicaciones de la biología, pero nunca habría sido explicitado. Asumiendo que esta idea es interesante, y que los autores en cuestión tienen razón, discutiremos el modo metateórico en que presentan dicho principio, como (...)
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    Intentionality Analysis and the Problem of Self and Other.Noreen Keohane-O'Connor - 1982 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 13 (2):186-192.
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  27. Precis d'une sociologie.O. Lemarie - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44:221.
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    1859–1860.O. Lüning, Ch Dollfus, C. Vogt, Friedrich Münch, E. Dedekind, Mad Bomnitz, Heinr Benecke, Wilhelm Bolin, Emma Herwegh, C. J. Duboc, L. Feuerbach & L. Bruder - 1996 - In O. Lüning, Ch Dollfus, C. Vogt, Friedrich Münch, E. Dedekind, Mad Bomnitz, Heinr Benecke, Wilhelm Bolin, Emma Herwegh, C. J. Duboc, L. Feuerbach & L. Bruder (eds.), Briefwechsel Iv. De Gruyter Akademie Forschung. pp. 215-322.
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    Purusha in the Rigveda.O. A. Lucyshyna - 2003 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 26:65-73.
    In connection with the analysis of ancient Indian, in this case Rivedian, ideas about a person, it is necessary to clarify the words used to indicate them. Taking into account the developed synonymy of the Vedic language, T. Elizarenkova, among the several concepts that have the highest number of synonyms in the Rig Veda, refers to the term "human" / "man" / "husband". One of these words is purusha (púruṣ a- and its equivalent “metrical extension.” The semantics of the word (...)
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    Spiritual priorities of Orthodox business ethics: the contemporary Ukrainian context.O. V. Marchenko - 2003 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 27:40-47.
    The present state of our spirituality is a consequence of the influences of particular circumstances of life. Undoubtedly, the general changes in the social, political and economic orientations of society significantly influence the nature of the processes taking place in the spiritual sphere. The transition to the rails of market reforms, the affirmation of the principle of pragmatism as a kind of measure of the effectiveness of human life, the priority of economic values ​​over others, including spiritual values, leads to (...)
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    Filosofické tázání ve shodě se skutečností – Ale jak poznat, co je skutečnost? Otazník nad filosofií.O. A. Funda - 2009 - Filosofie Dnes 1 (1):7-31.
    Nemám v úmyslu předložit školsky umný referát o filosofování, o různých filosofických koncepcích a jejich argumentaci, nýbrž pokusím se otevřít otázky, které mě bytostně zaměstnávají. Moje torzovité a fragmentární podněty se budou týkat následujících otázek-problémů: 1. Ontická realita na našem vnímání nezávislého světa a gnoseologické meze ontologie. 2. Co je racionalita, jaké jsou její možnosti a meze? Lze racionalitu kotvit gnoseologicky či již ontologicky? Jaký je vztah mezi racionalitou, přirozeností a přírodou? Je iracionalita předchůdná racionalitě? 3. Lze z racionality odvodit (...)
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    Wolff, Rawls, and the principles of justice.John O'Connor - 1968 - Philosophical Studies 19 (6):93 - 95.
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    The Phenomenon of Heroism in the Understanding of Philosophical Anthropology.O. L. Prytula - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 26:14-21.
    Мета. У сучасному глобальному суспільстві під питанням виявилися традиційні цінності, у тому числі патріотизм і героїзм. Однак нові виклики гібридної війни потребують нових виявів героїзму, а отже, і його нового філософського осмислення. Основною метою цієї статті є філософсько-антропологічне осмислення героїзму як граничного вияву сили духу, що поєднує інституційні засади суспільного блага та індивідуальну волю до його досягнення. Теоретичний базис. Феномен героїзму досліджено в класичних працях Гомера, Плутарха, Томаса Карлайла. Важливі сучасні філософсько-антропологічні інтерпретації цього феномену надають Фрідріх Ніцше, Гельмут Плеснер та (...)
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    Mythological worldview of fear and horror in ancient period.O. S. Turenko - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 34:30-39.
    The problem of the place and significance of the phenomena of fear and horror in the world-view of man has a long but unexplored history in science. Since ancient philosophy, these phenomena have been regarded as feelings that depend on the object-subjective perception of the phenomena of the socio-cultural life of society. However, none of the ancient authors put forward the original scientific hypothesis of the phenomenon and its justification. In modern times, fear in scientific circulation and everyday outlook has (...)
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    Saint Augustine on the Resurrection of Christ Teaching: Teaching, Rhetoric, and Reception.S. J. O'Collins - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Despite an enormous amount of literature on St Augustine of Hippo, this work provides the first examination of what he taught about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Augustine expounded Christ's resurrection in his sermons, letters, Answer to Faustus the Manichean, the City of God, Expositions of the Psalms, and the Trinity. Saint Augustine on the Resurrection of Christ: Teaching, Rhetoric, and Reception explores what Augustine held about the centrality of Christ's resurrection from the dead, the agency of Christ's resurrection, and (...)
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    Showcasing Copleston and Lonergan.S. J. Gerald O'Collins - 2022 - New Blackfriars 103 (1105):322-325.
    New Blackfriars, Volume 103, Issue 1105, Page 322-325, May 2022.
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    The handicapped child.O. P. Gray - 1987 - Ethics and Medicine: A Christian Perspective on Issues in Bioethics 3 (3):37.
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    The Lesson of Poland’s Defeat.O. Halecki - 1947 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 22 (2):202-207.
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    V. Kritische bemerkungen zu Ciceros Paradoxis.O. Heine - 1855 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 10 (1-4):116-125.
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    No title available: Religious studies.O. R. Jones - 1975 - Religious Studies 11 (4):487-489.
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  41. Automatic Load and Electrode Position Control on a Submerged. Arc Furnace.O. D. Jordan - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 21--311.
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    Kulʹtura vremeni v sovremennoĭ kartine zhizni.O. V. Kashirina - 2007 - Stavropolʹ: Stavropolʹskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  43. Polis' and 'politeia' in Aristotle.O. Murray - 1993 - In Mogens Herman Hansen (ed.), The Ancient Greek city-state: symposium on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, July, 1-4 1992. Copenhagen: Commissioner, Munksgaard.
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    Mandatory hiv antibody testing policies:An ethical analysis.Maura O'brien - 1989 - Bioethics 3 (4):274–300.
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  45. (1 other version)The multiplicity of consciousness and the emergence of the self.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 2003 - In A.S. David & T. T. J. Kircher (eds.), The Self and Schizophrenia: A Neuropsychological Perspective. Cambridge University Press. pp. 107-120.
    One of the most striking manifestations of schizophrenia is thought insertion. People suffering from this delusion believe they are not the author of thoughts which they nevertheless own as experiences. It seems that a person’s sense of agency and their sense of the boundary between mind and world can come apart. Schizophrenia thus vividly demonstrates that self awareness is a complex construction of the brain. This point is widely appreciated. What is not so widely appreciated is how radically schizophrenia challenges (...)
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    Identification and description in Ayer's sense-datum theory.David O'Connor - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 57 (3):213-242.
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    The meaning of life: Levine on Hare on Camus' assumption.David O'Connor - 1989 - Sophia 28 (3):31-39.
  48. The Philosophy of Thomas Clott.E. X. O'gallagher - 2000 - Mind 109:54-55.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Timothy O'Hagan - 2007 - Routledge.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau was hailed by Claude Lévi-Strauss as the founder of the sciences of man. This collection of fourteen classic papers devoted to his work addresses the points of intersection between the moral and the political, the personal and the social. The volume is divided into five parts: The Critique of Progress and the Speculative Anthropology, The Naturalizing of Natural Law, The General Will and Totalitarianism, Anticipations of Game Theory and Strategies of Redemption. The articles are accompanied by an extensive, (...)
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    Stylistics, synonymity, and E. D. Hirsch.Michael J. O'Neal - 1977 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 36 (1):91-94.
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