Results for 'Opinione pubblica'

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  1.  15
    Quale cittadinanza europea? Dilemmi dell’opinione pubblica europea nell’età di Maastricht.Teresa Pullano - 2017 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 29 (57).
    This article argues that it is possible to understand the ambiguities of European public opinion only if we approach the question in terms of how, both at the continental and at the national level, public opinion in Europe has been produced through socio-economic and political mechanisms, rather than being given by the sum of individual preferences. In particular, the paper focuses on how the specific conditions of being a citizen, and thus constituting public opinion, are produced through the restructuring of (...)
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  2. Governo assoluto ed opinione pubblica a Napoli nei primi anni della Restaurazione.Alfonso Scirocco - 1986 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 22:203-224.
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  3. Ecologia e politica nell'opinione pubblica italiana.Roberto Biorcio - 1987 - Polis 1 (3):517-564.
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    Filosofia clandestina, opinione pubblica e censura nell'età moderna.Peter Balasz - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  5. Diritto e opinione pubblica: Dicey e la crisi del liberalismo inglese.Gianluca Sadun Bordoni - 2000 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 77 (4):531-551.
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  6. Lippmann e Dewey. Opinione pubblica e democrazia.Giovanni Dessi - 2002 - Studium 98 (5):687-722.
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    By Walter Lippmann: opinione pubblica, politica estera e democrazia.Virginia Lozito - 2008 - Roma: Aracne.
  8. Sensus fidelium e opinione pubblica nella Chiesa.Dario Vitali - 2001 - Gregorianum 82 (4):689-717.
    The starting-point of this article is the fact that within the language of theology it is a widespread usage to identify public opinion with sensus fidelium. The Author is convinced that the two formulas cannot be directly superposed. An accurate examination of similarities and differences is necessary otherwise the undifferenciated use of the two locutions could bring elements of confusion and groundless conflict into the theological debate. As a matter of fact the difference does not only concern the difference of (...)
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    Un diritto a Internet. Il problema della creazione di un'opinione pubblica mondiale e di nuovi diritti umani per il XXI secolo.Alessandro Pinzani - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (1):143-158.
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    M. Catino, "Sociologia di un delitto. Media, giustizia e opinione pubblica nel caso Marta Russo".Pier Paolo Giglioli - 2001 - Polis 15 (3):487-489.
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    P. Bellucci e N. Conti (a cura di), Gli italiani e l'Europa. Opinione pubblica, élite politiche e media.S. Profeti - 2012 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 26 (2):295-296.
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  12. Il concetto di "pubblica opinione".B. Leoni - 1946 - Rivista di Filosofia 37 (3):124.
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    Opinion publique, Idéologie et idéologie.Bertrand Binoche - 2012 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 24 (47).
    The essay analyzes the conflict which opened after the French Revolution between public opinion and ideology. In this space of reflection the second seemed sometimes as the hidden face of the first one. Public opinion historically represented the institutionalization of the possibility of a disagreement on the legitimacy of the body politic. It has thus made possible a speech on the political detached from religion. As is clear from the controversy of Napoleon against the ideologues and the Marxian critique, ideology (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Decisioni di fine vita [End-of-life decisions].Sandro Spinsanti - 2010 - la Società Degli Individui 38.
    Il dibattito bioetico sulla regolamentazione delle decisioni di fine vita ri­ce­ve per lo più impulso da casi individuali che vengono portati all’attenzione del­l’opinione pubblica. Il ruolo che hanno avuto per gli Stati Uniti le vi­cende biografiche di Nancy Cruzan e di Terry Schiavo è sta­to svolto in Ita­lia da Piergiorgio Welby ed Eluana Englaro. Le vicende giudiziarie hanno tro­­vato difficoltà a essere decise perché la legge si è rivelata inadeguata ad at­tribuire significati univoci a concetti come ‘accanimento terapeutico’ (...)
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  15. Appello all’umanità [Appeal to the humanity].Albert Schweitzer - 2008 - la Società Degli Individui 31:89-99.
    Il testo riproduce il discorso pronunciato da Schweitzer, nell’aprile 1957, dai microfoni di Radio Oslo. Prendendo l’avvio dai test americani e so­vie­tici con bombe all’idrogeno dei primi anni ’50, Schweitzer ricostruisce bre­ve­mente la storia delle scoperte e degli impieghi dell’energia atomica e il­lustra gli effetti della radioattività esterna e interna sul corpo umano e ani­male, compresi i presumibili effetti teratogeni sulle generazioni future. L’in­tento dell’appello è richiamare l’opinione pubblica alla sua re­spon­sa­bi­lità e alla sua forza: soltanto un’opinione (...)
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  16. La democrazia (deliberativa) ai tempi dell’Antropocene.Edoardo Greblo - 2025 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (71):149-166.
    È ormai evidente da tempo che le democrazie si trovano in grande difficoltà quando devono affrontare la questione del cambiamento climatico. Ciò ha fatto sorgere una tendenza che si potrebbe definire «eco-autoritaria», basata sulla convinzione che la portata del problema sia tale da richiedere, in certi casi, la sospensione di alcune delle regole democratiche. A questo orientamento si oppone il cosiddetto «paternalismo libertario», secondo il quale è invece possibile strutturare il contesto decisionale in modo da spingere gli individui a compiere (...)
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  17. Mosca, Ruffini ed Einaudi. Politica, diritto ed economia in difesa della libertà.Paolo Silvestri - 2009 - In Roberto Marchionatti (ed.), La Scuola di economia di Torino. Co-protagonisti ed epigoni. Leo Olschki. pp. 41-64.
    Italian Abstract: Mosca, Ruffini ed Einaudi vennero da molti riconosciuti come “Maestri di libertà”, soprattutto in virtù della loro strenua difesa della libertà durante il consolidamento del regime fascista. In questo articolo miro a ricostruire l’idea di libertà che emerse nelle loro riflessioni in quel torno di tempo. Mostrerò come, al di là delle differenze tra la loro riflessione politica, giuridica ed economica, l’idea di libertà si sostanzi nell’intreccio tra le istituzioni fondamentali del liberalismo ottocentesco: mercato e società civile, (...) pubblica e diritti di libertà. -/- English Abstract: Mosca, Ruffini and Einaudi were variously identified as "Masters of Freedom", particularly in light of their strong defense of freedom during the consolidation of the fascist regime. In this article I aim to reconstruct the idea of freedom that emerged in their reflections during that period. I will show how, beyond the differences between their political, legal and economic approach, the idea of freedom is entailed in the intertwining between the fundamental institutions of nineteenth-century liberalism: market and civil society, public opinion and rights of freedom. (shrink)
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  18. Dialogo su Jürgen Habermas. Le trasformazioni della modernità.Luca Corchia & Massimo Ampola - 2007 - ETS.
    Jürgen Habermas ha dedicato più di trent’anni dei suoi studi alle scienze sociali al fine di definire, attraverso la ricostruzione delle tradizioni di pensiero in esse presenti, un quadro teorico di riferimento che orienti i programmi della ricerca storico-sociale. Al pari dei grandi classici del pensiero sociologico, egli ha cercato di affrontare i “problemi della società nel suo insieme” esplicitando gli assunti, i metodi e gli obiettivi della teoria sociale come presupposto indispensabile per un’indagine che ampli i confini disciplinari della (...)
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  19. Il sondaggio deliberativo di James S. Fishkin.Luca Corchia - 2007 - The Lab's Quarterly 8 (1):1-20.
    I rapporti annuali su Gli italiani e lo stato, coordinati da Ilvo Diamanti, continuano a rilevare che i cittadini sono impegnati negli associazionismi ma disincantati dalla politica. Con le tipiche differenze nelle diverse aree del paese e a seconda del livello istituzionale, accanto alla sfiducia verso le istituzioni pubbliche c’è una propensione alla partecipazione. Come mostrano la diffusione delle primarie e le esperienze di democrazia partecipativa che si moltiplicano a livello locale, si riscontra, infatti, una disponibilità a sperimentare forme di (...)
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  20. Variazioni scozzesi su contratto ed opinione. Una teoria politica per non "rimescolarsi coi novatori".Dario Castiglione - 1992 - In Marco Geuna & Maria Luisa Pesante (eds.), Passioni, Interessi, Convenzioni. Discussioni Settecentesche su virtù e civiltà. Milano: Franco Angeli. pp. 103-128.
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    S. Rinauro, "Storia del sondaggio d'opinione in Italia, 1936-1994".G. Gasperoni - 2004 - Polis 18 (3):528-530.
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  22. Adriani Heereboord, Professoris in Academia Patria Philosophi, Philosophia Naturalis Cum Commentariis Peripateticis Antehac Edita: Nunc Vero Hac Posthum' Editione Mediam Partem Aucta, & Novis Commentariis, Partim È Nob. D. Cartesio, Cl. Berigardo, H. Regio, Aliisque Prætantioribus Philosophis, Petitis, Partim Ex Propria Opinione Dictatis, Explicata.Adrianus Heereboord, René Descartes, Claude Guillermet Bérigard, Henricus Regius & Cornelis Driehuysen - 1663 - Ex Officinâ Cornelii Driehuysen.
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  23. Impresa pubblica e potere politico.Rosario Sitari - 2009 - Studium 105 (6):821-830.
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    Etica Pubblica E Regole Del Gioco. I Doveri Sociali In Une Società Liberale - Francesco Forte.Alain Marciano & Jean-Michel Josselin - 1996 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 7 (1).
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    Opinion Events: Types and opinion markers in English social media discourse.Erika Lombart, Ledia Kazazi, Ardita Dylgjeri, Jurate Ruzaite, Anna Bączkowska, Chaya Liebeskind & Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (2):447-481.
    The paper investigates various definitions of the concept of opinion as opposed to factual or evidence-based statements and proposes a taxonomy of opinions expressed in English as identified in selected social media. A discussion situates opinions in the realm of pragmatics and reaches to philosophy of language and cognitive science. The research methodology combines a thorough linguistic analysis of opinions, proposing their multifaceted taxonomy with the automatically generated lexical embeddings of positive and negative lexicon acquired from the analysed opinionated texts. (...)
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    Entitled opinions: doxa after digitality.Caddie Alford - 2024 - Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press.
    Many of our most urgent contemporary issues-demagoguery, disinformation, white ethno-nationalism-compel us to take opinions seriously. And social media has taught us that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But what constitutes an opinion, and how do those definitions change? In "Entitled Opinions: Doxa After Digitality," Caddie Alford has fashioned an expansive and affirmative theory of opinions for the age of social media. To address these issues, "Entitled Opinions" recuperates the ancient Greek term for opinion: doxa. While doxa is often (...)
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    (1 other version)Knowledge, Opinion, Belief: The Dialectical Challenging.Ana Bazac - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:7-30.
    This paper is written in the continental tradition – facing the analytic one – and advocates the knowledge first thesis, reviewing the entailment thesis (where believing is knowing, because to know entails to believe). It starts from the ancient distinction between knowledge and opinion and develops criteria for distinguishing knowledge, opinion and belief. The demonstration necessarily arrives to the kinds of beliefs and thus, to the relationships between knowledge and these kinds. While the distinction of kinds of beliefs leads to (...)
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  28. Ragione pubblica e.Alessandro Ferrara - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 7 (1):193.
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  29. Probabilistic opinion pooling generalised. Part two: The premise-based approach.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2017 - Social Choice and Welfare 48 (4):787–814.
    How can different individuals' probability functions on a given sigma-algebra of events be aggregated into a collective probability function? Classic approaches to this problem often require 'event-wise independence': the collective probability for each event should depend only on the individuals' probabilities for that event. In practice, however, some events may be 'basic' and others 'derivative', so that it makes sense first to aggregate the probabilities for the former and then to let these constrain the probabilities for the latter. We formalize (...)
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    Appeal to Expert Opinion: Arguments From Authority.Douglas Neil Walton - 1997 - University Park, PA, USA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A new pragmatic approach, based on the latest developments in argumentation theory, analyzing appeal to expert opinion as a form of argument. Reliance on authority has always been a common recourse in argumentation, perhaps never more so than today in our highly technological society when knowledge has become so specialized—as manifested, for instance, in the frequent appearance of "expert witnesses" in courtrooms. When is an appeal to the opinion of an expert a reasonable type of argument to make, and when (...)
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    The Opinion of Mankind: Sociability and the Theory of the State from Hobbes to Smith by Paul Sagar.Danielle Charette - 2019 - Hume Studies 42 (1):248-251.
    Paul Sagar's The Opinion of Mankind serves as an excellent synthesis of the topics of sociability and sovereignty in the history of modern political thought. The main thrust of the book is to marshal David Hume's and Adam Smith's resources as first-rate philosophers on behalf of a first-rate political theory. According to Sagar, Hume's and Smith's rich accounts of human sociability, sentiment, and historical contingency provide the foundations for what Sagar calls "the state without sovereignty". By this, he means that (...)
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  32. Probabilistic Opinion Pooling Generalized. Part One: General Agendas.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2017 - Social Choice and Welfare 48 (4):747–786.
    How can different individuals' probability assignments to some events be aggregated into a collective probability assignment? Classic results on this problem assume that the set of relevant events -- the agenda -- is a sigma-algebra and is thus closed under disjunction (union) and conjunction (intersection). We drop this demanding assumption and explore probabilistic opinion pooling on general agendas. One might be interested in the probability of rain and that of an interest-rate increase, but not in the probability of rain or (...)
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    The Debate on Probable Opinions in the Scholastic Tradition.Rudolf Schüssler - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    A portrait of scholastic approaches to a qualified disagreement of opinions, focusing on the antagonism of scholastic probabilism and anti-probabilism in the early modern era.
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    Opinion, post-truth and democracy.Edoardo Greblo - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 4:179-196.
    La democrazia vive dello scambio tra opinioni in un contesto di libertà e pluralismo. Quando però nel dibattito pubblico comincia a farsi strada l’idea che le opinioni possano prescindere dai più elementari dati di realtà e possano essere supportate da “verità alternative” prive di ogni riscontro fattuale, viene meno ogni denominatore comune a tutti i discorsi sociali. Come ha sottolineato Hannah Arendt, la libertà di opinione scade a mera illusione se non viene garantita l’informazione obiettiva e i fatti non (...)
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    The Opinion of Mankind: Sociability and the Theory of the State From Hobbes to Smith.Paul Sagar - 2018 - Princeton University Press.
    How David Hume and Adam Smith forged a new way of thinking about the modern state What is the modern state? Conspicuously undertheorized in recent political theory, this question persistently animated the best minds of the Enlightenment. Recovering David Hume and Adam Smith's long-underappreciated contributions to the history of political thought, The Opinion of Mankind considers how, following Thomas Hobbes's epochal intervention in the mid-seventeenth century, subsequent thinkers grappled with explaining how the state came into being, what it fundamentally might (...)
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    La dirigenza pubblica in Italia: anello di congiunzione tra politica e amministrazione.Guido Melis - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (50).
    In Italy a specific legislation on administrative management has been belated and its rhetoric showed to be in contradiction with its practical translation. The relationship between management and politics has been characterized either by an excessive distance or by a pathological proximity or else by indifference towards the ends of the policies that the management should have interpreted. The senior civil service has thus self-excluded from the national elites and it has never really mobilized in the decisional spheres of the (...)
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  37. Della pubblica felicità.Lodovico Antonio Muratori - 1749 - Bologna,: N. Zanichelli. Edited by Bruno Brunello.
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    Designing an Opinion for its (Local) Context.Eric Hauser - 2010 - Human Studies 33 (4):395-410.
    Four opinions about what Japanese people are like are analyzed. The four opinions are formulated, in English, by two students during a group discussion in an English class at a Japanese university. The analysis shows how the opinions are designed to fit different levels of the context, in particular the unfolding local sequential context. It is also shown how they may be understood as drawing on, though not determined by, the genre of Nihonjinron (theory of Japaneseness) as a resource.
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    Opinion events and stance types: advances in LLM performance with ChatGPT and Gemini.Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk & Chaya Liebeskind - forthcoming - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics.
    The paper tests conversational Large Language Models, instructed to produce stance expression types (affective, relational, epistemic, and moral) and their contexts in Opinion (Speech) Events (Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara, Chaya Liebeskind, Anna Baczkowska, Jurate Ruzaite, Ardita Dylgjeri, Ledia Kazazi & Erika Lombart 2023. Opinion events: Types and opinion markers in English social media discourse. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19(2). 447–481). In the first part an opinion taxonomy proposed in (Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara, Chaya Liebeskind, Anna Baczkowska, Jurate Ruzaite, Ardita Dylgjeri, Ledia Kazazi & Erika (...)
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    Etica Pubblica Ε Regole Del Gioco. I Doveri Sociali in Une Societa Liberale.Francesco Forte - 1996 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 7 (1):167-176.
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    Sfera pubblica e democratizzazione.Walter Privitera - 2001 - Roma: GLF editori Laterza.
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    Public opinion and democratic culture: The French revolution.Chairperson Raymonde Monnier - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):175-180.
    (1996). Public opinion and democratic culture: The French revolution. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 175-180.
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    Independent opinions?Franz Dietrich & Kai Spiekermann - 2010 - London School of Economics and Political Science.
    Democratic decision-making is often defended on grounds of the ‘wisdom of crowds’: decisions are more likely to be correct if they are based on many independent opinions, so a typical argument in social epistemology. But what does it mean to have independent opinions? Opinions can be probabilistically dependent (threatening the ‘wisdom of crowds’) even if individuals form their opinion in causal isolation from each other. We distinguish four probabilistic notions of opinion independence. Which of them holds depends on how individuals (...)
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    Opinions on the ethics of tax evasion: A comparative study of utah and new jersey.Robert W. McGee & Sheldon R. Smith - manuscript
    The ethics of tax evasion has been discussed sporadically in the theological and philosophical literature for at least 500 years. Martin Crowe wrote a doctoral thesis that reviewed much of that literature in 1944. The debate revolved around about 15 issues. Over the centuries, three main views evolved on the topic. But the business ethics literature has paid scant attention to this issue, perhaps because of the belief that tax evasion is always unethical. This paper reports the results of an (...)
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  45. Opinion: Reproducibility failures are essential to scientific inquiry.A. David Redish, Erich Kummerfeld, Rebecca Morris & Alan Love - 2018 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (20):5042-5046.
    Current fears of a “reproducibility crisis” have led researchers, sources of scientific funding, and the public to question both the efficacy and trustworthiness of science. Suggested policy changes have been focused on statistical problems, such as p-hacking, and issues of experimental design and execution. However, “reproducibility” is a broad concept that includes a number of issues. Furthermore, reproducibility failures occur even in fields such as mathematics or computer science that do not have statistical problems or issues with experimental design. Most (...)
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    Public Opinion on Cognitive Enhancement Varies across Different Situations.Claire T. Dinh, Stacey Humphries & Anjan Chatterjee - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (4):224-237.
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  47. Which opinion should a clinical ethicist give: Personal viewpoint or professional consensus?Walter Edinger - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (1).
    When clinical ethicists are called upon to give a recommendation regarding patient care, they may be faced with a dilemma of their own. If their own personal opinion is not widely shared, the ethicist will have three options. These include: (1) giving their own opinion; (2) giving the widely shared opinion; and (3) giving both opinions, leaving the physician to select which opinion to accept. The intentions of this article are to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of these three alternatives and (...)
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    Etica pubblica, giustizia sociale, diseguaglianze.Benedetta Giovanola (ed.) - 2016 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Opinions vs. declared ethical attitudes toward professional work: A cross-national study of Polish and Norwegian youth.Barbara Ober-Domagalska & Julita Czernecka - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (8):637-660.
    The aim of this article is to present cross-cultural research on secondary school students in Poland and Norway concerning their opinions about the ethical norms that every employee should follow, and the declared attitudes of young people towards these norms. The interaction between the awareness of general ethical norms that every employee should follow and the declared attitudes toward this role are discussed. Additionally, the influence of nationality and gender on opinions and attitudes toward ethical norms is analyzed.Random-quota sampling was (...)
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  50. An Opinionated Guide to the Weight of Reasons.Barry Maguire & Errol Lord - 2016 - In Errol Lord & Barry Maguire (eds.), Weighing Reasons. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
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