Results for 'Oscar Jablon'

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  1.  22
    Human Resource Management and Innovative Performance in Non-profit Hospitals: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Culture.Julio C. Acosta-Prado, Oscar H. López-Montoya, Carlos Sanchís-Pedregosa & Rodrigo A. Zárate-Torres - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Dream engineering: Simulating worlds through sensory stimulation.Michelle Carr, Adam Haar, Judith Amores, Pedro Lopes, Guillermo Bernal, Tomás Vega, Oscar Rosello, Abhinandan Jain & Pattie Maes - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 83 (C):102955.
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    How embodied is action language? Neurological evidence from motor diseases.Juan F. Cardona, Lucila Kargieman, Vladimiro Sinay, Oscar Gershanik, Carlos Gelormini, Lucia Amoruso, María Roca, David Pineda, Natalia Trujillo, Maëva Michon, Adolfo M. García, Daniela Szenkman, Tristán Bekinschtein, Facundo Manes & Agustín Ibáñez - 2014 - Cognition 131 (2):311-322.
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    Impact of initial pattern of care on hospital costs in a cohort of incident lung cancer cases.Eva Pagano, Dario Gregori, Claudia Filippini, Daniela Di Cuonzo, Enrico Ruffini, Roberto Zanetti, Stefano Rosso, Oscar Bertetto, Franco Merletti & Giovannino Ciccone - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):269-275.
  5. Equivalencia geométrica en flujos de clase c2 en sistemas planares.Carlos Mario Escobar Callejas, Jos Rodrigo Gonz Lez Granada & Fern Ndez S. Nchez Oscar - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 16.
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    Das altere Mittelindisch im Uberblick.Stephanie W. Jamison & Oscar von Hinuber - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (2):467.
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  7. La nacionalización del derecho y la extensión universitaria.Oscar Miró Quesada de la Guerra - 1911 - Lima,: Impr. de "El Comercio,".
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    Individualism, Competitiveness, and Fear of Negative Evaluation in Pre-adolescents: Does the Teacher’s Controlling Style Matter?Carla Mariela Salazar-Ayala, Gabriel Gastélum-Cuadras, Elisa Huéscar Hernández, Oscar Núñez Enríquez, Juan Cristóbal Barrón Luján & Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The traditional teaching style in which the teacher is in control and there is a submissive attitude in students is predominant in Mexico. The development of identity in preadolescence is subjected to social groups, which could develop interpersonal difficulties through the controlling teaching style. Although the fear of negative evaluation in students and competitive sport has been studied in education, relatively little research has been done in the area of physical education in relation to the controlling style. The purpose of (...)
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    Porteñas buenas mozas: Corazón Y belleza en la construcción de la mujer en la narrativa de Salvador Reyes.Alexis Candia-Cáceres, Oscar Rosales Neira & Patricio Landaeta - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 43:157-173.
    Este artículo propone un estudio de la mujer en los textos que conforman la narrativa porteña de Salvador Reyes: El café del puerto, Piel nocturna, Mónica Sanders y Valparaíso, puerto de nostalgia. Para esto se plantea analizar la construcción del sujeto femenino a partir de la noción de “corazón y belleza” propuesta por Rimbaud, la que, contra la mirada falogocéntrica del Chile de la primera parte del siglo XX, termina generando líneas de fuga que abren posibilidades de transgresión y ruptura (...)
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    A Descriptive Analysis of the Interactions During Clinical Supervision.Mónica Novoa-Gómez, Oscar Córdoba-Salgado, Natalia Rojas, Luis Sosa, David Cifuentes & Sara Robayo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    School segregation in public and semiprivate primary schools in andalusia.Claudia Prieto-Latorre, Oscar D. Marcenaro-Gutierrez & Anna Vignoles - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (2):175-196.
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    (1 other version)El lugar del individuo en la era post-postmoderna. Sociedad, educación y ciudadanía tras la postmodernidad.Marc Pallarès Piquer & Óscar Chiva Bartoll - 2018 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 74 (282):835-852.
    La globalización y la era digital plantean un giro que trasciende a las realidades económica, científica, filosófica y educativa, llegando a afectar a la totalidad de la vida cotidiana. Este artículo examina en qué medida los factores históricos, culturales y sociales configuran al individuo de esta nueva era. En él se delibera sobre los condicionantes que permiten adscribirse a una era, así como aquellas circunstancias que determinan y justifican el paso de una era a la siguiente. Finalmente puede decirse que, (...)
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    El misterio latinoamericano.Ricardo Yocelevzky Retamal & Óscar Cuellar Saavedra - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    América Latina es un concepto, una construcción intelectual que intenta dar cuenta de un grupo de estados nacionales, variable en su composición pero con un núcleo estable, las ex colonias españolas y portuguesas del continente americano. Hoy no hay en América Latina un programa de desarrollo nacional alternativo a la integración al mundo capitalista global. Las experiencias nacionales que la izquierda dirige no constituyen una imagen como la que representó Cuba en los años sesenta, ni desde el punto de vista (...)
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    A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Service-Learning on Physical Education Teacher Education Students.María Maravé-Vivas, Jesús Gil-Gómez, Teresa Valverde-Esteve, Celina Salvador-Garcia & Oscar Chiva-Bartoll - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research examining Service-Learning in Physical Education Teacher Education is ample. However, long-term investigations are still scarce and literature demands the application of this type of design to uncover the effects of SL on the long run. This study followed a longitudinal quantitative approach; thus, the participants completed the Civic Attitudes and Skills Questionnaire in three occasions. Results show that there exist significant differences between mean values of the global outcomes of the CASQ; concretely, there was an improvement in the first (...)
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  15. Ambassador Ramon del Rosario, Sr.: A Lifetime Legacy.Ramon R. del Rosario Jr, Oscar J. Hilado & Jocelyn Perez - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):125-130.
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  16. El problema de la libertad y la ciencia.Oscar Miró Quesada de la Guerra - 1945 - Lima, Perú,: Librería e imprenta D. Miranda. Edited by Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias.
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  17.  23
    Gamificación: Un recurso para la motivación y la fidelización en los museos.Miguel Ángel Novillo López, Óscar Costa Román, Amelia Barrientos Fernández, Francisco Javier Pericacho Gómez, Amaya Arigita García & Roberto Sánchez Cabrero - 2018 - Clío: History and History Teaching 44:170-181.
    La gamificación o ludificación, entendida como la aplicación de la filosofía del juego en contextos no lúdicos, está experimentando en los últimos años un desarrollo espectacular en áreas de diversa naturaleza. Si bien está más que comúnmente aceptado que las funciones principales de los museos consisten en preservar y dar a conocer sus colecciones, resulta fundamental que logren conectar de manera satisfactoria con los usuarios empleando para ello medios y estrategias innovadoras y accesibles. En las siguientes páginas ponemos de manifiesto (...)
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    Commercial Speech and Unhealthy Food Products: Conceptual Foundations.Andrés Constantin, Martín Hevia & Oscar A. Cabrera - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):216-220.
    This article provides a critical and philosophical assessment of arguments invoked for and against the constitutional protection of commercial expression and the regulation of commercial speech with a focus on the commercialization of unhealthy food products.
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    Simulation of enamel wear for reconstruction of diet and feeding behavior in fossil animals: A micromechanics approach.Paul J. Constantino, Oscar Borrero-Lopez, Antonia Pajares & Brian R. Lawn - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (1):89-99.
    The deformation and wear events that underlie microwear and macrowear signals commonly used for dietary reconstruction in fossil animals can be replicated and quantified by controlled laboratory tests on extracted tooth specimens in conjunction with fundamental micromechanics analysis. Key variables governing wear relations include angularity, stiffness (modulus), and size of the contacting particle, along with material properties of enamel. Both axial and sliding contacts can result in the removal of tooth enamel. The degree of removal, characterized by a “wear coefficient,” (...)
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  20.  33
    Ewald, Oscar. Kants kritischer Idealismus als Grundlage von Erkenntnistheorie und Ethik.Oscar Ewald - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
  21.  12
    Oscar Masotta: la teoría como acción = Theory as action.Oscar Masotta - 2017 - Ciudad de México: RM Editorial. Edited by Clara Bolívar Moguel.
    Oscar Masotta (Buenos Aires, 1930- Barcelona, 1979) is all but forgotten now, except perhapsin the field of Lacanian studies. This is because in the 1970s,Masotta would challenge the master psychoanalyst on hisown turf, creating his own post-Lacanian school of psychoanalysisin Barcelona. But in 1965, aged just 27, Masottataught at the University of Buenos Aires, lectured at theDi Tella, and edited a book series on communication andmedia. A product of the newly open post-Perón era." Page 91.. This is the first (...)
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    The Pitfalls of Genomic Data Diversity.Anna Jabloner & Alexis Walker - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (5):10-13.
    Biomedical research recruitment today focuses on including participants representative of global genetic variation—rightfully so. But ethnographic attention to practices of inclusion highlights how this agenda often transforms into “predatory inclusion,” simplistic pushes to get Black and brown people into genomic databases. As anthropologists of medicine, we argue that the question of how to get from diverse data to concrete benefit for people who are marginalized cannot be presumed to work itself out as a byproduct of diverse datasets. To actualize the (...)
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  23.  12
    An Effective STS Instructional Model for Urban At-Risk Students: Projects, Peers, Personalization, Politics, and Potpourri.Paul Jablon - 1993 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13 (3):128-134.
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  24.  11
    A generalised propositional calculus.Peter Jablon - 1975 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 16 (2):295-297.
  25.  15
    Ryle.Oscar P. Wood & George Pitcher (eds.) - 1970 - London,: Macmillan.
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    Four Epistemological Gaps in Alloanimal Episodic Memory Studies.Oscar S. Miyamoto Gómez - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-19.
    Experimental studies show that some corvids, apes, and rodents possess a common long-term memory system that allows them to take goal-directed actions on the basis of absent spatiotemporal contexts. In other words, evidence supports the hypothesis that Episodic Memory —far from being uniquely human— has evolved as a cross-species meaning making system. However, within this zoosemiotic breakthrough, neurocognitive studies now struggle characterizing the relations between teleological factors and phenomenological factors that would account for the episodic behavior displayed by these living (...)
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    Salome.Oscar Wilde & R. A. Walker - 1961 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (4):489-489.
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    The limits of juristic power from the perspective of the Polish sociological tradition.Paweł Jabłoński - 2019 - Berlin: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften. Edited by Przemysław Kaczmarek & Stephen Dersley.
    The realization of the law, according to the Petrażyckian tradition -- Three conceptions of individual agency in the world of institutions -- Conclusion.
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    Wstęp do nauk prawnych.Jolanta Jabłońska-Bonca - 1992 - Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański.
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  30. Wie Zeitgemäss ist die Reine Rechtslehre?C. Jabloner - 1998 - Rechtstheorie 29 (1):1-21.
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    Balancing Benefits and Risks of Immortal Data.Oscar A. Zarate, Julia Green Brody, Phil Brown, Monica D. Ramirez-Andreotta, Laura Perovich & Jacob Matz - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 46 (1):36-45.
    An individual's health, genetic, or environmental-exposure data, placed in an online repository, creates a valuable shared resource that can accelerate biomedical research and even open opportunities for crowd-sourcing discoveries by members of the public. But these data become “immortalized” in ways that may create lasting risk as well as benefit. Once shared on the Internet, the data are difficult or impossible to redact, and identities may be revealed by a process called data linkage, in which online data sets are matched (...)
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  32. Debunking the Idyllic View of Natural Processes: Population Dynamics and Suffering in the Wild.Oscar Horta - 2010 - Telos: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 17 (1):73-90.
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    How does one apply statistical analysis to our understanding of the development of human relationships.Oscar Kempthorne - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):138-139.
  34.  13
    Ryle a Collection of Critical Essays.Oscar Patrick Wood & George Pitcher (eds.) - 1970 - Garden City, NY, USA: Anchor Books, Doubleday.
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  35. Political Economy.Oscar Lange - 1964 - Science and Society 28 (4):448-453.
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    The Paradox of Sustainable Degrowth and a Convivial Alternative.Oscar Krüger - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (2):233-251.
    Insofar as development implies economic growth, the term ‘sustainable development’ appears to some as a contradiction in terms. However, such conclusions still lack a thorough examination of the conceptual structure of the two terms between which there is a purported contradiction. In order to address this issue, the present paper scrutinises some of the assumptions which underwrite the ideologies of sustainability and of development. It is argued that there are key assumptions which both ideas have in common, and that sustainable (...)
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    A walk through the history of Spanish thought influenced by Uexküll.Oscar Castro - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (241):61-86.
    Jakob Johannes von Uexküll’s biological thought influenced a new path to approach the view of a living being throughout of the twentieth century. At the beginning of the past century, in Spain a “new vertebrate way of thinking” was generated, as Ortega would say. And the work of Uexküll initiated an interest in the circles of thinkers of the likes of Julio Caro Baroja, José Ortega y Gasset, and Xavier Zubiri among others. My aim is describing how Uexküll plays a (...)
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  38. Der Rechtsbegriff bei Hans Kelsen.Clemens Jabloner - forthcoming - Rechtstheorie.
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    Deleuze hermético: filosofía y prueba espiritual.Óscar Emerson Zuñiga Mosquera - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24.
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    Advancing Post-Structural Institutionalism: Discourses, Subjects, Power Asymmetries, and Institutional Change.Oscar Larsson - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (3):325-346.
    Colin Hay’s and Vivien Schmidt’s responses to my previous critical engagement with their respective versions of neo-institutionalism raise the issue of how scholars may account for the ideational power of political processes and how ideas may generate both stability and change. Even though Hay, Schmidt, and I share a common philosophical ground in many respects, we nevertheless diverge in our views about how to account for ideational power and for actors’ ability to navigate a social reality that is saturated with (...)
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    The Dissolution of Mind: A Fable of how Experience Gives Rise to Cognition.Oscar Vilarroya (ed.) - 2002 - Rodopi.
    This book presents an original thesis about the notion of sensory experience and of the mind’s architecture, which is grounded in current trends in cognitive science and philosophy of mind. Presented in the form of a dialogue, the book explores some of the psychological and philosophical consequences that the author derives from his proposal. "Provocative and imaginative, the first volume in the VIBS' Special Series in Cognitive Science is a critique of the traditional theoretical apparatus of the discipline. In The (...)
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    Logik und Pragmatik der ästhetischen Kommunikation: Bemerkungen zum zweiten Moment des Geschmacksurteils.Oscar Meo - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 141-152.
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  43. Can Hinge Epistemology Close the Door on Epistemic Relativism?Oscar A. Piedrahita - 2021 - Synthese (1-2):1-27.
    I argue that a standard formulation of hinge epistemology is host to epistemic relativism and show that two leading hinge approaches (Coliva’s acceptance account and Pritchard’s nondoxastic account) are vulnerable to a form of incommensurability that leads to relativism. Building on both accounts, I introduce a new, minimally epistemic conception of hinges that avoids epistemic relativism and rationally resolves hinge disagreements. According to my proposed account, putative cases of epistemic incommensurability are rationally resolvable: hinges are propositions that are the objects (...)
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    Budowanie społeczeństwa wiedzy: zarys teorii społecznej Karla R. Poppera.Arkadiusz Jabłoński - 2006 - Lublin: Wydawn. KUL.
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    Le droit juridictionnel dans la comparaison constitutionnelle.Clemens Jabloner & Otto Pfersmann - 2017 - Cités 69 (1):73.
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    "I" and time: a study in memory.Oscar Oppenheimer - 1947 - Psychological Review 54 (4):222-228.
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    Genre et style dans quelques discussions à propos de l'identité culturelle : Amérique latine: Cultures et communications.Oscar Steimberg & Muriel Valenta - 2000 - Hermes 28:175.
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    PORTER, M.: Foucault, el marxismo y la historia.Óscar Sánchez Vadillo - 1997 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 31:235.
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  49. The Ethics of the Ecology of Fear against the Nonspeciesist Paradigm: A Shift in the Aims of Intervention in Nature.Oscar Horta - 2010 - Between the Species 13 (10):163-187.
    Humans often intervene in the wild for anthropocentric or environmental reasons. An example of such interventions is the reintroduction of wolves in places where they no longer live in order to create what has been called an “ecology of fear”, which is being currently discussed in places such as Scotland. In the first part of this paper I discuss the reasons for this measure and argue that they are not compatible with a nonspeciesist approach. Then, I claim that if we (...)
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  50. Defining speciesism.Oscar Horta & Frauke Albersmeier - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (11):1-9.
    The term “speciesism” has played a key role in debates about the moral consideration of nonhuman animals, yet little work has been dedicated to clarifying its meaning. Consequently, the concept remains poorly understood and is often employed in ways that might display a speciesist bias themselves. To address this problem, this article develops a definition of speciesism in terms of discrimination and argues in favor of its advantages over alternative accounts. After discussing the key desiderata for a definition of discrimination (...)
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