Results for 'P. Balasz'

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  1. Clandestine philosophy, public opinion and censorship in the modern period-Report on the August 2-28, 1999 summer course at the Herzog-August-Bibliothek in Wolfenbuttel. [REVIEW]P. Balasz - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 55 (2):289-293.
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    The Four Phases of Philosophy.Balász M. Mezei (ed.) - 1998 - BRILL.
    Brentano's Four Phases of Philosophy, first published in 1895 and here translated into English for the first time, presents a dramatic account of the history of philosophy in terms of a succession of cycles of renewal and decline. Phases of renewal are associated with the rediscovery of science, of empiricism, of rigour and clarity. Phases of decline are associated with competing schools and sects, with mysticism and obfuscation, and with relativisms and idealisms of various sorts. Each final phase of decline, (...)
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    Filosofia clandestina, opinione pubblica e censura nell'età moderna.Peter Balasz - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    El Impacto de la Revolución Rusa En Europa: Karl Kautsky y Antonio Gramsci.Manuel Quiroga & Adam Balasz Fabry - 2018 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 20:47-73.
    La Revolución Rusa tuvo un inmediato impacto mundial, tanto por el ejemplo que supuso para procesos revolucionarios o de intensa movilización social desatados en el período subsiguiente en varios países de Europa (Finlandia, Alemania, Austria, Hungría, Italia, etc.) como por los grandes debates que suscitó en el socialismo internacional, ya que fue una de las principales causas del “gran cisma” (en palabras del historiador Carl Schorske) dentro de la II Internacional Socialista entre las organizaciones e individuos que se volcarían hacia (...)
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  5. Dual processes in reasoning?P. C. Wason & J. S. T. B.. T. Evans - 1974 - Cognition 3 (2):141-154.
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    Normality: a critical genealogy.P. M. Cryle - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Elizabeth Stephens.
    The concept of normal is so familiar that it can be hard to imagine contemporary life without it. Yet the term entered everyday speech only in the mid-twentieth century. Before that, it was solely a scientific term used primarily in medicine to refer to a general state of health and the orderly function of organs. But beginning in the middle of the twentieth century, normal broke out of scientific usage, becoming less precise and coming to mean a balanced condition to (...)
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  7. An antirealist explanation of the success of science.P. Kyle Stanford - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (2):266-284.
    I develop an account of predictive similarity that allows even Antirealists who accept a correspondence conception of truth to answer the Realist demand (recently given sophisticated reformulations by Musgrave and Leplin) to explain the success of particular scientific theories by appeal to some intrinsic feature of those theories (notwithstanding the failure of past efforts by van Fraassen, Fine, and Laudan). I conclude by arguing that we have no reason to find truth a better (i.e., more plausible) explanation of a theory's (...)
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  8. No refuge for realism: Selective confirmation and the history of science.P. Kyle Stanford - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):913-925.
    Realists have responded to challenges from the historical record of successful but ultimately rejected theories with what I call the selective confirmation strategy: arguing that only idle parts of past theories have been rejected, while truly success‐generating features have been confirmed by further inquiry. I argue first, that this strategy is unconvincing without some prospectively applicable criterion of idleness for theoretical posits, and second, that existing efforts to provide one either convict all theoretical posits of idleness (Kitcher) or stand refuted (...)
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  9. Group rights and group oppression.P. Jones - 1999 - Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (4):353–377.
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    Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache.S. P. & Friedrich Kluge - 1882 - American Journal of Philology 3 (12):476.
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    >>Geometry and Nature<<: Leibniz and Johann Bernoulli's Theory of Motion.P. M. Heimann - 1977 - Centaurus 21 (1):1-26.
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  12. Cause , Reason , and Objectivity in Hume's Aesthetics.P. Jones - 1976 - In Livingston & King, Hume.
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    The use of vignettes within a Delphi exercise: a useful approach in empirical ethics?P. Wainwright, A. Gallagher, H. Tompsett & C. Atkins - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):656-660.
    There has been an increase in recent years in the use of empirical methods in healthcare ethics. Appeals to empirical data cannot answer moral questions, but insights into the knowledge, attitudes, experience, preferences and practice of interested parties can play an important part in the development of healthcare ethics. In particular, while we may establish a general ethical principle to provide explanatory and normative guidance for healthcare professionals, the interpretation and application of such general principles to actual practice still requires (...)
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    Understanding general practitioners' conflicts of interests and the paramountcy principle in safeguarding children.P. Wainwright & A. Gallagher - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5):302-305.
    As family physicians, general practitioners play a key role in safeguarding children. Should they suspect child abuse or neglect they may experience a conflict between responding to the needs and interests of the child and those of an adult patient. English law insists on the paramountcy of the interests of the child, but in family practice many other interests may be at stake. The authors argue that uncritical adoption of the paramountcy principle is too simplistic and can lead, paradoxically, to (...)
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  15. Das Organ der Seele. Immanuel Kant Y Samuel Thomas Sömmerring sobre el problema mente-‐cerebro.P. J. Teruel - 2008 - Studi Kantiani 21:59-76.
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  16. Logical norms and evolution.P. Engel - 1997 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 51 (200):201-219.
  17. Francis Galton’s theory of inheritance and the problem of unconceived alternatives.P. Kyle Stanford - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (4):523-536.
    Elsewhere I have argued that the most significant threat to scientific realism arises from what I call the problem of unconceived alternatives: the repeated failure of past scientists and scientific communities to even conceive of alternatives to extant scientific theories, even when such alternatives were both (1) well-confirmed by the evidence available at the time and (2) sufficiently scientifically serious as to be actually embraced in the course of further investigation. In this paper I explore Francis Galton’s development and defense (...)
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  18. Orden Contra Caos En Fr. Luis De León.P. Garcia - 1968 - Revista Agustiniana 9:201-220.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, J. De Fraine, T.-M. Tison, J.-M. Tison, W. Beuken, R. D'hondt, A. Van Kol, P. Fransen, P. Grootens, J. Mulders, J. Kerkhofs, F. Bossuyt, M. Dierickx, J. Vercruysse, C. Verhaak, L. Vander Kerken, H. Geurtsen, L. Van Bladel, H. Van der Lee, M. De Tollenaere, H. Meddens, Frans Vandenbussche, G. Schreiner, E. De Strycker, P. Van Doornik, F. Cuvelier, Em Janssen & E. Janssen - 1963 - Bijdragen 24 (4):432-464.
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    Türkçe Ders Kitaplarındaki Öykülerin Çoc.Pınar Çakir - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):453-462.
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    Personal Faith.P. K. Bastable - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:344-347.
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    The Roots of Experience and Its Interpretation by Science, History and Religion.P. K. Bastable - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:347-348.
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    Nuut gedink oor leierskap in gemeentes - die begeleiding van 'n Christelike geloofsgemeenskap.P. Beukes - 1997 - HTS Theological Studies 53 (4).
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    Parmenides, DK 28 B5.P. J. Bicknell - 1979 - Apeiron 13 (1):9.
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    (1 other version)Christologie: Die historiese Jesus en die kerugmatiese Christus by Walter Schmithals.P. B. Boshoff - 1993 - HTS Theological Studies 49 (4).
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    Die barmhartige Samaritaan: 'n Preekskets van Lukas 10:25—37.P. B. Boshoff - 1985 - HTS Theological Studies 41 (3).
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    Die kerk van die Woord.P. B. Boshoff - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (3).
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  28. Etude critique. Portraits de Paul.P. -Y. Brandt - 1997 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 129 (2):161-172.
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  29. La tradition manuscrite du Ilepi rijs Ɵetas àyámns.P. Canivet & P. Malvaux - 1964 - Byzantion 34:385-413.
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  30. Karl Barth, théoricien de la prédication.P. Cardon - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86 (3):367-380.
    La « théorie » de la prédication de Barth comme « théologie de la Parole de Dieu » a été remise en question au début des années 60 alors qu’elle était constituée depuis les années 20. Qu’en est-il exactement de cette conception trop peu connue dans son exactitude, en France notamment ? Soucieux de pratique, Barth conçoit d’abord la prédication comme une Theologia viatorum et semble affirmer le caractère divin de la parole de la prédication. Or, la difficulté, voire l’échec, (...)
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  31. Kings, tyrants, popes and the people in the works of Buchanan, George.P. Carrive - 1995 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 50 (3):471-498.
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    Explanatory coherence as a psychological theory.P. C.-H. Cheng & M. Keane - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):469-470.
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    The fixational pause of the eyes.P. W. Cobb & F. K. Moss - 1926 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 9 (5):359.
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  34. The logical structure of self-consciousness.P. G. Cobben - 2003 - In Alfred Denker & Michael G. Vater, Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit: new critical essays. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 193--212.
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    The Relation between Field Brightness and the Speed of Retinal Impression.P. W. Cobb - 1923 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 6 (2):138.
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  36. Essay by Phil Cochran.P. Cochran - 1994 - Business and Society 33:95-98.
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    XV. Die Sprengung des pythagoreischen Bundes.P. Corssen - 1912 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 71 (1-4):332-352.
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  38. The conceits of law and the transmission of the indecent, obscene, and ugly.P. Cox - 1997 - Journal of Information Ethics 6 (2):23-34.
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    Hommage à Jan EKECRANTZ.P. Dahlgren & K. Feigelson - 2008 - Hermes 51:211-212.
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  40. Time-dependent quantum weak values: Decay law for post-selected states.P. C. W. Davies - unknown
    Weak measurements offer new insights into the behavior of quantum systems. Combined with post-selection, quantum mechanics predicts a range of new experimentally testable phenomena. In this paper I consider weak measurements performed on time-dependent pre- and post-selected ensembles, with emphasis on the decay of excited states. The results show that the standard exponential decay law is a limiting case of a more general law that depends on both the time of post-selection and the choice of final state. The generalized law (...)
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  41. (1 other version)The Origin and Development of Religion in Vedic Literature.P. S. Deshmukh - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (40):496-497.
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  42. Sophie Jama, La Nuit de songes de Rene Descartes.P. Ducat - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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  43. Wigner. Remarks on the mind-body question.P. Eugene - unknown
  44. Being and Nothingness.P. Finci - 1997 - Synthesis Philosophica 12:283-294.
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    John Anthony Crook 1921-2007.P. D. A. Garnsey - 2009 - In Garnsey P. D. A., Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 161, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, VIII. pp. 111.
    John Anthony Crook, a Fellow of the British Academy, was a distinguished ancient historian with a special interest in Roman history and law. Among historians, his knowledge and understanding of Roman law was unequalled. Crook's academic career was spent for the most part in the University of Cambridge, and at St John's College. He entered the college as an undergraduate in 1939, and served as a Fellow from 1951 until his death on September 7, 2007. Within the Faculty of Classics (...)
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    Classification of materials with divergent magnetic Grüneisen parameter.P. Gegenwart - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (36):3415-3427.
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    Ansatzpunkte für eine Theologie des Neuen Testaments bei Oscar Cullmann und Leonhard Goppelt.P. J. Gräbe - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (1/2).
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    Only I can have.P. M. S. Hacker - 1990 - In Wittgenstein, meaning and mind. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 25–40.
    The physical world consists of relatively enduring objects that exist in an objective spatiotemporal framework, that consist of matter of one kind or another, and that interact with each other in physical processes and events. In the course of his reflections on the idea of a private language, and more generally in his ruminations on psychology and the philosophy of psychology, Wittgenstein subjected the traditional philosophical picture to critical scrutiny. In every respect he found it a distortion of grammar in (...)
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    The Practicalities of Menu Use: Improvisation in Screen-Based Activity.P. Luff & C. Heath - 1993 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 3 (2-4):251-296.
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    Analyse des prélèvements biologiques médico-légaux : quel cadre juridique à l’ère de la qualité?P. Henry, F. Paysant, H. Fricker-Hidalgo, O. Cognet, H. Pelloux & V. Scolan - 2021 - Médecine et Droit 2021 (170):98-101.
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