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Peter Dabrock [45]P. Dabrock [1]Prof Dr Peter Dabrock [1]
  1.  96
    Primer on an ethics of AI-based decision support systems in the clinic.Matthias Braun, Patrik Hummel, Susanne Beck & Peter Dabrock - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):3-3.
    Making good decisions in extremely complex and difficult processes and situations has always been both a key task as well as a challenge in the clinic and has led to a large amount of clinical, legal and ethical routines, protocols and reflections in order to guarantee fair, participatory and up-to-date pathways for clinical decision-making. Nevertheless, the complexity of processes and physical phenomena, time as well as economic constraints and not least further endeavours as well as achievements in medicine and healthcare (...)
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    Own Data? Ethical Reflections on Data Ownership.Patrik Hummel, Matthias Braun & Peter Dabrock - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (3):545-572.
    In discourses on digitization and the data economy, it is often claimed that data subjects shall beownersof their data. In this paper, we provide a problem diagnosis for such calls fordata ownership: a large variety of demands are discussed under this heading. It thus becomes challenging to specify what—if anything—unites them. We identify four conceptual dimensions of calls for data ownership and argue that these help to systematize and to compare different positions. In view of this pluralism of data ownership (...)
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    Data sovereignty: A review.Peter Dabrock, Max Tretter, Matthias Braun & Patrik Hummel - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    New data-driven technologies yield benefits and potentials, but also confront different agents and stakeholders with challenges in retaining control over their data. Our goal in this study is to arrive at a clear picture of what is meant by data sovereignty in such problem settings. To this end, we review 341 publications and analyze the frequency of different notions such as data sovereignty, digital sovereignty, and cyber sovereignty. We go on to map agents they concern, in which context they appear, (...)
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    Drawing Distinctions Responsibly and Concretely: A European Protestant Perspective on Foundational Theological Bioethics.P. Dabrock - 2010 - Christian Bioethics 16 (2):128-157.
    Next SectionPublic discourse in continental Europe gives a uniquely prominent place to human dignity. The European Christianities have always taken this notion to be an outgrowth of their theological commitments. This sense of a conceptual continuity between Christianity and secular morality contributes to the way in which these Christianities, especially (but not exclusively) in Germany, have perceived their public role. In an exemplary manner, this essay engages the secularized societal environment. In meeting the secular discourse on its own home ground, (...)
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    Artificial Intelligence in medicine: reshaping the face of medical practice.Max Tretter, David Samhammer & Peter Dabrock - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (1):7-29.
    Background The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to provide relief in the challenging and often stressful clinical setting for physicians. So far, however, the actual changes in work for physicians remain a prediction for the future, including new demands on the social level of medical practice. Thus, the question of how the requirements for physicians will change due to the implementation of AI is addressed. Methods The question is approached through conceptual considerations based on the potentials that (...)
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  6.  18
    The Ethics of Medical Data Donation.Peter Dabrock, Matthias Braun & Patrik Hummel (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book presents an ethical approach to utilizing personal medical data. It features essays that combine academic argument with practical application of ethical principles. The contributors are experts in ethics and law. They address the challenges in the re-use of medical data of the deceased on a voluntary basis. This pioneering study looks at the many factors involved when individuals and organizations wish to share information for research, policy-making, and humanitarian purposes. Today, it is easy to donate blood (...)
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    Wie sollten Ärzte mit Patientenverfügungen umgehen? Ein Vorschlag aus interdisziplinärer Sicht.Dieter Birnbacher, Peter Dabrock, Jochen Taupitz & Jochen Vollmann - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (2):139-147.
  8.  39
    Wie sollten Ärzte mit Patientenverfügungen umgehen? Ein Vorschlag aus interdisziplinärer Sicht.Prof Dr Phil Dieter Birnbacher, Peter Dabrock, Jochen Taupitz & Jochen Vollmann - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (2):139-147.
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  9. Data Donations as Exercises of Sovereignty.Peter Dabrock, Matthias Braun & Patrik Hummel - 2019 - In Peter Dabrock, Matthias Braun & Patrik Hummel (eds.), The Ethics of Medical Data Donation. Springer Verlag.
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  10.  21
    Ethik kompakt. Helmut Thielicke.Peter Dabrock - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 63 (2):154-158.
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  11.  20
    Risikoadaptierte Prävention: Governance Perspective Für Leistungsansprüche Bei Genetischen (Brustkrebs-)Risiken.Friedhelm Meier, Anke Harney, Kerstin Rhiem, Anja Neumann, Silke Neusser, Matthias Braun, Jürgen Wasem, Rita Schmutzler, Stefan Huster & Peter Dabrock - 2018 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Die vorliegende Studie empfiehlt, Leistungsansprüche für Personen mit interventionsfordernden Risiken anhand einer neuen Rechtskategorie, der ‚risikoadaptieren Prävention‘, abzubilden. Spätestens seit dem bioinformatischen Innovationsschub kann eine risikoadaptierte Anwendung von prophylaktischen Maßnahmen umfassend gewährleistet werden. Jedoch können die gegebenen Rechtskategorien das medizinische Anwendungsfeld nicht adäquat steuern. Die Autoren Friedhelm Meier, Anke Harney, Kerstin Rhiem, Anja Neumann, Silke Neusser, Matthias Braun, Jürgen Wasem, Rita Schmutzler, Stefan Huster und Peter Dabrock haben zusammen im BMBF geförderten Projekt SYSKON. Re-Konfiguration von Gesundheit und Krankheit. Ethische, psychosoziale, (...)
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  12.  26
    Between Moral Hazard and Legal Uncertainty: Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges of Human Genome Editing.Matthias Braun, Hannah Schickl & Peter Dabrock (eds.) - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Genome Editing Techniques are seen to be at the frontier of current research in the field of emerging biotechnologies. The latest revolutionary development, the so-called CRISPR technology, represents a paradigmatic example of the ambiguity of such techniques and has resulted in an international interdisciplinary debate on whether or not it is necessary to ban the application of this technique by means of a moratorium on its use for human germline modifications, particularly in human embryos in the reproduction process. However, given (...)
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  13.  32
    Perspectives of patients and clinicians on big data and AI in health: a comparative empirical investigation.Patrik Hummel, Matthias Braun, Serena Bischoff, David Samhammer, Katharina Seitz, Peter A. Fasching & Peter Dabrock - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2973-2987.
    Background Big data and AI applications now play a major role in many health contexts. Much research has already been conducted on ethical and social challenges associated with these technologies. Likewise, there are already some studies that investigate empirically which values and attitudes play a role in connection with their design and implementation. What is still in its infancy, however, is the comparative investigation of the perspectives of different stakeholders. Methods To explore this issue in a multi-faceted manner, we conducted (...)
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  14.  13
    Between Moral Hazard and Legal Uncertainty.Matthias Braun, Hannah Schickl & Peter Dabrock - 2018 - In Matthias Braun, Hannah Schickl & Peter Dabrock (eds.), Between Moral Hazard and Legal Uncertainty: Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges of Human Genome Editing. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 1-14.
    Genome editing techniques are seen to be at the frontier of current research in the field of emerging biotechnologies. However, such biotechnological research is tensioned at the interface of science, technology and society. On the one hand, this means that it offers a tremendous potential to provide new concepts, methods and – in the long run – novel applications for urgent challenges and needs within society.
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    Ways Out of the Patenting Prohibition? Human Parthenogenetic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.Hannah Schickl, Matthias Braun & Peter Dabrock - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (5):409-417.
    According to the judgement of the European Court of Justice in 2014, human parthenogenetic stem cells are excluded from the patenting prohibition of procedures based on hESC by the European Biopatent Directive, because human parthenotes are not human embryos. This article is based on the thesis that in light of the technological advances in the field of stem cell research, the attribution of the term ‘human embryo’ to certain entities on a descriptive level as well as the attribution of a (...)
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    (1 other version)Einleitung.Peter Dabrock - 2015 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 59 (3):161-162.
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    Erlangen Selbstbestimmungsalternativen zwischen ethischer Bewertung und rechtlicher Normierung Ein Beitrag (nicht nur) zur Sterbehilfe-Diskussion.Peter Dabrock - 2015 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 59 (2):123-132.
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    Mehr ›Wir‹ wagen?Peter Dabrock - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 68 (3):163-169.
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    Palliative care and new technologies. The use of smart sensor technologies and its impact on the Total Care principle.Tabea Ott, Maria Heckel, Natalie Öhl, Tobias Steigleder, Nils C. Albrecht, Christoph Ostgathe & Peter Dabrock - 2023 - BMC Palliative Care 22 (50).
    Background Palliative care is an integral part of health care, which in term has become increasingly technologized in recent decades. Lately, innovative smart sensors combined with artificial intelligence promise better diagnosis and treatment. But to date, it is unclear: how are palliative care concepts and their underlying assumptions about humans challenged by smart sensor technologies (SST) and how can care benefit from SST? -/- Aims The paper aims to identify changes and challenges in palliative care due to the use of (...)
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  20.  14
    Vulnerable Integrity.Tabea Ott & Peter Dabrock - 2023 - De Ethica 7 (3):47-60.
    This paper presents a social-theologically informed interpretation of the term integrity, as it occurs in fundamental law. It explores the manifestations of integrity violations and proceeds to draw an inference: an integrity violation can directly emanate from a misconception regarding integrity itself, as well as the implementation of protective measures that follow it. Integrity in its wholeness dimension is understood as open-endedness and non-seclusion rather than as a substantial, clearly definable characteristic of a person. This open-endedness and non-seclusion results from (...)
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  21.  43
    Privacy revisited? Old ideals, new realities, and their impact on biobank regimes.Arndt Bialobrzeski, Jens Ried & Peter Dabrock - 2011 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (1):9-24.
    Biobanks, collecting human specimen, medical records, and lifestyle-related data, face the challenge of having contradictory missions: on the one hand serving the collective welfare through easy access for medical research, on the other hand adhering to restrictive privacy expectations of people in order to maintain their willingness to participate in such research. In this article, ethical frameworks stressing the societal value of low-privacy expectations in order to secure biomedical research are discussed. It will turn out that neither utilitarian nor communitarian (...)
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  22.  37
    Riding New Waves. Sozialethische Metabeobachtungen zur Individualisierten Medizin.Matthias Braun, Dr Jens Ried & Prof Dr Peter Dabrock - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (3):251-258.
    Neben grundsätzlichen konzeptionellen Fragen der sog. Individualisierten Medizin (IM), prägen ethische Bedenken und Fragen die aktuellen Debatten um die IM. Allerdings ist bislang noch nicht geklärt, in welchem methodischen Rahmen diese Fragen verortet werden können. Für die Entwicklung eines solchen Rahmens wird das Modell der First- und Second-Wave-Bioethics diskutiert und an zwei konkreten Herausforderungen – 1) dem Verhältnis der IM zur evidenz-basierten Medizin und 2) am Konzept der genetischen Risikoperson – aufgezeigt. Eine solche Kontextualisierung der IM-Debatte legt den Grundstein für (...)
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    Riding new waves. Socioethical meta observations in individualized medicine.Matthias Braun, Jens Ried & Peter Dabrock - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (3):251-258.
    ZusammenfassungNeben grundsätzlichen konzeptionellen Fragen der sog. Individualisierten Medizin, prägen ethische Bedenken und Fragen die aktuellen Debatten um die IM. Allerdings ist bislang noch nicht geklärt, in welchem methodischen Rahmen diese Fragen verortet werden können. Für die Entwicklung eines solchen Rahmens wird das Modell der First- und Second-Wave-Bioethics diskutiert und an zwei konkreten Herausforderungen – 1) dem Verhältnis der IM zur evidenz-basierten Medizin und 2) am Konzept der genetischen Risikoperson – aufgezeigt. Eine solche Kontextualisierung der IM-Debatte legt den Grundstein für eine (...)
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    Anerkennung und Umverteilung.Peter Dabrock - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 63 (2):83-88.
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  25. Bleibt alles anders!" : sozialethischer Essay eines Theologen zum Verhaltnis des Menschen zur Technik in der Zeit nach der sogenannten "vierten Revolution".Peter Dabrock - 2017 - In Hans Günter Ulrich, Gerard Cornelis den Hertog, Stefan Heuser, Marco Hofheinz & Bernd Wannenwetsch (eds.), "Sagen, was Sache ist": Versuche explorativer Ethik: Festgabe zu Ehren von Hans G. Ulrich. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    Capability-Approach und Decent Minimum: Befähigungsgerechtigkeit als Kriterium möglicher Priorisierung im Gesundheitswesen.Peter Dabrock - 2001 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 45 (1):202-215.
    Facing the impending rationing in health care and consequently necessary priorisation, this article pleads for primarily following the capability approach of justice. The decent minimum of just health care is onentated to the capability of leading a personally responsible life, functioning in its respective society. The capability approach is on the one band semantically justified by considering different ideas of humankind; on the other band, its capability of application is structurally checked by a network of further criteria conceming justice.
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    Das Befremden des Eigenen. Evangelisch-theologische Beobachtungen katholischer Moraltheologie und evangelischer Differenzen ihr gegenüber.Peter Dabrock - 2006 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 50 (1):110-120.
    The article presents Observations of Catholic moral teaching from the perspective of Protestant theology in the form of theses. In a first section, main traits and distinctions, especially in the tradition of the claimed Magisterium of the Catholic Church, are outlined. The second section deals with typical Protestant critiques and misunderstandings of the Catholic approach. Following this article they are caused by confounding different Ievels of argumentation: the Ievels of a) the doctrines of teaching, b) the acting of teaching and (...)
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  28.  10
    From Functional Differentiation to (Re-) Hybridization. The Challenges of Bio-Objects in Synthetic Biology.Peter Dabrock, Matthias Braun & Jens Ried - 2013 - In Martin G. Weiss & Hajo Greif (eds.), Ethics, society, politics: proceedings of the 35th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 2012. Boston: De Gruyter Ontos. pp. 453-482.
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    Gattung Mensch: interdisziplinäre Perspektiven.Peter Dabrock, Ruth Denkhaus & Stephan Schaede (eds.) - 2010 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Die Gattungsbestimmung stellt die Gesellschaft im Kontext biotechnologischer Entwicklungen immer wieder vor neue ethische, rechtliche und soziale Herausforderungen. Scheinbar längst geklärte Probleme tauchen neu auf, und konsensfähige Annahmen werden brüchig. So hat sich in weiten Teilen der akademischen Bioethik die Auffassung durchgesetzt, dass dem biologischen Menschsein als solchem keine moralische Bedeutung zukommt. Auf der anderen Seite ist in jüngster Zeit die Forderung nach einer eigenen 'Gattungsethik' erhoben worden. Mit diesem Programm verbinden sich freilich eine Reihe von konzeptuellen und argumentativen Schwierigkeiten. (...)
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  30.  16
    Hartmut Kreß, Hans-Jürgen Kaatsch , Menschenwürde, Medizin und Bioethik. Heutige Fragen medizinischer und ökologischer Ethik.Peter Dabrock - 2002 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 46 (1):227-230.
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    Konkrete Ethik in fundamentaltheologischer Perspektive.Peter Dabrock - 2018 - In Marcus Held & Michael Roth (eds.), Was Ist Theologische Ethik?: Grundbestimmungen Und Grundvorstellungen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 19-40.
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    Tauschgerechtigkeit im Gesundheitssystem?: Kritische Anfragen an Otfried Höffes Forderung nach einem Paradigmenwechsel.Peter Dabrock - 1999 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 43 (1):2-22.
    This article offers a critical appreciation of a theory of justice puttoward by 0. Höffe. Höffe suggests that commutative justice forms the basis for every understanding of justice, not only in market relationships but also in the legal and social state. Beginning with Räffes' application of his theory to the health system, this article argues that Höffes' theory is not empirically sufficent; nor does it suffice in the discourse of Iegitimation for law and state. Distributive justice can only be excluded (...)
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  33.  17
    Tun und Unterlassen im klinischen Entscheidungskonflikt: Perspektiven einer (nicht nur) theologischen Identitätsethik.Peter Dabrock & Christofer Frey - 2003 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 47 (1):33-52.
    To act and to refrain from actions comprises according to the logic of ethical consequentialism to be responsible in any case. This argument is particularly important in medical ethics: Setting actively limits to a life or permitting a long-term suffering of a patient is sometimes interpreted as equally important in the view of morals or ethics. The foundation of this argument is a one-sided theory of causation. The essay presented here tries to differentiate between the idea of causation in activities (...)
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    Wenn Autos Menschen fahren.Peter Dabrock - 2017 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 61 (2):83-88.
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    Was ist Leben--im Zeitalter seiner technischen Machbarkeit?: Beiträge zur Ethik der Synthetischen Biologie.Peter Dabrock (ed.) - 2011 - München: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Weder Schöpfer noch Plagiator: Theologisch-ethische Überlegungen zur Synthetischen Biologie zwischen Genesis und Hybris.Peter Dabrock & Jens Ried - 2011 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 55 (3):179-191.
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  37.  19
    Werte und Normen.Peter Dabrock - 2015 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 59 (1):62-65.
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  38.  6
    Who? What? How? Why? If You Don’t Ask You’ll Never Know ….Peter Dabrock - 2018 - In Matthias Braun, Hannah Schickl & Peter Dabrock (eds.), Between Moral Hazard and Legal Uncertainty: Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges of Human Genome Editing. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 163-185.
    Debates about moral, legal and political attributions of responsibility do not, as can be seen in the past, occur in a vacuum. Against this background, the following chapter does not directly address the pending ethical questions about human germline editing, but calls attention to several stages of social and ethical discourse. The goal, not simply in the interest of history, is to uncover the genealogy of the climate of the debate. After all, the hidden genealogy of discourses often contributes to (...)
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    Philosophie aktuell – Organtransplantation II: Aufklärung und Vertrauen. Gibt es eine moralische Pflicht zur Organspende? – Organtransplantation und Aufklärung – Achtung der Autonomie gegenüber Organspendern? – Vertrauen ist gut? Mitnichten immer!Andrea Esser, Daniel Kersting, Thomas Gutmann, Theda Rehbock & Peter Dabrock - 2013 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 61 (1):137-146.
    Dealing with the reform of the Transplantation Law, the first issue of the new rubric “Philosophie aktuell” met with strong and lively interest from our readers. Subsequent to this discussion a growing number of reports were published dealing with violations of mandatory rules of conduct in transplantation medicine. Therefore the topic is revisited here from the slightly different vantage point “organ transplantation II: elucidation and confidence”.
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    Kriterien der Gerechtigkeit: Begründungen, Anwendungen, Vermittlungen: Festschrift für Christofer Frey zum 65. Geburtstag.Christofer Frey & Peter Dabrock (eds.) - 2003 - Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
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    Verantwortungsethik als Theologie des Wirklichen.Wolfgang Nethöfel, Peter Dabrock & Siegfried Keil (eds.) - 2009 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    English summary: Questions of orientation in a globalized world social ethics answered with a Theology of Real. German text. German description: Theologie als Selbstreflexion der Kirche bestimmt deren Identitat dogmatisch. Wenn die Kirche jedoch gefragt ist und Gestalt annimmt, indem sie zum Orientierungswissen der Gesellschaft beitragt, dann antwortet die christliche Traditionsgemeinschaft sozialethisch. Beides wird zusammengehalten durch eine Theologie des Wirklichen. Sie verhindert, dass Verantwortungsethik ins Leere lauft. Dies dokumentieren die Beitrage des vorliegenden Bandes. Die Autoren stehen dabei in der Traditionslinie (...)
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    Transparent human – (non-) transparent technology? The Janus-faced call for transparency in AI-based health care technologies.Tabea Ott & Peter Dabrock - 2022 - Frontiers in Genetics 13.
    The use of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in health care opens up new opportunities for the measurement of the human. Their application aims not only at gathering more and better data points but also at doing it less invasive. With this change in health care towards its extension to almost all areas of life and its increasing invisibility and opacity, new questions of transparency arise. While the complex human-machine interactions involved in deploying and using AI tend to become non-transparent, (...)
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    Hybridisierungsdynamiken im Verständnis von und im Umgang mit ‚Leben'.Jens Ried, Matthias Braun & Peter Dabrock - 2014 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 18 (1):173-198.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 18 Heft: 1 Seiten: 173-198.
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    Synthetic Biology and the Question of Public Participation : Governance and Ethics in Dealing with Emerging Technologies.Stephanie Siewert, Katharina Kieslich, Matthias Braun & Peter Dabrock - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    The book considers the relationship between governance and participation, and the ways participation has been understood, framed and applied in the context of synthetic biology (SB) governance approaches. Based on fundamental questions about the scope, purpose, and responsibilities assigned to public participation activities, the authors conducted an literature review of policy reports and articles on SB governance. The authors identify key characteristics of synthetic biology, such as the complex interplay of research, engineering and IT expertise in the field, as well (...)
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  45. AI-produced certainties in health care: current and future challenges.Max Tretter, Tabea Ott & Peter Dabrock - 2023 - AI and Ethics 1.
    Since uncertainty is a major challenge in medicine and bears the risk of causing incorrect diagnoses and harmful treatment, there are many efforts to tackle it. For some time, AI technologies have been increasingly implemented in medicine and used to reduce medical uncertainties. What initially seems desirable, however, poses challenges. We use a multimethod approach that combines philosophical inquiry, conceptual analysis, and ethical considerations to identify key challenges that arise when AI is used for medical certainty purposes. We identify several (...)
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