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Patrick Loobuyck [28]P. Loobuyck [1]
  1. Wittgenstein and the Shift from Noncognitivism to Cognitivism in Ethics.Patrick Loobuyck - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (3):381-399.
    Different philosophers tried ways to restore the role of reason in ethics. This shift in the philosophical climate was influenced by--or was at least in accordance with--the thought of the later Wittgenstein. In particular, this article will consider the relevance of Wittgenstein for cognitivist views, such as that of S. Toulmin, relativist like G. Harman, and British moral realists like S. Lovibond and J. McDowell. In fact, Wittgenstein is one of the founding fathers of antifoundationalism. He gives us the hopeful (...)
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  2.  40
    What Kind of University Rankings Do we Want?Patrick Loobuyck - 2009 - Ethical Perspectives 16 (2):207-224.
    There is clearly a demand for rankings and information systems in the field of higher education, but there are also many questions about their validity, quality, and impact. Moreover, it seems that rankings, or at least some important rankings, are inclined to reinforce certain negative tendencies. Until recently, international competition has focused for the most part on publication and research output. As a result, education and the social role of universities have been neglected. It is an important challenge, therefore, to (...)
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    Intrinsic and equal human worth in a secular worldview. Fictionalism in human rights discourse.Patrick Loobuyck - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):58-77.
    One of the most central ideas of secular, humanistic morality is the thesis of intrinsic and equal human worth. Paradoxically, it is very hard to place this thesis in a secular worldview, because an indifferent universe can not make room for intrinsic values and a priori human rights. Nevertheless, it would not be a good solution to jettison the whole human rights discourse. Therefore, this paper proposes the stance of moral fictionalism: to believe that the discourse entails or embodies a (...)
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    Thomas Hertog over Hawking Het verhaal achter de oerknaltheorie en het schijnbaar biofiel ontwerp van ons heelal.Patrick Loobuyck - 2024 - de Uil Van Minerva 37 (2).
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    Barry and Kukathas as Inspiring Sources for a Fair Church-State System in Belgium.Leni Franken & Patrick Loobuyck - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (28):3-20.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 In this article, we will look at the political philosophical theories of Brian Barry ( Culture and Equality , 2001) and Chandran Kukathas ( The Liberal Archipelago , 2003) and see which consequences both theories have for the Belgian model of church and state. For both authors, the liberal state should be neutral toward religion but they interpret this neutrality in a different way. According to Kukathas, neutrality implies a hands-off policy and therefore, recognizing (...)
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    Liberty, a Many-Freed Concept.François Levrau & Patrick Loobuyck - 2024 - Ethical Perspectives 30 (4):293-305.
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    Should Inerculturalism Replace Multiculturalism? A Plea for Complementariness.François Levrau & Patrick Loobuyck - 2013 - Ethical Perspectives 20 (4):605-630.
    A common current refrain laments that multiculturalism has failed as a policy model and that it should be replaced by interculturalism. In this article, we present a critical analysis of the backgrounds and targets of multiculturalism and interculturalism. While multiculturalism concerns rights, equality and justice, interculturalism relates to social cohesion, shared participation and practices. Instead of merely juxtaposing these two paradigms, we illustrate the extent to which they are both different and complementary, as well as why they should be implemented (...)
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    With or Without Religious Symbols? Why Political Liberalism is Inconclusive in the Case of Civil Servants.François Levrau & Patrick Loobuyck - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (3):319-335.
    In this article, we scrutinize several arguments that are frequently used to legitimize a ban on religious symbols for civil servants. Most arguments, however, do not stand up to the test of Rawlsian political liberalism. One argument stands out as underpinning such a general ban: state neutrality. While this argument has the most potential, we argue why it is still not decisive for a ban on all religious symbols for all civil servants. We conclude that from a political liberal point (...)
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    Creating mutual identification and solidarity in highly diversified societies. The importance of identification by shared participation.Patrick Loobuyck - 2012 - South African Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):560-575.
    Like the liberal nationalists, we insist that a sense of belonging together is necessary for the practice of an egalitarian democracy. Therefore, we can take a shared national identity as one of the building blocks of the welfare state. However, we argue that a shared cultural or civic national identity can not be a necessary condition for this sense of belonging together. The mere fact of co-operation and common participation in shared activities and projects can create a sense of belonging (...)
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    (1 other version)De historisch-religieuze erfenis van de seculiere moraal. Pleidooi voor een fictionalistische benadering van theïstische intuïties.Patrick Loobuyck - 2004 - de Uil Van Minerva 19:203-216.
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    De Plaats Van Levensbeschouwelijk Geïnspireerde Standpunten En Argument Aties Op Het Politieke Forum.Patrick Loobuyck - 2006 - Bijdragen 67 (1):3-22.
    This contribution seeks a nuanced democratic view on the position of religious and ideologically inspired views and argumentations on the political forum. We reject the liberal standard vision that rules out every reference to comprehensive doctrines. Political decisions should be neutral in their formulation of a proposition, but this does not exclude that there is some room for pluralism in the debate that precedes those decisions. From a democratic point of view there is no objection to religious and ideological views (...)
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  12.  44
    De uitdaging van het postseculiere perspectief. Jürgen Habermas over religie en de publieke rede.Patrick Loobuyck & Stefan Rummens - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (2):331-360.
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  13. Een neutrale overheid: what's in a name? Een discussiebijdrage.Patrick Loobuyck & Leni Franken - 2011 - Filosofie En Praktijk 32 (4):69.
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    Hoe neutraal is kerkfinanciering?: kritische analyse van het Belgische erkennings- en ondersteuningsbeleid.Patrick Loobuyck & Leni Franken - 2012 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 41 (1):12-27.
    In this article, the authors explore how active state support for religions and worldviews could be in accordance with the principle of liberal neutrality. They focus on the Belgian church-state policy because this policy is characterised by an explicit and extended form of active support for recognised worldviews. If this policy is in accordance with liberal neutrality, some other, weaker forms of state support for religions and worldviews may also be in accordance with this neutrality principle. In the light of (...)
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  15.  18
    Institutional Religious Accommodation in the US and Europe.Patrick Loobuyck - 2015 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 44 (3):240-251.
    Institutional Religious Accommodation in the US and Europe Jean Cohen argues that recent US Supreme Court decisions about institutional accommodation are problematic. She rightly points out that justice and the liberal concept of freedom of consciousness cannot do the work in Hobby Lobby and Hosanna-Tabor: what does the work is a medieval political-theological conception of church immunity and sovereignty. The first part of this commentary sketches how the autonomy of churches and religious associations can be considered from a liberal perspective, (...)
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  16.  29
    (1 other version)Kwame Anthony Appiah, Cosmopolitanism. Ethics in a world of strangers, Allen Lane (Penguin Books), London, 2006.Patrick Loobuyck - 2009 - Ethical Perspectives 16 (1):129-131.
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    Le vivre ensemble à l'école: plaidoyer pour un cours philosophique commun.Patrick Loobuyck - 2014 - Bruxelles: Espace de libertés. Edited by Caroline Sägesser.
    En Belgique, l’enseignement de la religion et de la morale est toujours organisé sur base du pacte scolaire de 1958. Or, le paysage convictionnel s’est profondément modifié, sous le double impact de la sécularisation et de l’immigration. L’idée d’une réforme s’impose de plus en plus comme une évidence, mais elle se heurte à des obstacles juridiques et politiques. Ce livre constitue un plaidoyer en faveur de l’organisation d’un cours commun d’éthique, de citoyenneté et de culture religieuse et philosophique (ECCR). Il (...)
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  18. Moraal zonder God?Pleidooi voor moreel fictionalisme.Patrick Loobuyck - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (4):817-819.
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    Niet-neutrale burgers zijn gebaat met neutrale overheid.Patrick Loobuyck - 2014 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 106 (4):311-316.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Omgaan met religie en religieuze diversiteit in een geseculariseerde samenleving.Patrick Loobuyck & Leni Franken - 2010 - Res Publica 52 (2):231-245.
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  21.  16
    Some Remarks on Paul Weithman’s Idea of Citizenship and Public Reason.Patrick Loobuyck - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    The moral requirement in theistic and secular ethics.Patrick Loobuyck - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):192-207.
    One of the central tasks of meta-ethical inquiry is to accommodate the common-sense assumptions deeply embedded in our moral discourse. A comparison of the potential of secular and theistic ethics shows that, in the end, theists have a greater facility in achieving this accommodation task; it is easier to appreciate the action-guiding authority and binding nature of morality in a theistic rather than in a secular context. Theistic ethics has a further advantage in being able to accommodate not only this (...)
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  23. Tolerance versus freedom of religion: the importance of amoral arguments in the history of tolerance.Patrick Loobuyck - 2010 - Bijdragen 71 (4):358-376.
    In this contribution we examine the various amoral types of reasoning that have long predominated in the history of tolerance. In doing this we also hope to show that these amoral notions of tolerance are always far removed from, and in conflict with, the idea of freedom of religion as a moral and political right. In conclusion we show that when the liberal notion of freedom as a personal and moral right predominates, then the notion of tolerance loses some of (...)
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    Welke plaats is er voor de autoriteit en de zeggingskracht van religie in een (post) seculiere samenleving?Patrick Loobuyck - 2011 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 103 (1):62-77.
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    Chromosomal microarray analysis in prenatal diagnosis: ethical considerations of the Belgian approach.Joke Muys, Bettina Blaumeiser, Katrien Janssens, Patrick Loobuyck & Yves Jacquemyn - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):104-109.
    Detection of genetic aberrations in prenatal samples, obtained through amniocentesis or chorion villus biopsy, is increasingly performed using chromosomal microarray (CMA), a technique that can uncover both aneuploidies and copy number variants throughout the genome. Despite the obvious benefits of CMA, the decision on implementing the technology is complicated by ethical issues concerning variant interpretation and reporting. In Belgium, uniform guidelines were composed and a shared database for prenatal CMA findings was established. This Belgian approach sparks discussion: it is evidence-based, (...)
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    Between Naturalism and Religion. Philosophical Essays. [REVIEW]Patrick Loobuyck - 2009 - Ethical Perspectives 16 (2):272-274.
  27. Veit Bader, Secularism or Democracy? Associational Governance of religious Diversity. [REVIEW]P. Loobuyck - 2008 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 37 (3):278-282.
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