Results for 'Parliament of Things'

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  1. The Parliament of Things and the Anthropocene: How to Listen to ‘Quasi-Objects’.Massimiliano Simons - 2017 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 21 (2/3):1-25.
    Among the contemporary philosophers using the concept of the Anthropocene, Bruno Latour and Isabelle Stengers are prominent examples. The way they use this concept, however, diverts from the most common understanding of the Anthropocene. In fact, their use of this notion is a continuation of their earlier work around the concept of a ‘parliament of things.’ Although mainly seen as a sociology or philosophy of science, their work can be read as philosophy of technology as well. Similar to (...)
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    Facts, fetishes, and the parliament of things: Is there any space for critique?Srikanth Mallavarapu & Amit Prasad - 2006 - Social Epistemology 20 (2):185 – 199.
    Bruno Latour equates criticism with an iconoclastic urge that is underpinned by the project of modernity. Latour's attack on iconoclastic criticism is therefore closely linked to his rejection of the modern framework. This paper examines Latour's analysis of modernity and the ways in which he connects criticism to the project of modernity. Through our analysis of Latour's reading of an episode from U.R. Anantha Murthy's novel Bharathipura, we argue that critique is actually an integral part of a truly democratic knowledge-making (...)
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    The past, present, and future of the united nations: A comment on Paul Kennedy and the parliament of man ((el pasado como prologo: El futuro glorioso Y el turbio presente de las naciones unidas (revista de Paul Kennedy, el Parlamento de la humanidad)).Kenneth Anderson - unknown
    This is the original Spanish language version of an essay (10,000 words) appearing in the Revista de Libros (Madrid), considering the history and future of the United Nations and global governance through the lens of Paul Kennedy's recent work, The Parliament of Man. The essay is highly skeptical of what it describes as platonism about the future of the UN as the seat of global governance. It offers an alternative view of how to consider the work of the UN, (...)
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    Inquiry into crime trends: Fifth report.Parliament Of Victoria - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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  5. Some years past I perceived how many Falsities I admitted off as Truths in my Younger years, and how Dubious those things were which I raised from thence; and therefore I thought it requisite (if I had a designe to establish any thing that should prove firme and permanent in sciences) that once in my life I should clearly cast aside all my former opinions, and begin a new from some First principles. But this seemed a great Task, and I still expected that maturity of years, then which none could be more apt to receive Learning; upon which account I waited so long, that at last I should deservedly be blamed had I spent that time in Deliberation which remain'd only for Action.Of Things Doubtful - 2006 - In Stephen Gaukroger (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Descartes' Meditations. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 204.
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  6. A representative politics of nature? Bruno Latour on collectives and constitutions.Kerry H. Whiteside - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (3):185-205.
    Bruno Latour purports to transform political ecology by turning attention away from presumed damages to ‘nature’ and toward unproblematised scientific and social processes through which people and things stabilise their identities. He extends the categories of political representation to those processes in hopes of founding a ‘parliament of things’. Such an assembly would settle the terms of coexistence between people and things without undue deference to scientific knowledge claims and without a priori judgments about nature's value. (...)
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    The Curricular Role of Russell's Scepticism.Michael J. Rockler - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12 (1):50-60.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE CURRICULAR ROLE OF RUSSELl?S SCEPTICISM MICHAEL J. ROCKLER Interdisciplinary Studies in Education / National-Louis Universiry Evanston, 1L 60201, USA I n The Prospects of IndustriaL CiviLization, written in collaboration with his wife Dora, Bertrand Russell wrote: The governors of the world believe, and have always believed, that virtue can only be taught by teaching falsehood, and that any man who knew the truth would be wicked. I disbelieve (...)
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  8. Instant Democracy: The Pneumatic Parliament®.Peter Sloterdijk & G. Mueller von der Haegen - 2005 - In Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel (eds.), Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy. Mit Press (Ma).
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    From computerised thing to digital being: mission (Im)possible?Julija Kiršienė, Edita Gruodytė & Darius Amilevičius - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (2):547-560.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the main drivers of what has been described as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, as well as the most innovative technology developed to date. It is a pervasive transformative innovation, which needs a new approach. In 2017, the European Parliament introduced the notion of the “electronic person”, which sparked huge debates in philosophical, legal, technological, and other academic settings. The issues related to AI should be examined from an interdisciplinary perspective. In this paper, we (...)
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    European Parliament resolution on human cloning.Parliament European - 2000 - Medicinska Etika a Bioetika: Casopis Ustavu Medicinskej Etiky a Bioetiky= Medical Ethics and Bioethics: Journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics and Bioethics 7 (1-2):18.
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    Challenging sex segregation: A philosophical evaluation of the football association’s rules on mixed football.Lisa Edwards, Paul Davis & Alison Forbes - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (4):389-400.
    The Football Association has been under pressure to allow girls to play in mixed teams since 1978, following 12-year old Theresa Bennett’s application to play with boys in a local league. In 1991, over a decade after Bennett’s legal challenge, the FA agreed to remove its ban on mixed football and introduced Rule C4 in order to permit males and females to play together in competitive matches under the age of 11. More recently, following a campaign by parents, coaches, local (...)
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  12. Crossing the Utopian.Apocalyptic Border: The Anxiety of Forgetting in Paul Auster'S. In the Country of Last Things - 2017 - In Jessica Elbert Decker & Dylan Winchock (eds.), Borderlands and Liminal Subjects: Transgressing the Limits in Philosophy and Literature. Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
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    Visual Empire.Susan Buck-Morss - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):171-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Visual EmpireSusan Buck-Morss (bio)1 The Sovereign IconThe Question of SovereigntyJust when the nation-state appeared to be waning in significance, national sovereignty is back in the spotlight. The issue takes on special urgency in the United States, where sovereign right has been proclaimed persistently by the president in an attempt to justify policies of military aggression and violations of international and domestic law, executing these policies with disregard for traditional (...)
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  14. Knowledge of things and aesthetic testimony.Chris Ranalli - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Many philosophers believe that aesthetic testimony can provide aesthetic knowledge. This leaves us with the question: why does getting aesthetic knowledge by experience – by seeing a painting up close, or witnessing a performance first-hand – nevertheless seem superior to aesthetic testimony? I argue that it is due to differences in their epistemic value; in the diversity of epistemic goods each one provides. Aesthetic experience, or the experience of art or other aesthetic objects, affords multiple, distinctive epistemic goods whereas aesthetic (...)
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    Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and Christianity: Sixth Study Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, Archabbey of St. Ottilien, Bavaria, June 10-13, 2005. [REVIEW]John D'Arcy May - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and ChristianityJohn D'Arcy MayA Benedictine abbey that has been involved in exchanges with Buddhist monks since 1979 was an appropriate setting for serious discussion of double identity and change of identity between Buddhists and Christians. The European Network holds its conferences every two years, and after experiencing the Benedictine hospitality of St.Ottilien once again it was decided that every second conference should be (...)
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    World Parliament of Religions, Cape Town, South Africa.Jim Kenney - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):249-255.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 249-255 [Access article in PDF] News and Views World Parliament of Religions, Cape Town, South Africa Jim Kenney The Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions is pleased to offer this summary report of the 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions, held in Cape Town, South Africa, December 1-8, 1999. Nestled against Table Mountain and overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, Cape Town (...)
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  17. Government Apologies to Indigenous Peoples.Alice MacLachlan - 2013 - In Alice MacLachlan & C. Allen Speight (eds.), Justice, Responsibility, and Reconciliation in the Wake of Conflict. Springer. pp. 183-204.
    In this paper, I explore how theorists might navigate a course between the twin dangers of piety and excess cynicism when thinking critically about state apologies, by focusing on two government apologies to indigenous peoples: namely, those made by the Australian and Canadian Prime Ministers in 2008. Both apologies are notable for several reasons: they were both issued by heads of government, and spoken on record within the space of government: the national parliaments of both countries. Furthermore, in each case, (...)
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    Yes, We're Buddhists Too!Jan Willis - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:39-43.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Yes, We're Buddhists Too!"Jan WillisOn occasion, people have said to me, "Oh, I didn't know that there were African American Buddhists!" Mostly my reaction is demure, but I sometimes want to respond with the question, "Why shouldn't there be?" After all, African Americans are human beings who think and breathe and experience suffering just as other human beings do. More than 2,500 years ago, at the very end of (...)
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    Visibility and the just allocation of health care: A study of Age-Rationing in the British national Health Service.Robert Baker - 1993 - Health Care Analysis 1 (2):139-150.
    The British National Health Service (BNHS) was founded, to quote Minister of Health Aneurin Bevan, to ‘universalise the best’. Over time, however, financial constraints forced the BNHS to turn to incrementalist budgeting, to rationalise care and to ask its practitioners to act as gatekeepers. Seeking a way to ration scarce tertiary care resources, BNHS gatekeepers began to use chronological age as a rationing criterion. Age-rationing became the ‘done thing’ without explicit policy directives and in a manner largely invisible to patients, (...)
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  20. A theory of legislation from a systems perspective.Peter Harrison - unknown
    In this thesis I outline a view of primary legislation from a systems perspective. I suggest that systems theory and, in particular, autopoietic theory, as modified by field theory, is a mechanism for understanding how society operates. The description of primary legislation that I outline differs markedly from any conventional definition in that I argue that primary legislation is not, and indeed cannot be, either a law or any of the euphemisms that are usually accorded to an enactment by a (...)
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    Confounding Extremities: Surgery at the Medico-Ethical Limits of Self-Modification.Annemarie Bridy - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (1):148-158.
    Controversy swept the U.K. in January of 2000 over public disclosure of the fact that a Scottish surgeon named Robert Smith had amputated the limbs of two able-bodied individuals who reportedly suffered from a condition known as apotemnophilia. The patients, both of whom had sought and consented to the surgery, claimed they had desperately desired for years to live as amputees and had been unable, despite considerable efforts, to reconcile themselves psychologically to living with the bodies with which they were (...)
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  22. Tomasza z Akwinu koncepcja prawa naturalnego. Czy Akwinata jest myślicielem liberalnym? [Thomas Aquinas’s Conception of Natural Law: Is Aquinas a Liberal Thinker?].Marek Piechowiak - 2013 - Przegląd Tomistyczny 19:301-337.
    This article seeks to justify the claim that Thomas Aquinas proposed a concept of natural law which is immune to the argument against the recognition of an objective grounding of the good formulated by a well-known representative of the liberal tradition, Isaiah Berlin, in his famous essay “Two Concepts of Freedom.” I argue that Aquinas’s concept of freedom takes into account the very same values and goals that Berlin set out to defend when he composed his critique of natural law. (...)
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    (1 other version)A parliament of souls.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This second volume in the Limits and Renewals trilogy is an attempt to restate a traditional philosophy of mind, drawing on philosophical and poetical resources that are often neglected in modern and postmodern thought, and emphasizing the moral and political implications of differing philosophies of mind and value. Clark argues that without the traditional concept of the soul, we have little reason to believe that rational thought and individual autonomy are either possible or desirable. The particular topics covered include the (...)
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    (1 other version)Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics.Cynthia MacDonald - 2005 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics_ is about some of the most fundamental kinds of things that there are; the things that we encounter in everyday experience. A book about the things that we encounter in everyday experience. Contains a thorough and accessible discussion of the nature and aims of metaphysics. Examines a wide range of ontological categories, including both particulars and universals. Mounts a forceful and persuasive case for anti-reductionism.
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    The parliament of man: The past, present, and future of the united nations - by Paul Kennedy, secretary or general?: The UN secretary-general in world politics - edited by Simon Chesterman and the best intentions: Kofi Annan and the UN in the era of american world power - by James Traub.Barbara Crossette - 2007 - Ethics and International Affairs 21 (3):381–385.
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  26. The parliament of women and the restoration crisis.Gaby Mahlberg - 2019 - In Cesare Cuttica & Markku Peltonen (eds.), Democracy and anti-democracy in early modern England, 1603-1689. Boston: Brill.
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    Guest editorial: Care not criminalisation; reform of British abortion law is long overdue.Sally Sheldon & Jonathan Lord - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (8):523-524.
    Megan1 is a young teenage patient who suffered a stillbirth at 28 weeks, leading to a year long police investigation dropped only after postmortem tests found that her pregnancy was lost due to natural causes. The stress of the investigation and her isolation from friends and support network following the seizure of her mobile and laptop compounded the trauma of the stillbirth, leaving her requiring emergency psychiatric care. Aisha1 is a vulnerable patient who suffered a premature delivery, having experienced similar (...)
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    A Parliament of Souls: Limits and Renewals 2.R. F. Atkinson - 1992 - Philosophical Books 33 (2):94-96.
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    Michael AR Graves.Elizabethan Parliaments - 2004 - In Keith Jenkins & Alun Munslow (eds.), The nature of history reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 53.
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    The Fragility of Things: Self-Organizing Processes, Neoliberal Fantasies, and Democratic Activism.William E. Connolly - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    In _The Fragility of Things_, eminent theorist William E. Connolly focuses on several self-organizing ecologies that help to constitute our world. These interacting geological, biological, and climate systems, some of which harbor creative capacities, are depreciated by that brand of neoliberalism that confines self-organization to economic markets and equates the latter with impersonal rationality. Neoliberal practice thus fails to address the fragilities it exacerbates. Engaging a diverse range of thinkers, from Friedrich Hayek, Michel Foucault, Hesiod, and Immanuel Kant to Voltaire, (...)
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  31. Kinds of Things—Towards a Bestiary of the Manifest Image.Daniel C. Dennett - unknown
    Consider this chess puzzle. White to checkmate in two. It appeared recently in the Boston Globe, and what startled me about it was that I had thought it had been proven that you can’t checkmate with a lone knight (and a king, of course). This is a counterexample, a strange circumstance that can arise in a legal game of chess. This fact is a higher-order truth of chess, namely that the “proof” that you can never checkmate with a lone knight (...)
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    A Parliament of Minds: Philosophy for a New Millennium.Michael Tobias, J. Patrick Fitzgerald & David Rothenberg (eds.) - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    In this companion volume to the national public television documentary of the same name, interviews of philosophy luminaries expose the relevance of philosophy to everyday life.
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    The Discovery of Things: Aristotle's Categories and Their Context.Wolfgang-Rainer Mann - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    Aristotle's Categories can easily seem to be a statement of a naïve, pre-philosophical ontology, centered around ordinary items. Wolfgang-Rainer Mann argues that the treatise, in fact, presents a revolutionary metaphysical picture, one Aristotle arrives at by (implicitly) criticizing Plato and Plato's strange counterparts, the "Late-Learners" of the Sophist. As Mann shows, the Categories reflects Aristotle's discovery that ordinary items are things (objects with properties). Put most starkly, Mann contends that there were no things before Aristotle. The author's argument (...)
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  34. The Weight of Things: Philosophy and the Good Life.Jean Kazez - 2007 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _The Weight of Things_ explores the hard questions of our daily lives, examining both classic and contemporary accounts of what it means to lead 'the good life'. Looks at the views of philosophers such as Aristotle, the Stoics, Mill, Nietzsche, and Sartre as well as contributions from other traditions, such as Buddhism Incorporates key arguments from contemporary philosophers including Peter Singer, Martha Nussbaum, Robert Nozick, John Finnis, and Susan Wolf Uses examples from biography, literature, history, movies and media, and the (...)
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    Evidence of Things Seen: Univocation, Visibility and Reassurance in Post-Reformation Polemic.Joshua Rodda - 2015 - Perichoresis 13 (1):57-74.
    This article reaches out to the audience for controversial religious writing after the English Reformation, by examining the shared language of attainable truth, of clarity and certainty, to be found in Protestant and Catholic examples of the same. It argues that we must consider those aspects of religious controversy that lie simultaneously above and beneath its doctrinal content: the logical forms in which it was framed, and the assumptions writers made about their audiences’ needs and responses. Building on the work (...)
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    Constitutional Status of the Parliament of the Swiss Confederation.Milda Vainiutė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):71-88.
    The Swiss Confederation is characterised by a long constitutional evolution that can be divided into several important periods: the Old Swiss Confederacy (13–14 C.), Helvetica (1798–1848), Mediation (1803–1814), Restoration (1815–1830), Regeneration (1830–1848) and development since 1874. It can be stated that Switzerland adopted a modern, democratic constitution early; this state is the oldest democratic republic in Europe. In 1874, many amendments to the effective Constitution were made and a lot of gaps in legal regulation came to light, which led to (...)
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  37. Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics.Cynthia Macdonald - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (224):459-463.
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    Bioethics of Things: on the algorithmization of moral deliberation in clinical practice.Patrici Calvo - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (2).
    Health, such as the industry, university or city, is immersed in a process of digital transformation generated by the possibility and technological convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence on the one hand and their consequences on the other: hyperconnectivity, datafication and algorithmization. This is a process of transformation towards what has come to be called Smart Health, Health 4.0 or mHealth. However, despite the enormous potential that underlies the digitization of the healthcare sector, (...)
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  39. Investigation of Things: Reflecting on Chinese-Western Comparative Everyday Aesthetics.Xiao Ouyang - 2023 - In Eva Kit Wah Man & Jeffrey Petts (eds.), Comparative Everyday Aesthetics: Studies in Contemporary Living. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 73-88.
    There is a bifurcation between shenghuo meixue and everyday aesthetics – the two discourses often seen as forming the same trend in contemporary aesthetics concurrently happening in the East and the West. The disparity can be observed from the critical reflection on everydayness, the recognition of negative aesthetic qualities and experience, and the expectation of defamiliarisation. I suggest that in the Neo-Confucian practice of gewu or investigating things, one may find another Chinese inspiration for dealing with the familiar, ordinary, (...)
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  40. Investigation of things, philosophical counseling, and the misery of the last man.R. Dussel - 1996 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 23 (3):321-339.
  41. Knowledge of things.Matt Duncan - 2020 - Synthese 197 (8):3559-3592.
    As I walk into a restaurant to meet up with a friend, I look around and see all sorts of things in my immediate environment—tables, chairs, people, colors, shapes, etc. As a result, I know of these things. But what is the nature of this knowledge? Nowadays, the standard practice among philosophers is to treat all knowledge, aside maybe from “know-how”, as propositional. But in this paper I will argue that this is a mistake. I’ll argue that some (...)
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    Locke on the knowledge of material things.Robert Fendel Anderson - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):205-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Locke on the Knowledge of Material Things ROBERT FENDEL ANDERSON IT IS nOT John Locke's intention, in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, to deal with matter and material substance nor with how these are able to affect the mind. These are considerations for natural philosophy; Locke counts himself rather among the moral philosophers. He does not propose, therefore, to meddle with the physical aspects of the mind, nor (...)
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  43. Fundamental Things: Theory and Applications of Grounding.Louis deRosset - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The scientific successes of the last 400 years strongly suggest a view on which things are organized into layers, with phenomena in higher layers dependent on and determined by what goes on below. Philosophers have recently explored the idea that we can make sense of this idea by appeal to a relation called grounding. This book develops the rudiments of a theory of grounding, and applies that theory to questions of independent interest. The theorizing consists in saying in more (...)
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    (1 other version)Remembrance of things past.William B. Barton - 1968 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):251-254.
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    Privacy, the Internet of Things and State Surveillance: Handling Personal Information within an Inhuman System.Adam Henschke - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 7 (1):123-149.
    The Internet of Things (IoT) is, in part, an information handling system that can remove humans from the information handling process. The particular problem explored is how we are to understand privacy when considering informational systems that handle personal information in ways that impact people’s lives when there is no human operator in direct contact with that personal information. I argue that these new technologies need to take concepts like privacy into account, but also, that we ought also to (...)
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    Varieties of Things.Anand Vaidya - 2007 - Review of Metaphysics 60 (3):668-670.
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    The Parliament of Religions.M. M. Trumbull - 1894 - The Monist 4 (3):333-354.
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    Making the Best of Things: Character Skepticism and Cross-Cultural Philosophy.John M. Doris - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (3):571-594.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Making the Best of Things: Character Skepticism and Cross-Cultural PhilosophyJohn M. Doris (bio)With your spirit settled, accumulate practice day by day, and hour by hour.—Miyamoto MusashiLike many of my colleagues in moral psychology, I’ve focused almost exclusively on Western philosophy, so I was pleasantly surprised when practitioners of cross-cultural and comparative philosophy responded to character skepticism with resources drawn from Eastern traditions.1 [End Page 571]As a reminder: the (...)
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    Where the Smart Things Are: Social Machines and the Internet of Things.Paul Smart, Aastha Madaan & Wendy Hall - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (3):551-575.
    The emergence of large-scale social media systems, such as Wikipedia, Facebook, and Twitter, has given rise to a new multi-disciplinary effort based around the concept of social machines. For the most part, this research effort has limited its attention to the study of Web-based systems. It has also, perhaps unsurprisingly, tended to highlight the social scientific relevance of such systems. The present paper seeks to expand the scope of the social machine research effort to encompass the Internet of Things. (...)
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    The End of All Things: The Christian Churches of 1989 in Eastern Europe.Joseph Gouverneur - 2009 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 26 (3):199-211.
    The sudden collapse of the Communist states in Eastern Europe during the autumn of 1989 is now history. The transformation of the world in 1989 has been reported and commented on through analyses of the political, economic, and social state of affairs that led to one of the most surprising events of the 20th century. However, in many ways this story has been only partially told. This is because of a lack of attention paid to the vital role that the (...)
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