Results for 'Paul Gay'

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  1.  17
    In Praise of Involvement.Paul du Gay & Laura J. Spence - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (4):833-838.
    Involvement is an important element of good research and a route to impact. In line with early organizational analysis, we advocate involvement with research stakeholders and investing in the necessary communication and rhetorical skills.
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    Alasdair MacIntyre and the Christian genealogy of management critique.Paul du Gay - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (4):421-444.
    This paper attempts to account for the peculiarly ‘otherworldly’ character of much contemporary management critique. It does so rather circuitously by focusing upon elements of the work of a moral philosopher, Alasdair MacIntyre. MacIntyre's comments about the ‘character’ of the ‘manager’ have commanded considerable support within critical organizational and management studies and have been regularly cited by critical intellectuals, keen to unmask an ethical and emotional vacuum at the heart of contemporary management practice. In what follows, I attempt to show (...)
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  3. Ethical Challenges Associated with the Development and Deployment of Brain Computer Interface Technology.Paul McCullagh, Gaye Lightbody, Jaroslaw Zygierewicz & W. George Kernohan - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (2):109-122.
    Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology offers potential for human augmentation in areas ranging from communication to home automation, leisure and gaming. This paper addresses ethical challenges associated with the wider scale deployment of BCI as an assistive technology by documenting issues associated with the development of non-invasive BCI technology. Laboratory testing is normally carried out with volunteers but further testing with subjects, who may be in vulnerable groups is often needed to improve system operation. BCI development is technically complex, sometimes (...)
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    Bibliographic guide to hermeneutics and critical theory.William C. Gay & Paul Eckstein - 1975 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 2 (4):379-390.
  5.  23
    A Common Power to Keep Them All In Awe: A Comment on Governance.Paul Du Gay - 2002 - Cultural Values 6 (1-2):11-27.
    This article will consider some notions of governance and explore some of the issues of political ordering, particularly those relating to sovereignty and authority, that they tend to challenge, sideline, or seek to transcend. It does so primarily through an examination of the ways in which these notions have been employed to explain and/or endorse reforms in the organization and role of the public administration in certain liberal democratic states, most notably Britain. It concludes that Hobbesian conceptions of ‘state’ ‘sovereignty’ (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 4.Geneva Gay, Paul Woodring, Harvey G. Neufeldt, Thomas M. Carroll, Richard W. Saxe, Maureen Macdonald Webster, Forrest E. Keesebury, Richard L. Hopkins, John Elias, Joseph M. Mccarthy, Charles R. Schindler, Robert L. Reid & Thomas D. Moore - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):99-110.
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Robert F. Bieler, Paul B. Pederson, Robert L. Church, N. Ray Hiner, Edward J. Power, Michael J. Parsons, Stewart E. Fraser, June T. Fox, Monroe C. Beardsley, Richard Gambino, Richard D. Mosier, David Lawson, Frederick C. Gruber, David L. Kirp, Russell L. Curtis, Jerry Miner, Geneva Gay, Phillip C. Smith & Emma M. Capelluzzo - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (2):99-112.
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  8.  21
    Representing the Enterprising Self: Thirtysomething and Contemporary Consumer Culture.Frances Bonner & Paul du Gay - 1992 - Theory, Culture and Society 9 (2):67-92.
  9.  11
    A Philosophy of Emptiness.Gay Watson - 2014 - Reaktion Books.
    We often view emptiness as a negative condition, a symptom of depression, despair, or grief—an assessment furthered by authors like Franz Kafka or the existentialists, Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. Offering an alternative view, _A Philosophy of Emptiness_ reclaims these hollow feelings as a positive and even empowering state, an antidote to the modern obsession with substance and foundation. Digging through early and non-Western philosophy, Gay Watson uncovers a rich history of emptiness. She travels from Buddhism, Taoism, and religious (...)
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    Professionalization and the Null Curriculum: The Case of the Popular Eugenics Movement and American Educational Studies.R. Gregory Browning, Harvey Neufeldt, Betty A. Sichel, John O. Geiger, John E. Carter, W. Paul Vogt, Gay L. Gullickson & William A. Reid - 1987 - Educational Studies 18 (2):239-279.
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    Nietzsche's Enlightenment: The Free-Spirit Trilogy of the Middle Period.Paul Franco - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    "Human, All Too Human" and the problem of culture -- "Daybreak" and the campaign against morality -- "The Gay Science" and the incorporation of knowledge -- The later works: beyond the free spirit.
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  12. College students implicitly judge interracial sex and gay sex to be morally wrong.Joshua Knobe, Paul Bloom & David Pizarro - manuscript
    College students implicitly judge interracial sex and gay sex to be morally wrong Some moral intuitions arise from psychological processes that are not fully accessible to consciousness. For instance, most people disapprove of consensual adult incest between siblings, but are unable to articulate why—they just feel that it is wrong (Haidt, 2001). More generally, there is evidence for at least two sources of moral judgment: explicit conscious reasoning and tacit intuitions, which are motivated by emotional responses (Greene et al., 2001) (...)
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  13.  26
    Spiritual Landscape: Images of the Spiritual Life in the Gospel of Luke. By James L. Resseguie and Theology & Literature: Rethinking Reader Responsibility. Edited by Gaye Williams Ortiz & Clara A.B. Joseph. [REVIEW]Paul Brazier - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (1):101-103.
  14.  16
    A Gay Epidemiologist and the DC Commission of Public Health AIDS Advisory Committee.Steven S. Coughlin, Paul Mann & Bruce Jennings - forthcoming - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.
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  15. The duel between body and soul.Paul Bloom - unknown
    New Haven - What people think about many of the big issues that will be discussed in the next two months - like gay marriage, stem-cell research and the role of religion in public life - is intimately related to their views on human nature. And while there may be differences between Republicans and Democrats, one fundamental assumption is accepted by almost everyone. This would be reassuring - if science didn't tell us that this assumption is mistaken.
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    The Transformational Change Challenge of Memes: The Case of Marriage Equality in the United States.Paul S. Gray, Steve Waddell & Sandra Waddock - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (8):1667-1697.
    This article explores the role of changing memes in large systems change toward marriage equality—popularly referred to as same-sex marriage—in the United States. Using an abbreviated case history of the transformation, the article particularly explores the shifting memes or core units of culture, in this case, word phrases associated with marriage equality over time, influencing the social change process. Using both the case history and the empirical work on memes, the article identifies nine lessons to support others tackling large systems (...)
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    Deaf Interpreter.Paul Hostovsky - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):148-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Deaf InterpreterPaul HostovskyHer tiny hands, flitting, darting, happily signing as we wait for the audiologist to call her name, are a joy to behold. And it makes me want to take her by the hand and just walk right out of there, me holding her left hand, the Deaf interpreter holding her right hand, the three of us skipping through the waiting room and out the door of the (...)
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    The trouble with Tom: the strange afterlife and times of Thomas Paine.Paul Collins - 2005 - New York: Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers.
    Paul Collins travels the globe piecing together the missing body and soul of one of our most enigmatic founding fathers: Thomas Paine. A typical book about an American founding father doesn’t start at a gay piano bar and end in a sewage ditch. But then, Tom Paine isn’t your typical founding father. A firebrand rebel and a radical on the run, Paine alone claims a key role in the development of three modern democracies. In death, his story turns truly (...)
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    Women, Power and Truth.Paul Patton - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (2):495-500.
    Focusing on the final chapter of Vanessa Lemm’s Homo Natura, these remarks draw attention to the role assigned in these pages to sexuality in the transformation of human nature and society. They raise questions about the plausibility of the project attributed to Nietzsche of reviving elements of the view of women associated with ancient matriarchy. They challenge the compatibility of this project with Nietzsche’s remarks in BGE 239 about the degenerative and defeminizing effect of the modern movement towards the equality (...)
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  20.  32
    Heteronormativity and the European Court of Human Rights.Paul Johnson - 2012 - Law and Critique 23 (1):43-66.
    This article examines a recent judgment by the European Court of Human Rights that upheld the complaint of a homosexual woman who alleged that her application for authorization to adopt a child had been refused by domestic French authorities on the grounds of her sexual orientation. I argue that the judgment constitutes an innovative and atypical legal consideration of, and challenge to, the heteronormative social relations of contemporary European societies. After exploring the evidence presented by the applicant, and the Court’s (...)
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    (1 other version)Too Black, Too Gay: The Disco Inferno. [REVIEW]Paul Williams - 2005 - Cultural Studeis Review 11 (1):212-216.
    A review of Tim Lawrence's Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture.
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  22. Disgust Sensitivity Predicts Intuitive Disapproval of Gays.Yoel Inbar, David A. Pizarro, Joshua Knobe & Paul Bloom - 2009 - Emotion 9 (3): 435– 43.
    Two studies demonstrate that a dispositional proneness to disgust (“disgust sensitivity”) is associated with intuitive disapproval of gay people. Study 1 was based on previous research showing that people are more likely to describe a behavior as intentional when they see it as morally wrong (see Knobe, 2006, for a review). As predicted, the more disgust sensitive participants were, the more likely they were to describe an agent whose behavior had the side effect of causing gay men to kiss in (...)
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    Reason's Bondage: On the Rationalization of Sexuality.Paul James - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (3):291-311.
    While popular debate grapples with the legality of gay marriage, networks of medical, political, and juridical discourses produce and situate sexuality in a field of knowledge that is constantly under examination and administration. The rationalization of sexuality, and its dispersion into multiple fields of knowledge, has become part of a system of power relations that produces identities and manages them. Within this context, this paper places Horkheimer and Adorno's excursus on Sade's Juliette in conversation with Foucault's first volume of the (...)
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    Crime or culture? Representations of chemsex in the British press and magazines aimed at GBTQ+ men.Frazer Heritage & Paul Baker - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (4):435-453.
    ABSTRACT Chemsex is a phenomenon in which typically gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and/or related communities of men take psychoactive drugs while having sex, often without a condom. The practice can lead to increased rates of HIV transmission, sexual assault, and in extreme cases murder. GBTQ+ men are already a stigmatised group so those who engage in chemsex face multiple stigmas. This study examines the ways that two types of media report on chemsex while negotiating these stigmas. We take a large (...)
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    Moral Ambivalence and Irregular Practices: Contextualizing Male-to-Male Sexualities in Calcutta/india.Paul Boyce - 2006 - Feminist Review 83 (1):79-98.
    Male-to-male sexuality in India has been described as both heavily stigmatized and implicitly tolerated. This paper examines these apparently contradictory attitudes, arguing that they reflect broader moral ambivalence about homosexuality in Indian culture and society. While the effects of homophobia in India are very real, simultaneous social latitude allows for relatively un-scrutinized same-sex sexual contact. The paper explores this scenario as a post-colonial legacy and considers the consequences for contemporary sexual subjectivity, particularly in respect of irregular responses to emerging gay (...)
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    Health Care Ethics: A Comprehensive Christian Resource by James R. Thobaben.Paul D. Simmons - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (2):203-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Health Care Ethics: A Comprehensive Christian Resource by James R. ThobabenPaul D. SimmonsHealth Care Ethics: A Comprehensive Christian Resource by James R. Thobaben Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2009. 429pp. $28.00In recent years, a stir has been created by the vocal and aggressive involvement of evangelicals in such issues as abortion, homosexuality, and end-of-life decisions. James Thobaben, the dean of Asbury Seminary, provides what he calls a [End (...)
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    "Homo-ness" and the fear of femininity.Patrick Paul Garlinger - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (1):57-71.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Homo-Ness” and the Fear of FemininityPatrick Paul Garlinger (bio)Leo Bersani. Homos. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1995.Homos is a disturbing book, in the most literal sense of the word, for Leo Bersani’s goal throughout much of his text is precisely to disturb some of the widely accepted precepts of queer theory and gender performativity. As if the title alone were not enough to signal the text’s contestatory tone, the first (...)
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    Be prestige-resilient! A contextual ethics of cultural identity.Paul Van Den Berg - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (2):197-214.
    This article proposes a new social- and moral-psychological understanding of cultural identity, tailored to the mixed multicultural contexts of every major city today. Seeking to protect vulnerable cultural groups, theories of multiculturalism have insufficiently assessed the psychological significance of intercultural social comparison, in identity-formation. While plays of prestige are a fact of life for immigrant and gay minorities, not everyone is equally able to cope with ascribed negative prestige. This is shown in an analysis of reactive attitudes towards negative prestige (...)
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  29. Conservatives are more easily disgusted than liberals.Yoel Inbar, David A. Pizarro & Paul Bloom - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (4):714-725.
    The uniquely human emotion of disgust is intimately connected to morality in many, perhaps all, cultures. We report two studies suggesting that a predisposition to feel disgust is associated with more conservative political attitudes, especially for issues related to the moral dimension of purity. In the first study, we document a positive correlation between disgust sensitivity and self-reported conservatism in a broad sample of US adults. In Study 2 we show that while disgust sensitivity is associated with more conservative attitudes (...)
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  30. Moral progress: Recent developments.Hanno Sauer, Charlie Blunden, Cecilie Eriksen & Paul Rehren - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (10):e12769.
    Societies change over time. Chattel slavery and foot-binding have been abolished, democracy has become increasingly widespread, gay rights have become established in some countries, and the animal rights movement continues to gain momentum. Do these changes count as moral progress? Is there such a thing? If so, how should we understand it? These questions have been receiving increasing attention from philosophers, psychologists, biologists, and sociologists in recent decades. This survey provides a systematic account of recent developments in the understanding of (...)
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  31. What is gay and lesbian philosophy?Raja Halwani, Gary Jaeger, James S. Stramel, Richard Nunan, William S. Wilkerson & Timothy F. Murphy - 2008 - Metaphilosophy 39 (4-5):433-471.
    Abstract: This essay explores recent trends and major issues related to gay and lesbian philosophy in ethics (including issues concerning the morality of homosexuality, the natural function of sex, and outing and coming out); religion (covering past and present debates about the status of homosexuality and how biblical and qur'anic passages have been interpreted by both sides of the debate); the law (especially a discussion of the debates surrounding sodomy laws, same-sex marriage and its impact on transsexuals, and whether the (...)
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    Feminist Utopias, Queerness and Paul Goodman.Samuele Grassi - 2020 - Feminist Review 126 (1):123-138.
    The question of whether a (queer) politics of utopia can be located in the past, the future or the present conjures a set of ambivalences and dichotomies, of which the creativity–negativity debate and the (non)future of neoliberalism are cogent for feminist praxis. Convergences can be traced between understandings of utopia grounded in everyday experimentation and queer feminist critiques of normativity as a life project as well as an ongoing educational project. This article dissects social critic, psychologist, poet, novelist and anarchist (...)
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  33. Anti-Homosexual and Gay: Rereading Sartre.Christine Pierce - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (1):10-23.
    Jean-Paul Sartre's questions about anti-Semitism in Anti-Semite and Jew are ones we should want asked about heteronormativity—what causes it, what sustains it, why is so little being done about it, what should be done. Although the parallels between anti-Semitism and heteronormativity are not exact, relevant Sartrian ideas include nationalism, choosing to reason falsely, living in the future, and authenticity. Foremost is Sartre's claim that bigotry is not about ideas but a certain type of personality.
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    Paul Ricoeur.Michael Kelly - unknown
    More than 700 alphabetically organized entries by an international team of contributors provide a fascinating survey of French culture post 1945. Entries include: * advertising * Beur cinema * Coco Chanel * decolonization * écriture feminine * football * francophone press * gay activism * Seuil * youth culture Entries range from short factual/biographical pieces to longer overview articles. All are extensively cross-referenced and longer entries are 'facts-fronted' so important information is clear at a glance. It includes a thematic contents (...)
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    At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails with Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Others.Sarah Bakewell - 2016 - New York: Other Press.
    Named one of the Ten Best Books of 2016 by the New York Times, a spirited account of a major intellectual movement of the twentieth century and the revolutionary thinkers who came to shape it, by the best-selling author of How to Live Sarah Bakewell. Paris, 1933: three contemporaries meet over apricot cocktails at the Bec-de-Gaz bar on the rue Montparnasse. They are the young Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and longtime friend Raymond Aron, a fellow philosopher who raves (...)
  36.  24
    Truth and Science Reconsidered. An Encounter with: Paul Franco, Nietzsche’s Enlightenment: The Free-Spirit Trilogy of the Middle Period[REVIEW]Daniel Harris - 2012 - PhaenEx 7 (2):301-313.
    Paul Franco’s book, "Nietzsche’s Enlightenment: The Free-Spirit Trilogy of the Middle Period," offers a close study of Nietzsche's middle period works, revealing a Nietzsche attentive to the concerns that motivated the European Enlightenment that Franco references in his title. Franco aims to show that a concern with science, reason, and truth remains important to Nietzsche in his post-Gay Science works. That is, although Nietzsche is most at home in the Enlightenment tradition during his middle period, he never abandoned this (...)
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  37. A Unique Propensity to Engage in Homosexual Acts.Jami L. Anderson - 2002 - In Race, Gender, and Sexuality: Philosophical Issues of Identity and Justice. Prentice-Hall.
    After stating "I am gay" Navy Lieutenant Paul G. Thomasson was honorably discharged from the military. In Thomasson v. Perry (1996), the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth District affirmed Thomasson's discharge. Thomasson is now considered the leading case evaluating the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. In this paper, I show that the court's analysis of the Department of Defense policy rests of two unarticulated and undefended assumptions about sexuality. The first is that an act (...)
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    Resistance Today.Günther Anders, Christopher John Müller & Jason Dawsey - 2021 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 2 (1):131-140.
    Following decades of neglect, the work of the German Jewish philosopher, literary author, cultural critic, and poet Günther Anders (1902–1992) is gaining increasing recognition in the English-speaking world. This translation of “Résistance heute” (Resistance Today) makes one of Anders’s most programmatic and polemical short texts available. Published at the height of his anti-nuclear activism, “Resistance Today” is the written version of a speech Anders delivered in November 1962 upon acceptance of the northwest Italian city of Omegna’s Resistance Prize (other notable (...)
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    Intellectual Virtues and Internet-Extended Knowledge.Paul Smart & Robert Clowes - 2021 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 10 (1):7-21.
    Arguments for the extended mind suggest the possibility of extended knowers, individuals whose epistemic standing is tied to the operation of cognitive circuits that extend beyond the bounds of skin and skull. When applied to the Internet, this idea yields the possibility of Internet-extended knowledge, a form of extended knowledge that derives from our interactions and engagements with the online environment. This, however, yields a tension: proponents of the extended mind have suggested that cognitive extension requires the automatic endorsement of (...)
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  40. The Limits of Free Will: Selected Essays.Paul Russell - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The Limits of Free Will presents influential articles by Paul Russell concerning free will and moral responsibility. The problems arising in this field of philosophy, which are deeply rooted in the history of the subject, are also intimately related to a wide range of other fields, such as law and criminology, moral psychology, theology, and, more recently, neuroscience. These articles were written and published over a period of three decades, although most have appeared in the past decade. Among the (...)
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    The World Wide Web.Paul Smart - 2018 - In David Coady & James Chase (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Applied Epistemology. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 15–27.
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    The model of the legislator: Political theory, policy, and realist utopianism.Paul Raekstad - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (4):727-748.
    Is realism in political theory compatible with utopianism? This article shows that it is, by reconstructing a highly restrictive realist approach to political theory for guiding legislation and public policy, drawn from the work of Adam Smith, and showing how it can accommodate Piketty’s utopian proposal for a global tax on capital. This shows not only that realism and utopianism are compatible; but how realist and utopian political theory can be carried out in concrete cases. This moves debates to more (...)
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    Derrida: A Biography.Benoît Peeters - 2012 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Andrew Brown.
    This biography of Jacques Derrida tells the story of a Jewish boy from Algiers, excluded from school at the age of twelve, who went on to become the most widely translated French philosopher in the world – a vulnerable, tormented man who, throughout his life, continued to see himself as unwelcome in the French university system. We are plunged into the different worlds in which Derrida lived and worked: pre-independence Algeria, the microcosm of the École Normale Supérieure, the cluster of (...)
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    Architecture et Narrativité.Paul Ricoeur - 2016 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 7 (2):20-30.
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    Identity-Directed Norm Transformations and Moral Progress.Paul Morrow - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (3):493-509.
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    The Skeptical Enlightenment: Doubt and Certainty in the Age of Reason ed. by Jeffrey D. Burson and Anton M. Matytsin.Gianni Paganini - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (3):615-616.
    In the last half century, the image of the Enlightenment underwent many changes and no longer is monolithic, as was the case with Paul Hazard, Peter Gay, and Ernst Cassirer. It is usual nowadays to talk about national Enlightenments, moderate and radical Enlightenment, religious Enlightenments, counter-Enlightenment, and so on. In this process of widening the notion of Enlightenment, which the editors depict as a real "explosion," there is also room for a skeptical Enlightenment, which not so long ago was (...)
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    A world-championship-level Othello program.Paul S. Rosenbloom - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 19 (3):279-320.
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    Fostering the trustworthiness of researchers: SPECS and the role of ethical reflexivity in novel neurotechnology research.Paul Tubig & Darcy McCusker - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (2):143-161.
    The development of novel neurotechnologies, such as brain-computer interface (BCI) and deep-brain stimulation (DBS), are very promising in improving the welfare and life prospects many people. These include life-changing therapies for medical conditions and enhancements of cognitive, emotional, and moral capacities. Yet there are also numerous moral risks and uncertainties involved in developing novel neurotechnologies. For this reason, the progress of novel neurotechnology research requires that diverse publics place trust in researchers to develop neural interfaces in ways that are overall (...)
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    „Nun, Schifflein! Sieh’ Dich Vor!“ – Meerfahrt MIT Nietzsche.Zu Einem Motiv der Fröhlichen Wissenschaft.Henning Hufnagel - 2008 - Nietzsche Studien 37 (1):143-159.
    Der Beitrag vertritt die These, dass die Fröhlichen Wissenschaft von einer Metaphorik der Seefahrt strukturiert wird: Sie liefert Nietzsche die Dramaturgie zur Entwicklung der zentralen Themen seines Buches. Zunächst wirft der Aufsatz im Anschluss an Hans Blumenberg und Manfred Frank einen Blick auf die Meerfahrt als Topos der Daseinbeschreibung insbesondere der romantischen Literatur. Dann zeigt er auf, wie Nietzsche den "Tod Gottes" und die Figur des "Schaffenden", die Kritik der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis und des traditionalen Subjektbegriffs mithlife der Seefahrtsmetaphorik entfaltet. Abschließend (...)
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    Learning to Be Moral: Philosophical Thoughts About Moral Development.Paul Crittenden - 1990 - Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanity Books.
    Paul Crittenden sets out to recover the past philosophical practice of treating developmental questions as an important part of ethical inquiry and to bring moral development, moral education, and moral philosophy back together again. The first part of this extremely thorough work is concerned with the main contemporary accounts of how children come to be moral beings. Against this background, the second part consists of historical studies of major accounts of morality in a developmental context. Crittenden stresses the necessity (...)
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