Results for 'Paul-Albert N. Emoungu'

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  1.  13
    Mother Tongue Education. The West African Experience.Paul-Albert N. Emoungu - 1978 - Educational Studies 9 (3):302-304.
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    Schooling For Social Change: Some Theoretical Issues.Paul-Albert Emoungu - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (1):13-23.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Janice Ann Beran, Robert Paul Craig, Paul-Albert Emoungu, Lois M. R. Louden, Arthur Sandeen, George L. Dowd, Joellen Watson, Robert R. Sherman, Lorraine Harner, Natalie A. Naylor, Bruce Vaughn, E. V. Johanningmeier, William E. Eaton & Francesco Cordasco - 1978 - Educational Studies 9 (1):61-89.
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    (1 other version)Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Phillip L. Smith, Lawrence D. Klein, Kristin Egelhof, Neela Trivedi, Mary P. Hoy, Harold J. Frantz, J. Theodore Klein, Phillip H. Steedman, William E. Roweton, Mary Jeanne Munroe, Larry Janes, Beverly Lindsay, Ellen Hay Schiller, Paul Albert Emoungu, F. Michael Perko, Susan Frissell, Stephen K. Miller, Samuel M. Vinocur, Fred D. Gilbert Jr, Elizabeth Sherman Swing & Gerald A. Postiglione - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (4):483-514.
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  5. The american philosophical association eastern division: Abstracts of papers to be read at the fifty-fourth annual meeting, Harvard university, december 27-29, 1957. [REVIEW]John W. Lenz, Paul Oskar Kristeller, Willis Doney, Norman Kretzmann, Colin Murray Turbayne, Arthur Pap, E. M. Adams, T. A. Goudge, Edward H. Madden, Rudolf Allers, Hans Jonas, Lawrence W. Beals, Philip Nochlin, Ethel M. Albert, Mary Mothersill, John W. Blyth, Hector N. Castañeda, Milton C. Nahm & Joseph Margolis - 1957 - Journal of Philosophy 54 (24):773-794.
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    4-H community pride program.Lynne P. Kaplan, James Grieshop, Paul DeBach, Ronald D. Oetting, Frank S. Morishita, Roland N. Jefferson, Wesley A. Humphrey, Seward T. Besemer, Albert O. Paulus & Jerry Nelson - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart (ed.), Order. [New York]: Random House.
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  7. The discussion about proposals to change the Western Culture program at Stanford University.Donald Kennedy, John Perky, Carolyn Lougee, Marsh McCall, Paul Robinson, James Gibb, Clara N. Bush, Judith Brown, George Dekker, Bill King, William Chace, Carlos Camargo, J. Martin Evans, Ronald Rebholz, Carl Degler, Barbara Gelpi, Renato Rosaldo, William Mahrt, Halsey Rayden, Herbert Lindenberger, Albert Gelpi, Gregson Davis, Diane Middlebrook, David Kennedy, Dennis Phillips, Harry Papasotiriou, Martin Evans, Ron Rebholz, Bill Chace, Jim van HarveySneehan & David Riggs - 1989 - Minerva 27 (2):223-411.
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    Paul Haesaerts, James Ensor. Préface de Jean Cassou. Bruxeiles, Meddens, 1973. 26 × 28,5, 176 p., ill. en bl. et n., 57 pl. coul. Contrecollées, relié toile. [REVIEW]Albert Delorme - 1974 - Revue de Synthèse 95 (73-74):213-215.
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    Albert Vanhoye, Situation du Christ, Hébreux 1-2. Coll. « Lectio divina », n° 58, Paris, Editions du Cerf, 1969, , 404 pages. [REVIEW]Paul-Émile Langevin - 1973 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 29 (1):81.
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    Qui témoignera pour nous?: Albert Camus face à lui-même.Paul Audi - 2013 - Lagrasse: Verdier.
    Après avoir subi au début des années cinquante une sorte de procès public en raison de ses idées et traversé en conséquence une crise existentielle d'une rare intensité, Albert Camus, se retrouvant face à lui-même, a estimé que le problème majeur auquel l'humanité est désormais confrontée consiste dans ce besoin impérieux qu'ont les hommes de s'accuser mutuellement et de faire ainsi de leur existence un procès permanent, transformant tour à tour les mêmes personnes en prévenus, en procureurs, en avocats, (...)
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  11. N Ews F Ocus.Paul Peterson - unknown
    STILLWATER, MINNESOTA—Two men sit at a long table, oblivious to the breakfast-time commotion. One moves a coffee cup from one side of a water glass to the other. “If I look here and don’t see the cup,” he says to the other, “then I know it must be there.” It sounds like a “deep” exchange between swotty young philosophy majors. But the fellow moving the cup has gray hair— and a Nobel Prize in physics. Sliding the porcelain, Anthony Leggett of (...)
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  12. Paul Custodio Bube and Jeffery Geller, eds., Conversations with Pragma-tism. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002, 126 pp.(Indexed). ISBN 90-420-1560-8, $27.00 (Pb). Stephen Darwall, ed., Consequentialism. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Pub-lishing, 2003, 301 pp.(Indexed). ISBN 0-631-23108-0 (Pb). [REVIEW]S. Morris Eames, Robert N. Fisher, Daniel T. Primozic, Peter A. Day, Joel A. Thompson & Albert A. Harrison - 2003 - Journal of Value Inquiry 37:583-584.
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    MacKaye James. The logic of language. Edited by Levi Albert William; foreword by William Pepperell Montague. Dartmouth College Publications, Hanover, N. H., 1939, 303 pp. [REVIEW]Paul Henle - 1941 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 (1):28-29.
  14.  17
    Albert, Paul. La Littérature française au dix-huitième siècle. 6 éd. Paris: Hachette, 1886. Alembert, Jean Le Rond d'. Œuvres philosophiques, historiques et littéraires de d'Alembert. 10 vols. Paris: Bastien, 1805.—Œuvres posthumes de d'Alembert (publ. par Pougens). 2 vols. [REVIEW]M. P. Alekseev, N. Verbanec, T. Kopreeva, John Allison, Louis Petit de Bachaumont, Antoine Alexandre Barbier & Edmond Jean François Barbier - 1967 - Diderot Studies 9:221.
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    Nietzsche and antiquity: his reaction and response to the classical tradition.Paul Bishop (ed.) - 2004 - Rochester, NY: Camden House.
    Wide-ranging essays making up the first major study of Nietzsche and the classical tradition in a quarter of a century. This volume collects a wide-ranging set of essays examining Friedrich Nietzsche's engagement with antiquity in all its aspects. It investigates Nietzsche's reaction and response to the concept of "classicism," with particular reference to his work on Greek culture as a philologist in Basel and later as a philosopher of modernity, and to his reception of German classicism in all his texts. (...)
  16.  17
    The Journeys of Life: Examining a Conceptual Metaphor with Semantic and Episodic Memory Recall.Albert N. Katz & Tamsen E. Taylor - 2008 - Metaphor and Symbol 23 (3):148-173.
    In four studies, we examine the “LIFE IS A JOURNEY” conceptual metaphor using as data output from semantic and episodic memory. In the first three studies output from semantic memory indicates that undergraduate samples, when primed to think in “LIFE” in terms of a course followed until one's 70th year, provided a set of events output in a sequential order and when compared to a second sample, showed high agreement on the ages in which the events would occur. These data (...)
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    Quatre lettres de Paul Valery au sujet de Nietzsche.Paul Valéry & Henri Albert - 1927 - [Paris?: [S.N.].
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    Humanismes et religions: Albert Camus et Paul Ricoeur.Jean-Marc Aveline & François-Xavier Amherdt (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin: Lit.
    2013 : la ville de Marseille était « Capitale européenne de la culture ». Dans ce contexte, l'Église catholique de Marseille a organisé, en juin 2013, un événement sur le modèle du « Parvis des Gentils », cet espace du Temple de Jérusalem auquel pouvaient accéder tous ceux qui n'étaient pas de confession juive : un lieu d'échanges donc, entre personnes de confessions ou de convictions différentes. - Le présent ouvrage rend compte des travaux universitaires organisés sur le thème « (...)
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    Do People Hear a Sarcastic Tone of Voice When Silently Reading Sarcastic Text?N. Katz Albert & Hussey Karen - 2017 - Metaphor and Symbol 32 (2):84-102.
    The received wisdom is that people can mentally invoke a sarcastic tone of voice during silent reading although there is no direct evidence for this claim. We provide an empirical demonstration. In Study 1, participants silently read a set of ambiguous phrases as either being sarcastic or sincere, and chose from a set of adjectives those that best describe the tone of voice that was invoked. Sarcasm-discriminating and sincere-discriminating adjectives were identified. In Study 2, a different sample read a set (...)
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    A Hitchhiker's Guide to Human Evolution, the Brain, and the Processing of Language When It Is "Stretched" From the Literal or Expected Usage.Albert N. Katz - 2006 - Metaphor and Symbol 21 (4):199-211.
    This article introduces the special issue on the brain and processing of nonliteral and other forms of language in which meaning is "stretched" or deviates from expectations. The introduction consists of 2 sections meant to orient the reader to the articles that follow. The first section is a brief review and commentary on recent research and theorizing into the evolution of the human brain, selected brain structures, and implications that arise for nonliteral language and thought. The second section reviews and (...)
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    Pascal's recovery of man's wholeness.Albert N. Wells - 1965 - Richmond,: John Knox Press.
    Among his many gifts, man has been endowed with the ability to see things from a variety of points of view.
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  22. The Christian Message in a Scientific Age.Albert N. Wells - 1962
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    Proverb in Mind: The Cognitive Science of Proverbial Wit and Wisdom.Albert N. Katz - 1999 - Metaphor and Symbol 14 (1):71-75.
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  24. On the science and art of sarcasm.Albert N. Katz - 2009 - In Leslie Anne Boldt-Irons, Corrado Federici & Ernesto Virgulti (eds.), Disguise, Deception, Trompe-L'oeil: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Peter Lang.
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    On Poetry and the Science(s) of Meaning.Albert N. Katz, Carina Rasse & Herbert L. Colston - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (2):113-116.
    Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerfulRita Dove(David Streitfeld, Washington Post, “Laureate for a New Age,” March 19, 1993).The genesis for this special issue arose in a rethin...
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    Something false about conceptual metaphors.J. Nick Reid & Albert N. Katz - 2018 - Metaphor and Symbol 33 (1):36-47.
    Although Lakoff and Johnson’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory has been influential across many disciplines, little research has tested the psychological reality of conceptual metaphors using established experimental memory paradigms. Here we employ an episodic memory task based on the Deese-Roediger-McDermott false memory paradigm to explore this possibility. We find that after reading lists of sentences based on underlying conceptual metaphors that participants are more likely to falsely remember the nonpresented conceptual metaphors themselves as well as new sentences consistent with the CM (...)
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    Meaning conveyed by vowels: Some reanalyses of word norm data.Albert N. Katz - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (1):15-17.
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    The subjective nature of creativity judgments.Albert N. Katz & Lorne Giacommelli - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (1):17-20.
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    Whitehead on ‘Substance’.Wilford N. Paul - 1976 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):77-82.
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    Vector Space Applications in Metaphor Comprehension.J. Nick Reid & Albert N. Katz - 2018 - Metaphor and Symbol 33 (4):280-294.
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  31. Review artici E.Nigel K. Turner, Albert N. Katz, Reuven Tsur, Kim Binsted, Helen Pain & Graeme Ritchie - 1997 - Pragmatics and Cognition 5:402.
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  32. Das Gesetz.Hermann Paul Albert Pohl - 1966 - Berlin,: Drei Enkel Verlang.
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    On Reversing the Topics and Vehicles of Metaphor.John D. Campbell & Albert N. Katz - 2006 - Metaphor and Symbol 21 (1):1-22.
    Class inclusion theory asserts that one cannot reverse the topic and vehicle of a metaphor and produce a new, meaningful metaphor that is based on the same interpretive ground. In 2 experiments we test that claim. In Study 1 we replicate the procedures employed by Glucksberg, McGlone, & Manfredi (1997) that provided support for the assertion. However we now add experimental conditions in which the target metaphors, either with the topic and vehicle in its canonical order or reversed, are placed (...)
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    Incommensurability, Proportionality, and Rational Legal Decision-Making.Paul-Erik N. Veel - 2010 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 4 (2):178-228.
    Courts frequently engage in the weighing of competing values; perhaps most obviously, such balancing constitutes an integral aspect of proportionality analysis in many states’ constitutional law. However, such balancing raises a difficult theoretical question: What does it mean that one value “outweighs” another in any particular case? If the values at issue are incommensurable — as they often will be — such balancing may appear to break down. As Justice Scalia has stated, balancing in the presence of incommensurable values “is (...)
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  35.  21
    The Embodiment of Power as Forward/Backward Movement in Chinese and English Speakers.Huilan Yang, J. Nick Reid, Albert N. Katz & Dandi Li - 2021 - Metaphor and Symbol 36 (3):181-193.
    In two experiments, we examined whether POWER is embodied in terms of horizontal forward and backward movement using an action compatibility task. Participants were asked to categorize power-relate...
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    Biases in Visual Attention in Depressed and Nondepressed Individuals.Ian H. Gotlib, Anne L. McLachlan & Albert N. Katz - 1988 - Cognition and Emotion 2 (3):185-200.
  37. The Unfolding Drama of the Bible.Bernard W. Anderson, John L. Casteel, Seward Hilther, Robert L. Calhoun, Wayne H. Cowan, Reinhold Niebuhr & Albert N. Williams - 1957
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    Cognitive Factors Related to Metaphor Goodness in Poetic and Non-literary Metaphor.J. Nick Reid, Hamad Al-Azary & Albert N. Katz - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (2):130-148.
    In this paper we examine the effect of two cognitive variables, Semantic Neighborhood Density and Interpretive Diversity, in first, distinguishing between literary (poetic) and nonliterary metaphor, and second, in determining what makes for a good metaphor. Analyses of items taken from a widely used set ofmetaphor norms indicated that while literary and nonliterary metaphor did not differ in many ways, the poetic items tended to 1) contain concepts that came from a more dense semantic space, 2) contain topic and vehicles (...)
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    (1 other version)Terrain n° 24, mars 1995, Carnets du patrimoine ethnologique, « La fabrication des saints ».Lucie Desideri - 1995 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:19-19.
    « Le formalisme juridique conduisant à la reconnaissance officielle d’un saint n’a cessé de se durcir entre le XIIe et le XVIIIe siècle. Il n’a été quelque peu allégé que depuis 1969, en raison peut-être de l’engorgement de l’administration pontificale face au flot grossissant des causes introduites - une quarantaine par an en moyenne - ces dernières décennies » (J. P. Albert, « Hagiographie. L’écriture qui sanctifie », pp. 75-83). Résultat : « entre 1978 et 1989, Jean Paul (...)
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    The Heritage and Challenge of History, by Paul K. Conkin and Roland N. Stromberg.Paul Keith Conkin & Roland N. Stromberg - 1972 - New York: Harper & Row.
    In a rich blend of intellectual hisory and philosophy, the authors present the major themes and personages that figure in both the theory of and history of history. They survey the questions and problems, concerns and motivations that have been the lot of the historian from the beginning. --.
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    La condición ambigua: diálogos con Lluís Duch.Albert Chillón - 2010 - Barcelona: Editorial Herder. Edited by Luis Duch.
    Ni ángel ni bestia, según la conocida sentencia de Blaise Pascal, el ser humano no posee una naturaleza predada y conclusa, sino una condición histórica y contingente, polifacética y ambigua. Por más que se sueñe omnipotente e infinito, está condenado a existir en la escasez, la incertidumbre y la imperfección, y su vida es un drama abierto e impredecible, que sólo la antorcha de un pensamiento a la vez lúcido y cordial –lógico y mítico, racional y sentiente, efectivo y afectivo– (...)
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    Einstein's God: Albert Einstein's Quest as a Scientist and as a Jew to Replace a Forsaken God.Robert N. Goldman & Albert Einstein - 1997 - Jason Aronson.
    Albert Einstein's Quest as a Scientist and as a Jew to Replace a Forsaken God.
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  43. Relativity, the Special and the General Theory: A Popular Exposition.Albert Einstein, Robert W. Lawson, A. S. Eddington & A. N. Whitehead - 1921 - Mind 30 (117):76-83.
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    The Sexual Life of the Child.Albert Moll & Eden Paul - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10 (7):188-190.
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  45. Jenny R. saffran, Michelle M. Loman, Rachel rw Robertson.Paul Bloom, Timp German, Michelle O'riordan, Albert Postma & Elizabeth Blair Morris - 2000 - Cognition 77 (291):291-292.
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  46. A computationally-discovered simplification of the ontological argument.Paul Oppenheimer & Edward N. Zalta - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (2):333 - 349.
    The authors investigated the ontological argument computationally. The premises and conclusion of the argument are represented in the syntax understood by the automated reasoning engine PROVER9. Using the logic of definite descriptions, the authors developed a valid representation of the argument that required three non-logical premises. PROVER9, however, discovered a simpler valid argument for God's existence from a single non-logical premise. Reducing the argument to one non-logical premise brings the investigation of the soundness of the argument into better focus. Also, (...)
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    Concerning Town PlanningBuilding for Modern Man: A SymposiumThe Architecture of the Old SouthAn Outline of European ArchitectureRussian Architecture. Trends in Nationalism and ModernismEliel Saarinen.Paul Zucker, Thomas H. le CorbusierCreighton, Henry Chandlee Forman, Nikolaus Pevsner, Arthur Voyce & Albert Christ-Janer - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):200.
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    The Human Project in the Philosophical System of Jean Paul Sartre.Leyla Mehdiyeva & Zaur Rashidov - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (1):41-63.
    The 20th century is known as a period of awakening and radical movements in the history. New systems of thought emerged during this period. Some systems of thought expressed a direct return to man. The beginning of the return to man was set by S.Kierkegaard with his views related to existentialism. The emergence of existentialism as a philosophical system coincides with the period after the First World War. In this period, the loss of previous values, the problem of secularism, and (...)
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    Re-integrating scholarly infrastructure: The ambiguous role of data sharing platforms.Paul N. Edwards, Carl Lagoze & Jean-Christophe Plantin - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
    Web-based platforms play an increasingly important role in managing and sharing research data of all types and sizes. This article presents a case study of the data storage, sharing, and management platform Figshare. We argue that such platforms are displacing and reconfiguring the infrastructure of norms, technologies, and institutions that underlies traditional scholarly communication. Using a theoretical framework that combines infrastructure studies with platform studies, we show that Figshare leverages the platform logic of core and complementary components to re-integrate a (...)
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  50. Buddhism and the Freedom of the Will.N. F. Gier & Paul Kjellberg - 2004 - In M. O'Rourke J. K. Campbell (ed.), Freedom and Determinism. MIT Press.
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