Results for 'Paula Lissón'

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  1.  22
    A Computational Evaluation of Two Models of Retrieval Processes in Sentence Processing in Aphasia.Paula Lissón, Dorothea Pregla, Bruno Nicenboim, Dario Paape, Mick L. Van het Nederend, Frank Burchert, Nicole Stadie, David Caplan & Shravan Vasishth - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12956.
    Can sentence comprehension impairments in aphasia be explained by difficulties arising from dependency completion processes in parsing? Two distinct models of dependency completion difficulty are investigated, the Lewis and Vasishth (2005) activation-based model and the direct-access model (DA; McElree, 2000). These models' predictive performance is compared using data from individuals with aphasia (IWAs) and control participants. The data are from a self-paced listening task involving subject and object relative clauses. The relative predictive performance of the models is evaluated using k-fold (...)
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    A Computational Evaluation of Two Models of Retrieval Processes in Sentence Processing in Aphasia.Paula Lissón, Dorothea Pregla, Bruno Nicenboim, Dario Paape, Mick L. het Nederend, Frank Burchert, Nicole Stadie, David Caplan & Shravan Vasishth - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12956.
    Can sentence comprehension impairments in aphasia be explained by difficulties arising from dependency completion processes in parsing? Two distinct models of dependency completion difficulty are investigated, the Lewis and Vasishth (2005) activation‐based model and the direct‐access model (DA; McElree, 2000). These models' predictive performance is compared using data from individuals with aphasia (IWAs) and control participants. The data are from a self‐paced listening task involving subject and object relative clauses. The relative predictive performance of the models is evaluated using k‐fold (...)
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    Homo absolutus: nach den Kulturen.Frank Lisson - 2008 - Schnellroda: Edition Antaios.
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    Weltverlorenheit: über das Wahre im Wirklichen.Frank Lisson - 2016 - Wien: Karolinger Verlag.
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  5. La conversión de san Cipriano.Domingo Ramos-Lissón - 1986 - Revista Agustiniana 27 (82):147-168.
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    La ley según Domingo de Soto: (estudio teológico-jurídico).Domingo Ramos-Lissón - 1976 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    Tipologías sacrificiales-eucarísticas del Antiguo Testamento en la epístola 63 de san Cipriano.Domingo Ramos-Lissón - 1982 - Augustinianum 22 (1-2):187-197.
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  8. Typicality, Irreversibility and the Status of Macroscopic Laws.Dustin Lazarovici & Paula Reichert - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (4):689-716.
    We discuss Boltzmann’s probabilistic explanation of the second law of thermodynamics providing a comprehensive presentation of what is called today the typicality account. Countering its misconception as an alternative explanation, we examine the relation between Boltzmann’s H-theorem and the general typicality argument demonstrating the conceptual continuity between the two. We then discuss the philosophical dimensions of the concept of typicality and its relevance for scientific reasoning in general, in particular for understanding the reduction of macroscopic laws to microscopic laws. Finally, (...)
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    Overinformative Speakers Are Cooperative: Revisiting the Gricean Maxim of Quantity.Paula Rubio-Fernandez - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (11):e12797.
    A pragmatic account of referential communication is developed which presents an alternative to traditional Gricean accounts by focusing on cooperativeness and efficiency, rather than informativity. The results of four language‐production experiments support the view that speakers can be cooperative when producing redundant adjectives, doing so more often when color modification could facilitate the listener's search for the referent in the visual display (Experiment 1a). By contrast, when the listener knew which shape was the target, speakers did not produce redundant color (...)
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    What makes a good metaphor? A cross-cultural study of computer-generated metaphor appreciation.Jeannette Littlemore, Paula Pérez Sobrino, David Houghton, Jinfang Shi & Bodo Winter - 2018 - Metaphor and Symbol 33 (2):101-122.
    ABSTRACTComputers are now able to automatically generate metaphors, but some automatically generated metaphors are more well received than others. In this article, we showed participants a series of “A is B” type metaphors that were either generated by humans or taken from the Twitter account “MetaphorIsMyBusiness”, which is linked to a fully automated metaphor generator. We used these metaphors to assess linguistic factors that drive metaphor appreciation and understanding, including the role of novelty, word frequency, concreteness, and emotional valence of (...)
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  11. Semantic Error Prediction: Estimating Word Production Complexity.David Strohmaier & Paula Buttery - 2024 - Proceedings of the 13Th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning 13:209-225.
    Estimating word complexity is a well-established task in computer-assisted language learning. So far, however, complexity estimation has been largely limited to comprehension. This neglects words that are easy to comprehend, but hard to produce. We introduce semantic error prediction (SEP) as a novel task that assesses the production complexity of content words. Given the corrected version of a learner-produced text, a system has to predict which content words replace tokens from the original text. We present and analyse one example of (...)
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  12. Feminist Philosophies of Love and Work.Julie A. Nelson & Paula England - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (2):1-18.
    Can work be done for pay, and still be loving? While many feminists believe that marketization inevitably leads to a degradation of social connections, we suggest that markets are themselves forms of social organization, and that even relationships of unequal power can sometimes include mutual respect. We call for increased attention to specific causes of suffering, such as greed, poverty, and subordination. We conclude with a summary of contributions to this Special Issue.
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  13. Epistemic Indefinites.Paula Menéndez-Benito - unknown
    Across languages, we find indefinites that overtly mark a speaker’s lack of knowledge: they signal that the speaker is unable to give any further information about who or what satisfies her existential claim (Becker, 1999; Haspelmath, 1997). From now on, we will refer to the marking of the speaker’s lack of knowledge as an epistemic effect and to the indefinites that induce epistemic effects as epistemic indefinites.
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    From Contact Relations to Modal Operators, and Back.Rafał Gruszczyński & Paula Menchón - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (5):717-748.
    One of the standard axioms for Boolean contact algebras says that if a region __x__ is in contact with the join of __y__ and __z__, then __x__ is in contact with at least one of the two regions. Our intention is to examine a stronger version of this axiom according to which if __x__ is in contact with the supremum of some family __S__ of regions, then there is a __y__ in __S__ that is in contact with __x__. We study (...)
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    Negativity bias in false memory: moderation by neuroticism after a delay.Catherine J. Norris, Paula T. Leaf & Kimberly M. Fenn - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):737-753.
    ABSTRACTThe negativity bias is the tendency for individuals to give greater weight, and often exhibit more rapid and extreme responses, to negative than positive information. Using the Deese-Roediger-McDermott illusory memory paradigm, the current study sought to examine how the negativity bias might affect both correct recognition for negative and positive words and false recognition for associated critical lures, as well as how trait neuroticism might moderate these effects. In two experiments, participants studied lists of words composed of semantic associates of (...)
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  16. Explicit Instructions Do Not Enhance Auditory Statistical Learning in Children With Developmental Language Disorder: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials.Ana Paula Soares, Francisco-Javier Gutiérrez-Domínguez, Helena M. Oliveira, Alexandrina Lages, Natália Guerra, Ana Rita Pereira, David Tomé & Marisa Lousada - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A current issue in psycholinguistic research is whether the language difficulties exhibited by children with developmental language disorder [DLD, previously labeled specific language impairment ] are due to deficits in their abilities to pick up patterns in the sensory environment, an ability known as statistical learning, and the extent to which explicit learning mechanisms can be used to compensate for those deficits. Studies designed to test the compensatory role of explicit learning mechanisms in children with DLD are, however, scarce, and (...)
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  17. The embodied emotional mind.Piotr Winkielman, Paula M. Niedenthal & Lindsay Oberman - 2008 - In Gün R. Semin & Eliot R. Smith, Embodied grounding: social, cognitive, affective, and neuroscientific approaches. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 263--288.
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    Proactive Ethics Consultation in the ICU: A Comparison of Value Perceived by Healthcare Professionals and Recipients.Felicia Cohn, Paula Goodman-Crews, William Rudman, Lawrence J. Schneiderman & Ellen Waldman - 2007 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 18 (2):140-147.
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    En torno al Thomas Münzer, teólogo de la revolución. Teología y política en Ernst Bloch y Walter Benjamin (1920-1921).María Paula Viglione - 2021 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 24 (2):173-182.
    Este trabajo se propone analizar la relación entre teología y política en el pensamiento de Ernst Bloch y Walter Benjamin, particularmente en los inicios de la década del veinte, período en el que ambos encuentran en el mesianismo una respuesta política frente a la crisis que enfrentaba Alemania. El marco de discusión se plantea a partir de Thomas Münzer, teólogo de la revolución [1921] de Bloch, en vistas de cotejarlo con los escritos de Benjamin de la época. Se pondrá a (...)
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  20. Minimal Domain Widening.Paula Men´Endez-Benitob - unknown
    Across languages, we find indefinites that trigger modal inferences. One such indefinite is Spanish alg´un. The sentence in (1), for instance, makes an existential claim (that there is a student that Mar´ıa married), and additionally conveys that the speaker does not know which student satisfies this claim. Hence, adding the continuation namely Pedro, which explicitly identifies the student that Mar´ıa married, would result in oddity. In contrast, the counterpart of (1) with the ‘plain’ indefinite un allows for such a continuation, (...)
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    Redescribing the Machiavellian prince. The idea of monarchy in Giovani Botero’s Della Ragion di Stato(1589).Silvina Paula Vidal - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Botero’s Della Ragion di Stato has a monarchical character that has been overlooked or taken for granted. This is due to the successful reception of the reason of state formula, which justifies any kind of political regime, including principalities, republics, and monarchies, regardless of the author’s preferences. However, there is a clear distinction between monarchy and reason of state that requires further discussion. Botero not only uses Machiavellian language when referring to a political community (as res publica) or the prince (...)
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  22. Evidence Linking Brain Activity Modulation to Age and to Deductive Training.Paula Álvarez-Merino, Carmen Requena & Francisco Salto - 2018 - Neural Plasticity 2018:1-20.
    Electrical brain activity modulation in terms of changes in its intensity and spatial distribution is a function of age and task demand. However, the dynamics of brain modulation is unknown when it depends on external factors such as training. The aim of this research is to verify the effect of deductive reasoning training on the modulation in the brain activity of healthy younger and older adults ( (mean age of 21 ± 3.39) and (mean age of 68.92 ± 5.72)). The (...)
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  23. Das palavras e das coisas curiosas: correspondência e escrita na coleção de notícias de Manuel Severim de Faria.Ana Paula Torres Megiani - 2007 - Topoi. Revista de História 8 (15):24-48.
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  24. Variables de Medida del Razonamiento Deductivo.Francisco Salto, Paula Alvarez-Merino & Carmen Requena - 2018 - Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnstico y Evaluación Psicológica 49 (4):59-75.
    Hay doble pulsión en el centro de la discusión del razonamiento deductivo. Una conduce aparentemente a la abstracción y dominios arbitrarios, mientras que la otra conduce a la concreción y la dependencia del contenido. El objetivo de esta investigación es diseñar, aplicar y validar un instrumento de evaluación que nos permita corroborar si el razonamiento deductivo maneja reglas lógicas o contenidos. La muestra de estudio se compuso de 80 participantes (edad 18-77 años). El test consta de 60 ítems categorizados en: (...)
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  25.  15
    Menstruum Universale.Jean-Luc Nancy & Paula Moddel - 1978 - Substance 6 (21):21.
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    The Portuguese Naturalist Correia da Serra (1751-1823) and His Impact on Early Nineteenth-Century Botany.Maria Paula Diogo, Ana Carneiro & Ana Simões - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (2):353 - 393.
    This paper focuses on the contributions to natural history, particularly in methods of plant classification of the Portuguese botanist, man of letters, diplomat, and Freemason Abbé José Correia da Serra (1751-1823), placing them in their national and international political and social contexts. Correia da Serra adopted the natural method of classification championed by the Frenchman Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, and introduced refinements of his own that owe much to parallel developments in zoology. He endorsed the view that the classification of plants (...)
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  27.  16
    Asociaciones entre la depresión materna y el desarrollo neuroconductual de los niños.Ana Paula Parada, Marcos Gonçalves de Rezende, Juliana Arantes Figueiredo de Paula Eduardo, Felipe Pinheiro de Figueiredo, Heloisa Bettiol, Ricardo Cavalli, Viviane Cunha Cardoso & Cristina Marta Del Ben - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:236-251.
    We investigated the influence of maternal depression (MD) on the communication and motor dimensions of child neurodevelopment, by a longitudinal and descriptive study. We assessed 1,555 mother-baby dyads from two Brazilian cities with discrepant sociodemographic characteristics: Ribeirão Preto (RP) (N=663) and São Luís (SL) (N=892). MD during pregnancy and at the second year of child´s life was assessed, respectively, through the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-CES-D (≥24) and the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale-EPDS (≥12). Child development was assessed through the (...)
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  28. Breast Cancer and Resilience: The Controversial Role of Perceived Emotional Intelligence.Rocio Guil, Paula Ruiz-González, Ana Merchán-Clavellino, Lucía Morales-Sánchez, Antonio Zayas & Rocio Gómez-Molinero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Cancer is a chronic disease that causes the most deaths in the world, being a public health problem nowadays. Even though breast cancer affects the daily lives of patients, many women become resilient after the disease, decreasing the impact of the diagnosis. Based on a positive psychology approach, the concept of co-vitality arises understood as a set of socio-emotional competencies that enhance psychological adaptation. In this sense, emotional intelligence is one of the main protective factors associated with resilience. However, it (...)
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  29. Modal Indefinites.Paula Men´Endez-Benito - unknown
    Across languages, we find indefinites that trigger modal inferences. This article contributes to a semantic typology of these items by contrasting Spanish alg´un with in-.
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  30. Two Types of Weak Determiners: Evidence from Spanish.Paula MenÉNdez-Benito - unknown
    Weak determiners have both a presuppositional and a non presuppositional reading. Two ways of accounting for this fact have been proposed. The Ambiguity Approach (Partee 1989, Diesing 1992, de Hoop 1992) posits that weak determiners are ambiguous. The Pragmatic Approach (Büring 1996) claims that we do not need to postulate an ambiguity in the semantics: the presuppositional reading arises as a result of presuppositions triggered by topic/focus marking. In this paper we explore the possibility that both theories are needed. We (...)
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  31. Plural Epistemic Indefinites ∗.Paula Men´Endez-Benitob - unknown
    Across languages, we find epistemic indefinites, i.e. existential determiners that can convey information about the speaker’s epistemic state.1 One such indefinite is Spanish alg´un, which marks ignorance on the part of the speaker. By using alg´un in (1a) the speaker signals that he is unable (or unwilling) to identify the doctor that Mar´ıa married. Hence, it would be odd for him to add a namely continuation that explicitly identifies the doctor in question, as in (1b). From now on, we will (...)
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    Cartoon diplomacy: visual strategies, imperial rivalries and the 1890 British Ultimatum to Portugal.Maria Paula Diogo, Paula Urze & Ana Simões - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Science 56 (2):147-166.
    This paper offers a novel interpretation of the 1890 British Ultimatum, by bringing to the front of the stage its techno-diplomatic dimension, often invisible in the canonical diplomatic and military narratives. Furthermore, we use an unconventional historical source to grasp the British–Portuguese imperial conflict over the African hinterland via the building of railways: the cartoons of the politically committed and polyvalent Portuguese artist and journalist Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro (1846–1905), published in his journal Ponto nos iis, from the end of 1889 (...)
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    Psicologia e Inclusão.Ana Paula Camilo Ciantelli & Lúcia Pereira Leite - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (76):97-132.
    Resumo: O estudo objetivou analisar os efeitos de uma proposta de intervenção da área da Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, voltada para a inclusão social e educacional de estudantes com deficiência no contexto universitário. Participaram quatro estudantes (três com deficiência física e um com transtorno do espectro autista), matriculados numa universidade pública brasileira. A coleta de dados ocorreu em três etapas: 1) entrevistas abertas individuais e aplicação de instrumentos; 2) intervenção grupal; 3) entrevistas individuais e reaplicação dos instrumentos. Neste texto, serão (...)
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  34.  29
    The evidential future in Italian.Ilaria Frana & Paula Menéndez-Benito - 2023 - Natural Language Semantics 31 (2):139-178.
    This paper provides a systematic description and analysis of the non-predictive use of the Italian future. Several authors claim that, on this use, the Italian future is an evidential (Squartini 2001, Mari 2010, Eckardt and Beltrama 2019, Frana and Menéndez-Benito 2019 ). Others argue that the non-predictive future does not directly contribute an evidential signal (e.g., Giannakidou and Mari 2018, Farkas and Ippolito 2022 ). We side with the evidential camp. From an empirical standpoint, we present the results of a (...)
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    A shared “optimal-level of arousal”: Seeking basis for creativity and curiosity.Erik Gustafsson, Paula Ibáñez de Aldecoa & Emily R. R. Burdett - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e100.
    We argue that the phases identified in the novelty-seeking model can be clarified by considering an updated version of the optimal-level of arousal model, which incorporates the “arousal” and “mood changing” potentials of stimuli and contexts. Such a model provides valuable insights into what determines one's state of mind, inter-individual differences, and the rewarding effects of curiosity and creativity.
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  36.  20
    Qigong Training Positively Impacts Both Posture and Mood in Breast Cancer Survivors With Persistent Post-surgical Pain: Support for an Embodied Cognition Paradigm.Ana Paula Quixadá, Jose G. V. Miranda, Kamila Osypiuk, Paolo Bonato, Gloria Vergara-Diaz, Jennifer A. Ligibel, Wolf Mehling, Evan T. Thompson & Peter M. Wayne - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Theories of embodied cognition hypothesize interdependencies between psychological well-being and physical posture. The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of objectively measuring posture, and to explore the relationship between posture and affect and other patient centered outcomes in breast cancer survivors with persistent postsurgical pain over a 12-week course of therapeutic Qigong mind-body training. Twenty-one BCS with PPSP attended group Qigong training. Clinical outcomes were pain, fatigue, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, stress and exercise self-efficacy. Posture outcomes were vertical (...)
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    Would You Choose to be Happy? Tradeoffs Between Happiness and the Other Dimensions of Life in a Large Population Survey.Matthew D. Adler, Paula Dolan & Georgios Kavetsos - unknown
    A large literature documents the correlates and causes of subjective well-being, or happiness. But few studies have investigated whether people choose happiness. Is happiness all that people want from life, or are they willing to sacrifice it for other attributes, such as income and health? Tackling this question has largely been the preserve of philosophers. In this article, we find out just how much happiness matters to ordinary citizens. Our sample consists of nearly 13,000 members of the UK and US (...)
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    Sobrelotação Prisional.Ana Paula Guimarães, Mário Barata & Fernanda Rebelo - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-9.
    O alojamento do recluso no estabelecimento prisional deve respeitar a sua dignidade. Os dados oficiais, até dezembro de 2020, revelam sobrelotação em algumas prisões. Analisamos a problemática no foro constitucional, dos direitos de personalidade e do direito penitenciário, recorrendo a fontes legais e doutrinárias. Concluímos que a sobrelotação configura um problema que tem de ser ultrapassado e que existe um claro desfasamento entre a law in the books e a law in action.
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    (Re)Encontrando Heidegger.Antonio Filogenio de Paula Junior - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (29):59-69.
    O presente texto é oriundo da disciplina “Ontologia e Ciências Humanas: O Kant de Heidegger”, ministrada pelos professores Gustavo Silvano Batista e Eduardo José Marandola Junior entre janeiro e fevereiro de 2024, no Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar (ICHSA) da Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas (FCA) da Unicamp no campus de Limeira-SP. Nele procuro analisar no segundo Heidegger em sua crítica pós-metafísica, portanto após a sua discussão sobre a metafísica kantiana, a maturação da ideia do Dasein. Nessa leitura específica de Heidegger destaco (...)
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    Resistir Com a Filosofia e a Educação.Paula Ramos de Oliveira - 2017 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 28:1-3.
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    Psychometric Properties of the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3) in Chilean Youth.Paula Lizana-Calderón, Claudia Cruzat-Mandich, Fernanda Díaz-Castrillón, Jesús M. Alvarado & Emilio J. Compte - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:806563.
    The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI)-3 test to evaluate eating disorders in young Chilean population. Methods: The sample consisted of 1,091 Chilean adolescents and young people (i.e., 476 men and 615 women) between 15 and 28 years old, from the metropolitan region, and four regions from the coast and south-central zone of the country. The reliability and factorial structure of the instrument were analyzed, replicating the confirmatory factor analyses ofBrookings (...)
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    A prática da observação sistemática para a formação do(a) psicólogo(a): relato de experiência.Gabriela de Paula Feriani, Camila Vassallo de Melo, Wanderlei Abadio de Oliveira & Letícia Lovato Dellazzana- Zanon - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (2):157-164.
    Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência de duas alunas matriculadas em uma disciplina de estágio básico com foco no desenvolvimento da observação sistemática. A experiência ocorreu em 2016, no contexto do quinto semestre do curso de Psicologia de uma universidade particular do estado de São Paulo. Os alunos matriculados na disciplina deveriam realizar 4 horas de observação e 2 horas de supervisão acadêmica por semana. Nove observações orientadas foram realizadas, partindo-se da observação aleatória até a realização de uma (...)
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    Cossio, Kelsen e a Fenomenologia. Uma abordagem da Experiência Jurídica.Ana Paula Loureiro de Sousa - 2010 - Phainomenon 20-21 (1):213-225.
    In this paper, I analyze Carlos Cossio’s theory of law, and how his theory was a reaction to Kelsen’s juridical positivism. The most important aspect I highlight is the logical abstract normativism defended by Kelsen, and how it was overcome by a transcendental and existential theory of law, which Cossio develops in a close relationship to Husserl and Heidegger views.
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    Department of Humanism and Bioethics at the Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia: An update based on 8 years of service.Paula Prieto-Martínez, Nathalia Rodríguez Suárez & Diana Lucía Zárate-Velasco - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092210773.
    A humane and respectful treatment of patients by the staff has inspired the creation of the Department of Humanism and Bioethics at the University Hospital of Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá which not only has met, but even surpassed established goals. Since 2013, the Department has developed different activities that have made it possible to respond more ethically to the daily needs of patients and to strengthen other humanization processes. Currently, the Department of Humanism and Bioethics addresses five lines of (...)
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    Materialidad, memoria y lenguaje en la Relación de las Fábulas y Ritos de los Incas (1575) de Cristóbal de Molina.Paula Martínez Sagredo - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 56:252-258.
    Resumen: La variación lingüística es un fenómeno presente en casi todos los idiomas. Su interés para los estudios traductológicos es incuestionable. En el presente trabajo pretendemos investigar cómo se resuelven los problemas que plantea la variación lingüística para la traducción literaria chino-español. Con tal objetivo, hemos elegido la obra La casa de té y sus dos versiones de español como corpus de análisis. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que en la traducción de los elementos de la variación lingüística de esta (...)
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    Ética, moral, axiologia e valores: confusões e ambiguidades em torno de um conceito comum.Ana Paula Pedro - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (130):483-498.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo essencial contribuir para o esclarecimento teórico-filosófico do uso de conceitos como ética, moral, axiologia e valores, habitualmente empregues para nos referirmos a uma mesma realidade. Para tal, começaremos por analisar as respetivas etimologias que os caracterizam, examinaremos os diversos matizes dos seus sentidos diferenciados, bem como a sua relação de complementaridade, e terminaremos referindo o que entendemos por valores e qual a sua natureza e importância, principais características, bem como o universo a que se reportam. (...)
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  47.  9
    Mundo da vida e Direito Natural. Uma Fundamentação Fenomenológica dos Direitos Humanos?Ana Paula Loureiro de Sousa - 2011 - Phainomenon 22-23 (1):441-454.
    The justification of Natural Law is a very controversial issue, not only after the Positivist’s rebuttals, but since its very anthropological foundations in the early modern age. In this paper, I try do give an account of Natural Law and natural rights in terms of a phenomenological description of the background of normative intentionality. Taking a genetic stance, I go from the positive norm and the intentionality that constitutes it to the underling pregiveness that supplies the condition of its possibility. (...)
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    Department of Humanism and Bioethics at the Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia: An update based on 8 years of service.Paula Prieto-Martínez, Nathalia Rodríguez Suárez & Diana Lucía Zárate-Velasco - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (4):393-403.
    A humane and respectful treatment of patients by the staff has inspired the creation of the Department of Humanism and Bioethics at the University Hospital of Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá which not only has met, but even surpassed established goals. Since 2013, the Department has developed different activities that have made it possible to respond more ethically to the daily needs of patients and to strengthen other humanization processes. Currently, the Department of Humanism and Bioethics addresses five lines of (...)
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    De Nietzsche a Sartre: de la crítica de la metafísica al hombre postmetafísico.Paula Aguadero Ruiz - 2019 - Madrid (Spain): Ápeiron Ediciones.
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    O universo dos sons nas artes plásticas.Ana Paula Almeida - 2007 - Lisboa: Edições Colibri.
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