Results for 'Paula Martínez'

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  1.  12
    Materialidad, memoria y lenguaje en la Relación de las Fábulas y Ritos de los Incas (1575) de Cristóbal de Molina.Paula Martínez Sagredo - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 56:252-258.
    Resumen: La variación lingüística es un fenómeno presente en casi todos los idiomas. Su interés para los estudios traductológicos es incuestionable. En el presente trabajo pretendemos investigar cómo se resuelven los problemas que plantea la variación lingüística para la traducción literaria chino-español. Con tal objetivo, hemos elegido la obra La casa de té y sus dos versiones de español como corpus de análisis. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que en la traducción de los elementos de la variación lingüística de esta (...)
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    Department of Humanism and Bioethics at the Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia: An update based on 8 years of service.Paula Prieto-Martínez, Nathalia Rodríguez Suárez & Diana Lucía Zárate-Velasco - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092210773.
    A humane and respectful treatment of patients by the staff has inspired the creation of the Department of Humanism and Bioethics at the University Hospital of Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá which not only has met, but even surpassed established goals. Since 2013, the Department has developed different activities that have made it possible to respond more ethically to the daily needs of patients and to strengthen other humanization processes. Currently, the Department of Humanism and Bioethics addresses five lines of (...)
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  3. Cuidados de enfermería en un usuario con alteración de la comunicación verbal.Dayann Martínez, Paula Vega & Jennifer Díaz - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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    The Impact of IFRS Adoption on the Comparability, Quality, and Efficiency of Financial Reporting in Public Administration and Emerging Markets.Gema Viviana Paula Alarcón, Diego Omar Guevara Torrecillas, Diana Marcela Figueroa Fonseca & Williams Arturo Martinez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1190-1198.
    This article investigates the impact of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on the comparability, quality, and efficiency of financial reporting, both in public administration and in emerging markets. Through a quantitative approach, data from various public institutions and emerging market companies that have adopted IFRS in recent years were analyzed. The results indicate a significant improvement in the comparability and quality of financial reports, although accounting efficiency varies depending on the degree of implementation and administrative modernization in (...)
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    Approaching transcultural aesthetic practices from viewpoint of European tradition.Alessandra Caputo-Jaffe & Paula Martínez Sagredo - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:74-98.
    Resumen: En este artículo se estudia la dimensión estética de prácticas denominadas artísticas, que no fueron concebidas dentro de los cánones clásicos europeos del “Arte”. Nos centramos en el problema disciplinar que se genera al separar las prácticas estéticas -es decir todas aquellas manifestaciones sensibles- de culturas no-europeas de aquellas que sí pertenecen a los cánones académicos o institucionales de tradición europea; las primeras perteneciendo al ámbito de la antropología y arqueología y las segundas al arte y la estética. Sostenemos (...)
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    Effects of Teleassistance on the Quality of Life of People With Rare Neuromuscular Diseases According to Their Degree of Disability.Oscar Martínez, Imanol Amayra, Juan Francisco López-Paz, Esther Lázaro, Patricia Caballero, Irune García, Alicia Aurora Rodríguez, Maitane García, Paula María Luna, Paula Pérez-Núñez, Jaume Barrera, Nicole Passi, Sarah Berrocoso, Manuel Pérez & Mohammad Al-Rashaida - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Rare neuromuscular diseases are a group of pathologies characterized by a progressive loss of muscular strength, atrophy, fatigue, and other muscle-related symptoms, which affect quality of life levels. The low prevalence, high geographical dispersion and disability of these individuals involve difficulties in accessing health and social care services. Teleassistance is presented as a useful tool to perform psychosocial interventions in these situations. The main aim of this research is to assess the effects of a teleassistance psychosocial program on the QoL (...)
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    The Impact of Clinical Ethics Consultations on Physicians in a Latin American Context.Nathalia Rodríguez-Suárez & Paula Prieto-Martínez - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (4):635-651.
    Clinical bioethics plays a significant role in hospital settings through bioethics consultations, which focus on providing ongoing assistance in complex situations within the doctor-patient dynamic. These consultations entail regular interaction between physicians and clinical bioethicists. This situation prompts an exploration into how bioethics consultations affect physicians. The current research aims to understand the influence of bioethics consultations on physicians’ bioethical knowledge by analyzing the lexical content in their patients’ medical records. Medical records are a synthesis carried out by physicians, often (...)
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    Análisis de la funcionalidad discursivo-pragmática en adultos mayores sanos y con demencia leve.Ana Paula Machado Goyano Mac-Kay, Carolina Martínez Sotelo, Alicia Figueroa, Daniela Gutiérrez & Camila Reyes Silva - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (1):192-205.
    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la funcionalidad discursivo-pragmática de sujetos adultos mayores sanos y con demencia leve, en sus aspectos de coherencia y coherencia pragmática, a través del análisis de producción lingüística oral, de ambos grupos, mediante la tarea denominada “monólogo audible” del protocolo MetAphAs. La muestra fue seleccionada de la base de datos NEUROLEN, en la cual se eligieron 9 sujetos sanos y 9 sujetos con demencia leve. Los datos fueron analizados desde una perspectiva de investigación cualitativa (...)
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    Operation of a triage committee for advanced life support during the COVID-19 pandemic.Benjamín Herreros, Rafael Ruiz de Luna, Natalia de la Calle, Diego Gayoso, Paula Martínez, Karmele Olaciregui Dague & Gregorio Palacios - 2022 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 17 (1):1-8.
    Background During the first weeks of March 2020 in Spain, the cases of severe respiratory failure progressively increased, generating an imbalance between the clinical needs for advanced life support (ALS) measures and the effective availability of ALS resources. To address this problem, the creation of triage committees (TC) was proposed, whose main function is to select the best candidates to receive ALS. The main objective of our study is to describe the clinical characteristics of the patients evaluated by the TC (...)
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  10.  24
    Black widow optimization for reducing the target uncertainties in localization wireless sensor networks.Rubén Ferrero-Guillén, José-Manuel Alija-Pérez, Alberto Martínez-Gutiérrez, Rubén Álvarez, Paula Verde & Javier Díez-González - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):971-985.
    Localization Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) represent a research topic with increasing interest due to their numerous applications. However, the viability of these systems is compromised by the attained localization uncertainties once implemented, since the network performance is highly dependent on the sensors location. The Node Location Problem (NLP) aims to obtain the optimal distribution of sensors for a particular environment, a problem already categorized as NP-Hard. Furthermore, localization WSN usually perform a sensor selection for determining which nodes are to be (...)
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    Profesores en pandemia: identidad profesional en medios de comunicación escrita.Cindy Palacios, Javiera Mardones, Josefa Páez, Paula Cortez, David Cuadra-Martínez, Pablo J. Castro-Carrasco, Cristián Oyanadel & Ingrid González Palta - 2022 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 32 (2):429-446.
    Este estudio buscó describir e interpretar las teorías subjetivas sobre la identidad profesional docente que se construyen y difunden noticiosamente durante la educación de emergencia por la pandemia de COVID 19. Se utilizó un estudio de análisis documental, metodología cualitativa y un diseño de estudio de casos. El muestreo intencionado y por conveniencia corresponde a 40 noticias de prensa escrita en español, sobre el profesor(a) en pandemia y publicadas en diferentes medios que fueron recolectadas a través de Google Noticias desde (...)
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    You May Have My Help but Not Necessarily My Care: The Effect of Social Class and Empathy on Prosociality.Gloria Jiménez-Moya, Bernadette Paula Luengo Kanacri, Patricio Cumsille, M. Loreto Martínez & Christian Berger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous research has focused on the relation between social class and prosocial behavior. However, this relation is yet unclear. In this work, we shed light on this issue by considering the effect of the level of empathy and the social class of the recipient of help on two types of prosociality, namely helping and caring. In one experimental study, we found that for high-class participants, empathy had a positive effect on helping, regardless of the recipient’s social class. However, empathy had (...)
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    What’s Weight Got to Do With It? Mental Health Trainees’ Perceptions of a Client With Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms.Laurie A. S. Veillette, Jose Martinez Serrano & Paula M. Brochu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    When One Health Meets the United Nations Ocean Decade: Global Agendas as a Pathway to Promote Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on Human-Nature Relationships.Patricia Masterson-Algar, Stuart R. Jenkins, Gill Windle, Elisabeth Morris-Webb, Camila K. Takahashi, Trys Burke, Isabel Rosa, Aline S. Martinez, Emanuela B. Torres-Mattos, Renzo Taddei, Val Morrison, Paula Kasten, Lucy Bryning, Nara R. Cruz de Oliveira, Leandra R. Gonçalves, Martin W. Skov, Ceri Beynon-Davies, Janaina Bumbeer, Paulo H. N. Saldiva, Eliseth Leão & Ronaldo A. Christofoletti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Strong evidence shows that exposure and engagement with the natural world not only improve human wellbeing but can also help promote environmentally friendly behaviors. Human-nature relationships are at the heart of global agendas promoted by international organizations including the World Health Organization’s “One Health” and the United Nations “Ocean Decade.” These agendas demand collaborative multisector interdisciplinary efforts at local, national, and global levels. However, while global agendas highlight global goals for a sustainable world, developing science that directly addresses these agendas (...)
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    El feminismo ante la construcción de la oposición “género vs. pueblo”.Paula Varela - 2023 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 31:23-45.
    La Nueva Ola Feminista ha generado dos reacciones que no son nuevas, pero se ven actualizadas por el carácter masivo y global del movimiento: una instrumentalización del feminismo, configurando lo que Laura Martínez-Jiménez denomina “posfeminismo neoliberal”; y una avanzada de un populismo conservador, que redobla su militancia anti-derechos como parte de su programa ante la crisis neoliberal (como puede observarse en el fallo Dobbs vs. Jackson en Estados Unidos). Objetivos. En este artículo analizaremos ambas reacciones (que en algunas ocasiones (...)
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  16. Espacio y duración: Bergson frente a Kant.Jesús Pardo Martínez - 2005 - Diálogo Filosófico 61:69-82.
    Bergson reconoce a Kant el mérito de haber caracterizado al espacio y al tiempo homogéneos como actos del espíritu distintos de todo contenido sensible. Le reprocha no haber advertido que su función no es especulativa sino práctica. De ahí la posibilidad de la metafísica como conocimiento de la duración, una vez superado el mecanismo espacializante de la inteligencia.
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  17. Funerary stelae of caliphal period discovered in Orihuela (Alicante).Martinez Nunez - 2001 - Al-Qantara 22 (1):45-76.
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    Para forjar sociedades sustentables.Rayén Quiroga Martínez - 2003 - Polis 5.
    Realiza la autora un esbozo que recorre el cúmulo de limitaciones y propuestas para la sustentabilidad desde un abordaje transdisciplinar, para pasar a ofrecernos reflexiones culturales y emocionales. Sugiere que no es más fácil fingir que cambiamos -abrazando discursos de cambio- que verdaderamente hacerlo, y que no podremos forjar sociedades sustentables y solidarias, si no nos cambiamos a nosotros mismos. El éxito o fracaso en la construcción de la sustentabilidad –concluye- tendrá que ver también con nuestras emociones, con la forma (...)
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  19. Developing a Critical Realist Positional Approach to Intersectionality.Angela Martinez Dy, Lee Martin & Susan Marlow - 2014 - Journal of Critical Realism 13 (5):447-466.
    This article identifies philosophical tensions and limitations within contemporary intersectionality theory which, it will be argued, have hindered its ability to explain how positioning in multiple social categories can affect life chances and influence the reproduction of inequality. We draw upon critical realism to propose an augmented conceptual framework and novel methodological approach that offers the potential to move beyond these debates, so as to better enable intersectionality to provide causal explanatory accounts of the ‘lived experiences’ of social privilege and (...)
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    Feminist Interpretations of John Dewey.Charlene Haddock Seigfried (ed.) - 2001 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This is the first collection of essays to evaluate John Dewey's pragmatist philosophy from a feminist perspective. The variety of feminist interpretations offered here ranges from Jane Addams's praise for his collegial efforts to resolve the problems of the inner city to contemporary comparisons of his approach with Addams's own critique of capitalism as patriarchal. In between are essays assessing Dewey's contributions to feminist theory and practice both in his lifetime and in regard to contemporary feminist approaches to education, subjectivity, (...)
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  21. Filosofía e historia según I. Ellacuría.Jose Martinez - 1995 - Pensamiento 51 (199):149-153.
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  22. Guía para no perderse en la maraña de la ciencia cognitiva: relaciones interteóricas y estrategias reductivas.Jesús Ezquerro Martínez - 2003 - Laguna 12:27-52.
    En este trabajo se analiza el problema de la reducción en el contexto de la actual ciencia cognitiva y también, otros conceptos asociados como los de leyes especiales, relaciones interteóricas, análisis funcional, interdisciplinariedad, etc. Se pone de relieve el carácter paradigmático que para la filosofía de la ciencia ba de tener la ciencia cognitiva a la hora de elaborar un enfoque adecuado de los mismos. En este sentido, la concepción estructuralista de la ciencia encontraría algunas de sus más serias limitaciones.
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    Editorial: Well-Being of School Teachers in Their Work Environment.Paula Benevene, Simona De Stasio & Caterina Fiorilli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Schopenhauer y las Investigaciones filosóficas sobre la esencia de la libertad humana de Schelling.Fernando Martínez Herrera - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (1):147-174.
    Aunque con cierta frecuencia se ha hablado de la influencia del «Tratado sobre la libertad»de Schelling sobre la metafísica de Schopenhauer, la tradición apenas ha prestado atención a losnumerosos pero muy dispersos materiales, publicados e inéditos, que conciernen a la relación y lapolémica de Schopenhauer con dicho tratado. El artículo ofrece una exposición ordenada de talesmateriales, mostrando cuáles fueron las objeciones fundamentales de Schopenhauer al escrito y tratandode determinar la motivación última de la polémica. Asimismo, se comentan las declaraciones del (...)
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    Gramsci and Education.Paula Allman, Estanislao Antelo, Ursula Apitzsch, Stanley Aronowitz, John Baldacchino, Joseph A. Buttigieg, Diana Coben, Gustavo Fischman, Benedetto Fontana, Henry A. Giroux, Jerrold L. Kachur, D. W. Livingstone, Peter McLaren, Peter Mayo, Attilio Monasta, W. J. Morgan, Raymond A. Morrow, Silvia Serra & Carlos Alberto Torres (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Antonio Gramsci is one of the major social and political theorists of the 20th century whose work has had an enormous influence on several fields, including educational theory and practice. Gramsci and Education demonstrates the relevance of Antonio Gramsci's thought for contemporary educational debates. The essays are written by scholars located in different parts of the world, a number of whom are well known internationally for their contributions to Gramscian scholarship and/or educational research. The collection deals with a broad range (...)
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    Pasajes y paisajes: reflexiones sobre la práctica científica.María Martini, Roberto Marafioti & Florencia Rimoldi (eds.) - 2016 - Moreno, prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editora Universidad Nacional de Moreno.
    El desafío científico-político de coproducir y proveer "servicios climáticos" en el sudeste de Sudamérica / Cecilia Hidalgo -- Coproducción, ciencia y activismo : empoderamiento epistémico y retórico de activistas seropositivos en la Argentina / Emiliano Marello -- Coproducción en lactancia materna y alimentación del niño pequeño / Pablo Duran -- Coproducción de conocimientos entre especialistas y docentes mediados por una plataforma virtual gubernamental / Marisa Álvarez, Verónica Xhardez y Marcela Pologna -- Conocimiento científico, performatividad e interacción social: compromisos filosófico-sociológicos / (...)
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    Using Distributional Statistics to Acquire Morphophonological Alternations: Evidence from Production and Perception.Helen Buckler & Paula Fikkert - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:186396.
    Morphophonological alternations, such as the voicing alternation that arises in a morphological paradigm due to final-devoicing in Dutch, are notoriously difficult for children to acquire. This has previously been attributed to their unpredictability. In fact, the presence or absence of a voicing alternation is partly predictable if the phonological context of the word is taken into account, and adults have been shown to use this information ( Ernestus and Baayen, 2003 ). This study investigates whether voicing alternations are predictable from (...)
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  28. ¿Concepto subjetivo o esencia objetiva y trascendente?: una interpretación fenomenológica del punto de partida del argumento ontológico.Ismael Martínez Liébana - 2005 - Estudios Filosóficos 54 (155):111-136.
    En este artículo se investiga la índole y supuestos filosóficos básicos de dos perspectivas metafísicas y epistemológicas contrapuestas en torno a la célebre prueba ontológica de la existencia de Dios. Tales perspectivas son, por un lado, la esencia lista o realista fenomenológica, para la que, por admitir la objetividad y trascendencia de las llamadas "cualidades eidéticas necesarias", la prueba es válida y concluyente; por otro, la perspectiva existencialista o conceptualista, que, al negar tal objetividad y trascendencia, rechaza la validez de (...)
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  29. Cántico de Nuestra Señora, manuscrito inédito del Beato Alonso de Orozco.Gregorio Martínez - 1991 - Revista Agustiniana 32 (99):1095-1138.
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  30. Inmigrant labor: civil rights, violence and the labor market: El Ejido (Almería, Spain).U. Martínez Veiga - 2001 - Endoxa 15:129-134.
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  31. La cuestión de la existencia de Dios en los iniciadores de la Escuela de Salamanca.Angel Martínez Casado - 2009 - Estudios Filosóficos 58 (168):213-241.
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  32. La dignidad del paciente terminal.K. Martínez Urionabarrenetxea & J. Masiá - 2005 - In Juan Masiá Clavel (ed.), Ser humano, persona y dignidad. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer.
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    Myths, traditions, and rituals of food in Spanish cinema.Eva Navarro Martínez & Alejandro Buitrago Alonso - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (211):293-313.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Observaciones sobre algunos aspectos de la filosofía de Ernst Tugendhat.David Martínez Rincón - 2018 - Universitas Philosophica 35 (71):351-377.
    This paper argues that there is a thread in the philosophy of E. Tugendhat binding together his moral and justice theories with his conceptual analysis. Oriented by the thesis that a conceptual analysis is necessary to explain what justice is, this paper reconstructs some aspects of Tugendhat’s philosophy. It is divided in four sections: First, I delve into the author’s definition and use of conceptual analysis. Second, I describe some features of Tugendhat’s moral theory of contractualism. Third, I examine his (...)
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    Test Item Taxonomy Based on Functional Criteria.Rafael Moreno, Rafael J. Martínez & José Muñiz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  36. Crítica de la razón cognitiva.Jesús Martínez Velasco - 2007 - Estudios Filosóficos 56 (162):249-268.
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    La Meditacion (Segun la mas antigua tradicion budista). Luis Mojica Sandoz.Alfonso L. Garcia-Martinez - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 5 (3):101-103.
    La Meditacion. Luis Mojica Sandoz. Editorial Universitaria, Universidad de Puerto Rico 1979, Apartado de Correos X, Rio Piedras, P. R. 00931.
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  38. Arlequín consumado o la vida como arte.Pedro José Herráiz Martínez - 2000 - Estudios Filosóficos 49 (140):61-94.
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  39. La subjetividad insuperada.Jorge Riezu Martínez - 2008 - Estudios Filosóficos 57 (164):125-143.
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    Semiotic Theory and Human Intelligence.Michael E. Martinez - 2008 - Semiotics:515-534.
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    Teología pastoral: panorámica y perspectivas.Francisco García Martínez - 2007 - Salmanticensis 54 (2):381-388.
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    Wenceslao J. Gonzalez : Bas van Fraassen’s Approach to Representation and Models in Science.José F. Martínez-Solano - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (1):261-264.
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    Spirituality and post-graduate students' attitudes towards blood donation.Rodrigo G. S. Almeida, Edson Z. Martinez, Alessandra Mazzo, Maria A. Trevizan & Isabel A. C. Mendes - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):0969733012465999.
    College students have become more representative as blood donors, mainly to help other people. This study ascertained the association between spirituality and adherence or intention to donate blood in post-graduate students. In this quantitative and cross-sectional study, participants were 281 students from a post-graduate programme at a Brazilian public university. After complying with ethical requirements, data were collected through a questionnaire for sociodemographic characterization and identification of blood donation practices, followed by the Spiritual Well-Being Scale. Descriptive statistics and parametric tests (...)
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  44. De lo moral a lo jurídico en Aranguren.Antonio de Paula Blanco González - 1983 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 23:29-80.
  45. La soledad, una presencia hecha de ausencias.Javier Martínez Cortés - 2004 - Critica 54 (914):30-35.
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    The role of health law, bioethics, and human rights to promote a safer and healthier world.Paula Lobato de Faria (ed.) - 2006 - [Lisbon]: Fundação Luso-Americana.
  47. El año santo, un reto al hombre moderno.Alejandro Martínez Sierra - 1984 - Revista Agustiniana 25 (76):205-218.
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    Mineur et secret médical – Le secret sur son état de santé demandé par le mineur à l’égard de ses parents : de la reconnaissance d’un droit à sa mise en œuvre concrète.François Vialla, Magali Faure, Éric Martinez, Rodolphe Bourret & Jean-Philippe Vauthier - 2015 - Médecine et Droit 2015 (133):79-89.
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    Social research on science and religion in nordic countries.Pia Vuolanto, Paula Nissilä & Ali Qadir - 2020 - Zygon 55 (1):73-92.
    This article presents a review of the literature on science and religion in Nordic countries. Seventy-seven articles, books, and chapters on the topic were collected from five major scholarly databases between 1997 and 2018. We scrutinized how research in this data set was engaged with social scientific research. Most of the research was not social scientific. It was primarily philosophical, theological, and historical research; very little presented empirical and theoretical social scientific research. The studies reflected societal discussions, bringing out some (...)
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    (1 other version)Condillac: conocimiento y mundo externo.Ismael Martínez Liébana - 1999 - Endoxa 1 (11):297.
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