Results for 'Paulas Grice’as'

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  1.  8
    Emocijų metaforinė egzemplifikacija grynojoje muzikoje.Elzė Sigutė Mikalonytė - 2019 - Problemos 95:117-129.
    [straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Šiame straipsnyje ginama tezė, kad grynoji muzika nereprezentuoja emocijų, bet jas metaforiškai egzemplifikuoja. Tezė grindžiama remiantis N. Goodmano metaforinės emocijų egzemplifikacijos samprata, kurią M. Textoras papildo intencijos kriterijumi (egzemplifikuojama tik tai, ką turima intencija egzemplifikuoti). Straipsnis sudarytas iš dviejų dalių: pirmojoje pateikiama emocijų atpažinimo ir sužadinimo klausantis muzikos analizė. Antrojoje dalyje siekiama pagrįsti, kad emocijų metaforinė egzemplifikacija muzikoje laikytina P. Grice’o nenatūralios prasmės rūšimi, o priėmus šią prielaidą galima apginti metaforinės egzemplifikacijos sampratą (...)
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    Paula Grice’a oraz P.F. Strawsona obrona rozróżnienia zdań na analityczne i syntetyczne oraz jej znaczenie dla metodologii nauk prawnych.Michał Pełka - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:243-261.
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    Ethical Leadership as Antecedent of Job Satisfaction, Affective Organizational Commitment and Intention to Stay Among Volunteers of Non-profit Organizations.Paula Benevene, Laura Dal Corso, Alessandro De Carlo, Alessandra Falco, Francesca Carluccio & Maria Luisa Vecina - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:423971.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate among a group of non-profit organizations: a) the effect of ethical leadership on volunteers’ satisfaction, affective organizational commitment and intention to stay in the same organization; b) the role played by job satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between ethical leadership and volunteers’ intentions to stay in the same organization, as well as between ethical leadership and affective commitment. An anonymous questionnaire was individually administered to 198 Italian volunteers of different non-profit (...)
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    A nursing manifesto: An emancipatory call for knowledge development, conscience, and praxis.Paula N. Kagan, Marlaine C. Smith, I. I. I. Cowling & Peggy L. Chinn - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (1):67-84.
    The purpose of this paper is to present the theoretical and philosophical assumptions of the Nursing Manifesto , written by three activist scholars whose objective was to promote emancipatory nursing research, practice, and education within the dialogue and praxis of social justice. Inspired by discussions with a number of nurse philosophers at the 2008 Knowledge Conference in Boston, two of the original Manifesto authors and two colleagues discussed the need to explicate emancipatory knowing as it emerged from the Manifesto . (...)
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    On not taking men as they are: reflections on moral bioenhancement.Paula Casal - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (4):340-342.
  6.  39
    Science as a Career in Enlightenment Italy: The Strategies of Laura Bassi.Paula Findlen - 1993 - Isis 84 (3):441-469.
  7.  13
    Ethics and Aesthetics Criteria as Valid Support to Research.Darlei De Paula - 2019 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 5 (2):159-168.
    This article aim to show the aesthetics and ethics values whose relation traces could be found in theological text studies. We use bibliographic review as methodology to this research. Considering these elements and how it was found we ask: how can we validate such elements to understand the theological text? When we are analyzing ethics behaviors can we consider the found results as intrinsic values in such discoveries and can it be compared in different times, in other words, it is (...)
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    Aristotle on Thought and Feeling.Paula Gottlieb - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle's discussion of the motivation of the good person is both complicated and cryptic. Depending on which passages are emphasized, he may seem to be presenting a Kantian style view according to which the good person is and ought to be motivated primarily by reason, or a Humean style view according to which desires and feelings are or ought to be in charge. In this book, Paula Gottlieb argues that Aristotle sees the thought, desires and feelings of the good person (...)
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    Aristotle and Protagoras: The Good Human Being as the Measure of Goods.Paula Gottlieb - 1991 - Apeiron 24 (1):25 - 45.
  10.  7
    Some Reflections About Ends and Happiness.Paul Grice - 2001 - In H. Paul Grice (ed.), Aspects of reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Grice discusses happiness as an end, and its relation to other ends, as it would feature in practical reasoning. He begins by analysing Aristotle's claims towards the self‐sufficiency and finality of happiness as an end, and defends the thesis that happiness is an ‘inclusive end’, consisting of the realization of various other ends that are desirable for their own sakes as well as for the sake of happiness. Grice then briefly discusses the possibility that the components of happiness may not (...)
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    The conception of value.H. Paul Grice - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The works of Paul Grice collected in this volume present his metaphysical defense of value, and represent a modern attempt to provide a metaphysical foundation for value. Value judgments are viewed as objective; value is part of the world we live in, but nonetheless is constructed by us. We inherit, or seem to inherit, the Aristotelian world in which objects and creatures are characterized in terms of what they are supposed to do. We are thereby enabled to evaluate by reference (...)
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    Blood flow‐induced angiocrine signals promote organ growth and regeneration.Paula Follert, Linda Große-Segerath & Eckhard Lammert - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (2):2400207.
    Recently, we identified myeloid‐derived growth factor (MYDGF) as a blood flow‐induced angiocrine signal that promotes human and mouse hepatocyte proliferation and survival. Here, we review literature reporting changes in blood flow after partial organ resection in the liver, lung, and kidney, and we describe the angiocrine signals released by endothelial cells (ECs) upon blood flow alterations in these organs. While hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and MYDGF are important angiocrine signals for liver regeneration, by now, angiocrine signals have also been reported (...)
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    The canary in the coal mine: Continence care for people with dementia in acute hospital wards as a crisis of dehumanization.Paula Boddington & Katie Featherstone - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (4):251-260.
    Continence is a key moment of care that can tell us about the wider care of people living with dementia within acute hospital wards. The spotlight is currently on the quality of hospital care of older people across the UK, yet concerns persist about their poor treatment, neglect, abuse, and discrimination within this setting. Thus, within hospitals, the care of people living with dementia is both a welfare issue and a human rights issue. The challenge of continence care for people (...)
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  14.  31
    Personhood as projection: the value of multiple conceptions of personhood for understanding the dehumanisation of people living with dementia.Paula Boddington, Andy Northcott & Katie Featherstone - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (1):93-106.
    We examine the concept of personhood in relation to people living with dementia and implications for the humanity of care, drawing on a body of ethnographic work. Much debate has searched for an adequate account of the person for these purposes. Broad contrasts can be made between accounts focusing on cognition and mental faculties, and accounts focusing on embodied and relational aspects of the person. Some have suggested the concept of the person is critical for good care; others suggest the (...)
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    Avatars as Proxies.Paula Sweeney - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (3):525-539.
    Avatars will represent us online, in virtual worlds, and in technologically supported hybrid environments. We and our avatars will stand not in an identity relation but in a proxy relation, an arrangement that is significant not least because our proxies’ actions can be counted as our own. However, this proxy relation between humans and avatars is not well understood and its consequences under-explored. In this paper I explore the relation and its potential ethical consequences.
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    Now or never: How consciousness represents time☆.Paula Droege - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):78-90.
    Consciousness has a peculiar affinity for presence; conscious states represent their contents as now. To understand how conscious states come to represent time in this way, we need a distinction between a mental state that represents now and one that simply occurs now. A teleofunctional theory accounts for the distinction in terms of the development and function of explicit temporal representation. The capacity to represent a situation explicitly as ‘now’ and compare it with past situations in order to prepare for (...)
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    A sombra do progresso: Lukács, Balzac e as contradições do realismo.Paula Alves - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
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    Temporal processing as related to hemispheric specialization for speech perception in normal and language impaired populations.Paula Tallal - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):77-78.
  19. Movement and mindedness : dance as a group process.Paula Thomson - 2012 - In Irene N. H. Harwood, Walter Stone & Malcolm Pines (eds.), Self experiences in group, revisited: affective attachments, intersubjective regulations, and human understanding. New York, NY: Routledge.
  20.  52
    A nursing manifesto: an emancipatory call for knowledge development, conscience, and praxis.Paula N. Kagan, Marlaine C. Smith, W. Richard Cowling Iii & Peggy L. Chinn - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (1):67-84.
    The purpose of this paper is to present the theoretical and philosophical assumptions of the Nursing Manifesto, written by three activist scholars whose objective was to promote emancipatory nursing research, practice, and education within the dialogue and praxis of social justice. Inspired by discussions with a number of nurse philosophers at the 2008 Knowledge Conference in Boston, two of the original Manifesto authors and two colleagues discussed the need to explicate emancipatory knowing as it emerged from the Manifesto. Our analysis (...)
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  21.  10
    Reason and Reasons.Paul Grice - 2001 - In H. Paul Grice (ed.), Aspects of reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Grice begins this chapter by discussing to what extent the notion of variable rationality can be derived from that of flat rationality, and thus from the concept of a rational being alone. He then draws a distinction between ‘explanatory’ and ‘justificatory’ reasons, as well as ‘personal’ reasons that combine the two by being reasons acted upon and regarded as justifying by the agent. Finally, he introduces a structural representation for practical and alethic justificatory reasons that shows that ‘common modals’ are (...)
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  22.  11
    Autobiographical Therapeutic Performance as a Means of Improving Executive Functioning in Traumatized Adults.Paula Ray & Susana Pendzik - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:599914.
    This article describes the pilot projectShadows&Light Within: Untold Stories—a two-phase, multi-partner community-based project that explores the hypothesis that Autobiographical Therapeutic Performance can help traumatized individuals to improve executive functioning. A group of 10 individuals ranging in age from 32 to 69, with lived experiences at the intersection of trauma, mental health, and the court system, were paired with theater mentor-coaches for a 10-month creative group process, in which they shaped their stories into autobiographical performance pieces, through movement, improvisation, story-telling, and (...)
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    A instituição do estado ou as duas faces da multidão a partir de Hobbes E espinosa.Paula Bettani Mendes Jesus - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 35:349-371.
    O presente artigo, tem como objetivo apresentar a maneira pela qual Hobbes e Espinosa entendem a multidão, elucidando, a partir disso o papel que conferem a ela na instituição do Estado. Parte-se do pressuposto de que tanto num pensador quanto no outro, a multidão tem um papel central no que diz respeito à instituição do estado civil, de maneira que, por vias distintas, tal instituição somente pode ser pensada a partir dela. Como se observa, os dois pensadores têm maneiras totalmente (...)
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    (1 other version)La recuperación mapuche del küpalme como “aprender a viThe Mapuche recovery of küpalme as “learning to live”. Ideological and ontological conflicts with the category “descendant”.Paula Inés Cecchi - 2020 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Can Church’s thesis be viewed as a Carnapian explication?Paula Quinon - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 5):1047-1074.
    Turing and Church formulated two different formal accounts of computability that turned out to be extensionally equivalent. Since the accounts refer to different properties they cannot both be adequate conceptual analyses of the concept of computability. This insight has led to a discussion concerning which account is adequate. Some authors have suggested that this philosophical debate—which shows few signs of converging on one view—can be circumvented by regarding Church’s and Turing’s theses as explications. This move opens up the possibility that (...)
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    Testimony by Presupposition.Paula Keller - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2149-2167.
    Testimony is a source of knowledge. A speaker asserts what a hearer may therefore come to know. Assertion has widely been treated as the exclusive or at least the paradigmatic vehicle for testimony. I argue that we testify not only by asserting something, but also by taking something for granted within some other utterance. In philosophy of language, this is called semantic presupposition. The very reasons leading theorists of testimony have for thinking that assertion can be testimony are equally reasons (...)
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    History of Science as Interdisciplinary Education in American Colleges: Its Origins, Advantages, and Pitfalls.Paula Viterbo - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (2):Article M16.
    Before 1950, history of science did not exist as an independent academic branch, but was instead pursued by practitioners across various humanities and scientific disciplines. After professionalization, traces of its prehistory as a cross-disciplinary area of interest bound to an interdisciplinary, educational philosophy have remained. This essay outlines the development of history of science as an interdisciplinary academic field, and argues that it constitutes an obvious choice for inclusion in an interdisciplinary academic program, provided faculty and administrators learn how best (...)
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  28.  22
    (1 other version)Abduction and comparative weighing of explanatory hypotheses: an argumentative approach.Paula Olmos - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper makes use of the concepts and theoretical framework developed within the field of Argumentation Theory to account for the structure and characteristics of abduction and of the comparative processes of weighing explanatory hypothesis. It elaborates an analysis of abduction based on its consideration as a meta-explanatory argumentation scheme while elucidating its relations with abductive reasoning and inference. The conceptualization of comparative processes of weighing explanatory hypothesis as complex and varied argumentative structures is presented as an alternative to the (...)
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    Self-Esteem and Happiness as Predictors of School Teachers’ Health: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction.Paula Benevene, Maya M. Ittan & Michela Cortini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Caging the Beast: A Theory of Sensory Consciousness.Paula Droege - 2003 - John Benjamins.
    A major obstacle for materialist theories of the mind is the problem of sensory consciousness. How could a physical brain produce conscious sensory states that exhibit the rich and luxurious qualities of red velvet, a Mozart concerto or fresh-brewed coffee? Caging the Beast: A Theory of Sensory Consciousness offers to explain what these conscious sensory states have in common, by virtue of being conscious as opposed to unconscious states. After arguing against accounts of consciousness in terms of higher-order representation of (...)
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    A fictional dualism model of social robots.Paula Sweeney - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):465-472.
    In this paper I propose a Fictional Dualism model of social robots. The model helps us to understand the human emotional reaction to social robots and also acts as a guide for us in determining the significance of that emotional reaction, enabling us to better define the moral and legislative rights of social robots within our society. I propose a distinctive position that allows us to accept that robots are tools, that our emotional reaction to them can be important to (...)
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  32.  9
    Practical and Alethic Reasons: Part I.Paul Grice - 2001 - In H. Paul Grice (ed.), Aspects of reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Grice continues his project of proving the univocality of common modals by showing how a univocal structural representation can be applied to a certain class of alethic and practical acceptability statements that are at least sometimes valid, subject to license of the involved transitional inferences from a ‘Principle of Total Evidence’. Grice also shows that these acceptability statements can be modified to account for defeasible and non‐defeasible generalizations, which in turn can be utilized to account for a univocal set of (...)
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    Retorno a Budapeste: Lukács, democracia e realismo.Paula Alves - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    O retorno de Georg Lukács à Hungria ocorreu em dois momentos distintos: primeiro em 1918, após sua estadia na Alemanha, e depois em 1945, após seu exílio em Moscou. Esses dois retornos marcam diferentes fases de sua trajetória intelectual. O primeiro foi fortuito, enquanto o segundo resultou de uma decisão consciente, refletindo um desenvolvimento. Partindo dessa constatação, a análise que segue busca traçar os elos entre o exílio moscovita e o período subsequente, explorando as "tentativas de realização" que Lukács empreendeu (...)
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    Niilismo e as Potências Do Falso: Vida, Arte e Verdade Em Nietzsche e Orson Welles.Davison Roberto de Paula - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 2 (3):43.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as relações entre o niilismo e as potências do falso, a partir dos conceitos de vida, arte e a crítica à vontade de verdade na filosofia de Nietzsche e no cinema de Orson Welles, através do filme A marca da maldade. O niilismo caracterizado como o movimento de deslocamento do centro de gravidade da vida e a invenção de outro mundo, o mundo verdadeiro, empreendida como forma de vingança articula-se com a vontade de verdade. (...)
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  35. Distorted Packaging: Marketing Depression as Illness, Drugs as Cure.Paula Gardner - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (1/2):105-130.
    Prominent consumer depression manuals issued in recent years circulate a standard depression script as scientific knowledge. The script, asserting that a broad spectrum of depressions are brain illnesses that require antidepressant treatment, is in fact highly contested among researchers. This paper reviews the logical problematics of these manuals, and how such discourse promotes the diagnosis and pharmaceutical treatment of behaviors ranging from mild symptoms to severe depression. In keeping with the trends of pharmaceutical advertising and State health policy, these manuals (...)
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  36. Matriarchy, As Women See It.Paula Webster - 1975 - In Rayna R. Reiter (ed.), Toward an Anthropology of Women. New York: Monthly Review Press.
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    The Grounds of Moral Judgement.Geoffrey Russell Grice - 1967 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1967, this book aims to develop an ethical theory which remedies the defects of Utilitarianism while recognising the truths upon which Utilitarians have insisted. Its thesis is offered as a challenge to all schools of moral philosophy which have flourished in the twentieth century. Dr Grice argues that there are two kinds of Judgement of moral obligation. Social Contract theory, in a form which avoids the classical objections, is employed in setting out the ground of basic obligations; (...)
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  38. Aspects of reason.H. Paul Grice - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Reasons and reasoning were central to the work of Paul Grice, one of the most influential and admired philosophers of the late twentieth century. In the John Locke Lectures that Grice delivered in Oxford at the end of the 1970s, he set out his fundamental thoughts about these topics; Aspects of Reason is the long-awaited publication of those lectures. They focus on an investigation of practical necessity, as Grice contends that practical necessities are established by derivation; they are necessary because (...)
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    Implicit and Explicit Examples of the Phenomenon of Deviant Encodings.Paula Quinon - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 63 (1):53-67.
    The core of the problem discussed in this paper is the following: the Church-Turing Thesis states that Turing Machines formally explicate the intuitive concept of computability. The description of Turing Machines requires description of the notation used for the input and for the output. Providing a general definition of notations acceptable in the process of computations causes problems. This is because a notation, or an encoding suitable for a computation, has to be computable. Yet, using the concept of computation, in (...)
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  40. The Simulation of Smiles (SIMS) model: Embodied simulation and the meaning of facial expression.Paula M. Niedenthal, Martial Mermillod, Marcus Maringer & Ursula Hess - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (6):417.
    Recent application of theories of embodied or grounded cognition to the recognition and interpretation of facial expression of emotion has led to an explosion of research in psychology and the neurosciences. However, despite the accelerating number of reported findings, it remains unclear how the many component processes of emotion and their neural mechanisms actually support embodied simulation. Equally unclear is what triggers the use of embodied simulation versus perceptual or conceptual strategies in determining meaning. The present article integrates behavioral research (...)
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  41. Life as an adjunct: Theorizing autonomy from the personal to the political.Paula Droege - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (3):378-392.
    Self-conflict is a feature of most women’s lives, particularly as we struggle to balance the demands of work and family. Theories of autonomy that rest on a notion of a coherent self treat self-conflict as incompatible with autonomy; therefore, women who suffer self-conflict fail to act autonomously. Though autonomy and self-conflict can be accommodated by conceiving of autonomy as a matter of degree relative to a context of choice, this result sanctions a political system that forces the prioritization of one (...)
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    Distopias Urbanas.Luiz Tiago de Paula - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (29):36-58.
    Este texto é um ensaio hermenêutico sobre as reflexões epistemológicas do habitar as cidades contemporâneas a partir de um sentido fenomenológico. Ao destacar as crises de natureza ambiental, social e econômica que se manifestam na modernidade, reflito como essas crises podem se apresentar como inseguranças existenciais do ser-na-cidade, retratadas aqui com a metáfora de “distopias urbanas”. Procuro ponderar como uma postura ontológica, a partir da fenomenologia existencial de Heidegger, pode revelar outras perspectivas epistêmicas sobre as bases das ciências humanas que (...)
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  43. Introduction: Narratives, Narrating, Narrators.Paula Olmos - 2017 - In Narration as Argument. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    IMPRESSO: um meio pedagógico.Paula Amado - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (5):53-57.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo principal destacar a importância dos impressos editados pelas escolas de ofício católicas em Porto Alegre, mais precisamente as escolas Pão dos Pobres, Educandário São Luiz Guanela e o Centro Social Padre Calábria. As informações veiculadas por tais impressos constituem um verdadeiro meio pedagógico, formando o cidadão.
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    El problema del ser y del tener: reflexiones en perspectiva antropológica.Paula Cristina Ripamonti - 2014 - Cuyo 31 (1):69-83.
    A partir de un texto de Arturo Andrés Roig, se propone un ejercicio reflexivo acerca de la dimensión antropológica del problema del ser y del tener. A través de la confrontación de dos relatos míticos pertenecientes a tradiciones diferentes, una de origen indoeuropeo y otra latinoamericana, se muestra la posibilidad de interpelar y replantear la pregunta por lo humano atendiendo a los principios de entidad y de tenencia que la atraviesan, de modo complejo, fáctica y axiológicamente. El artículo invita a (...)
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    Lawyers, mental illness, admission and misconduct.Paula Baron & Lillian Corbin - 2019 - Legal Ethics 22 (1-2):28-48.
    ABSTRACTSince 2004 in Australia, there has been a significant amount of interest in the issues of lawyers and mental illness. As a result there is now a substantial body of literature that examines...
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    The Social Architect and the Myopic Mason: The Spatial Politics of the Muséum d'Histoire naturelle in Nineteenth-Century Paris.Paula Young Lee - 2007 - Science in Context 20 (4):601-625.
    ArgumentDuring the first half of the nineteenth century, the Muséum d'Histoire naturelle was both workplace and home to functionalist Georges Cuvier and morphologist Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, whose doctrinal differences became enmeshed with political dialogues regarding social reform. Surprisingly, the public not only viewed the arrangement of the collections in terms of the social platforms they were understood to be supporting, but critiqued the Muséum's buildings as expressions of their anatomical dispute. The Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 pushed these critiques forward, (...)
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    Animal Assisted Therapy Program As a Useful Adjunct to Conventional Psychosocial Rehabilitation for Patients with Schizophrenia: Results of a Small-scale Randomized Controlled Trial.Paula Calvo, Joan R. Fortuny, Sergio Guzmán, Cristina Macías, Jonathan Bowen, María L. García, Olivia Orejas, Ferran Molins, Asta Tvarijonaviciute, José J. Cerón, Antoni Bulbena & Jaume Fatjó - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  49. Kantian Guilt.Paula Satne - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1511-1520.
    Claudia Blöser has recently proposed that Kant’s duty to be forgiving is grounded on the need to be relieved from the burden of our moral guilt, a need we have in virtue of our morally fallible nature, irrespectively of whether we have repented. I argue that Blöser's proposal does not fit well with certain central aspects of Kant’s views on moral guilt. For Kant, moral guilt is a complex phenomenon, that has both an intellectual and an affective aspect. I argue (...)
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  50. Gestos e imagens de jogos digitais: apontamentos para uma gestualidade fotográfica do gameworld.Julieth Paula & Suzana Kilpp - 2020 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 26 (2):158-177.
    Este texto é resultado de aproximações teóricas e empíricas entre a fotografia e os games. Orientado pela noção de gestualidades fotográficas, o artigo apresenta três tipos de gestos fotográficos nos jogos digitais: o modo foto; o gesto fotográfico como ação principal e o gesto como ação secundária. As inferências mais imediatas que permeiam o fenômeno chamado in-game photography apontam para uma reconfiguração técnica e estética da produção, fruição e compartilhamento da imagem digital contemporânea acionada no mundo dos games.
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