Results for 'Percy Hazen Houston'

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  1. Irving Babbitt, man and teacher.Percy H. Houston - 1943 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 24 (4):395.
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    Between Physics and Philosophy. [REVIEW]Percy H. Houston - 1942 - Modern Schoolman 19 (2):40-40.
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    Did Marx have an ethics?Mark Corner - 1986 - Heythrop Journal 27 (4):438–441.
    Signs and Wonders: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel. By R.A. Anderson. Pp.xvii, 158, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1983, £4.25. Inheriting the Land: A Commentary on the Book of Joshua. By E. John Hamlin, Pp.xxiii, 207, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1984, £4.75. Servant Theology: A Commentary on the Book of Isaiah 40–55. By G.A.F. Knight. Pp.ix, 204, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1984, £4.75. God's Chosen (...)
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  4. Against pluralism.A. P. Hazen - 1993 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71 (2):132 – 144.
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    Philosophical writings of Percy Williams Bridgman.Percy Williams Bridgman - 1936 - New York: Arno Press. Edited by P. W. Bridgman.
    What is the real significance of covariance anyway, and why should it be regarded as so fundamental ? What we mean by a covariant expression is one whose ...
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    Second-Order Logic of Paradox.Allen P. Hazen & Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 2018 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (4):547-558.
    The logic of paradox, LP, is a first-order, three-valued logic that has been advocated by Graham Priest as an appropriate way to represent the possibility of acceptable contradictory statements. Second-order LP is that logic augmented with quantification over predicates. As with classical second-order logic, there are different ways to give the semantic interpretation of sentences of the logic. The different ways give rise to different logical advantages and disadvantages, and we canvass several of these, concluding that it will be extremely (...)
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  7. Some learning rules for acquiring information.Alasdair Houston, Alex Kacelnik & John McNamara - 1982 - Functional Ontogeny 1:140–91.
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  8. (1 other version)The Logic of Modern Physics.Percy Williams Bridgman - 1927 - New York, NY, USA: Arno Press.
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    Gentzen and Jaśkowski Natural Deduction: Fundamentally Similar but Importantly Different.Allen P. Hazen & Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (6):1103-1142.
    Gentzen’s and Jaśkowski’s formulations of natural deduction are logically equivalent in the normal sense of those words. However, Gentzen’s formulation more straightforwardly lends itself both to a normalization theorem and to a theory of “meaning” for connectives . The present paper investigates cases where Jaskowski’s formulation seems better suited. These cases range from the phenomenology and epistemology of proof construction to the ways to incorporate novel logical connectives into the language. We close with a demonstration of this latter aspect by (...)
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  10. The wisdom of Ethel Percy Andrus.Ethel Percy Andrus - 1968 - Long Beach, Calif.,: National Retired Teachers Association. Edited by Dorothy Crippen.
  11. Counterpart-theoretic semantics for modal logic.Allen Hazen - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (6):319-338.
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    The way things are.Percy Williams Bridgman - 1959 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
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    Optimality principles and behavior: It's all for the best.A. I. Houston & J. E. R. Staddon - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (3):395-396.
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    2. Reflections on Counterpart Theory.Allen Hazen - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 7:41.
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  15. Expressive completeness in modal language.Allen Hazen - 1976 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 5 (1):25--46.
    The logics of the modal operators and of the quantifiers show striking analogies. The analogies are so extensive that, when a special class of entities (possible worlds) is postulated, natural and non-arbitrary translation procedures can be defined from the language with the modal operators into a purely quantificational one, under which the necessity and possibility operators translate into universal and existential quantifiers. In view of this I would be willing to classify the modal operators as ‘disguised’ quantifiers, and I think (...)
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    Relations in monadic third-order logic.A. P. Hazen - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26 (6):619-628.
    The representation of quantification over relations in monadic third-order logic is discussed; it is shown to be possible in numerous special cases of foundational interest, but not in general unless something akin to the Axiom of Choice is assumed.
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  17. Worlds as complete novels.A. P. Hazen - 1996 - Analysis 56 (1):33–38.
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  18. On gödel's ontological proof.A. P. Hazen - 1998 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 76 (3):361 – 377.
  19. The “Slicing Problem” for Computational Theories of Consciousness.Chris Percy & Andrés Gómez-Emilsson - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):718-736.
    The “Slicing Problem” is a thought experiment that raises questions for substrate-neutral computational theories of consciousness, including those that specify a certain causal structure for the computation like Integrated Information Theory. The thought experiment uses water-based logic gates to construct a computer in a way that permits cleanly slicing each gate and connection in half, creating two identical computers each instantiating the same computation. The slicing can be reversed and repeated via an on/off switch, without changing the amount of matter (...)
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    Pecularities of Some Three- and Four-Valued Second Order Logics.Allen P. Hazen & Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (3-4):493-509.
    Logics that have many truth values—more than just True and False—have been argued to be useful in the analysis of very many philosophical and linguistic puzzles. In this paper, which is a followup to, we will start with a particularly well-motivated four-valued logic that has been studied mainly in its propositional and first-order versions. And we will then investigate its second-order version. This four-valued logic has two natural three-valued extensions: what is called a “gap logic”, and what is called a (...)
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    Contra Buridanum.Allen Hazen - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (4):875 - 880.
    The French philosopher Jean Buridan's work on the logical paradoxes is currently attracting more attention than it has for several centuries. In part this is due to a general resurgence of interest in the paradoxes, but the immediate occasion is the recent publication of G. E. Hughes's edition, translation, and commentary on the chapter of Buridan's Sophismata most immediately concerned with the paradoxes. It is worth noting, therefore, that Buridan's theory fails, and in a way that makes it seem unlikely (...)
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  22. IN/ING Variable.Kirk Hazen - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 5--581.
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    The Mathematical Philosophy of Contact.A. P. Hazen - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (252):205 - 211.
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    Small sets.A. P. Hazen - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 63 (1):119 - 123.
  25. Universalism and Particularism in South Africa.Percy More - forthcoming - Dialogue and Universalism.
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  26. Doctoral examiners' judgements : do examiners agree on doctoral attributes and how important are professional and personal characteristics?Gill Houston - 2021 - In Anne Lee & Rob Bongaardt (eds.), The future of doctoral research: challenges and opportunities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    European Citizenship: Beween Facts and Norms.Percy B. Lehning - 1998 - Constellations 4 (3):346-367.
  28. (1 other version)Immanuel Kant.Houston Stewart Chamberlain - 1905 - München,: F. Bruckmann, a.-g..
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    Logical objects and the paradox of burali-Forti.A. Hazen - 1986 - Erkenntnis 24 (3):283 - 291.
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    Some Lessons Learned About Adding Conditionals to Certain Many-Valued Logics.Allen P. Hazen & Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 2021 - In Ivo Düntsch & Edwin Mares (eds.), Alasdair Urquhart on Nonclassical and Algebraic Logic and Complexity of Proofs. Springer Verlag. pp. 557-570.
    There are good reasons to want logics, including many-valued logics, to have usable conditionals, and we have explored this in certain logics. However, it turns out that we “accidentally” chose some favourable logics. In this paper, we look at some of the unfavourable logics and describe where usable conditionals can be added and where it is not possible.
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    An Epistemic Theory of Global Injustice.Jared Houston - unknown
    I take the human costs of global poverty to demand serious political reflection. I argue for a diverse consensus among theories of justice on a set of obligations toward the global poor that we, sadly, fail to fulfill. I analyze this moral failure, developing an account of it that highlights structural flaws in the flow of information relevant to our moral relations with the global poor. I conclude that proper attention to the flow of information within global society is an (...)
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  32. Abdulah Saeed and Shahran Akbarzadeh (eds), Muslim Communities in Australia.C. Houston - 2003 - Thesis Eleven 73:136-138.
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    Church history is dead, long live historical theology!Peter Houston - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):1-6.
    Church history is dead, long live historical theology! This restatement of the monarchical law of le mort saisit le vif is at once a statement of irreparable discontinuity and assumed continuity. The old monarch is no more, yet a new and different monarch ascends to fill the same vacant throne. This is the paradox of church history becoming historical theology. Reviewing the work of W.A Dreyer and J. Pillay on the re-imagining of church history as historical theology, this article explores (...)
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  34. Forms of generalization and their causes..Percy Hughes - 1930 - [n. p.]:
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    The normative in psychology and natural science.Percy Hughes - 1927 - Journal of Philosophy 24 (6):148-153.
  36. The Life Sciences: Some Problems and Perspectives.Percy Lowenhard - 1989 - Norwell: Kluwer.
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    VII.—On the Concept of Epistemological Levels.T. Percy Nunn - 1908 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 8 (1):139-159.
  38. Essays in Philosophy, From David Hume to Bertrand Russell.Houston Peterson - 1960 - Pocket Books].
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    Rescuing Womanly Virtues: Some Dangers of Moral Reclamation.Barbara Houston - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 13:237-262.
    Kathryn Morgan has introduced us to a typology of ‘the ways in which women’s moral voice and her sense of moral integrity are twisted and destroyed by patriarchal ideology and lived experience.’ She claims that this experience can induce in women ‘a sense of confusion and genuine moral madness.’I am in agreement with much of what Morgan says. However, I suspect that some others might find her case less convincing than I for the reason that she supports her claims by (...)
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  40. Relations in Lewis's framework without atoms.A. P. Hazen - 1997 - Analysis 57 (4):243-248.
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    Reported Miracles: A Critique of Hume.Joseph Houston - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    Suppose that one is presented with a report of a miracle as an exception to nature's usual course. Should one believe the report and so come to favour the idea that a god has acted miraculously? Hume argued that no reasonable person should do anything of the kind. Many religiously sceptical philosophers agree with him, and have both defended and developed his reasoning. Some theologians concur or offer other reasons why those who are believers in God should also refuse to (...)
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    Symbol and existence: a study in meaning: explorations of human nature.Walker Percy - 2019 - Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press. Edited by Kenneth Laine Ketner, Karey Lea Perkins, Rhonda Reneé McDonnell & Scott Ross Cunningham.
    Symbol and existence will prove fascinating to Walker Percy scholars and fans who wish to decipher Percy's authentic philosophical stance. Percy, an existentialist Catholic at his core, was also a scientist seeking an objective paradigm to portray his views. Symbol and existence demonstrates that Percy was quite methodical and logical in his thought and provides an entirely new perspective on his scholarship. Much of this book is unique and has never been published before; however, some sections (...)
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    Gestalt Psychology.The Science of Psychology.Readings in Psychology.Percy Hughes, Wolfgang Kohler & Raymond Holder Wheeler - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):75.
  44. The Poet as Economist: Shelley's Critique of Paper Money and the British National Debt.Was Percy - 1997 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 13 (1):21-44.
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    Rescuing Womanly Virtues: Some Dangers of Moral Reclamation.Barbara Houston - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (sup1):237-262.
    Kathryn Morgan has introduced us to a typology of ‘the ways in which women’s moral voice and her sense of moral integrity are twisted and destroyed by patriarchal ideology and lived experience.’ She claims that this experience can induce in women ‘a sense of confusion and genuine moral madness.’I am in agreement with much of what Morgan says. However, I suspect that some others might find her case less convincing than I for the reason that she supports her claims by (...)
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  46. The contribution of transformative learning theory to the practice of participatory research and extension: Theoretical reflections.Rachel Percy - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (2):127-136.
    This paper explores ways in which experiential learning theories, in particular transformative learning theory, can inform farmer participatory research and extension (PR&E). I identify and discuss three key elements of experiential learning theory – second-order experiences, reflection, and dialogue – that are particularly pertinent to PR&E practice. I then turn to one experiential learning theorist – Mezirow, and examine his theory of transformative learning to assess how it may inform the PR&E process. I outline the basic components and stages of (...)
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    The nature of physical theory.Percy Williams Bridgman - 1936 - Princeton,: Princeton University Press.
  48.  50
    Semantics for $S4.2$.Allen Hazen - 1972 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 13 (4):527-528.
  49.  14
    ‘Not getting what you ask for’ from rapid appraisal surveys: A new model to assess Bible translation needs.Tobias J. Houston - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1).
    The decision to initiate a Bible translation project in any community has profound implications. In logistical terms, Bible translation projects can be expensive and taxing on their donors, initiators and other stakeholders. However, they can also have positive transformative effects on the communities that benefit from the translation. Therefore, the decision to translate should be carefully considered. In many cases, a rapid appraisal survey is conducted to determine the remaining Bible translation needs in a given situation. This article assessed the (...)
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    Why social scientists still need phenomenology.Christopher Houston - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 168 (1):37-54.
    Pierre Bourdieu famously dismissed phenomenology as offering anything useful to a critical science of society – even as he drew heavily upon its themes in his own work. This paper makes a case for why Bourdieu’s judgement should not be the last word on phenomenology. To do so it first reanimates phenomenology’s evocative language and concepts to illustrate their continuing centrality to social scientists’ ambitions to apprehend human engagement with the world. Part II shows how two crucial insights of phenomenology, (...)
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