Results for 'Perpetration by means'

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  1.  44
    Indirect Co-Perpetration.Shachar Eldar - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (3):605-617.
    National and international criminal law systems are continually seeking doctrinal and theoretical frameworks to help them impose individual liability on collective perpetrators of crime. The two systems move in parallel and draw on each other. Historically, it has been mostly international criminal law that leaned on domestic legal systems for its collective modes of liability. Currently, however, it is the emerging jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court that is at the forefront of innovation, with the doctrine of indirect co-perpetration (...)
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    Torture and Trolleys: Accepting the Nearly Absolute Wrongness of Philanthropic Torture of a Perpetrator.David Jensen - 2024 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 11 (1):141-167.
    One potentially morally justified use of torture is found in philanthropic torture of a perpetrator (PTP): scenarios in which a perpetrator has instigated significant pending suffering against innocents and in which the suffering can be prevented by means of the perpetrator’s cooperation. These situations involve a clash of two intuitions: that torture is in some strong and obvious sense absolutely morally wrong, and that torture or harm of an immoral perpetrator may be permissible to prevent equally abhorrent, if not (...)
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    On the Practical Use of Immersive Virtual Reality for Rehabilitation of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators in Prison.Nicolas Barnes, Maria V. Sanchez-Vives & Tania Johnston - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Virtual reality allows the user to be immersed in environments in which they can experience situations and social interactions from different perspectives by means of virtual embodiment. In the context of rehabilitation of violent behaviors, a participant could experience a virtual violent confrontation from different perspectives, including that of the victim and bystanders. This approach and other virtual scenes can be used as a useful tool for the rehabilitation of intimate partner violence perpetrators, through improvement of their empathic skills (...)
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    The Ethics of Revenge and the Meanings of the Odyssey by Alexander C. Loney.Emily P. Austin - 2022 - American Journal of Philology 143 (3):535-537.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Ethics of Revenge and the Meanings of the Odyssey by Alexander C. LoneyEmily P. AustinAlexander C. Loney. The Ethics of Revenge and the Meanings of the Odyssey. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. xii +265. Hardcover, $78.00. ISBN 978-0-190-90967-3.The Ethics of Revenge and the Meanings of the Odyssey places Odysseus' climactic act of revenge where it belongs: at the center of our interpretation of the Odyssey. (...)
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    Romantic Attachment, Internalized Homonegativity, and Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Lesbian Women in Italy.Giacomo Tognasso, Tommaso Trombetta, Laura Gorla, Shulamit Ramon, Alessandra Santona & Luca Rollè - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence among lesbian women has been underestimated until few decades ago. While the association between romantic attachment and SSIPV has been widely demonstrated, mechanisms that mediate this association and the complex relationships between romantic attachment, SSIPV, and SSIPV-specific risk factors have not been adequately investigated to date. The current study assessed the influence of romantic attachment on SSIPV perpetration among lesbian women, exploring the mediating role of internalized homonegativity within this association. Three hundred and twenty-five Italian (...)
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    Human Dignity and the Innocent Agent.Shachar Eldar - 2024 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 18 (2):617-636.
    Courts and commentators do not differentiate between defendants who perpetrate crimes by means of inanimate weapons or trained animals and those who perpetrate crimes by means of other human beings used as innocent agents. I argue that this widely accepted comparability is grossly insensitive to the violation of the human dignity of the person whom the perpetrator has turned into an instrument to an offence. Identifying the innocent agent as a possible second victim of the offence alongside the (...)
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  7. Evil, Meaning and Meaning-Makers.Daniel Ambord - 2010 - Ars Disputandi 10:38-49.
    In her work Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God, Marilyn McCord Adams offers an account of the problem of evil that deals with the interaction between certain types of evil and the human capacity for meaning production. This paper attempts to consider certain implications of her presuppositions and, in so doing, to uncover several challenges to her broader project entailed by said implications. More specifically, this paper considers, within the context of Adams’ broader project, the status of perpetrators of (...)
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    The Meaning of Mass Atrocities Beyond Our Moral Fate.Paul Morrow - 2020 - Analyse & Kritik 42 (2):467-484.
    Philosophical accounts of moral progress commonly acknowledge the problem of mass atrocities. But the implications of such events for our ability to perceive, and achieve, progress are rarely considered in detail. This paper aims to address this gap. The paper takes as its starting point Allen Buchanan’s evolutionary theory of moral progress in his 2020 book Our Moral Fate. Through critical analysis of Buchanan’s theory, the paper shows that moral philosophers seeking to draw evidence from atrocities must pay closer attention (...)
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    Conceiving evil: a phenomenology of perpetration.Wendy C. Hamblet - 2014 - New York: Algora Publishing.
    What is it that permits us to see others as 'evil'? This book argues that it's our epistemological framework, which also resituates our own moral compass and reframes our moral world such that we can justify performing violent deeds, which we would readily demonize in others, as the heroics of eradicating evil. When conflict is understood positively as the confrontation of differences, an unavoidable and indeed desirable consequence of the rich tapestry of earthly life, then a discussion can open as (...)
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  10. Understanding Evil Deeds in Human Terms: Empathy for the Perpetrators, the Dead Victims, and the Ethics of Being the Afterlife.Natan Elgabsi - 2023 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie (00).
    This essay concerns what it means to historicize evil in an ethically responsible way: that is, what it means to think and narrate perpetrators and victims of evil through what is testified to and told about them. I show that a responsible gaze can only be recognized by allowing ourselves to be addressed by the dead victims. The argument consists in an existential critique of a set of common ideas in the human sciences, which suggest that we must (...)
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  11. Evil, Unconscious, and Meaning in History. Outline of a Phenomenological Critique of Utopian-Historiodicial Politics.Panos Theodorou - 2016 - L'inconscio. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia E Psicoanalisi 2:171-198.
    Politics presupposes an understanding of meaning in history, according to which it manages the actions that accord with or serve this meaning (as an ultimate good). The aim of this paper is to examine the process by which meaning in history is formed, as well as its character. To do this, I employ suitably modified phenomenological analyses of intentional consciousness to bring them as close as possible to the thematic of the psychoanalytic unconscious. I first try to sketch the basis (...)
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    Wounds Not Healed by Time: The Power of Repentance and Forgiveness.Solomon Schimmel - 2002 - Oup Usa.
    How should we respond to injuries done to us and to the hurts that we inflict on others? In this thoughtful book, Wounds Not Healed By Time, Solomon Schimmel guides us through the meanings of justice, forgiveness, repentance, and reconciliation. In doing so, he probes to the core of the human encounter with evil, drawing on religious traditions, psychology, philosophy, and the personal experiences of both perpetrators and of victims.
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  13. The Meaning of Terrorism. [REVIEW]Anne Schwenkenbecher - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Twenty years after September 11, the definition of terrorism remains a contentious issue. How to understand or not to understand ‘terrorism’ is by no means a purely academic exercise. The term has a history of being used to denounce certain types of political violence and their perpetrators as being wrongful per se. Like Tony Coady, I believe that it is not just possible but, in fact, crucial to separate the descriptive from the evaluative component if the concept is to (...)
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    The Test Drive.Avital Ronell - 2005 - Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press.
    _The Test Drive_ deals with the war perpetrated by highly determined reactionary forces on science and research. How does the government at once promote and prohibit scientific testing and undercut the importance of experimentation? To what extent is testing at the forefront of theoretical and practical concerns today? Addressed to those who are left stranded by speculative thinking and unhinged by cognitive discourse, _The Test Drive_ points to a toxic residue of uninterrogated questions raised by Nietzsche, Husserl and Derrida. Ranging (...)
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  15.  11
    Forgiveness as a spiritual construct experienced by men serving long-term sentences in Zonderwater, South Africa.Christina Landman & Tanya Pieterse - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4).
    This article presents the findings of research conducted on ‘forgiveness’ as a spiritual construct, religious survival strategy and meaning-giving tool during incarceration. The research was conducted with 30 men serving long-term sentences in Zonderwater, a correctional centre outside Pretoria, South Africa. A review of literature showed that forgiveness has mainly been seen as something the perpetrator owed the victim and that asking for and granting forgiveness were religious imperatives. However, this study shows that offenders, in the troubled space of incarceration, (...)
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    Self-defense against Terrorism--What Does it Mean? The Israeli Perspective.Emanuel Gross - 2002 - Journal of Military Ethics 1 (2):91-108.
    The malicious acts of terrorism in New York and Washington emphasized the need for states to combat terrorism. Likewise, Israel has suffered various terrorist attacks since its establishment. There are distinctive features in contemporary terrorism which call for a new assessment of its nature and the status of terrorists in domestic and international law. In October 2000, a violent conflict erupted between organizations operating within the territory of the Palestinian Authority--an entity that is not a state but is a sovereign (...)
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  17. Vergebung für die Täter? Überlegung zur intersubjektiven Dimension des eschatologischen Gerichts.Philipp Höfele - 2010 - Theologie Und Philosophie 85 (2):242.
    Eine Theologie, die angesichts der Gräuel von Auschwitz die Hoffnung auf eine Versöhnung für alle offenhalten will, muss um der Gerechtigkeit willen eine intersubjektive Dimension des eschatologischen Gerichts annehmen, bei welchem die Klagen der Opfer eine Stimme erhalten, ohne dass zugleich Gott als Schöpfer des Ganzen anzuklagen wäre. Denn derart würde man vorschnell die Verantwortlichkeit der Täter für die von ihnen begangenen Gräueltaten auf eine höhere Instanz abwälzen. Die Frage nach der Möglichkeit eines zwischenmenschlichen Verzeihens von Unverzeihbarem, wie sie von (...)
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    Response to Qamar-Ul Huda.Robert Hamerton-Kelly - 2002 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 9 (1):99-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RESPONSE TO QAMAR-UL HUDA Robert Hamerton-Kelly Stanford University Qamar and I communicated by email. The text of my response is basically what I sent him by email. Dear Qamar: Thanks for your greeting. I have read your paper with interest and learned from it. Here is a brief account of what I plan to say. My response will be chiefly from the point of view of the mimetic theory (...)
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    Academic Spin-offs through the Lens of Pragmatism and Mixed Methods.Alexander Romero-Sánchez, Geovanny Perdomo-Charry & Edy Lorena Burbano-Vallejo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:30-67.
    In conclusion, this paper explores the intricate dynamics of improper omission as an amplifying device within the Colombian legal context. A detailed analysis has demonstrated how improper omission allows the imputation and punishment of individuals who, without fulfilling the typical description of conduct, incur criminal liability when they abandon their role as guarantors in the absence of a nexus of avoidability. This occurs when they fail to prevent the typical results that, in the context of legal assets in their charge, (...)
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    Ideology and discourse in the public sphere: A critical discourse analysis of public debates at a Brazilian public university.Luís Moretto Neto & Erik Persson - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (3):278-306.
    Since 2013, several social actors of the Federal University of Santa Catarina community have formed a public sphere in order to deliberate and decide on the University Hospital’s affiliation to the Brazilian Hospital Services Company, a public company set up in accordance with a private law which has been created by the Brazilian federal government in order to set up a management body for public university hospitals. Underpinned by critical discourse analysis, our purpose is to analyze the embedded ideologies in (...)
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    Towards a theoretical mashup for studying posthuman/postsocial ethics.Marcelo El Khouri Buzato - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (1):74-89.
    Purpose This paper aims to propose a theoretical arrangement for the study of applied computer and information ethics carried out in an interdisciplinary and a democratic manner by which the information and communications technologies are seen as an ethical environment, and human-computer couplings are seen as hybrid moral agents. Design/methodology/approach New ethical issues emerge dynamically in such environment which must be interpreted according to human sentience and computer ontology. To attribute moral meaning to acts perpetrated by human-computer hybrids, a hybrid (...)
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    Island Racism: Gender, Place, and White Power.Vron Ware - 1996 - Feminist Review 54 (1):65-86.
    The election of a British National Party councillor in London in September 1993 was greeted by shock and disbelief in the media, particularly because it happened during controversial preparations to celebrate the anniversary of Britain's role in Hitler's defeat in 1945. This essay sets out to examine some of the ways in which the BNP victory was reported in an attempt to understand how intricately gender and class are interwoven in discourses of racism in contemporary British politics. First, it draws (...)
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  23. Detecting deception: adversarial problem solving in a low base‐rate world.Paul E. Johnson, Stefano Grazioli, Karim Jamal & R. Glen Berryman - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (3):355-392.
    The work presented here investigates the process by which one group of individuals solves the problem of detecting deceptions created by other agents. A field experiment was conducted in which twenty-four auditors (partners in international public accounting firms) were asked to review four cases describing real companies that, unknown to the auditors, had perpetrated financial frauds. While many of the auditors failed to detect the manipulations in the cases, a small number of auditors were consistently successful. Since the detection of (...)
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    Gender and Translation: Writing as Resistance in Primo Levi's Se questo è un uomo.Margaret Sönser Breen - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (2):147-165.
    This essay argues that translation in Se questo è un uomo (If This is a Man) (1947), as well as in related pieces, functions for Primo Levi as a key means for claiming and potentially repairing manhood. In its capacity to reposition meaning, translation functions as a powerful vehicle for affirming agency, particularly gendered agency. What emerges in Levi's writings, particularly in Se questo's ?Canto of Ulysses? chapter, is the figure of the translator as resistance fighter: the man who (...)
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  25.  40
    Holy Communion: Altar Sacrament for Making a Sacrificial Sin Offering, or Table Sacrament for Nourishing a Life of Service?Paul J. Nuechterlein - 1996 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1):201-221.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Holy Communion: Altar Sacrament for Making a Sacrificial Sin Offering, or Table Sacrament for Nourishing a Life of Service? Paul J. Nuechterlein Emmaus Lutheran Church, Racine, WI The title spells out the alternative I would like the reader to consider: Is Holy Communion more appropriately considered the "table sacrament" or, as is more commonly accepted, the "altar sacrament "? I will make my preference clear. In Holy Communion, I (...)
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    Global Healing and Reconciliation: The Gift and Task of Religion, a Buddhist-Christian Perspective.Peter C. Phan - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):89-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Global Healing and Reconciliation:The Gift and Task of Religion, a Buddhist-Christian PerspectivePeter C. Phan"No peace among nations without peace among the religions. No peace among the religions without dialogue between the religions. No dialogue between the religions without investigation of the foundation of the religions." Hans Küng's oft-quoted dictum proves even more apposite in the current international situation. Whether or not the September 11, 2001, tragedy and its aftermath (...)
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    Modernidade e modernização: a recepção de Nietzsche no Brasil (da Escola do Recife ao Modernismo).Tiago Hermano Breunig - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (2).
    This article analyzes the reception of Nietzsche in Brazil, with emphasis on the Pernambuco press, in which his name appears first. It understands the contradictions in Nietzsche’s interpretations as a result of a dispute of meanings perpetrated by different social groups and in different contexts, for which the notion of modernity is important.
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    Existential Sources of School Shootings and Columbine.Liudmila V. Baeva & Баева Людмила Владимировна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):774-792.
    Manifestations of school shooting or ‘columbine’, constituted by armed mass attacks and murders in educational institutions perpetrated by adolescents, have proliferated in recent years. They are marked by their unpredictability, spontaneity and cruelty. This phenomenon has been subject to scholarly examination from various perspectives, enabling the elucidation of its multifarious traits and characteristics as a means of diagnosis and prevention. This study surveys established academic approaches to the study of school shootings (psychological, legal, sociological, semiotic, existential) and delineates their (...)
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    Crime as Language II – Hyperviolence and Georges Bataille's Concept of the Sovereign.Claudia Simone Dorchain - 2022 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):173-184.
    In political philosophy, trust, legality and violence are interdependent, with different weights, connecting and excluding. Trust structures suffer most from an anticipation of violence or violence itself. Violence systematically takes place in three stages, according to the german sociologist Jan-Philipp Reemtsma: expulsive, abusive, and homicidal violence, all of which have their distinctive and recurring verbal and nonverbal equivalents. The hyperviolence phenomenon goes beyond this, however, and even mutilates the dead body, whether actually physically, or through massive propaganda that declares the (...)
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  30.  26
    The Question of humanism: challenges and possibilities.David Goicoechea, John Luik & Tim Madigan (eds.) - 1991 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    For centuries, humanists have celebrated and cherished the limitless potential of humankind and its irrepressible spirit. For its efforts to develop rational solutions to human problems rather than invoking supernatural intervention, humanism has been rewarded with a rich and distinguished heritage whose contributors include many of the brightest minds of intellectual history. Advocating reason, critical intelligence, free and objective inquiry, democratic institutions, and moral values based on human experience, humanism stands in steadfast opposition to the moral, political, and social oppression (...)
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  31.  19
    Parcours du ressentiment: pseudo-histoire et théorie sur mesure dans le "révisionnisme" français.Nadine Fresco - 1989 - History and Theory 28 (2):173-197.
    A so-called revision of the history of World War 11, which began shortly after the war, was popularized in France in the 1980s through the progressively combined action of extreme-right and former ultra-left militants. This "revision," actually a negation of the genocide perpetrated by the Nazis against the Jews, has focused on what were precisely the means of this mass murder, that is, the gas chambers. Using traditional patterns of antiSemitism, this peculiar rewriting of history claims that the genocide (...)
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    Transcendence and Violence: The Encounter of Buddhist, Christian, and Primal Traditions (review).Sarah Katherine Pinnock - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):231-235.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Transcendence and Violence: The Encounter of Buddhist, Christian, and Primal TraditionsSarah K. PinnockTranscendence and Violence: The Encounter of Buddhist, Christian, and Primal Traditions. By John D'Arcy May. New York: Continuum, 2003. 225 + xi pp.In popular media, religion appears as a dangerous social phenomenon with explosive potential. The investigation of transcendence as a source of violence is particularly timely in light of America's war on terrorism targeting extremist (...)
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  33. Compensating for Impoverishing Injustices of the Distant Past.H. P. P. Lotter - 2005 - Politikon 32 (1):83-102.
    Calls for compensation are heard in many countries all over the world. Spokespersons on behalf of formerly oppressed and dominated groups call for compensation for the deeply traumatic injustices their members have suffered in the past. Sometimes these injustices were suffered decades ago by members already deceased. How valid are such claims to compensation and should they be honoured as a matter of justice? The focus of this essay is on these issues of compensatory justice. I want to look at (...)
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    Plato on immortality.George J. Stack - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):366-368.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:366 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY In harmony with Glaucon or Kant, but unlike Thrasymachus, Ballard is unconvinced by Socrates' virtual identification of virtue with art (T~xpv)or expert knowledge (cf. 24f., 50-79). For the "tragic" intellectualism embraced by both Socrates and Thrasymachus precludes the "existential loyalty" prized by Ballard's Plato and Plato's Glaucon. Against "existential loyalty," Socrates' philosopher-kings, if left to themselves, would commit crimes of omission perhaps more heinous than (...)
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    Sacrifice, Transcendence and 'Making Sacred'.Douglas Hedley - 2011 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 68:257-268.
    Despisers of religion throughout the centuries have poured scorn upon the idea of sacrifice, which they have targeted as an index of the irrational and wicked in religious practice. Lucretius saw the sacrifice of Iphigenia as an instance of the evils perpetrated by religion. But even religious reformers like Xenophanes or Empedocles rail against ‘bloody sacrifice’. What kind of God can demand sacrifice? Yet the language of sacrifice persists in a secular world. Nor does its secularised form seem much more (...)
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    Evolution by Meaning Attribution: Notes on Biosemiotic Interpretations of Extended Evolutionary Synthesis.Jana Švorcová & Karel Kleisner - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (2):231-244.
    The aim of this contribution is to investigate certain selected parts of the extended evolutionary synthesis which all have a common denominator, namely evolution by meaning attribution. We start by arguing that living organisms can manipulate and interpret their genetic script via epigenetic modifications in a semiotic manner, that is, by meaning attribution. Genes do not build living beings to be transmitted to future generations. Genes have been shaped by evolution as a memory medium that is transmitted from one generation (...)
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    (9 other versions)The origin of species by means of natural selection.Charles Darwin - 1859 - Franklin Center, Pa.: Franklin Library. Edited by J. W. Burrow.
    ORIGIN OF SPECIES. INTRODUCTION. When on board HMS 'Beagle,' as naturalist, I was ranch struck with certain facts in the distribution of the organic beings ...
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  38. Verisimilitude by means of short theorems.Peter L. Mott - 1978 - Synthese 38 (2):247 - 273.
    This paper began with the simple object of finding an account that allowed us to compare incompatible false theories. This we achieved with ρ. But that relation is language — or interest — dependent. ρ' is free from this limitation; though thus liberated it is perhaps rather unconcerned about what is true, and further fails to deliver certain intuitive comparisons. Whether ρ is to be preferred to ρ' or vice versa, seems to me a largely fruitless question: In fact it (...)
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    Orientation by Means of Original Word Forms and Meanings.Michael Lewin - 2024 - Essays on Orientation Skills in Everyday and Professional Life. Foundation for Philosophical Orientation.
    I advocate for the 'strong view of etymology' and emphasize the value of education in fostering terminological and linguistic competence.
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  40. The Making of a Torturer.Jessica Wolfendale - 2019 - In Suzanne C. Knittel & Zachary J. Goldberg (eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Perpetrator Studies.
    Liberal democracies who perpetrate torture represent an apparent paradox: a flagrant violation of human rights by states supposedly dedicated to protecting human rights. In liberal democracies, the political, social, and legal narratives used to justify torture portray torture as an individual act motivated by important moral values. This individualized torture narrative then shapes the moral framework through which the public, policy-makers, and individual torturers view torture, and masks the institutional nature of torture perpetration. It is this interaction between an (...)
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    Meaning by means of meaning? by no means!Eike Savigny - 1975 - Erkenntnis 9 (1):139-143.
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    Evolution by means of hybridisation.Leonard Darwin - 1917 - The Eugenics Review 9 (2):151.
  43.  24
    Acta Genetica et Statistica Medica.Gunnar Dahlberg, H. Sjövall, What Does Normal Mean & By G. Dahlberg - 1951 - The Eugenics Review 43 (1).
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    Beyond Apathy: A Theology for Bystanders by Elisabeth T. Vasko, and: The Limits of Hospitality by Jessica Wrobleski. [REVIEW]Kathryn Lilla Cox - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (2):215-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Beyond Apathy: A Theology for Bystanders by Elisabeth T. Vasko, and: The Limits of Hospitality by Jessica WrobleskiKathryn Lilla CoxBeyond Apathy: A Theology for Bystanders Elisabeth T. Vasko Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015. 269pp. $29.00The Limits of Hospitality Jessica Wrobleski Collegevile, MN: Liturgical Press: A Michael Glazier Book, 2012. 168pp. $19.95At first glance it might seem as if these two books do not belong together since moving beyond apathy (...)
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    Precisification by Means of Vague Predicates.Roy Sorensen - 1988 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29 (2):267-275.
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    Evolution by means of natural selection without reproduction: revamping Lewontin’s account.François Papale - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10429-10455.
    This paper analyzes recent attempts to reject reproduction with lineage formation as a necessary condition for evolution by means of natural selection :560–570, 2008; Stud Hist Philos Sci Part C Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci 42:106–114, 2011; Bourrat in Biol Philos 29:517–538, 2014; Br J Philos Sci 66:883–903, 2015; Charbonneau in Philos Sci 81:727–740, 2014; Doolittle and Inkpen in Proc Natl Acad Sci 115:4006–4014, 2018). Building on the strengths of these attempts and avoiding their pitfalls, it is argued (...)
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    On Models Constructed by Means of the Arithmetized Completeness Theorem.Richard Kaye & Henryk Kotlarski - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (4):505-516.
    In this paper we study the model theory of extensions of models of first-order Peano Arithmetic by means of the arithmetized completeness theorem applied to a definable complete extension of PA in the original model. This leads us to many interesting model theoretic properties equivalent to reflection principles and ω-consistency, and these properties together with the associated first-order schemes extending PA are studied.
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    Computability by means of effectively definable schemes and definability via enumerations.Ivan N. Soskov - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 29 (3):187-200.
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    Close: Nearing the Future by Means of Symbiogenesis and Hyperobjectivity.Ioan-Cristian Boboescu - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:133-144.
    Close: Nearing the Future by Means of Symbiogenesis and Hyperobjectivity. At the beginning of the 21st century we find a call for philosophers to join a new alliance: with artists and architects rather than linguists or physicists. In order to see the ecosystem, we need to switch concepts, look away from nature and move towards ambiance and hyperobjects. Along with this rehabilitation of Aristotle (by speculative realism and, more specifically, object-oriented ontology) comes a call for a fresh start as (...)
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  50.  28
    Modelling def+easible reasoning by means of adaptive logic games.Peter Verdée - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (2):417-437.
    In this article, I present a dynamic logic game for defeasible reasoning. I argue that, as far as defeasible reasoning is concerned, one should distinguish between practical and ideal rationality. Starting from the adaptive logic framework, I formalize both rationality notions by means of logic games. The presented adaptive logic games are based on (i) standard logic games on the one hand and (ii) dynamic proof procedures for adaptive logic on the other hand. The games are similar to standard (...)
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