Results for 'Peter Swenson'

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    Arranged Alliance: Business Interests in the New Deal.Peter Swenson - 1997 - Politics and Society 25 (1):66-116.
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    Evolutionary Systems and Society, Vilmos Csanyi, Professor of Ethology and Behavior Genetics, Lorand Eotvos University, Budapest, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1989. 304 pp. $49.50 (cloth). [REVIEW]David Loye, Peter Saunders, Eric Chaisson, Rod Swenson & Michael Ghiselin - 1991 - World Futures 30 (3):191-206.
    (1991). Evolutionary Systems and Society, Vilmos Csányi, Professor of Ethology and Behavior Genetics, Lorand Eotvos University, Budapest, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1989. 304 pp. $49.50 (cloth). World Futures: Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 191-206.
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  3. Problems, methods, and theories in the study of politics, or what's wrong with political science and what to do about it.Ariela Gross, Clarissa Hayward, Courtney Jung, John Kane, Adolph Reed Jr, Rogers Smith, Peter Swenson & Nomi Stolzenberg - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (4):588-611.
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    The Demise of the AMA’s Mission to Improve Public Health.John Abramson - 2023 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (2):312-326.
    ABSTRACT:Much has been written about the deplorable state of American health care, but rarely with the wealth of historical and political information packed into Peter Swenson’s Disorder: A History of Reform, Reaction, and Money in American Medicine (2021). In this meticulously researched and comprehensive study of the role of organized medicine, particularly the American Medical Association (AMA) and affiliated state and county medical societies, Swenson provides detailed insight into the AMA’s political evolution from a force advocating progressive (...)
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  5. Semicompatibilism and Moral Responsibility for Actions and Omissions: In Defence of Symmetrical Requirements.Taylor W. Cyr - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (2):349-363.
    Although convinced by Frankfurt-style cases that moral responsibility does not require the ability to do otherwise, semicompatibilists have not wanted to accept a parallel claim about moral responsibility for omissions, and so they have accepted asymmetrical requirements on moral responsibility for actions and omissions. In previous work, I have presented a challenge to various attempts at defending this asymmetry. My view is that semicompatibilists should give up these defenses and instead adopt symmetrical requirements on moral responsibility for actions and omissions, (...)
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    Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics.Gabriel Rockhill & Philip Watts (eds.) - 2009 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The French philosopher Jacques Rancière has influenced disciplines from history and philosophy to political theory, literature, art history, and film studies. His research into nineteenth-century workers’ archives, reflections on political equality, critique of the traditional division between intellectual and manual labor, and analysis of the place of literature, film, and art in modern society have all constituted major contributions to contemporary thought. In this collection, leading scholars in the fields of philosophy, literary theory, and cultural criticism engage Rancière’s work, illuminating (...)
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  7. Ability, Foreknowledge, and Explanatory Dependence.Philip Swenson - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (4):658-671.
    Many philosophers maintain that the ability to do otherwise is compatible with comprehensive divine foreknowledge but incompatible with the truth of causal determinism. But the Fixity of the Past principle underlying the rejection of compatibilism about the ability to do otherwise and determinism appears to generate an argument also for the incompatibility of the ability to do otherwise and divine foreknowledge. By developing an account of ability that appeals to the notion of explanatory dependence, we can replace the Fixity of (...)
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  8. Equal Moral Opportunity: A Solution to the Problem of Moral Luck.Philip Swenson - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (2):386-404.
    ABSTRACT Many of our common-sense moral judgments seemingly imply the existence of moral luck. I attempt to avoid moral luck while retaining most of these judgments. I defend a view on which agents have moral equality of opportunity. This allows us to account for our anti-moral-luck intuitions at less cost than has been previously recognized.
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  9. Luckily, We Are Only Responsible for What We Could Have Avoided.Philip Swenson - 2019 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 43 (1):106-118.
    This paper has two goals: (1) to defend a particular response to the problem of resultant moral luck and (2) to defend the claim that we are only responsible for what we could have avoided. Cases of overdetermination threaten to undermine the claim that we are only responsible for what we could have avoided. To deal with this issue, I will motivate a particular way of responding to the problem of resultant moral luck. I defend the view that one's degree (...)
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  10. A challenge for Frankfurt-style compatibilists.Philip Swenson - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (5):1279-1285.
    The principle of alternative possibilities tells us that an agent is morally responsible for an action only if he could have done otherwise. Frankfurt-style cases provide an extremely influential challenge to the PAP . And Frankfurt-style compatibilists are motivated to accept compatibilism about responsibility and determinism in part due to FSCs. But there is a significant tension between our judgments about responsibility in FSCs and our judgments about responsibility in certain omissions cases. This tension has thus far largely been treated (...)
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  11. Fischer on Foreknowledge and Explanatory Dependence.Philip Swenson - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (4):51-61.
    I explore several issues raised in John Martin Fischer’s Our Fate: Essays on God and Free Will. First I discuss whether an approach to the problem of freedom and foreknowledge that appeals directly to the claim that God’s beliefs depend on the future is importantly different from Ockhamism. I suggest that this dependence approach has advantages over Ockhamism. I also argue that this approach gives us good reason to reject the claim that the past is fixed. Finally, I discuss Fischer’s (...)
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  12. The Frankfurt Cases and Responsibility for Omissions.Philip Swenson - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly 66 (264):579-595.
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    An Uncouth Monk: The Moral Aesthetics of Buddhist Para‐Charisma.Sara Ann Swenson - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (4):761-781.
    In this article, I propose a new theory of “Buddhist para-charisma” by analyzing the case of an iconoclastic monk in Vietnam. My argument draws from 20 months of ethnographic research conducted in Ho Chi Minh City between 2015 and 2019. During fieldwork, I was introduced to a highly respected monk with the extraordinary capacity to read minds and perceive karmic obstacles in the lives of his lay and monastic followers. This monk was unique for openly consuming meat and alcohol, wearing (...)
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  14. Moral Luck, Free Will Theodicies, and Theological Determinism.Philip Swenson - 2022 - In Leigh Vicens & Peter Furlong, Theological Determinism: New Perspectives. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 184-194.
    I raise two challenges for theological determinism. The first challenge concerns the accounts of human moral responsibility available to them. The second challenge concerns the responses to the problem of evil available to them. We will also see that the two challenges converge in an interesting way.
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  15. Bundle Theory and the Identity of Indiscernibles.Philip Swenson & Bradley Rettler - 2019 - Res Philosophica 96 (4):495-508.
    A and B continue their conversation concerning the Identity of Indiscernibles. Both are aware of recent critiques of the principle that haven’t received replies; B summarizes those critiques, and A offers the replies that are due. B then raises a new worry.
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  16. Sublimation and Affirmation in Nietzsche's Psychology.Joseph Swenson - 2014 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 45 (2):196-209.
    ABSTRACT Nietzsche sometimes offers the elusive suggestion that his psychology is not just original, but inaugural: a “first” in the field of philosophy. This article argues that a clue to his inaugural ambitions is discovered in his novel use of sublimation as a concept that engages in both a genealogical critique and a therapeutic reassessment of the basic prejudices of value dualism that he claims constitute the evaluative core of the Western tradition. Genealogically, sublimation provides Nietzsche with a new structure (...)
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  17. Compatibilism and Control over the Past: A New Argument Against Compatibilism.Philip Swenson - 2024 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 18 (1):201-215.
    Michael Moore’s recent book Mechanical Choices: The Responsibility of the Human Machine is full of rich, insightful discussion of many important issues related to free will and moral responsibility. I will focus on one particular issue raised by Moore: the question of whether we can have control over the past. Moore defends a compatibilist account of moral responsibility on which there are some possible cases in which agents do have such control. But Moore seeks to avoid positing too much control (...)
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  18. Privation theories of pain.Adam Swenson - 2009 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 66 (3):139 - 154.
    Most modern writers accept that a privation theory of evil should explicitly account for the evil of pain. But pains are quintessentially real. The evil of pain does not seem to lie in an absence of good. Though many directly take on the challenges this raises, the metaphysics and axiology of their answers is often obscure. In this paper I try to straighten things out. By clarifying and categorizing the possible types of privation views, I explore the ways in which (...)
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    Something about Kierkegaard.David F. Swenson - 1945 - Minneapolis,: Augsburg publishing house. Edited by Lillian Marvin Swenson.
    Swenson's discovery of Kierkegaard for himself led him to resolve to devote his career to the task of making Kierkegaard available in translation to the ...
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    Ethical Sensitivity for Organizational Communication Issues: Examining Individual and Organizational Differences.Tammy Swenson-Lepper - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (3):205-231.
    . This descriptive study discusses cognitive mapping as a technique for analyzing ethical sensitivity, examines whether the method allows comparisons between people, compares the ethical sensitivity levels of participants from three organizations, examines which indicators of ethical sensitivity are most salient to members of specific organizations, and examines whether education level or organizational membership is the best predictor of an individual’s ethical sensitivity level. Subjects from three organizations read background information, listened to two audiotaped scenarios containing multiple ethical issues related (...)
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    ‘From Man to Bacteria’: W.D. Hamilton, the theory of inclusive fitness, and the post-war social order.Sarah A. Swenson - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 49:45-54.
  22. Subjective Deontology and the Duty to Gather Information.Philip Swenson - 2016 - Ethics 127 (1):257-271.
    Holly Smith has recently argued that Subjective Deontological Moral Theories (SDM theories) cannot adequately account for agents’ duties to gather information. I defend SDM theories against this charge and argue that they can account for agents’ duties to inform themselves. Along the way, I develop some principles governing how SDM theories, and deontological moral theories in general, should assign ‘deontic value’ or ‘deontic weight’ to particular actions.
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  23. Pain's evils.Adam Swenson - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (2):197-216.
    The traditional accounts of pain’s intrinsic badness assume a false view of what pains are. Insofar as they are normatively significant, pains are not just painful sensations. A pain is a composite of a painful sensation and a set of beliefs, desires, emotions, and other mental states. A pain’s intrinsic properties can include inter alia depression, anxiety, fear, desires, feelings of helplessness, and the pain’s meaning. This undermines the traditional accounts of pain’s intrinsic badness. Pain is intrinsically bad in two (...)
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    Selection Is Entailed by Self-Organization and Natural Selection Is a Special Case.Rod Swenson - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (2):167-181.
    In their book, Darwinism Evolving: Systems Dynamics and the Genealogy of Natural Selection, Depew and Weber argued for the need to address the relationship between self-organization and natural selection in evolutionary theory, and focused on seven “visions” for doing so. Recently, Batten et al. in a paper in this journal, entitled “Visions of evolution: self-organization proposes what natural selection disposes,” picked up the issue with the work of Depew and Weber as a starting point. While the efforts of both sets (...)
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    Literature and the Encounter with Immanence.Brynnar Swenson (ed.) - 2017 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    In _Literature and the Encounter with Immanence_ Brynnar Swenson collects nine original essays that approach the relationship between literature and immanence through methodologies grounded in the philosophy of Spinoza.
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    Epistemic ordering and the development of space-time: Intentionality as a universal entailment.Rod Swenson - 1999 - Semiotica 127 (1-4):567-598.
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  27. Risky Thoughts.Philip Swenson - 2023 - The Journal of Ethics 27 (2):123-130.
    I respond to George Sher's A Wild West of the Mind. Sher argues that the mind is a “morality-free zone.” I respond that some thoughts are too risky to think. As a result, there are some moral limits on our mental lives. But these moral limits need not be overly burdensome. Many somewhat risky thoughts are nonetheless permissible.
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  28. Dewey’s Institutions of Aesthetic Experience.Joseph Swenson - 2018 - Southwest Philosophy Review 34 (1):217-224.
    I argue that John Dewey’s account of aesthetic experience offers a contextual approach to aesthetic experience that could benefit contemporary contextual definitions of art. It is well known that many philosophers who employ contextual definitions of art (most notably, George Dickie) also argue that traditional conceptions of aesthetic experience are obsolete because they fail to distinguish art from non-art when confronted with hard cases like Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain. While questions of perceptual indiscernibility are a problem for many traditional theories of (...)
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    Beyond Eschatology: Environmental Pessimism and the Future of Human Hoping.Willa Swenson-Lengyel - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (3):413-436.
    In much environmentally concerned literature, there is a burgeoning concern for the status and sustainability of human hope. Within Christian circles, this attention has often taken the form of eschatological reflection. While there is important warrant for attention to eschatology in Christian examinations of hope, I claim that to move so quickly from hope to eschatology is to confuse a species of Christian hope for a definition of hope itself; as such, it is important for theological ethicists to examine hope (...)
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    ‘Morals can not be drawn from facts but guidance may be’: the early life of W.D. Hamilton's theory of inclusive fitness.Sarah A. Swenson - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Science 48 (4):543-563.
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    The logical significance of the paradoxes of Zeno.David F. Swenson - 1916 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 13 (19):515-525.
  32. The anti-intellectualism of Kierkegaard.David F. Swenson - 1916 - Philosophical Review 25 (4):567-586.
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  33. A note on compound propositions.David F. Swenson - 1932 - Journal of Philosophy 29 (19):516-527.
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    Cyberbullies, Trolls, and Stalkers: Students’ Perceptions of Ethical Issues in Social Media.Tammy Swenson-Lepper & April Kerby - 2019 - Journal of Media Ethics 34 (2):102-113.
    ABSTRACTLittle research has been done to examine users’ perceptions of ethical issues related to communication on social media. This exploratory, descriptive study examines undergraduate students’...
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    A Danish Thinker's Estimate of Journalism.David F. Swenson - 1927 - International Journal of Ethics 38 (1):70-87.
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    American Physics in Transition: A History of Conceptual Change in the Late Nineteenth CenturyAlbert E. Moyer.Loyd Swenson Jr - 1984 - Isis 75 (4):734-735.
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    A Philosophical Study of Mysticism. Charles A. Bennett.David F. Swenson - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 42 (4):465-466.
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    Care and Keeping East of Eden: Gen 4:1–16 in Light of Gen 2–3.Kristin M. Swenson - 2006 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 60 (4):373-384.
    “Am I my brother's keeper?” has resonated through the centuries as the rhetorical question of a belligerent murderer. Yet it uses a verb whose appearance, disappearance, and appearance again in the greater narrative of chapters 2–4 suggests that it may be a genuine question with surprisingly far-reaching implications. By answering the question, readers are implicated in a complicated responsibility, for and with the Other, that mediates the very presence of God.
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    Depo‐provera: Loopholes and Double Standards.Sara Swenson - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (5):3-4.
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  40. ed. Kierkegaard: Philosophical Fragments or a Fragment of Philosophy.David F. Swenson - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:562.
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  41. EDC 490 School & Society Barbara Milburn 4 June 2009 Philosophy of Teaching.Tracy Swenson - 2009 - In David Papineau, Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  42. Evolutionary systems and society.R. Swenson - 1990 - World Futures 30:11-16.
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    History of Rocketry and Space TravelWernher von Braun Frederick I. Ordway III.Loyd Swenson Jr - 1970 - Isis 61 (3):404-405.
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  44. (2 other versions)Journals and New Books.David Swenson - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (22):613.
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    JPL and the American Space Program: A History of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Clayton R. Koppes.Loyd Swenson Jr - 1983 - Isis 74 (4):623-624.
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    Kierkegaardian philosophy in the faith of a scholar.David Ferdinand Swenson - 1949 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press. Edited by Lillian Marvin Swenson.
    The dignity of human life.--Progress in religious thought.--Evolutin and life values.--Functions of intelligence.--Objective uncertainty and human faith.--Supernaturalism, source of moral power.--The transforming power of other worldliness.
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    Liberalism and Community‐Based standards of care.Michael D. Swenson - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (4):45-45.
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    Living and Working in Space: A History of Skylab. W. David Compton, Charles D. Benson.Loyd Swenson Jr - 1986 - Isis 77 (1):180-181.
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  49. Living Through Pain: Psalms and the Search for Wholeness.Kristin M. Swenson - 2005
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    Martyrdom: Mytho‐Cathexis and the Mobilization of the Masses in the Iranian Revolution.Jill Diane Swenson - 1985 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 13 (2):121-149.
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