Results for 'Philippe St-Germain'

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  1.  37
    Mythe et éducation : Proclus et la critique platonicienne de la poésie.Philippe St-Germain - 2006 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 62 (2):301-318.
    Le présent article se propose de mettre en lumière non seulement la critique platonicienne de la poésie telle qu’elle se déploie dans les livres II, III et X de la République, mais aussi - et surtout - la lecture qu’en fait le néoplatonicien Proclus dans son vaste Commentaire sur la République. Le principal enjeu de cette lecture est le lien entre le mythe et l’éducation. Nous verrons d’abord comment Platon s’emploie à lier ces deux éléments, puis comment Proclus cherche pour (...)
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    Remarques sur les symbolismes du Commentaire sur la République de Proclus.Philippe St-Germain - 2006 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 62 (1):111-123.
    De part en part traversé par le mythe, le Commentaire sur la République du Néoplatonicien Proclus accorde forcément une attention soutenue au symbole. Cet article se propose de mettre en lumière deux types de symbolisme que l’on trouve dans ce Commentaire. Le premier, «non imitatif», reconfigure significativement l’héritage des Formes intelligibles platoniciennes; le second, tiré des Oracles chaldaïques, consiste en une «intériorisation» du symbole. Les deux symbolismes se rejoignent en ce qu’ils impliquent une sympathie profonde entre toutes choses, et présupposent (...)
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    Giovanni Villani: Chemistry: A Systemic Complexity Science: Pisa University Press, Pisa, 2017, 137 pp.Elijah St Germain - 2019 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (3):345-348.
  4.  13
    Semantic communicative structure of verbal vs. conjunctive causative expressions (to kill/to cause to die vs. to die because p). [REVIEW]Jean St-Germain - 1997 - In Leo Wanner (ed.), Recent trends in meaning-text theory. Philadelphia.: John Benjamins. pp. 39--75.
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  5. American federation of herpetoculturists.Philippe de Vosjoli, Russ Gurley, Howard Jaecks, Robert Mailloux, Vince Scheidt, Dennis St John & Gary Sipperley - 1991 - Vivarium 3.
  6.  36
    References to Beauty in St. Thomas.Germain G. Grisez - 1951 - Modern Schoolman 29 (1):43-44.
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    Some Franciscans on St. Thomas' Essence—Existence Doctrine.Germain Kopaczynski - 1978 - Franciscan Studies 38 (1):283-298.
  8.  19
    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Eric Crégheur, Jeffery Aubin, Alice Fanguet, Gavin McDowell, Louis Painchaud, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Simon St-Arnault-Chiasson, Philippe Therrien, Benoît Tissot & Yann Vadnais - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (1):117-184.
    Eric Crégheur, Jeffery Aubin, Alice Fanguet, Gavin McDowell, Louis Painchaud, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Simon St-Arnault-Chiasson, Philippe Therrien, Benoît Tissot et Yann Vadnais.
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    A Real Distinction in St. Thomas Aquinas?Germain Kopaczynski - 1985 - Philosophy Research Archives 11:127-140.
    The objective of this study is to analyze the writing of three neo-scholastic writers of the twentieth century -- Marcel Chossat, Pedro Descoqs, and Francis Cunningham -- who happen to dispute the prevailing view of Thomists that St. Thomas Aquinas does indeed hold a doctrine of thereal distinction of essence and existence in created being. The approach utilized will be basically historical: we start with the year 1910, the year in which Marcel Chossat rekindled the ever-smoldering embers of the essence-existence (...)
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    Mapping responsible conduct in the uncharted field of research-creation: a scoping review.Nathalie Voarino, Vincent Couture, S. Mathieu-C., Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, Emilie St-Hilaire, Bryn Williams-Jones, François-Joseph Lapointe, Cynthia Noury, Marianne Cloutier & Philippe Gauthier - 2019 - Accountability in Research 26 (5):311-46.
    This scoping review addresses the issues of responsible conduct of research (RCR) that can arise in the practice of research-creation (RC), an emergent, interdisciplinary, and heterogeneous field at the interface of academic research and creative activities. Little is yet known about the nature and scope of RCR issues in RC, so our study examined three questions: (1) What are the specific issues in RC in relation to RCR? (2) How does the specificity of RC influence the understanding and practice of (...)
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    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Eric Crégheur, Jonathan Bourgel, Lucian Dîncă, Louis Painchaud, George Simons Pardo, Dominic Perron, Paul-Hubert Poirier †, Gaëlle Rioual, Simon St-Arnaud-Chiasson, Eric Tchamdja, Philippe Therrien, Yann Vadnais & Jonathan von Kodar - 2024 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 80 (3):477-523.
    Eric Crégheur, Jonathan Bourgel, Lucian Dîncă, Louis Painchaud, George Simons Pardo, Dominic Perron, Paul-Hubert Poirier †, Gaëlle Rioual, Simon St-Arnaud-Chiasson, Eric P. Tchamdja, Philippe Therrien, Yann Vadnais et Jonathan I. von Kodar.
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    Juridiquement correct: comment ils détournent le droit.Bertrand Saint-Germain - 2023 - Paris: Nouvelle librairie.
    Toute guerre se remporte avec des hommes et des munitions, y compris celle des idées. Aujourd'hui l'histoire, la politique, l'économie, la culture, le droit sont des champs de bataille. À nous d'y triompher de la pensée unique. Beaucoup ont déjà pris la plume, tels Jean Sévillia, Philippe de Villiers ou Mathieu Bock-Côté. Mais à cette aventure intellectuelle, le droit reste étranger. Chose curieuse, au regard de son immixtion dans nos vies, réglées comme des horloges suisses par ses rouages. Mal (...)
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  13.  54
    Contraception and the Natural Law. Par Germain G. Grisez. Milwaukee, The Bruce Publishing Company, 1964, 245 P.Philippe Delhaye - 1965 - Dialogue 4 (3):412-415.
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    Edelste mens, grote egoïst of idioot?: Nietzsche over Jezus.Philippe Jean Charles Lepers - 2016 - Zoetermeer: Klement.
    Wat dacht Nietzsche, die niet bepaald positief stond ten opzichte van het christendom, eigenlijk over Jezus? Er wordt immers wel beweerd dat je, wat je verder ook van het christendom denkt, onmogelijk tegen Jezus kunt zijn. In zijn vroege werk noemt Nietzsche hem inderdaad 'de edelste mens'. Maar later heeft hij het over 'een grote egoïst' en in 'Der Antichrist' zegt hij zelfs dat Jezus 'een idioot' was. Wat betekent dat allemaal precies binnen het denken van een filosoof die vaak (...)
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    Die Reformen des Klosters St. Gallen im 15. Jahrhundert.Philipp Lenz - 2013 - In Martin Thurner & Franz Xaver Bischof (eds.), Die Benediktinische Klosterreform Im 15. Jahrhundert. Akademie Verlag. pp. 221-258.
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    The Structures of Practical Reason: Some Comments and Clarifications.Germain Grisez - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):269-291.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE STRUCTURES OF PRACTICAL REASON: SOME COMMENTS AND CLARIFICATIONS DR. BRIAN V. JOHNSTONE, C.Ss.R., pays particular attention to some of my early work in his recent article, " The Structures of Practical Reason: Traditional Theories and Contemporary Questions." 1 He plainly tries to present my views accurately. Still, Johnstone has overlooked some important things I said about the questions he considers. Moreover, in some cases he either misunderstands the (...)
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    The Homogeneous Hamilton–Jacobi and Bernoulli Equations Revisited.Philippe Choquard - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (4):623-640.
    The one-dimensional case of the homogeneous Hamilton–Jacobi and Bernoulli equations St $${\raise0.7ex\hbox{$1$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}}\right.\kern-0em}\!\lower0.7ex\hbox{$2$}}$$ S x 2 =0, where S(x, t) is Hamilton's principal function of a free particle and also Bernoulli's momentum potential of a perfect liquid, is considered. Non-elementary solutions are looked for in terms of odd power series in t with x-dependent coefficients and even power series in x with t-dependent coefficients. In both cases, and depending upon initial conditions, unexpected regularities are observed in the (...)
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  18.  28
    Farewell to Jokes: The Last "Capricci" of Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo and the Tradition of Irony in Venetian Painting.Philipp P. Fehl - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (4):761-791.
    Capricci are nonsense drawings that delineate an elusive but inevitable sense behind or, better, within the palpable nonsense of the elementary proposition of a drawing; they are capers on a tightrope stretched between the poles of pathos and the ridiculous. We shall succeed in not falling only if we step forward boldly and know not only what we are doing but also what we are up against in the making of a picture as well as in living in the world. (...)
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  19. The Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More: Volume 7, Letter to Bugenhagen, Supplication of Souls, Letter Against Frith.Frank Manley, Clarence H. Miller, Richard C. Marius & Germain Marc`Hadour (eds.) - 1990 - Yale University Press.
    More's Latin reply to Bugenhagen, given here with a facing English translation, is a comparatively brief but intense rebuttal of the principal points of Lutheran teaching concerning scripture ant tradition, faith and works, grace and free will, clerical celibacy, and the sacraments. It presents arguments elaborated at much greater length in More's other polemical works. _Supplication of Souls_ refutes _A Supplication for the Beggars_, an anticlerical pamphlet by Simon Fish which Henry VIII seems to have regarded with some favor. More (...)
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    La fondation augustinienne de la personne.Philippe Cormier - 2007 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 81 (2):147.
    Le dépassement phénoménologique du substantialisme métaphysique devrait permettre aujourd’hui d’envisager une refondation de la notion de personne, laquelle s’était quelque peu immobilisée depuis Boèce. Sur ce nouvel horizon, le retour à la fondation première, celle d’Augustin, s’impose. Celui-ci est le premier en effet, pour l’essentiel dans son traité de la Trinité, à avoir clairement pensé la personne comme relation et non comme substance. La réduction augustinienne de la personne à l’ego ou à « l’homme intérieur » ouvre la possibilité d’ (...)
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  21.  80
    The place of logic and metaphysics in the advancement of modern science.Philipp Frank - 1948 - Philosophy of Science 15 (4):275-286.
    The original stimulus for the choice of this topic was a book on intellectual history. One of the most brilliant authors in this field, Carl Becker, claims that the most important event in the intellectual history of modern time was the shift in the place of logic in science. According to Becker, the high esteem for logic which the scientist had in the age of St. Thomas Aquinas and through all the Middle Ages declined in the period of Galileo and (...)
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  22.  28
    Essays in Arabic Literary Biography, 925–1350. Edited by Terri DeYoung and Mary St. Germain[REVIEW]Issa J. Boullata - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (4):753-754.
    Essays in Arabic Literary Biography, 925–1350. Edited by Terri DeYoung and Mary St. Germain. Mîzân: Studien zur Literatur in der islamischen Welt, vol. 17,1. Wiesbaden: haRRaSSoWitz, 2011. Pp. vii + 371. €68.
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  23. (1 other version)Presupposition.Philippe Schlenker - manuscript
    (2-week course at the New York-St. Petersburg Institute of Cognitive and Cultural Studies, July 2007).
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  24.  22
    Terri DeYoung and Mary St. Germain, eds., Essays in Arabic Literary Bibliography, 925–1350. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011. Pp. 371. $105. ISBN: 9783447065986.Joseph E. Lowry and Devin J. Stewart, eds., Essays in Arabic Literary Bibliography, 1350–1850. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009. Pp. iv, 431. $102. ISBN: 9783447059336. [REVIEW]Letizia Osti - 2014 - Speculum 89 (1):189-191.
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    Der Rückstoß der Methode: Kierkegaard und die indirekte Mitteilung.Philipp Schwab - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Die vorliegende Studie ist die erste umfassende Darstellung, die Kierkegaards Verfahren einer indirekten Mitteilung als hermeneutischen Schl ssel zu seinem Gesamtwerk entfaltet. Erkenntnisleitend ist das philosophische Interesse, die indirekte Mitteilung als Kierkegaards denkerische Methode und als das bestimmende Strukturprinzip seiner Existenzphilosophie zu begreifen. Indirekte Mitteilung meint nicht blo eine u erliche Form maieutischer und existenzieller Kommunikation, sie ist vielmehr zugleich eine Theorie ber die Grenze von Sprache und Begriff. Zudem ist die perspektivisch gebrochene, experimentalphilosophische Methode ein Gegenentwurf zur geschlossenen Form (...)
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  26.  8
    Old-Latin Biblical Texts. No. I. The Gospel According to Matthew. From the St. Germain MS.J. Rendel Harris & John Wordsworth - 1884 - American Journal of Philology 5 (1):93.
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    Actualité des utopies urbaines?Pascal Cribier, Philippe Simay & Djamel Klouche - 2010 - Cités 42 (2):97.
    Pour aborder la question des utopies urbaines contemporaines et de la concertation autour du projet de la métropole francilienne que l’on appelle communément le « Grand Paris », nous avons souhaité croiser les perspectives de Philippe Simay, philosophe spécialiste de l’architecture, enseignant à l’Ecole d’architecture de St Etienne et co-fondateur du site avec..
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    Book Review: Women of the Street: How the Criminal Justice–Social Service Alliance Fails Women in Prostitution by Susan Dewey and Tonia St. Germain[REVIEW]Hagit Sinai-Glazer - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (3):486-488.
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    The "Sortes Sanctorum" in the St. Germain Codex.J. Rendel Harris - 1888 - American Journal of Philology 9 (1):58.
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    Le Roi-Soleil J. P. Néraudau: L'Olympe du Roi-Soleil, ou comment la mythologie et l'Antiquité furent mises au service de l'idéologie monarchique sous Louis XIV à travers la littérature, la peinture, la musique, les fêtes, la sculpture, l'architecture et les jardins, à Vaux-le-Vicomte, Meudon, St Cloud, Sceaux, Marly, St Germain et Versailles. (Nouveaux Confluents.) Pp. 283. Paris: Les Belles Lettres. 1986. Paper, 110 frs. [REVIEW]Richard Parish - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (01):87-88.
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    Ethics in Actor Networks, or: What Latour Could Learn from Darwin and Dewey.Katinka Waelbers & Philipp Dorstewitz - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):23-40.
    In contemporary Science, Technology and Society studies, Bruno Latour’s Actor Network Theory is often used to study how social change arises from interaction between people and technologies. Though Latour’s approach is rich in the sense of enabling scholars to appreciate the complexity of many relevant technological, environmental, and social factors in their studies, the approach is poor from an ethical point of view: the doings of things and people are couched in one and the same behaviorist vocabulary without giving due (...)
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  32.  4
    Looking Up and Looking Out.Jonathan Tran & Matthew Philipp Whelan - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (2):248-268.
    This essay reads W. E. B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction and Óscar Romero’s third pastoral letter, The Church and Popular Political Organizations, as offering a liberation-driven and Gospel-minded account of coalitional solidarity. After tracing Du Bois’s analysis of the “public and psychological wage” of racial capitalism and its divide-and-conquer strategy, the authors turn to how democracy for Du Bois involves a double maneuver of looking up from concrete reality to look out for coalitional solidarity. The authors also find a similar (...)
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  33.  9
    Responsible Organizations in the Global Context: Current Challenges and Forward-Thinking Perspectives.Annie Bartoli, Jose-Luis Guerrero & Philippe Hermel (eds.) - 2019 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book aims to spur critical thought on the various dimensions and impacts of "responsibility" for organizations, including companies, institutions, and governments, while considering international differences and similarities, as well as global challenges. It analyzes to what extent responsibility is becoming a crucial issue for all kinds of organizations, examining both the intensifying pressures of international competition and the growing crisis of confidence towards some management concepts and practices. As more and more socio-economic and political systems are suspected of serving (...)
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    Paul Géhin/Michel Cacouros/Christian Förstel/Marie-Odile Germain/Philippe Hoffmann/Corinne Jouanno/Brigitte Mondrain avec la collaboration de Dominique Grosdidiers de Matons. Les manuscrits datés des XIIIe et XIVe siècles conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France.Peter Schreiner - 2007 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (2):851-854.
    Article Paul Géhin/Michel Cacouros/Christian Förstel/Marie-Odile Germain/Philippe Hoffmann/Corinne Jouanno/Brigitte Mondrain avec la collaboration de Dominique Grosdidiers de Matons. Les manuscrits datés des XIIIe et XIVe siècles conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France was published on April 1, 2007 in the journal Byzantinische Zeitschrift (volume 100, issue 2).
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    The Saint Germain MS. of the Thebaid (Paris B.N. 13046).Robert J. Getty - 1933 - Classical Quarterly 27 (3-4):129-.
    Ever since Ph. Kohlmann in his Teubner edition of the Thebaid asserted that he had used cod. Parisinus 13046, one of the MSS. formerly of St. Germain des Prés, this MS. has been known by reputation to his successors and other students of Statian textual problems, and, designed by the letter S, it is alluded to and cited in the edition of Garrod and in the newer Teubner of Klotz, which appeared in 1908. The two later editors confessed that (...)
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  36. Übertragungen. From Leipzig to St. Louis : einflüsse deutscher Musiktehorie und -pädagogik auf die Entstehung des Ragtime, Blues und Jazz / Philipp Teriete ; Der Schnitzelbank-song und seine Rezeption in den USA / Fabian Bade ; "Shame shame shame!" : Deutsche Coverversionen und Bearbeitungen US-amerikanischer Soul- und Funkmusik 1958-1975.Dietmar Elfein - 2018 - In Ralf Von Appen & André Doehring (eds.), Pop weiter denken: neue Anstösse aus Jazz Studies, Philosophie, Musiktheorie und Geschichte. Bielefeld: Transcript.
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  37. Suffering Captured by Christ Jesus: Humility as Divine Passion and the Passive Condition of Man Saved by Christ in the Interpretation of Phil. 3:12 by St. Basil the Great (HHum [20]) and St. John Chrysostomus (Hom. XI in Epist. ad Philipp. and Exp. in Ps. 143). [REVIEW]Picu Ocoleanu - 2024 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 7:9-21.
    Phil. 3:12 is a relatively rarely commented text in Eastern patristic exegesis. If sometimes its interpretation is given very little space (Theodoret of Cyrus), very often he is simply overlooked, to the detriment of the verses before or after him, which are interpreted in an eminently ascetic key. Not so much an exegesis as a moral reflection about him offers St. Basil the Great in Homily XX on humility as a theological virtue and human condition restored in Christ. Unlike him, (...)
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  38.  41
    St. Thomas’s Natural Law Theory.E. Christian Brugger - 2019 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 19 (2):181-202.
    Fifty years of debate have strengthened Germain Grisez’s 1965 interpretation of St. Thomas Aquinas’s famous article on the natural law in Summa theologiae I-II.94.2. Revisiting Grisez’s argument in light of these developments reveals that his “gerundive interpretation” of the first principle of practical reason is not only Thomistic, but essentially Aquinas’s interpretation.
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    St Thomas and the Eucharistic Conversion.Stephen L. Brock - 2001 - The Thomist 65 (4):529-565.
    Aquinas describes transubstantiation as a “conversion” of one substance into another. Yet he denies any common substrate underlying the succession of substances. Germain Grisez finds this unintelligible. The article's thesis is that Aquinas saw and resolved the basic issue contained in Grisez's objection. The key text stresses a “nature of being” common to the two substances. This nature, it is argued, is univocal. As such it constitutes a continuous object of signification that is both necessary and sufficient for the (...)
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    Recent trends in meaning-text theory.Leo Wanner (ed.) - 1997 - Philadelphia.: John Benjamins.
    The present volume contains articles of well-known representatives of the Meaning-Text Theory (MTT) and other related linguistic theories. Founded by I. Mel'cuk and A. Zholkovsky in the sixties in Moscow, MTT soon became known in the West as a “prominent outsider” theory. The picture changed since then, though. MTT gained importance in several areas of linguistics and computational linguistics. It influenced the design of new grammar formalisms such as Dependency Tree Grammars. Also, specific parts of MTT have been directly overtaken (...)
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    Gesture projection and cosuppositions.Philippe Schlenker - 2018 - Linguistics and Philosophy 41 (3):295-365.
    In dynamic theories of presupposition, a trigger pp′ with presupposition p and at-issue component p′ comes with a requirement that p should be entailed by the local context of pp′. We argue that some co-speech gestures should be analyzed within a presuppositional framework, but with a twist: an expression p co-occurring with a co-speech gesture G with content g comes with the requirement that the local context of p should guarantee that p entails g; we call such assertion-dependent presuppositions ‘cosuppositions’. (...)
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  42. Social Preference Under Twofold Uncertainty.Philippe Mongin & Marcus Pivato - 2016 - Economic Theory.
    We investigate the conflict between the ex ante and ex post criteria of social welfare in a new framework of individual and social decisions, which distinguishes between two sources of uncertainty, here interpreted as an objective and a subjective source respectively. This framework makes it possible to endow the individuals and society not only with ex ante and ex post preferences, as is usually done, but also with interim preferences of two kinds, and correspondingly, to introduce interim forms of the (...)
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    La restructuration des organisations militaires : Analyse sociologique et implications pour les Forces armées belges.Philippe Manigart - 1998 - Res Publica 40 (3-4):419-433.
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  44. The Riches of experience.Philippe Chuard - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (9-10):20-42.
    Suppose you see a red ball. Unless you happen to be in a psychologist.
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  45. Thomas aquinas, Gerard bradley, and the death penalty: Some observations.Lawrence Dewan - 2001 - Gregorianum 82 (1):149-165.
    L'article critique la position de Gerard Bradley sur la peine capitale. Bradley essaie de lire Veritatis Splendor et Evangelium Vitae comme rejetant des responsabilités morales distinctes pour des agents moraux publics ou privés. L'article montre qu'il n'en est rien. Il montre en plus que Evangelium Vitae reconnaît dans le criminel une dignité jusqu'ici apparemment ignorée par ceux qui ont maintenu la légitimité de la peine capitale. L'auteur lit Bradley comme critiquant St. Thomas d'Aquin, et en conséquence entend montrer l'appréciation de (...)
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    Tendances et rythmes dans l'évolution des arts.Philippe Stern - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:268 - 287.
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  47. Duhemian Themes in Expected Utility Theory.Philippe Mongin - 2009 - In Gayon Anastasios Brenner and Jean (ed.), French Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Springer. pp. 303-357.
    This monographic chapter explains how expected utility (EU) theory arose in von Neumann and Morgenstern, how it was called into question by Allais and others, and how it gave way to non-EU theories, at least among the specialized quarters of decion theory. I organize the narrative around the idea that the successive theoretical moves amounted to resolving Duhem-Quine underdetermination problems, so they can be assessed in terms of the philosophical recommendations made to overcome these problems. I actually follow Duhem's recommendation, (...)
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    The Future of Democracy: Could It Be a Matter of Scale?Philippe Schmitter - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (3).
  49. (1 other version)Utility theory and ethics.Mongin Philippe & D'Aspremont Claude - 1998 - In Salvador Barbera, Peter Hammond & Christian Seidl (eds.), Handbook of Utility Theory: Volume 1: Principles. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 371-481.
    This chapter of the Handbook of Utility Theory aims at covering the connections between utility theory and social ethics. The chapter first discusses the philosophical interpretations of utility functions, then explains how social choice theory uses them to represent interpersonal comparisons of welfare in either utilitarian or non-utilitarian representations of social preferences. The chapter also contains an extensive account of John Harsanyi's formal reconstruction of utilitarianism and its developments in the later literature, especially when society faces uncertainty rather than probabilistic (...)
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  50. Some Connections Between Epistemic Logic and the Theory of Nonadditive Probability.Philippe Mongin - 1992 - In Paul Humphreys (ed.), Patrick Suppes: Scientific Philosopher. Kluwer. pp. 135-171.
    This paper is concerned with representations of belief by means of nonadditive probabilities of the Dempster-Shafer (DS) type. After surveying some foundational issues and results in the D.S. theory, including Suppes's related contributions, the paper proceeds to analyze the connection of the D.S. theory with some of the work currently pursued in epistemic logic. A preliminary investigation of the modal logic of belief functions à la Shafer is made. There it is shown that the Alchourrron-Gärdenfors-Makinson (A.G.M.) logic of belief change (...)
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