Results for 'Philosophy, Derrida, Deconstruction, Postmodernism'

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  1.  70
    Deconstruction, postmodernism and philosophy of science: Some Epistemo‐critical bearings.Christopher Norris - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (1):18-50.
    This essay argues a case for viewing Derrida's work in the context of recent French epistemology and philosophy of science; more specifically, the critical‐rationalist approach exemplified by thinkers such as Bachelard and Canguilhem. I trace this line of descent principally through Derrida's essay ‘White Mythology: Metaphor in the Text of Philosophy’. My conclusions are (1) that we get Derrida wrong if we read him as a fargone antirealist for whom there is nothing ‘outside the text'; (2) that he provides some (...)
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    Postmodernism and Deconstruction.Marius Timmann Mjaaland - 2015 - In Jon Stewart, A Companion to Kierkegaard. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 96–109.
    Kierkegaard became a key figure in postmodern philosophy by questioning the very conditions of modernity. Still, the term “deconstruction” seems to reflect his key concerns more precisely, in particular his insistence on a paradox at the heart of Hegel's system, which allows the texts to be deconstructed from within. Some philosophers were concerned with his notion of repetition, uncovering cross‐references between philosophy, literature, and religion. Sacrifice, secrecy, and subjectivity are bones of contention between Levinas and Derrida, but the latter argues (...)
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    Deconstruction and Religion: Exploring Derrida’s View on Religion.Arokiaraj Joseph Patrick - 2023 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (2):181-196.
    In today’s postmodern world, the idea of having absolute theories or absolute truth is rejected. This has also created a problem of how to explain religion, which is an important part of human nature. Most postmodern philosophers think there is an element of spiritual desire in each human being which is seeking the Wholly Other for its fulfilment. Hence in their own way, they have tried to explain this mystical desire in humans. Derrida has been seen as a major contributor (...)
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    The Deconstructing of Deconstructionism - Peterson vs Derrida.Scott D. G. Ventureyra - 2017 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 13 (1):171-194.
    In this paper, I wish to reflect upon the insistence on the use of gender neutral language and its implications for freedom of speech in Canada. There has been much controversy in Canada over recent legislation that adds gender expression and gender identity as protected grounds under the Canada Human Rights Act- i.e. Bill C-16, Jordan B. Peterson, Professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has expressed his dissatisfaction with Bill C-16 and its implications for free speech. Peterson argues (...)
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    What's wrong with postmodernism: critical theory and the ends of philosophy.Christopher Norris - 1990 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    In What's Wrong with Postmodernism Norris critiques the "postmodern-pragmatist malaise" of Baudrillard, Fish, Rorty, and Lyotard. In contrast he finds a continuing critical impulse--an "enlightened or emancipatory interest"--in thinkers like Derrida, de Man, Bhaskar, and Habermas. Offering a provocative reassessment of Derrida's influence on modern thinking, Norris attempts to sever the tie between deconstruction and American literary critics who, he argues, favor endless, playful, polysemic interpretation at the expense of systematic argument. As he explores leftist attempts to arrive at (...)
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  6. Deconstruction, anti–realism and philosophy of science—an interview with Christopher Norris.Christopher Norris & Marianna Papastephanou - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (2):265–289.
    In this interview, Christopher Norris discusses a wide range of issues having to do with postmodernism, deconstruction and other controversial topics of debate within present-day philosophy and critical theory. More specifically he challenges the view of deconstruction as just another offshoot of the broader postmodernist trend in cultural studies and the social sciences. Norris puts the case for deconstruction as continuing the 'unfinished project of modernity' and—in particular—for Derrida's work as sustaining the values of enlightened critical reason in various (...)
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    Constructive postmodernism: Toward renewal in cultural and literary studies (review).David Carrier - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):p. 122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Constructive Postmodernism: Toward Renewal in Cultural and Literary StudiesDavid CarrierConstructive Postmodernism: Toward Renewal in Cultural and Literary Studies, by Martin Schiralli. Westport, CT, and London: Bergin and Garvey, 1999, 165pp., $55 cloth.Concerned with the consequences of Jacques Derrida's philosophy of deconstruction for cultural and literary studies, Martin Schiralli's elegantly written book offers, first, a critique of these claims and, then, a constructive alternative analysis. He admires (...)
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  8. Language Games, Postmodernism and Deconstruction.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2006 - In M. Freund M. O’Loughlin & J. Mackenzie, Politics, Business and Education: the Aims of Education in the Twenty First Century. PESA.
  9.  55
    Derrida & education.Gert Biesta & Denise Egéa-Kuehne (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    Among educational theorists and philosophers there is growing interest in the work of Jacques Derrida and his philosophy of deconstruction. This important new book demonstrates how his work provides a highly relevant perspective on the aims, content and nature of education in contemporary, multicultural societies.
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  10. Specters of postmodernism: Derrida’s Marx, the New International and the return of situationism.François Debrix - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (1):1-21.
    In Specters of Marx, Derrida proposes a return to the spirit of Marxism as a way of dealing with the 'repoliticization' of contemporary realities. I suggest that Derrida's rediscovery of Marx allows one to map out what I call the end(s) of postmodernism, that is to say, the point(s) where the cultural free-play characteristic of the postmodern mood is confronted with renewed questions of politics, ideology and technology. Through a micro-reading of Derrida's text, two possible end(s) of postmodernism (...)
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  11.  47
    Varieties of Postmodernism as Moments in Ethics Action-Learning.Richard P. Nielsen - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (3):251-269.
    Through an international case study, this paper illustrates how a conversation method was used effectively to address a cross-cultural ethics problem. The method included as moments in one continuous process three different dimensions of postmodernism-Gadamer reconstruction, Derrida deconstruction, and Rorty neopragmatism. In addition to including different dimensions of postmodernism, the method combines effective mutual learning and effective action. Strengths and limitations of the approach are discussed. The article demonstrates how it can be beneficial to build bridges between and (...)
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  12.  22
    Postmodernism for beginners.Jim Powell - 1998 - Danbury, CT: For Beginners LLC.
    If you are like most people, you’re not sure what Postmodernism is. And if this were like most books on the subject, it probably wouldn’t tell you. Besides what a few grumpy critics claim, Postmodernism is not a bunch of meaningless intellectual mind games. On the contrary, it is a reaction to the most profound spiritual and philosophical crises of our time–the failure of the Enlightenment. Jim Powell takes the position that Postmodernism is a series of “maps” (...)
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  13. Rhizomatics, Genealogy, Deconstruction Deleuze/Guattari, Foucault, Derrida.Constantin V. Boundas - 2000 - Taylor & Francis.
  14.  65
    God, the Gift, and Postmodernism.John D. Caputo & Michael J. Scanlon (eds.) - 1999 - Indiana University Press.
    Pushing past the constraints of postmodernism which cast "reason" and"religion" in opposition, God, the Gift, and Postmodernism, seizes the opportunity to question the authority of "the modern" and open the limits of possible experience, including the call to religious experience, as a new millennium approaches. Jacques Derrida, the father of deconstruction, engages with Jean-Luc Marion and other religious philosophers to entertain questions about intention, givenness, and possibility which reveal the extent to which deconstruction is structured like religion. New (...)
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  15.  35
    (1 other version)Écart & différance: Merleau-Ponty and Derrida on seeing and writing.Martin C. Dillon (ed.) - 1997 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Merleau-Ponty and Derrida articulate two overlapping but divergent ways of thinking about differentiation, ecart and differance. This volume represents the viewpoints of fifteen leading North American scholars working in the fields of Continental philosophy, phenomenology, and postmodernism. In essays written expressly for this volume, these scholars address the matrix of thought underlying contemporary responses to postmodernism at large and deconstructionism in particular: identity and difference, community and alterity, self and other, metaphysics and its closure, language and its beyond, (...)
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  16.  90
    Made for each other: The interdependence of deconstruction and philosophical hermeneutics.Stephen M. Feldman - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (1):51-70.
    Critics of Hans-Georg Gadamer maintain that his philosophical hermeneutics is unduly conservative: supposedly, Gadamer too readily accepts tradition and too quickly assumes that a text has a unified and understandable meaning. Critics of Jacques Derrida, meanwhile, declare that deconstruction leads to nihilism: if the meaning of every text is undecidable, then a text can mean anything at all - no one meaning is better or worse than any other. And if there is no ground to stand upon, these critics add, (...)
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  17.  45
    Creative implications of deconstruction: the case of jazz music, photography, and architecture.Francesco Paradiso - 2014 - Dissertation, University of New South Wales
    The thesis investigates the connection between deconstruction and creativity with regard to three aesthetic fields, namely jazz music, photography, and architecture. The thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on deconstruction and jazz music. First, the analysis draws a comparison between the linguistic sign and the musical sign in the light of Derrida's analysis of signifier and signified. This supports an investigation of the supplementary character of writing in the specific case of jazz music. Second, the analysis draws an (...)
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  18.  52
    Paul de Man, Deconstruction, and Discipleship.John Allman - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):324-339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:John Allman PAUL DE MAN, DECONSTRUCTION, AND DISCIPLESHIP God may be dead, but his vocabulary lives on, oddly enough, in the militandy secular pages of recent literary theory. Just when we thought it was safe to plunge the depths of postmodernism without the muddying mystifications of worship, religious language seems to have resurrected itself and is walking once again on the troubled waters of literary criticism. In an (...)
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  19.  12
    Deconstructing postmodernist Nietzscheanism: Deleuze and Foucault.Jan Rehmann - 2022 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Kolja Swingle & Larry Swingle.
    It is often asserted that postmodernism emerged from "leftist" Nietzsche-interpretations, but it is rarely explored. The book investigates how Deleuze and Foucault read Nietzsche and apply a hermeneutics of innocence to his philosophy that erases the elitist, anti-democratic, and anti-socialist dimensions. This misreading also affects their own theory and impairs the claim to develop a radical critique. The late Foucault's turn to self-care techniques merges a neo-Nietzschean approach with the ideologies of neoliberalism. Rehmann's critique is not directed against the (...)
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  20.  30
    Jacques Derrida: law as absolute hospitality.Jacques De Ville - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    Jacques Derrida: Law as Absolute Hospitalityãeepresents a comprehensive account and understanding of Derridaâe(tm)s approach to law and justice. Through a detailed reading of Derridaâe(tm)s texts, Jacques de Ville contends that it is only by way of Derrida's deconstruction of the metaphysics of presence, and specifically in relation to the texts of Husserl, Levinas, Freud and Heidegger - that the reasoning behind his elusive works on law and justice can be grasped. Through detailed readings of texts such as To speculate âe" (...)
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  21.  30
    Refugees of a Crisis in Reference: Holocaust Memoir and the Deconstruction of Paul de Man.Patrick Lawrence - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):17-35.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Refugees of a Crisis in ReferenceHolocaust Memoir and the Deconstruction of Paul de ManPatrick Lawrence (bio)Since discovery of Paul de Man’s wartime journalism, the debate over perceived ethical deficiencies in the philosophies of postmodernism in general, and deconstruction in particular, has intensified. At times more or less vitriolic or persuasive, this debate has brought about a crisis of scholarship to accompany the crisis of reference that is one (...)
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  22.  62
    The Religious Significance of Postmodernism.Huston Smith - 1995 - Faith and Philosophy 12 (3):409-422.
    Accepting Lyotard’s “incredulity toward metanarratives” as its definition of postmodernism, and Derrida’s “openness to the other” as deconstruction’s contribution to it this essay distinguishes three species of postmodernism: minimal (we have no believable metanarratives), mainline (they are unavailable in principle), and polemical (“good riddance!”). It then argues that the religious impulse challenges all three of these contentions. Contra polemical postmodernism, metanarratives/worldviews are needed. Contra mainline postmodernism, reliable ones are possible. And contra minimal postmodernism, they already (...)
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  23.  21
    Prospects for thinking reconstruction postmetaphysically: Postmodernism minus the quote‐marks.Marianna Papastephanou - 1999 - Cultural Values 3 (3):291-303.
    Several accounts of postmodernist theories define them as discourses in quotation marks thus shifting the emphasis from reconstruction to deconstruction. Without contesting the import of deconstructive philosophy and Derrida's intervention in particular, in this essay I defend reconstruction and propose it as a mode of postmodernism that is compatible or even complementary with discursive strategies of quote‐mark use. By drawing on Albrecht Wellmer's and Klaus Eder's ideas, I introduce a definition of postmodernism as postmetaphysical thinking and explore some (...)
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  24.  52
    Social Constructionism, Postmodernism and Deconstructionism.P. Baert, D. Weinberg, V. Mottier, I. C. Jarvie & J. Zamora-Bonilla - unknown
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  25.  73
    Against the Spirit of Foundations: Postmodernism and David Hume.Zuzana Parusnikova - 1993 - Hume Studies 19 (1):1-17.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Against the Spirit of Foundations: Postmodernism and David Hume1 Zuzana Parusnikova Introduction David Hume lived at the very dawn ofthe modern age and belonged to the Scottish Enlightenment. The Enlightenment is often conceived of as the essence of modernity, thus standing in firm opposition to postmodernism. According to postmodernists, the Enlightenmentideal of a universal liberating rationality and the principle of universally shared norms ofhumanism have not only (...)
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  26.  23
    Education, philosophy and politics: the selected works of Michael A. Peters.Michael Peters - 2012 - New York: Routlede.
    Introduction: education, philosophy and politics -- Writing the self: Wittgenstein, confession and pedagogy -- Nietzsche, nihilism and the critique of modernity: post-Nietzschean philosophy of education -- Heidegger, education and modernity -- Truth-telling as an educational practice of the self: Foucault and the ethics of subjectivity -- Neoliberal governmentality: Foucault on the birth of biopolitics -- Lyotard, nihilism and education -- Gilles Deleuze's 'societies of control': from disciplinary pedagogy to perpetual training -- Geophilosophy, education and the pedagogy of the concept - (...)
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  27.  57
    Deconstruction in a nutshell: a conversation with Jacques Derrida.Jacques Derrida - 1997 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by John D. Caputo.
    Responding to questions put to him at a Roundtable held at Villanova University in 1994, Jacques Derrida leads the reader through an illuminating discussion of the central themes of deconstruction. Speaking in English and extemporaneously, Derrida takes up with unusual clarity and great eloquence such topics as the task of philosophy, the Greeks, justice, responsibility, the gift, the community, the distinction between the messianic and the concrete messianisms, and his interpretation of James Joyce. Derrida convincingly refutes the charges of relativism (...)
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  28.  25
    Debating Derrida.Niall Lucy - 1995 - Carlton South, Vict., Australia: Melbourne University Press.
    'There is nothing outside the text.' Possibly no single statement has caused such a storm in critical theory as this famous observation by the French philosopher, Jacques Derrida. While it is often misunderstood as meaning that nothing is real and that political actions are therefore pointless, Debating Derrida demonstrates that Derrida's philosophy does not lack political conviction. Niall Lucy examines three key terms - text, writing and differance - as they are used in three famous debates: Derrida's disputes over speech-acts (...)
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  29.  30
    Derrida: Deconstruction From Phenomenology to Ethics.Christina Howells - 2013 - Polity.
    This book is an unusually readable and lucid account of the development of Derrida's work, from his early writings on phenomenology and structuralism to his most recent interventions in debates on psychoanalysis, ethics and politics. Christina Howells gives a clear explanation of many of the key terms of deconstruction - including differance, trace, supplement and logocentrism - and shows how they function in Derrida's writing. She explores his critique of the notion of self-presence through his engagement with Husserl, and his (...)
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  30.  16
    Derrida: Deconstruction From Phenomenology to Ethics.Christina Howells - 1991 - Polity.
    This book is an unusually readable and lucid account of the development of Derrida's work, from his early writings on phenomenology and structuralism to his most recent interventions in debates on psychoanalysis, ethics and politics. Christina Howells gives a clear explanation of many of the key terms of deconstruction - including differance, trace, supplement and logocentrism - and shows how they function in Derrida's writing. She explores his critique of the notion of self-presence through his engagement with Husserl, and his (...)
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  31.  65
    Philosophies of Marxism: Gramsci, Lukacs, Benjamin, Althusser.Michael Kelly - unknown
    Table of contents : 1. The beginnings of phenomenology: Husserl and his predecessors Richard Cobb-Stevens, Boston College 2. Philosophy of existence 1: Heidegger Jacques Taminiaux, University of Louvain, Belgium 3. Philosophy of existence 2: Sartre Thomas Flynn, Emory University 4. Philosophy of existence 3: Merleau-Ponty Bernard Cullen, Queen's University, Belfast 5. Philosophies of religion: Jaspers, Marcel, Levinas William Desmond, Loyola College 6. Philosophies of science: Mach, Duhem, Bachelard Babette Babich, Fordham University 7. Philosophies of Marxism: Gramsci, Lukacs, Benjamin, Althusser Michael (...)
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  32.  34
    The aporetic humanism of early Derrida.Michael Williams - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (7):814-838.
    This article focuses on the French philosopher Jacques Derrida’s thought in the 1960s. Though the discourse of the ‘death of man’ was regnant among French avant-garde intellectuals, this article argues that Derrida himself has to be described as a humanist at this stage in his career, even if a reluctant one. The case is made through close textual analysis of three of Derrida’s early and seminal works: ‘Cogito and the History of Madness’ (1963), ‘Violence and Metaphysics: An Essay on the (...)
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  33.  48
    Derrida, deconstruction, and education: ethics of pedagogy and research.Peter Pericles Trifonas & Michael Peters (eds.) - 2003 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    This book takes as a premise that Derrida is a profound educational thinker, who from the very beginning concerned himself with questions of pedagogy.
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  34.  11
    The Ethics of Writing: Derrida, Deconstruction, and Pedagogy.Peter Pericles Trifonas - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this compelling and timely treatise, cultural theorist and educator Peter Trifonas puts forth the first book-length study of Jacques Derrida's 'educational texts:' that is, those writings most explicitly concerned with the ethics and politics of the historico-philosophical structures constituting the scene of teaching. The text examines how deconstruction allows us to re-think the socio-historical and ethico-philosophical aspects of pedagogical practices and policies, including pedagogical theories that have had direct bearing on the ethical and cultural ideals forming the reason of (...)
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  35. Has Derrida Deconstructed Speech Act Theory?Dieter Freundlieb - 2001 - Idealistic Studies 31 (2-3):81-103.
    I argue that Derrida's critique of speech act theory is largely unsustainable because of its reliance on a questionable and insufficiently explicatedconception of philosophy as negative metaphysics8 and its attendant misconception of scientific theory construction in general and speech act theory in particular.
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  36.  19
    Deconstruction and Pragmatism.Simon Critchley, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau & Richard Rorty (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Deconstruction and pragmatism constitute two of the major intellectual influences on the contemporary theoretical scene; influences personified in the work of Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty. Both Rortian pragmatism, which draws the consequences of post-war developments in Anglo-American philosophy, and Derridian deconstruction, which extends and troubles the phonomenological and Heideggerian influence on the Continental tradition, have hitherto generally been viewed as mutually exclusive philosophical language games. The purpose of this volume is to bring deconstruction and pragmatism into critical confrontation with (...)
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  37.  14
    The movement of showing: indirect method, critique, and responsibility in Derrida, Hegel, and Heidegger.Johan de Jong - 2020 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    The Movement of Showing investigates the idea, shared by Derrida, Hegel and Heidegger, that the value of their thought is not found in its results or conclusions, but in its "movement." All three describe the heart of their work in terms of a pathway, development, or movement rather than in terms of its propositions or conclusions. This seems to deprive their thought of a solid ground, and indeed deconstruction in particular is often criticized in this way. Johan de Jong argues (...)
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  38.  9
    Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida, with a New Introduction.Jacques Derrida - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
    Responding to questions put to him at a Roundtable held at Villanova University in 1994, Jacques Derrida leads the reader through an illuminating discussion of the central themes of deconstruction. Speaking in English and extemporaneously, Derrida takes up with unusual clarity and great eloquence such topics as the task of philosophy, the Greeks, justice, responsibility, the gift, the community, the distinction between the messianic and the concrete messianisms, and his interpretation of James Joyce. Derrida convincingly refutes the charges of relativism (...)
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  39. Jacques Derrida, Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida.Jeremy Barris - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (5):317-320.
  40.  20
    Symptom, Symbol, and the Other of Language: A Jungian Interpretation of the Linguistic Turn.Bret Alderman - 2016 - Routledge.
    Every statement about language is also a statement by and about psyche. Guided by this primary assumption, and inspired by the works of Carl Jung, in _Symptom, Symbol, and the Other of Language_, Bret Alderman delves deep into the symbolic and symptomatic dimensions of a deconstructive postmodernism infatuated with semiotics and the workings of linguistic signs. This book offers an important exploration of linguistic reference and representation through a Jungian understanding of symptom and symbol, using techniques including amplification, dream (...)
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    Semiological Reductionism: A Critique of the Deconstructionist Movement in Postmodern Thought.Martin C. Dillon - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    This critical interpretation shows Derridian thought to be permeated by a semiology that reduces all meaning to the signification of signs thus challenging the philosophy of deconstruction at its roots.
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  42. Derrida's love of philosophy: From deconstruction to aporia.John Protevi - manuscript
    In looking at Derrida’s career, many people claim to see a “political turn” with the 1989 essay “Force of Law.” So on this reading, the early Derrida is concerned with metaphysics and literature and the later Derrida with politics and ethics. I disagree. The concerns have always been metaphysical/literary and political/ethical at once, but the “methodology” changes: from deconstruction to aporia.
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    How (did) Derrida Deconstruct Marx?Akoijam Thoibisana - 2022 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (3):309-323.
    Derrida’s deconstruction of Marx was a hegemonic reading of Marx that he always wanted to do but in his own way. Derrida is often quoted saying that “I meant to read Marx my way when the time came.” And when communism fell, in the ruins of Marxism, on the grave of Marxist–Leninist–Stalinism, the time had finally come for Derrida to read Marx, his way, or rather deconstruct Marx, his way. Derrida’s deconstruction of Marx calls for a new reading of Marx. (...)
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    The Problem of Critique: Triangulating Habermas, Derrida, and Gadamer Within Metamodernism.Stephen M. Feldman - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (3):296-320.
    This essay argues that Hans-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics, Jürgen Habermas's communication theory, and Jacques Derrida's deconstruction all fit together within one philosophical paradigm: metamodernism. Metamodernism, as defined, is opposed to both modernism and radical forms of postmodernism. Within metamodernism, a political conundrum provides the key clue for understanding the relations among Gadamer, Habermas, and Derrida as well as for elaborating the contours of the paradigm. Specifically, the political implications of the three philosophies are intransitive: they seem to shift around (...)
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  45.  85
    Science and transcendence: Westphal, Derrida, and responsibility.Nathan Kowalsky - 2012 - Zygon 47 (1):118-139.
    Abstract. On the naive reading, “radical social constructivism” would be the result of “deconstructing” science. Science would simply be a contingent construction in accordance with social determinants. However, postmodernism does not necessarily abandon fidelity to the objects of thought. Merold Westphal's Derridean philosophy of religion emphasizes that even theology need not eliminate the transcendence of the divine other. By drawing an analogy between natural and supernatural transcendence, I argue that science is similarly called to responsibility in the encounter with (...)
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  46.  60
    Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Derrida on Deconstruction.Barry Stocker - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Jacques Derrida is one of the most influential and controversial philosophers of the last fifty years. _Derrida on Deconstruction_ introduces and assesses: Derrida's life and the background to his philosophy the key themes of the critique of metaphysics, language and ethics that characterize his most widely read works the continuing importance of Derrida's work to philosophy. This is a much-needed introduction for philosophy or humanities students undertaking courses on Derrida.
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    Deconstruction and philosophy: the texts of Jacques Derrida.John Sallis (ed.) - 1987 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This volume represents the first sustained effort to relate Derrida's work to the Western philosophical tradition from Plato to Heidegger. Bringing together twelve essays by twelve leading Derridean philosophers and an important paper by Derrida previously unpublished in English, the collection retrieves the significance of deconstruction for philosophy.
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    The Virtue of Nonviolence (review). [REVIEW]Shyam Ranganathan - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (1):115-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Virtue of NonviolenceShyam RanganathanThe Virtue of Nonviolence. By Nicholas F. Gier. SUNY Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2004. Pp. xv + 222. Hardcover $50.00.The Virtue of Nonviolence is Nicholas F. Gier's second book in the SUNY Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought, edited by the eminent Alfred North Whitehead scholar David Ray Griffin. It is a remarkable exercise in comparative philosophy (...)
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  49.  9
    Heidegger, philosophy, and politics: the Heidelberg Conference.Jacques Derrida, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe & Mireille Calle-Gruber (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In February of 1988, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jacques Derrida, and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe came together in Heidelberg before a large audience to discuss, in French, the philosophical and political implications of Martin Heidegger's thought, particularly in light of the philosopher's engagement in Nazism. This book presents a transcription and translation of their reflections and exchanges with the audience.
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    The politics of deconstruction: Jacques Derrida and the other of philosophy.Martin McQuillan (ed.) - 2007 - Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press.
    Jacques Derrida has had a huge influence on contemporary political theory and political philosophy. Derrida's thinking has inspired Slavoj Zizek, Richard Rorty, Ernesto Laclau, Judith Butler and many more contemporary theorists. This book brings together a first class line up of Derrida scholars to develop a deconstructive approach to politics. Deconstruction examines the internal logic of any given text or discourse. It helps us analyze the contradictions inherent in all schools of thought,and as such it has proved revolutionaty in political (...)
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