Results for 'Pietra Antônia Filiol Belin'

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  1.  24
    Aspectos Clínicos da Má Nutrição Na Covid-19.Adriana Aparecida de Oliveira Barbosa, Gabriel Cunha Beato, Pietra Antônia Filiol Belin & Larissa Ramos Araújo - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (16):01-19.
    The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has sparked discussions among health professionals about the role of food and nutrition in the infectious condition caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in different population groups. Malnutrition, including obesity, may reflect more severe outcomes in the physiopathology of infection and systemic responses caused by COVID-19. The present work aims to make considerations directed to the nutritionist about the susceptibility of COVID-19 in individuals submitted to malnutrition, highlighting possible outcomes of the disease and the (...)
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    Les risques concernant l’utilisation des algorithmes dits prédictifs dans le domaine sensible de la justice.Éric Filiol - 2018 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 60 (1):147-152.
    L’utilisation de techniques prédictives dans le processus de la justice, avec le développement des techniques de fouille et d’analyse des données, est considérée non seulement comme une évolution nécessaire mais encore plus comme une révolution de nature à optimiser et à rationaliser la gestion du justiciable. Cet article se propose d’exposer en quoi cette évolution est porteuse de risques, quels sont les enjeux, certains importants et surtout pourquoi il est illusoire d’espérer quelque chose de positif pour les procédures judiciaires.
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    Making a Difference or Making a Statement? Finance Research and Socially Responsible Investment.Pietra Rivoli - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (3):271-287.
    What does socially responsible investing (SRI) accomplish for investors and for society? Proponents of SRI claim that the practiceyields competitive portfolio returns for investors, while at the same time achieving better outcomes for society at large. Skepticsview SRI as ineffective at best and ill-conceived marketing hype at worst. My objective in this paper is to apply mainstream finance research findings to the question of whether SRI may be expected to lead to superior social outcomes. I conclude that under the perfectmarkets (...)
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    Experimental evidence of the formation of d-like states near the Fermi energy in complex metallic alloys.E. Belin-Ferré & J. -M. Dubois - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (13-15):2163-2170.
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    Art training and personality traits as predictors of aesthetic experience of different art styles among Polish students.Karolina Pietras & Karolina Czernecka - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:466-474.
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    De la bienveillance dispositive.Emmanuel Belin - 1999 - Hermes 25:245.
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    Electronic structure of leached Al–Cu–Fe quasicrystals used as catalysts.E. Belin-Ferré, M. -F. Fontaine, J. Thirion, S. Kameoka, A. P. Tsai & J. M. Dubois - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (3-5):687-692.
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    L'œuvre de Pierre Charron, 1541-1603: littérature et théologie de Montaigne à Port-Royal.Christian Belin - 1995 - Genève: Diffusion hors France, Slatkine.
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    (1 other version)La Logique D'Une Idée-Force. L'Idée D'Utilité Sociale et Révolution Française.Jean Belin - 1939 - Philosophy of Science 6 (4):491-491.
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  10. (1 other version)Le mouvement philosophique de 1748 à 1789.Jean Paul Belin - 1913 - New York,: G. Olms.
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  11. La notion de pure nature dans l'œuvre de Pierre Charron (1541-1603).C. Belin - 1997 - Revue Thomiste 97 (4):709-717.
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    La réforme de la connaissance.J. Belin-Milleron - 1942 - Tours,: Arrault, maîtres imprimeurs.
    1. La décision de l'intelligence et la méthode concrète-complexe.--2. La transmutation concrète-complexe.--3. Réalité sociale et logique: 1. essai. Psychologie collective; histoire et connaissance. 2. essai. Jugements économiques et sociologie des liaisons.
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  13. Spinoza and'principia', a handbook of cartesian philosophy and criticism.Mh Belin - 1988 - Archives de Philosophie 51 (1):99-105.
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    Vers une poésie commune? Les poètes amateurs de Twitter, Instagram et Wattpad.Olivier Belin - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 25 (1):57-66.
    Les poètes actifs sur Twitter, Instagram ou Wattpad proposent une nouvelle forme de poésie commune. À l’écart des pratiques avant-gardistes, ces amateurs reprennent des formes poétiques éprouvées (vers, rime, haïku) en les adaptant aux espaces d’écriture que les sites mettent à leur disposition. On assiste ainsi à une floraison de micropoésie sur Twitter, à un reformatage graphique et nostalgique du poème sur Instagram, et à une construction collective du lyrisme sur Wattpad. En enrichissant les textes de contenus multimédias, les amateurs (...)
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    Del ciudadano en la nación moderna a la ciudadanía nacionalista.Belín Vázquez - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (31):63-78.
    Mod ern cit i zen ship is ma te ri al ized by the con sti tu tional body of the XIX cen tury. With the na tional States, the na tion al ist no tion of cit i zens trans formed the ide al ized “so ci ety of in di vid u - als” into “a com mu nity of iden ti cal be ings”. It is dem on strated that,..
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    Ethical aspects of investor behavior.Pietra Rivoli - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (4):265 - 277.
    The neoclassical paradigm assumes that shareholders'' utility is solely a function of their wealth, and prescribes that management should act in a manner consistent with share price maximization. The stakeholder view also assumes that shareholders'' utility derives from wealth, but prescribes that managers must balance the shareholder wealth maximization objective against the rights of other constituencies. Thus, while neoclassicists and stakeholder theorists have different prescriptives for management behavior, their definitions of the shareholders'' interest are consistent — shareholders are self-interested economic (...)
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  17. Self-Driving Vehicles—an Ethical Overview.Sven Ove Hansson, Matts-Åke Belin & Björn Lundgren - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1383-1408.
    The introduction of self-driving vehicles gives rise to a large number of ethical issues that go beyond the common, extremely narrow, focus on improbable dilemma-like scenarios. This article provides a broad overview of realistic ethical issues related to self-driving vehicles. Some of the major topics covered are as follows: Strong opinions for and against driverless cars may give rise to severe social and political conflicts. A low tolerance for accidents caused by driverless vehicles may delay the introduction of driverless systems (...)
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  18. The Ontology of Processual Being: Nicolai Hartmann’s interpretation of the Hegelian Dialectical Process.Alicja Pietras - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 14 (1):62-65.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Neurodialectics: A Proposal for Philosophy of Cognitive and Social Sciences” by Nicolas Zaslawski. Abstract: In this commentary I maintain that in order to improve the dialectical approaches of cognition by using the Hegelian concept of the dialectical process it is necessary to take into account Hartmann’s ontology of processual being.
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  19. Nicolaia Hartmanna projekt syntezy dyskursu i intuicji.Alicja Pietras - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 85 (1):335-350.
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  20. Kilka uwag o postępie w filozofii.Alicja Pietras - 2009 - Diametros 22:160-171.
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    Hans Wagner’s Transcendental Argument for the Idea of Human Dignity.Alicja Pietras - 2022 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 27 (2):261-272.
    Hans Wagner (1917–2000), using the achievements of German transcendental philosophy, gives a transcendental argument for the idea of human dignity. He claims that to ground the validity of human thinking and all its products (e.g. culture), we must accept the validity of the idea of human dignity. The structure of my paper is as follows: First, I consider what it means to give a transcendental justification of something. I reconstruct the neo-Kantian’s understanding of transcendental method. Then I argue that Wagner’s (...)
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  22.  4
    Otto Weininger e la crisi della cultura austriaca.Roberto Della Pietra - 1985 - Napoli: Libreria Sapere.
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  23.  12
    Connaissance pratique et narrations. Une hypothèse pour l’histoire des idées.Laurent Pietra - 2019 - Noesis 33:77-88.
    Si l’histoire des idées exige de prendre en compte la relation entre les pensées et les actes, la philosophie, dès lors qu’elle porte ses recherches sur le domaine pratique, esquisse les mouvements d’une narration, et justifie pleinement cet usage des symboles, ou des métaphores. Les narrations permettraient une « présentation indirecte » des concepts pratiques, des connaissances, mais aussi des méconnaissances. Les narrations, reprises de civilisations en civilisations, produisent des objets transhistoriques qui permettent de comparer les époques, les principes civilisationnels, (...)
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    Explicit and implicit values of polish grandmothers and their granddaughters.Karolina Pietras & Krzysztof Mudyń - 2009 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 40 (2):62-68.
    Explicit and implicit values of polish grandmothers and their granddaughters The authors tried to determine if and to what extent maternal granddaughters share the explicit and implicit values of their grandmothers. 80 grandmothers-granddaughter dyads were surveyed using Schwartz' SVS and Mudyń's RN-02, an instrument assigned to identify "ontological orientations". The results indicate that: 1) grandmothers differ significantly from granddaughters in all ontological orientations, especially in Theoretical and Religious orientation, 2) they differ also in personal values, except for Universalism and Power, (...)
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  25. Lettera di Costantino alla Chiesa di Alessandria e Lettera del sinodo di Nicea agli Egiziani (325) i falsi sconosciuti da Atanasio?Henryk Pietras - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (4):727-739.
    The article proposes the hypothesis that the letters known as direct witnesses to the work of the council of Nicea are indeed false: that is, they are letters written after the episcopate of Athanasius. The political-ecclesial situation of Alexandria in the years 373-378 appears to be that described in the two letters and the only one possible, in my opinion, that corresponds to their tone and content. For this reason, their contents should not be considered a valid source for our (...)
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  26. Lettera pròs Germanòn di Dionigi Alessandrino: osservazioni e prova di ricostruzione.H. Pietras - 1990 - Gregorianum 71 (3):573-583.
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  27. Le ragioni della convocazione del concilio niceno da parte di costantino il grande: Un'investigazione storico-teologica.Henryk Pietras - 2001 - Gregorianum 82 (1):5-35.
    La thèse de l'article est que Constantin aurait invité les évêques à Nicée pour fêter son jubilé. L'arianisme ne pouvait en être la raison, car à la fin de 324 l'empereur le considérait une chose de peu d'importance, même si scandaleuse. En tant que Pontifex Maximus, il était aussi responsable pour établir le calendrier des fêtes de la nouvelle religion et était tenu de conserver les formules sacrées. Les chrétiens n'avaient pas réussi jusqu'alors à se mettre d'accord sur la date (...)
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    La traduction de la persécution.Laurent Pietra - 2013 - Noesis 21:371-385.
    Emmanuel Lévinas interprète une page talmudique en affirmant que la persécution ne peut être traduite dans une autre langue que celle de la victime. Si l’éthique lévinassienne laisse comprendre pourquoi la traduction de la parole douloureuse des persécutés redoublerait la dévalorisation de la parole singulière de ces victimes déjà induite par la persécution, elle semble aussi se fonder, en l’occurrence, sur une conception de la traduction qui mériterait peut-être d’être élargie à partir des réflexions de Walter Benjamin ; prise en (...)
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    O dwóch pojęciach rzeczy samej w sobie.Alicja Pietras - 2007 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 19 (19).
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    On Two Concepts of Thing-in-itself.Alicja Pietras - 2007 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 19:57-76.
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    Philosophie, religion, conseil.Laurent Pietra - 2015 - Noesis 24.
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    Sage comme une image: figures de la philosophie dans les arts.Régine Pietra - 1992 - Paris: Félin.
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  33. Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Filozofia Nicolaia Hartmanna”.Alicja Pietras - 2011 - Ruch Filozoficzny 68 (3).
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  34. A unified coding strategy for processing faces and voices.Galit Yovel & Pascal Belin - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (6):263-271.
  35.  85
    Labor standards in the global economy: Issues for investors. [REVIEW]Pietra Rivoli - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (3):223 - 232.
    In the mid-1990s, global labour standards emerged as a new and important are of concern for socially responsible investors, especially with respect to investments in the "problematic" footwear, apparel, and toy industries. In this paper, I elucidate the primary areas of concern for investors and discuss a framework for evaluating firms'' labor standards performance. In addition, I argue that today''s sweatshop debates follow closely those of centuries ago, with the standard economic defense of low wage manufacturing on the one hand, (...)
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    Locke's moral man.Antonia LoLordo - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Antonia Lolordo presents an original interpretation of John Locke's metaphysics of moral agency, in which to be a moral agent is simply to be free, rational, and a person.
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    On the Structure of Computable Reducibility on Equivalence Relations of Natural Numbers.Uri Andrews, Daniel F. Belin & Luca San Mauro - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (3):1038-1063.
    We examine the degree structure $\operatorname {\mathrm {\mathbf {ER}}}$ of equivalence relations on $\omega $ under computable reducibility. We examine when pairs of degrees have a least upper bound. In particular, we show that sufficiently incomparable pairs of degrees do not have a least upper bound but that some incomparable degrees do, and we characterize the degrees which have a least upper bound with every finite equivalence relation. We show that the natural classes of finite, light, and dark degrees are (...)
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    The Role of Pitch and Timbre in Voice Gender Categorization.Cyril R. Pernet & Pascal Belin - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Nicolai Hartmann and the Transcendental Method.Alicja Pietras - 2021 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 30 (3):461–492.
    One of the most often explored, repeatedly interpreted, and recognized again and again as a valuable achievement of Kant’s philosophy, is his transcendental philosophy, a new methodological approach that – as Kant believed – will allow philosophy (metaphysics) to enter upon a secure path of science. In this paper, I explore Nicolai Hartmann’s reinterpretation and development of this methodology in both the historical and systematic context of his thought. First, I will deal with the Neo-Kantian’s understanding of the transcendental method (...)
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  40. Mental action.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (6):e12741.
    Just as bodily actions are things you do with your body, mental actions are things you do with your mind. Both are different from things that merely happen to you. Where does the idea of mental action come from? What are mental actions? And why do they matter in philosophy? These are the three main questions answered in this paper. Section 1 introduces mental action through a brief history of the topic in philosophy. Section 2 explains what it is to (...)
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    Andrzej Jan Noras (1960-2020): Wspomnienie i kilka słów o filozofii mojego nauczyciela.Alicja Pietras - 2021 - Ruch Filozoficzny 77 (2):185-200.
    The aim of the paper is to briefly present the person, philosophical views and achievements of my recently deceased teacher Andrzej J. Noras - a great historian of philosophy, specializing in German philosophy, especially in Neo-Kantianism.
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  42. How literature expands your imagination.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (2):298-319.
    Many great authors claim that reading literature can expand your phenomenal imagination and allow you to imagine experiences you have never had. How is this possible? Your phenomenal imagination is constrained by your phenomenal concepts, which are in turn constrained by the phenomenology of your own actual past experiences. Literature could expand your phenomenal imagination, then, by giving you new phenomenal concepts. This paper explains how this can happen. Literature can direct your attention to previously unnoticed phenomenal properties of your (...)
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  43. Let’s be Liberal: An Alternative to Aesthetic Hedonism.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):163-183.
    Aesthetic value empiricism claims that the aesthetic value of an object is grounded in the value of a certain kind of experience of it. The most popular version of value empiricism, and a dominant view in contemporary philosophical aesthetics more generally, is aesthetic hedonism. Hedonism restricts the grounds of aesthetic value to the pleasure enjoyed in the right kind of experience. But hedonism does not enjoy any clear advantage over a more permissive alternative version of value empiricism. This alternative is (...)
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  44. The Vision Zero Handbook.K. Edvardsson Björnberg, Belin, S. O. Hansson & C. Tingvall (eds.) - 2022
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    Electronic structure of Mg–Zn-based compounds.Yasushi Ishii, Zoltan Dankhazi & Esther Belin-Ferré - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (11):1643-1652.
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    Figures du recueil : les contes de fées en leurs Cabinets au XVIII siècle.Aurélie Zygel-Basso & Amélia Belin - 2010 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 29:71.
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    Freire and education.Antonia Darder - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Paulo Friere is considered to be one of the most influential educational philosophers of the twentieth century. Within many progressive circles, he would be considered the most important radical educational philosopher of our times, given his contribution to a revolutionary understanding of education and his certainty and faith that education can function as one of the most significant empowering and democratizing forces in the lives of the disenfranchised. In this deeply personal introduction to the man,and his ideas and their contribution (...)
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  48. Mary Shepherd on Causation, Induction, and Natural Kinds.Antonia LoLordo - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    In several early 19th century works, Mary Shepherd articulates a theory of causation that is intended to respond to Humean skepticism. I argue that Shepherd's theory should be read in light of the science of the day and her conception of her place in the British philosophical tradition. Reading Shepherd’s theory in light of her conception of the history of philosophy, including her claim to be the genuine heir of Locke, illuminates the broader significance of her attempt to reinstate reason (...)
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  49. Embedded mental action in self-attribution of belief.Antonia Peacocke - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (2):353-377.
    You can come to know that you believe that p partly by reflecting on whether p and then judging that p. Call this procedure “the transparency method for belief.” How exactly does the transparency method generate known self-attributions of belief? To answer that question, we cannot interpret the transparency method as involving a transition between the contents p and I believe that p. It is hard to see how some such transition could be warranted. Instead, in this context, one mental (...)
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    Review of: Jonas Vanbrabant (ed.), Philosophers on the Russian Aggression in Ukraine, Germany, Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2023, 123 pages, ISBN 978-3-95948-602-6, € 18,00. [REVIEW]Alicja Pietras - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-9.
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