Results for 'Piotr Bukowski'

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  1.  21
    The impact of incidental fear and anger on in- and outgroup attitudes.Małgorzata Kossowska, Piotr Dragon & Marcin Bukowski - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (3):312-317.
    The aim of this research was to examine the impact of two specific negative emotions of anger and fear on intergroup attitudes. In Study 1 we measured emotions of anger and fear and in Study 2 we evoked these emotions incidentally, that is independently of any intergroup context. In both studies we measured attitudes towards the ingroup and the outgroup.We expected that fear would lead to more positive ingroup attitudes and anger to more negative outgroup attitudes. The results of the (...)
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    Friedrich Schleiermacher's pathways of translation: issues of language and communication.Piotr de Bończa Bukowski - 2023 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Daniel Sax.
    This interdisciplinary study introduces readers to Friedrich Schleiermacher's diverse pathways of reflection and creative practice that are related to the field of translation. By drawing attention to Schleiermacher's various writings on a range of subjects (including philology, criticism, hermeneutics, dialectics, rhetoric and religion), the author makes it clear that the frequently cited lecture Über die verschiedenen Methoden des Übersetzens (On the Different Methods of Translating) represents but a fraction of Schleiermacher's contributions to modern-day insights into translation. The analysis of Schleiermacher's (...)
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    Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Pathways of Translation: Issues of Language and Communication.Piotr de Bończa Bukowski - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    This interdisciplinary study introduces readers to Friedrich Schleiermacher’s diverse pathways of reflection and creative practice that are related to the field of translation. By drawing attention to Schleiermacher’s various writings on a range of subjects (including philology, criticism, hermeneutics, dialectics, rhetoric and religion), the author makes it clear that the frequently cited lecture Über die verschiedenen Methoden des Übersetzens (On the Different Methods of Translating) represents but a fraction of Schleiermacher’s contributions to modern-day insights into translation. The analysis of Schleiermacher’s (...)
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  4. The hedonic marking of processing fluency: Implications for evaluative judgment.Piotr Winkielman, Norbert Schwarz, Tetra Fazendeiro & Rolf Reber - 2003 - In Jochen Musch & Karl C. Klauer, The Psychology of Evaluation: Affective Processes in Cognition and Emotion. Lawerence Erlbaum.
  5.  83
    Subliminal Affective Priming Resists Attributional Interventions.Piotr Winkielman & Robert B. Zajonc & Norbert Schwarz - 1997 - Cognition and Emotion 11 (4):433-465.
  6.  34
    Influence of Suboptimally and Optimally Presented Affective Pictures and Words on Consumption-Related Behavior.Piotr Winkielman & Yekaterina Gogolushko - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Death as the Cessation of an Organism and the Moral Status Alternative.Piotr Grzegorz Nowak - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (5):504-518.
    The mainstream concept of death—the biological one—identifies death with the cessation of an organism. In this article, I challenge the mainstream position, showing that there is no single well-established concept of an organism and no universal concept of death in biological terms. Moreover, some of the biological views on death, if applied in the context of bedside decisions, might imply unacceptable consequences. I argue the moral concept of death—one similar to that of Robert Veatch—overcomes such difficulties. The moral view identifies (...)
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  8. On a Cognitive Model of Semiosis.Piotr Konderak - 2015 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 40 (1):129-144.
    What is the class of possible semiotic systems? What kinds of systems could count as such systems? The human mind is naturally considered the prototypical semiotic system. During years of research in semiotics the class has been broadened to include i.e. living systems like animals, or even plants. It is suggested in the literature on artificial intelligence that artificial agents are typical examples of symbol-processing entities. It also seems that semiotic processes are in fact cognitive processes. In consequence, it is (...)
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    On the Relative Chronology of Dharmakīrti and Samantabhadra.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (3):437-483.
    In the discussions concerning the date of Dharmakīrti, Jaina sources have never been seriously taken into account. They may, however, provide a valuable insight because Dharmakīrti both criticised and was criticised by Jaina thinkers. Two Jaina authors, Samantabhadra and Pūjyapāda Devanandin, may prove crucial in determining the actual dates of Dharmakīrti. The paper argues that Dharmakīrti directly influenced Samantabhadra in a number of ways, which sets the terminus ante quem for Dharmakīrti, and his traditional chronology has to be reconsidered in (...)
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  10.  40
    Siddhasena Mahāmati and Akalaṅka Bhaṭṭa: A Revolution in Jaina Epistemology.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (5):993-1039.
    Two eight-century Jaina contemporaries, a Śvetāmbara philosopher Siddhasena Mahāmati and a Digambara Akalaṅka Bhaṭṭa revolutionised Jaina epistemology, by radically transforming basic epistemological concepts, which had been based on canonical tradition. The paper presents a brief historical outline of the developments of basic epistemological concepts in Jaina philolosophy such as the cognitive criterion and logical faculties as well as their fourteen typological models which serve as the backdrop of important innovations in epistemology introduced by Siddhasena, Pātrasvāmin and Akalaṅka. An important contribution (...)
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  11. The embodied emotional mind.Piotr Winkielman, Paula M. Niedenthal & Lindsay Oberman - 2008 - In Gün R. Semin & Eliot R. Smith, Embodied grounding: social, cognitive, affective, and neuroscientific approaches. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 263--288.
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  12. (1 other version)The Conscious Semiotic Mind.Piotr Konderak - 2017 - Studia Semiotyczne 31 (1):67-89.
    The paper discusses possible roles of consciousness in a semiotic activity of a cognitive agent. The discussion, we claim, is based on two related approaches to consciousness: on Chalmers’ theory of phenomenal and psychological consciousness and on Damasio’s neural theory, which draws a distinction between core and extended consciousness. Two stages of cognitive-semiotic processing are discussed: the moment of perception of a sign as a meaningful entity and the metasemiotic processes understood as the human capacity to reflect on signs and (...)
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  13.  20
    Législation pénale à l’époque stalinienne en Pologne—analyse jurilinguistique.Piotr Pieprzyca - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1551-1566.
    L’article aborde la problématique des actes normatifs de droit pénal adoptés en Pologne dans les années 1944–1956. L’auteur essaie de répondre à la question : comment le régime politique et l’idéologie stalinienne ont-ils influencé la manière de rédiger les textes juridiques de cette branche du droit lors des plus grandes répressions par le pouvoir d’après-guerre en Pologne? À partir de 1944, le droit pénal a été adapté aux besoins des autorités communistes, contrôlées par l’Union soviétique. Dans la période analysée, on (...)
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  14. Remarks on Axiomatic Rejection in Aristotle’s Syllogistic.Piotr Kulicki - 2002 - Studies in Logic and Theory of Knowledge 5:231-236.
    In the paper we examine the method of axiomatic rejection used to describe the set of nonvalid formulae of Aristotle's syllogistic. First we show that the condition which the system of syllogistic has to fulfil to be ompletely axiomatised, is identical to the condition for any first order theory to be used as a logic program. Than we study the connection between models used or refutation in a first order theory and rejected axioms for that theory. We show that any (...)
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  15. Automated discovery systems and scientific realism.Piotr Giza - 2002 - Minds and Machines 12 (1):105-117.
    In the paper I explore the relations between a relatively new and quickly expanding branch of artificial intelligence –- the automated discovery systems –- and some new views advanced in the old debate over scientific realism. I focus my attention on one such system, GELL-MANN, designed in 1990 at Wichita State University. The program's task was to analyze elementary particle data available in 1964 and formulate an hypothesis (or hypotheses) about a `hidden', more simple structure of matter, or to put (...)
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  16.  21
    Are Online Haters Psychopaths? Psychological Predictors of Online Hating Behavior.Piotr Sorokowski, Marta Kowal, Przemysław Zdybek & Anna Oleszkiewicz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    "Troska o duszę" a polityka : propozycja Alasdaira MacIntyre’a.Piotr Machura - 2007 - Folia Philosophica 25:223--245.
    The aim of the article is to present the sources of Alasdair MacIntyre’s political conception. Considering his criticism of contemporary culture as known, the issue of man’s subjectivity, its intellectual character, and perception of community as a place of thereby understood realization of the human nature follow. At the same time, an emphasis of the importance of philosophical reflection for self-knowledge of an average member of such a community somehow forces a conclusion on a political nature of an intellectual activity.
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  18. Luck, Ignorance, and Moral Attitude.Piotr Machura - 2015 - Folia Philosophica 34:231--250.
    Public opinion has it that ethics should be concerned with studying and providing precise and reliable rules of conduct. This view is based in a long philosophical tradition which begins with the Stoics and continues at least to Kant; it is, however, a false view. There are good reasons to turn our attention to these aspects of moral thinking which refer to and emphasize the element of risk and uncertainty. In the article I briefly discuss two of such reasons: the (...)
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  19.  53
    Jaina epistemology in historical and comparative perspective: critical edition and English translation of logical-epistemological treatises: Nyāyâvatāra, Nyāyâvatāra-vivr̥ti and Nyāyâvatâra-ṭippana with introduction and notes.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2001 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. Edited by Siddhasena Divākara & Siddharṣigaṇi.
    Despite its importance, the work is rather secondary in the sense that it relies, for the most part, on the Buddhist logical legacy. The first extant commentary is the Nyayavatara-vivrti of Siddharsigani.
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    Phenotype-genotype dichotomy: an essay in theoretical biology.Piotr Lenartowicz - 1975 - Roma: Typis Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae.
  21. Moral norms, moral ideals and supererogation.Piotr Machura - 2013 - Folia Philosophica 29:127--159.
    The aim of the paper is to investigate the relations between the basic moral categories, namely those of norms, ideals and supererogation. The subject of discussion is, firstly, the ways that these categories are understood; secondly, the possible approaches towards moral acting that appear due to their use; and thirdly, their relationship within the moral system. However, what is of a special importance here is the relationship between the categories of norms and ideals (or in a wider aspect — laudable (...)
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  22.  36
    Two siddhasenas and the authorship of the nyāyāvatāra and the sammati-tarka-prakarana.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2001 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 29 (3):351-378.
  23. Skrytość Boga i pobożna dekonstrukcja - czyli jak (nie) czytać Mikołaja z Kuzy.Piotr Sikora - 2019 - Diametros 59:61-72.
    In my paper I present a critique of Dorota Brylla’s interpretation of the dialogue by Nicholas of Cusa - De Deo abscondito, and a critique of her stance on apophatic theology. I consider Brylla’s position an exemplification of a more widespread philosophical point of view in terms of both the interpretation of Nicholas thought and the apophatic tradition as such. I also present an alternative reading of both his dialogue and apophatic theology. Finally, I point out some implications of adopting (...)
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  24. Doing the right things–trivalence in deontic action logic.Piotr Kulicki & Robert Trypuz - 2012 - Trivalent Logics and Their Applications.
    Trivalence is quite natural for deontic action logic, where actions are treated as good, neutral or bad.We present the ideas of trivalent deontic logic after J. Kalinowski and its realisation in a 3-valued logic of M. Fisher and two systems designed by the authors of the paper: a 4-valued logic inspired by N. Belnap’s logic of truth and information and a 3-valued logic based on nondeterministic matrices. Moreover, we combine Kalinowski’s idea of trivalence with deontic action logic based on boolean (...)
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  25. Modelowanie działań i norm w logice deontycznej.Piotr Kulicki & Robert Trypuz - 2013 - In Jerzy Juchnowski & Robert Wiszniowski, Współczesna teoria i praktyka badań społecznych i humanistycznych. Tom 1. Adam Marszałek.
    In the paper we provide an overview of issues related to the models used in the research on the logic of norms and actions. We present two models of the variability of the world: temporal (acyclic) and atemporal (cyclic). In the first one the past is always clearly defined, and the future is potentially “branched”. The second type of model allows for a return to the situation that took place. Next we describe different approaches towards agency modeling. We present the (...)
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  26. Epistemic capacities, incompatible information and incomplete beliefs.Piotr Kulicki, Robert Trypuz, Paweł Garbacz & Marek Lechniak - 2010 - In Piotr Kulicki, Robert Trypuz, Paweł Garbacz & Marek Lechniak, In proceeding of: ILCLI International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action (LogKCA-10).
    We investigate a speci c model of knowledge and beliefs and their dynamics. The model is inspired by public announcement logic and the approach to puzzles concerning knowledge using that logic. In the model epistemic considerations are based on ontology. The main notion that constitutes a bridge between these two disciplines is the notion of epistemic capacities. Within the model we study scenarios in which agents can receive false announcements and can have incomplete or improper views about other agent's epistemic (...)
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  27. Moore i semantyczna autonomia etyki.Piotr T. Makowski - 2014 - Principia 59:67-81.
    Among different types of autonomy of ethics, semantic autonomy seems to be the most interesting. It is a thesis about irreducibility of meaning of ethical terms to some other types of discourse. The paper proposes an argument for the semantic autonomy of ethics, based on a detailed interpretation of the Open Question Argument by G.E. Moore, and followed up by the reading of Philippa Foot's argument about weak objectivity of evaluative meaning of ethical terms. The result of investigation gives the (...)
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  28.  31
    A Unified Logical Framework for Reasoning about Deontic Properties of Actions and States.Piotr Kulicki, Robert Trypuz, Robert Craven & Marek J. Sergot - 2023 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 32 (4):583-617.
    This paper studies some normative relations that hold between actions, their preconditions and their effects, with particular attention to connecting what are often called ‘ought to be’ norms with ‘ought to do’ norms. We use a formal model based on a form of transition system called a ‘coloured labelled transition system’ (coloured LTS) introduced in a series of papers by Sergot and Craven. Those works have variously presented a formalism (an ‘action language’) nC+ for defining and computing with a (coloured) (...)
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  29.  42
    On Paley, Epagogé, Technical Mind and a fortiori Argumentation.Piotr Lenartowicz & Jolanta Koszteyn - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 7 (1):49-83.
    It is our intention to re-investigate only a few of the innumerable epistemological problems concerning Paley's argumentation for the existence of God. Nowadays this argumentation is commonly considered as invalid. Modern philosophers believe that the Humean Dialogs on Natural Religion and the Darwinian theory of evolution deprived Paley's reasoning of any cognitive validity. This judgment seems to us unjustified. We shall try to demonstrate that the very meaning and the logical structure of Paley's argumentation are continuously misunderstood, and that critics (...)
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  30.  51
    Dynamics of cognition-emotion interface: Coherence breeds familiarity and liking, and does it fast.Piotr Winkielman & Andrzej Nowak - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):222-223.
    We present a dynamical model of interaction between recognition memory and affect, focusing on the phenomenon of “warm glow of familiarity.” In our model, both familiarity and affect reflect quick monitoring of coherence in an attractor neural network. This model parsimoniously explains a variety of empirical phenomena, including mere-exposure and beauty-in-averages effects, and the speed of familiarity and affect judgments.
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    O empirycznych przesłankach pluralizmu bytowego.Piotr Lenartowicz - 2006 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1):37-53.
    The sciences, from their ancient beginnings, use a double way of investigation. One was applied to mineral and astronomical bodies, another to living ones. A ruling, tacit, common sense methodological or epistemological principle was this: The method of description should respect the inner essential properties of the object. For instance, neither the movements of the astronomical bodies, nor the behavior of the living bodies should be described in the scale of subatomic interactions. In modern times quite another methodological principle has (...)
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  32.  17
    Exégesis y metafísica. En torno a la hermenéutica bíblica de Tomás de Aquino.Piotr Roszak - 2014 - Salmanticensis 61 (2):301-323.
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  33. Ateism, Agnosticism, and Apothatic Theism.Piotr Sikora - 2010 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):65-80.
    In this paper, I propose a specific version of theism which I would call apophatic theism. In the first part of the paper, I argue that this in the only tenableversion of theism. Due to the fact that it may seem indistinguishable from a very strong form of agnosticism (or atheism understood in the etymological sense of the word: as a-theism where ‘a’ means ‘without’), in the second part of my paper, I try to distinguish apophatic theism from agnosticism (or (...)
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  34. Fraternità francescana: Persona, relazione, dono.Piotr Anzulewicz - 2001 - Miscellanea Francescana 101 (1-2):51-102.
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    The Philosophical Concepts in Ryszard Otowicz’s Bioethics.Piotr Aszyk - 2006 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1):69-80.
    This article presents a general overview of philosophical issues undertaken in the work of Richard Otowicz, Jesuit and Professor of Moral Theology at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Warsaw. Within the set of views developed by him, the theological perspective undoubtedly assumes pride of place. Often, however, he refers to philosophical issues from which, in his opinion, one cannot escape—issues that bear directly on human life. What is especially striking is Otowicz’s hypothesis that bioethics is a kind of self-defense (...)
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  36.  15
    Beginnings of Jaina Ontology and Its Models.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (4):657-697.
    The paper analyses the beginnings of systematic ontology in Jainism, which appears to have began after first century CE, albeit certain ontology-relevant terminology in a nascent form was present earlier. A clear expression of systematic ontological reflection is the existence of models that organize ideas and categories in a more consistent conceptual scheme. Jainism follows similar developments that had earlier taken shape in in the early Buddhist Abhidharma, proto-Sāṁkhya-Yoga and proto-Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika. In addition, the paper argues that the models, five in (...)
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  37.  23
    Fragments from the Ājīvikas.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2022 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (1):65-115.
    The paper examines available references to the Ājīvikas that are often identified by scholars, notably by Basham, as genuine quotations from Ājīvikas’ lost works. In addition, the paper analyses some additional material not previously indentifed as possible quotations relevant to Ājīvikism. Unfortunately, none of such references seem to be genuinely derived from an Ājīvika source: All of such passages or verses previously considered genuinely taken from Ājīvika literature turn out to have been composed by non-Ājīvika authors and usually derive either (...)
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  38.  76
    Monks, monarchs and materialists.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2005 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 33 (5):571-582.
  39.  44
    Rationality as a Common Public Domain.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (1):73-94.
    Even though globalization is not necessarily a modern phenomenon, quantitatively id does exceed anything which we could observe in the past. In its modern form it entails certain side effects and brings news risks which often involves direct encounters of people representing different or conflicting worldviews and systems of values. To speak of “a clash of civilizations” or “a war of civilizations” would be a misunderstanding, probably motivated politically. What is really pertinent is, however, the question to what extent conflicting (...)
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  40.  19
    Al-Utrab w krainie Kalopów.Piotr Bartula - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 24:105-118.
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    Przypływy i odpływy liberalizmu.Piotr Bartula - 2018 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 8 (`1):65-82.
    Ebbs and flows of liberalism: In choosing this subject, I have subscribed to the assumption that political history takes turns, not unlike the alternating rhythms of social change. It turns from faith to the mirage of earthly salvation; from an eschatological war to the susceptibility toward acquiescence; and from ideological animation to the cynical contests for power and one’s own self‑seeking interests. According to this premise, the ideo‑political construction of a liberal micro‑history is curtailed by the growth and withering — (...)
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  42.  10
    Why Octavian Married Scribonia.Piotr Berdowski - 2020 - Klio 102 (2):601-616.
    Summary This article revises the existing explanations for the marriage between Octavian and Scribonia, which emphasised the young Caesar’s desire for an accommodation with Sextus Pompeius, including a mutual normalization of relations and even an alliance. In reality, such actions were never on the agenda of either politician. The marriage to Scribonia was primarily a message addressed by Octavian to Antonius during a period of tense relations in the year 40 BCE, but also to the Roman plebs and to the (...)
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  43. Kant w Polsce.Piotr Chmielowski - 2005 - Ruch Filozoficzny 1 (1).
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    Problem istnienia w platonizmie w świetle nauki św. Tomasza z Akwinu.Piotr Cyciura - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (18).
    THE PROBLEM OF BEING IN PLATONISM FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THOMAS AQUINAS. A META-SYSTEMATIC ESSAY In spite of the apparent opposition to Plato, Aristotle accepted a lot from the thought of his master. The intuition, which plays the key role in the system of Plato, was understood by Aristotle in terms of how we grasp the middle term of syllogism. It is not, therefore, the intuition of being, but the reasoning, departing from the experience (nature’s “intention”), which is the way (...)
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    Problem istnienia w platonizmie–próba ujęcia metasystemowego.Piotr Cyciura - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (18):103-124.
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    Weryfikacjonizm Wittgensteina.Piotr Dehnel - 2019 - Filozofia Nauki 27 (2):39-57.
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    Rozstaje samotności: studium filozoficzne = The crossroads of loneliness: a philosophical study.Piotr Domeracki - 2016 - Kraków: Zakład Wydawniczy "Nomos".
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    O znajdowaniu i definiowaniu gromad galaktyk.Piotr Flin - 2000 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 27.
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  49. Groza polityczności. Uwaga tłumacza.Piotr Graczyk - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (13).
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    Myśl zła.Piotr Graczyk - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 19:211-244.
    The aim of this essay is to show Cezary Wodziński to be a thinker of evil. First, I discuss the difference between a thinker and a scientist. The latter develops various abstract ideas. The former produces literature as a kind of protective coating against a single destructive and dangerous thought which is haunting him. The thought that was haunting Cezary Wodziński is the idea that the being itself is evil. Since the thought of being is also a part of this, (...)
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