Results for 'Political Forgiveness'

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  1.  72
    (1 other version)Palestinian Political Forgiveness.Nigel Parsons - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (4):661-688.
    It is often suggested that the resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict will require forgiveness on the part of both Palestinians and Israelis. This paper looks at what such forgiveness might involve for one party to the conflict. It begins by offering an account of political forgiveness in which both collective actions and collective emotions play a significant role. It then explores whether there is a collective Palestinian agent capable of forgiving as well as whether it would (...)
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  2. The Philosophical Controversy over Political Forgiveness.Alice MacLachlan - 2012 - In Paul van Tongeren, Neelke Doorn & Bas van Stokkom, Public Forgiveness in Post-Conflict Contexts. Intersentia. pp. 37-64.
    The question of forgiveness in politics has attained a certain cachet. Indeed, in the fifty years since Arendt commented on the notable absence of forgiveness in the political tradition, a vast and multidisciplinary literature on the politics of apology, reparation, and reconciliation has emerged. To a novice scouring the relevant literatures, it might appear that the only discordant note in this new veritable symphony of writings on political forgiveness has been sounded by philosophers. There is (...)
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  3. Political Forgiveness.Harry Bunting - 2009 - Ethics in Brief 14 (2):1 - 4.
    The paper attempts to clarify the concept of political forgiveness, distinguishing it from individual forgiveness and illustrating its presence in contemporary politics. It proceeds to explore grounds for criticism of political forgiveness - an authority criticism, a specificity criticism and a temporal distance criticism - and suggests that, although these difficulties can be overcome, they provide serious challenges to putative cases of political forgiveness.
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    Political forgiveness.Peter Digeser - 2001 - Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
    It centers on the capacity of victims and creditors to release transgressors and debtors from their moral and financial debts. "If justice is a matter of receiving one's due," he says, "then political forgiveness entails releasing one's due." Neverthless, political forgiveness remains connected to justice in important ways.".
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  5.  56
    Arendt's Phenomenology of Political Forgiveness.Jared Highlen - 2023 - Philosophical Forum (3):105-119.
    Forgiveness is often understood as a primarily interpersonal experience, a type of moral response to a wrongdoing that has particular effects on the personal relationship between the one wronged and the wrongdoer. However, some have also attempted to defend another kind of forgiveness, one that takes place in public and applies to a wider range of practices in a specifically political context. That such a concept of forgiveness is possible is not particularly controversial. But the way (...)
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  6. The Place of Political Forgiveness in Jus post Bellum.Leonard Kahn - forthcoming - In Court Lewis, Underrepresented Perspectives on Forgiveness. Vernon Press.
    Jus post Bellum is, like Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello, a part of just war theory. Jus post Bellum is distinguished from the other parts of just war theory by being primarily concerned with the principles necessary for securing a just and lasting peace after the end of a war. Traditionally, jus post bellum has focused primarily on three goals: [1] compensating those who have been the victims of unjust aggression, while respecting the rights of the aggressors, [2] (...)
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    The personal and the political: forgiveness and reconciliation in restorative justice.Ari Kohen - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (3):399-423.
    At the center of this paper are three questions: in the absence of a religious worldview, can one gain access to the concepts of forgiveness and reconciliation, can reconciliation be achieved in the absence of forgiveness or does the former depend in some way upon the latter, and can we make sense of a restorative approach to justice in the absence of either forgiveness or reconciliation? To answer these questions, I look closely at the concept of (...) in the first section of this article with the goals of disentangling it from its religious undertones and emphasizing its importance to the very concept of restorative justice. Drawing on both theoretical work and practical examples, I argue that forgiveness is not necessarily a religious concept ? contrary to common perception ? and that, contra Zehr, it is a foundational component of restorative justice. Having considered this first problem, I turn ? in the second section ? to a discussion of the concept of reconciliation, arguing that personal and political reconciliation must be separated from one another and from the concept of forgiveness. Ultimately, I conclude that forgiveness and reconciliation are quite different concepts, that the latter relies on the former, and that the latter is a goal rather than a necessary component of restorative justice. Drawing largely on the work of Hannah Arendt, Susan Dwyer, Trudy Govier, and Howard Zehr, as well as discussions with members of Murder Victims? Families for Reconciliation, I argue that political reconciliation between groups can be achieved in the absence of personal reconciliation between individual victims and perpetrators in those groups. Further, I demonstrate that restorative practices open up the possibility of both types of reconciliation, but that they are ultimately founded only on the principle of forgiveness. (shrink)
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    Hannah Arendt s Concept of Political Forgiveness. 김선욱 & 성신형 - 2020 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 92:109-134.
    아렌트의 텍스트들 가운데 나타나는 용서 개념을 분석함으로써 우리는 아렌트가 정치 적 용서 개념의 다양한 측면을 다루고 있음을 알 수 있다. 전체주의에 대한 경험을 통해 아 렌트는 자신의 독특한 정치사상을 연다. 이 경험을 중심으로 용서에 대한 아렌트의 생각을 점검할 때 우리는 그의 정치적 용서 개념의 특성을 이해하게 된다. 아렌트의 정치적 용서 개념의 핵심은 용서가 특정한 역사적 배경을 가진 상황에서 새로운 정치 공간이 열리기 위 해 요구되는 필수조건이라는 점이다. 화해가 객관적으로 드러나는 것이라면 용서는 보이지 않는 인간의 내면에서 작용한다. 정치적 용서는 정치적 화해를 (...)
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  9.  64
    Political Forgiveness[REVIEW]Trudy Govier - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (2):380-386.
  10.  21
    Reconciliation or Reconstruction? Further Thoughts on Political Forgiveness.Jean Axelrad Cahan - 2013 - Polity 45 (2):174–197.
    Over the past decade a substantial literature has emerged on the concept of political forgiveness and the process of restorative justice. This article argues that importing an idea of forgiveness into political affairs is a mistake. It is not necessary for the promotion of peace and security, and it is has been construed in a way that leans heavily toward Christian conceptions of forgiveness, as is evident in the influence of Desmond Tutu. The article also (...)
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  11.  47
    Forgiveness, Representative Judgement and Love of the World: Exploring the Political Significance of Forgiveness in the Context of Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Debates.Maša Mrovlje - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1079-1098.
    The article examines the political challenge and significance of forgiveness as an indispensable response to the inherently imperfect and tragic nature of political life through the lens of the existential, narrative-inspired judging sensibility. While the political significance of forgiveness has been broadly recognized in transitional justice and reconciliation contexts, the question of its importance and appropriateness in the wake of grave injustice and suffering has commonly been approached through constructing a self-centred, rule-based framework, defining (...) in terms of a moral duty or virtue. Reliant on a set of prefabricated moral standards, however, this approach risks abstracting from the historical, situated condition of human political existence and thus arguably stands at a remove from the very quandaries and imperfections of the political world, which it purports to address. Against this background, this article draws on Albert Camus’s and Hannah Arendt’s aesthetic, worldly judging sensibility and its ability to kindle the process of coming to terms with the absurd, and perhaps unforgivable character of reality after evil. As an aptitude to engage the world in its particularity, plurality and contingency rather than seeking to subdue and tame it under prefabricated standards of thought, namely, worldly judgement is able to reveal how past tragedies have arisen from the ambiguity of human engagement in the world and thereby also elicit the distinctly human capacities of beginning anew and resisting such actions in the future. As such, I suggest, it is well-suited to bring into clearer focus and confront the main political challenge and significance of forgiveness: how to acknowledge the seriousness of the wrongs committed, yet also enable the possibility of a new beginning and restore among former enemies the sense of responsibility for the shared world. (shrink)
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  12.  65
    Forgiveness in a political context.Pol Vandevelde - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (3):263-276.
    In this article I examine the challenging question concerning whether communal forgiveness is possible. In order to show that it is in principle possible I articulate and then respond to two of the most powerful objections to communal forgiveness that have been formulated to date, namely: (1) the argument that only victims can forgive; and (2) the argument that forgiveness is unconditional and thus outside the scope of such things as communal or political deliberation. I argue (...)
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  13. Escape from the Aporia of Action of Erratic Entity: Hannah Arendt vs. Paul Ricoeur on the Concept of Political Forgiveness.Judith Wagner - 2018 - In Veronika Teryngerová & Hans Rainer Sepp, Ethics in politics? Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    Political Reconciliation, Forgiveness and Grace.Geoffrey Scarre - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (2):171-182.
    This essay argues that the overuse of the idiom of forgiveness has distorted our understanding of the nature and requirements of political reconciliation, and proposes its supplementation by a notion of grace. This is a mode of response to wrongs that is less hedged around by conventions and conditions, and grace complements forgiveness in contexts in which the latter is inappropriate; it is also more serviceable for maintaining inter-community harmony in the long term. Following a detailed analysis (...)
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  15.  87
    Evil, Political Violence, and Forgiveness: Essays in Honor of Claudia Card.Andrea Veltman & Kathryn Norlock (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Evil, Political Violence and Forgiveness: Essays in Honor of Claudia Card is a collection of new philosophical essays written in tribute to Claudia Card, exploring her leading theory of evil and other theories of evil. The collection brings together an international cohort of distinguished moral and political philosophers who mediate with Card upon an array of twentieth-century atrocities and on the nature of evil actions, persons and institutions.
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  16. The Political vs. the Theological: The Scope of Secularity in Arendtian Forgiveness.Shinkyu Lee - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (4):670-695.
    The conventional interpretation of Hannah Arendt's accounts of forgiveness considers them secularistic. The secular features of her thinking that resist grounding the act of forgiving in divine criteria offer a good corrective to religious forgiveness that fosters depoliticization. Arendt's vision of free politics, however, calls for much more nuance and complexity regarding the secular and the religious in realizing forgiveness for transitional politics than the secularist rendition of her thinking allows. After identifying an area of ambiguity in (...)
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  17.  70
    Hegel and Derrida on Forgiveness: The Impossible at the Core of the Political.Acosta López María del Rosario - 2012 - Derrida Today 5 (1):55-68.
    In order to illuminate the very complex relationship between ethics and politics in the thought of Jacques Derrida, this paper stages the (dis)encounter between Hegel's and Derrida's notion of forgiveness. It will be shown how for these two authors forgiveness is closely related both with certain ‘impossibility’, and with the disclosure of a condition for rethinking the ethico-political realm. Both Hegel and Derrida seem to suggest that forgiveness opens up a realm in which something must remain (...)
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  18.  70
    An ethic for enemies: forgiveness in politics.Donald W. Shriver - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Our century has witnessed violence on an unprecedented scale, in wars that have torn deep into the fabric of national and international life. And as we can see in the recent strife in Bosnia, genocide in Rwanda, and the ongoing struggle to control nuclear weaponry, ancient enmities continue to threaten the lives of masses of human beings. As never before, the question is urgent and practical: How can nations--or ethnic groups, or races--after long, bitter struggles, learn to live side by (...)
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  19.  41
    Political Grounds for Forgiveness.Andrew Schaap - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (1):77-87.
    This article is intended as a response rather than counterpoint to Bennett's careful argument that amnesty cannot amount to an act of collective forgiveness. I agree that a state cannot forgive perpetrators of grave human rights violations. However, I am concerned that conceiving the question of amnesty strictly in terms of a choice between the Art of Compromise or the Hard Line of retribution may unduly limit our understanding of the potential relation between amnesty and forgiveness in politics. (...)
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  20.  44
    The Politics of Forgiveness: A Theological Exploration of.John Hughes - 2001 - Modern Theology 17 (3):261-287.
  21. Remembrance beyond Forgiveness.Paula Satne - 2022 - In Paula Satne & Sheiter Krisanna, Conflict and Resolution: The Ethics of Forgiveness, Revenge and Punishment. pp. 301-327.
    I argue that political forgiveness is sometimes, but not always, compatible with public commemoration of politically motivated wrongdoing. I start by endorsing the claim that commemorating serious past wrongdoing has moral value and imposes moral demands on key actors within post-conflict societies. I am concerned with active commemoration, that is, the deliberate acts of bringing victims and the wrong done to them to public attention. The main issue is whether political forgiveness requires forgetting and conversely whether (...)
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  22.  84
    The Politics of Mercy, Forgiveness and Love: A Nietzschean Appraisal.Ichael Ure - 2007 - South African Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):55-68.
    This paper critically examines Hannah Arendt’s claim that we should conceive forgiveness as a specifically political or worldly virtue. According to Arendt, the virtue of forgiveness is necessary if we are to halt the reactive rancour that always threatens to destroy the space of politics. This paper suggests that in building her case for the politics of forgiveness Arendt confusingly intermingles three conceptual threads - mercy, Christian forgiveness and forgiveness driven by eros. Drawing on (...)
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  23.  37
    Forgiveness and politics: Reading Matthew 18:21–35 with survivors of armed conflict in Colombia.Robert W. Heimburger, Christopher M. Hays & Guillermo Mejía-Castillo - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-9.
    After decades of armed conflict in Colombia, how do those most affected by that conflict understand forgiveness? While others have researched Colombians’ views of forgiveness, this study is the first to do so through discussion of a narrative of forgiveness. Readings of the biblical narrative chosen for this study, the Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor, can enable North Atlantic scholars to discover dimensions of the parable revealed by those who live lives that mirror the realities of the (...)
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  24.  45
    Evil, Political Violence, and Forgiveness: Essays in Honor of Claudia Card.Todd Calder, Claudia Card, Ann Cudd, Eric Kraemer, Alice MacLachlan, Sarah Clark Miller, María Pía Lara, Robin May Schott, Laurence Thomas & Lynne Tirrell - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Rather than focusing on political and legal debates surrounding attempts to determine if and when genocidal rape has taken place in a particular setting, this essay turns instead to a crucial, yet neglected area of inquiry: the moral significance of genocidal rape, and more specifically, the nature of the harms that constitute the culpable wrongdoing that genocidal rape represents. In contrast to standard philosophical accounts, which tend to employ an individualistic framework, this essay offers a situated understanding of harm (...)
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  25.  50
    The Amnesty of 403 B.C. Alfred P. Dorjahn: Political Forgiveness in Old Athens; The Amnesty of 403 B.C. (Northwestern University Studies in the Humanities, No. 13.) Pp. 56. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Graduate School, 1946. Cloth, $1.50. [REVIEW]N. G. L. Hammond - 1948 - The Classical Review 62 (2):82-83.
  26.  72
    Forgiveness and Politics.Peter Digeser - 1998 - Political Theory 26 (5):700-724.
  27.  84
    Forgiveness and Revenge.Trudy Govier - 2002 - Routledge.
    Forgiveness and Revenge is a powerful exploration of our attitudes to serious wrongdoings and a careful examination of the values that underlie our thinking about revenge and forgiveness. From adulterous spouses to terrorist factions, we are surrounded by wrongdoing, yet we rarely agree which response is appropriate. The problem of how to respond realistically and sensitively to the wrongs of the past remains a perplexing one. Trudy Govier clarifies our thinking on this subject by examining the moral and (...)
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  28.  50
    On law, transgression, and forgiveness: Hegel and the politics of liberalism.Shannon Hoff - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (2):187-210.
  29. Forgiveness: A Philosophical Exploration.Charles L. Griswold - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Nearly everyone has wronged another. Who among us has not longed to be forgiven? Who has not struggled to forgive? Charles Griswold has written the first comprehensive philosophical book on forgiveness in both its interpersonal and political contexts, as well as its relation to reconciliation. Having examined the place of forgiveness in ancient philosophy and in modern thought, he discusses what forgiveness is, what conditions the parties to it must meet, its relation to revenge and hatred, (...)
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  30.  75
    To Punish or to Forgive? Responding to Dirty Hands in Politics.Cristina Roadevin - 2019 - Theoria 66 (160):122-142.
    How should citizens respond to dirty-hands acts? This issue has been neglected in the theoretical literature, which has focused on the dilemma facing the politician and not on the appropriate responses of citizens. Nevertheless, dirty-hands scenarios pose a serious dilemma for the democratic citizens as well: we cannot simply condone the dirtyhanded act but should instead express our moral condemnation and disapproval. One way of doing this is through blame and punishment. However, this proposal is unsatisfactory, as dirty-hands agents commit (...)
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    Picturing Forgiveness after Atrocity.Thomas Brudholm & Arne Grøn - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (2):159-170.
    The article addresses the question when the advocacy of forgiveness in the wake of political mass violence can be harmful and immoral. It engages with this question primarily by probing the value of different pictures of forgiveness, most importantly Rembrandt’s painting Return of the Prodigal Son and a photograph from post-genocide Rwanda. The critical examination of the value of particular pictures in the advocacy of forgiveness also involves attention to particularly problematic ‘pictures’ (in the sense of (...)
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  32.  86
    Evil, Political Violence, and Forgiveness: Essays in Honor of Claudia Card. Edited by Andrea Veltman and Kathryn J. Norlock. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2009.Trudy Govier - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (4):881-883.
  33.  83
    Unilateral Forgiveness and the Task of Reconciliation.Jeremy Watkins - 2015 - Res Publica 21 (1):19-42.
    Although forgiveness is often taken to bear a close connection to the value of reconciliation, there is a good deal of scepticism about its role in situations where there is no consensus on the moral complexion of the past and no admission of guilt on the part of the perpetrator. This scepticism is typically rooted in the claims that forgiveness without perpetrator acknowledgement aggravates the risk of recidivism; yields a substandard and morally compromised form of political accommodation; (...)
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  34.  50
    Forgiveness and Remembrance: Remembering Wrongdoing in Personal and Public Life.Jeffrey Blustein - 2014 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    The theme of this book is the complex moral psychology of forgiving and remembering in both personal and political contexts. It offers an original account of the moral psychology of interpersonal forgiveness and explores its role in transitional societies. The book also examines the symbolic moral significance of memorialization in these societies and reflects on its relationship to forgiveness.
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    Declarations of Forgiveness and Remorse in European Politics.Karolina Wigura - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (1):16-30.
    This article examines the historical background, proliferation, and later internationalization of public declarations of forgiveness and remorse, first made in Europe a few decades after the end World War II. The author suggests that these declarations should be understood as a political practice, and bases her claim on three premises: after 1945, politicians began apologizing not only for their own crimes but mainly for those perpetrated by the communities they represented; these declarations implied a tacit acceptance of responsibility (...)
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  36. Introduction: Forgiveness and Conflict.Paula Satne - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):999-1006.
    The papers collected in this volume are a selection of papers that were presented - or scheduled to be presented - at a workshop entitled Forgiveness and Conflict, which took place from 8-10 September 2014, as part of the Mancept Workshops in Political Theory at the University of Manchester. Some of these contributions are now compiled in this volume. The selected papers draw from different philosophical traditions and conceptual frameworks, addressing many aspects of contemporary philosophical debates on the (...)
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  37.  42
    Between the ethics of forgiveness and the unforgivable: Reflections on Arendt’s idea of reconciliation in politics.Rafał Wonicki - 2020 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 10 (1):27-40.
    The aim of the article is to examine the role that memory and oblivion, forgiveness and unforgiveness play in Hannah Arendt’s thought in relation to acts of violence in the political sphere. Political communities do not always decide to remember the crimes they have committed or the wrongs they have suffered, but neither can they always forget their mutual harms, even when there is already peace between them. Without striving to exhaust the entire subject matter of Arendt’s (...)
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  38. Punishment, Forgiveness and Reconciliation.Bill Wringe - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1099-1124.
    It is sometimes thought that the normative justification for responding to large-scale violations of human rights via the judicial appararatus of trial and punishment is undermined by the desirability of reconciliation between conflicting parties as part of the process of conflict resolution. I take there to be philosophical, as well as practical and psychological issues involved here: on some conceptions of punishment and reconciliation, the attitudes that they involve conflict with one another on rational grounds. But I shall argue that (...)
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    Fostering Forgiveness in the Public Square.June O'Connor - 2002 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 22:165-182.
    It has been proposed in South Africa and other sites that forgiveness is a political necessity if social reconstruction is to be effective following regimes of terror and torture. By placing the spotlight on forgiveness, these claims raise questions about the realism and relevance of forgiveness to public life. This paper interrogates the moral realism of forgiveness in public life by identifying some of its defining features, by comparing it to forgiveness in therapeutic and (...)
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  40. Forgiveness and Moral Solidarity.Alice MacLachlan - 2008 - In Stephen Bloch-Shulman & David White, Forgiveness: Probing the Boundaries. Inter-Disciplinary Press.
    The categorical denial of third-party forgiveness represents an overly individualistic approach to moral repair. Such an approach fails to acknowledge the important roles played by witnesses, bystanders, beneficiaries, and others who stand in solidarity to the primary victim and perpetrator. In this paper, I argue that the prerogative to forgive or withhold forgiveness is not universal, but neither is it restricted to victims alone. Not only can we make moral sense of some third-party acts and utterances of the (...)
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  41. Collective Forgiveness in the Context of Ongoing Harms.Geoffrey Adelsberg - 2018 - In Marguerite La Caze, Phenomenology and Forgiveness. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 131-145.
    During the Standing Rock protests in North Dakota, USA/Turtle Island, a group of military veterans knelt in front of Oceti Sakowin Elders asking forgiveness for centuries of settler colonial military ventures in Oceti Sakowin Territory. Leonard Crow Dog forgave them and immediately demanded respect for Native Nations throughout the U.S. Lacking such respect, he said, Native people will cease paying taxes. Crow Dog’s post-forgiveness remarks speak to the political context of the military veterans’ request: They seek collective (...)
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  42. Forgiving enemies in Ireland.Nigel Biggar - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (4):559-579.
    The Peace Process in Northern Ireland is about to reach another milestone: the Consultative Group on the Past is due to publish a report in the autumn of 2008 on "the best way to deal with the legacy of the past in Northern Ireland" and to support the building of "a shared future." It is timely therefore to think again—and further—about what political expression forgiveness might find, using the concrete case of Northern Ireland today as grist for our (...)
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  43.  80
    Getting Even: Forgiveness and its Limits.Jeffrie G. Murphy - 2003 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    We have all been victims of wrongdoing. Forgiving that wrongdoing is one of the staples of current pop psychology dogma; it is seen as a universal prescription for moral and mental health in the self-help and recovery section of bookstores. At the same time, personal vindictiveness as a rule is seen as irrational and immoral. In many ways, our thinking on these issues is deeply inconsistent; we value forgiveness yet at the same time now use victim-impact statements to argue (...)
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    Forgiveness and Correction.Tucker Sigourney - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (4):695-717.
    In this paper, I suggest that the conversation about the norms of unconditional forgiveness would benefit from a framing in terms of the question “How should I respond when I am wronged?” Taking cues from Thomas Aquinas, I propose that the best answer is “You should love,” and that there are two acts of love in response to wrongdoing: forgiveness and correction. I sketch some principles for deciding whether to do one or the other, and the result is (...)
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  45. Moral Projection and the Intelligibility of Collective Forgiveness.Harry Bunting - 2009 - Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society 7:107 - 120.
    ABSTRACT. The paper explores the philosophical intelligibility of contemporary defences of collective political forgiveness against a background of sceptical doubt, both general and particular. Three genera sceptical arguments are examined: one challenges the idea that political collectives exist; another challenges the idea that moral agency can be projected upon political collectives; a final argument challenges the attribution of emotions, especially anger, to collectives. Each of these sceptical arguments is rebutted. At a more particular level, the contrasts (...)
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  46.  16
    Before Forgiveness: The Origins of a Moral Idea.David Konstan - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, David Konstan argues that the modern concept of interpersonal forgiveness, in the full sense of the term, did not exist in ancient Greece and Rome. Even more startlingly, it is not fully present in the Hebrew Bible, nor in the New Testament or in the early Jewish and Christian commentaries on the Holy Scriptures. It would still be centuries - many centuries - before the idea of interpersonal forgiveness, with its accompanying ideas of apology, remorse, (...)
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  47. Transnational Bio-Political Motives in Postmodern Cinema: 'I'ek and Badiou on Udi Aloni's Forgiveness and Local Angel.Oana Serban - 2019 - In Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva & Steven S. Gouveia, Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides. New York: Routledge Press, Research on Aesthetics.
  48.  61
    Law, Love, and Life: Forgiveness and the Transformation of Politics.Shannon Hoff - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (Supplement):163-168.
  49.  24
    Guilt – Forgiveness – Reconciliation – and Recognition in Armed Conflict.Bernard Koch - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (6):74-91.
    The paper argues that in our usage of moral language we relate three concepts: guilt, forgiveness, and reconciliation. This assumes that we can distinguish between external actions and internal executions, because guilt as well as forgiveness and reconciliation are realities that first affect our inner humanity. When a relationship has been damaged by culpable actions (sometimes even by both sides), forgiveness is the precondition of reconciliation. As long as people accuse each other, there can be no talk (...)
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  50. Practicing Imperfect Forgiveness.Alice MacLachlan - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 185-204.
    Forgiveness is typically regarded as a good thing - even a virtue - but acts of forgiveness can vary widely in value, depending on their context and motivation. Faced with this variation, philosophers have tended to reinforce everyday concepts of forgiveness with strict sets of conditions, creating ideals or paradigms of forgiveness. These are meant to distinguish good or praiseworthy instances of forgiveness from problematic instances and, in particular, to protect the self-respect of would-be forgivers. (...)
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