Results for 'Pre-Socratic philosophers. '

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  1.  16
    The Pre-Socratic philosophers.Kathleen Freeman - 1946 - Oxford,: Blackwell. Edited by Hermann Diels.
  2. The Pre-Socratic Philosophers: A Companion to Diels.Kathleen Freeman, A. H. Armstrong & H. W. B. Joseph - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (88):83-86.
  3.  17
    The Pre-Socratic Philosophers.A. Wasserstein - 1963 - Philosophical Quarterly 13 (51):171-171.
  4. Ancilla to the pre-Socratic philosophers.Kathleen Freeman & Hermann Diels (eds.) - 1948 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
    Gathers fragments of the writings of early Greek philosophers, including Hesiod, Anaximander, Pythagoras, and Zeno.
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    Ancilla to The Pre-Socratic Philosophers: A Complete Translation of the Fragment in Diels Fragmente Der Vorsokratiker.Mary Fitt & Hermann Diels - 1948 - Harvard University Press.
  6.  20
    The Pre-Socratic Philosophers by Kathleen Freeman. [REVIEW]Severiano Tavares - 1950 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 6 (2):211-212.
  7.  68
    The Pre-Socratic Philosophers: a Companion to Diels. By Kathleen Freeman. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1946. Pp. xvi + 468. Price 25s.)An Introduction to Ancient Philosophy. By A. H. Armstrong. (London: Methuen & Co. 1947. Pp. xvi + 241. Price 15s.)Knowledge and the Good in Plato's Republic. By H. W. B. Joseph. (Oxford University Press. 1948. Pp. viii + 75. Price 5s.). [REVIEW]G. C. Field - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (88):83-.
  8.  18
    Nietzsche and the Pre-Socratic Philosophers.Harry Lesser - 1987 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 18 (1):30-37.
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    Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers. [REVIEW]Friedrich Solmsen - 1950 - Philosophical Review 59 (2):255.
  10. Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers a Complete Translation of the Fragments in Diels, Fragmente der Vorsokratiker.Mary Fitt & Hermann Diels - 1962 - Blackwell.
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  11. (2 other versions)Machine generated contents note: Introduction1. The pre-socratic philosophers: Sixth and fifth centuries B.c.E. Thales / anaximander / anaximenes / Pythagoras / xenophanes / Heraclitus / parmenides / Zeno / empedocles / anaxagoras / leucippus and democritus 2. the athenian period: Fifth and fourth centuries B.c.E. The sophists: Protagoras, gorgias, thrasymachus, callicles and critias / socrates / Plato / Aristotle 3. the hellenistic and Roman periods: Fourth century B.c.E through fourth century C.e. Epicureanism / stoicism / skepticism / neoPlatonism 4. medieval and renaissance philosophy: Fifth through fifteenth centuries saint Augustine / the encyclopediasts / John scotus eriugena / saint Anselm / muslim and jewish philosophies: Averroës, Maimonides / the problem of faith and reason / the problem of the universals / saint Thomas Aquinas / William of ockham / renaissance philosophers 5. continental rationalism and british empiricism: The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Descartes. [REVIEW]Farewell to the Twentieth Century: Nussbaum Glossary of Philosophical Terms Selected Bibliography Index - 2009 - In Donald Palmer, Looking at philosophy: the unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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  12.  73
    Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers. A Complete Translation of the Fragments in Diels' Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. [REVIEW]H. K. - 1949 - Journal of Philosophy 46 (22):717.
  13. Machine generated contents note: Introduction1. The pre-socratic philosophers: Sixth and fifth centuries B.c.E. Thales / anaximander / anaximenes / Pythagoras / xenophanes / Heraclitus / parmenides / Zeno / empedocles / anaxagoras / leucippus and democritus 2. the athenian period: Fifth and fourth centuries B.c.E. The sophists: Protagoras, gorgias, thrasymachus, callicles and critias / socrates / Plato / Aristotle 3. the hellenistic and Roman periods: Fourth century B.c.E through fourth century C.e. Epicureanism / stoicism / skepticism / neoPlatonism 4. medieval and renaissance philosophy: Fifth through fifteenth centuries saint Augustine / the encyclopediasts / John scotus eriugena / saint Anselm / muslim and jewish philosophies: Averroës, Maimonides / the problem of faith and reason / the problem of the universals / saint Thomas Aquinas / William of ockham / renaissance philosophers 5. continental rationalism and british empiricism: The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Descartes. [REVIEW]Farewell to the Twentieth Century: Nussbaum Glossary of Philosophical Terms Selected Bibliography Index - 2009 - In Donald Palmer, Looking at philosophy: the unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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  14. The dialogue of Heidegger with pre-Socratic philosophers (Martin Heidegger).Antonio M. Martin Morillas - 2007 - Pensamiento 63 (235):35-58.
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  15. The meaning of book-gamma-Aristotle strategy against the pre-socratics philosophers in'metafisica IV'.B. Cassin - 1993 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 85 (2-4):533-565.
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    A pre-Socratic source for John Toland's Pantheisticon.Jeffrey R. Wigelsworth - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (1):61-65.
    Scholars have long debated the sources John Toland used to compose Pantheisticon: or the Form of Celebrating the Socratic-Society. In contrast to suggestions that point to the mystic worldview of the Renaissance thinker Giordano Bruno or a revival of Epicurean atomism, this paper puts forth the pre-Socratic philosopher Anaxagoras as an inspiration force on Toland. This is based on Toland's known reading of Anaxagoras and the close parallels between Pantheisticon and the extant fragments of Anaxagoras.
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  17.  48
    The Pre-Socratics Kathleen Freeman: Companion to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers. Pp. xiii+486. Oxford: Blackwell, 1946. Cloth: 25s. net. [REVIEW]W. Hamilton - 1949 - The Classical Review 63 (02):53-54.
  18. FREEMAN, K. -Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers. A complete translation of the Fragments in Diels, Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. [REVIEW]A. H. Armstrong - 1949 - Mind 58:123.
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  19. An Introduction to Pre-Socratic Ethics: Heraclitus and Democritus on Human Nature and Conduct (Part I: On Motion and Change).Erman Kaplama - 2021 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 17 (1):212-242.
    Both Heraclitus and Democritus, as the philosophers of historia peri phuseôs, consider nature and human character, habit, law and soul as interrelated emphasizing the links between phusis, kinesis, ethos, logos, kresis, nomos and daimon. On the one hand, Heraclitus’s principle of change (panta rhei) and his emphasis on the element of fire and cosmic motion ultimately dominate his ethics reinforcing his ideas of change, moderation, balance and justice, on the other, Democritus’s atomist description of phusis and motion underlies his principle (...)
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  20.  89
    The Pre-Socratics Werner Jaeger: The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers. Pp. vi+ 259. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1947. Cloth, 15s. net. [REVIEW]W. Hamilton - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (3-4):106-108.
  21. Pre-socratic quantum gravity.Gordon Belot & John Earman - unknown - In Craig Callender & Nicholas Huggett, Physics meets philosophy at the planck scale. pp. 213--55.
    Physicists who work on canonical quantum gravity will sometimes remark that the general covariance of general relativity is responsible for many of the thorniest technical and conceptual problems in their field.1 In particular, it is sometimes alleged that one can trace to this single source a variety of deep puzzles about the nature of time in quantum gravity, deep disagreements surrounding the notion of ‘observable’ in classical and quantum gravity, and deep questions about the nature of the existence of spacetime (...)
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  22.  98
    (1 other version)The world of Parmenides: essays on the pre-Socratic Enlightenment.Karl Raimund Popper - 1998 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Arne Friemuth Petersen & Jørgen Mejer.
    The World of Parmenides is a unique collection of essays that not only explores the complexity of ancient Greek thought, but also reveals Popper's engagement with Presocratic philosophy and the enlightenment he experienced in reading Parmenides. It includes writings on Greek science, philosophy and history and demonstrates Popper's life-long fascination with the presocratic philosophers, in particular Parmenides, Xenophanes and Heraclitus.
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  23.  43
    The Pre-Socratics. [REVIEW]S. L. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (1):129-130.
    In 1970 Mourelatos authored a significant and scholarly book on the greatest pre-Socratic philosopher: The Route of Parmenides: A Study of Word, Image and Argument in the Fragments. Four years later he has edited a carefully planned and skillfully executed volume of essays on the entire group of pre-Socratics. Intended for university students "with little or no background in Greek or classical philology", it aims at introducing them "to the great scholars—both living and dead—in the field": to as many (...)
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  24.  26
    "Infinity in the Pre-Socratics: A Bibliographical and Philosophical Study," by Leo Sweeney, S.J. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1973 - Modern Schoolman 51 (1):77-79.
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    Pre-Socratic Categories In Fichte.John Lachs - 1976 - Idealistic Studies 6 (2):160-168.
    The most enduring philosophical concepts are prereflective. They are firmly founded in primitive experience. By their use the most improbable of our philosophical fancies acquires plausibility: for however much what we say might seem a free construction, do we not see the same features and the same process, attenuated perhaps but real, before our eyes?
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  26.  42
    Martin Heidegger and the Pre-Socratics. An Introduction to His Thought (review).Stephen A. Erickson - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):293-295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 293 graphies, which put the individual thinkers and their works into their proper doctrinal context, are very welcome. Noack tries to be, and is, fair. We saw that he even tries to find a common ground between phenomenological and analytical philosophy. He does not reject the latter at the outset. He is objective within the limits of his philosophical upbringing and his historical background. MAx RIESZR New (...)
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  27.  25
    Introduction to Western philosophy: pre-Socratics to Mill.George L. Abernethy - 1970 - Belmont, Calif.,: Dickenson Pub. Co.. Edited by Thomas A. Langford.
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    Ancient Greek Philosophy I: The Pre-Socratics and Plato.Christopher Janaway - 1995 - In A. C. Grayling, Philosophy 1: A Guide Through the Subject. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 336--397.
    An introductory text dealing with the Pre-Socratic philosophers and central aspects of Plato.
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  29.  14
    The history of philosophy: a reader's guide: including a list of 100 great philosophical works from the pre-socratics to the mid-twentieth century.Donald Phillip Verene - 2008 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    With the aim of guiding readers along, in Hegel’s words, “the long process of education towards genuine philosophy,” this introduction emphasizes the importance of striking up a conversation with the past. Only by looking to past masters and their works, it holds, can old memories and prior thought be brought fully to bear on the present. This living past invigorates contemporary practice, enriching today’s study and discoveries. In this book, groundbreaking philosopher and author Donald Verene addresses two themes: why should (...)
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    Ancient Greek philosophy I: The pre-Socratics and Plato.Christopher Janaway - 1995 - In A. C. Grayling, Philosophy 1: A Guide Through the Subject. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 336--397.
    An introductory text dealing with the Pre-Socratic philosophers and central aspects of Plato.
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  31.  67
    Embryological Analogies in Pre-Socratic Cosmogony.H. C. Baldry - 1932 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):27-.
    The extent of the dependence of early Greek cosmogony on mythical conceptions has long been a prolific source of controversy. Views on the subject have varied from Professor Cornford's claim that ‘there is a real continuity between the earliest rational speculation and the religious representation that lay behind it’ to Professor Burnet's extreme statement, ‘it is quite wrong to look for the origins of Ionian science in mythological ideas of any kind.’ The solution of the problem that I wish to (...)
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  32.  20
    A phenomenological interpretation of religion via pre-Socratic thinking.Angus Brook - unknown
    What is religion? What does the concept of religion mean? Today, the word ‘religion’ appears everywhere; a seemingly all pervasive notion associated with a vast array of phenomena, including: war, terrorism, politics, science fiction, morality, and of course, with delusion and irrationality. However, what religion is, or what it means, remains a highly contested matter. It will be the aim of this paper to offer an interpretation of the meaning of the concept of religion by using just one of many (...)
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  33.  18
    A history of western philosophy: from the pre-Socratics to postmodernism.C. Stephen Evans - 2018 - Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, an imprint of ItnterVarsity Press.
    Plato. Aristotle. Augustine. Hume. Kant. Hegel. Every student of philosophy needs to know the history of the philosophical discourse such giants have bequeathed us. Philosopher C. Stephen Evans brings his expertise to this daunting task as he surveys the history of Western philosophy, from the Pre-Socratics to Nietzsche and postmodernism—and every major figure and movement in between.
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  34.  24
    The Role of Pre-Socratics in Ṣadrā’s Philosophy.Agnieszka Erdt - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (1):66-88.
    The philosophical activities during the Safavid era mark the peak of a renewed engagement with Greek sources unmediated by Ibn Sina's interest in them and their successive incorporation into his philosophy.1 Among the topics for which the Safavid thinkers consulted ancient Greek authors were cosmology, the role of the intellect and the ways of acquiring knowledge, the nature of the soul, and the process of emanation.2 This engagement, to be sure, did not mean an antiquarian, philological return to the original (...)
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  35.  6
    Sourcebook in the History of Philosophy of Language: Primary source texts from the Pre-Socratics to Mill.Margaret Cameron, Benjamin Hill & Robert J. Stainton (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    For the first time in English, this anthology offers a comprehensive selection of primary sources in the history of philosophy of language. Beginning with a detailed introduction contextualizing the subject, the editors draw out recurring themes, including the origin of language, the role of nature and convention in fixing form and meaning, language acquisition, ideal languages, varieties of meanings, language as a tool, and the nexus of language and thought, linking them to representative texts. The handbook moves on to offer (...)
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    The Great Conversation: Volume I: Pre-Socratics Through Descartes.Norman Melchert - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    Ideal for courses in ancient philosophy or ancient and medieval philosophy, The Great Conversation: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy, Volume I: Pre-Socratics through Descartes covers the same material as the first half (chapters 1-13) of author Norman Melchert's longer volume, The Great Conversation. Tracing the exchange of ideas among history's key philosophers, the book demonstrates that while constructing an argument or making a claim, one philosopher almost always has others in mind. The sixth edition features coverage of Taoism; key terms, (...)
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  37.  40
    Understanding the Pre-Socratics.Felix M. Cleve - 1963 - International Philosophical Quarterly 3 (3):445-464.
  38.  71
    A Marxist approach to the Pre-Socratics - George Thomson: Studies in Ancient Greek Society. Vol. ii: The First Greek Philosophers. Pp. 367; 10 maps. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1955. Cloth, 27 s. 6 d. net. [REVIEW]G. B. Kerferd - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (3-4):255-257.
  39.  52
    Metzler Lexicon of Philosophers. 300 portraits of lives and works, from the Pre-Socratics to the New Philosophers. [REVIEW]Franz Wiedmann - 1991 - Philosophy and History 24 (1-2):26-27.
  40.  14
    Tragic Elements in Pre-Socratic Philosophy.Theresa Pentzopoulou-Valalas - 2005 - Philosophical Inquiry 27 (1-2):177-186.
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  41.  15
    Philosophy before Socrates: an introduction with texts and commentary.Richard D. McKirahan - 1994 - Hackett.
    Since its publication in 1994, Richard McKirahan's _Philosophy Before Socrates_ has become the standard sourcebook in Presocratic philosophy. It provides a wide survey of Greek science, metaphysics, and moral and political philosophy, from their roots in myth to the philosophers and Sophists of the fifth century. A comprehensive selection of fragments and testimonia, translated by the author, is presented in the context of a thorough and accessible discussion. An introductory chapter deals with the sources of Presocratic and Sophistic texts and (...)
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  42.  11
    Socrates in love: the making of a philosopher.Armand D’Angour - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Socrates: the philosopher whose questioning gave birth to the foundations of Western thought, and whose execution marked the end of the Athenian Golden Age. Yet despite his pre-eminence among the great thinkers of history, little of his life story is known. What we know tends to begin in his middle age and end with his trial and death. Our conception of Socrates has relied upon Plato and Xenophon--men who met him when he was in his fifties, a well-known figure in (...)
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  43.  58
    Peri Physeos. A Study of the Conception of Nature among the Pre-Socratics.William Arthur Heidel - 1910 - Philosophical Review 19:665.
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  44.  10
    The Pre-Platonic Philosophers.Gregory Whitlock (ed.) - 2006 - University of Illinois Press.
    supplies English-language readers with a crucial missing link in Nietzsche's development by reproducing the text of a lecture series delivered by the young philosopher at the University of Basel between 1872 and 1876. In these lectures, Nietzsche surveys the Greek philosophers from Thales to Socrates, establishing a new chronology for the progression of their natural scientific insights. He also roughly sketches concepts such as the will to power, eternal recurrence, and self-overcoming and links them to specific pre-Platonics.
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    Inventing Socrates.Miles Hollingworth - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Predestination -- The way of truth -- The soul of blood -- The fatal masks.
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  46.  34
    Plato and the Socratic Dialogue: The Philosophical Use of a Literary Form (review).David Sider - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):624-628.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Plato and the Socratic Dialogue: The Philosophical Use of a Literary FormDavid SiderCharles H. Kahn. Plato and the Socratic Dialogue: The Philosophical Use of a Literary Form. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. xxi 1 431 pp. Cloth, $64.95.An enduring question in Plato studies is whether—and if so how—Plato developed as a thinker. A simple positive answer, as argued by Taylor and Burnet, has Plato starting out (...)
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  47.  33
    Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition: A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at the University of Trier.Christian Vassallo (ed.) - 2019 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    The papyri transmit a part of the testimonia relevant to pre-Socratic philosophy. The ʼCorpus dei Papiri Filosofici‛ takes this material only partly into account. In this volume, a team of specialists discusses some of the most important papyrological texts that are major instruments for reconstructing pre-Socratic philosophy and doxography. Furthermore, these texts help to increase our knowledge of how pre-Socratic thought – through contributions to physics, cosmology, ethics, ontology, theology, anthropology, hermeneutics, and aesthetics – paved the way (...)
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  48.  18
    Die Milesier: Anaximander und Anaximenes.Georg Wöhrle (ed.) - 2012 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    The edition of the works of the three sixth-century BC Milesian philosophers, Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes, follows the chronological arrangement (from Plato and Aristotle to Albertus Magnus) of the underlying concept of the new edition of Pre-Socratic philosophers - that is to document their transmission and the intentions behind the various traditions. The Greek, Latin, Syrian, Arabic, and Hebrewtextual evidence is presented together with a German translation. The texts are supplemented by explanatory footnotes, a critical apparatus (if applicable) and, (...)
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  49.  12
    Presocratic Reflexivity: The Construction of Philosophical Discourse C. 600-450 B.C.: Logological Investigations: Volume Three.Barry Sandywell - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    In this third Volume of Logological Investigations Sandywell continues his sociological reconstruction of the origins of reflexive thought and discourse with special reference to pre-Socratic philosophy and science and their socio-political context.
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  50. The Presocratic Philosophers. A Critical History with a Selection of Texts.Geoffrey Stephen Kirk & John Earle Raven - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by J. E. Raven & Malcolm Schofield.
    A history of the pre-Socratic philosophers, with selected writings and texts.
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