Results for 'Pscyhical private accessibility'

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  1.  79
    Cruelty, Singular Individuality, and Peter the Great.Amihud Gilead - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (2):337-354.
    In discussing cruelty toward human beings, I argue that disregarding the singularity of any human being is necessary for treating her or him cruelly. The cruelty of Peter the Great, relying upon the intolerance of any human singular individuality, serves me as a paradigm-case to illustrate that. The cruelty of Procrustes and that of Stalin rely upon similar grounds. Relating to a person’s singularity is sufficient to prevent cruelty toward that person. In contrast, a liberal state of mind or solidarity (...)
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    Verbal reports about causal influences on social judgments: Private access versus public theories.Richard E. Nisbett & Nancy Bellows - 1977 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 35 (9):613-624.
    128 female Ss were asked to make 4 judgments about a young woman after reading her "job application portfolio." Five characteristics of the young woman were manipulated orthogonally. Ss were asked to report how each of the 5 manipulated factors had influenced each of their judgments. "Observer Ss," who had access only to very impoverished descriptions of each of the 5 factors, were asked to predict how each of the factors would influence each of the judgments. Results show that S (...)
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    Public private partnerships to build low cost rural access.Daryl Martyris - 2003 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 1 (2):81-86.
    Every year thousands of computers deemed obsolete by companies upgrading to newer models are kept out of landfills by organizations like World Computer Exchange 1 which recycle them to schools in developing countries. It is possible to set up at a very low cost, clusters of recycled PCs, using Linux software to substantially reduce the cost of establishing school‐based community Internet centers. In the case of such an implementation in Goa, India by a WCE partner‐NGO the key to its success (...)
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    Access to evidence in private international law.Alice Guerra, Daniel Pi & Francesco Parisi - 2022 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 23 (1):77-96.
    This Article analyzes the interaction between the burden of proof and evidentiary discovery rules. Both sets of rules can affect incentives for prospective injurers to invest in evidence technology. This interaction becomes acutely important in the private international law setting, where jurisdictions are split on the question whether the burden of proof should be treated as a substantive or procedural matter. When a tort occurs in Europe, but the case is litigated in American courts, treating the burden of proof (...)
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  5.  52
    The Private Health Insurance Industry: The Real Barrier to Healthcare Access?Mark Yarborough - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (1):99.
    Any humane society needs a just and compassionate way to care for those who are sick, and should be vigilant in identifying and eliminating barriers that frustrate efforts to adequately care for the sick. Some current insurance underwriting practices constitute effective barriers to access to healthcare and serve to diminish the place of freedom and justice in our healthcare system.
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    Global equitable access to vaccines, medicines and diagnostics for COVID-19: The role of patents as private governance.Aisling McMahon - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (3):142-148.
    In June 2020, Gilead agreed to provide the USA with 500 000 doses of remdesivir—an antiviral drug which at that time was percieved to show promise in reducing the recovery time for patients with COVID-19. This quantity represented Gilead’s then full production capacity for July and 90% of its capacity for August and September. Similar deals are evident around access to proposed vaccines for COVID-19, and such deals are only likely to increase. These attempts to secure preferential access to medicines (...)
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  7.  28
    The Evolution of Private and Open Access Property.Gideon Parchomovsky & Abraham Bell - 2009 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10 (1):77-102.
    In this Article we explore the evolution of property law and examine the applicability of the prevailing accounts according to which property institutions oscillate between the extreme points of open access and private property. We show that the evolution of property is a much more nuanced process, shaped by the interplay of the following three dimensions: number of owners, extent of dominion and asset configuration. Accordingly, property institutions can assume a myriad of positions along the aforementioned dimensions in response (...)
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    Sharing private data through personalized search.Kei Karasawa - 2009 - Identity in the Information Society 2 (3):205-220.
    A method for sharing private data through personalized searches is described. This method enables users to retrieve access-controlled private data as well as publicly available data by submitting a single query to a conventional search engine. Seamless integration of the method into current search services through a prototype on the Mozilla Firefox web browser, without any changes to existing search functions, such as crawling, indexing, and matching, is also described. Evaluations showed that the additional storage requirement is only (...)
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    Private Investment, Entrepreneurial Entry, and Partner Collaboration in Emerging Markets Telecommunications.Jonathan P. Doh - 2002 - Business and Society 41 (3):345-352.
    Private participation in infrastructure is a relatively newphenomenon in the developing world (World Bank, 1999). In telecommunications, electric power, water, and other sectors, developing countries are turning to private sector investors to help increase availability, improve access, and move toward market-based pricing of resources and services. The findings of this dissertation demonstrate that the governance, mode of entry, and mix of public and private ownership of infrastructure projects are influenced by country-level economic, institutional, and technological factors, and (...)
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    Public professions and private practices: access to the solicitors’ profession in the twenty-first century.Laurence Etherington - 2016 - Legal Ethics 19 (1):5-29.
    ABSTRACTRecruitment of trainee solicitors by largely commercial organisations provides the effective gateway to professional qualification for aspiring solicitors. Professional bodies and others have sought to distinguish solicitors from other legal service providers through reference to professionalism and ethics. In this article I present the findings from a survey of the applicant experience of the graduate recruitment process and interviews with the professionals involved in those processes. The research is situated within the literature on professional identity development. The main aims are (...)
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  11.  58
    Genetics and Insurance: Accessing and Using Private Information.A. M. Capron - 2000 - Social Philosophy and Policy 17 (2):235-275.
    Is information about a person's genome, whether derived from the analysis of DNA or otherwise, protected by the right to privacy? If it is, why and in what manner? It often appears that some people believe that the answer to this question is to be found in molecular genetics itself. They point to the rapid progress being made in basic and applied aspects of this field of biology; this progress has remarkably increased what is known about human genetics. Since knowledge (...)
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  12.  43
    Strengthening the united states' database protection laws: Balancing public access and private control.David B. Resnik - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (3):301-318.
    This paper develops three arguments for increasing the strength of database protection under U.S. law. First, stronger protections would encourage private investment in database development, and private databases have many potential benefits for science and industry. Second, stronger protections would discourage extensive use of private licenses to protect databases and would allow for greater public control over database laws and policies. Third, stronger database protections in the U.S. would harmonize U.S. and E.U. laws and would thus enhance (...)
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  13.  39
    Navigating the information landscape: public and private information source access by midwest farmers.Kristina Beethem, Sandra T. Marquart-Pyatt, Jennifer Lai & Tian Guo - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):1117-1135.
    Timely and accurate information is vital to the success of row crop farmers in the United States. Information access is also critical to conservation efforts due to its influence on best management practice adoption. Public information sources like extension educators have been declining in importance for farmers, raising concerns around what information farmers receive on conservation practices and the accessibility of agronomic information. In this study we investigate farmers’ changing information source consultation by broadly considering the agricultural information landscape, (...)
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  14. Accessibility, pluralism, and honesty: a defense of the accessibility requirement in public justification.Baldwin Wong - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (2):235-259.
    Political liberals assume an accessibility requirement, which means that, for ensuring civic respect and non-manipulation, public officials should offer accessible reasons during political advocacy. Recently, critics have offered two arguments to show that the accessibility requirement is unnecessary. The first is the pluralism argument: Given the pluralism in evaluative standards, when officials offer non-accessible reasons, they are not disrespectful because they may merely try to reveal their strongest reason. The second is the honesty argument: As long as officials (...)
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  15.  22
    Private Hospitals in Public Health Systems.Søren Holm - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (5):16-20.
    In many European countries, the introduction of private hospitals into predominantly public health systems has raised serious questions of distributive justice about access to care and the extent of acceptable inequalities.
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    Privatization and the Social Value of Water in Africa.Akinpelu Olutayo, Ayokunle Omobowale & Jimoh Amzat - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (3):311-319.
    Privatization and the Social Value of Water in Africa The paper assesses the current clamor and actual privatization of water in Africa. Though this is said to be done in view of wastage and declining access of people to water, this paper submits that the transformation of the social value of water to economic, is rather a continuation of capitalist quest for profit making, which eventually is at the expense of the poor majority.
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    Actualities as Private and Public [with Response].Ellen S. Haring & Paul Weiss - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (Supplement):131 - 165.
    Of course private-public terminology has a certain first-hand obviousness for us. No one does my experiencing for me; there are features of myself evident to me simply by virtue of the fact that I live through them. These features are not available in quite the same way to others. And your situation is the same. Meanwhile we all have the same sort of access to what we can see and touch and explore scientifically, i.e., the public common world. These (...)
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  18. Privatization and just healthcare.Allen Buchanan - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (3):220–239.
    When advocates of insurance‐privatization consider whether private insurance‐dominated systems achieve justice at all, they tend to rely on an incomplete set of criteria for a just healthcare system. They also mistakenly assume that it is enough to show that justice is in principle achievable within a private insurance‐dominated system. This essay offers a more complete set of criteria for a just healthcare system. It then argues that the motivational assumptions needed to make insurance‐privatization at all plausible are inconsistent (...)
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  19. Justifying Private Schools.John White - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4):496-510.
    The paper looks at arguments for and against private schools, first in general and then, at greater length, in their British form. Here it looks first at defences against the charge that private schooling is unfair, discussing on the way problems with equality as an intrinsic value and with instrumental appeals to greater equality, especially in access to university and better jobs. It turns next to charges of social exclusiveness, before looking in more detail at claims about the (...)
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  20.  9
    Public/Private.Paul Fairfield - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Public/Private, Fairfield examines the ethical-political significance as well as the policy implications of a right to privacy. Discussing the different applications of privacy laws, technology,property, relationships, Fairfield writes in a style accessible to specialists and students alike.
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    Providing genetic testing through the private sector: a view from Canada.Bryn Williams-Jones, Timothy Caulfield & Michael M. Burgess - 2001 - ISUMA: Canadian Journal of Policy Research 2 (3):72-81.
    Genetic testing technologies are rapidly moving from the research laboratory to the market place. Very little scholarship considers the implications of private genetic testing for a public health care system such as Canada’s. It is critical to consider how and if these tests should be marketed to, and purchased by, the public. It is also imperative to evaluate the extent to which genetic tests are or should be included in Canada’s public health care system, and the impact of allowing (...)
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  22. Limiting Access to Certain Anonymous Information: From the Group Right to Privacy to the Principle of Protecting the Vulnerable.Haleh Asgarinia - 2024 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (1):1-27.
    An issue about the privacy of the clustered groups designed by algorithms arises when attempts are made to access certain pieces of information about those groups that would likely be used to harm them. Therefore, limitations must be imposed regarding accessing such information about clustered groups. In the discourse on group privacy, it is argued that the right to privacy of such groups should be recognised to respect group privacy, protecting clustered groups against discrimination. According to this viewpoint, this right (...)
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  23.  21
    The decline of private law: a philosophical history of liberal legalism.Gonçalo de Almeida Ribeiro - 2019 - Chicago, Illinois: Hart Publishing.
    This book is a large-scale historical reconstruction of liberal legalism, from its inception in the mid-nineteenth century, the moment in which the jurists forged the alliance between political liberalism and legal expertise embodied in classical private law doctrine, to the contemporary anxiety about the possibility of both a liberal solution to the problem of political justification and of law as a respectable form of expert knowledge. Each stage in the history is a moment of synthesis between a substantive and (...)
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  24.  55
    Access, Equity and the Role of Rights in Health Care.Chris Newdick & Sarah Derrett - 2006 - Health Care Analysis 14 (3):157-168.
    Modern health care rhetoric promotes choice and individual patient rights as dominant values. Yet we also accept that in any regime constrained by finite resources, difficult choices between patients are inevitable. How can we balance rights to liberty, on the one hand, with equity in the allocation of scarce resources on the other? For example, the duty of health authorities to allocate resources is a duty owed to the community as a whole, rather than to specific individuals. Macro-duties of this (...)
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  25.  64
    Preserving Common Rights Within Private Property.Murray Hofmans-Sheard - 2005 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 12 (2):3-9.
    I develop an account of private property that preserves public participation and access. A focus on the initial state of common ownership, labour, and the proviso reveals that standard Lockean defences of property ignore important common interests. In consequence, property rights over environmentally significant goods must be less strong than full liberal rights, and I show how these will be designed.
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    The promise of public access: Lessons from the American experience.Warigia Bowman & Arifa Khandwalla - 2003 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 1 (2):87-98.
    This essay surveys and synthesizes the academic literature, archival sources and interviews with key policy makers regarding the emergence of community technology centers in the US. Community Technology Centers came to the fore in the late 1990s through an activist nonprofit sector combined with federal government and private sector funding. Federal data indicates that CTCs now represent the most important access points to information communications technology for the poor in the US. This essay reviews the latest arguments for and (...)
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  27.  43
    A path to universal access.Paul T. Menzel - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (1):34-36.
    What balance of government and private institution activity might stand a reasonable chance of achieving universal access to basic health care in the United States? David De Grazia makes a strong case that single-payer national health insurance with managed competition in delivery is morally the preferred structure for universal access: it best achieves the combination of universal access, cost control, freedom of patient choice, and quality of care. If we account for the realities of American political and moral culture, (...)
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    Private School, College Admissions and the Value of Education.Liam Shields - 2016 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (2):448-461.
    In this article, I defend a proposal to cap the proportion of students admitted to elite colleges who were educated at elite, often private, schools to not more than the proportion of students who attend such schools in society as a whole. In order to defend this proposal, I draw on recent debates that pit principles of equality against principles of adequacy, and I defend the need for a pluralist account of educational fairness that includes both elements. I argue (...)
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    Private supplementary tutoring among primary students in Bangladesh.Samir Ranjan Nath - 2008 - Educational Studies 34 (1):55-72.
    Using the databases created under Education Watch, a civil society initiative to monitor primary and basic education in Bangladesh, this paper explores trends, socioeconomic differentials and cost in private supplementary tutoring among primary students and its impact on learning achievement. The rate of primary school students getting access to private supplementary tutoring is increasing at two percentage points per year and reached 31% in 2005. Incidence of private tutoring was greater among boys and urban students than respective (...)
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  30.  68
    Sex as Slavery? Understanding Private Wrongs.Alison Brysk - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (3):259-270.
    The era of globalization has been accompanied by an increased awareness of private wrongs as well as acceleration of many forms of cross-border labor exploitation. The essay explores how refined distinctions between forced and free sex work could improve anti-trafficking policies. It addresses the understudied linkages between other forms of migration and sexual exploitation and suggests a triage approach to all forms of labor exploitation—based on harms rather than type of labor or victim. A better understanding of freedom, sex, (...)
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  31.  89
    Why Not Regulate Private Discrimination?Matt Zwolinski - 2006 - San Diego Law Review 43 (Fall):1043.
    In the United States, discrimination based on race, religion, and other suspect categories is strictly regulated when it takes place in hiring, promotion, and other areas of the world of commerce. Discrimination in one's private affairs, however, is not subject to legal regulation at all. Assuming that both sorts of discrimination can be equally morally wrong, why then should this disparity in legal treatment exist? This paper attempts to find a theory that can simultaneously explain these divergent treatments by (...)
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  32. (1 other version)The Idea of Private Law.Ernest Joseph Weinrib - 1995 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    This revised edition of The Idea of Private Law makes one of the major works of modern legal theory accessible to a new generation of lawyers and students. It includes a new introduction by the author, looking back at the work, its origins, and its aspirations.
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    Privatizing Diversity: A Cautionary Tale from Religious Arbitration in Family Law.Ayelet Shachar - 2008 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 9 (2):573-607.
    Demands to accommodate religious diversity in the public sphere have recently intensified. The debates surrounding the Islamic headscarf in Europe vividly illustrate this trend. We also find a new challenge on the horizon: namely, the request to "privatize diversity" through alternative dispute resolution processes that permit parties to move their disputes from public courthouses into the domain of religious or customary sources of law and authority. The recent controversies in Canada and England related to the so-called Shari’a tribunals demonstrate the (...)
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    The Private Origins of the Private Company: Britain 1862–1907.Ron Harris - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (2):339-378.
    This article recalls the fact that until the mid-19th century neither company legislation, nor jurists, nor economists, envisioned companies to be private or small. Nevertheless, once freedom of incorporation and general limited liability were enacted, a new practice was set in motion in Britain. Smaller companies were formed in growing numbers, replacing partnerships, family firms and even sole proprietorships. They operated in sectors in which corporations had not been found before. These companies did not seek access to the stock (...)
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  35.  48
    Private Ownership and Common Goods.Ronald Sandler - 2005 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 12 (2):1-2.
    Balancing, integrating, or otherwise sorting out private ownership, control, and property rights, on the one hand, with social, common, and shared goods or rights, on the other, is manifest in socio-ethical issues ranging from eminent domain to gay marriage and from endangered species protection to social security. In fact, when one surveys the contemporary socio-ethical landscape with this problem in mind, there appears hardly an issue that it does not touch; and it is frequently the central or underlying component. (...)
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  36. Access to Medicines and the Rhetoric of Responsibility.Christian Barry & Kate Raworth - 2002 - Ethics and International Affairs 16 (2):57-70.
    There is no cure or vaccine for HIV/AIDS. The only life-prolonging treatment available is antiretroviral (ARV) therapy. WHO estimates, however, that less than 5 percent of those who require treatment in developing countries currently enjoy access to these medicines. In Africa fewer than 50,000 people–less than 2 percent of the people in need–currently receive ARV therapy. These facts have elicited strongly divergent reactions, and views about the appropriate response to this crisis have varied widely.The intensity of the debate concerning access (...)
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  37.  65
    The Problems of Access: A Crip Rejoinder via the Phenomenology of Spatial Belonging.Corinne Lajoie - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (2):318-337.
    This essay denaturalizes the taken-for-granted meaning of ‘access’ and interrogates its role and lived meaning in ableist social worlds, with a focus on spaces of higher education. I suggest that legalistic approaches to access need ‘cripping’ by a disability framework. Currently, these approaches (1) miss the intersubjective sociality of being-in-the-world; (2) they prioritize a narrow conception of access focused on ‘physical’ access and ‘physical’ space (a typology I contest); (3) they approach access as frozen in time, rather than as a (...)
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  38.  40
    The Human Right to Private Property.Avihay Dorfman & Hanoch Dagan - 2017 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 18 (2):391-416.
    For private property to be legitimately recognized as a universal human right, its meaning should pass the test of self-imposability by an end. In this Essay, we argue, negatively, that the prevailing understanding of private property cannot plausibly meet this demanding standard; and develop, affirmatively, a liberal conception which has a much better prospect of meeting property’s justificatory challenge. Private property, on our account, is an empowering device, which is crucial both to people’s personal autonomy and to (...)
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  39. Mass Surveillance: A Private Affair?Kevin Macnish - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 7 (1):9-27.
    Mass surveillance is a more real threat now than at any time in history. Digital communications and automated systems allow for the collection and processing of private information at a scale never seen before. Many argue that mass surveillance entails a significant loss of privacy. Others dispute that there is a loss of privacy if the information is only encountered by automated systems.This paper argues that automated mass surveillance does not involve a significant loss of privacy. Through providing a (...)
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    Border Disputes: Religious Adjudication Along the Private/public Divide.Ori Aronson - 2021 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 15 (2):287-312.
    The article uses Israel’s volatile jurisdictional dynamics of the past two decades concerning access to religious community justice, as a telling case for examining the way legal pluralism is deployed along the public–private divide. The Israeli case exhibits a complex combination of an ostensibly liberal democratic regime, a commitment to a particularistic ethno-national political project, structural entanglements of state and religion against the backdrop of an unsettled constitutional order, and an historically diffuse mode of often-illiberal normative ordering within its (...)
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  41. Accessing Online Data for Youth Mental Health Research: Meeting the Ethical Challenges.Elvira Perez Vallejos, Ansgar Koene, Christopher James Carter, Daniel Hunt, Christopher Woodard, Lachlan Urquhart, Aislinn Bergin & Ramona Statache - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (1):87-110.
    This article addresses the general ethical issues of accessing online personal data for research purposes. The authors discuss the practical aspects of online research with a specific case study that illustrates the ethical challenges encountered when accessing data from Kooth, an online youth web-counselling service. This paper firstly highlights the relevance of a process-based approach to ethics when accessing highly sensitive data and then discusses the ethical considerations and potential challenges regarding the accessing of public data from Digital Mental Health (...)
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    The Power of Access.Vinutha Mallya - 2013 - Logos 24 (2):7-15.
    The publishing sector in India is growing at an estimated 30 per cent annually. New publishing technologies are creating opportunities for book publishers in the country. The current ebook market is said to be less than one per cent of the total book market, but expected to grow multifold in the next 2–3 years. This paper scopes out the factors that will lead to the growth of ebooks, namely, growth of literacy; internet penetration; proliferation of personal handheld devices; localization; and (...)
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    Privileged access.Joseph Agassi - 1969 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 12 (1-4):420 – 426.
    That everyone has some privileged access to some information is trivially true. The doctrine of privileged access is that I am the authority on all of my own experiences. Possibly this thesis was attacked by Wittgenstein (the thesis on the non?existence of private languages). The thesis was refuted by Freud (I know your dreams better than you), Duhem (I know your methods of scientific discovery better than you), Malinowski (I know your customs and habits better than you), and perception (...)
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    Credit Access and Social Welfare: The Rise of Consumer Lending in the United States and France.Gunnar Trumbull - 2012 - Politics and Society 40 (1):9-34.
    Research into the causes of the 2008 financial crisis has drawn attention to a link between growing income inequality in the United States and high household indebtedness. Most accounts trace the U.S. idea of credit-as-welfare to the period of wage stagnation and welfare retrenchment that began in the early 1970s. Using France as a comparison case, I argue that the link between credit and welfare was not unique to the United States. Indeed, U.S. charitable lending institutions that emerged at the (...)
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    Justice in the provision of healthcare services – A stifled right in the private sector.Safia Mahomed, Melodie Labuschaigne & Magda Slabbert - 2023 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law:92-95.
    Private medical aids are essentially non-profit organisations that aim to deliver speedy treatment and should prevent members from unexpected, out of pocket expenses for medical care. However, although the latest statistics show that 16.2% of individuals in South Africa were members of medical aid schemes, making the promise of private healthcare accessible to a small percentage of the population, they are not without their own unique set of challenges. The restrictions that exist within the private sector have (...)
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    Medical tourism: Crossing borders to access health care.Harriet Hutson Gray & Susan Cartier Poland - 2008 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 18 (2):pp. 193-201.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Medical Tourism:Crossing Borders to Access Health CareHarriet Hutson Gray (bio) and Susan Cartier Poland (bio)Traveling abroad for one's health has a long history for the upper social classes who sought spas, mineral baths, innovative therapies, and the fair climate of the Mediterranean as destinations to improve their health. The newest trend in the first decade of the twenty-first century has the middle class traveling from developed countries to those (...)
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    Proposal for an accessible conception of cyberspace.David H. Gleason & Lawrence Friedman - 2005 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 3 (1):15-23.
    This paper addresses the knowledge required for individuals to evaluate Information and Communications Technologies decisions that relate to the organization and management of cyberspace, and to hold accountable the parties responsible for those decisions, whether the responsible party is a government actor, market actor or private individual. The authors argue that the Open Systems Interconnection model, with certain modifications, should serve as a primary educational tool in helping individuals to gain the understanding of ICT necessary to protect public interests (...)
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    Social Networks And Private Spaces In Economic Forecasting.Robert Evans - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (4):686-697.
    The outputs of economic forecasting—predictions for national economic indicators such as GDP, unemployment rates and inflation—are all highly visible. The production of these forecasts is a much more private affair, however, typically being thought of as the work of individual forecasters or forecast teams using their economic model to produce a forecast that is then made public. This conception over-emphasises the individual and the technical whilst silencing the broader social context through which economic forecasters develop the expertise that is (...)
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    The Political Privacy Dilemma: Private Lives and Public Office.John William Devine - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (3):391-408.
    Should political leaders have a right to privacy? Incursions by new and traditional media into the private lives of political leaders are commonplace. Are such incursions ethically justifiable? Prima facie, the question of ‘political privacy’ seems to involve a conflict between a politician's self-interest in retaining a protected private realm and citizens' public interest in having access to information about their representative's private life. Indeed, this is the structure that the debate has typically assumed. I challenge this (...)
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    Global access, embodiment, and the conscious subject.Murray Shanahan - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (12):46-66.
    The objectives of this article are twofold. First, by denying the dualism inherent in attempts to load metaphysical significance on the inner/outer distinction, it defends the view that scientific investigation can approach consciousness in itself, and is not somehow restricted in scope to the outward manifestations of a private and hidden realm. Second, it provisionally endorses the central tenets of global workspace theory, and recommends them as a possible basis for the sort of scientific understanding of consciousness thus legitimised. (...)
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