Results for 'R. Cards'

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  1. The hypothalamus: an overview of regulatory systems.J. P. Card, L. W. Swanson & R. Y. Moore - 1999 - In M. J. Zigmond & F. E. Bloom (eds.), Fundamental Neuroscience. pp. 1013--1026.
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    Ethics, Literature, and Theory: An Introductory Reader.Wayne C. Booth, Dudley Barlow, Orson Scott Card, Anthony Cunningham, John Gardner, Marshall Gregory, John J. Han, Jack Harrell, Richard E. Hart, Barbara A. Heavilin, Marianne Jennings, Charles Johnson, Bernard Malamud, Toni Morrison, Georgia A. Newman, Joyce Carol Oates, Jay Parini, David Parker, James Phelan, Richard A. Posner, Mary R. Reichardt, Nina Rosenstand, Stephen L. Tanner, John Updike, John H. Wallace, Abraham B. Yehoshua & Bruce Young (eds.) - 2005 - Sheed & Ward.
    Do the rich descriptions and narrative shapings of literature provide a valuable resource for readers, writers, philosophers, and everyday people to imagine and confront the ultimate questions of life? Do the human activities of storytelling and complex moral decision-making have a deep connection? What are the moral responsibilities of the artist, critic, and reader? What can religious perspectives—from Catholic to Protestant to Mormon—contribute to literary criticism? Thirty well known contributors reflect on these questions, including iterary theorists Marshall Gregory, James Phelan, (...)
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    Comments on Professor Card's Critique.R. B. Brandt - 1984 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):31 - 37.
    Professor Card is not disposed to object to the main argument of my paper, which was intended to reply to Professor Lyons’ suggestion that a utilitarian cannot explain how legal rights have moral force, and at the same time to urge that the particular form of utilitarianism espoused by Professor Hare in his recent work does seem to be open to the difficulty Professor Lyons alleges. Professor Card says she is ‘not dissatisfied’ with this reasoning. I suspect that Card views (...)
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  4. Die Archetypenlehre in den heutigen Wissenschaften und ihre Relevanz für eine moderne Naturphilosophie «.Charles Card - forthcoming - Philosophia Naturalis: Beiträge Zu Einer Zeitgemäßen Naturphilosophie, Ed. By T. Arzt, R. Dollinger and M. Hippius-Gräfen Dürckheim, Königshausen and Neumann, Würzburg.
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    "House of cards: commentary on" Perinatal chemical dependence.R. E. Fullilove & M. T. Fullilove - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (2):142-143.
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    Errors in transfer following learning with understanding: further studies with Katona's card-trick experiments.Ernest R. Hilgard, Robert D. Edgren & Robert P. Irvine - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (6):457.
  7.  16
    The Children's Forgiveness Card Set: Development of a Brief Pictorial Card-Sorting Measure of Children's Emotional Forgiveness.Emma Kemp, Peter Strelan, Rachel Margaret Roberts, Nicholas R. Burns & Kelly Lynn Mulvey - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Friendships have important influences on children's well-being and future adjustment, and interpersonal forgiveness has been suggested as a crucial means for children to maintain friendships. However, existing measures of preadolescent children's forgiveness are restricted by developmental limitations to reporting emotional responses via questionnaire and inconsistent interpretations of the term “forgive.” This paper describes development and testing of concurrent and discriminant validity of a pictorial measure of children's emotional forgiveness, the Children's Forgiveness Card Set. In Study 1, 148 Australian children aged (...)
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    The Vanishing Wild Card: Challenges and Implications of Ziporyn's Zhuangzi.John R. Williams - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (1):177-191.
    Analyzing Zhuangzi’s Wild Card as presented by Brook Ziporyn, this essay aims (1) to clarify and draw out certain implications of Zhuangzi’s epistemological agnosticism and perspectivism (qua Ziporyn’s reading thereof), only (2) to problematize Zhuangzi’s response to this epistemological agnosticism and perspectivism (qua Ziporyn’s reading thereof). In turn, given the success of my argumentation, Zhuangzi will prove to be as pertinent (and unsettling) as ever.
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    Odette Touchefeu-Meynder: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: Musée de Limoges, Musée de Vannes. . Pp. 58; 48 plates. Paris: Champion, 1969. Stiff card portfolio. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (1):159-159.
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    Association Between 5-Star Nursing Home Report Card Ratings and Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations.Kira L. Ryskina, R. Tamara Konetzka & Rachel M. Werner - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801878732.
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    Ethics and Agency Theory: An Introduction. Edited by Norman E. Bowie and R. Edward Freeman. [REVIEW]Donna Card Charron - 1994 - Modern Schoolman 71 (2):156-160.
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  12. Medical futility and the social context.R. Halliday - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (3):148-153.
    The concept of medical futility has come to be seen in some quarters as a value-neutral trump card when dealing with issues of power and conflicting values in medicine. I argue that this concept is potentially useful, but only in a social context that provides a normative framework for its use. This social context needs to include a broad consensus about the purpose of medicine and the nature of the physician-patient relationship.
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    Using the Spanish national identity card in social networks.V. Gayoso MartÍnez, L. HernÁndez Encinas, A. MartÍn MuÑoz & R. DurÁn DÍaz - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):519-530.
    The distinctive security features of the Spanish electronic national identity card, known as Documento Nacional de Identidad electrónico, allow us to propose the usage of this cryptographic smart card in an authentication framework that can be used during the registration and login phases of internet services where the validation of the user’s age and real identity are key elements, as it is the case for example of the so-called social networks. Using this mechanism with NFC-capable devices, the identity and age (...)
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  14. Social network size in humans.R. A. Hill & R. I. M. Dunbar - 2003 - Human Nature 14 (1):53-72.
    This paper examines social network size in contemporary Western society based on the exchange of Christmas cards. Maximum network size averaged 153.5 individuals, with a mean network size of 124.9 for those individuals explicitly contacted; these values are remarkably close to the group size of 150 predicted for humans on the basis of the size of their neocortex. Age, household type, and the relationship to the individual influence network structure, although the proportion of kin remained relatively constant at around (...)
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  15.  48
    Rote memorization, understanding, and transfer: an extension of Katona's card-trick experiments.Ernest R. Hilgard, Robert P. Irvine & James E. Whipple - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 46 (4):288.
  16.  28
    Beyond the Chief Complaint: Our Patients’ Worries.R. Wojcik, K. J. Tanabe, J. To, V. M. Staley, M. C. Reinsvold, M. A. Melton, R. Kwon, S. J. Khatter, S. Axelrath, J. T. Engeln & V. M. Chau - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (4):541-547.
    Fourth-year medical students at the University of Colorado School of Medicine distributed cards to patients in the emergency department asking, "What Worries You Most?" The patients' responses provided insight about their most pressing concerns, often unrelated to their "chief complaints.".
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    Dynamic Changes in EEG Power Spectral Densities During NIH-Toolbox Flanker, Dimensional Change Card Sort Test and Episodic Memory Tests in Young Adults.Judith G. Foy & Michael R. Foy - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  18.  30
    A new technique for observing concept evocation.Melvin R. Marks & Charles K. Ramond - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (6):424.
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    Selection strategies in concept attainment as a function of number of persons and stimulus display.Patrick R. Laughlin - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (3):323.
    The selection strategies of individuals and 2-person cooperative groups were investigated in 5 concept-attainment problems. 2 types of stimulus displays were used: (a) form displays, consisting of geometric forms varying in 6 attributes with 2 levels of each, (b) sequence displays, consisting of 6 plus and/or minus signs in a row. The arrangement of cards in the stimulus displays was ordered or random. The principal results were: (a) 2-person groups used the focusing strategy more, required fewer card choices to (...)
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    A Response to Responsibility of and Trust in ISPs by Raphael Cohen-Almagor.Michael R. Nelson - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (3):403-407.
    The Internet and Internet applications such as cloud computing continue to grow at an extraordinary rate, enabled by the Internet's open architecture and the vibrant lightly regulated Internet service provider (ISP) market. Proposals to hold ISPs responsible for content and software shared by their customers would dramatically constrain the openness and innovation that has been the hallmark of the Internet to date. Rather than taking the kind of approach favored by Raphael Cohen-Almagor, government should enlist the assistance of other intermediaries (...)
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  21. J. card. Ratzinger-sagrada congregación para la doctrina de la fe Y aa. VV, el Don de la Vida. Instrucción Y comentarios (r. R crespo). L Rodrigo Ewart, autocomunicaaón divina. Estudio crltto de la cnstolo-gía de K. Rahner a propósito de gaudium et spes 22 (m. E sacchi). Jj sanguineti, ciencia aristotélica Y ciencia moderna (m. E sacchi). [REVIEW]Helene Weiss Me Sacchi - 1994 - Sapientia 191:408.
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    Punched Card Methods in Scientific Computation. Wallace J. EckertCalculating Machines: Recent and Prospective Developments and Their Impact on Mathematical Physics and Calculating Instruments and Machines. Douglas R. Hartree. [REVIEW]Paul Ceruzzi - 1986 - Isis 77 (1):154-156.
  23. The Use (and Misuse) of 'Cognitive Enhancers' by students at an Academic Health Sciences Center.J. Bossaer, J. A. Gray, S. E. Miller, V. C. Gaddipati, R. E. Enck & G. G. Enck - 2013 - Academic Medicine (7):967-971.
    Purpose Prescription stimulant use as “cognitive enhancers” has been described among undergraduate college students. However, the use of prescription stimulants among future health care professionals is not well characterized. This study was designed to determine the prevalence of prescription stimulant misuse among students at an academic health sciences center. -/- Method Electronic surveys were e-mailed to 621 medical, pharmacy, and respiratory therapy students at East Tennessee State University for four consecutive weeks in fall 2011. Completing the survey was voluntary and (...)
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    The relative difficulty of the number, form, and color concepts of a Weigl-type problem.David A. Grant, Omer R. Jones & Billie Tallantis - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (4):552.
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    Developing sustainability: A new metaphor for progress. [REVIEW]Cécile M. Bensimon & Solomon R. Benatar - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (1):59-79.
    In this paper, we propose a new model for development, one that transcends the North–South dichotomy and goes beyond a narrow conception of development as an economic process. This model requires a paradigm shift toward a new metaphor that develops sustainability, rather than sustains development. We conclude by defending a ‘report card on development’ as a means for evaluating how countries perform within this new paradigm.
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  26. Hitler, the holocaust, and the tiantai doctrine of evil as the good: A response to David R. Loy.Brook Ziporyn - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (2):329-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hitler, the Holocaust, and the Tiantai Doctrine of Evil as the Good:A Response to David R. LoyBrook ZiporynIn a recent issue of this journal (vol. 54 [1]:99-103), David Loy has done me the honor of publishing his sympathetic and thoughtful review of my book Evil and/or/ as the Good: Omnicentrism, Intersubjectivity, and Value Paradox in Tiantai Buddhist Thought (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000). Loy has done an excellent (...)
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  27. EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING AND THE TWO-FACTOR MODEL OF PSYCHOPATHY: NO DIFFERENTIAL RELATION?Mol Bart, Pancras van den Bos, Youri Derks & Jos Egger - 2009 - International Journal of Neuroscience 119:124–140.
    There are indications that the interpersonal affective factor and the social deviation factor, both of which are underlying dimensions of psychopathy, have a positive and a negative relationship, respectively, with executive functioning. However, this is seldom taken into consideration in the research on the relationship between executive functioning and psychopathy, which may be an explanation for the many inconsistent results in this area as reported in the literature (e.g., Rogers, 2006). In the present study, executive functioning was studied using the (...)
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  28. Platonism and the Origins of Modernity: The Platonic Tradition and the Rise of Modern Philosophy.Douglas Hedley & Sarah Hutton (eds.) - 2008 - Springer.
    International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées, Vol. 196. -/- Introduction, S. Hutton; Nicholas of Cusa : Platonism at the Dawn of Modernity, D. Moran; At Variance: Marsilio Ficino Platonism And Heresy, M.J.B. Allen; Going Naked into the Shrine:Herbert, Plotinus and the Consructive Metaphor, S.R.L.Clark; Commenius, Light Metaphysics and Educational Reform, J. Rohls ; Robert Fludd’s Kabbalistic Cosmos, W. Schmidt-Biggeman; Reconciling Theory and Fact:The Problem of ‘Other Faiths’ in Lord Herbert and the Cambridge Platonists, D. (...)
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    An Examination of Plato's Doctrines. I. Plato on Man and Society.R. E. Allen & I. M. Crombie - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (4):528.
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    Civic Friendship, Public Reason.R. J. Leland - 2019 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 47 (1):72-103.
    Philosophy &Public Affairs, Volume 47, Issue 1, Page 72-103, Winter 2019.
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  31. Trust, anger, resentment, forgiveness: On blame and its reasons.R. Jay Wallace - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):537-551.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    The Argument from Opposites in Republic V.R. E. Allen - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):325 - 335.
    This distinction has sometimes been read as purely epistemic, resting not on things, but on our knowledge of them: there is one world, not two, though it may be apprehended in two ways. But this view is patently at odds with the text. Knowledge and opinion are δυνάμεις, "faculties," to be distinguished and defined by their objects, no less than by the state of mind they produce, and Plato clearly states that the fallibility and unclearness of opinion is rooted in (...)
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  33. Falsifiability of scientific theories.R. G. Swinburne - 1964 - Mind 73 (291):434-436.
  34. The empiricist theory of memory.R. F. Holland - 1954 - Mind 63 (October):464-86.
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    Computational complexity of some Ramsey quantifiers in finite models.Marcin Mostowski & Jakub Szymanik - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13:281--282.
    The problem of computational complexity of semantics for some natural language constructions – considered in [M. Mostowski, D. Wojtyniak 2004] – motivates an interest in complexity of Ramsey quantifiers in finite models. In general a sentence with a Ramsey quantifier R of the following form Rx, yH(x, y) is interpreted as ∃A(A is big relatively to the universe ∧A2 ⊆ H). In the paper cited the problem of the complexity of the Hintikka sentence is reduced to the problem of computational (...)
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    Giving Voice to Patients: Developing a Discussion Method to Involve Patients in Translational Research.Marianne Boenink, Lieke van der Scheer, Elisa Garcia & Simone van der Burg - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):181-197.
    Biomedical research policy in recent years has often tried to make such research more ‘translational’, aiming to facilitate the transfer of insights from research and development to health care for the benefit of future users. Involving patients in deliberations about and design of biomedical research may increase the quality of R&D and of resulting innovations and thus contribute to translation. However, patient involvement in biomedical research is not an easy feat. This paper discusses the development of a method for involving (...)
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  37. Argumentation and evidence.R. E. G. Upshur & Errol Colak - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (4):283-299.
    This essay explores the role of informal logicand its application in the context of currentdebates regarding evidence-based medicine. This aim is achieved through a discussion ofthe goals and objectives of evidence-basedmedicine and a review of the criticisms raisedagainst evidence-based medicine. Thecontributions to informal logic by StephenToulmin and Douglas Walton are explicated andtheir relevance for evidence-based medicine isdiscussed in relation to a common clinicalscenario: hypertension management. This essayconcludes with a discussion on the relationshipbetween clinical reasoning, rationality, andevidence. It is argued that (...)
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    Intuitionistic uniformity principles for propositions and some applications.W. Friedrich & H. Luckhardt - 1980 - Studia Logica 39 (4):361 - 369.
    This note deals with the prepositional uniformity principlep-UP: p x N A (p, x) x N p A (p, x) ( species of all propositions) in intuitionistic mathematics.p-UP is implied by WC and KS. But there are interestingp-UP-cases which require weak KS resp. WC only. UP for number species follows fromp-UP by extended bar-induction (ranging over propositions) and suitable weak continuity. As corollaries we have the disjunction property and the existential definability w.r.t. concrete objects. Other consequences are: there is no (...)
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    Interpersonally situated cognition.R. Peter Hobson - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (3):377 – 397.
    In this paper I consider how thinking emerges out of human infants' relatedness towards the personal and non-personal world. I highlight the contrast between cognitive aspects and cognitive components of psychological functioning, and propose that even when thinking has become a partly separable component of the mind, affective and conative aspects inhere in its nature. I provide illustrative evidence from recent research on the developmental psychopathology of autism. In failing to adopt a developmental perspective, contemporary theorizing has displaced thinking from (...)
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  40. al-Qurʼān al-Karīm, dustūr al-ḥayāh al-khālid.Mahdī ʻAṭṭār - 2022 - Karbalāʼ al-Muqaddasah: Ibn Fahd al-Ḥillī.
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    Ronald Dworkin on Law as Integrity: Rights as Principles of Adjudication.Paul Gaffney - 1996 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    A full discussion on his understanding of rights as "trump cards" which privilege the individual claim over the group policy; the critique of legal positivism; the history of a legal institution according to the analogy of a chain novel; and the insistence upon a theory of adjudication that is both constructive and yet faithful to the deepest intentions of legal documents.
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  42. Social Worlds are Relational.Daniele Bertini - 2018 - In Bertini Daniele & Migliorini Damiano (eds.), Relations: Ontology and Philosophy of Religion. Fano, Italy: Mimesis International.
    Consider two entities x and y, and a relation R which holds among them. Is R’s existence accountable merely in terms of the non relational properties exhibited by x and y, once they interact? Or, is it more appropriate to say that R is independent of x and y, and these acquire sets of relational properties because of their being related through R? In case the former option obtains, the existence of relations is reducible to the relevant properties of the (...)
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    In defence of priority review vouchers.Jorn Sonderholm - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (7):413-420.
    Infectious and parasitic diseases cause enormous health problems in the developing world whereas they leave the developed one relatively unscathed. Research and development (R&D) of drugs for diseases that mainly affect people in developing countries is limited. The problem that relatively few drugs are available for diseases that cause an enormous burden of disease in the developing world is called the 'availability problem'. In recent years, the availability problem has received quite a bit of attention. A number of proposals have (...)
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    The Structure of Virtue.R. B. Brandt - 1988 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 13 (1):64-82.
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    Living Alone: Solipsism in Heart of Darkness.David Rudrum - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (2):409-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Living Alone:Solipsism in Heart of DarknessDavid Rudrum"... As if I could read the darkness."Philosophical Investigations, §635We live, as we dream—alone."1 This, Marlow's most eminently quotable aphorism, encapsulates a theme central to the outlook of modernism: what Virginia Woolf called "the loneliness which is the truth about things."2 This loneliness derives not from the absence of others—Marlow is surrounded by friends when he makes this assertion. It is a deeper (...)
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    Twilight graphs.J. C. E. Dekker - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):539-571.
    This paper deals primarily with countable, simple, connected graphs and the following two conditions which are trivially satisfied if the graphs are finite: (a) there is an edge-recognition algorithm, i.e., an effective procedure which enables us, given two distinct vertices, to decide whether they are adjacent, (b) there is a shortest path algorithm, i.e., an effective procedure which enables us, given two distinct vertices, to find a minimal path joining them. A graph $G = \langle\eta, \eta\rangle$ with η as set (...)
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    ‘Asthippoi’ Again.R. D. Milns - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (2):347-354.
    In his article ‘A Cavalry Unit in the Army of Antigonus Monophthalmus: Asthippoi’, N. G. L. Hammond argues that the reading of the manuscript R at Diodorus 19. 29. 2 should be retained and that we should read ⋯π⋯ π⋯σι δ⋯ το⋯ς τε ⋯σθ⋯ππους ⋯νομαζομ⋯νους κα⋯ τοὺς ⋯κ τ⋯ν ἄνω κατοικο⋯ντων ⋯κτακοσιο⋯ς. The readings of F and its copy X, ⋯νθ⋯ππους, and the commonly accepted conjecture of Wesseling ⋯μɸ⋯ππους, should both be abandoned. Hammond's arguments for retaining this reading are that (...)
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    The paradox of temporal process.R. M. Blake - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (24):645-654.
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    Definability of Leibniz equality.R. Elgueta & R. Jansana - 1999 - Studia Logica 63 (2):223-243.
    Given a structure for a first-order language L, two objects of its domain can be indiscernible relative to the properties expressible in L, without using the equality symbol, and without actually being the same. It is this relation that interests us in this paper. It is called Leibniz equality. In the paper we study systematically the problem of its definibility mainly for classes of structures that are the models of some equality-free universal Horn class in an infinitary language Lκκ, where (...)
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    First-Order Modal Logic: Frame Definability and a Lindström Theorem.R. Zoghifard & M. Pourmahdian - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (4):699-720.
    We generalize two well-known model-theoretic characterization theorems from propositional modal logic to first-order modal logic. We first study FML-definable frames and give a version of the Goldblatt–Thomason theorem for this logic. The advantage of this result, compared with the original Goldblatt–Thomason theorem, is that it does not need the condition of ultrafilter reflection and uses only closure under bounded morphic images, generated subframes and disjoint unions. We then investigate Lindström type theorems for first-order modal logic. We show that FML has (...)
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