Results for 'R. Ravi'

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  1.  23
    Question format shifts bias away from the emphasised response in tests of recognition memory.Ravi D. Mill & Akira R. O’Connor - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:91-104.
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    Pupil dilation during recognition memory: Isolating unexpected recognition from judgment uncertainty.Ravi D. Mill, Akira R. O’Connor & Ian G. Dobbins - 2016 - Cognition 154 (C):81-94.
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    Algorithm theory - SWAT 2014: 14th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2-4, 2014: proceedings.R. Ravi & Inge Li Gørtz (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory, SWAT 2014, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in July 2014. The 33 papers were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 134 submissions. The papers present original research and cover a wide range of topics in the field of design and analysis of algorithms and data structures including but not limited to approximation algorithms, parameterized algorithms, computational biology, computational geometry and topology, distributed algorithms, (...)
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    Prognosis following head injury: a survey of doctors from developing and developed countries.Pablo Perel, Jonathan Wasserberg, Ramalingam R. Ravi, Haleema Shakur, Phil Edwards & Ian Roberts - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):464-465.
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    Modeling of signaling networks.Susana R. Neves & Ravi Iyengar - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (12):1110-1117.
    Biochemical networks, including those containing signaling pathways, display a wide range of regulatory properties. These include the ability to propagate information across different time scales and to function as switches and oscillators. The mechanisms underlying these complex behaviors involve many interacting components and cannot be understood by experiments alone. The development of computational models and the integration of these models with experiments provide valuable insight into these complex systems‐level behaviors. Here we review current approaches to the development of computational models (...)
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    Synthesis, characterization and photoluminescence of Eu3+, Ce3+co-doped CaLaAl3O7phosphors.Vijay Singh, V. V. Ravi Kanth Kumar, R. P. S. Chakradhar & Ho-Young Kwak - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (22):3095-3105.
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    Patients’ Beliefs About Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression.Ryan E. Lawrence, Catharine R. Kaufmann, Ravi B. DeSilva & Paul S. Appelbaum - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (4):210-218.
    Deep brain stimulation is an experimental procedure for treatment-resistant depression. Some results show promise, but blinded trials had limited success. Ethical questions center on vulnerability: especially on whether depressed patients can weigh the risks and benefits effectively, whether depression causes “desperation,” and whether media portrayals create unrealistic hopes. We interviewed 24 psychiatric inpatients with treatment-resistant depression, qualitatively analyzing their comments. Most had minimal interest in deep brain stimulators. Some might consider them if their depression worsened, if alternatives were exhausted, or (...)
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    Great Need, Scarce Resources, and Choice: Reflections on Ethical Issues Following a Medical Mission.Joshua W. Salvin, Mark A. Scheurer & Ravi R. Thiagarajan - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (4):311-313.
    Medical missions to provide cardiac surgical procedures in developing and technologically less advanced countries is a great challenge. It is also immensely gratifying, personally and professionally. Such missions typically present significant ethical dilemmas, especially making difficult choices, given limited time and resources, and the inability to help all children in need of cardiac surgery. We describe some of these issues from our perspective as visiting cardiologists.
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  9. When Knowledge Meets Devotion, by Ravi Gupta (Routledge 2007). [REVIEW]Matthew R. Dasti - 2009 - Sophia 48 (3):335-337.
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    Review of 1) Kristin Johnston Largen, Baby Krishna, Infant Christ: A Comparative Theology of Salvation, Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2011, ISBN 978-1570759321, pb, x + 246 pp.; 2) Ravi M. Gupta and Kenneth R. Valpey, eds., The Bhāgavata Purāṇa: Sacred Text and Living Tradition, New York: Columbia University Press, 2013, ISBN 978-0231149990, pb, xvi + 279 pp. [REVIEW]Andrew B. Irvine - 2014 - Sophia 53 (3):417-419.
    Approaching comparison through attention to stories of gods rather than through explicit doctrines, and in particular to stories of gods in their infancy and childhood, is an arresting proposal in comparative theology. It was this unusual character which first drew my attention to Kristin Johnston Largen’s Baby Krishna, Infant Christ. Largen’s prose is fluid and clear, and the structure of the argument is also readily apparent. And thus the work held my attention and convinced me that it is deserving of (...)
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    Hadis Riv'yet Etmekten Alıkoyan Unsurlar.Sait İnan - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):53-78.
    Hadis rivâyet etmek konusunda bazı muhaddislerin ihtiyatlı bir tutum sergilediği dikkatlerden kaçmamaktadır. Böyle bir tavra neden olan birçok unsur bulunmakla beraber hadis rivâyetinden geri bırakan etkenler genelde hadislerin asıllarını korumaya yönelik çabalar ve ravilerin konuyla ilgili hassasiyetleri zemininde değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada hadis rivâyetine engel olan unsur-lar tespit edilmeye çalışılmış, ancak sıhhat endişelerinin oluşturduğu hassasiyetler ve bu konu etrafında ifade edilen râvi titizlikleri ile ilgili hususlar dikkate alınmamıştır. Rivâyet etmekten alıkoyan unsurları kendi içinde güçlü ve zayıf olarak iki grupta ele almak (...)
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    VIII*—Plato's Doctrine Of Freedom.R. F. Stalley - 1998 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 98 (1):145-158.
    R. F. Stalley; VIII*—Plato's Doctrine Of Freedom, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 98, Issue 1, 1 June 1998, Pages 145–158,
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    From Soundness of Memory to Soundness of Text: An Evaluation on the Reasons for the Development of Hadith Taṣḥīf Literature in the IV./X Century.Üsame Bozkurt - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (1):445-459.
    One of the most important issues for the ideal transmission of hadith texts and isnāds is that there is no error in the writing of these expressions. For this purpose, it is seen that the hadith scholars try to create an awareness about the mistakes in the hadiths and the names of the narrators and try to minimize the mistakes by writing works. The most important examples of this literature seems to have been given in IV. /X century. In this (...)
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  14. The Wolffian Paradigm and its Discontent: Kant’s Containment Definition of Analyticity in Historical Context.R. Lanier Anderson - 2005 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 87 (1):22-74.
    I defend Kant’s definition of analyticity in terms of concept “containment”, which has engendered widespread scepticism. Kant deployed a clear, technical notion of containment based on ideas standard within traditional logic, notably genus/species hierarchies formed via logical division. Kant’s analytic/synthetic distinction thereby undermines the logico-metaphysical system of Christian Wolff, showing that the Wolffian paradigm lacks the expressive power even to represent essential knowledge, including elementary mathematics, and so cannot provide an adequate system of philosophy. The results clarify the extent to (...)
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    İbn Kesîr’in el-Bid'ye ve’n-nih'ye’sinin Siyer Kısmında Bazı Sahîhayn Hadislerini Muhteva Tenkidinin Tahlili.Mehmet Ali Çalgan - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):303-324.
    Bu çalışmanın amacı İbn Kesîr’in (öl. 774/1373) el-Bidâye ve’n-nihâye isimli tarih çalışmasının siyer bölümünde Sahîhayn hadislerini muhteva açısından tenkidinin araştırılması ve tahlilidir. Çalışmamızın konusu ise İbn Kesîr’in mezkûr eserinde yirmi Sahihayn hadisini Kur’ân-ı Kerîm (3 hadis), akıl (1 hadis), icmâ (1 hadis), sahih hadisler (7 hadis) ve sağlam târihî bilgilere (8 hadis) uygunluk/aykırılık kıstaslarını kullanarak tenkidi ve on dört hadiste izah getiremediği yanlışların birer hata olduğunu kaydetmesidir. İbn Kesîr’in incelenen hadislerin muhteva tenkidine müsait bir hâle gelmesine yol açan râvi tasarruflarına (...)
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  16. It Adds Up After All: Kant’s Philosophy of Arithmetic in Light of the Traditional Logic.R. Lanier Anderson - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69 (3):501–540.
    Officially, for Kant, judgments are analytic iff the predicate is "contained in" the subject. I defend the containment definition against the common charge of obscurity, and argue that arithmetic cannot be analytic, in the resulting sense. My account deploys two traditional logical notions: logical division and concept hierarchies. Division separates a genus concept into exclusive, exhaustive species. Repeated divisions generate a hierarchy, in which lower species are derived from their genus, by adding differentia(e). Hierarchies afford a straightforward sense of containment: (...)
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  17. Argumentation and evidence.R. E. G. Upshur & Errol Colak - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (4):283-299.
    This essay explores the role of informal logicand its application in the context of currentdebates regarding evidence-based medicine. This aim is achieved through a discussion ofthe goals and objectives of evidence-basedmedicine and a review of the criticisms raisedagainst evidence-based medicine. Thecontributions to informal logic by StephenToulmin and Douglas Walton are explicated andtheir relevance for evidence-based medicine isdiscussed in relation to a common clinicalscenario: hypertension management. This essayconcludes with a discussion on the relationshipbetween clinical reasoning, rationality, andevidence. It is argued that (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Rules of war and moral reasoning.R. M. Hare - 1972 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 1 (2):166-181.
  19. Miracles.R. G. Swinburne - 1968 - Philosophical Quarterly 18 (73):320-328.
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  20. Choice, character, and criminal liability.R. A. Duff - 1993 - Law and Philosophy 12 (4):345 - 383.
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    Against Discursive Colonialism: Intercultural Dialogues as a Path to Decolonizing Feminist Anthropology.R. Aída Hernández Castillo - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (1):58-74.
    this article is based on a paper that I presented during the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, as a keynote speaker in the Coss Dialogue sessions. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that most participants of SAAP use the term "American" in its continental, rather than in the US-centric sense. I am glad that many of the philosophers of this community of knowledge have opened their dialogues to the voices and experiences south of the (...)
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    İslam Hukukunda Çocukluk ve Çocuk Evliliği.Oğuzhan Tan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):783-805.
    Çocuk evliliği, tarih boyunca farklı toplumlarda bilinen ve uygulanan sosyal bir olgu olsa da son zamanlarda, modern duyarlılıkları giderek daha fazla rahatsız eden bir hal almıştır. Son iki asır öncesine kadar, Avrupa hukuki düşüncesinde çocuklar yargı önünde farklı bir muamele görmelerine imkan veren istisnai bir statüye sahip değildi. Diğer taraftan, İslam hukukunun çocuklara, özel bir hukuki statü kazandırma konusunda bazı öncü adımlar attığını söyleyebiliriz. Nitekim, en eski İslam hukuku kitaplarının bile, insanın fiziksel ve zihinsel gelişim aşamalarına ve her bir aşamada (...)
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  23. Normative reasons and the agent-neutral/relative dichotomy.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - 2008 - Philosophia 37 (2):227-243.
    The distinction between the agent-relative and the agent-neutral plays a prominent role in recent attempts to taxonomize normative theories. Its importance extends to most areas in practical philosophy, though. Despite its popularity, the distinction remains difficult to get a good grip on. In part this has to do with the fact that there is no consensus concerning the sort of objects to which we should apply the distinction. Thomas Nagel distinguishes between agent-neutral and agent-relative values, reasons, and principles; Derek Parfit (...)
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  24. Priority setting in health care: On the relation between reasonable choices on the micro-level and the macro-level.Kristine Bærøe - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (2):87-102.
    There has been much discussion about how to obtain legitimacy at macro-level priority setting in health care by use of fair procedures, but how should we consider priority setting by individual clinicians or health workers at the micro-level? Despite the fact that just health care totally hinges upon their decisions, surprisingly little attention seems being paid to the legitimacy of these decisions. This paper addresses the following question: what are the conditions that have to be met in order to ensure (...)
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  25. The Bohr Atom, Models, and Realism.R. I. G. Hughes - 1990 - Philosophical Topics 18 (2):71-84.
  26. (1 other version)Sentences true in all constructive models.R. L. Vaught - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (1):39-53.
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    Representational Ideas: From Plato to Patricia Churchland.R. A. Watson & Richard Allan Watson - 1995 - Springer Verlag.
    He then proceeds with an examination of the picture theory developed by Wittgenstein, Carnap, and Goodman, and concludes with an examination of Patricia Churchland, Ruth Millikan, Robert Cummins, and Mark Rollins. The use of the historical development of representationalism to pose a central problem in contemporary cognitive science is unique.
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    Beyond opening up the black box: Investigating the role of algorithmic systems in Wikipedian organizational culture.R. Stuart Geiger - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    Scholars and practitioners across domains are increasingly concerned with algorithmic transparency and opacity, interrogating the values and assumptions embedded in automated, black-boxed systems, particularly in user-generated content platforms. I report from an ethnography of infrastructure in Wikipedia to discuss an often understudied aspect of this topic: the local, contextual, learned expertise involved in participating in a highly automated social–technical environment. Today, the organizational culture of Wikipedia is deeply intertwined with various data-driven algorithmic systems, which Wikipedians rely on to help manage (...)
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  29. Plato's doctrine of freedom.R. F. Stalley - 1998 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 98 (2):145–158.
    The idea of freedom plays a key role in Plato's moral and political thought. In the Republic justice is shown to be beneficial because the just man alone is truly free. There are parallels here with modern discussions of freedom. The Laws argues that to be free a city must avoid the extremes of liberty and of authoritarianism. The legislator should rely on persuasion, not force, so that people willingly obey his laws. The underlying idea is that we are free (...)
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    Yahudilikten İhtid' Etmiş Bir Sah'bî: Abdullah b. Sel'm ve Hadis Rivayeti.Zübeyde Özben Dokak - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):1-26.
    Hz. Peygamber’in ashâbı, bir takım şahsî özellikleri açısından hadis rivayetine farklı şekillerde katkı sunmuşlardır. Bu çalışmada da Yahudilikten ihtidâ etmiş bir sahâbî olması özelliğiyle dikkatleri çeken Abdullah b. Selâm ve hadis rivayeti ele alınmıştır. Müslüman olmadan önce Medine Yahudilerinin önemli ilim adamlarından biri olan Abdullah b. Selâm, Müslümanlar arasında da ilmî açıdan önemli bir yere sahip olmuştur. Sahâbîlerin ona sorular yönelterek onun eski dinine dair ilminden istifade ettikleri görülmektedir. Hatta Hz. Peygamber dahi bazı hususlarda onun Tevrat bilgisinden yararlanmıştır. Abdullah b. (...)
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    An analysis of moral issues affecting patenting inventions in the life sciences: A european perspective.R. Stephen Crespi - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (2):157-180.
    Following the 1980 US Supreme Court decision to allow a patent on a living organism, debate has continued on the moral issues involved in biotechnology patents of many kinds and remains a contentious issue for those opposed to the use of biotechnology in industry and agriculture. Attitudes to patenting in the life sciences, including those of the research scientists themselves, are analysed. The relevance of morality to patent law is discussed here in an international context with particular reference to the (...)
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  32. Auctions, lotteries, and the punishment of attempts.R. A. Duff - 1990 - Law and Philosophy 9 (1):1 - 37.
  33.  11
    Nonlinear Dynamics of the Quadratic-Damping Helmholtz Oscillator.R. Fangnon, C. Ainamon, A. V. Monwanou, C. H. Miwadinou & J. B. Chabi Orou - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-17.
    In this paper, the Helmholtz equation with quadratic damping themes is used for modeling the dynamics of a simple prey-predator system also called a simple Lotka–Volterra system. From the Helmholtz equation with quadratic damping themes obtained after modeling, the equilibrium points have been found, and their stability has been analyzed. Subsequently, the harmonic oscillations have been studied by the harmonic balance method, and the phenomena of resonance and hysteresis are observed. The primary and secondary resonances have been researched by the (...)
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  34. Cognitive social stimulation.R. Sun - 2008 - In Ron Sun (ed.), The Cambridge handbook of computational psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 530--548.
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  35. Prediction and the periodic table.R. E. & J. Worrall - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (3):407-452.
    The debate about the relative epistemic weights carried in favour of a theory by predictions of new phenomena as opposed to accommodations of already known phenomena has a long history. We readdress the issue through a detailed re-examination of a particular historical case that has often been discussed in connection with it-that of Mendeleev and the prediction by his periodic law of the three 'new' elements, gallium, scandium and germanium. We find little support for the standard story that these predictive (...)
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    The concept of avaktavya in jainism.R. K. Tripathi - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (3):187-193.
  37. The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism.R. L. Numbers & M. Bridgstock - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (6):664-664.
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  38. Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649.R. T. Kendall - 1979
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    List of abbreviations of John R. Searle's major works.John R. Searle’S. Major Works - 2010 - In Jan G. Michel, Dirk Franken & Attila Karakus (eds.), John R. Searle: Thinking about the Real World. Frankfurt: ontos/de Gruyter. pp. 13--15.
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    Punishment and Retributive Justice.R. M. Hare - 1986 - Philosophical Topics 14 (2):211-223.
  41. Leibniz's first theodicy.R. C. Sleigh - 1996 - Philosophical Perspectives 10:481 - 499.
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    Only Jerome: A reply to noël Carroll.R. Stecker - 2001 - British Journal of Aesthetics 41 (1):76-80.
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    Moral Realists and Moral Experts.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - 1998 - In Bengt-Pedersen Carsten & Niels Thomasse (eds.), Nature and Lifeworld; Theoretical and practical Metaphysics. pp. 281-299.
  44. Non-other minds.R. Buck - 1962 - In Ronald Joseph Butler (ed.), Analytic Philosophy. Oxford, England: Blackwell.
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    The s-shaped utility function.R. Dacey - 2003 - Synthese 135 (2):243 - 272.
    The results generated by experimentalists in psychology and economics haveled to numerous advances in the study of human decision making under risk.Camerer (1995) and Rabin (1998) provide excellent reviews of the relevantliterature. These results clearly display the gap between normative theoriesof ideal behavior and descriptive theories of observed behavior. The mostprominent result is loss aversion – the observation that a loss is given greatervalue than a gain of an equal size – and the resulting S-shaped utility function.Rabin puts the key (...)
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  46. The or of free choice permission.R. E. Jennings - 1994 - Topoi 13 (1):3-10.
    I argue that the conjunctive distribution of permissibility over or, which is a puzzling feature of free-choice permission is just one instance of a more general class of conjunctive occurrences of the word, and that these conjunctive uses are more directly explicable by the consideration that or is a descendant of oper than by reference to the disjunctive occurrences which logicalist prejudices may tempt us to regard as semantically more fundamental. I offer an account of how the disjunctive uses of (...)
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  47. (3 other versions)Nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Russian thought. A preliminary review of the literature.R. J. Kemball - 1965 - Studies in East European Thought 5 (1-2):173-203.
  48. Booknotes.R. M. - 1994 - Biology and Philosophy 9 (2):403-406.
    Of articles which are submitted for publication in Philosophy, a surprisingly large proportion are about the views of Richard Rorty. Some, indeed, we have published. They, along with pretty well all the articles we receive on Professor Rorty, are highly critical. On the perverse assumption that there must be something to be said for anyone who attracts widespread hostility, it is only right to see what can be said in favour of Rorty's latest collection of papers, entitled, Truth and Progress,.
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    Editorial.R. M. - 1994 - Biology and Philosophy 9 (3):263-263.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 42 Heft: 1 Seiten: 298-298.
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    (1 other version)Content versus "kundgabe" in introspection.R. M. Ogden - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10 (15):403-411.
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